Your parts Stage 136 13 7. Brackets 7 8. Bees 9. Pulleys 12. Dolphin striker straps 13. 8 E. Heart blocks Tools and equipment Sandpaper Glue Knife Brushes/wood stain E Drill/bits 9 File 12


Shape the (part 3) to match the length and taper shown on the plan.



To create the hole for the pulley (part 9), drill two holes in the jib boom at each end of the hole marked on the plan and then a third one between them.


541 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™

C 9 Cut away the sections between the drilled holes and then file the hole 3 in the jib boom until it matches the one on the plan, and the pulley can fit inside it.


Place the jib boom back onto the plan. Drill a 1mm-wide hole through the boom at the four points marked with a dotted line on the plan (arrowed).

E Ø 0.75mm

Smooth the surface of the jib boom with sandpaper and then paint it with wood stain. Then drill a 0.75mm hole through the boom and the hole finished in Step C, as shown.

542 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™

F 9 Place the pulley (part 9) into the hole in the jib boom, and then insert an eyebolt through the 0.75mm hole and the pulley. Secure the eyebolt with glue and cut off the ends flush with the sides of the boom (dotted red lines).


Place part 13, the spritsail yard, onto the plan. You will notice that the yards are tapered at both ends, unlike the masts, and that they also have a thinner section at each end, next to 13 a thicker section.


File the ends of the yard, to create the thinner sections, by holding a file on the yard and rotating it back and forth.

543 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Use a sanding and the rotating method to shape the rest of the yard. Keep checking it against the plan to make sure you have the correct shape.


Make sure the yard is evenly shaped, as shown on the plan. Drill two 1mm-wide holes at the ends of the yard, as shown 13 on the plan.


The photo shows how the assembly should look at this stage. Keep any left- over material, as it will be used later.

544 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™

Your parts Stage 137 16 16. Spritsail yard B A. Eyebolts A B. 0.15mm natural thread C. 4mm blocks D. 4mm double blocks Tools and equipment Knife Glue C Ruler Brushes/wood stain D File Drill/bits Tweezers Sandpaper


To make the bees (parts 8), cut two 15mm lengths of 2 x 5mm wooden strip and use a file to shape them according to the plan.


B 1 When completed, glue the two bees at the end of the bowsprit. Look at the plan to see the positions that they 8 should be placed in. When the glue is dry, stain the bowsprit and bees.


545 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Drill a 0.75mm hole through both bees and the bowsprit. Refer to the plan to see the correct location. Ø 0.75mm

D A Place a pulley in each of the gaps 9 between the bees and the bowsprit, and an eyebolt through each bee and pulley and into the bowsprit. Secure the eyebolts with glue and cut away the ends flush with the bees (dotted red lines).


To make the bindings (parts 2), take some 0.5mm brown thread, glue one 2 end of it to the bowsprit, then wrap it around six times. Secure the other end and cut off the excess. Remember to refer to the plan to see the correct locations for the bindings. Repeat for the other two.

546 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Glue the two brackets (parts 7) to each side of the bowsprit, just behind the bees, as shown.



Retrieve the 3mm dowel from Stage 135. Cut it into three lengths to create the two upright parts of the dolphin striker and the dolphin striker bar. Shape them so that they fit together as on the plan, and then them glue into place.



Drill four 1mm holes through the dolphin striker, at the points shown. Ø 1mm Stain the assembly and set it aside for later use.

11 10

547 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Place the spritsail topsail yard (part 16) onto the plan and mark the indentations at each end.



As with the spritsail yard on page 543, rotate the ends of the yard underneath a file to create the thinner sections. 16 Smooth the yard with sandpaper and then paint it with wood stain.


The photo shows how the assembly should look at this stage. Keep any left- over material, as it will be used later.

548 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™

Your parts Stage 138 J Q Q. 0.80mm brown thread B F B. 0.15mm natural thread F. 5mm G. 4mm deadeyes J. Trucks Tools and equipment Knife Glue Sandpaper Round file Brushes/wood stain Drill/bits G


Remove the bowsprit cap from the fret received with Stage 135. Smooth the surface with sandpaper.


B 4

Paint the bowsprit cap with wood stain and leave it to dry. Insert a nail through the smaller hole in the cap and press it into the end of the bowsprit at the same angle as the dotted red line to mark the point you will need to drill. Drill a hole in the end of the bowsprit with the same diameter as the nail.

549 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Glue the bowsprit cap up against the bowsprit, inserting the nail into the hole drilled in the previous step.


Use a round file to reshape the hole in the bowsprit cap, so it can hold the jib boom at the same angle as the bowsprit.

E 5 Create the jib boom saddle (part 5) from 2 x 2mm sapele. Glue the saddle at the end of the jib boom (inset). Test- fit the jib boom against the bowsprit, 3 inserting it through the cap (arrowed). Make any adjustments necessary so that it matches the position shown on the 3 plan, and then glue the parts together.

550 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™

F 6 Create the bindings around the bowsprit and jib boom with 0.5mm brown thread. Glue one end of the thread to the bowsprit, wind it around the two spars about 10 times and then secure the other end. Repeat this process to create the three bindings.


Retrieve five heart blocks (E) and cut five 60mm lengths of 0.5mm brown thread. Tie the lengths of thread around the blocks. Refer to the next step to see how long the lengths should be.



Tie two of the heart blocks to the jib boom and three to the bowsprit. The middle block should hang from the bowsprit but be looped around both spars. The blocks should all be angled slightly aft, as shown here and on the plan. Secure them in place with glue.


551 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™

I C Tie three 4mm blocks (C) to the jib boom with 0.15mm thread (B), in the positions shown on the plan. B B C C


J B Tie two double blocks (D) to the sides of the jib boom at the same point as the middle 4mm single block, as shown D D


The photo shows how the assembly should look at this stage. Keep any left- over material, as it will be used later.

552 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™ Stage 139 Your parts 37 18 Foremast plan 24. Crosstrees 33 18. Foremast 25. Chock 19. Rubbing paunch 32. cap guides 19 and cheeks 33. Fore 21. Bibbs 37. Fore topgallant 22. Foretop mast 23. Trestletrees 32 Tools and equipment Glue Pencil Brushes/wood stain Knife Pliers Round file Drill/bits Sandpaper 21 22 23 24 25


Glue the dolphin striker assembled in Stage 137 to the front of the bowsprit cap, aligned centrally with the spars. Stain the striker and set aside until dry.


To create the dolphin striker straps (parts 12), curl the end of some brass wire round, as shown in the photo

553 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Hook the wire around the dolphin striker to make sure that it is the correct shape.


Adjust the length of the wire to create the first strap and glue it over one of the uprights of the dolphin striker. Repeat Steps B-C to create a second strap and glue it over the second upright. 12


Drill seven holes in the bowsprit cap, A using the cross-section figure A on the A plan to identify the locations. Glue an eyebolt into each of the holes, and attach single (C) and double (D) blocks C to the ones shown with 0.15mm thread. C


554 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Drill another hole in the cap, below the bowsprit. Glue an eyebolt (A) into that hole and tie a double block (D) to it. A



Cut two support pieces from the mast cap guides wooden strip (part 32) and place them behind the knightheads. Do not glue these in place, because they are only there as a temporary support.


Use a round file to adjust the angle of the hole in the knightheads and bulkhead, as shown. When you do this, only push the file against the wood rather than pull it, because it is supported from behind by the two pieces from the previous step. If you pull it, you may break the knightheads.

555 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Insert the bowsprit through the knightheads and into the hole in the bulkhead. It should be positioned so that the top of the figurehead is below the second and third bindings (arrows).


Make sure that the bowsprit is aligned centrally with the hull, and then apply adhesive to the contact areas. Once dry, remove the two temporary supports.


The photo shows how the assembly should look at this stage. Keep any left- over material, as it will be used later.

556 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™ Stage 140 Your parts 38 34 26. Foretop ribs 38. Hounds 35 27. Stanchions 40. Foremast yard 34. Crosstree 50. Foremast supports topmast yard 35. Foremast crosstrees 26

Tools and equipment 40 Pencil Glue Knife Tweezers Brushes/wood stain File 27 Sandpaper 50

A 18

Place part 18, the foremast (12mm sapele dowel), onto the foremast plan. Mark the length of the mast on the plan onto the dowel, bearing in mind that the end will have to fit into the mast cap (part 31).


Remove the foremast cap (part 31) from the parts fret received with Stage 135. Sand the edges smooth and paint the cap with wood stain.


557 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™

C 31 At the end of the foremast, make a mark in the centre of the dowel. Then place the square hole of the mast cap over the end of the mast, with the mark in the centre of the square. Mark the edges of the square onto the end of the dowel.


File the end 58mm of the dowel square, using the square marked in the previous step and the plan as guides.




Test-fit the squared end of the dowel 18 into the square hole of the mast cap. If it doesn’t fit, carefully file it a little more until it does. 31

558 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Lay the foremast onto the plan again, and make any further adjustments that may be needed to achieve the correct shape.


Remove parts 23, 24 and 25 from the fret received in Stage 139. Sand the 23 surfaces of the parts and stain them.

25 24

H 23 Test-fit the crosstrees (parts 24) and the trestletrees (parts 23) together, as shown.


559 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD: Step by Step ™


Glue the crosstrees and trestletrees together. When they are dry, glue the chock (part 25) into place between the trestletrees.



Pass the end of the foremast through the smaller hole in the assembly to test- fit. If it doesn’t fit, file the end of the dowel some more.


The photo shows how the assembly should look at this stage. Keep any left- over material, as it will be used later.