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Learnings, However Wise colorful narrative. The chapter is organized as much by experience as chronology, with Lyn Corno six key sections. Readers can find one- sentence lessons signaled by underlined material located at the start of some paragraphs within each key section. Why and How Educational Research I was an Arizona girl, born near the Grand Canyon, where my father had his first teaching job, and raised in Tempe just a short walk from Arizona State University. I was ready to leave home as soon as I finished college. As a child, my grandmother took me on bus trips to California, where beaches and flowering tree gardens lured me away from desert landscapes and endless days of sun. I wrote this chapter during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. How coincidental it is to be writing a reflective memoir at a time when it is hard to avoid reflecting. I had not thought I could tackle this project until well into the year, but sequestration at a rented house in South Carolina gave me time and so the pages multiplied in a different way. With this said, what is omitted is often the First grade photo, Broadmoor School, Tempe, most important material for reflection - the AZ emotional moments of childhood and the feelings that come with each turn of event. My parents appreciated my independent This is to be an account of things I may streak and, after helping me set up a studio have learned, however “wise,” for graduate apartment in Seal Beach, California, near my students or others who would have careers first job, my mother boarded a plane home in education and psychology, so it lacks a and left me to it.
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