THE NEW TIMES Registered at the G.P.O., , for transmission by Post as a Newspaper.


We Tell Readers What Socialism inevitably leads to the Police State." Mr. Fitzpatrick indicated that he would not debate this subject, but would Has Happened consider a debate on the "Jewish Ques- tion" if the challenge were put in writing. No doubt our readers will have been wondering what has been happening to this This is still a British country, with journal over the past several weeks. In spite of difficulties we have managed to continue some of the traditional British freedoms publication and we hope our readers will forgive us for the condensed issues, which we left. The opposition we are meeting is published for the last two weeks. clear evidence that our marksmanship is This is a brief outline of what occurred: — accurate, but we have no wish to meet our opponents in any other way than the On Wednesday morning of January possibly be described as offensive or traditional British way of fair and open 21st, as "The New Times" was going to illegal. Everything was fair and combat. We hope we shall have the op- press, we were informed by the Manager legitimate comment. portunities. of the printing company, Asher & Co. The article on page 3 also makes refer- Pty. Ltd., that "The New Times" could ence to the activities of Mr. Brian only be printed that week subject to cer- Fitzpatrick, who has been consistently tain deletions. attacking us through press and radio. ERIC BUTLER PLANS This action, we understand, was on the As we were preparing this article we advice of their solicitor, Mr. Benjamin. rang Mr. Fitzpatrick to ascertain his BIG SERIES OF The main deleted article is reprinted opinion on the suggested debate, which on page 3 of this issue with the title, had been tentatively titled, "That MEETINGS "Eric Butler Under Heavy Fire." All Victorian readers are We were also informed that no further issues of "The New Times" would be asked to note that Mr. Eric Butler printed by Asher & Co. Without any OUR POLICY plans a big series of Victorian notice we had to discover a printer to country meetings prior to the 1. The preservation of ’s sov- coming Prices Referendum. produce the paper the following week! ereignty as a part of the British Em- This, in spite of the fact that we had pire, and the exposure of all internal As Mr. Butler must plan his pro- been a most regular and prompt paying and external groups which attack gramme well in advance, all readers customer. However, we were able to that sovereignty. who can co-operate by arranging obtain a printer who assisted us by pub- 2. The preservation and extension of meetings in their centres are re- lishing two small editions of the paper quested to contact Mr. Butler, c/o so that we did not lose continuity of genuine local government. publication. We have now obtained a 3. The preservation and strengthening Box 1226 L, G.P.O., IMMEDI- regular printer. of all Constitutional safeguards for ATELY. On that same morning a representa- the purpose of protecting fundamental All necessary advertising tive of the legal firm of Phillips, Fox, & individual rights. material will be supplied. Masel served the Writ made by Mrs. Ida 4. The encouragement of all activities designed to bring Governments under Wynn on us. To all those readers who more effective control by the electors. have been making inquiries we can only You MUST Have This Book! point out that any comment at this 5. The preservation and extension of stage is sub judice. genuine free, competitive enterprise and private ownership, and opposi- "The International Jew" Meanwhile, prior to these happenings, tion to all Monopoly, whether it be every attempt was being made to stop (By Eric D. Butler) Eric Butler's various activities. His "private" or State. edition of the Protocols of Zion with 6. The support of a financial policy This comprehensive commen- commentary, entitled "The International which will (a) permit free enterprise to make available to all individuals tary on "The Protocols" must Jew," had only been printed after great an increasing standard of living and be in the hands of every person difficulty. Pressure was obviously being who wants to understand the brought to bear in the appropriate greater leisure for cultural pursuits; quarters. After some two years of delay (b) result in no further increase in relationship of the "Jewish the community's indebtedness and Problem" to the growing world we were finally able to offer it for sale. the sound business practice of Then there were attempts to stop the gradually reducing existing debt. crisis. broadcasts being made by Mr. Eric Butler The present demand for this over 3CS Colac. The main story is told 7. Recognising that the basis of any on page 3, but there is a further sound economy is agriculture, the en- book indicates that it will be- couragement of agricultural policies come a "best seller" Get YOUR installment. The broadcast, which is which will ensure the preservation printed in this issue, was actually taken and building up of soil fertility by copy NOW. off the air until a conference with the organic farming and gardening; and Price 2/8 (post free), from Broadcasting Federation decided the the prevention of soil erosion and the New Times Ltd., Box 1226L, protection of forests and watersheds . issue. It was clearly decided that there G.P.O., Melbourne. was nothing in the talks, which could


impossible for the average poultry Canada Bread Causes Nerves farmer to show a profit, and to over- LONDON, Dec. 31 (Special). —Men and come their heavy expense most farmers The Sugar Racket are now finding it necessary to look for women have volunteered to test the outside work. Despite all the evidence from respon- theory that nitrogen trichloride in bread I predict that, unless the poultry sible sources, which proves beyond a causes many nervous illnesses. farmers are relieved of the crushing over- doubt that there is no real "world short- It is suggested that it may also be head that they are now carrying, most age" of sugar (all of which has appeared connected with duodenal ulcers, "split, of them will be following other occupa- in these pages on many occasions), the minds," and diseases like asthma. tions next season. —R.A.M.—Letter to "experts" still persist with their plans. The Medical Research Council is carry- Brisbane Telegraph, Dec. 10, 1947. An interesting sidelight on this situa- ing out the trials for the Health Minis- tion appears in Sugar Facts of Oct. 15. try. There is apparently a possibility that The volunteers eat more than 21b. of Export Madness Canada may require 500,000 long tons of bread daily. Australia is getting the "export or foreign raw sugar from Great Britain's Nearly 90 percent of the flour milled in perish" mania badly. Take our trade with 1948 purchases. This is reported in a Britain is treated with nitrogen tri- New Caledonia. "late bulletin" from a firm of sugar chloride to cut down the time for ma- Australian exports to New Caledonia brokers by the name of Czarnikow & Co. turing and to improve baking. have risen from £253,000 in 1938-39 to Messrs. Czarnikow et al are further de- Scientists have proved that the chemi- £938,000 last financial year. scribed as "British."—The Canadian cal attacks animals' nervous systems—a The main items last year were flour Social Crediter, Oct. 30, 1947. bread diet has caused epilepsy and (£143,000), sugar (£64,000), wines hysteria in dogs and severe nervous dis- (£40,000), cement (£34,000), coal Great Britain orders in cats and monkeys. —Brisbane (£29,000), structural iron and steel Courier-Mail, Jan. 1, 1948. (£28,000). Australia's imports from New Cale- No Plenty Now! Socialist Profits donia, mainly chrome ore and hides, An economist rejoicing in the good old totalled only £26,250 last year. British name of Schwartz, writing in The best rum costs 5.39 pence per gal- How in the name of sanity can that the Sunday Times (a paper which ought lon (six bottles) to produce. The Govern- type of trade benefit us? It may be to know better), remarks: "We do not ment "controlled" price is 30/ per bottle, pleaded that the money earned by these hear so much today of the facile and £9 per gallon. exports will give us francs to spend in absurd doctrine that the problem has A fundamental of Socialism is the abo- France. been solved, and that it only remains to lition of profit. Without Government in- But we are already exporting more to distribute the super abundance." tervention (i.e., Socialism) a profit of 500 France than we are getting in return How true that is, and what a tribute percent on cost could be made, and rum from France. So there's no point in these to the success of the Planners, and their still sold at 3/ per bottle. New Caledonian exports. able advisers, the Schwartzes. —The Taking an average present day wage Let us have external trade by all Social Crediter (Eng), Dec. 13, 1947. at 2/ per hour, a man works 15 hours means, but it is the Federal Govern- for a bottle of rum, gin, or whisky. Fifty ment's duty to see that it is reciprocal, years ago, when better whisky was 3/6 and that we get as good as we give. Any- The New Rail Owners a bottle, and an average wage was l0d. thing less than that doesn't make sense. No passengers are permitted on the per hour, a man worked about 4 hours —New Era (Sydney), Jan. 23. northbound newspaper train leaving for a bottle of whisky, rum, or gin, and London's grimy King's Cross station each got it.—The Social Crediter (Eng.), Jan. morning at 2.34 a.m. But 15 minutes 24, 1948. " AND before the train was scheduled to leave CATHOLICISM" one morning a man climbed aboard it Australia By George-Henri Levesque, O.P., Profes- and settled himself in a car reserved for sor of Economics, Laval and Montreal Uni- railroad employees. "No passengers," versities, Dominican House of Studies, said a ticket collector. The traveller re- Why No Eggs? Ottawa. fused to budge. The ticket collector Eggs will be 2d. a dozen dearer to- Introduction by Eric D. Butler. fetched a guard. The traveller refused morrow, and probably will be rationed Price 1/1 (post free). Order now from: to budge. The guard fetched an assist- early next year. New Times Ltd., Box 1226L, G.P.O., Mel- ant stationmaster. The growers' representative on the bourne. "The railways are nationalised. They South Queensland Egg Marketing Board belong to me and to everyone!" shouted (Mr. E. C. Knoblauch) said last night the would-be passenger. "I can do that there had been a serious decline in Nesta Webster's Books as I like now." egg production because of seasonal con- The three harassed officials tried in ditions. We have just received a small quantity vain to pull the traveller from the lug- "Rationing of eggs next year appears of three of Mrs. Nesta Webster's books gage rack to which he clung. At last the inevitable," he said . . .—Sunday Mail from Great Britain: carriage was uncoupled and shunted into (Brisbane), Dec. 7, 1947. Secret Societies and Subversive Move- a tunnel. There, in complete darkness, Sir.—In a public statement, Mr. Knob- ments, 25/5, Post Free. the adamantine passenger sulked and lauch, of the Egg Marketing Board, said The Socialist Network, 12/8, Post Free. fumed. Not until the railway officials that the decline in egg production was The Surrender of an Empire, 12/8, Post threatened to shunt his car on to a sid- caused by "seasonal conditions." Speak- Free. ing permanently did he finally consent ing with experience of 20 years as an egg Mrs. Webster's books should be in the to leave the train and wait for the re- producer, I beg to contradict that state- hands of every student of those evil in- gular 4.25 to Grantham. —Time (U.S.A.), ment. The real reason is the heavy cost ternational groups seeking to wreck our Jan. 26, 1948. of feed—40 percent in the past 12 civilisation. They are a model of detailed months. documentation. Page 2 — "New Times" February 13, 1948 This, combined with the excessive costs Order now from New Times Ltd., Box of the Egg Marketing Board, makes it 1226, G.P.O., Melbourne.

purveyors of Fascist race-hatred propaganda, is being advocated in England, has been ERIC BUTLER UNDER enacted in some American States, was even considered by Australian Attorney-General, Dr. Evatt, not long ago. We are highly amused at the reference HEAVY FIRE to Mr. Butler as "that doughty cham- pion of the banks in the (Melbourne) (This Article was deleted in its entirety from the issue of Jan. 23 Argus." As far as we are aware, Mr. Butler has never championed policies of See Story, Page /) the banks in the Melbourne Argus or anywhere else. Mr. Butler did write a In recent months a bitter campaign has been directed against special series of articles for the Mel- bourne Argus just prior to the last Vic- Mr. Eric Butler by Melbourne Zionists, Communi sts and similar torian State Elections. He did this in people. Mr. Brian Fitzpatrick, one of the most influential of the his capacity as Campaign Director of the Victorian League of Rights. The articles Communist fellow travellers in Australia, has been consistently were primarily devoted to developing the "Defend the Constitution" Campaign critical of Mr. Butler in his weekly radio talks over a Melbourne being conducted by the Victorian League radio station. of .Rights and its affiliated bodies in other States. Mr. Fitzpatrick has played a very clever role, in corrupting the These articles caused widespread comment, not only in , but also views of Melbourne University students with his so-called historical in other States. We are pleased to see that researches. Challenged some time ago by the Victorian League of these articles have since been expanded into a booklet, "Constitutional Barriers Rights to meet Mr. Butler in public debate in Melbourne, Mr. Fitz- to Serfdom," being issued by the League patrick has not, as yet, even bothered to reply to correspondence ad- of Rights. Probably the most violent criticism of dressed to him. Mr. Butler's activities comes from Com- munist sources. Late last year the Mel- In Mr. Fitzpatrick's paper, The Aus- Butler is also the editor of an up-to-date bourne Communist Press was demanding tralian Democrat, the campaign against edition of the "Protocols of The Elders of Zion." that the Victorian League of Rights be Mr. Butler is also waged. The following It will be recalled that the forged "Protocols investigated, presumably by the Police. appeared in the December issue of last of The Elders of Zion," together with Hitler's year: The Communists are adepts at creating "Mein Kampf," formed the twin bibles of the bogies about "Fascist" organisations "The Jewish Council has repeatedly Nazi movement. while they prepare for the imposition drawn attention to the anti-Semitic and Legislation to penalise Goebbels' imitators, Fascist propaganda over the radios and of the very Fascism they criticise. in various weekly newspapers conducted by the so-called monetary reformer, Eric Butler." Our readers will no doubt be interested LIBEL CHARGE AGAINST to know that the Jewish Council recently made a determined attempt to have banned Mr. Butler's mention of the ENGLISH EDITOR "Jewish Question" in his weekly Colac radio talks. These talks are gaining As a matter of cur rent interest to our readers we are reprinting the report of an ever increasing listening public. the trial of James Caunt, English editor, for seditious libel. It is taken from "The Daily The Jewish Council first wrote a very Mail" (Eng.), Nov. 18, 1947: — insolent letter to the Manager of 3CS Colac, demanding that Mr. Butler's "anti- Summing-up today in the trial of James Caunt, 47-year-old newspaper Semitic" talks be stopped. editor charged with seditious libel concerning the Jewish people, Mr. Justice The Manager merely replied that he Birkett gave a jury of seven men this final guidance: was passing the complaint on to Mr. "This issue of the freedom of the Press cannot be overst ated. If you Butler, who subsequently answered it in thought this prosecution was any invasion of that sacred principle, then you a hard-hitting talk, which we published would say so by your verdict. in these columns. The next move was to try and get the Postmaster-General's "It is in the highest degree essential, "From beginning to end I believe it Department to insist that the Manage- and I cannot over-emphasise the im- has been a political prosecution. The ment of 3CS Colac delete from Mr. portance of it, that nothing should be way it has ended is a blow to the Butler's talks all reference to the Jews. done in this court to destroy or to weaken Government. This move also failed. the liberty of the Press." Under the heading "Jewish Council The jury took 15 minutes to reach a "A Victory" Against Fascism," the following appeared verdict of Not guilty. "I think it is a great victory for in the November 1947, issue of The Aus- Clapping broke out in the back of the the freedom of the Press. If the ver- tralian Democrat: crowded court as the verdict was an- dict had gone against me it would have We do not wish to magnify the anti-Semitic nounced. put newspapers in the position of won- campaign in Australia, but certainly the anti- Mr. Caunt's wife Anne, and his 20- dering what they might say about any- Semites are active. For instance, Eric Butler, year-old daughter, Muriel, student at one." that doughty champion of the banks in the London University hurried to embrace All day the court listened to quotations Argus never misses an opportunity over the air, him. from an article by Mr. Caunt in the in Social Credit newspapers, of blaming the Morecambe and Heysham Visitor — Jews for Australia's ills, the difficulties in the Tonight Mr. Caunt relaxed at home Empire, and, in fact, the state of the world. before writing his leader as usual for pegged circulation: 17,800—of August He and his ilk indulge in Jew-baiting Wednesday's edition of his paper, the 6. through their press and on the radio. Social Morecambe and Heysham Visitor. The editor's article, styled "An outburst Credit newspapers with which Butler is assoc- of anti-Semitism," spoke of the “pleasant iated in this country keep in touch with like- He told me: "This case has cost about (Continued on page 8) minded organisations in various other countries, £3,000. Although I have won I shall including Britain and the U.S.A., and frequently still be paying for it —because the Crown "New Times," February 13, 1948 — Page 3 republish the most venomous anti-Semitic out- can do no wrong. pourings.

Free Speech "Mr. Landau suggested that an The New Times amendment be made in the criminal law making it an offence to attack Established 1935 orally or in writing a class of per- Published every Friday by New Times Limited, McEwan House, 343 sons on account of their race or Little Collins Street, Melbourne, C.I. religion. The offence should be triable summarily, and punishable Postal Address: Box 1226L, G.P.O., Melbourne. Telephone: MU2834. with not more than three months' Vol. 14. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1948 No. 6 imprisonment. This would not give the accused the right to a jury, pre- cisely because public opinion on the question was unbalanced and THE "JEWISH QUESTION" uninstructed."—"The Jewish Chronicle" (Eng.), quoted in This is perhaps an appropriate opportunity to re-emphasise (although it

should not be necessary) our fundamental attitude on the "Jewish Question." "London Tidings," Nov. 15, 1947. As we are constantly charged by our opponents with being "anti-Semitic," a loose term which has become a political swear-word, we consider it advisable to underline the fact that while those of our articles which refer to Jews are Spencer on Bureaucracy uncompromising in their attitude to FACTS which expose the POLICY of certain "When we turn to the powerful Jewish groups, the ultimate PURPOSE of their publication is to show bureaucracy itself, and ask how how the individual, including the individual Jew, can be released from the it is to be regulated, there is no tyranny of centralised control. satisfactory answer. Under such The ACTION, which is consistently and uncompromisingly advocated in these conditions, there must arise a new columns, is NOT "anti-Semitic"; it is entirely the reverse. That action indicates aristocracy, for the support of which the way to freedom from all forms of persecution by Jew and Gentile alike. the masses must toil, and which, If the individual, whether Jew or Gentile, adheres to a policy which is lead- being consolidated, would wield a ing to our destruction, then he must accept responsibility for his actions. And power far beyond that of any past if he refuses to play the game according to the rules, then the umpire must aristocracy." - Herbert Spencer, reserve the right, if necessary, to order him off the ground. "Principles of Sociology," Vol. II. If, therefore, the FACTS, which are made known in articles, which we pub- P. 588. ______lish, could in themselves be considered "anti-Semitic," then the Jews to whom they apply must accept responsibility for this. Are we "anti-Australian" be- The Importance of The cause we expose certain facts about the Chifley Government? Individual We shall continue to oppose and expose the dominant Jewish Policy be- Private opinion creates public cause we consider that it stems from an essentially evil philosophy. opinion. Public opinion overflows And we do that in order that ALL individuals may be released from tyranny eventually into national behavior and oppression, and may be protected within their just rights. and national behavior, as things are "But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and arranged at present, can make or none shall make them afraid." —Micah IV, 4. mar the world. That is why private opinion, and private behavior, and That is the Christian concept. private conversation are so terrify- ingly important. —Jan Struther, "A Pocketful of Pebbles" (Harcourt, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Brace). ______HEREDITY AND Our charges for supplying and posting ENVIRONMENT the "New Times" direct to your home DESTRUCTION OF FOOD or elsewhere every week are: Speaking at a meeting of the There is ground to believe that heredity is so much stronger than en- Three months, 5/-; Six months, 10/-; Lancashire executive of the Nation- vironment that families with strongly Twelve months, £1. al Farmers' Union, the Vice-Chair- marked characteristics die out in an man, Mr. A. Pickles, said in regard environment, which does not give those Payments should be made in advance to the despatch of 250,000 tons of characteristics freedom for the and sent direct to New Times Ltd., animal feeding stuffs to Southern exercise of their particular ability. Box 1226L, G.P.O., Melbourne. Ireland "I would like to know where This is, of course, the converse of the meretricious Socialist theory that en- (Registered Office: 343 Little Collins St., these feeding stuffs are to come vironment is decisive; and the ultimate Melbourne, C.I. 'Phone: MU2834.) from. Why haven't we had them?" result of a policy based on the Commenting, the Chairman said fallacy is to lower the general that 120 million pounds of maize environment—a process in operation Now, when our land to ruin's brink is on a wide scale today. had been burnt in the Argentine, verging, and that 11 out of 32 carloads com- —THE SOCIAL CREDITER (Eng.), In God’s name, let us speak while there is Dec. 20, 1947. time! posing one train, had been used to Now, when the padlocks for our lips are fuel the locomotive. —"The Social forging, Crediter" (Eng.), Nov. 29, 1947. Page 4 — "New Times," February 13, 1948 Silence is crime.— WHITTIER.



(Radio Talk Prepared by ERIC D. BUTLER for 3CS, Colac. See Explanation, Page 1. We have received an interesting report from Great Britain, which relates how, openly condemned the murder of British at the British Conservative Party Conference last year, several delegates tried unsuc- troops in Palestine. Neither has there been any reference to the fact that many cessfully to have the Zionist issue discussed. Polish Jews are Russian espionage agents It is obvious that the controllers of the British Conservative Party, the Party which against which we in this country must be on our guard. allegedly stands for 100 percent, patriotism and loyalty to all things genuinely British, The tragedy of the Jews throughout are not prepared to take a stand against dangerous "internationalists' who have been history has been such that it must be openly at war with the British Empire over the past two years. given special attention. No other race has been persecuted, as have the Jews. Soon after he was elected to the Fede- ironical that Jewish terrorists are being The Jews explain this persecution by ral Parliament, Liberal Member Gullett well looked after at their expense on stating that the Christians started it openly expressed himself as being very Cyprus. It has been reported that Jewish centuries ago. But it seems a remark- critical of the influx of Jewish refugees refugees from Cyprus are to be shipped able fact that country after country into Australia. Mr. Gullett even wrote a to Australia. If this happens the local should have persecuted the Jews and, in very blunt letter to the Melbourne Communists can look forward to a some cases, finally expelled them, with- Press. further influx to their ranks. out some very strong reasons for doing It was no secret that Mr. Gullett's so. stand created some consternation among Liberal Party controllers. Mr. Menzies Evidence of the Balts Supporting Monopoly made a very remarkable statement, the We noted with interest that the Balts It is a matter of fact that they have essence of which was that the Liberal who recently arrived in Australia stated tended to support all centralised Mono- Party had no criticism to offer of the that the few Communists in Latvia be- poly—particularly in certain spheres such policy of bringing Jewish refugees to fore the war were mostly Jews. In the as finance. Socialism and Communism Australia from Europe. Melbourne Herald of December 10, Mr. merely being complete Monopoly, State Since that time we have heard no J. L. Waten, of the Jewish Council to Monopoly, it is not surprising that we further public comment upon this im- Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism, find Jews who are ardent supporters of portant matter from Mr. Gullett. It is tried to deny what the Balts had to say. these movements. After all, Karl Marx astounding that the Liberals and Coun- Mr. Waten did not attempt to dispute himself was a Jew. Undoubtedly the try Party Members, who time and time the facts brought forward by the Balts. most objectionable feature of the Zionist again proclaim their opposition to Com- He camouflaged the point at issue by Jews in particular is their fanatical in- munism and Socialism, are apparently saying that 70,000 Latvian Jews had died sistence that they are a Chosen Race afraid to comment upon the open sym- at the hands of the Nazis. destined to rule the world, which they pathy between the Zionist Jews and the But Mr. Waten made a most important claim will then be a much better place Communists and Socialists. admission when he said that it should to live in. be remembered "that it was Germany All people who believe that they can who was the enemy of the Allies . . . Canadian Spy Trials in the last war, and not Russia." Why make other people happier by completely The most outstanding feature of the do so many Jews so consistently refuse dominating them are a menace. The Communist espionage disclosures in to criticise Russia or Communists? Communists certainly believe this. Canada was the fact that the over- whelming majority of those found guilty Commu-Zionist Set-up of being Russian agents were Jews who High Russian Policy had, in most cases, originally gone to Was not Russia the enemy of Western It is, therefore, one of the most im- Canada as refugees from Europe. Civilisation during that critical early portant facts of contemporary history In a series of articles in the Melbourne part of the war when she played an im- that International Zionism and Inter- Herald late last year, the Canadian dis- portant role in helping Germany by national Communism should have such closures were dealt with in a most mis- supplying valuable war materials? Did similar objectives. leading manner. No mention was made not Russia only fight with us when com- In the well-informed English Catholic of the fact that an organisation working pelled to do so by Hitler? And was she journal, The Tablet, of November 1, 1947, to corrupt Canadians was staffed mainly not planning, even while the war against the following comment appears: with Jews. Are newspapers and poli- Germany was raging, to take the place "There is only one major field (in ticians afraid to mention obvious facts? of Germany and continue the war Europe) in which the Americans do not against Western Europe? understand what is taking place and Dealing with the Canadian espionage why. They do not understand how big story in his book, The Red Network, It is urgently essential that we realis- is the Soviet part in the organised Jewish Bernard Newman recalls how, during the tically face up to these questions. illegal emigration from Europe; how, in first World War, a prominent Member We are also entitled to ask local the guise of Zionists, Soviet agents and of the British Government was caught Zionists whether they ally themselves terrorist instructors have been passed using his position to spy for the Ger- with the war being waged against the through Europe, how in the camps at mans. It is not without significance that British by terrorists in the Middle East. Cyprus Stalin and Lenin are the heroes this man, Tribitch Lincoln, was a Hun- Apparently many of them do, because whose portraits are displayed, and how garian Jew. when Dr. Evatt came back from the the whole movement is intended as a meetings of UNO, which decided upon powerful weapon to divide Britain and Jews and Revolution the partition of Palestine, he was not America, and to weaken Britain in the We cannot shut our eyes to the fact only hailed by local Zionists for his pro- Middle East . . ." that Jews have predominated in most minent role in the campaign against the modern revolutionary movements. Their Arabs, but was referred to as the man As we have said in previous talks, role in the Russian Revolution is well who had guided world statesmen towards there is certainly some form of under- known. It was the Jewish terrorist Belu a dream for which the Zionists had been standing between the Zionists and the Kuhn who directed the reign of blood- working for 2,000 years. Communists. The Communists in this shed in Hungary after World War I. Local Zionists also said that there (Continued on page 6) Jews dominate the Soviet puppet regimes must be a lot of bloodshed in the crea- of' Eastern Europe. tion of the new Jewish State. We are "New Times," February 13, 1948 — Page 5 The British taxpayers must find it not aware of any local Zionist who has Comms., Zionists Strive ZIONIST ADVERTISEMENTS for World Domination (Continued from page 5) ABUSE OF BRITAIN and other British countries have been most outspoken in their support of the We reprint below some extracts from an advertisement which appeared in the Zionist claims in the Middle East. Even New York paper "P.M.", Thursday, September 11, 1947, as an example of the type of if this support is simply based upon the abusive propaganda being used by the political Zionists. It was headed "Well Done belief that Zionist activities in the Middle Britain," and began: — East will help disrupt the British Empire, it is indicative of the similarity of aims. "British troops swinging truncheons lynch in Palestine today will become Genuine internationalism is one thing, but the corruption of local loyalties and against Exodus prisoners have smashed the patient, law-abiding helpers in set- patriotism by a combination of Com- the illusions surrounding the United ting up a peaceful independent State. munists and Zionists can, unless chal- Nations Palestine report. The jazz music Are men who murder the mandate to lenged by those who say they stand for played on the Hamburg dock to drown become the devoted trustees of the the preservation of the British Empire, out the screams of Hebrew men and United Nations plan?" lead to our destruction from within. women can't conceal the fact that "Britain is on the spot. She hates Britain is spilling blood before the ink having her record in Palestine aired be- on the report is dry. British brutality fore mankind . . . Britain would like to has jarred the world back to its senses see all this pressure stopped and the Shylock and Marx, and ended the idiotic delight with which Exodus outrage forgotten, so that she many accepted the United Nations re- can put Palestine in a pigeonhole." 19th Century and Today port as the coming of the Messiah . . ." "The only way to answer the British for the Exodus atrocity is to sail more There arose during the nineteenth Space will not permit full quotations, ships, NOW. century a movement of revolt against but the text goes on to say, amongst "Two ships must embark for Palestine the nineteenth century system, but it other things: for every one seized by the British. was a spurious revolt. It attacked the "If the British had restrained their "Two Hebrews must begin their home- masters of the wheels and the owners of sadistic impulses over the Exodus re- ward journey for every one forcibly re- the land—the men, that is, who create fugees, the current United Nations re- jected." wealth—but it did not attack the lords port on Palestine would have been good The advertisement from which those of finance, the men who create only for twelve months' dilly-dallying . . . quotations are taken was signed by the debts. Luckily, Britain's itch for Hitler's sport American League for a Free Palestine, The reason, no doubt, is that the was exhibited early as a forecast for the and concluded by inviting subscriptions prophets and priests of the Marxist revo- future." to be forwarded. lution were racially at one with the "The 4,400 heroic Hebrews who gal- Another advertisement in P.M., Sep- master usurers, and animated by much lantly chose to suffer for a principle have tember 7, signed by the American Zionist the same hidden purpose. won a great victory. Their sufferings Emergency Council, under the heading Today the financiers have one half of and their battle brought immediate re- "Hitler's Triumph," stated: "Forty-four the world in their grasp and the revolu- sults by galvanising public opinion and hundred human beings are being 'per- tionaries the other half. Time alone will unmasking Britain's ultimate answer to suaded' on to the shores of Germany . . . show whether they will openly coalesce the report of the United Nations Com- This latest degradation is unmatched, for into one and the same unspeakable dic- missions." it is inflicted by the democratic world." tatorship, or whether they will set the "We are expected to believe that the "In the era of Ernest Bevin it is still nations again at each other's throats, same Englishmen who flog, loot, and a crime for a Jew to live as other men. with themselves "noiselessly happy, feed- If he takes steps to achieve freedom for ing on the dead." himself and his brother he must be pun- —LONDON TIDINGS, Oct. 11, 1947. ished." Another ENWITE Speciality "On the dockside at Hamburg the ghosts of Hitler, Streicher, and Himmler MAJORITY RULE [Regd.] cackle a chorus of Hosannas for the great Empire which is putting these Jews in Here's food for thought for the pro- their place." tagonists of majority rule and the secret "Such is Bevin's Britain today. A ballot: "If 25 persons divide 13 to 12, are we Government, which rose to power on SOLVIT pledges of the fuller and better life for to assume the 13 are right? And if one all, now defiles the very principles, among them should change his vote, For Clean, Easy Stripping which it mouthed to win the support of would truth shift with him to the other the voters. It has debased not only its side?" of own party but the entire people which it —JOHN T. FLYNN. rules —for the anti-Semitism which is an inevitable outgrowth of the Bevin PAINT, LACQUER, policy on Palestine is already gaining a FIGHTING FUNDS FOR ACTION strong foothold in Britain. GROUP URGENTLY REQUIRED VARNISH "The callousness of the British Go- The Hon. Secretary of the Social vernment's behaviour towards the Exodus Credit Action Group, Mr. P. W. Keogh, 1947 refugees is almost unprecedented. Etc., from Any Surface For a parallel one must recall the cynical 54 Millswyn Street, South Yarra, Vic- unconcern of the Nazis when world toria, urges all supporters of the Ac- NO DIFFICULT NEUTRALISATIONl opinion denounced the subjugation and tion Group to forward their contribu- WILL NOT HARM FABRIC OR WOOD enslavement of smaller, 'inferior' tion to the 1948 Fighting Fund peoples." IMMEDIATELY. Bigger and better offensives are ASK YOUR HARDWARE STORE being planned. They must not fail FOR IT Colac Radio Talks because of lack of "ammunition."

We have been asked to publish the wave- Printed by Academy Printing and length of 3CS Colac, Victoria, over which Publishing Co. 95 Brunswick St., Fitzroy, regular weekly Social Credit talks are for New Times Ltd., McEwan House, Mel- given every Friday at 8.45 p.m., Eastern Page 6 — "New Times," February 13, 1948 bourne, on whose authority these articles Standard Time. Wavelength: 1130 K.C. appear.

64..39 dollars per acre for the entire five- ARTIFICIALS VERSUS ORGANICS year period, or on an average about 12.88 Late in 1946 the Sydney Press reported that the Departments of Health and dollars per acre per year. An equally Agriculture in New South Wales had warned vegetable growers against the use of detailed study of the cost of using Sir the chemical D.D.T. on the edible portions of plants. Albert Howard's Indore Process for fer- The chemical menace is not only related to the application of chemical sprays, tilising the same land for the same crops etc., to vegetables and fruit; the effect of chemical fertilisers on the health of all plant indicates that the total cost can be re- and crop growth is creating considerable alarm as the truth about the use of artific ials duced to 43..92 dollars, or to an average becomes more widely known. of about 8.78 dollars per acre per year. A net saving of fully 4.10 dollars per Writing in the English SPECTATOR of with phosphate produces a luxuriant acre per year can be effected without October 17, 1941, Dr. Sanderson-Wells, field. If the phosphate goes beyond a taking the superior quality of the Indore Chairman of the English Food Education certain point the field takes on an un- Process into account, by abandoning the Society, states: natural green, and is deserted by wild method of chemical fertilisation in "A dig-for-victory plot on the edge of rabbits.' general use at present and adopting this a golf links was limed, planted, and One of the arguments advanced treated with artificials. Luxuriant against composting is that it is too costly process." heavy-green cabbages, sprouts, and other compared with artificial fertilisers. It is important to bear in mind that vegetables resulted. To increase the the figures given by Borsodi are based family meat ration, part of this crop was Indore Method Cheaper upon the cost of turning the compost fed to rabbits, who ate without relish, In the August, 1944, issue of the heaps by hand. Mechanisation in com- became apathetic, and smelt unpleasant. American magazine Organic Gardening, post making can now be applied. When later grass mowings were substi- Mr. Ralph Borsodi, of the research de- Readers who are interested in this tuted the rabbits ate voraciously and be- partment of the School for Living, out- aspect are recommended to read Humus came vigorous and sweet smelling. lined in detail comparisons made of the and The Farmer, by Sykes. Price 19/9 cost of making compost by the Howard (post free), from New Times Ltd., Box Nitrate and Phosphate method as compared with chemical fer- 1226L, G.P.O., Melbourne. "A correspondent writes: 'Cabbages tilisers: and sprouts grown too fast with nitrate "A careful estimate of the cost of fer- and phosphate are a curious "wrong" tilising land for a standard five-year colour. If over 50 percent of the green- crop rotation of corn, oats, wheat, clover, Transformation of Weeds stuff given to rabbits are of this sort the and timothy indicates that the best Some years ago I was impressed by rabbits die. Permanent pasture dressed modern scientific method' costs about the improvement in a flower border after the incorporation of decayed couch- grass with the soil. In our vegetable garden a large patch of this pest was Subsoiling And Self-Sufficiency converted into plant food by persistent hoeing whenever it appeared. The next In an article published early last year, the late Sir Albert Howard, famous British season it had disappeared and the humus auth ority on composting and organic farming, contended that steps could he taken to content had increased. enable the British people to provide all their own food requirements. He said: Bracken, nettles, and chickweed we sometimes put under the sod in their "Our sewage must be filtered at the sub-soilers by the thousand to be put on green state for the soil population to outset, the resulting sludge dried and the market." deal with, sometimes they are com- sold as an inoffensive powder in paper There is only one firm in Great Britain, posted; but either way a nuisance is bags for use in the compost heaps of which specialises in the manufacture of transformed into a source of fertility. urban gardens, allotments, by the fruit sub-soilers: Ferguson's Ltd. But under Bracken, besides making an excellent and-vegetable growers and farmers near the fantastic export drive Ferguson's Ltd. mulch and fertiliser for fruit, gives good our towns and cities. is devoting all its energies to the manu- results in the onion bed or potato patch, "This dried sludge will soon convert a facture of tractors to export to America and seems to improve the quality of most nation of gardeners into a nation of com- —to get dollars! crops. The high potash content of post-gardeners—the first steps in the While the British manufacture trac- bracken and nettles may explain their new Grow More Food Campaign. tors to export instead of sub-soilers to striking success as fertilisers. "All that is needed to start this is the help feed themselves, it is reported that A handful of chickweed placed under lifting of the controls which are now American tractors are being imported bulbs, corms, or tubers in light soil acts hampering the pioneers engaged on this into Great Britain* ! as a sponge the first season, and a valu- vital item of national service. It is too much to ask us to believe able plant food afterwards. It improves that this is sheer stupidity. There is the soil texture, and is excellent under "Second job is to prepare our farm- treachery afoot, and the sooner those in- leeks. land. The soil of these islands is pot- dividuals responsible for it are exposed We experimented with different weeds bound. The surface soil is cut off from and dealt with the greater the chance under several rows of leeks, and chick- the vast reserves of plant food in the of saving the British Empire. weed won hands down. Results are subsoil by a pan; this pan must be shat- * A Coventry firm has secured a £5,000.000 cumulative. The more fertile the ground tered by tractor-operated sub-soilers. order for tractors to be delivered to the United the better can our willing underground Deep-rooting plants and earthworms will States of America. We are assured that the workers utilise weeds deposited in the then bring up all the phosphates, potash, greatest care will be taken to avoid collision top soil and transform them into valu- and trace elements needed by our crops. between these and the $20,000,000 worth of able food materials for healthy plants. — tractors being imported from the United States Rachel Weir in Soil and Health (England). "A portion of our manurial problem of America. will automatically disappear as soon as the lifting of war-time controls enables —The Social Crediter (Eng.), Jan. 24, 1948. "New Times," February 13, 1948 — Page 7


AGAINST EDITOR BOOK (Continued from page 3) fact that only a handful of Jews bespoil the population of our borough." At the end, it was stated, it read: "If British Jewry is suffering today from REVIEWS the righteous wrath of British citizens they have only themselves to blame for BY "SCRIBE" their passive inactivity. Violence may be the only way to bring them to the sense of their responsibility to the coun- try in which they live." AN INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL CREDIT Mr. A. Denis Gerrard, K.C., prosecut- We have much pleasure in bringing to place. It is the exact antithesis of totali- ing, said the question was whether this the attention of our readers the publica- tarianism." article was published to stir up violence tion of a book which we are confident In recent times Social Credit have been by promoting feelings of hostility and ill- will meet the requirements of many devoting a considerable amount of time will between different classes of the com- Social Crediters who are always ask- to the question of effectively limiting the munity. ing: "What, is a good book for me to powers of Governments. In the chapter Mr. Gaunt had advocated ostracism give friends and associates who want to entitled Politics, Dr. Monahan deals with of the Jewish people. start investigating Social Credit? the correct functions of Parliament in a "He was saying: 'You must cut off Dr. Bryan Monahan's An Introduction genuine democracy. An Introduction To these people from the community, must To Social Credit is not only an excellent Social Credit is well worth purchasing if not buy from their shops, go to their book for those whose interest in Social only for the purpose of reading this places of entertainment, or have them Credit has just been awakened; it should chapter. in your places of entertainment.' be read and thoroughly absorbed by We cannot commend enough the every person who now terms himself a author's clarity of style. The following Social Crediter. is an excellent example: "Governments The Intention More and more people are beginning to today are almost infinitely evil; at all "That," said Mr. Gerrard, "you may realise that Social Credit is far more events, they contact infinite evil; they think is going a long way to cause trouble than just another interesting financial are robbers, liars, and hypocrites. They and violence if it is carried out." scheme. Social Credit touches every are corrupted by power; and the solu- Mr. Caunt, in the witness-box for an aspect of human knowledge and activity. tion is, to withdraw that power back to hour and ten minutes, was asked by his It concerns the very fundamental of our the individual, to de-concentrate it. The counsel, Mr. G. O. Slade, K.C., on each civilisation. only safe exercise of power is by the of the points he raised in his article: The dust jacket of Dr. Monahan's book individual over himself, not over others. "Rightly or wrongly, do you take that very appropriately states: "The present We call that power, at home in the in- view and consider that you were entitled increasing plight of the whole world de- dividual, individual initiative. Essential to expose it?" spite the advances being made in science Social Credit action is individual initia- To each he replied, "Yes." and the technique of power-production tive. And where that initiative is exer- Mr. Gerrard: Do you think that hav- is forcing more and more people to a re- cised with that of others, in pursuance ing nothing to do with the Jews is an examination of the foundations of civili- of a strategy, there is an increment of incitement to offer violence? —On the sation, and as a result there is apparent association. That is why there is a Social contrary. a renewed interest in the doctrine of Credit Movement, concerned with a Of his last paragraph, Mr. Caunt said: Social Credit. single strategy to gain a common ob- "The intention was that it should be a "This little book is an attempt to re- jective for the genuine benefit of all warning to the Jews as to what would late the later to the earlier phases enun- men. eventually happen to them if they did ciated by Major C. H. Douglas thirty An Introduction to Social Credit is not mend their ways." years ago, and developed by him ever published in two editions: one with a It never entered his head that a con- since. A glance through the index will paper cover and the other with a cloth struction could be put on the words that be sufficient to demonstrate how much cover. Both editions are excellently pro- he was advocating the use of violence. more than a matter of monetary systems duced, and contain a valuable index. Mr. Gerrard: There are a large num- is involved. Social Credit is a policy, and Price: Paper cover, 5/2, post free. ber of Jews in this country. Do you the only policy extant which offers Cloth cover, 8/8|, post free. think that if the rest of the community citizens freedom in security, and the Order now from New Times Ltd., Box refused to trade with them, refused to means to keep government in its proper sell them food, they would take it lying 12261, G.P.O., Melbourne. down? —I do. We once again draw attention to Ralph themselves from the menace of our over- Libel Act, 1792 An Experiment in Creative Do you think they could take it lying down and survive? —They would have to. Living on the Land Where would they get their food? — Borsodi's important book, Flight From centralised industrial civilisation. The City. This book should be in the "Men and women who desire to escape They would probably have to earn it. hands of all those people who are de- from dependence upon the present in- In what way? —By working harder. sirous of taking practical steps to free dustrial system, and who have no de- Answering Mr. Slade, Mr. Caunt said sire to substitute for it dependence upon there were only six Jews living in More- So far as he knew, there had not been a state controlled system, are beginning cambe, which had a population of 42,000. a prosecution of a newspaper editor for to experiment with a way of living which Mr. Slade declared in his final speech seditious libel for over 100 years. is neither city life nor farm life, but for the defence that this prosecution was In his 50-minute summing-up Mr. which is an effort to combine the ad- "an attempt to put back the clock by at Justice Birkett told the jury that sedi- vantages and to escape the disadvant- least 150 years." ages of both." tious libel was when there was intent Flight From The City is the thrilling Before Fox's Libel Act 1792, seditious to stir up ill will and hostility between story of such an experiment. We now libel could be anything, which happened different classes of the community. have adequate stocks of this book to to be distasteful to the Government of Present at the hearing today were Sir meet the requirements of all those in- the day. Theobald Mathew, Director of Public quiring about it some time back. Prosecutions, and Mr. Neville Laski, Price 2/8 (post free), from New Times Page 8 — "New Times," February 13, 1948 K.C., who held a watching brief. Ltd., Box 1226L, G.P.O., Melbourne.