Swedish Language Education for Immigrants in Need of Reform Swedish Language Education for Immigrants Is Not As Good As It Should Be

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Swedish Language Education for Immigrants in Need of Reform Swedish Language Education for Immigrants Is Not As Good As It Should Be 2013 Press release 31 January 2013 Ministry of Employment Ministry of Education and Research Swedish language education for immigrants in need of reform Swedish language education for immigrants is not as good as it should be. The Government has therefore decided to expand the remit of the Sfi Voucher Inquiry. The Inquiry has therefore been tasked with the following additional remit: to examine whether the Swedish Public Employment Service should be given the opportunity of procuring Swedish language education as part of an introduction plan under the Act on introduction activities for certain newly arrived immigrants; to examine whether Swedish language education for adult immigrants should, in the future, be organised as part of municipal adult education instead of Swedish for Immigrants (Sfi) being a school form of its own; and to propose how Swedish language education can be better adapted to the goals set by the individual for his or her studies, for example by introducing academic and vocational tracks in the courses. At present, most adult immigrants receive their basic education in Swedish through Sfi. Many of the students subsequently need to continue their studies, and so move on to study Swedish as a second language within municipal adult education. The transition between Sfi and municipal adult education often results in delayed or terminated studies. Needs are also great regarding more individualised solutions, based on the students' previous education, experience and study goals. In December 2010, the Swedish Public Employment Service was made responsible for coordinating introduction activities for newly arrived immigrants. Sfi is one component of the introduction plan that is drawn up for each individual. At present, the municipality has responsibility for Sfi, even when the education is included in the introduction activities. When work experience or employment is to be combined with Sfi, this divided responsibility is often a complicating circumstance, for example if Sfi is not offered at times that can be combined with work experience or employment. "When people who immigrate to Sweden do not learn Swedish, it is devastating for both society and the individual immigrant. We therefore want to make fundamental changes to Swedish language education for immigrants. Individualisation must increase significantly and the link to jobs be made clearer," says Minister for Integration Erik Ullenhag. "Sfi as a form of school has important tasks and, at the same time, great challenges. We want to see whether the solution might lie in greater individualisation and the inclusion of Sfi in municipal adult education. It is now important that we leave no stone unturned," says Minister for Gender Equality and Deputy Minister for Education Maria Arnholm. The Inquiry is to present its report by 1 October 2013. The Inquiry Chair is former State Secretary Christer Hallerby. Contact Lena Hallerby Press Secretary to Erik Ullenhag +46 70 301 47 90 email to Lena Hallerby Carl-Otto Berg Political Adviser +46 8 405 10 00.
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