New Philosophical and Theological Foundations

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New Philosophical and Theological Foundations Today, few would disagree that interreligious tal, Analytical, Witgensteinian, Phenomenologi- dialogue is an indispensable tool (or medium) cal, Deconstructivist, Pragmatist, or other), or a for mutual coexistence, acceptance and peace. combination of these? In recent times, the importance of such dia- • How can the experiences and perspec- logue has been highlighted by the revival and tives of the relevant “in-house” minorities (Mus- the resurgence of religion (de-secularisaton), lim minorities in Europe, Christian minorities relevant in variety of contexts – e.g. in the con- in the Middle East), as well as those of Chris- text of democratic politics, the context of politi- tians and Muslims in special social and political cal extremism and terrorism, or that of integra- circumstances (refugees, migrants, displaced tion or non-integration of immigrants who are persons), inform contemporary philosophical- often of different faith and/or culture than that theological dialogue between Christianity and of the host communites. Islam? At the same time, we should also ask criti- • And, how should philosophical and com- cally whether interreligious dialogue has indeed parative theologies address the contempo- International conference been as beneficial and useful as the dialogue rary criticisms of interreligious dialogue, which activists claim it has and as they want it to be. brand it as a failed tool for better understand- While dialogue between the religions can be un- ing between cultures, or as a Western invention NEW PHILOSOPHICAL derstood as a pressing step in the modern de- and tool for cultural dominaton, or as a cover- AND THEOLOGICAL velopment of intercultural relations, it can only up for power-relations between groups in pow- work when it is founded on careful investigation er, as opposed to empowering those who are FOUNDATIONS FOR of their foundations. ofen voiceless and excluded from interreligious CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM At this conference, we want to reconceptu- dialogue (“heretical” sects, secularists, women, alize the question of the importance of an ac- sexual and other minorites, migrants)? DIALOGUE tive and well informed interreligious dialogue. At the conference, we will address these and The focus will be on in-depth, philosophical- related questons in carefully prepared lectures, theological conversation between Christians delivered in pairs during thematically ordered and Muslims. We will explore new ways in which 1,5 hour sessions of two speakers, with ample philosophical theories can foster Christian-Mus- time for responses and discussions. lim understanding. Examples of the questions to be addressed are: • Can Christian and Muslim theologies as equal partners in conversaton, and as compara- tive theologies, help us foster better intercultur- al understanding? CONFERENCE co-ORGANIZED BY: Hotels Bernardin, • What are best philosophical models and theories of dialogue for framing the theological Science and Research Centre Koper (Slovenia) Portorož, Slovenia, conversation between European Christians on Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion (Iran) May 27-29, 2019 one hand and Iranian and other Middle Eastern Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Muslims on the other? Studies, University of Paderborn (Germany) • Is it the Aristotelian, Platonist, one of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) – modern philosophical foundations (Continen- World Religions Class (Austria) CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 16:00–17:30 Panel 1 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Klaus von Stosch: Comparative Theology and Christian-Muslim dialogue. A relationship of 11:00-12:30 Panel 3 MondaY, 27 MAY mutual foundation Nedžad Grabus: Ethical Monotheism and the Hamidreza Ayatollahy: The Purpose of Interreligious Concept of Justice Dialogue: Coexistence or Cooperation? 14.00–15.00 Welcome buffet (Hotel Bernardin) Mohsen Javadi: The Priority of Justice over Generosity in Islamic Social Ethics 15:00–15:50 Protocolar Speeches and 17:45–19:15 Discussion Panel / Round table Conference Opening On the Futures of Islam and Muslims in Europe's 12:30-14:30 Lunch Break Democracies (moderators: Gorazd Andrejč and Carool Kersten) 14:30-16:00 Panel 4 Protocolar speeches: Participants: Elmar Kuhn (EASA Dean of Class Of Double Genealogies and East- Prof Dr Rado Pišot, Director of the Science and World Religions), Rasoul Rasoulipour (Kharazmi Carool Kersten: Research Centre Koper University, Tehran, Iran), Mari Osredkar (Univ. of West Investigations: Resetting the Muslim- Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology), Anja Zalta (Univ. Christian Encounter Prof Dr Nadja Furlan Štante, Science and Research of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts), Maurits Berger Centre Koper, Leader of Research Project on Lenart Škof: The Right of Belonging: On The (University of Leiden) Interreligious Dialogue (Slovenian Research Future of Political Theology of Cohabitation Agency) Msgr Dr Jurij Bizjak, Bishop of Koper 19:30 Dinner 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break Prof Dr Nedžad Grabus, Mufti of the Islamic Community in Slovenia 16:30-18:00 Panel 5 TuesdaY, 28 MAY Maurits Berger: What Do We Mean by ‘Radical Islam’: A Dutch Case Study Conference Opening: 9:00-10:30 Panel 2 Janez Juhant: Religion, Society and Mystics: The Spiritual Ground(s) of the Societal Life Prof Dr Lenart Škof, Head of the Institute for Seyyed Hassan Hosseini: The Islamic Philosophical Studies, ZRS Koper and the Chair Foundations of Religious Pluralism of the Conference Organizing Committee Nadja Furlan Štante: Women's Voices in 18:30-19:30 Christian-Muslim prayer Prof Dr Elmar Kuhn, European Academy of Sciences Christian-Muslim Interreligious Dialogue – A (Church of St. Bernardine) and Arts – Dean of Class World Religions Venue for Religious Peace-Building Hosted by Elmar Kuhn, with the cooperation of Prof Dr Hamidreza Ayatollahy, Head of Iranian Janez Juhant and Reza Akbari Association for Philosophy of Religion, Emeritus professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University, 9:00-10:30 Parallel panel 2A: Postdoc & Tehran, Iran PhD students 19:30 Dinner Maja Bjelica: The Turkish Alevis and Their Assoc Prof Dr Gorazd Andrejč, ZRS Koper, Faculty Interreligious Dialogical Inclination of Arts, University of Maribor and Woolf Institute, Cambridge, Chair of the Conference Programme Javad Taheri: Possibility of a Comparative Committee Theology According to Allamah Sayyed Muhammad Hossein Tabataba’i’s Philosophy Saida Mirsadri: Process Islam – Towards a This conference is financially supported by Slovenian Metaphysical Foundation for Interreligious Research Agency (ARRS projects J6-8265 and J6- Dialogue 9393) and The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Nether- lands. 21.00 Musicking sound-dialogue Prof Dr Mohsen Javadi, Professor at University of WednesdaY 29 MAY perfomed by A Muzofil collaboration Qom, Iran The sound event will offer a musicking experience, Prof Dr Reza Akbari, Professor at Imam Sadiq exploring the dialogue between music and religion. University, Tehran, Iran 9:00-10:30 Panel 6 The intent of this experience is to dissolve through Prof Dr Seyyed Hassan Hosseini, Professor at Sharif Mohammad Saeedimehr: Islamic Mysticism and a sound dialogue the borders that separate the University of Technology Tehran, Iran Muslim-Christian Dialogue performers and the audience. Prof Dr Rasoul Rasoulipour, Professor at Kharazmi Joshua Ralston: Bearing Witness: Contestation University, Tehran, Iran After Polemics Prof Dr Jafar Morvarid, Assistant Professor of THE List OF SPEAKERS Philosophy, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break University of Mashhad, Iran Slovenian group Ms. Saida Mirsadri, Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy of 11:00-12:30 Panel 7 Prof Dr Lenart Škof, Head of the Institute for Religion at Tehran University, Farabi College Philosophical Studies, ZRS Koper and Alma Gorazd Andrejč: Religious Freedom and the Mr. Javad Taheri, Director of Iranian Association Mater Europaea ECM/ISH Epistemic Limitations of Religious Belief for Philosophy of Religion, Ph.D. Candidate in Prof Dr Klaus von Stosch, Head of the Centre for Philosophy of Religion at Faculty of Theology, Jafar Morvarid: Language Games Philosophy as Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies of University of Ljubljana, Slovenia a philosophical foundation for interreligous the University of Paderborn dialogue Prof Dr Nadja Furlan Štante, ZRS Koper, Institute Other speakers for Philosophical Studies Prof Dr Elmar Kuhn, European Academy of Sciences 12:30-14:30 Lunch Break Assoc Prof Dr Gorazd Andrejč, ZRS Koper, Faculty and Arts – Dean of Class World Religions of Arts, University of Maribor and Woolf Institute, Prof Dr Maurits Berger, University of Leiden 14:30-16:00 Panel 8 Cambridge Prof Dr Nedžad Grabus, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Elmar Kuhn: Is the Clash of Religions the Future of Dr Maja Bjelica, Institute for Philosophical Studies, Sarajevo Our World? SRC Koper Prof Dr Carool Kersten, Department of Theology Reza Akbari: The Role of Conceptual Metaphors Prof Dr Bojan Žalec, EASA and University of and Religious Studies, King’s College London for the Fruitfulness of Interreligious Dialogues: Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology Faculty of Divinity, Interreligious Dialogue as Friendly Co-Traveling Prof Dr Joshua Ralston, Prof Dr Anja Zalta, University of Ljubljana, Faculty University of Edinburgh of Arts 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break Prof Dr Mari Jože Osredkar, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology 16:30-18:00 Panel 9 Emer Prof Dr Janez Juhant, EASA and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology Bojan Žalec: Religious Exclusivism, Dialogue and Coexistence Iranian group Rasoul Rasoulipour: Interfaith Dialogue; an Existential Approach Prof Dr Hamidreza Ayatollahy, Head of Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion, Emeritus professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University, 18:15-19:00 Concluding Remarks Tehran, Iran Prof Dr Mohammad Saeedimehr, Professor at 19:30 Dinner Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
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