Colby College 1820-1925
CHAPTER x V I I Journalism OR many years under the direction of Dr. Libby a class in Journalism has been conducted. Hon. Oliver L. Hall of Bangor, editor of the Bangor Commercial, recently re viewed the work of Colby's journalists. The very firston the list, Elij ah Parish Lovejoy, '26, of the St. Louis and Alton Observer was the first martyr to the freedom of the press ; James Brooks, '28, editor of The Portland Advertiser, New Y01"k Express, and many years a member of Congress (of him Hon. A. W. Paine says, "No man in this country ever did so much to advance the science or art of newspaper publication as he, not excepting even the famous Horace Greeley." A bust of Mr. Brooks, presented by his son, is in the library) ; William Mathews, '35, of the Yankee Blade; Martin Brewer Anderson, '40,New Y o1"k Recorder; John B. Foster, '43, Samuel K. Smith, '45, and William A. Smith, '91, editors of Zion's Advocate; EdVi.Tard C. Mitchell, '49, The Pres ent Age, Chicago ; Harris M. Plaisted, '53, The New Age, Au gusta, and Governor of l\1aine ; H. W. Richardson, '53, Portland P1'ess and Advertiser; Zemro A. Smith, '62, Portland Press, Levenworth Times, St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Indianapolis Journal; S. T. Pullen, '64, L. H. Cobb, '67, Portland Press; A. E. Meigs, '70, Omaha Bee; J. H. Files, '77, Portland Advertiser; F. C. Mortimer, '81, New York Times; Asher C. Hinds, '83, P01·tland Press; Walter C. Emerson, '84, Portland Press, New York Herald; Shailer Mathews, '84, Biblical World; Holman F.
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