Lilil^^ • .??Ift8 Vky&I
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SpHpf ;-a^3®p||& j&«£l§!IS*i3 lilil^^ • .??ift8 vky&i. KtfH .. -™, a-, •; jll|ifffpl.-;;<;.'^--":. •'. j'.vr".-•' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1912 o L, x x x 11, N £ others,, who. fought it from the first: stockholders 'agree' to go tliriae years A,t different times surveys were made without drawing any interest. This, PC-; for this sewer,, but these were never with the surplus of $10;000 showing : zsrm ''"'•-v^^^V- ~-'~ used, as the former personnel of the on the books, would offset the losses Point's Pride board were afraid to lay the sewer be '•$&f ' • • •••• by reason of Converse's peculations. cause of Davis' opposition. Finally, Many flaws were quickly picked in «T Against M. E. when, after some changes in the this plan by the depositors' commit sewer, board, it was determined to tee and by Commissioner Holt. In VSS3% briild the sewer, Merrill & Sears were ' -•i':V>;t» on the first place it was asked how the .•a®- not engaged to submit plans for this Receiver depositors could be forced to accept sewer "arid -had absolutely nothing 90 per cent, of their savings instead "• t'Cs? Continued for Four Weeks whatever to do with it. The estimated of the original 100. A court order v •'& i8S£KP£ cost of building this sewer was PROGRESS IN TWO YEARS igtii Mass "Meeting Held Last Thursday would be necessary to enforce this ar $10,000, but the contract was let for Nl^fc-^CoBfimittee Appointed to rangement. How could a court order droM FIatly Denies Charges and te(ls How He Saved about one-half that sum. Also there Representdepositors—Converse's be secured that would compel the de Building Erected-—Equipment Purchased—And Best cf Ail Lower Insur- was a rebate paid back to the abut f Abutters Thousands of Dollars in the Daughters May Restore $30,000. positors to leave their money in an ters. The sewer was built to the sat / , ance Rates Secured. , Construction of the Central and Enfield Street Sewers—Also As was announced in last Thurs institution of this kind for three ••Ti isfaction of the sewer committee, ac years? Would there not be greater The residents of 'Warehouse Point building and attic, so located that the SSaVed Local Dealers Hundreds of Dollars,, in Protecting cording to the contract let to A. B. day's Press, ii;large mass meeting of the depositors of the Windsor Locks suffering entailed on the depositors and especially of the fire district are fire endangered lots of other prop- - Griswold. The abutters have been who needed their money by tying it fortunate in that they have such an erty. Windsor Locks was again ^^^^Jtheir^ils^ Againstvthe.SeWer-C^ntractor^^^Si^iil® -' using the sewer four years and it is savings bank was held that evening to take action-looking to the protec up that long than there would be in efficient fire-fighting company as called upon. Tlicy saved the ad- ; Davis, the real estate man,' These conditions the board unani positively, the only sewer built in the tion of their 'interests. The meet letting the court liquidate the bank Volunteer Hose No. 1, and for which joining property, but the hotel wasi'y/'^WA appeared beforethe -selectmen TueB- mously agreed upon making such district that the district has not been ing developed a spirited discussion, so <ay evening;'';<uifl--' presented • written compelled to relay or repair within would cheapen the cost large was the attendance and so in charges, signed by himself, in which; of the sewer and still fill all the re one year at an expense of from $500 tense the interest, but the situation *e alleged that Martin E. Brodrick, quirements. Several such changes to $800. All others have required zmmmimB was ably, .handled by the chairman when, piini^tot the sewer.commis-; were made , and, were thoroughly un- relaying, in part at least, by the dis chosen, Re^:;,Father Andrew J. Plun- »ion,»Si^:l®<l!8'i=; drew:-'Orders'; on ;the; trict after having been completed derstood :betwe6n- the sewer commis kett I I <1 j'l 'u V". V! Qifi'#$: treasurer for, a large sum of money; sion and $he various bidders: whdibid and paid for by the abutters. i " ^' iS^kett is a man of large A. B. Griswold, the contractor ot^ and.c8fe.manding presence, and §5^ L\/:^/whi<&waapiid him by the treasurer,. •• Sis.*.''-;"-v..; :on,t^e cdstV" The contraict was iet to . :-* »» •>- . «... 4 . « . Iliahis . openingAnAntndr address and constant V ~ • aUlrou^"me or4.ers'were not sup-i 'A. ti-'teriswdld, who was also the suc this sewer was nearly bankrupt when US presence of mind and readiness saved porfced'by any bill oit items. Mr. Da- cessful -bidder .on Faiview. street he accepted the contract. His price was low, and he soon found he had any- semblance /of disorder. Vis' protested"against-the appointment :s e ^ ^ misjudged the work, for he found Father Plunkett asked for a re as personal tax col- .-"Before Mr. Griswold had proceed plenty of rock to blast where he had port from, the bank officials as to the ^^he^aboye - grounds., •' ed far with the construction of the n- ^ expected easy digging. He got dis exact .condition of affairs, and a writ ^f0^|-^^^^^»3^^harges"havenereated a sensa- sewer in question he found himself a couraged. His creditors were after ten report from the directors was In*'the town, as both .men are not only up against serious condi w him. He could not pay for dynamite given by George M. Montgomery, a ^ J*|I|5 ** Prominent real estate men in tions, finding rock where he expected and other supplies. The sewer com director present. This report recited and for the further earth, but was also hard pressed missioners vwanted the contract ful the facts of the request of the Wind financially by his creditors, both in filled because they knew it was a good sor Locks Business Men's association town and out of town, for supplies one for the abutters. If Griswold that the directors take steps to save being their furnished on other contracts. As the 1 W fa.iled to complete it a reassessment the bank's charter, if possible; of the duty to sign all orders on the.treas sewer board well knew Mr. Gris- .Is." ' ' I' ' vawj* , ^ V {VJL-4-- ' ——~ must result and .the abutters would officials being restrained from paying urer before bills should be paid. Mr. wold's condition and also that they undoubtedly have to pay the original out moneys for three months, dating Davis' charges are dated February were getting the sewer at a very low estimate of $10,000. (Mr. Davis was from January £7; and gave the re 13', 1912, and are as follows: f cost, every effort was-made to hold j A, one of the abutters.) So to keep the sults of the 10 days' investigation of Selectmen of Enfield him in line until the sewer was fin work going, Mr. Brodrick advanced the accounts,; which, the report stat attached allegations con- ished. As inspector of the work i p%zni<: money for dynamite and other sup ed, would amount to $36,000 taken was on the job continually and my plies, and went surety for still others. from the bank's^funds in the first 20 v'\ : > ; presence and my purse prevented He also advanced money to the help years of its existence, or from 1871 more than one attachment or labor who struck twice for their wages. to 1891. The report also stated that taxes .being due March' !,, strike; Whenever a man saw fit to This was with the understanding that the bank commissioners had already '-Pi folr. a recall. Closing leave between pay days I was always : hie" be. protected by the board. Brod requested that a receiver be ap- of. 19.08 1 found ibat ready, to settle with him. taking his rick saw .to it that all bills of local • * ''"^3 ; Martin .^E.;'Brodrick, president of /the check and holding .it till his envelppe pointed-^^^^- merchants; were paid, including one C. W. Dutcher, the expert account ba&rd of sewer. commissioners, drew; came on, the often irregular' payday: of $9001of A. R. Leete, before signing treasurer for money I^lspum'e't local merchants -who were ant, also made a statement corrobo an order for payment of' Conti'actor rating that of the directors and said .__.- s~ were not .supported' furnishJing material and were anxious Griswold's bill. - that this $36,000 was a cash short biUoikitems to sho;p<.wfiat*ute ^ouVt^eir pa^with thci promise that . j"As' to the building of this sewer: mcmey' was takien for, oyer and above no settlement would be made with age,, which with compound interest The sewer board in, building all sew would make a shortage of $100,000. hii isalatfy o£f 50. Acting as inspect- Griswold until their Vuis were paOT. ers has the fight to and does' change This covered' ^he|first 20. years only; - Wrvo^ aBwer' gbii3tructi6n he :f4Ued In Several times I borrowed money in ta'erlineSj at their discretion, accord VOLUNTARY HOSE CO., NO. 1—WAREHOUSE POINT'S EFFICIENT FIRE FIGHTERS > what the last :• 2S^yissts. would reveal bfe an(^s^y>JWt''comVelling. th«*con-, yaribus amounts fpr the .purchase of* ing as conditions nece&gitate, as the. was a matter yet to be .determined. : . Top Row—Left to right—William Coleman, M. F. Kiltv. F. Nelving, F.