Defending Democracy & Kristin Skare Orgeret Nordicom-Information

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Defending Democracy & Kristin Skare Orgeret Nordicom-Information Defending Defending Oslo 8–11 August 2013 Democracy The 2013 NordMedia conference in Oslo marked the 40 years that had passed since the very first Nordic media conference. To acknowledge this 40-year anniversary, it made sense to have a conference theme that dealt with a major and important topic: Defending Democracy. Nordic Defending and Global Diversities in Media and Journalism. Focusing on the rela- tionship between journalism, other media practices and democracy, the plenary sessions raised questions such as: Democracy & Edited by What roles do media and journalism play in democratization • Kristin Skare Orgeret processes and what roles should they play? Nordic and Global Diversities How does the increasingly complex and omnipresent media in Media and Journalism • Hornmoen Harald field affect conditions for freedom of speech? This special issue contains the keynote speeches of Natalie Fenton, Stephen Ward and Ib Bondebjerg. A number of the conference papers have been revised and edited to become articles. Together, the articles presented should give the reader an idea of the breadth and depth of Edited by current Nordic scholarship in the area. Harald Hornmoen & Kristin Skare Orgeret SPECIAL ISSUE Nordicom Review | Volume 35 | August 2014 Nordicom-Information | Volume 36 | Number 2 | August 2014 Nordicom-Information Nordicom Review University of Gothenburg 2014 issue Special Box 713, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden Telephone +46 31 786 00 00 (op.) | Fax +46 31 786 46 55 | E-mail: [email protected] SPECIAL ISSUE Nordicom Review | Volume 35 | August 2014 Nordicom-Information | Volume 36 | Number 2 | August 2014 Nordicom Review Journal from the Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research Editor NORDICOM invites media researchers to contri- Ulla Carlsson bute scientific articles, reviews, and debates. Sub- Nordicom mission of original articles is open to all researchers University of Gothenburg Box 713 in the field of media and communication in the Nordic SE-405 30 Göteborg countries, irrespective of discipline and institutional Tel: +46 31 786 12 19 allocation. All articles are refereed. Fax: +46 31 786 46 55 e-mail: [email protected] Aims and Scope Editorial Board Nordicom Review provides a major forum for Lisbeth Clausen, Professor media and communication researchers in the Nordic Dept. of Intercultural Communication and Management countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 18A Sweden. The semiannual journal is addressed to DK-2000 Frederiksberg the international scholarly community. It publishes [email protected] the best of media and communication research Göran Bolin, Professor in the region, as well as theoretical works in all School of Culture and Communication its diversity; it seeks to reflect the great variety of Södertörn University College SE-141 89 Huddinge intellectual traditions in the field and to facilitate [email protected] a dialogue between them. As an interdisciplinary journal, Nordicom Review welcomes contributions Hannu Nieminen, Professor Dept. of Communication from the best of the Nordic scholarship in relevant P.O. Box 54 areas, and encourages contributions from senior FI-00014 University of Helsinki [email protected] researchers as well as younger scholars. Nordicom Review offers reviews of Nordic Arna Schram, Press officer publications, and publishes notes on a wide range Laufásvegur 20 IS-101 Reykjavik of literature, thus enabling scholars all over the [email protected] world to keep abreast of Nordic contributions in the Espen Ytreberg, Professor field. Special thematic issues of interest are also Dept. of Media and Communication published from time to time. University of Oslo Nordicom Review is a scholarly journal published P.O. Box 1093, Blindern NO-0317 Oslo by the Nordic Information Centre for Media and [email protected]. no Communication Research (Nordicom) a non-profit institution within the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordicom-Information vol 36, no 2, 2014 ISSN 0349-5949 Subscription ISBN 978-91-86523-95-4 Subscriptions to Nordicom Review in hard copy or Nordicom Review vol 35, Special Issue, August 2014 ISSN 1403-1108 online with unlimited access to Nordicom Review ISBN ISBN 978-91-86523-94-7 in pdf-format are free of charge. Full details are available on our website (http:// All correspondence about subscriptions, changes of addresses, and back issues should be sent to Anne Claesson, Nordicom, Box 713, SE-405 30 Göteborg ([email protected]). © 2014 Nordicom Defending Democracy Defending Democracy Nordic and Global Diversities in Media and Journalism Edited by Harald Hornmoen & Kristin Skare Orgeret Defending Democracy Nordic and Global Diversities in Media and Journalism Editors: Harald Hornmoen & Kristin Skare Orgeret ©Editorial matter and selections, the editors; articles, individual contributors Nordicom Review vol 35, Special Issue, August 2014 ISBN 978-91-86523-94-7 Nordicom-Information vol 36, no 2, 2014 ISSN 0349-5949 ISBN 978-91-86523-95-4 Published by: Nordicom University of Gothenburg Box 713 SE 405 30 Göteborg Cover by: Daniel Zachrisson Printed by: Ale Tryckteam AB, Bohus, Sweden 2014 21th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research August 8-10, 2013, Oslo, Norway Contents 7 Foreword 9 Harald Hornmoen & Kristin Skare Orgeret 40 Years of Nordic Media Research. Introduction PLENAR SESSIONS The Significance of Nordicom and the NordMedia Conference to Nordic Media and Communication Research. Festive Tributes by: 19 Kaarle Nordenstreng 21 Kirsten Frandsen 25 Rune Ottosen Keynote Speeches 31 Natalie Fenton Defending Whose Democracy? Media Freedom and Media Power 45 Stephen J.A. Ward Radical Media Ethics. Responding to a Revolution 53 Ib Bondebjerg Cosmopolitan Narratives. Documentary and the Global ‘Other’ ARTICLES (revised papers) Perspectives on Journalism 67 Mark Blach-Ørsten & Rasmus Burkal Credibility and the Media as a Political Institution 81 Gitte Gravengaard & Lene Rimestad Socializing Journalist Trainees in the Newsroom. On How to Capture the Intangible Parts of the Process 97 Arne H. Krumsvik Stability in Times of Change. Trends in Newspaper Executives’ Attitudes towards Digital Media Media Influence and Influencing the Media 111 Marko Ampuja, Juha Koivisto & Esa Väliverronen Strong and Weak Forms of Mediatization Theory. A Critical Review 125 Alon Lischinsky & Annika Egan Sjölander Talking Green in the Public Sphere. Press Releases, Corporate Voices and the Environment 141 Göran Palm & Håkan Sandström Migration between Politics, Journalism and PR. New Conditions for Power, Citizenship and Democracy? 155 Henrik G. Bastiansen Norwegian Media and the Cold War 1945-1991 171 Anne Jerslev Celebrification, Authenticity, Gossip. The Celebrity Humanitarian Cooperation, Experiences and Memory in Digital Communities and Formats 189 Maria Mattus The Anyone-Can-Edit Syndrome. Intercreation Stories of Three Featured Articles on Wikipedia 205 Amanda Lagerkvist A Quest for Communitas. Rethinking Mediated Memory Existentially 219 Rikke Toft Nørgård Talking Tacitly. Activities and Experiences in Higly Interactive Media 237 Claus Toft-Nielsen Worlds at Play. Space and Player Experience in Fantasy Computer Games 251 Svein Høier Surrounded by Ear Candy? The Use of Surround Sound in Oscar-nominated Movies 2000-2012 Epilogue 265 Ulla Carlsson NordMedia. A Vital Venue, Then as Now. Reflections on Media Research 1973-2013 273 Elisabeth Eide Fortysome Worries 275 The Authors 277 Division Papers 291 Participants 299 Programme Nordicom Review 35 (2014) Special Issue, pp. 7-8 Foreword The media and communication research associations of the Nordic countries in co- operation with Nordicom have held conferences every second year since 1973. The 21th conference in the series was held in Oslo, Norway, 8th-10th August 2013. Host for the conference was the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Oslo and Akershus University College. The NordMedia conference 2013 in Oslo marked and celebrated the 40 years that have passed since that very first Nordic media conference. These Nordic conferences have without doubt contributed greatly to the development of media and communication research in the Nordic countries. About 350 scholars from Denmark (59), Finland (48), Iceland (3), Norway (58) and Sweden (70) gathered to discuss current research and findings. In addition, some participants came from further afield, from Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, the USA, etc. The conference proceedings included plenary sessions with keynote speakers and thematic seminars in different divisions and working groups. Participants also enjoyed a number of social gatherings and cultural events. The theme of the plenary sessions this year was Defending Democracy. Nordic and Global Diversities in Media and Journalism. This special issue of Nordicom Review and Nordicom-Information contains the speeches held in plenary sessions regarding this theme. As usual, the main business of the conference took place in the sessions of the differ- ent divisions. More than 270 research papers were presented in 12 divisions: Environ- ment, Science and Risk Communication; Journalism Studies; Media and Communication History; Media, Culture and Society; Media, Globalization and Social Change; Media Literacy and Media Education; Media Management, Policy and Economy; Media, Technology
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