E igh teenth A n n u al R eport

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P r e s s o f T h e J a s . B . R o ^ g e ä s P r i n t i n g Co m p a x y , ;V2 an


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E igh teenth A n n u a l R eport




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P r e s s o f T h e J a s . B . R o d g e r s P r i n t i n g C o m p a n y , 52 and 54 North Sixth Street. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.

President. MKS. WM. E. SCHENCK, Philadelphia.


M r s . E. L. L i n n a r d , Philadelphia. M r s . J o e l P a r k e r , Freehold, N. J. “ J . E. W r i g h t , “ “ D. E. Sm a l l , York, Pa. “ A . L . M a s s e y , “ “ S. M i n o r , L os Angeles, Cal. “ C. P. T u r n e r , “ “ W. D u g d a l e , Baltimore, M d . “ M. B. G r i e r , “ “ H. H. F o r s y t h e , Princeton, N . J. “ S. C. P e r k i n s , “ “ J. P. E. K u m l e r , Pittsburgh, Pa. “ L. W. E c k a r d , Abington, Pa. “ S. G . G il s o n , Cincinnati, Ohio. “ D . A . Cu n n in g h a m , Wheeling, W. Va. “ E. D . L e d y a r d , Steubenville, Ohio. “ H. G. Co m in g o , Pittsburgh, Pa. “ E. E. S w i f t , Allegheny, Pa. “ A. A. H o d g e , Princeton, N. .T. “ D. A. M c K n i g h t , Washington, D. C. “ J. P. W i l s o n , Newark, N. J. “ J . G i l l e s p i e , Elizabeth, N. J. “ W . E. M o o r e , Columbus, Ohio. “ E. H. II l -N't in g t o n , Cleveland, Ohio. “ P. D . B r o w n e , San Francisco, Cal.

Home Corresponding Secretaries. MBS. D. R. POSEY, MISS L. W. JORDAN, MISS F. U. NELSON.

Foreign Corresponding Secretaries. MRS. C. N. THORPE, MRS. C. E. MORRIS, MISS S. W. DUBOIS.

Speoial Object Secretary. MISS M. D. PURVES. Recording Secretary. Treasurer. MISS M. B. SMITH. MRS. JULIA M. FISHBURN. Direotors.

M r s . Wm. E. Sc h e n c k , 4006 Baltimore Ave. M iss F. M. Paul, 903 Pine St. “ E. L . L i n n a r d , 3813 Walnut St. “ M . B. Sm i t h , 1727 Spruce St. “ S. C. P e r k i n s , 416 S. Broad St. “ S. W. Du Bo i s , 211 N. 13th St. “ S. K n e a s s , 418 S. 15th St. “ M. D. P urves, 3943 Chestnut St. “ A L. M a s s e y , 1609 Arch St. “ F. U. N e l s o n , 204 S. 41st St. “ C. P. T u r n e r , 1506 Walnut Street. “ L . W. J o r d a n , 3909 Pine St. “ D. R . P o s e y , 1232 Arch St. “ A B o d i n e , Germantown, Pa. “ J . DE F. .Tu n k i n , 200 S. 39th St. M r s . L . W. E c k a r d , Abington, Pa. “ S. B. R o w l e y , 1709 Arch St. “ J. E. W r i g h t , Market Square, Ger’n. “ H. N. Pau l, 1521 Pine St. “ J. R. M ille r , 420 S. 15th St. “ C. E. M o r r i s , 1515 Spruce St. “ M. B. G r i e r , 4016 Pine St. “ C. N. T h o r p e , 210 W. Logan Square, “ J. R o b e r t s , Darby, Pa. “ M. N e w k i r k , 1715 N . Broad St. “ J. F. Dripps, 3600 Chestnut St. “ A. T. P ie r s o n , 2320 Spruce St. “ H. S. Cattell, 2315 Delancey Place. “ H. G. K e r n , 1529 N. Broad St. “ E. W. H itchcock, 4027 Chestnut St. “ J . A. M cK n i g h t , Ridley Park, Pa. “ S. A. M u t c h m o r e , 18th & Montgom­ “ J . H. M u n r o , 714 N . Broad St. ery Ave. M iss H. M . J o h n s o n , Coulter House, Ger’n. C. E. Smith, 116 N. 17th St. STANDING COMMITTEES.

On Nominations.

M r s . M . B. G r i e r , Chairman, M r s . L . W . E c k a r d ,

“ H . G . K e r n , “ E. W. H i t c h c o c k ,

“ J. H . M u n r o .

On Publication.

M r s . C. P. T u r n e r , Chairman, M is s S. W. Du Bois,

“ S. C. P e r k i x s , “ H. M . J o h n s o n ,

“ D. R . P o s e y . “ F. U. N e l s o n ,

“ C. X. T h o r p e , M r s . J . d e F. J u n k i n .

On Candidates for Appointment as Missionaries.

M r s . S. C. P e r k i n s , Chairman, M is s M . D . P u r v e s ,

“ C. E . M o r r i s , M r s . H. N . P a u l ,

“ S. K m :a s s , “ C. P. T u r n e r ,

“ C. N. T h o r p e , “ M . N e w k i r k ,

“ H. G. K e r n .

On Prayer Meeting.

M r s . J. R o b e r t s , Chairman, M r s . J. E. W r i g h t ,

M iss H. M . J o h n s o n , “ C. E. M o r r i s ,

M r s . E. L . L i n n a r d , “ E. W . H it c h c o c k ,

“ A . L . M a s s e y , “ J. F. D r i p p s ,

“ A. T. P i e r s o n , ‘‘ C. A. S m i t h .

On Foreign Correspondence.

M r s . M . X e w k i r k , M is s A. B o d i n e .

On Finance.

M r s . D. R. P o s e y , M iss S. W. D u B o is.

On Hospitality.

M r s . S. K n e a s s , Chairman, M r s . J. R . M i l l e r ,

Miss F. M. P a u l , “ H. C. Ca t t e l l ,

M r s . S. B. R o w l e y , “ S. A. M u t c h m o r e ,


The Eighteenth Annual Assembly of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, was held in Educational Hall, Asbury Park, N. J., April 25th and 26th, 1888. The weather was perfect, the arrangements for the meeting com­ plete, and although there were those who felt a sense of strange­ ness in meeting in a hall rather than a church, and some who missed the sociability of private hospitality, yet these proved in no way a hindrance, and the meetings grew in interest and power to the end. Mrs. Schenck presided with her accustomed ability. Mrs. McCauley, of Japan, made a fine address on work in that country; Mrs. Ewing on work in India; Miss Franks represented Bogota, and Miss Hull, Sao Paulo, Brazil. There were present also Miss Jones, of Africa, and Miss Fullerton, of India, and other missionaries who have been at home for a longer time. Mr. Robert Wilder spoke on Thursday afternoon, on “ The World for Christ” The evening meeting was addressed by Dr. Ellinwood on the subject of “ Higher Education in Missionary Endeavor,” and by Rev. J. M. McCauley, of Tokyo, Japan, also urging the import­ ance of higher education. In the absence of Rev. F. T. Brown, the Rev. J. H. Munro, D. D., of Philadelphia, kindly consented to preside in the evening. The increase in the Treasury of nearly $20,000— double the increase of last year— was occasion for thanksgiving and humility. The thanks of all concerned are due, and are heartily tendered, to the Committee of Arrangements for the unwearied skill and patience with which they performed their part. The watchword for the year was happily given in the closing hour, when we' were gently led from the work of the past, over which we had delightfully lingered, out into the refreshing fields o f the coming year, with the blessed assurance of Exodus 3: 12: “ Certainly I will be with thee.” He had been with us, and we adjourned on Thursday, glad to go forward another year sus­ tained by His promise to us. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT

o r T H E



FOREIGN DEPARTMENT, The Eighteenth Annual Report of work on the Foreign field is no loss conspicuous as evidence of God’s goodness, His provi­ dence, His approval, than those of former years ; that His special loving care has been over us we acknowledge with thankfulness. In the Society some have been temporarily laid aside by illness; yet none have fallen by the way. Abroad, although our mis­ sionaries have been exposed to alarm, to disease, pestilence and persecution, have in many cases yielded to sickness, have passed through all the vicissitudes of travel, of differing climatic influences, yet our God has lovingly cherished each life and no death has occurred since the last report was written. Some inroad has been made, however, in the mission force by the home-coming, for various reasons, not always their own health, of 12 ladies. To strengthen the ranks thus weakened 18 new missionaries have gone out, 1 to Liberia, 1 to Mexico, 2 to India, 2 to South America, 2 to Persia, 3 to China and 4 to Japan. Six others have returned to their work after a vacation at home. Thus the number is made good and more by an increase of twelve. W e have now under our care one hundred and thirty-five missionaries, six of whom are in this country expecting to return. In the various fields results are apparent in faithful attendance in the schools, the crowding of some, like Bancho, Beirut, Woodstock; the evident respect with which matters of religion are treated, increased desire to learn, keener appreciation of the work our educated Christian women are doing, as in 6 the eagerness of zenana and Nestorian women to welcome the foreign ladies and Bible readers to their homes. Although no great revival has spread in any quarter, all these facts may be noted for our encouragement, and the year has been one of patient seed-sowing, except in some instances, notably China and Japan, where it has been a time of entering in to the labors of former years. In material accessions we have been responsible for a new school building in Kolhapore, and for houses, one in Nanking and one in Tungchow, one in Teheran, one in Jhansi, and one in Kanazawa. No estimate can be put upon boxes sent, upon the kind remembrances of friends of missions in the way of musical instruments, books, apparatus, clothing, cards, and the thousand trifles constantly passing from us to them by all the agencies of transit known to the world, and accompanied with such sympathy and tender kindness as to weld more firmly the intangible bond between us, and which, by God’s blessing, operates as a potent factor in carrying on this great enterprise. To summarize, we have in this Society: Missionaries,...... 133 Zenana Visitors and T e a c h e r s ,...... 7 Native Helpers and Bible W om en ,...... 84 Boarding Schools (whole or in p a r t ) ,...... 25 Day Schools,...... 140 Pupils in Medical C o lle g e ,...... 5 Medical Missionaries,...... 3 Missionaries under ap p oin tm en t,...... 2


L odi ANA.— One o f the most important branches of the work in India is the Lodiana Boys’ School, under the care of Mr. and Mrs. McComb. Its pupils number about three-score, and its usefulness is greatly enhanced by its Industrial Department. Eleven boys made profession of faith in Christ during the year, five of whom will enter the ministry, thus in a measure fulfilling the desire of the teachers that this school shall become a feeder of the Theological Seminary, and produce a native ministry. There is mentioned the triumphant death of a Christian boy; the steady advancement of another who fled by night from home where he suffered persecution; the fear of famine; the enhanced cost of all provisions, clothing, etc.; which leads to a plea for increased gifts. The industries taught must be added to; Eng­ lish teachers are employed in these departments, and the success o f the school depends largely upon the faithfulness of its friends to its support. Two ladies are asked for; and interesting classes in Bible 7

study among natives in their own tongue and in English, are additional means of making known the way of life. Mrs. C. B. Newton writes of touring, camping-out, visiting villages and telling the old, old story to those who hear it for the first time. Five months were spent in the hills, and although the actual work she has been able to do seems small in her own sight, yet she is full of an inspiring faith that God blesses the truth spoken in His name. V a g i .— With the exception of her faithful helper Ellen, Miss Thiede works alone at Vagi. The house in which she is to live, has proceeded only so far as the plans. It is to be of burnt brick and will be completed this year. It is to be large enough to accommodate two women, and she will cordially welcome a co-laborer. Miss Thiede’s itinerating and dispensary work form interesting chapters in her record, and show good results and God’s grace and power. S a b a t h u .—Mrs. Thackwell has been in the hills part of the year, and has had her hands full of domestic cares. Sickness in the family has occupied her almost entirely. D e h r a .— The inside story of the year in the Dehra School is one of care and anxiety. Measles and typhoid fever hampered the teachers and almost broke up the school. One pupil died, and a nameless fear that cholera, raging on every hand, might attack the school at any time, added to the daily burden. Yet the loving Father spared them, and gave His blessing in the faithfulness of the pupils, whose progress was satisfactory. The school had to defend itself in a lawsuit brought to recover a Mohammedan girl who had been there for some time. The case was decided against them, and the child delivered to her parents. Six girls united with the church, making a majority of the pupils on the Lord’s side. Six new girls took up mission work. Dehra has a score of these young missionaries at work among their own people, who have entered into it in the last five years. The girls are in great demand as teachers throughout the country, and two of them have been added to the staff of the school itself this year. Evidences of vitality in the religious life are particularly reassuring, because the church in Dehra suffers from the indiff­ erence of a large class of nominal Christians. W o o d s t o c k .— In Woodstock there are more pupils than ever. Progress and general discipline quite equal to that of former years. The faculty have been harassed by the great amount of sick­ ness in the school which uses strength for nursing, which should go to the higher task of teaching, and an earnest plea is made for an Infirmary with a matron in charge to meet this want. The school has enjoyed unusual spiritual advantages from the frequent visits of other missionaries, and the aim of the teachers has been to cultivate a deeper spiritual life. The results are mingled encouragement and sadness, as reports come back from pupils in their homes; but Mrs. Scott says: “ W e firmly believe that our prayers and labors will not be in vain.” Demand for admittance to this “ best school in India ” is far in excess of the limit of space, and it is with real sorrow Mrs. Scott denies the importunity of parents, who plead to have “ just my daughter” admitted, knowing that she will be taken directly to the convent school. There is serious need of teachers in Woodstock. Two are wanted at once, that the faithful principal may have proper assistance and the school retain its prestige among the people. Miss Condit, who recently went out to Woodstock, has not been well. In all respects the one qualified and called, yet the Lord, who doth not willingly afflict, has not permitted her to carry out much of the work which lies so temptingly before her. We can but patiently await His will, while using every means to send others to their assistance. M uzaffarnagur.— Mrs. Calderwood’s school-work was inter­ rupted sadly by the protracted illness of Mr. Calderwood and a faithful teacher; sickness also closed almost every zenana. Sud­ denly death claimed her dear Bible woman, who, living a strict Mohammedan half a century, became at an advanced age a Christian, through the influence of the native pastor and his wife, and thereafter lived and taught that grace of God which had proved her salvation. Despite these difficulties work has gone on ; but Mrs. Calder­ wood prays the Master may send a “ fitted worker ” to her soon,- and wishes she might see a medical mission established in Muz- affarnagur. Miss Mary P. Forman, daughter of Rev. C. W. Forman, has been added to the Lodiana Mission, her field being yet unde­ termined. Futtehgurh.— Here Miss Seeley and Miss Hutchison have lived and worked together the past year. Here they laid at rest early in the year the well-beloved friend and co-worker, Miss Woodside; and from here went out Dr. Jessie Bell, to become the wife of Dr. John Woodside. This great loss did not deter them from making large plans in His name. But overwork told its tale, and Miss Seeley spent two and a half months in the hills, whence she returned rejuvenated. There are 12 vernacular schools for girls, with an enrollment o f 248. About 50 read the Testament and Scripture H istory; the rest are in the Primary Readers. They long to see these girls gathered together in one school, and systematic study going on. Their hearts fail them sometimes at the “ slow up-hill ” work of isolated schools and irregular attendance; yet Miss Hutchison 9

says she learns many a lesson from them, when she sees them slowly plodding along in lessons— reading, with flies swarming, the baby crying, and noisy neighbors jabbering in loudest voices. To the word they listen eagerly, say “ it is true,” yet no outward sign attests that the truth has been applied to the heart. Miss Hutchison’s report glows with interest, yet is a little sad as her last from Futtehgurh. She has been transferred to the Jumna Mission, Allahabad, to be Assistant Principal of the girls’ school. Wherever she goes we shall hear good news of her, but nothing more gratifying than what is told of her work in Futtehgurh. The Bible woman and two teachers have entrance to 108 zenanas with 116 pupils. It is through the faithfulness of native assistants that this work goes on successfully from year to year. Besides the supervision of these Miss Seeley enjoys teaching a class of 40 women and native teachers on Sunday, and in conclu­ sion urges that no less than two unmarried ladies be sent to them at once. Futtehgurh.— Miss Blunt, zenana visitor at Futtehgurh, adds another year of work to the record of the past. “ No day,” she writes, “ in which I do not strive to bring home the truth to one or another of my numerous flock.” Each year sees some good done, new doors open, new pupils reading the truth. Bible readers visit adjacent villages systematically, under Miss Blunt’s supervision. Yet the heart saddens at the steady indifference which closes each visit, and faith that caste may be overcome by a stirring of the multitude at once to come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty is the sustaining thought. M ainpuri.— Mrs. Inglis writes regretfully of the many castles she builded in the first of her year, which the latter part has proved to be in the air, on account of ill health, and the fact that the dialect she learned is not that used by the girls in the schools and zenanas. Rachel, a native teacher, conducted acceptably a class of smaller girls, and for the girls’ schools a superior English assistant was engaged who takes charge of the 11 schools, and their Bible women and 30 zenanas. It is in these zenanas that Sundari still works satisfactorily. A sewing class is a great delight to Mrs. Inglis. It meets every week, and many fancy and useful articles are made for sale at Christmas time. Twenty-five dollars was sent from this source to the Board last year. The Christian Girls’ School was reopened by a catechist and wife as teachers, was regularly attended and five of its pupils entered the school at Allahabad. E t a w a h .— Mrs. Tracy will be in America this year. The Bible women under her care have made regular teaching their aim. Their flocks are scattered and the three have about 90 under instruction, besides the care of the day schools. 10

Miss Belz writes from Etawah of continued tokens of God’s favor and of progress in her work. In the hundreds (311) of visits to villages, and the 54 zenanas she has read the Bible and met a constantly increasing number of inquirers. In the zenana schools she comes into closer contact with the women, and at the melas she speaks with those coming from a distance, whom seeing once she may never see again. The four-score pupils of the zenanas read only Christian books. Mis? Belz lost many pupils and a valued teacher by the open­ ing of a Government School. Thrice the salary led away the teacher, the pupils following, as a matter of course. Yet Miss Belz does not grieve over this; she rather rejoices that the Gov­ ernment has started the school and hopes they may be opened in every village in the empire. “ Something about Jhansi,” Mrs. Holcomb’s article in Woman’s Work, conveys in vivid pen pictures what there is to know about her. For here in this important city, where she Avent last year, she is organizing, teaching and visiting, that she may multiply opportunities for imparting the truth the women are so eager to hear. It is difficult to secure native assistants; but a way has been made and the Gospel is being taught in Jhansi for the first time. Mrs. Pollock and Mrs. Ewing are in America. Mrs. and Miss Seeley will return to the home-land in May.


K o l h a p u r . — Mrs. Goheen, after a period of rest in this country, has returned to Kolhapur, where she will take up the school-work, and watch with interest the building to be known as the Kolhapur Boarding School for Girls, which she was instrumental in securing to this mission. Mrs. Hull’s school of 30 girls goes on prosperously, with more faithfulness each year, and encouraging signs of deep religious life among the girls. Two Bible women teach in zenanas, two new ones being opened during the year. In these Mohammedan houses women gather to listen to the reading and singing when they will not take regular lessons. For the Christian boys and girls a Bible class on Sunday after­ noons has been a marked feature; and Pauline’s class for poor Christian women has been, although small, most carefully taught, and has sent its contribution to the Board by the sale of the articles of its own industry. It is an ambition of Mrs. Hull's to have a house built to shelter poor women, widows and forsaken wives, who appeal for a place to stay while they tarry to hear the way of life from her 11 lips. Many such, she thinks, might become Christians after instruction. Mrs. Graham, who did such excellent work in Sangli in organizing and carrying on schools, was obliged to bring her children to America. She writes that the 30 girls under instruc­ tion did well. The native teacher performed her work acceptably, and upon coming away the school was given into Mrs. Tedford’s care, who has gone to Sangli from Ratnigiri. S a n g l i .— Mrs. Tedford draws a pleasant picture of the neat white building, with its benches and school furnishings; of a teacher sent out each morning to bring the girls to school, and of the room full of girls who study and sew. Also of the ever- faithful zenana teacher, Susanabai, and of the obstacles they meet in the way of taunts, so hard to bear, and the frequent cause of discontinuance at school. Mrs. Seiler assists her husband in innumerable wavs in the care of the Boys’ School, but has sent no record of her work. Mrs. Ferris writes from Panhala of “ delightful ” touring, because they were invited into private houses more than ever before. Women followed her to her tent to hear more and ask for forms of “ prayer to use when praying to the Most High God.” Fear, which once proved such a barrier, seemed a thing of the past, and they eagerly asked to be taught the meaning of texts on cards. A Normal Class for Bible women to train young women for voluntary Bible service, is conducted by the ladies of the mission. There were 17 in the class this year who passed a good examination. Mrs. Ferris sends a request for a Medical Missionary for Panhala, which will be something to do the coming year.


C a n t o n .— Reports to us from the Canton Mission are meagre this year, but the work has gone on with undiminished vigor. Miss Sophia G. Preston, daughter of Rev. C. Preston of the Canton Mission, returns to the work after years of study and preparation in America. Miss Harriet Noyes is still in America. There is nothing more interesting perhaps than the boarding school for men and boys in Canton. It is divided into a training school department and a boys’ department The whole number enrolled was 60. Fifteen were in the training department. Three began as preachers at the beginning of the year. Sickness interrupted study, and the death of one teacher was cause of genuine sorrow. The attendance has increased almost one-half over last year, and enlarged buildings are a necessity. 12

Mrs. Kerr tells in graphic language the story of the “ Hospital School” started in connection with the Canton Hospital last April, for the instruction of those who came to wait on or be with patients. Eighty different pupils were thus taught by a Bible-woman with gratifying results, and an estimate for the ex­ pense of continuing the school will come to us this year. Dr. Mary Fulton began the year in study, practicing a little in Canton. Later on she assisted in the Canton Hospital taking Dr. Niles’ place temporarily. Then she started for Kwai Ping again. Was not allowed to land there and has since been in Canton in dispensary practice. Some losses sustained in Kwai Ping have been made good; books have been sent, but the in­ demnity has not yet been paid by the Chinese government. H a n g c h o w .— Mrs. Judson has been occupied with home duties, school every day in the week except Sunday, superintend­ ence of Bible-women, visiting and looking after the sick. English has been introduced into the schools. Four boys united with the Church. In numbers and in spiritual life the school for boys in Hangchow prospers. N a n k i n g .— Mrs. Leaman, as is her wont, reports promptly for the Nanking Schools for girls and women. The boarding and day school has closed its third year with bright promise. For an unusual thing among the Chinese most day scholars remained throughout the term. No rewards until the end of term. Nothing was given except a simple meal at noon. Mothers came in at the close of the term and promised their aid in keeping the children in school and in sending the girls to Sunday-school during vacation, which promise they kept. There were 38 pupils in the three departments: 17 in the boarding school, 18 in the day school and 3 women in the training school. Three were dismissed from the training school. A ll boarders come under written agreements and all have made com­ mendable advancement. Another teacher was added, made necessary by increased number of pupils. One woman in the training school is supported by her son who pays full board. “ There is,” Mrs. Leaman says, “ a far greater respect among the girls for the religion of Jesus than formerly, a greater desire to do right from a sense of right. More truthfulness and more real enjoyment in the hour of prayer.” “ I would rejoice,” she says, “ to have a few children from Christian homes, a little leaven.” But as yet all the 32 little girls are gathered from heathen and Mohammedan homes. Mrs. Leaman is in need of help, and two unmarried ladies will go to her this year. N in g p o .— Mrs. Butler reports most satisfactorily for the Ningpo Girls’ Boarding School, over which she exercises con­ stant supervision, giving besides two hours daily to the class 13

room. The health of the 33 pupils has been good, there having been no case of sickness during the year, notwithstanding the ravages made by the cholera in Ningpo. There has been decided improvement in conduct and recitations, and five united with the church. As an inducement, perhaps, to unbound feet to come to school, shoes and stockings are supplied to them, and out of the 33 enrolled, 22 have unfettered feet; yet the battle is to be fought to get the girls to give up entirely the bandages, for the parents are opposed to the new measure. This school is well equipped with teachers, capable and reli­ able, while Mrs. Lee, the matron, is a worthy woman, who main­ tains the keenest interest in the school and exerts a benign influ­ ence on the girls. This excellent report closes with only a hint of a shady side. Mrs. Butler merely suggests that the darkness serves only as contrast to the bright side, each setting off the other. Those readers of missionary news who remember, will recall the deep affliction which fell upon the mission circles of Ningpo during the fearful visitation of the cholera. Many native and foreign Christians went suddenly to our Father’s house, yet no one of our little band was taken. The Ningpo School for Christian Women was organized with the hope that the women from the out stations could come to the ladies of the mission for two or three months every year to learn to read, and to be instructed more fully in their duties and privi­ leges as Christians. Gratifying instances of women wishing to improve such an opportunity are recorded, and show how devo­ tion and self-sacrifice go hand in hand. One who was there for six weeks only, when asked to stop reading and rest her eyes awhile, said, “ Time enough to rest my eyes when I return home.” She had control of but one dollar, yet gladly gave it for board. Another who came gives one day in the week from the daily toil which supports life to spreading the good news among her acquaintances. Some come with the double purpose of repose for a weary body and activity in the spiritual life. These boarded with Mrs. Butler. There was also an irregular but interested daily attendance from the church in Ningpo. The class averaged 10 members, and was kept up eleven weeks. Mrs. Butler was assisted by two native teachers, and the funds, amounting to $36.00 were supplied by missiona­ ries of the Ningpo station. There is also at Ningpo an Industrial Class of 100 pupils in which the women sew while the teacher reads and explains ques­ tions, and prays with them. They are paid two cents for two hours’ work, and when it is sufficiently well done it is sold. The day schools under Mrs. Butler’s care are still doing well. Mrs. Kong, Bible woman in Ningpo, visits five days in the 14 week. During the year she made 450 visits, having access to 2468 people. Mrs. Fitch’s class of children numbers 22. The teaching of these, with home duties, has occupied her the past }Tear. For the present she will send us no more news from Ningpo. She has been transferred, with Mr. Fitch, to the Mission Press at Shanghai. S h a n g h a i .— The Boarding School has 38 boarding and eight day pupils. Out of the 13 supported by us, seven are members of the church. The other six have been in the school but a short time. “ The school is in a flourishing condition, and we want,” Mrs. Smith says, “ two ladies by next fall to have charge of it.” C h e f o o .— The Shantung Mission has been re-enforced by the addition of Mrs. Frank H. Chalfant, who has gone to Chefoo, and Miss A. Seward, who was appointed to Tungchow. T u n g c h o w .— Mrs. Neal, of the Tungchow Girls’ School, writes of pleasant vacation-time, when women come and sew and chat, while she deftly scatters the truth among them. O f the school she says that out of the 33 boarding and two day pupils, four left them in the early part of the year. Two went out to establish, with their husbands, two more homes and altars where the name of Jesus shall be honored. Another left to join Lady L i’s class in medicine in Tientsiu, and another left to return to Mrs. Corbett, who had been like a mother to her ever since years ago the child’s blind parents gave her to Mrs. Corbett. Death then robbed them of “ the sweetest spirit in the school,” the one who was training herself for work among the women and' children. This place cannot be filled, but all the empty places else were filled immediately, and more can be accommodated only by enlarged buildings. Nearly all are Christians, and the tone of the school is quite what it should be. The “ Far Away Band” has missed but one of its regular meetings. All the girls belong, contribute and are full of interest. The Band sends “ its loving greetings to all its friends in America.” The girls have recently pledged themselves to resist, as enemies to themselves and their homes, opium and liquor. “ Altogether the year has been one of prosperity and advancement, although not without trials and discouragements; and for the year to come, ‘ Forward’ be our watchword ” Mrs. Mateer began the year with school, and soon after with an itinerating tour, which was full of interest. In October another tour was undertaken, but was cut short by a summons home to attend Mrs. Hayes, who was ill. Mrs. Mateer established a small day-school at Laichowfoo. The teacher, a bride from the Chefoo school, is an active Christian 15 character, and the school is a great incentive to the women of that region, who really started it for their daughters. On her trips, native women, Christian and unbelieving, vied with each other in showing hospitality. As a result, the wife of a Christian man became an earnest inquirer. In the Boys’ School eight have been baptized. The Missionary Society has been kept up, and has been a great help and a great labor. Mrs. Hayes has moved into her new house; but she has been an intense sufferer, and no outside work has been reported. Mrs. Fanny Corbett Hays is happy in picking up the threads of a long unused language, and beginning anew the life of a missionary in Chefoo.


One more year of achievement for Christ in Japan,— a year of blessing and encouragement, yet without exultation, since the church at home does not keep pace in enthusiasm or gifts with the demands from this country. Enterprises begun there years ago, tend naturally to closer organization, and the tendency seems to be highly organized schools, with higher standards of education, of which movement the Union College is an illustra­ tion. There has been added to the Tokio Mission Dr. Effie A. Light, >sho went out to have charge of the Training School for Nurses, and Miss Cuthbert, who went to Hiroshima. Miss Alexander will be at home the coming year. Mrs. Hepburn had planned to return to America when Dr. Hepburn had finished the work of his life, as he supposed, in the complete translation of the Bible. But when the Presidency of the new College was ofiered him, he felt it his duty and privilege to remain and spend his last days among the people for whom his best days have been given. T o k io .— Miss Bessie Milliken sent home throughout the year delightful letters, among them a circular letter written by one of the girls in Bancho, and designed to be sent, class-1 etter fashion, to each graduate of Bancho. It is an annual, and all about the home life of the school, and has no place in a report, save as an indi­ cation, and a side light on the great progress the school is making. Miss Milliken teaches in the kindergarten, which numbers about 40 pupils, and conducts the normal kindergarten class. O f Bancho, which is in a crowded condition, most interesting things are told: How there is no more room ; imperative need of larger buildings, higher grade of scholarship, more teachers; how the best class of Japanese patronize the school; how inter­ ested the girls are in studies and teachers, and how loving and loyal to all the interests of the school. “ Glorious things of thee 16

are spoken,” and we are preparing to hear yet more in the pro­ posed enlargement. Mrs. True says: “ W e have over 300 names on our roll, and an average attendance of 240. O f these, 50 are kindergartners. “ O f the 40 pupils in the three upper classes, all but six are professing Christians, and in every one of the lower classes the leaven is found, and we hope that in due time the whole will be leavened. “ Besides regular school-work, three Sunday-schools are carried on by the teachers and older pupils, and regular assistance is given in four others. Instruction in caring for the sick has been given to a class of seven women.” The Training School for Nurses has been carried on with the Bancho school. A class of seven— the first class—were admitted by courtesy of the Japanese Hospital officials, to study and prac­ tice in their wards. These women have studied two years with Mrs. True; they are all Christians and will go out as nurses this year. Dr. Light has gone to complete the organization and carry this school on to the success which awaits it. This, owing to the crowded condition of Bancho and Dr. Light’s non­ acquaintance with the language, will necessarily be slow ; but the beginning has been made with hopeiul prospect of success. D a i M a c h e .— Miss West and Miss Alexander experimented with two hours of study in language each day of vacation, and report a restful, helpful summer. They left Y o k o h a m a , with a contract drawn for their new home to be finished September 1st. They returned to find not the first stone of the foundation laid, so a new contract was drawn, and house­ building and supervision added to school duties when they opened in September. The girls promised they would meet every Sunday for school and prayer-meeting. Although there was only one baptized Christian among them, the promise was faithfully kept, and these girls exercise a wholesome religious influence over the school, particularly the younger pupils. A ll the girls are ready to receive Christian teaching ; some come asking for it. This Dai Mache school is for young ladies, and was established by Mr. Okami. It is not strictly a mission school, but it is a recognized Christian school, and three ladies of the American Presbyterian Mission are regularly engaged in it. “ The number of pupils enrolled is 65, and the average attendance is 50. Bible lessons are given daily, and there is n general interest in Bible study. “ There are 10 professing Christians in the school. “ The Primary Department has become a flourishing school of about 200 members. “ In addition to school-work, Miss Alexander has a class of ladies of the nobility, who read the Bible and Christian books 17

with her. There is also a weekly knitting meeting, at which a Bible lesson is always given. Those who attend have formed a Benevolent Society, the fees of which are devoted to work among the poor people of the Church.” K a n a z a w a .— Miss Porter wants a new building for her largely increased number of pupils, and is advised by government authorities to raise the standard to eight years, after the Kinder­ garten. The revenue accruing from the present number of children will not admit of more teachers, which would be a necessity if the term of years were to exceed the six. Yet if the time is not extended, these little boys enter at once other schools, where they are not under a good influence, and the work of our school is in a measure undone. It becomes a keen trial to a teacher to send her little pupil, to whom she has become attached, “ out into heathendom again.” The tuition was increased this year, and the Governor endorsed the school by sending his daughter. In connection with this school, Miss Porter has two Sunday- schools of 50 and 100 pupils respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan have been assigned to Hiroshima, and Miss Cuthbert, who sailed in October from America, has joined them there. This field has not been represented in our Society heretofore, and we gladly make note of the event. Miss Cuthbert writes charmingly her first letter, and invites us by her very enthusiasm, to expect more letters, more work, more quickening in spiritual things, in this new quarter of Japan. Mrs. F. S. Curtis, daughter of Rev. A. T. Pierson, is our first representative in Osaka, to which she will bring a ripe education in missionary methods and requirements.

LAOS. Miss Westervelt has sent an interesting report of the Laos Girls’ Boarding School. At the beginning of the year the dormitories were enlarged so as to accommodate 25 pupils. “A decided class feeling has sprung up among the members of the school. Many evinced much pride in their standing while no reward of merit was either offered or awarded. The sewing department turned out more than 140 garments and 160 articles of bedding. The prospects for entering the new school building are very encouraging. It has been already used for service on Communion Sabbaths, the church being too small to accommodate even the communicants.” Three of the older scholars have made a public profession of faith in Christ. One of them had been waiting for more than a year under threat of being disowned should she take the step. The mother’s consent was at last given, but her visits to her 2 18 home are far from pleasant. The year was much broken by sickness of teachers and people. In July Miss Griffin was com­ pelled to leave Cheng Mai and return home to rest. Miss Westervelt accompanied her to Singapore, and then went to Bangkok to wait for the new missionaries. Whilst there she attended the king’s birthday party, and in writing of this event she asks for continued prayer for the conversion of the royal family of Siam. From the official report of the missions we learn that Mrs. McGilvary has been giving all the time and strength she could spare from domestic duties, to the translation of the Scriptures. “ During the year the Gospel of Matthew has been revised and about one-half of the book of Acts translated. This is all the completed translation of Scripture that the Laos have in their own dialect.” The money given years ago for printing the gospel in the Laos is thus bearing fruit. The long needed Boys’ School will be established in the near future under the care of Mr. Collins. Miss Belle Eakin left this country last fall and will assist Miss Westervelt in the Laos Girls’ School.

SIAM. Miss Van Eman, who started for Siam in October, 1887, has charge of the Boys’ School in Petchaburi. IS o report has been received. Mrs. Thompson writes of the birth of her little girl, and adds, “ you cannot realize what a comfort it is to us to know that loved ones in the home churches and societies are praying for us by name.” She tells of the continued good will and substantial aid of the King and nobles. In November last, Dr. and Mrs. Thompson visited the little town of Ratburee where the people received them gladly, attending the preaching services and availing themselves of Dr. Thompson’s medical skill. The Prime Minister of Siam has urged our missionaries to open a station there, but the men and means are wanting.


S e o u l .— The bondage of religious restriction is still upon Korea, calling for more faith and prayer on our part, and patient waiting and preparing of the way on the part of those in the field. Teaching the women in her own home as opportunity offers, Mrs. Heron sees large openings for work among the girls and women, and begs that a girls’ school shall be started and gome one sent out to take charge of it. Mrs. Allen has found it is but little missionary work the mother of two strong baby boys can do, especially as Korean nurses are not to be trusted. Sickness in the family and house­ 19 keeping, where it is no unusual experience “ to get up in the morning and find one side of the room fallen down,” make busy days in her life. But we can see through her letters a steady- light has been kept burning for the Lord in this home. Mrs. Allen is now in this country with her husband, who has been granted a furlough to act as Foreign Secretary in the Korean Embassy, chosen as “ the man who has the interest of the Koreans at heart.” The boys’ orphanage is gaining in favor with the Koreans of all classes.


B e i r u t Female Seminary reports through Miss Barber that the entire number of pupils enrolled during the year was 157. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Seminary was a joyous occasion. “ Memorial Hall was filled with former teachers and scholars. Historical and memorial addresses were interspersed with vocal and instrumental music.” The vacation was spent in the tasteful and commodious sum­ mer home so long anticipated. “ The prayers offered that doors of access to the Moslems might be opened, have been answered in a way that rebukes our want of faith.” Three boarding scholars and seven little ones in the da}r-school have been “ led to conform to school rules. Moslem women also come quite frequently to visit us.” Miss Barber, in writing of her progress in the study of Arabic, says that three times in the week she conducted prayers in the school-room. “ I cannot express my own ideas yet, but I can glean from printed prayers, arrange and commit them, and I am thankful to do even that. If it were not that I did it ‘ in His name,’ I could not have made the effort at first.” Last May Miss Everett returned to America to enjoy a well- earned rest. Mrs. Gerald Dale writes of the great amount of sickness and suffering in Beirut, among those who would gladly earn their living but cannot find work. Of her work among the women she says “ there is nothing so satisfying as to work among them.” Mrs. W. W. Eddy tells of serious sickness in her family. The two daughters were ill for many weeks, requiring the con­ stant care and attention of their mother. From Syria we have received a full report of the village schools. The many interesting items given by Mrs. W . K. Eddy cannot be fully reported here, but from most of these twenty- three centres of Christian influence we hear words of encourage­ ment and hope for the future. Mrs. Eddy says, The teachers in a village school have a very influential position among the people, and we hope that you will always remember them as needing prayer.” 20

Miss Brown has sent a full report of Sidon Seminary from which we quote words which cannot fail to cheer the many friends of that honored institution. “ The school opened in October with 45 boarding pupils and a daily attendance of 40 girls in the day school.” Six of the teachers are graduates of the Seminary, and two graduates of the Syrian Protestant College are employed to teach some of the higher classes. “ At the Thursday noon prayer- meetings all the girls take part and lead in prayer. The teachers have prayer-meetings with Mrs. Eddy and by themselves, and they show in many ways that they are advancing in the spiritual life.” There is nothing more encouraging than to hear of the growth of the missionary spirit in missionary lands, and we are glad to learn that six of our Question Books have been translated into Arabic, and are committed to memory by the pupils in Sidon Seminary. “ Once a month the classes are examined by Mrs. Eddv and additional information is given on mission work in all lands.” During the summer vacation Miss Eddy and Miss Brown visited many of the villages, and found the homes of former pupils opened to them freely and gladly. It was found that they had been teaching to others the truths that they had learned in Sidon Seminary. Miss H. M. Eddy tells of a letter from the Greek Bishop at Hums, expressing his appreciation of Sidon Seminary. His good opinion was proved by the removal of his niece from the Semin­ ary to place her as a teacher in one of the Greek schools. Miss Eddy says, “ I cannot decide whether to grieve over it or con­ sider it a providence. It does not seem to me that she can grow spiritually. Pray for her.” W e are so often distressed by the accounts of sickness among our missionaries that it is more than comforting to have Miss Eddy say that she has not had a day’s sickness for twelve years. In writing of her own work Mrs. W. K. Eddy says: “ W e have been trying to do a little for our people socially.” Then follows an interesting account of the success of their efforts in this direction. “ The people are easily pleased and this makes it pleasant to have them. W e hope it will help to draw them near us.” O f her labors among Moslem women, she tells us that the re-opening of the class is very encouraging both in regard to numbers and the way in which they have remembered the in­ struction of the previous winter. Mrs. Pond writes from Suk-el-Ghurb, telling of the birth of a little daughter, followed three weeks later by her death. “ Short as the life of our darling was, it was not without its influence on this people. They thought it very strange that we should be so happy over the birth of a girl when we already had three girls 21 and only one boy. A daughter of one of our Protestants in Abeih, died at the same age only a short time before and was buried without even a prayer or a hymn for ‘ it was only a girl not worth mentioning.’ ” A society for Christian Endeavor has created much interest among the young people in Suk-el-Ghurb. Many are willing and ready to assist in conducting the meetings. In a more recent letter Mrs. Pond tells of the ceaseless round of home duties, the education of her children, calls from the natives, and entertaining guests. The training school this year numbers 87 in all. Mr. Pond reports that 6 pupils have been admitted to the communion of the Church. The majority are sons of Protestant parents and have been under training for at least a year. It is a fact worthy of notice that the Druze ele­ ment in the school has become quite considerable. This year there are six lads from the family of the religious Sheikh of the Druzes. This means a new departure. “ The Druzes are no longer willing to abide in inexcusable ignorance and out of sym­ pathy with the awakening world around them.” Mrs. F. W . March, of Tripoli, gives an account of her new home by the sea, two miles from the other missionaries, but very pleasant and healthful. The inhibitants are much simpler, more bigoted and superstitious than the Tripolitans, so that “ it is like coming to another community to live among them.”


T e h e r a n .— In the new mission quarters at Teheran the build­ ing for the Girls’ School has greatly added comfort and facilities. A large, bright school-room, furnished with desks, brings an appreciation only to be realized by those who have labored years without such an outfit. A newly arranged course of study in English, and the entering upon a system of collecting nominal payments from such pupils as can afford to pay something for their education, Miss Schenck writes are new departures for the school. Great progress has been made by the scholars in the sewing department; many have learned to complete neatly-made garments with “ such sewing as would mortify the average Ameri­ can girl.” Two girls united with the church during the year and half of the school give evidence of being Christians. Miss Dale speaks very tenderly of the loveliness of the lives of these children, comparing them to “ little singing streams.” From Mrs. Potter we hear of house-to-house visiting, a Bible lesson every morning and regular engagements to teach or lead meetings half the days in each week, and many little offices and works of love which come in the way of willing hearts. O r o o m ia h .— The Girls’ School at Oroomiah reports 51 scholars. Seven of these were new pupils from the Koordistan 22

Mountains. Death took one, but not before she had received “ a good hope of Christ.” A satisfactory branch of this work has been a short course of study given to the teachers of the village schools to better prepare them for their teaching. The work among the Nestorian women deepens in interest under the care of Mrs. Shedd and Mrs. Dr. Cochran. Meet­ ings were held for the deaconesses of the village churches. The women went away aroused to greater zeal and faithfulness in the work of saving souls. Rachel, the Bible woman, was called to assist in the Girls’ School in Tabriz. Her place has been filled by Lava, a widow, a former pupil of Miss Fiske. She has visited over forty villages and everywhere was warmly welcomed. Her reports make very clear the need of more faith­ ful house-to-house labor in the smaller villages where there are no helpers stationed. She reached many for the first time, and in other places found great faithfulness in Christian women alone, struggling to keep their light burning, unable to read, and with no one to teach or help them. The dark side of the work among these women is their indiffer­ ence in regard to the education of girls. Mothers who deny them­ selves every comfort and almost the necessities of life to educate their sons, leave their daughters untaught. While the Boys’ School and the College are overflowing, the girls seeking an edu­ cation in the village schools are comparatively few and poorly prepared to enter the Seminary, although there are many more applicants to the latter than it is possible to admit. Mrs. Mechlin and Mrs. McDowell have been added to the West Persia Mission, arriving early in October. Mrs. McDowell, in Oroomiah, as she looks at the need of more workers and the willingness of the people to receive, “ cannot understand why consecrated young people do not throng these empty fields.” She is glad to lighten the burden o f the workers, which has already been added to by the departure of those who must go to recruit health, by taking charge of a sewing class and of the stores of wool and cotton provided to be given out to the poor famine suf­ ferers to spin and weave. A system of relief has been organized by the ladies to meet the demands of the destitute and starving ones Avho come begging from the mountains to their doors, putting such in the way of helping themselves. S a lm a s .—Mrs. Mechlin is stationed at Salmas and is already planning, while she is busily acquiring the language, for her future work among the Avomen in their homes.


G a b o o n .— With the co-operation of French teachers, sent out by the Evangelical Society of Paris, at the request of the Mksion, the schools at Gaboon and Kangwe are to be re-opened. This is 23

glad news to Mrs. Ogden and Mrs. Good, returned to these fields, in good health, refreshed by the home visit, and with willing hearts for the work. From Mrs. Gault we hear of the weekly prayer-meetings held among the women of the adjacent towns, and of her thankfulness for the encouragement in this work. Ilati, a Bible-reader for over fifteen years in Corisco, and for the past year in Gaboon, has been called to her reward. She earnestly sought in life to bring others into the salvation to which she gave dying testimony. Mrs. Gault says of her: “ I have lost a friend.” Mrs. Gault is coming home this year. B e n i t a .— The Girls’ School has been disbanded as a necessary step to lessen the strain upon the Benita workers, after an unbroken service of almost seven years. “ I need not tell you,” writes Mrs. De Heer, “ there will be no lack of work, but the constant wearing pressure incident upon the care of girls in this land will be removed, and we trust strength gained for longer service.” Nearly all the girls dismissed had received sufficient education to fit them for any position they will be called to occupy. Four of these have united with the church. Several others are married and keeping house. O f the others, those who are in reach of the station come on Wednesday of each week and spend a few hours under the instruction of Mr3. Reutlinger. The time has not yet come to employ educated girls in service here. Five of the girls were kept because they did not yet know how to read. They are making good progress in their studies, and having a taste for and skill in the art of caring for the sick and administering of remedies, have done much in that important branch of missionary work for the suffering around them. “ The Boys’ School has been full all the year. The new school books in the vernacular, which Mr. De Heer has translated, have proved a great benefit, and are arousing the latent mental powers o f the children into active exercise. Hitherto they have been noted principally for their powerful memories, now they will learn to think. Six members of our church have been called to the church above ; all died in the faith, and some of them in full triumph ; when near the end one said, ‘ Now you can teach me no more; Jesus has sent to me to come, and He will be my Teacher.’ ” L i b e r i a .— Mrs. Nourse has several times, during the year, taken the necessary forty miles’ journey to post the report of the school. Her scholars are few in number, but she is encouraged by their progress, and rejoices in the conversion of two native boys and two sons. At Glima, Liberia, among the Yeys, a school has been started during the past year by Mr. T. H. Roberts. Mr. Roberts is a native Vey, educated in the Lincoln University. Eight boys and two girls have already been admitted, and there is every indication that the Board’s limit for the school (15 scholars) will soon be reached. A boys’ dormitory is one of the pressing needs. T a l a g u g a .— There has been a wonderful awakening during the past year among the tribes along the Ogovi, and Miss Nassau meets among the men and women and children who gather to the meetings, many old friends, made when she used to travel from town to town. These people have good voices, and the praise of their services rises in wonderful bursts of melody. A Mite Society here supports its own Bible-reader. Miss Nassau is thankful that she always has some one to teach. Little boys of distant or nearer tribes, and young men who live with her brother, come in the evening to recite to her. With her daily round of duties she superintends a boy cook ; and a new hand at the little printing press, as he strikes off the sheets of another Primer; never intermitting the loving service of mothering “ little Mollie.” SOUTH AMERICA.

The Collegio Americano of Sao Paulo, under the care of Miss Kuhl and Miss Dascomb, reports that the past year has been one of steady progress. “ It is now one of the oldest and best established schools in that city. O f the thirty girls who have been enrolled during the year, twenty-one have been sup­ ported or helped by mission funds.” Six of these are now at work, teaching in schools at Caldas, Botacutu, Brotas, Sorocabo, and Rio de Janeiro, and the day-school at Sao Paulo. The pupils are all taught domestic work. This branch of instruction finds favor with the planters, who know that in a few years they will' have no slaves, and consequently think it well to have their daughters taught to work. Dress-making has been added to the list of accomplishments, and the girls are enthusiastic about it. There is an ever-growing interest in mission work, and the children are learning to lead in prayer as well as to labor for Christ. A paper issued by the Band is named 0 Mission,ario Juvenil. It is doing a good work in creating an interest in the cause of Missions. The day-school has grown too large for its present quarters, and has overflowed into the side rooms of the church. Many pupils have been refused admittance for want of room. “ There is an increased interest in Bible study. Religiously, Brazil is now where England was at the time of the Reformation. Everywhere discussion is heard on the doctrines of the Romish Church, and it is necessary that Christian pupils should be ever ready to give a reason for the hope that is in them.” Miss Kuhl says, “ Our work is growing more and more interesting. Some o f our first pupils are married, and from their homes come letters full of love and tenderness, which cheer our hearts. For them 25 we still pray.” In January, Miss Kuhl returned home for a year of rest. During her absence, her place is filled by Miss Hender­ son of the Southern Presbyterian Mission. Of Miss Dascomb, we hear that “ she is well and as cheerful as ever. She needs a vacation but does not realize it herself.” Miss Phebe Thomas sends a report of her work in the Kinder­ garten school in which she is assisted by Miss Mary Lenington. There are now 33 children in the school. The tuition has been increased, and Miss Thomas hopes in time to have the school on a better financial basis. She says, “ The Kindergarten is thor­ oughly under way, and the home life is a success. Miss Mary Lenington has a Sunday afternoon class of colored women who would otherwise be running the streets. Dona Maraquinhas, who studied with me, is our Brazilian assistant, and lives with us.” Miss Lenington, after an absence of six years, returned to Sao Paulo. Miss Thomas writes: “ I have such a sense of cour­ age and comfort when I look at her and think how long I have wanted her, and that now she is really here.” Last August, Mrs. J. B. Howell wrote from Sao Paulo of their expectation of moving to a new home in the province of Brotas, where Mr. Howell has been laboring for three years. Some months later the change was made, and they are now living at Jhu. When writing from Sao Paulo, Mrs. Howell says: “ What leisure I have had from home duties and outside calls, I have given to the translation of a Bible Dictionary, which, however, is too great an undertaking to allow me to feel that I have done anything but make a very small beginning.” Mrs. J . M. Kyle, of R io de Janeiro, tells of years of physi­ cal suffering, which have made it impossible for her to do much work outside of her own home. She says: “ I often wonder what my work in life is to b e ; if it is to ‘ wait on the Lord, be of good courage.’ ‘ They also serve who only stand and wait.’ ” The work in Rio is progressing. The church has so far this year, more than paid the native pastor’s salary, and is about to employ a man as colporteur and Bible-reader. The Sabbath- school is well attended. From Bogota, United States of Colombia, we hear through Mrs. Caldwell, that the work at present looks encoura­ ging. The congregations are very large, and several persons are inquiring the way of life. The ladies’ prayer-meeting has been very interesting of late, with new evidence of the Master’s pres­ ence and power. The Mission Band is composed of young girls, with many of the mothers, and the greatest interest is manifested in the work. The Collegio Americano reports an enrollment of 60 pupils. “ The Bible Class is of more than usual interest. The public 26

examinations gave satisfaction to all. Many of the Bible lessons were repeated, and one hundred questions on the first chapters of the gospel of St. John were answered.” The entire Shorter Cate­ chism, with proof texts, was recited by one class. Some of the girls are seriously thinking about their salvation, and of the duty of confessing Christ. “ The entire work has never seemed so encouraging as at present. The seed which has been sown for so many years, is now springing up and bringing forth fruit.” Several changes have taken place in the Mission. About a year ago, Miss Franks, with the deepest regret, decided that her health demanded her return to this country. Mrs. Caldwell, in speaking of this great loss to the Mission, says: “ We were all made very sad by the continued ill health of Miss Franks, and later by her departure for the home land. She was much beloved here, and we miss very much her quiet, Christian influ­ ence and sisterly companionship.” Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell left Bogota about the first of April, to spend a year at home, in search of health and rest. Mr. and Mrs. Candor have returned to Bogota, and so the work will be carried on as heretofore. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson, formerly of Africa, are now settled in their new home near Valparaiso, Chili. Mr. and Mrs. Lester are at Santiago, but no communications have yet been received from them.


Mexico City.— The Girls’ School re-opened in October, under its new Principal, Miss Bartlett, with 40 scholars, 23 boarders, and 17 day pupils. These quite fill the house, so that others applying for admittance were necessarily turned away. When we realize that these disappointed girls come from wretched homes and debased parents, and with a desire and hope of learn­ ing better things, we can appreciate all that is meant in this turning away, and sympathize with Miss Bartlett in this hard part of her duty. She finds a great difference between the girls Mrs. Hamilton has had for some time in the school and those who have newly entered, and takes courage in the effect of train­ ing in the older ones, and also in the responsive and obedient natures of even the undisciplined. There are four grades in the school, and if the building would but accommodate them, double the number of pupils might be in each grade without an increase in the teaching force. Z a c a t e c a s .— Dona Celestina, our Bible reader, continues her visits to the needy in body and spirit, with fidelity and untiring activity. No report has come from the Zacatecas school, but we know the good work is going on under the care of Miss Maria Picardo, a graduate of the Girls’ School in Mexico City. S a l t i l l o . — The Boys’ boarding-school, formerly known as the Church school, is in operation and well attended.

NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. During the year just closed several changes have been made in our work among the Indians. Mrs. Trippe has left the Cattaraugus Reservation and is now living on the Allegheny Reservation in New York State. This removal was advised by the Board of Foreign Missions, and Mrs. Trippe speaks of her regret when parting with those for whom she has labored, as much as her strength permitted, during six years. As we see the farewell words of some of the Indian women, we read between the lines and realize how much good can be done by the uncon­ scious influence of a Christian woman. One of them said: “ Mrs. Trippe, I feel that you have helped us more by your sympathy and prayers than you could have helped us had you been strong.” These wTords brought needed encouragement and hope. Miss S. L. McBeth writes from Mt. Idaho that “ the design of her school is to try to raise up a native ministry and trained elders, who will be leaders in Christian civilization. None are received in the school who do not promise usefulness in Church work. God has given the school success. Our ‘ boys ’ are all married men. The work with their wives is entirely distinct and separate and not during the school hours of the men. Last April two were licensed to preach the gospel and several months later five others took charge of churches as regularly installed pastors. This school being outside of the Reservation the Indian De­ partment at Washington does not interfere with Miss McBeth’s plans, which is to her and to us a cause for thanksgiving. Miss Kate McBeth writes from Mt. Idaho of her very inter­ esting class of 12 married women. Although too old to learn rapidly, their determination to read the Bible in their own tongue helps them to attain their desire for knowledge. They are “ godly women,” often “ surprising their teacher by their spiritual discernment.” In speaking of the industrial work, an animated description is given of the first attempt to make a white woman’s dress; it seemed " 1 ” 1 “ 1 the pupil. Miss McBeth air, the dignity with which the women sit now at the window, using the sewing machine ! ” Last fall the mission at Poplar Creek, among the Dakota In­ dians, was abandoned. With great reluctance and sad hearts Miss Dickson and Miss McCreight left the work which they had carried on for seven years. Recently they have left us after 28 spending some months in the East, to begin a new work and find a new home at Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota. Their purpose is to engage in house to house visitation. They deserve our intelligent sympathy in this new undertaking. Since the last Annual Report was presented we have lost our two faithful missionaries, Miss Diament and Miss Ramsey, by the transfer of the school at Wewoka to the Board of Home Missions. Although no longer under our care they still have a place in our hearts. THE CHINESE IN CALIFORNIA.

Los A n g e l e s . — Mrs. Condit is more hopeful for the work among the Chinese women at Los Angeles than at any time since she entered upon it. The disastrous fires in this town did not work altogether for evil, and new Chinatown is a decided improvement on the old. Families live to themselves. Three families are Christian, the women having been members of the Methodist Home in San Francisco. Six women, with their children, attended the last Presbyterial meeting. San Francisco.— Six years ago, Miss Cable began her work among the better class of Chinese children, having only one little girl at that time under her care. Now she reports one hundred in her charge, and instead of having to beg the privilege of teaching them in their homes, she is daily reproached for not making more frequent visits to one and another. This year her heart has gone out particularly to the children in the depraved part of Chinatown. A class of five little girls has been gathered here, each with a sad story of slavery and training for evil life. Miss Cable finds children of tender years kept at constant labor under the cruelest treatment, and mourns over the darkness of this enlightened land, that such things are permitted to be. One of these burdened little ones has been rescued, and placed in the Mission Home, under the influence of Christian love and training. No report has come from the Mission Home or Chinese School in San Francisco. MEDICAL MISSIONS. “ The Place and Power of Medical Missions ” in this Society is well known. Always heartily endorsed by us, we commend to you our five students now in college, preparing to enter missionary service, and the three physicians in the field. It is one of our opportunities to watch that the demand for medical skill, increasing each year, is met by an adequate supply, that there may be no falling off in this service, which is doubly blest. Want of space in the report forbids the mention of much in the letters that is interesting, and the hopeful features of the 29 work of the present year lie not so much in the large number sent out, although we thank God for this, or in other statistical data, as in those interesting personal histories of pupils, of faith­ fulness in little things, of adherence to the truth under persecu­ tion, of intelligent comprehension of truth, of sacrifices made to add knowledge to their faith. Not so much in the fact that a given Sabbath-school has been regularly attended, as in the more luminous fact that in several instances the great principle of Sabbath observance has been brought in question by sincere converts, who would keep the Sabbath, but cannot reconcile it with the perfectly legitimate worldly affairs in which they are engaged. Not even so much in additions to the church as in the assur­ ance that but for caste and fear of persecution scores are ready to enroll themselves as Christ’s followers, whose lives bear witness that they are hid with Him, though they cannot openly confess Him. Our encouragement lies not more in the pious lives of the few who do confess Him, than in the sublime quality of faith and trust displayed in the dying hour, the memory of which, in many instances, spreads like a heavenly benediction over a school or family. Not so impressive is it to us that a Chinese girl has committed the four Gospels to memory, as that she has been willing to have her feet unbound to enter our schools; nor that women fly from homes where they know nothing but abuse, imploring admittance to a Christian school, as that six out of a class of half a score, having finished their studies, devote themselves to missionary work among their own country-women. These are the results for which we look, for these mean that the conflict between superstition and intelligence has been waged, and intelligence has won. From this point of view, the year just passed is our most hopeful and inspiring one. For these signs of the stirring of thought among the people, more apparent each year, surely pre­ sage that day when many, coming “ with one accord in one place,” minor difficulties shall disappear before the propulsive power of a common enthusiasm and belief, our God shall triumph, and the day of rejoicing and reward shall dawn.

M r s . C. N. T h o r p e , M r s . C. E. M o r r i s , M is s S. AY. Du Bois, Foreign Secretaries. 30

HOME DEPARTMENT. Bringing your thoughts home from the long journeys to which the pen of our foreign secretaries have invited them, we ask you for a few minutes to consider another side of the work, ques­ tioning as you listen whether here in the home land there has been the same consecration, the same readiness for service, the same faithfulness to the trust committed to our care that we ex­ pect and find in our workers over the sea,

CONTRIBUTIONS AND APPROPRIATIONS. When the message was sent to us from the Annual Assembly at Cleveland a year ago, “ Speak to the children of Israel that they go forward ” the word was echoed all along the line, and in hearts and homes, in bands and societies large things were planned. The call for 81,000,000 for Foreign Missions from the General Assembly at Omaha was an added stimulus, and all through the year we have been watching with eager interest to see whether “ Our Share of the Million ” was coming in. From one and another of the Presbvterial Societies the spring meetings brought glad reports of advance in contributions, while like a minor strain with an undertone of apology a few confessed that they had fallen behind. O f the final result our treasurer’s re­ port has told the story. $20,000 advance on last year’s contributions marks progress for which we rejoice with thanksgiving; but it falls short of the 29 per cent, aimed at. Was too much asked of us, or have we failed in the privilege of giving? In connection with this subject we would call attention to the appropriation of funds. One of our Presbyterial Secretaries tells of a child who, on looking over the annual report, remarked, “ It seems to take a great deal of money to support General Fund.” Indeed it does, and we are glad to see an increased will­ ingness on the part of auxiliaries and bands to unite in the sup­ port of so worthy an object. There may be just as real and personal interest in particular missionaries and particular fields, yes, in all missionaries and all fields when the appropriation of money contributed is left to the discretion of the Board. But we are sorry to know of some “ Special Objects ” being relinquished from an unwillingness on the part of societies to pledge them- Belves for a definite amount.

GIFTS RECEIVED. Among the pleasant things to be noted in the experiences of the year are two gifts received at our rooms, a type writer, which 31

is doing good service in copying letters for the use of auxiliaries, and a handsome fire-proof safe in which our valuable papers may be securely stored. Both of these generous gifts have come to us in such a way that we could not feil to recognize in them our Father’s loving care, “ knowing what things we have need of.”

PRESBYTERIAL SOCIETIES. The word that comes to us from the Presbyterial Societies is in almost every case cheerful. Faithful work on the part of officers and ready response from auxiliaries has wrought good results. Where such personal oversight has been impossible or neglected, the effect is noticeable in the languor and inefficiency of the auxiliaries. One of the Secretaries writes: “ We are growing in the knowledge of the work to be done abroad and at home ; we are losing our timidity and self-distrust; but above all, we are learning that we must be about our Father’s business ; that if the fire be within us it must burn and spread. We see that, small as our work is, it is helping to bring in the kingdom of our Lord, and I believe that next year we shall do more, give more and pray more than ever before.’’ We are told of one society holding its annual meeting in the midst of the severe ice storm of March. “ We were thrown upon our own resources, but our Master tarried with us while we met, and I know there were women so aroused that they will never again be among the ‘ care­ less daughters who are at ease in Zion.’ ” Some of the Presby­ terial Societies are feeling the inspiring influence which comes from the sending of one or more from their own territory to the foreign field. OCCIDENTAL BOARD. Just here we would speak of the work of the Occidental Board. With some peculiar difficulties to be met with in their work, and so remote from the centre that they lose the quickening influence of constant and easy communication with their associates, they have grand opportunities which they are not neglecting. One of the officers has sent out between five and six thousand copies of the “ Mute Appeal for Foreign Missions,” feeling sure “ that it would educate more effectively than talking.” The work is grow­ ing on the Pacific Coast and the number of auxiliaries increasing. The tender care and kind farewell that the ladies of the Board give to our missionaries sailing from San Francisco, and the welcome always ready for those returning from their fields, is a help for which we are constantly grateful.

NORTH PACIFIC BOARD. In October the Woman’s North Pacific Presbyterian Board of Missions was organized. This withdraws from our connection 32

the societies included in the Synod of Columbia. W e are sorry to part with them and regret any increase in the number of Boards, but as the step has been taken with the approval of the Presbytery and Synod, we can only wish our sisters of the North Pacific an affectionate God-speed, with the hope that their ex­ pectations of inci*eased efficiency may be realized.

AUXILIARIES. W e have received the names of 31 new Auxiliaries within the year. The number looks small, but many of our Presbyteries are so fully organized that further growth in numbers must be slow. We welcome most cordially Auxiliaries in some weak churches, not yet self-supporting, assuring them of our confident expectation that in reaching out a helping hand to others they will themselves gain strength and blessing. A Society of native Christian women organized some years ago at Gaboon, West Africa, has this year asked to be recog­ nized a? an Auxiliary.

YOUNG p e o p l e ’s WORK. Perhaps we may be excused if tempted to linger a little upon this part of our subject. That the hope of the age and of the Church is in its children and youth is an exceedingly trite remark, frequently uttered at missionary meetings and tem­ perance conventions; but when our last Annual Report gives the names of over 1100 Young People’s Societies aud Bands, with offerings amounting to more than So5,000, we are inclined- to claim for the youth of the Church not only future hope, but considerable present strength. One hundred and ninety new Bands have been reported since the first of April of last year. The Presbytery of Los Angeles, where two years ago there were only nine bands, now reports 37, with 1830 members. We ask you to watch the lists of new Bands as they appear from month to month in our magazines, welcoming them and their leaders to a place in your love and your prayers. The names may sometimes excite a smile, but if Missionary Twigs blos­ som and bear fruit, and Young America Mission Clubs fill their mite boxes with money dug from the coal mines of Pennsylvania mountains, we will not object to their chosen names; and Sunbeams and Twinkling Stars, Brilliants and Harbor Lights “ shining for Jesus” may their radiance very far. The careful effort that has been expended on the education of the young people gathered in our Bands is bearing its fruit. From Ohio a Presbyterial President writes: “ We are encouraged by the development in our young people. As the mother rejoices in the womanliness of her daughters, so we in those we have seen [ da ' r — / y growing up under our hand. This spring at our Presbylerial’S/ 0 j Meeting one of these young girls will lead ¿he Young People’s J Hour, and those gathered there will be a$&r

PUBLICATIONS. Vital to the life of our Society are its magazines. I f we let them lie alongside of our Bibles, and read the prophecy or com­ mand in one and the fulfillment in the pages of the other, our faith is strengthened. If in our missionary work we need con­ stant help, we find it in these monthly magazines, and whether it be news from the field, encouragement for ourselves, or instruc­ tion for beginners, we never turn to their pages in vain. You know them well, and not a word of recommendation is needed by you, but what of the great majority of- women and children in our churches who are without these helps and this stimulus to missionary effort? It is for them we bespeak your earnest, faith­ ful, all-the-year-round assistance; your hearty commendation is what is needed, and we unhesitatingly ask it. No stirring letter urging you to this has been sent out during the past year. Have you been looking for one? Did you want one, when every number of your magazine laid on you the responsibility of pub­ lishing the good tidings? Yet why is it that our sisters of other denominations are outstripping us in the length of their subscrip­ tion lists ? Cannot Presbyterian women do as well and as much as any women ? For

w o m a n ’s WORK FOR WOMAN AND OUR MISSION FIELD, this has been in some sense a test year. The newer magazines, The Church at Home and Abroad, and The Home Mission Monthly, have been brought prominently forward, and rightly so, in all our churches. The General Assembly laid it upon the pastors to see to the circulation of the “ consolidated magazine,” through the length and breadth of our land, and nobly have they done 3 34 their work. Now they will be at liberty to push W o m a n ’s W o r k , and they will do it if we present the matter to them in its true light. Let us not fail to do this thing. The regular edition of Woman's W ork is 15,000, the subscription list standing at almost the same figure as last year. The general arrangement of the magazine remains unchanged because it is found to be good, but it is our aim to increase the efficiency of the' Home Department by more practical hints and suggestions to the home workers. To this end we invite you to share the best things that can be gathered from the experience of all our auxiliaries, by each sending your own to the editor in New York; not long articles, but the new ideas and the latest inventions that you have found useful. Because it is greater efficiency that we desire, more perfect work for the Master, we aim at a circulation of 20,000 copies of our woman’s magazine; the missionary spirit would be quickened and entirely new agencies set to Avork for foreign missions by the addition of five thousand readers; the thousands of such already enlisted in our forty-seven states and territories are a grand force to work with. Now let us work.

c h i l d r e n ’s w o r k f o r c h i l d r e n . The loving messages that come to the editor from her little readers are all the assurance that can be needed that our little magazine has found a large place for itself. We have heard of one band in which a condition of membership is a subscription to Chil­ dren’s Work, and in many of the bands an agent or committee is appointed to secure subscribers. W e can think of no better Christmas present, to be obtained at so small expense, for Sab- bath-school scholars or little friends, than a year’s subscription to Children’s Work, while the bound volumes are a handsome ad­ dition to any library and, with their wealth of illustrations, in­ valuable in band work. From December the magazine has been enlarged by the ad­ dition of four pages, giving now twenty pages, filled from be­ ginning to end with helpful and interesting matter. The promise of the prospectus published on the cover of the December number is being more than fulfilled. The first of the quarterly concert exercises appeared in April, and we are sure that this feature of the year’s plan meets a want felt in many Sabbath-schools. The Children’s W ork Literary Club is proving very popular, the only objection to its rules being made by young readers both above and below the limit of age at finding themselves counted out. The plan of study marked out will make the names of Adoniram Judson, Robert Moffatt and other missionary heroes household words in many Presbyterian homes, and will certainly develop and encourage a taste for missionary literature. 35

The proposed publication of a Hymn Book for Mission Bands, under the auspices of Children’s Work, has been postponed for the present. A Missionary Hymnal has recently been issued by the Woman’s Board of the Interior, which we are glad to com­ mend to our Bands. Further notice of it will appear soon in the magazines.

LEAFLETS. Since the presentation of the last Annual Report the Commit­ tee on Leaflets has been constantly engaged in the pleasant labor of issuing new publications and re-printing old ones. It is a source of wonderment when we receive orders for leaflets that we supposed had been known and read by all Christian women. Not long since we met a missionary worker who had “ never heard of Mrs. Pickett.” Several times when such publications as Giving Lake a Little Child and The Strange but True Story have been out of print, demands have come so urgent and pressing that a new edition has been issued. During the year we have printed 23,000 copies of former publications, and 93,000 in all. The first new publication of the year was Foreign Mission’s Rightful Share, a paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of 1887. To the Board of the Northwest we are indebted for the excellent leaflet Helping Together with Prayer, and to the Board of New York for the pleasing story of Five Cents in a Teacup. Who among us is not familiar with Our Share and Your Share t I f there is one perplexed mind we trust that all will be made clear by the explanation that the former was written to set forth clearly just how much money the Board of Foreign Missions expected this Society to raise during the year which closes to-day; 15,000 copies were printed, and the result may be ascer­ tained from the Treasurer’s report. Your Share was read at Cleveland by Miss Evans, of Painesville, and is admirably adapted to reach the young women of our land. In the fall a circular letter was sent out to all our organiza­ tions telling of the work for the year. At the same time an article on our Special Objects was printed entitled Supply and Demand. A t the request of the Prayer Meeting Committee a leaflet was written for use in connection with the services during the Week of Prayer. Those who have read What Ye Will know its value and that it is good for every week and every day of the year. Leaders of Mission Bands already know the merits of The Boys’ Side of the Question. Our latest publication is on Medical Missions, and no one can fail to be interested in the resume there given. The leaflet, Prayer for Missionaries, brings to our thoughts a new departure in the work for the past year. A Calendar for 1888 was prepared containing the names of all the missionaries of the Board of Foreign Missions with an appro­ 36 priate quotation for each day in the year. Nearly the whole edition was sold, and gratifying words concerning it have come to us from all parts of the world. So much has been said hereto­ fore on this subject that we will only express our hope that the Calendar has helped some of us to “ Show forth His salvation from day to day.” You have noticed in the Treasurer's Report the gratifying statement that the sale of these publications has fully paid the expense of printing and postage on the Annual Reports, Question Books, Leaflets and Calendars, leaving a balance of $30.60 in the Treasury.

PKAYER AND SPECIAL MEETINGS. We are told that in the Alpine Club ropes a scarlet thread is hidden among the strands as an evidence of its genuineness and strength. So twining in and out through all phases of our work we would be sure that the “ praying always ” is never for­ gotten ; prayer for the workers abroad and at home; prayer for the children who must soon be, nay are already, workers; prayer for the uninterested in our own land, and for the souls dying without Christ in heathen lands. W e are glad to hear of new voices taking up the cry, and we know that in many homes, at family altar and in the closet the burden is brought constantly to the feet of Jesus. The Simultaneous Missionary Meetings held in November through New Jersey, and some parts of Pennsylvania and other states, brought very precious experiences. In one letter we read: “ I have taken pains to write to various places, to inquire as to the character of their meetings. The response is unanimous as to the deepening of interest. In many of our churches special effort was made to bring in those who have hitherto held aloof from the work. The full churches with the tide of interest rising higher to the close of the day speak for themselves.” Interest was added to these meetings by the presence of re­ turned missionaries, the secretaries of the Board, and other speakers; but where no outside help could be received the gather­ ings were very richly blessed. The result is seen in the organi­ zation of new auxiliaries and bands, in the enlisting of indifferent hearts and in spiritual blessings which cannot be recorded in words.

CLOSING MESSAGE. From the headquarters at Philadelphia your officers would send the loving message to every Presbyterial Society, Auxiliary and Band. Be sure always of our sympathy and interest in your work; write to us fully and freely; tell us of your diffi­ 37 culties and your successes; come when you can to our monthly meetings and prayer meetings, that you may learn more of the work, and that we may meet you face to face; co-operate with us in all our efforts to circulate literature, to fill our treasury, to increase intelligence and interest in the work. But we would go farther and with tenderest yearning would send a personal message to every woman and child whom wre can reach through you, with the reminder that the work must he a personal one, that unless each one takes up her share of the burden something will be missing in the grand whole.

“ Go make thy garden fair as thou canst, Thou workest never alone; Perchance he whose plot is next to thine, W ill see it and mend his own.

“ And the next may copy his, sweetheart, Till all grows fair and sweet, And when the Master comes at eve, Happy faces His coming will greet.

“ And then thy joy will be full, sweetheart, In thy garden so fair to see, In thy M aster’s word of praise for all And a look of His own for thee.”

F a n n y U . JSTe l s o n , For the Home Secretaries, TREASURER’S REPORT.

Mrs. Julia M. Fishburn, Treasurer,

In account with the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church.

1887. D r . April 20. To B alance,...... $ 8 58 “ “ special appropriations, Medical Fund, $1,448 90 “ “ “ “ Training-school, Japan, 2,725 02 4,173 92 1888. April 20. To Cash receipts from Auxiliaries, Bands Sabbath-schools and individuals 8147,555 85 Legacies,...... 1,204 00 Interest on Medical Fund, . . . 625 00 Interest on Deposits,...... 255 21 ------149,640 06

$153,822 56

1888. CR. April 20. By Cash paid W m . Rankin, Treasurer Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, . . $147,051 85 “ special appropriations beyond estimates, . . 1,395 34 “ expenses of Medical Students,...... 1,452 69 “ salary of Gen’l Sec’y, 53 Fifth ave., N. Y ., 242 00 “ stationery,...... 4tt 08 “ postage,. 98 75 “ express, advertising and office expenses, . . 236 85 “ salary of Treasurer,...... 800 00 By special appropriations held, Medical Fund, $1,093 02 “ “ “ Training-school, Japan, 1,410 02 2,503 04 By Balance in Treasurer’s hands, 1 96

$153,822 56

Pr in tin g . To Cash, sales of publications,...... $1,300 69 By Cash, paid for printing and postage on Sev­ enteenth Annual Report, Question Books, Leaflets, Calendars, etc., . 1,270 09

Balance to credit of Printing account, . $30 60

Examined and found correct, Emily J. Posey, S a ra h W . D ü Bois, Finance Committee. P h ila d e lp h ia , A p r il 30, 1888. 39




[Those marked with an (*) are at home.

Mrs. M. F. Trippe, Seneca Mission, . Redstone Presbyterial Society. Miss J. B. Dickson, Dakota “ . Philadelphia, Bethesda Church. Miss C. C. McCreight, “ “ . Erie, Pa., Auxiliary Societies. Mrs. J. P. Williamson, “ “ . Wooster Presbyterial Society. Miss Nancv Hunter, “ “ . Carlisle Presbyterial Society. ( Westminster Presbyterial Society, Pa., Miss S. L. McBeth, Nes Perces “ ( and Hagerstown, Md. Miss Kate McBeth, “ “ . Steubenville Presbyterial Society, f Chestnut Hill, Pa., Corbett Band and Native Preacher, Wellpinit, W . T. { Junior Boys. Missionaries, 7 ; Native Preacher, 1.



Miss A. M. Bartlett, Mexico City, .... Philadelphia Central Pres. Society.

Girls' School, Mexico City. Missionary in charge, Miss Bartlett.

S u p p o r t e r s .

Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Memorial Ch. Aux. Milton, Pa., Y . L. Miss. Society. Youngstown, O., 1st Ch. Aux. Phila., Walnut St. Ch., Ready Helpers. Washington, D. C., Bethany Bd. Cranbury, N. J., Fruit Gleaners. Wilkinsburg, Pa., Aux. East Orange, N. J., S. S. Troy, Ohio, Aux. Beulah, Pa., Aux. Williamsport, Pa., 3d Ch. Y . L. Bd. Poland, O., Cheerful Workers. Morrow, O., Aux. Wilmington, Del., Central Ch. Bd. Germantown, Pa., Wakefield Aux. Washington, D. C., Unity Aux. “ “ Tulpehocben Bd. Metuchen, N. J., In His Name Bd. Zacatecas. Teacher, Maria Pichardo,...... Phila.,Tabernacle Ch. Aux. & Y . L. Soc. Bible Reader, Doña Celestina,...... Pliila., Kensington 1st Ch., Aux. Saltillo, Boys’ School. Newville, Pa., Hope Bd. Englewood, N. J., Look Out Club. Kingston, Pa., Torch Bearers. Phila., N. L. Ch., St. Paul Bd. Dauphin, Pa., Children of the King. Plainfield, N. J., Crescent Ave. Ch. Chambersburg, Pa., 1st Ch. Y . L. Bd. Earnest Workers. Missionary, 1 ; Native Assistants, 2 ; Boarding-School, 1 ; Day-Schools, 2. 40

SOUTH AMERICA. UNITED STATES OP COLOMBIA. MISSIONARIES. Mrs. M. E. Caldwell, Bogota,...... Mahon in? Presbytery, Aux. Socs. *Miss Maria B. Franks, “ ...... Jersey City, Pres. Soc. Mrs. T. H. Candor, “ ...... Chillicothe, Pres. Soc.

S u p p o r t e r s o f S c h o o l , B o g o t a . Easton, Pa., 1st Ch. Aux. Northfield, O., Caldwell Bd. Saltsburg, Pa., Aux. Pennington, N. J., Foster Bd. New Lisbon, O., Y . L. B. Cleveland, 0 ., 2d Ch. Handy Bd. Washington, Pa., 1st ch. S. S. BRAZIL. MISSIONARIES. *Miss Ella Kuhl, Sao Paulo,...... Flemington, N. J., Aux. and Bands. Miss M. P. Dascomb, “ ...... Plainfield, N. J., Aux. Miss Phcebe It. Thomas, Sao Paulo, . . . Self-supporting. Mrs. George A. Landes, Botuuatu,.... Marion Presbvterial Soc. Mrs. John F. DaGama, Rio Claro, . . . General Fund. Mrs. J. M. Kyle, Rio J a n e ir o ,...... General Fund. Mrs. J. Beatty Howell, Jahu,...... - General Fund. TEACHERS, SAO PAULO. Mrs. Emerson,...... Phila., Bethany Aux. Miss Mary Lenington,...... Erie, Pres. Soc. Girls’ Boarding-School, Sao Paulo. Missionaries in charge, Miss Kuhl and Miss Dascomb. Supporters. Clifton, O., Aux. Atlantic City, N. J., Bd. Plainfield, N. J., Mission Bd. Cedarville, N. J., Willing W orkers.„ Cleveland Presbvterial Soc. Washington, Pa., 1st Ch. S. S. Copper Hill, N. J., S. S. and Bd. Blairstown, N. J., Kuhl Bd. Trenton, N. J., Prospect St. Ch. Aux. Abington, Pa., Y . L. 1?. Amwell United 1st Ch., N. J., Aux. Easton, Pa., 1st Ch. Y . L. C. Harrisburg, Pa., Market Sq. S. S. Allentown, N. J., Aux. Phila., Kensington 1st Ch., Aux. Chester City, Pa., Aux. CHILI. Mrs. W . H. R ob in son ,...... Pittsburgh and Allegheny Com. Mrs. W . H . Lester,...... General Fund. Missionaries, 12; Boarding-Schools, 2; Day-School, 1; Bible Reader, 1; Teacher, 1.


MISSIONARIES. Mrs. C. De Heer, B en ita,...... Lackawanna Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. W . C. Gault, B e n it a ,...... Pittburgh and Allegheny Com. Miss I. A . Nassau, Talaguga,...... Phila., Woodland and Chambers Auxs. ♦Miss Lydia Jones, Baraka, ..... Phila., Old Pine St. Ch. Aux. Mrs. A.

MISSIONARY TEACHER. Mrs. Sophia E. Nurse, L ib eria ,...... Newton Presbyterial Soc. 41

BIBLE WOMEN. 1. Bible Woman Baraka, (Julia Green) . Allegheny City, North Ch. S. S. 2. “ “ “ ...... Napa City, Cal. 3. “ “ “ ...... Cleveland, O., 2d Ch. Handy Bd. 4. “ “ “ ...... General Fund. 5. “ “ Benita, (Penda) .... General Fund.

Educational Work, Benita. Lawrenceville, N. J., Gosman Bd. Marple, Pa., S. R. Towanda, Pa., Stewart & Overton Bds. Phila., Olivet Ch. Bd. Harrisburg, Pa., Livingstone Bd. Blairstown, N. J., Kuhl Bd. Trenton, N. J., 4th Ch., Emily Bd. North East, Pa., Willing Workers. Belvidere, N. J., 1st Ch. S. S. Maryville, Tenn., Willing Workers. “ Infant Cl. Cincinnati, O., Mt. Auburn Ch. Bd. Phila., Lombard St. Central Ch. S. S. Phila. Memorial Ch., Lilies. New Brighton, Pa., Mrs. Palmer. Phila., 1st Ch., N. L. Aux. Doylestown, Pa., Willing Workers. Baltimore, Madison St. Aux. Port Royal, Pa., Stewart Bd. New Castle, Pa., 1st Ch. S. S.

LIBERIA. Boarding School, Glima Mission.

S h a k e s ($25 e a c h ). (Boys.) I (Girls.) 1. Lebanon, Pa., Christ Ch. Inf. Cl. 1. Phila. Alexander Ch., Bethany Bd. 2. Cincinnati, O., Bethany Chap. Cl. 36. I Work on Ogove River.

S u p p o r t e r s . Hightstown, N. J., Amaranth Bd. Coshocton, O., Nassau Bd. Moosic, Pa., Nassau Bd. Jacksonville, Pa., Aux. Elizabeth, N. J., Madison Ave. S. S. Scranton, Pa., Seek and Save Bd. Germantown, Pa., Mrs. 'Poland. Chestnut Hill, Pa., Little Gleaners. Dayton, O., Memorial Aux. College Hill, O., Bishop Bd. Wheeling, W . V ., 1st, Cunningham Bd. Running Expenses of SchoonerNassau.” S h a r e s ($15 e a c h ) . 1. Jenkintown, Pa., Y . P. M. Bd. 11. Germantown, Pa., 1st Ch., Eliot Bd. 2. Clinton, N. J., Lend a Hand Bd. 12. Phila., Mantua Ch., Berean Bd. 3. 4. Baltimore Cen. Ch.Buds of Prom. 13. Dayton, O., 1st S. S. 5. Pottstown, Pa., Boys’ Bd. 14. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St., Whatso­ 6. Burlington, N. J., V . R. Hodge Bd. ever Bd. 7. 8. Steubenville, O., S. S. 15. Harrisburg, Pine St., Brave and 9. Orange, N. J., 2d, Heart & Hand Bd. True Band. 10. Dillsburg, Pa.,Whosoever W ill Bd. Missionaries, 7 ; Missionary Teacher, 1 ; Bible Women, 5 ; Boarding School, 1.

SYRIA. MISSIONARIES. Miss E. Thomson, Beirut,...... Scranton, Pa., 1st Ch. S. S. Mrs. W . W . Eddy, “ ...... Carlisle Presbyterial Soc. Miss Alice Barber, “ ...... Philadelphia, Walnut St. Ch. Aux. Miss H. M. Eddy, Sidon,...... Los Angeles, Cal., 1st Ch., Aux. Mrs. W . K. Eddy, “ ...... Cleveland Presbyterial Soc, Miss Charlotte Brown, Sidon, .... Monmouth Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. T. S. Pond, Suk-el-Gliurb, . . . Columbus Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. Gerald F. Dale, Beirut . . . . Philadelphia, Calvary Ch. Aux. Mrs. Frederick W . March, Tripoli, . Washington Presbyterial Society. 42

Beirut Seminary. Missionaries in charge, Misses Thomson and Barber.

Supporters of Assistant Teachers. Harrisburg, Pa., 1st Ch. Aux. Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill Ch., Aux. Phila., Calvary Ch., Humphrey Bd. New ville, Pa., Hopeful Workers.

S h a r e s . Honesdale, Pa., Aux. Williamsport, Pa., Loring Bd. Lakewood, N. J., Aux. and S. S. Jacksonville, Pa., S. S. Greencastle, Pa.. Aux. Philadelphia, Walnut St. Ch. S. S. Schooley’s Mt., N. J., Aux. and Bds. Lawrenceville, N. J., Aux. W . Alexander, Pa., Loring Circle.

Sidon Seminary. Missionaries in charge, Miss Eddy and the Misses Brown.

Supporters of Assistant Teachers. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St. Ch., Aux. Bloomsburg, Pa., S. S. Hoboken, N. J., 1st Ch. Aux. Baltimore, Md., Mrs. E. P. S. Jones Bd. Claysville, Pa., Aftermath Circle. Oil City, Pa., 1st Aux.

S h a r e s (f50 EACH). 1. Phila., North Ch., B. L. Agnew Bd. 23. Washington Aux., Northum’d Pres. 2. Cleveland, O., 2d Ch. S. S. 24. Harrisburg, Pa., Syrian Helpers. 3. Pennington, N. J., S. S. 25. Greensburg, Pa., Aux. 4. Chesapeake City, Md., Aux. 26. Phila., Princeton Ch., Y . L. B. 5. Westwood, O., Aux. 27. E. Orange, N .J ., Willing Workers. 6. West Chester, Pa., Bd. 28. Elizabeth, N. J., Marshall St. Bd. 7. Mount Holly, N. J., Aux. 29. Phila., Pa., Mrs. W . H. Lowrie. 8. Colerain Forge, Pa., S. S. 30. Pittsburg, Pa., Y . L. Branch. 9. Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Jones Bd. 31. 32. Newark, O., Aux. Soc. 10. Williamsport, Pa., 2d Ch. Aux. 33. Cleveland, O., 2d Ch., Handy Bd. 11, 12. Newark, N. J., 1st Ch. Bd. 34. Glendale, O., Earnest Workers. 13. Athens, Pa., Aux. 35. Lambertville, N. J., 1st Ch. S. S. 14. Brownsville, Pa., Aux. 36. Ebensburg, Pa., Aux. 15. 37. Warren, Pa., Aux. 16. Baltimore, Md., Faith Ch. fid. 38. Phila., 2d Ch. Star of the East Bd. 17. Cleveland, O., 1st, Little Rill Bd. 39. Baltimore, Md., 1st Ch. Girls’ Soc. 18. Allegheny, Pa., Earnest Workers. 40. Dauphin, Pa., Junior Miss. Soc. 19. Wheeling,W.V.,BessieYance Mem. 41. Phila., Central Ch., Messengers. 20. Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Jones Bd. 42. Rahway, N. J., 1st, Sharon Bd. 21. East Orange, N. J., 1st Ch.Y. L. Bd. 43. 22. Gettysburg, Pa., Master’s Bd. 44.

Tripoli Girls' Boarding-School. Scholarship, 1, College H ill, O., Y . L. B .; 2, Troy, Pa., Y . L. B.

Suk-el- Ghurb Training School for Boys. Missionary in charge, Rev. T. S. Pond. S h ares ($50 each ). 1. Phila., Ch. S. S. j 9. Woodbridge, N. J., Aux. 2. Cleveland, O., 1st, Fidelia Fisk Bd. j 10. Phila., Chambers Ch. S. S. 3. Bridgeton, N. J., 2d Church. j 11. Montclair, N. J., Trinity Ch. Aux. 4. Phila., Northminster Ch. S. S. ! 12. Allegheny, Pa., North Ch., Band. 5. Cleveland, O., Case Av. Ch. Y . L. A . i 13. Los Angeles, 3d Ch., Band. 6. Newark, N. J., Calvary Ch. S. S. j 14. Phila., 4th Ch., Aux. 7. Los Angeles, Cal., lst^ C h .^ S . j 15. J phila > West gpruce gt g g 43

Village Schools ($100 to §200 each.) Balat (boys) .... R a sh e y a ...... Philadelphia, Mrs. W m . Hogg. Jedaideh (boys), . . Philadelphia, North Ch. Aux. “ (girls), . . Elizabeth, N. J., Westminster Bd. K h i y a m ...... Mendham, N. J., Aux. Ibyl (boys),...... Newark, N. J., 1st Ch. Aux. “* (girls),...... B e r t a ,...... Pittston, Pa., Aux. K arayeh,...... Newark, N. J., 1st Ch. Aux. Deir Mimas, .... “ “ “ Sidon Field. A l m a ,...... Elder's Ridge, Pa., Aux. M ejd el...... Bible Class, Freehold, X. J. Jazzeen (boys), . . . Oil City, Pa., 1st Ch. Aux. (girls), . . . “ M ijdeluna,...... Plymouth, Pa., Aux. IChirbeh,...... Langcliffe, Pa., Aux. J u n ,...... Altoona, Pa., 1st Ch. S. S. H a s b e iy a ,...... Sidon (boys), .... Titusville, Pa., S. S. “ (girls), .... [ S h i b a a ,...... Harrisburg, Pa., Westminster Ch. Aux. ' A b e ih ,...... Brookville, Pa., Aux. Aajeih (bo|s), . . j Philadelphia Westminster Aux. Schweifat (4 schools), Englewood, N. J., Aux. A in a n o u b ,...... Collamer, O., Ainanoub Circle. Ainab (boys & girls), Scranton, Pa., Green Ridge Ave. Aux.

Abeih Field. g t fs ? ^ !3 ib?y? } Coatesville, Pa., Bd. K ^ h i m a (boys & J Scranton> Pa > Washburn gt.; Bds.

B g h -H “ (b° y! & } Holland and Milford, N. J , Aux. Soc. Aabadeuyeh (boys). Aabadeuyeh (girls), . [ Hamana ^boysife girls) Germantown, Pa., Market Sq. S. S. f B e in o ,...... Tripoli Field. | Marmoreeta, . . . . Phila., 1st Ch., Albert Barnes Mem. Bd. f Sughbin,...... Phila., Holland Mem. Aux. Zahleh Field. j J e d ith a ,...... Oxford, Pa., Syrian Chapter. Assistant Teacher, Zalileh High School, . Cedarville, N. J., 1st Ch. S. S. Deir al Ghazel, Teacher, ...... East Orange S. S., N. J. Assistant Teacher, Baalbec,...... Westfield, N. J., Aux. Missionaries, 9 ; Native Teachers in Boarding schools, 10; Day-Schools, 50; Boarding-Schools, 3.


MISSIONARIES. *Mrs. B. Labaree, Oroomiali,...... Washington, Pa., Presbyterial Society. Mrs. J. H. Shedd, “ ...... Redstone Presbyterial Society. Miss Anna Schenck, Teheran,...... Philadelphia, 2d Ch. Aux. Mrs. J. L. Potter, “ ...... Cincinnati Presbyterial Society. Miss Cora A . Bartlett, “ ...... Erie Presbyterial Society. Miss Annie G. Dale, “ ...... St. Clairsville Presbyterial Society. Mrs. F.'G. Coan, O ro o m ia h ,...... Wooster Presbyterial Society. Mrs E. W . McDowell, Oroomiah, .... Marion Pres. Society. Mrs. J. C. Mechlin, S a lm a s ,...... Montclair, N. J., Aux. 44

Oroomiah Seminary.

Missionary in charge, Miss Dean.

Shakes ($30 each). 21. Phila., North Ch. S. S. No. 2. 27. Cleveland, O., 2d, Janies Eells Bd. 22. Phila., Princeton Ch., Bd. 28 Tanevtown, Md., Aux. 23. Bellevue, Pa., Aux. 29. Dayton, O., 3d St. Ch. S. S. 24. Washington, Pa., McComb Mem. 30. Hamilton, O., Aux. 25. Blairsville, Pa., Aux. 31. Mingo Ch., Pa., Gleaners. 26. Honesdale, Pa., Aux. 32. Dayton, O., 4th Ch. Aux. Bible Reader, Oroomiah. L a y a ,...... Chestnut Hill, Pa., Aux.

Contributors to Oroomiah Hospital.

Bel Air, Md., Aux. Zanesville, O., Mrs. C. Potwin. Cleveland, O., 2d Ch. Aux. Marietta, O., 4th St. Ch. Teheran. Jewish S c h o o l ,...... General Fund. Work among W o m e n ,...... General Fund. $1700 for Teheran Building. Missionaries, 9 ; Bible Reader, 1 ; Day-School, 1; Boarding School, 1.


MISSIONARIES. Mrs. F. J. Newton, Ferozepore,...... General Fund. Mrs. J. H. Morrison, “ ...... Phila., North Broad St. Ch. Aux. Miss Clara Thiede, Lahore,...... Baltimore Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. C. W . Forman, “ ...... General Fund. Mrs. J. H . Orbison, “ ...... General Fund. Mrs. C. B. Newton, L od ia n a,...... Baltimore, Md., Brown Mem. Ch. Aux. Mrs. E. M. Wherry, Saharanpur, .... Honey Brook and Octorara Chs., Pa. Miss S. M. Wherry, Dehra,...... Kittanning Presbyterial Soc. Miss Margaret A. Craig, Rawal Pindi, . . General Fund. Mrs. Robert M orrison,...... Allegheny, Pa., North Ch. Aux. Mrs. J. L. Scott, W oodstock,...... Woodstock School. *Miss Mary Fullerton, Woodstock, . . . Cleveland Presbyterial Soc. Miss Irene Griffith, Woodstock,...... Woodstock School. Miss Clara G. Williamson, Woodstock, . Woodstock School. Miss A . M. Condit, “ . . Woodstock School. Mrs. Reese Thackwell, Dehra...... Washington Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. W m . Calderwood, Muzaffarnagur, . Phila., Cohocksink Ch. Aux. Mrs. J. H. McComb, L o d ia n a ,...... Lehigh Pres. Soc. Mrs. B. D. Wyckoff, Sabathu, .... Lackawanna Pres. Soc. Miss J. R. Carleton, M. D., Ambala, . . Washington Pres. Soc.

ZENANA VISITORS. Mrs. Anderson, L a h o r e ,...... Belvidere 1st and Phillipsburg, N. J. Miss Rosa Harris, “ ...... Phila., West Arch St. Ch. Aux. Miss Emma Harris, L a h o r e ,...... West Virginia Pres. Soc. Miss Jane Harris, “ ...... South Orange, N. J., Aux. 45

BIBLE WOMEN. Lahore, No. 1 , ...... Chambersburg, Pa., Falling Spring Ch. “ No. 2 , ...... Concord Ch., St. Clairsville Pres. Aux. Saharanpur,...... Plymouth, O., Aux. Muzaffarnagur, ...... Philadelphia, Cohocksink Ch. Bd. “ Charlotte,...... - Clifton, O., Bd. Jalandhar, Jasoda, No. 2 , ...... Cleveland, 0 ., Sarah Adams Bd. Day-Schools (taught by Native Teachers). Lahore, No. 1 , ...... J Baltimore, Md., Brown Mem. Ch. S. S. “ 3 , ...... Fagg’s Manor, Pa., Ch. and S. Schs. “ 4...... Williamsport, Pa., 3d Ch. S. S. “ 5 , ...... Baltimore, Md., Central Ch. S. S. “ 6 , ...... Delhi, O., Cincinnati Pres. “ 7 , ...... Colerain, Pa., Union Ch. Aux. “ 8 , ...... Meehanicsburg, Pa., Aux. “ 9 , ...... Clarksville Ch. Aux., Shenango Pres. Lodiana, one sch ool,...... Williamsport, Pa., 1st Ch. Aux. Saharanpur, No. 1, ...... Cincinnati, O., 5th Ch., Mrs. It. Brown. “ “ 2 , ...... Harmony and Mechanicsburg, Pa. “ “ 3 , ...... Greenwich, Aux. West Jersey, Pa. “ “ 4 “ “ 5 , ...... Beaver Falls, Pa., Aux. “ “ 6 , ...... Gap, Pa., Bellevue Ch. Aux. “ “ 7 , ...... Pittsburgh, Pa., South Side Aux. “ “ 8 , ...... Williamsburg, Pa , Aux. “ “ 9 , ...... Hazleton, Pa., S. S. “ “ 10,...... Uhricksville, O., Aux. “ “ 11,...... Worthington, Pa., Aux. “ “ 12,...... Stewartsville, N. J., Aux. “ 13,...... “ “ 14,...... “ “ 15,...... New Lisbon, O., Aux. “ “ 16,...... Springfield, O., 2d Ch. Aux. “ 17,...... “ “ “ Muzaffarnagur,...... General Fund.

School Work, Dehra. Missionaries in charge, Misses Pendleton and Wherry. Native Teacher,...... Chestnut Hill, Pa., Aux.

S h a r e s ($40 EACH.) 1. Pliila., North Ch. S. S. No. 2. , 21. Phila., Olivet, Jesus’ Little Lambs, 2. Hoboken, N. J., Wood Violets. j 22. Columbus, O., 2d Ch. Bd. 3. Phila., South Ch. Cheerful Givers. ; 23. Bristol, Pa., Aug. 4. Lancaster, Pa., Bearers of Light Bd. i 24. 5. ; 25. Phila., Wylie Mem. Aux. 6. Jeffersonville, Pa., Aux. i 26. Cincinnati, O., 3d Ch. S. S. 7. Glendale, O., Friends of Missions. ; 27. Phila., OAÍ'ord Ch. Robbins B d . 8. Mt. Pleasant, Pa.. Aux. j 28. Trenton, N. J., 3d Ch. Beatty Bd. 9. Oxford, N. J., 2d Ch. Aux. 2ß. Summit, N. J., Aux. 10. Manayunk, Pa., Aux. 30. Cambridge, O., Aux. 11. Pittsburgh, Shady Side, Busy Bees. 31. Washington, D. C., 1st Ch. Bd. 12. Germantown, Pa., 2d Ch. S. S. 32. Dayton, O., 3d St. Ch. S. S. 13. Phila., Bethany Ch. Inf. Class. 33. Plainfield, N. J., 1st Ch. S. S. 14. West Alexander, Pa. S. S. 43. Baltimore, Md., Boundary Ave.S.S. 15. Cin., O., Westminster Ch. Aux. 35. Iiolidaysburg, Pa., Bd. 16. Trenton, N. J., 3d Ch. S. S. 36. Wheeling,W~ Va., 1 Ch. Cherith Bd. 17. Newtown, Pa., Aux. 37. Burlington, N. J., Aux. 18. Avondale, O., Aux. 3S. 19. Oxford, O., Florence Howard Bd. 39. Norristown, Pa., Central Ch. S. S. 20. Phila., Bethlehem Ch. Aux. 40. Phila., Memorial Ch. Aux. 46

Lahore Christian Girls’ School. Two Scholarships ; Lycoming Ch., Pa., Newton Bd., and Clarion, Pa., Y . L. B. Mawal Pivdi. Medical W o r k , ...... Jersey City, Bergen, 1st Aux. Sakaranpur, Soys’ Orphanage. Missionary in charge, Mrs. Kelso.

Sh a k e s ($30 EACH). 1. Greenwich, N. J., S. S. 11. Danville, Pa., Mahoning Ch. S. S. 2. Williamsport, Pa., 2d Ch., Minis­ 12. New Lisbon, O., Mission Gleaners. tering Children. 13. Baltimore, Md., 12th Ch. Bd. 3. Allegheny, Pa., Central S. S. 14. Orange, N. J., 1st Ch. Y . L. Bd. 4. Phila., W . Spruce St. Ch. Inf. Sch. 15. 5. Phila., Princeton Ch. Henry Bd. 16. Springdale, Pa., John Potter Bd. 6. Clifton, O., King’s Daughters. 17. Allegheny, Pa., McClure Ave. Bd. 7. Phila., South Ch. Cheerful Givers. 18. Columbus, O., Westminster Ch. Bd. 8. Oil City, Pa., 2d Ch. Y. P. B. 19. Warren, O., Y . L. B. 9. Phila., Pa., Arch St. S. S. 20. Phila., Cohocksink Ch. Bd. 10. Harrisburg, Pa., W . A . McCarrell. 21. Birmingham, Pa., Aux.

Lodiana Boys' School. Missionaries in charge, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. McComb. Shakes ($30 each.) Hookstown, Pa., Aux. 21. Springfield, O., Mrs. Miller’s Cl. Greencastle, Pa., Y . L. Circle. 22. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Nevius Bd. Roselle, N. J., S. S. Miss. Soc. 23. Cincinnati, O., Westminster Ch. Carbondale, Pa., Bd. 24. S. Orange, N. J., Bd. Mercersburg, Pa., Y . L. B. 25. Langcliffe, Pa., Livingstone Bd. Wooster, Westminster Ch. Boys. 26. Freehold, N. J., Mrs. Walker’s Cl. Sunbury, Pa., Dew Drops. 27. Watsontown, Pa., Evergreen Bd. Clarion, Pa., Shining Lights. 28. Phila., Pa., Tabor Ch. Aux. 9. Darby, Pa., Sunbeam Bd. 29. Plainfield, N. J., Crescent Boys. 10. Riverton, N. J., Calvary S. S. 30. Phila., Old Pine St. Buds. 11. Greencastle, Pa., Excelsior Boys. 31. Ridge, O., Oasis Bd. 12. Scranton, Pa., Green Ridge Bd. 32. 13. 33. Woodbridge, N. J., Bd. 14. Marion, O., Landes Bd. 34. Scranton, Pa., Lowrie Bd. 15. Mansfield,O., Hopeful Workers Bd. 35. 16. Bridgeton, N. J., 1st Ch. S. S. 36. Freehold, N. J., Anx. 17. St. George’s, Del., Aux. 37. Baltimore, Md., Dugdale Bd. 18. Cross Roads, Pa., Aux. 38. Cleveland, O., Woodland Ave. Bd. 19. Wilmington, Del., Happy Workers. 39. Phila., Pa.,Central Ch., Pauline Bd. 20. Hopewell, N. J., Gleaners Bd. 40. Princeton, N. J., Boys’ Bd. $1500 for Lodiana Building.

FITBRUKHABAD MISSION. MISSIONARIES. Mrs. Geo. A . Seeley, Futtehgurh, . . General Fund. Miss E. J. Seeley, “ . Germantown, Pa., 1st Ch. »Mrs. G. W . Pollock, Mynpurie, . . Washington City Pres. Soc. Mrs. Jas. F. Holcomb, Jhansi . . . . Trenton, N. J., 4th Ch. Aux. *Mrs. J. C. R. Ewing, Saharanpur . Washington Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. Jas. M. Alexander, Allahabad, . Pittsburgh and Allegheny Com, Mrs. Thomas Tracy, Etawah, . . . Pittsburgh and Allegheny Com, Miss Christine Belz, “ . . . Cincinnati Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. T. E. Inglis, Mynpurie, . . . . General Fund. Miss Susan Hutchison, Allahabad, . Newton Presbyterial Soc. Miss Mary P. Forman,...... Cincinnati, O., Y . L. Bds. 47

ZENANA VISITOR. Miss Edith A . Blunt, Futtehgurh, .... Philadelphia, Arch St. Aux. BIBLE WOMEN. Furrukhabad, C h am pa,...... Ewing Ch. N. J., Aux. Allahabad, No. 1, M a r y ,...... Pine Grove, Pa., Aux. “ “ 2, ...... Leacock Ch. Pa., Aux. “ “ 3, Marg aret,...... Washington, Pa., 1st Ch., 3 Classes. “ “ 4, A n gie,...... York Pa., Aux. Mynpurie, No. 1, M u l a ,...... Pittsburgh, Pa., Bellefield Ch. Aux. “ “ 2, Jadoda...... Steubenville, Ohio, 2d Ch. Aux. Etawah ) f Phila., Old Pine St. Ch., Workers for Etah, Aghani, j ...... { Jesus and Helping Hands. Futtehgurh, No. 1, Sundare, J ...... Beyerlyj N ^ ^

Day-Schools Taught by Native Teachers. Futtehgurh,...... London, O., Finley Bd. Allahabad, J. F. Seiler School,...... Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St.Ch., Aux. Mynpurie, No. 1 , ...... Scranton, Pa., Golden Rule Bd. “ “ 2...... Metuchen, N. J., Aux. “ “ 3 , ...... Monongahela City, Pa., Aux. “ 4 , ...... Jamesburg, N. J.', S. S. “ “ o , ...... North East, Pa., Aux. “ “ 6, ...... Jamesburg, N. J., S. S.

8 , ...... Zanesville, O., Putnam Ch. Bd. ip’ } ...... Washington, Pa., Cornes Bd. 1 1 , ...... Baskingridge, N. J., Bd.

Futtehgurh Orphanage.

S h a r e s ($30 e a c h ). 1. Portsmouth, O., 1st Ch. Y . P. Bd. 15. Baltimore, Md., Boundary Ay. Bd. 2. Trenton, N. J., Prospect St. Ch. Bd. 15. Jamesburg, N. J., Rhode Hall Bd. 3. Oil City Pa., 1st Ch. 16. Phila., Princeton Ch., Day Dawn. 4. Phila., South Ch. Earnest Workers. 17. Allegheny, Pa., School St. Aux. 5. 18. Pisgah Ch., Pa., Snowflake Bd. 6. Bristol, Pa., Basti Bd. 19. Jenkintown, Pa., Grace Ch. Aux. 7. 20. Phila., South Ch., Earnest Workers. 8. Princess Anne, Md., Manokin Ch. 21. Newark, N. J.. 1st Ch. S. S. Bd. 9. Allentown, Pa., Helpers. 22. Phila., Princeton, Fullerton Bd. 10. Atlantic City, N. J., Seaside, Bd. 23. East Orange, 1st Ch., Y . L. Bd. 11. Burlington, N. J., Busy Bees. 24. Phila., Betliesda Ch. Bd. 12. Cincinnati, O., Avondale Ch. Aux. 25. Upper Bufl'alo, Pa., .McMillan Bd. 13. Chambersburg, Pa., Y . L. Bd. 26. Phila., Union Ch. Aux. Orphans Allahabad. Columbus, O., Westminster Ch. Bd. | Mauch Chunk, Pa., Little Workers.

Contributors to Z e n a n a W o r k . Carmichaels, Pa., New Providence Ch. Zanesville, O., 2d Y. L. B. Baltimore, Md., Aisquith, St. C h . Aux. Montclair, N. J., 1st Ch. Y . L. Soc. Pennington, N. J., Aux. Basking Kidge, N. J., Aux. Mead ville, Pa., 2d Ch. Aux. Easton, Pa., 1st Ch. Aux. Stevensville, Pa., Aux. Bryn llawr, Pa., Aux. Cleveland, O., Case Ave. Ch. Aux. Freeport, Pa., Y . L. Circle. Dayton, O., 1st Cli. Y . L. B. Washington, Pa., 2d Y . L. B. Scranton Pa., Golden Rule Bd. Cleveland, O., 2d S. S. Pottstown, Pa., Aux. Chestnut Grove, Md., Aux. Easton, Pa., Brainerd Aux. Phila., Mantua Cli.,King’s Messengers. Baltimore, Md., Westminster Aux. Princeton, N. J., 1st Ch. Aux. 48

Work, Jhansi. West Hoboken, N. J., Gleaners. I Lonaconing, Md., Aux. Phila., Arch St. Ch., Joy Bells. | Phila., Johnstone Aux. $3000 for Jhansi Building.


MISSIONARIES. Mrs. J. M. Goheen, K o lh a p u r ,...... Pittsburgh and Allegheny Com. Mrs. L. B. Tedford, Ratnagiri,...... Elizabeth, X . J., Miss’y Association. Mrs. J. J. Hull, Kolhapur,...... Pittsburgh and Allegheny Com. Mrs. G. H. Ferris, Panhala,...... New Castle Pres. Society. Mrs. G. W . Seiler, Sangli,...... Montclair, N. J., Aux. •Mrs. J. P. Graham, Sangli,...... Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1st Ch. Aux.

NATIVE ASSISTANTS. Kolhapur. No. 1. Paulina,...... Trenton, N. J., 3d Ch. Aux. “ 2, Sum atibai,...... Slate Lick, Pa., Aux. “ 3, Kashabai,, ...... General Fund.

Panhala. Native Assistant, Ram korebai,...... Phila., Olivet Ch., Aux.

School Work, Kolhapur. Missionaries in charge, Mrs. Goheen and Mrs. Hull.

S h a r e s ($25 e a c h ). Phila., Columbia Ave. Aux. j Baltimore, Md., Mrs. C. E. Waters. Easton, Pa., 1st Ch. Y . L. B. ; Greensburg, Pa., Little Sunbeams. Congress, O., Aux. Warrior’s Mark, Pa., Aux. Phila., 1st Ch., N. L., Little Gleaners, i Emmittsburg, Md., Aux. Wilmington, Del., Hanover St. Bd. ! Clarksburg, Pa., Aux. Bellefonte, Pa., Loring Bd. | New Salem, Pa., Aux., Butler Pres. Cranford, N. J., Aux. | Bellaire, 0 ., 2d Ch., Loring Circle. Granville, O., Fem. College, Y . L. B. ! Wyoming, Pa., Y . L. B. Elizabeth, N. J., 2d Ch. Bd. | Phila., Central Ch., Central Bd. Sharon, Pa., 1st Ch. S. S. Cincinnati, 0 ., 7th Ch., Willing Work’s. Warren, Pa., S. S. “ “ S. S. Newark, Del., Hope Band. ! Beverly, N., J., Bd. Honesdale, Pa., Mizpeh Bd. \ Shrewsbury, N. J., Eatontown S. S. West Bellevue, Workers. ; Princeton, N. J., 1st Ch. Y. L. Soc.

Sangli. Day Schools,...... General Fund. Bible W om an,...... Miss M’Cortle, Wooster, O. Missionaries, 37 ; Zenana Visitors, 5 ; Bible Readers and Native Teachers, 23 ; Boarding-Schools, 4 ; Day-Schools, 47. $1500 for Kolhapur Building.

SIAM. MISSIONARIES. Mrs. J. D. Thompson, Petchaburi, . . . Phila., 2d Ch. Miss Mary E. Van Eman, “ . . . Pittsburgh and Alleg. Com. 49

Bangkok Girls' School.

S h a k e s ($ 3 0 e a c h ). 1. Rockaway, N. J., Aux. I 5. Elizabeth, N. J., 2 Bands. 2. Cranbury, N. J., 2d Ch. Aux. I 6. Hazleton, Pa., Aux. 3. Pluekamin, N. J., Aux. 7. Cleveland, O., Bushnell Boys. 4. Bloomsbury, N. J., Aux. | Petchabwri. Bible R eader,...... Murrysville, Pa., Aux. Petchabwri Boys' School. S h a r e s ($25 e a c h ). 1. Scranton, Pa., 2d, Boys’ Bd. 6. Troy, Pa., Birthday Bd. 2. Phila., 2d Ch., Early Blossoms. 7. Phila., Tabernacle' McCook Bovs. 3. Cincinnati, O., Walnut Hills, Bd. 8. “ “ Y . L. Bd. ' 4. Rahway, 1st, N. J., Mem. Bd. 9. Newport, Pa., Mrs. Hamilton. 5. Washington, D.C. Westminster Aux. 10. Burlington, N. J., S. S. Itinerating. Philadelphia, Walnut St. Ch., Dr. Thompson Bd. Contributors to Hospital, Petehaburi. Raccoon, Pa., Aux. Falls Ch., Va., Bd. Hilands, Pa., Aux. Washington, Pa., June Rosebuds. Allegheuy, Pa., 2d Ch. Aux. Bethesda, Pa., Y. L. Bd.

LAOS. MISSIONARIES. Mrs. Daniel McGilvary, Chieng Mai, .. Orange, N. J., Central Ch. Aux. Miss E. L. Westervelt, “ “ . . Jersey City PresbyterialSoc. Miss Belle Eakin, “ “ . . Butler Pres. Sue. Mrs. D. G. Collins, L a k a w n ,...... Baltimore, 1st Ch. Aux. Missionaries, 6 ; Bible Reader, 1 ; Boarding Schools, 2.

CHINA. CANTON MISSION. MISSIONARIES. Miss Harriet Noyes, C a n to n ,...... Phila., Pa., 1st Ch. Aux. Miss Elverda Happer, . Newark, N. J., 3d Ch. Aux. Mrs. B. C. Henry, . . . . Genera] Fund. Miss E. M. Butler, . . . Newark, N .J., Park and High St. Auxs. Miss Harriet Lewis, . . . . Bloomfield, 1st Ch. Aux. Miss Margaret Baird, . . . . Pittsburgh, Pa., Shady Side Aux. Miss M .H . Fulton, M.D., . . . . Zanesville Pres. Soc. ’ f Bloomfield, N. J., Westminster and Mrs. J. G. Kerr, ' ' ' { Roseville Auxs. Mrs. J. M. Swan, . . . . Erie Presbyterial Society. Miss Sophie Preston, . . . . Occidental Bd., Y. L. Socs.

BIBLE READERS ($ 3 6 e a c h ). 1. Baltimore, Md., Mrs. C. E. Waters. I 10. Newark, N. J., WicklifFe Ch. Aux. 2. Caldwell, N. J., Aux. I 11. Hnyesville, O., Aux. 3. Steubenville, O., Fem. Sem. 12. Painesville, O., Lake Erie Sem. 4. Lower Ten Mile Ch., Pa., Aux. ; 13. Phila., 1st Ch. N. L. Aux. 5. Wayne, Pa., Aux. i 14. Springfield, 0 ., 1st Ch., Y. L. Soc. 6. W . Glade Run, Pa., Aux. i 15. Wellsville, O., Bd. 7. Trenton, O., Aux. I 16. Phila., West Spruce St., Bd. 8. Hanover, N. J., Aux. ; i7. Dunellen, N. J., Aux. 9. Long’s Run, 0 ., Y . P. S. 18. Sunbury, Pa., Milliken Bd. 4 50

Day-Schools, taught by Native Teachers ($100 to §200). Thirteenth S tree t,...... Newark, N. J., Central Ch. Aux. , Twelfth S t r e e t ,...... Hanover, N. J., Aux. Man On L i , ...... Caldwell, N. J., Aux. East Gate, Francke S. Williams Mem., . . Washington, D. C., N. Y. Ave. Ch. S. S. Chung Tsun ( g ir ls ) ,...... Chung Tsun (bo3rs ) , ...... J Newark, N. J., 3d Ch. S. S. Yan N i n g , ...... Bloomfield, N. J.,Westminster Ch. S. S. Kong Aga Tam, ...... H o -N a m ,...... Cleveland Pres. Soc. Ho K i , ...... Hayesville, O., Y . P. B. Wing Lung L i , ...... Wong S h a , ...... Sharpsburg, Pa., Aux. Po Un F o n g ,...... W . Nottingham, Md., Aux. U H i n g K i ,...... Cadiz, O., Aux. Poon T o n g ,...... Englewood, N. J., Y . L. B. Hok Tsing (g ir ls ),...... Brookville, Pa., Cunningham Bd. Hok Tsing (b o y s),...... Hok In L i , ...... Un Ha T i n ,...... Phila., Ch., S. S. Bd. Kuk F a n ,...... Sai Lung L i , ...... Piqua, O., S. S.

Girls’ Boarding-School.

Missionaries in charge, Misses Butler and Lewis. Native Teachers. 1. Phila., 1st Ch. N. L. Aux. | 2. General Fund. 3. East Brady, Pa., Beacon Lights.

S h a r e s ($15 e a c h ). 1, 2. Caldwell, N. J., Aux. i 31,32. Newark, N. J., 6th, S. S. 3-6. Bloomfield, N. J., 1st, Aux. | 33. Phila.,Old Pine St., May Blossoms. 7-11. Cadiz, O., Aux. | 34,35. W . Middlesex, Pa., Aux. - 12-14. Newark, N. J., Central Ch. i 36. St. Augustine, Fla., Anderson Bd. 15. Ashland, O., Y . L. C. | 37. W Pittston, Pa., Bd. 16,17. Monongahela City, Pa., Aux. 38. Burgettstown, Pa., Golden Chain. 18. Guilford, O., 1st Ch. Aux. 39. Newark, N. J., Roseville, Y. L. Bd. 19,20. Columbus, O., Mrs. Dunn. 40. Newark, N. J., S. Park Miss. Sch. 21. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Golden Buie. 41,42. Newark, N. J., Bethany S. S. 22. Columbus, O., 5th Ave. Ch. Bd. 43. Phila., Arch St. Ch. Bd. 23. 24. Wooster, O.’ 1st Ch., Y. L. B. 44. Newark, N. J., Calvary Ch. Bd. 25. Savannah, O., Pearl Seekers. 45. 46. Newark, N. J., 3d, Crusaders. 26. Warren, O., Aux. 47. Newark, N. J., 6th, Butler Bd. 27. St. Cloud, N. J., Willing Workers. 48. Newark, N. J., 3d, Mrs. Brown. 2S. Newark, N. J., Bethany, 2 child’n. 49. Newark, High St., Meeker Bd. 29. Newark,N.J.,High st., Meeker Bd. 50. London, O., Mrs. C. W . Finley. 30. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St. Ch. Bds. 51. Caldwell, O., Busy Bees.

Women’s Training-School. Native Teachers. 1. Blairstown, N. J., Aux. | 2. General Fund. S h a r e s ($15 e a c h ) . 13-19. Springfield, O., 1st Ch. 22. Belle Valley, Pa., Aux. 20. Newark, N. J., Bethany Aux. 23. Harrisburg, Pa., M. Campbell Bd. 21, Springfield, O., 2d, Earnest Work’s. 24. Newark, N. J., Mrs. Douglass. 51

Boys' Boarding-School.

Shares ($15 EACH). 1. Cincinnati, O., Walnut Hill Bd. 8. New Haven, Pa., Bd. 2. Germantown, Pa., 2d, Boys’ Bd. 9. Phila., Thompson Mem. Aux. 3. Phila.,Olivet Ch.,Olivet Graham Bd. 10,11. Bloomfield, N. J., Westminster 4. Newark, X . J., 3d Ch., Crusaders. Ch. Bd. 5 ,6. “ “ Central Ch., Y .L .B d . 12, 13. Iionesdale, Pa., Soldiers. 7. Wellsville, O., 1st Ch., Boys’ Bd. 14. Downingtown, Pa., S. S.

Medical Class. E. Orange, N. J., Y . L. Bd.

Orphans under Mrs. Henry's Care.

Supporters. Canonsburg, Pa., Aux. Pittsburgh, Pa., Bellefield Ch. Bd. Phila., Southwest’n Ch. LittleWorkers. Sharpsburg, Pa., Bd. Princeton, N. J., 1st Ch., Dale Bd.


MISSIONARIES. Mrs. George F. Fitch, N in g p o ,...... Philadelphia North Pres. Society. Mrs. John Butler, “ . . . . Huntingdon Presbyterial Society. Mrs. Charles Leaman, Nanking, . . . Carlisle Presbyterial Society. Mrs. J. H. Judson, H angchow ,...... Kittanuing, Pa., Aux.

BIBLE WOMEN. H angchow ,...... Gen. Fund. Ningpo, Mrs. T sia n g ,...... Freehold, N. J., Aux. “ Mrs. K ong,...... Phila., Central Ch. Laughlin Bd.

Ningpo Day-Schools. Fu Zin Chapel School,...... Elizabeth, N. J., Mary Morrison Bd. B a h -so ,...... Philadelphia, South Ch. Aux. Industrial Class,...... Greensburg, Pa., Aux. K o n g -p o h ,...... East Orange, N. J., Elmwood Bd.

Ningpo Girls' Boarding School. Missionary in charge, Mrs. Butler. Matron and Teacher,...... Phila., Bethlehem, Aux.

Sh ares ($40 e a c h ). 1. Phila., Walnut St. Ch. F. H. S. Bd. 8. Warren, Pa., Y . L. Bd. 2. Phila., Mantua, Cheerful Workers. 9. Swissvale, Pa., Bd. 3. Utica, O., Aux. and Bd. 10. Sinking Creek Ch., Pa., Aux. 4. Easton, Pa., Nassau Bd. 11. Springfield, O., 1st Ch. Inf. Sch. 5. Columbia, Pa., S. S. Miss. Soc. 12. New Salem, Pa., Blairsville Pres. 6. Baltimore, Brown Mem., Handful 13. Greensburg, Pa., Foster Bd. of Corn. 14. Rahway, N. J., 2d Ch. Aux. 7. Blairstown, N. J., Blair Hall Bd. 15. Wheeling, W . Va., Laughlin Bd.

Shanghai Day-Schools. Girls’ Day-School...... j Frankli p Aux. Industrial Class,...... J ’ ’ 52

Shanghai Boarding-School. S h a r e s , (§30 e a c h ) . 1. Hallstead, Pa., Aux. 8. Trenton, N. J., Third Ch. Inf. Sell. 2. Baltimore, Md., Brown Mem. Bd. 9. New Providence, N. J., Aux. 3. Upper Ten Mile, Pa., Busy Bees. 10. Savannah, O., Y . L. B. 4. Pittsburgh, 1st, Louisa Lowrie Bd, 11. Phila., Princeton Ch., Bd. 5. Tennent Ch., N. J., Y . P. A. 12. Abington, Pa., S. S. 6. Harrisburg, Pa., Westminster Bd. 13. 7. Baltimore, Westminster Ch. Bd. Child’s Paper, Shanghai,...... Franklin, Pa., Aux.

yanking. Day School,...... Boon ton, N. J., Aux. Sec. Bible W om an,...... Phila., Central, Band of Hope. Nanking Training School, . . . General Fund.

y a liking Boarding-Scfiool. Missionary in charge, Mrs. Leaman. T e a c h e r ,...... Phila., Arch St. Ch., Y . L. Bd.

S h a r e s ($ 1 0 ). Phila., S.W . Ch., John McLeod Bd. (3). I Port Deposit, Md., Bd. W Pittston, Pa., Willing Workers. ! Phila., Walnut St. Ch. Inf. School. Marion, O., Laughlin Bd. Santa Monica, Cal., S. S. Cincinnati, O., Walnut Hills Bd. (2). i Scranton, Pa., Lilies of the Field. Portsmouth, O., Little Sowers (2). ! Phila., Atonement, Little Helpers. Chillicothe, O., Earnest Workers. | Baltimore,Centr’l Ch., Morning Star (2) Lancaster, Pa., Y. L. B. (2). ! Delaware City, Del., Bd. Westwood, O., Boys’ Bd. | Wyoming, 0 ., Bd (2). Burlington, N. J., V. R. Hodge Bd. Orange, 2d, N. J., Ileart and Hand Bd. Leacock Ch., Lucy Leaman Bd. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St. Ch. S. S. Cl. Cincinnati, O., Westm’r Busy Bees. Phila., Calvary, Pence and Prayer-Bd. Lower Buffalo, Pa., Aux. (2). Logan, O., Infant School (2). Chesapeake City, Md., Bd. Easton, Pa., 1st Ch., Willing Workers. Phila., Hollond ch., King’s Messengers. Cool Spring, Del., Bd. $3000 for Nanking Building.

Hangchow. Day-School,...... Dayton, O., 3d St. Ch. Y . L. B.

Hangchow Boys' Boarding-School. Missionaries in charge, Rev. and Mrs. J. II. Judson. Orange, N. J., 1st Ch., Aux.

Soochow. Day-School,...... Bridgeton, N. J., West Ch., Y . L. B.

Peking. . T-. c , , f Phila., Walnut St., Peking Bd. and 1. Day-School,...... | G. Ÿ. Taylor Bd. 2. “ “ General Fund. 53


MISSIONARIES. Mrs. J. L. Nevius, C h efoo,...... Phila., West Spruce St. Ch. Aux. Mrs. G. S. Hays, “ Washington Presbyterial Society. Mrs. Frank Chalfant, “ ...... General Fund. Mrs. C. W . Mateer, Tungehow,...... Cincinnatti Presbyterial Society. Mrs. John Murray, Chenanfou,...... General Fund. Mrs. S. A . Hunter, Chefoo,...... Auxs. Washington Pres, (in part.) Mrs. W . M. Hayes, Tungehow ,...... Cincinnati, O., Presbyterial Society. Mrs. J. B. Neal, “ ...... Orange, N. J., 2d Ch. Aux. Miss Anna Seward, “ ...... Elizabeth, Pres. Society.

BIBLE READERS. C hefoo,...... Pisgah Ch., Pa., Aux. Clarion Pres. C h ih -m e h ,...... Sligo, Pa., Aux.

Tungehow Boys' School. Missionaries in charge, Rev. and Mrs. C. W . Mateer, and Mrs. W . M. Hayes.

Shares ($40 each). 1. Mechanicsb’g, Pa., HappvWork’rs I 14. Erie, Pa., 1st Ch. S. S. 2. Washington, D .C ., Met. Ch. Y.L.B. I 15. Mauch Chunk, Pa., Little Workers 3. 16. Forks of Wheeling, W . Va., 2 Bds. 4. New Carlisle, O., Aux. 17. New Castle, Pa., 2d Ch.,Y. L. Circle 5. Freeport, Pa., 2 Bands. 18. East Orange, N. J., Elmwood Bd. 6. Dayton, O., 1st Ch. S. S. 19. Baltimore, Brown Mem. Bd. 7. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Mem. Ch. Bd. 20. Warren, Pa., S. S. 8. Cincinnati, O., Central Ch. S. S. 21. Matawan, N. J., Aux. 9. Glendale, O., Head Lights (boys). 22. Brookville, Pa., Happy Child’n Bd. 10. Upper Octorara, Pa., Bds. 23. Delaware, O., Y . P. Soc. 11. Germantown, 1st, John Eliot Bd. 24. Phila., Cohocksink Ch. Bd. 12. Harrisburg, Pa., 1st Ch., Band. 25. Scranton, 1st Ch., Lowrie Bd. 13. Wilmington, Pa., 1st Ch. (2 ladies).

Tungchoiv Girls' School. Missionary in charge, Mrs. J. B. Neal. S h a r e s ($40 e a c h ) . 1. Freehold, N. J. 10. Phila. Bethany Ch., Bible Class. 2. Lincoln, Pa., Willing Helpers. 11. Orange, N. J., 2d Ch., Inf. School« 3. Greencastle, Pa., Lilies of Valley. I 12. Avondale, O., Mrs. C. L. Bragg. 4. Ewing Ch., N. J., Bd. ■ 13. Shippensburg, Pa„ Y. L. Bd. 5. Parnassus, Pa., S. S. ! 14. Bloomsburg, Pa., Four O’Clock Bd. 6. Pitts Creek, Del., Aux. i 15. Phila., Arch St., S. S. 7. Cincinnati, O., 7th, Aux. | 16. Unity, Pa., Bd. 8. Marion, O., Pres. Soc. Bands. i 17. Frederick, Md., Aux. 9. Phila., Central Ch. Aux. 18. Bloomsburg, Pa., Neal Bd.

Tungehow, Itinerating Work. Phila., Central Ch., Aux. I West Alexander, Pa., Hold the Fort. Lincoln, Pa., Willing Helpers. I Brookville, Pa., 2 Bands. $1*272 for Tungehow Building.

Chenanfou Medical Work. Germantown, Pa., Market Sq. Ch., Mrs. Toland. $2000 for Chenanfou Building. 54

Work, Chenanfou. Cranbury, X . J., 1st, Little Workers. I Wheeling, West Va., 3d, Busy Work’s. Pittsburgh, Park Ave., Gleaners. | West Milford, N. J., Willing Workers.

Work, Chefoo. Ellicott City, Md., Aux. Emsworth, Pa., W illing Workers. Leatherwood, Pa., Aux. Pittsburgh, 3d, Heart and Hand Soe. Oil City, Pa., 2d, Y . P. S. and S. S. Freehold, N. J., Aux. Missionaries, 23; Bible Readers and Xative Teachers, 31; Day-Schools, 32; Boarding-Schools, 8.

JAPAN. MISSIONARIES. Mrs. J. C. Hepburn, Yokohama, . . Trenton, X . J., 1st Ch. Aux. Miss C. T. Alexander, “ . Titusville, Pa., Aux. Miss Anna B. West, “ . Carlisle Presbyterial Soc. Miss Francina Porter, Kanazawa, . . Huntingdon Presbyterial Soc. Miss A. K. Davis, T ok yo,...... Pittsburgh, Pa., 3d Ch. Aux. Mrs. Maria T. True, “ ...... Syracuse, N .Y ., Park Central & 4th Ch. Mrs. Arthur Y . Bryan, Hiroshima, . General Fund. Mrs. J. R. Hearst,'Tokyo, .... . Blairsville Presbyterial Soc. Miss Bessie P. Milliken,'“ . . . . . Phila., North Presbyterial Soc. Miss Anna P. Ballagh, “ .... . St. Clairsville Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. T. T. Alexander, Osaka, . . . . General Fund. Miss E. M. Case, Yokohama, . . . . Phila., Oxford Ch. Aux. Miss M. X . Cuthbert, Hiroshima, . . General Fund. Miss E. A. Light, M. D., Tokyo, . . . Westminster Pres. Soc. Mrs. F. T. Curtis,...... Phila., 10th Ch. Aux.

NATIVE ASSISTANTS. Bible Woman, Tokyo (Aoki San) .... Phila., Miss H. A. Dillaye. “ “ “ (Mitsui San), . . . West Hoboken, X . J., BÜ. “ “ “ (Takeda San), . . . Elizabeth, X . J., Mrs. Langdon. “ “ “ (under Miss Ballagh), General Fund. One Teacher, B a n ch o ,...... Manchester, Vt., Mrs. A. C. . Bible Woman, Yokohama (Kase), . . . Portsmouth, O., 1st Ch. Aux. “ “ “ (Mininski San), Delaware City, Del., Bd. “ “ K an azaw a,...... Phila., Mantua Ch., Little Stars.

Day-Schook (taught by Native Teachers). Kobikicho (Kindergarten),...... Xew Brunswick, X . J., 1st Ch. Aux. Tea School, ...... Williamsport, Pa., Hepburn Bd. K a n a za w a ,...... General Fund.

Bancho School, Tokyo. Missionaries in charge, Mrs. True, Miss Davis and Miss Milliken. S h a r e s ($50 e a c h ) . 1. Phila., W . Arch St., Carrier Doves. 9. Pittsburgh, Pa., Fem. Sem. Bd. 2. Carlisle, Pa., 2d Ch., Pearl Seekers. 10.) Phila., Xorthminster Ch. S. S. 3. Susquehanna, Pa., Aux. 11. J “ “ Y . L. Band. 4. Warren, Pa., Bd. of Faith. 12. Knoxville, Tenn., Cup Bearers. 5. Heading, Pa., Sparkling Gems Bd. 13. Elizabeth, N. J., 3d Ch. Bd. fi. Erie, Park Ch., Coral Workers. 14. Maryville, Term., New Prov. Bd. 7. Leesburg, Pa., Aux. 15. Dayton, O., Mem. Ch. Bd. 8. Cleveland, O., 2d Ch. S. S. Training School for Nurses, Tokyo. Supported by Special Fund. 55

School Work at Yokohama. Missionaries in charge, Misses Alexander and West. Supporters. Wyoming, O., Aux. Cross Creek, Pa., Loring Bd. Passaic, N. J., (Y. L.). Titusville, Pa., Alexander Bd. Trenton, N. S., 1st, Golden Hour. Fredericktown, O., Y . L. B. “ “ 1st, Inf. Sch. Dayton, O., 3d St. Ch. S. S. Elizabeth, N. J., Westminster Band. 1 Jersey City, Chrysanthemum Bd. Wilmington, Del., Central Ch. Band, j Upper Path Valley, Pa., Aux. Clarion, Pa., Gleaners. j Washington, D. C., West St. Ch. S. S. Beaver Falls, Pa., Buds of Promise. Forest Ch., Del., Children’s Bd. Missionaries, 15; Bible Headers and Native Teachers, 8 ; Day-Schools, 6 ; Boarding School, 1. KOREA. •Mrs. H. N. Allen, . . Columbus Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. John Heron, . . Tennessee Svnodical Soc.

Underwood Orphanage. S h a r e s ($25 e a c h ) . 1. Boonton, N. J., 2 Bds. 6. Orange, X . J., 2d Ch., Y . L. M. 2. Montclair, N. J., 1st Ch., Y . L. Bd. Society. 3. 4. Roseville, N. J., Heralds to Korea. 7. Knoxville, Tenn., 4th Ch. Bd. 5. Phila., Cohocksink Ch., Crusaders. 8. Springfield, O., Y. L. M. Soc. Missionaries, 2 ; Boarding-School, 1.

CHINESE IN CALIFORNIA. MISSIONARIES. Miss M. Culbertson, San Francisco, . Butler Presbyterial Soc. Miss Emma R. Cable, “ . Xorthumberland Presbyterial Soc. Miss M. Baskin, “ . Clarion, Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. E. A. St urge, “ Shenango Presbyterial Soc. Mrs. Ira M. Condit, Los Angeles, . . Steubenville Presbyterial Soc.

San Francisco Home for Chinese Women. Contributors. Occidental Branch, Aux. Socs. Harrisburg, Pa., Pine St, Ch. Aux. Stillwater, X . J., Aux. Belvidere, X. J., 2d Ch. Aux. Doylestown, Pa., Andrews Bd. Bellefonte, Pa., Beaver Bd. Englewood, N. J., Wilder Mem. Bd. Phila., Bethany Ch. Bd. San Francisco Occidental School. Contributors. Germantown, Pa., 2d Ch. Aux. Oil City, Pa., 1st, S. S. E. Orange, N. J., Willing Workers. Ann Carmichaels Ch., Pa., Aux. Meadville, Pa., 1st Ch. Aux. Missionaries, 5 ; Boarding-School, 1 ; Day-School, 1. Summary. Missionaries,...... 133 Zenana Visitors and Teachers,...... 7 Native Helpers and Bible W om en,...... 84 Boarding Schools (whole or in p art),...... 25 Day-Schools,...... 140

UNDER APPOINTMENT. Miss M. P. Johnson. Miss M. Lattimore. 56


An (*) is placed after the name of an Auxiliary or Band, when the contribution has exceeded the amount given last year and has been raised by thank-offerings or special eifort for advanced work.

Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

Pkesbytery of Eliza­ b e t h , N . J. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. H. Man ning, 698 Madison Aye New York City. Pres. Sec., Mrs. W m . Scrib [Miss Seward, Tungchow, ner, Plainfield, N. J. China, supported by Pres. Treas., Mrs. E. A . Ten Presbyterial Society.] ney, Roselle, N. J. Basking R i d g e ,...... 88 00 Zenana Work, Etawah,* j Miss H. F. Robinson. Bd.: Gleaners,...... 51 92 ' Sch., Mynpurie, j Miss Sophie Dayton. B eth leh em ,...... 45 58 ! Work, Syria & Med. Fund Mrs. Stires Fritz. C linton,...... 50 43 j Mrs. X. D. Stiger. B d .: Lend a Hand, . . . 15 00 , African Schooner, | J. S. Carpenter. Connecticut Farms, . . . 21 00 C ran ford,...... 40 28 Share, Kolhapur,* Miss C. L. Adams. D u n e llen ,...... 36 00 j B. W . Canton, Elizabeth Association, . . A Lady,. . . . 151 84 Bds.: 1st Ch., M. Morrison 125 00 Sch.,Ningo,Sh.Bangkok,* Miss Julia E. Dunlap. King’s Children, . 66 00 Orphanage, India, Jennie Zabriskie. A Family, .... 60 00 B. W . Japan, Mrs. C. II. Langdon. 2d Church, . . . 125 00 Sh.Kolhapur&bd’gfund* Miss J. G. Sayre. 3d Church, 82 00 Share, Bancho and Korea, Mrs. S. D. Drake. “ Boys’ . 17 23 Westminster, . . 431 00 >Si-h.,Syria,Sh. Yokohama* Miss Emma S. Baker. Madison Ave., Y . L 50 90 Work, Africa, Miss H. W . Allen. Marshall St., . . . 27 50 Share, Sidon, Miss Minnie Nichols. L am in gto n ,...... 50 65 Mrs. A. M. McDowell. Metuchen,...... 81 92 School, Mynpurie, Miss Ruth Thomas. B ds.: Little Gleaners, . 25 50 Zacatecas, Alice Thickstun. In His Name, . . 11 00 Dillie Thornall. Sabbath school, . 14 40 New Providence, .... 55 50 Share, Shanghai & Misc. Miss H. N. Bonnell. Bds.: Busy Bees, .... 8 50 Cora M. Bisbee. Sabbath-school, . 87 00 Plainfield Association, . . 718 77 Miss Dascomb,* Mrs. Jas. Petrie. Bds.: Young Ladies’ . . 100 00 Sch., Sao Paulo, Miss F. Petrie. Sunshine, .... 35 00 Share, Saltillo, Miss Caroline Jacobus. Crescent Ave., Boys’ 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Jas. Kimball. Crescent Ave., S. S. 50 00 Miss Dascomb, 1st Church, S. S., . 60 00 Share, Dehra, P lu ck a m in ,...... 63 00 Share, Bangkok,* Mrs. M. L. Beekman. Bd.: Crescent,...... 50 15 Miss Stella M. Doty. 57

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Rahway, 1 st,...... $ 38 97 Mrs. C. F. Woodruff'. Bds. : S h aron ,...... 50 00 Share, Sidon, Miss Lizzie S. Stacy. Mamie Boyd, Mem., 25 00 Share, Petchaburi, Miss Jennie Tingley. Rahwav, 2 d ,...... 97 00 Share, Ningpo,* Mrs. S. E. Lewis. Bd.: Harvest,...... 50 00 Teheran Building, Roselle, ...... 123 00 * Miss F. M. White. Bd. : Sabbath-school, . . . 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Miss L. C. Leonard. Springfield,...... 56 00 Miss Lizzie Brison. Bds.: Young Peoples’, . . 19 00 * Infant Class, .... 15 50 W estfield,...... 112 40 Xat. Tea., Syria, Miss Emma L. Starr. Woodbridge,...... 67 00 Share, Suk-el-Ghurb,* Mrs. Wm. Edgar. Bd.: Lilies of the Field, . . 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Miss Amy Brewster.

4829 92

Presbytery of Jersey C it y , N. J.

Pres. President, Mrs. J. M. Stevenson, Paterson, X. J. Pres. Sec., Miss Caroline L. [Miss Franks, Bogota, and Pudney, Passaic, X . J. Miss Westervelt,Ch ¡eng Pres. Treas., Miss Sarnh E. Mai, supported by Pres Demarest, Passaic, X . J. byterial Society.]

E nglew ood,...... 500 00 Schs., Schweifat, ' Mrs. S. A. Duncan, Bds.: Wilder Memorial, 75 00 Chinese Home, j Miss Edith L. Booth. Learners, .... 5 00 Zenana Work, Hoboken, 1 s t , ...... 22!> 00 Teacher, Sidon,* Mrs. W . S. Finlay. Ud.: Wood Violets, . 101 60 Share, Dehra,* Mrs. H. P. Campbell. Jersey City, 1st, .... 251 55 Students, Tokyo,* Mrs. C. K. Imbrie. Bd.: Chrysanthemum, 39 17 Share, Yokohama,* Jersey City, 2d, .... 90 00 Miss J. H. Holden. Jersey City, Bergen, 1st, 194 30 Mrs. Geortre Weldon. Bd.: Steady Gleaners, 88 50 Student, Bogota, Miss Ethel Benedict. Jersey City, 'Claremont, 30 00 Miss Anna R. Meharg. Jersey City, Scotch, . . 50 00 Miss Jennie Robinson, Jersey City, Westminster, 34 20 j Mrs. Clias. W . Laws. P assaic,...... 167 00 Miss Carrie L. Pudney. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 47 51 Share, Yokohama,s Miss II. McDanolds. Pansy, ...... 36 00 Miss Annie Leavens. Paterson, 1 s t , ...... 100 00 Mrs. Samuel Muzzy. Bd.: Happy Givers, . 3 47 Paterson, 2d, .... 100 00 Miss Annie Van Winkle. Ch. of the Redeemer 133 00 Miss J. L. Derrom. Rutherford,...... 158 77 Mrs. S. W. Hollister. Bd.: Heart and Hand, 60 00 MissInezW. Swartwood. Tenafly, ...... 100 00 Mrs. A. G. Demarest. Bd.: Young Peoples’, . West Hohoken, Workers, 225 00 B. W ., Japan,* Miss Hattie W . Thistle. West M ilfo r d ,...... 45 00 Miss Clara Terhune. Bd.: Willing Workers, 30 00 Sch., Chenanfou, Miss Helen F. Osier. Miscellaneous,...... 50 00

2944 07 58

Name of Society. Amount Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

P k e s b y t e b y o f M o n ­ m o u t h , N . J .

Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. Joel Parker, Freehold, X . J. [Miss Charlotte Brown, Pres. Sec., Mrs. W . L. Ter- Sidon, Syria, supported hune, Matawan, X . J. by Pres. Society.] Pres. Treas., Miss Mary C. Taylor, Burlington, X". J. A lle n to w n ,...... $150 50 i Sch., Sao Paulo, Mrs. A. L. De Nise. Asbury P ark ,...... 2 50 Bd.': Seaside, .... Barnegat Aux. and S. S., 22 00 Mrs. Stephenson. B d .: Foster, .... 7 00 [ Mrs. Grace Inman. Beverly,...... 198 00 ; B. W . Futtehgurh,* Mrs. F. X . Knodle. Bds.: Grace,...... 53 50 Share, Kolhapur, Miss Anna Troxell. Willing Workers 26 70 Miss A. M. Gregory. Sabbath-school, 50 00 Chapel Bell, Africa, Bordentown, .... 40 00 Mrs. E. D. Sturtevant. B d .: Queen Bee, . . Burlington,...... 96 29 Share, Dehra and Miss’y, Mrs. E. K . Buzby. B ds.: V. R. Hodge, 22 51 Sh., Xanking & Af. Sehr. C. V. R. Hodge. Busy Bees, . . 30 00 Share, Futtehgurh, Miss Annie Rigg. Cranbury, 1st, . . . 50 00 ; Bds.: Little Workers, 52 50 j Work, Chenanfou, Miss M. Burroughs. Young Ladies, Cranbury, 2d, . . . 165 00 Sh., Bangkok and Miss’y, Mrs. Jos. S. Van Dyke. B d s.: Fruit Gleaners, 75 00 Miss A. C. Perrine. Sabbath-school, 25 00 Bible Class, 8 00 Infant School, . 6 00 W illing Helpers, 10 25 Miss J. Stonaker. Cream R id g e ,...... 12 00 Mrs. A. S. Potter. Freehold...... 303 73 Work, China and India,* Miss Jennie Hamilton. B ds.: Mrs. Parker’s Cl. 32 00 School, Syria, Mrs. Walker’s Cl 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Hightstown, ...... 51 00 Miss A. B. Wyckoff. B d .: Amaranth, . . . 40 00 Work, Africa, Miss M. A. Allen. Ja m esb u rg ,...... 87 00 * Mrs. B. S. Everitt. B ds.: Sabbath-school, 70 00 Schools, Mynpurie, Rhode Hall, . 30 00 Share, Futtehgurh, Christian Endeavor 6 0D Lakewood...... 3 j 00 | Share, Beirfit, Mrs. J. L. Hovey. B d .: Sabbath-school, . 30 00 M anasquan,...... 25 00 Mrs. Henry Curtis. M ataw an ,...... 70 00 Share, Tungchow,* Mrs. W m, L. Terhune. Bds.: Glen wood, . . 35 00 Miss M. Johnson. Willing Workers 15 30 Miss L. Clark. David Holbrook, 16 00 James Schauek. Mt. H o lly ,...... 55 33 Share, Sidon,* Miss L. Voorhies. B d .: Holly Branch, . 13 00 Miss S. A. Burt. Ocean Beach, Bd. . . . 3 00 Miss Grace Miller. Oceanic, B d . , ...... 6 00 Miss E. Snyder. Plattsburg, Bd., .... 13 00 P lu m s te a d ,...... 15 50 Point Pleasant, .... Riverton, Calvary Bd., . 30 00 Sh. Lodiana, Shrewsbury, ...... 72 00 * Miss Eva Valentine. Bd.: Eatontown, . . . 19 00 Sh. Kolhapur, Miss Olivia Morris. 59

Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

T e n n e n t ,...... $ 50 00 I Mrs. R. G. Hallock. Bd.: Young Peoples’, . . . 30 00 Sh. Shanghai, I Miss Jennie R,eed. Tom’s River, 10 00

2296 61

Presbytery of Morris and Orange, X . J. Pres. Prest., Mrs. Robert Aik- man, Madison, X . J. Pres. Sec., Mrs. H. X . Beau­ mont, Chatham, N. J. Pres. Treas., Miss A.E. Strang, 539 Scotland st. Orange, N.J

Boonton...... 64 12 Day School, Nanking, Mrs. E. Greenman. Bds.: Buds of Promise, 24 08 Miss Mabel Smith. Volunteers, . . Miss Bertie Smith. C h a th am ,...... 155 00 Mrs. Stephen Ward. Bd.: Willing Workers, 25 00 Miss Lucy X . Morris. Sabbath-sehool, 10 CO Dover, ...... 35 30 Mrs. S. B. Patterson. East Orange,...... 148 25 Sch. Syria, Mrs. J. H. Gedney. f Med. Class, Canton, Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 150 00 Miss M. P. Stanley. I and Sh. Sidon, Willing Workers, 40 00 Sh. Occ. School, David S. Walton. Sabbath-school, 50 00 Sidon and Mexico, Robert Slimmon. Elmwood Mission, 25 00 Sh. Tungchow, Miss Ella Tappan. H a n o v e r ,...... 195 69 Sch. and B. W ., Canton,* Mrs. E. T. Johnson. M a d is o n ,...... 137 46 M rs. Jas. Holden. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 145 00 Miss Ruth Aikinan. Busy Bees, . . . 36 92 Hugh Dunning. Mendham, 1 s t ,...... 146 17 Sch. Syria, Miss H. W . Babbitt. Bds.: Willing Workers, Washt’n Corners S 23 52 Miss F. A. Denton. Morris P la in s,...... 11 25 Mt. F re e d o m ,...... Mrs. J. W . Clark. Mt. Olive...... Orange, 1 s t , ...... 375 00 Boys’ Sell., Hangchow, Miss M. G. Crowell. Bd.: Young Ladies’, . 30 00 j Sh. Saharanpur, Orange, 2 d , ...... 657 10 j Mrs. Neal, Tungchow,* Miss E. B. Stephenson. Bds.: Heart and Hand, 35 Sh. Nanking & “ Nassau,” Young Ladies’, . 37 Korea, Sabbath-school, 40 Sh. Tunecliow, Orange, Central, .... 551 Mrs. McGilvary, Laos, Mrs. Geo. Hart. Bd.; Infant School, . . Work Africa, Miss A. E. Lowrie. Iio c k a w a y ,...... 39 Sch. Bangkok, Mrs. C. A. Oram. St. C lo u d ,...... 132 Miss K. G. Moore. Bd.: Willing Workers, 15 Sh. Canton, Schooley’s Mountain, . . 30 i Mrs. H. W . Hunt. Bds.: Light Bearers, . Harry Hunt. 11 }• Share, Beirut, Handful, .... 11 70 Miss G. A . Ort. Sabbath-school, . 10 47 ) South Orange,...... 205 00 ;Miss J. Harris, Lahore,* Mrs. L. B. Whitehead. B d .: Young Ladies, . Share, Lodiana, . Miss Edith Witlock. Stirling,...... 00 ' 60

Name of Society. Amount Name of Secretary. Contri b. Special Objects.

Summ it,...... $139 01 Share, Dehra/* Mrs. Elliott Sargeant. B d.: Young Ladies. 9 00 Mrs. F. W . Day. Miss Agnes Cooley. Miscellaneous, .... 20 00

3803 77

Presbytery of Newark. N . J. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. James P. Wilson, 41 Spruce St. Pres. Sec., Miss A . M. Carter, Green and Bruen Sts. Pres. Treas., Mrs. William Rankin, 751 High St.. New­ ark, N. J. Bloomfield, 1st, .... 622 50 I Miss Lewis A Shs. Canton, Mrs. J. P. Jones. B d.: King’s Daughters, 15 00 j Shs., Canton Boys’ Sch’ls, Miss J. W . Kimball. Bloomfield, Westminster, 225 00 j Mrs. J. G. Kerr, Canton, Miss Hannah Micheli. B ds.: Sabbath-school, 60 00 School, Canton, Young Ladies, . 30 00 Shares, Canton, Miss Dora L. Graves. Duffield Boys, . Mrs. Geo. Pauli. C a ld w e ll,...... 170 00 Sch’l and B. W ., Canton, Mrs. E. C. Atheam. B d.: Young Ladies, . 2 Shares, Canton, Lyons F a r m s ,...... 9 69 Mrs. Wm. R. Ward. B d .: Twinkling Star, . Raymond T. Crane. Montclair,...... 400 00 Mrs. Seiler, India, Mrs. Paul Babcock. Bds.: Young Ladies, . 100 00 India and Korea, Miss Grace D. Carter. Robert Moffat, . 20 00 Share, Tungchow, Sunbeam, . . . 33 64 Montclair, Trinity, . . . 88 75 Share, Suk-el-Ghurb, Miss S. G. Mead. Newark, 1st, ...... 158 80 School, Syria, Miss Lizzie Baldwin. Bds.: Stearns Mem. . 100 00 2 Shares, Sidon, Miss Pauline Woodraff Sabbath-school, 45 00 Shs., Futtehgurh&Canton Newark, 3d, . . . . 302 00 Miss A . M. Carter. B ds.: Cheerful Workers 140 00 Schools, Canton, Crusaders, . . . 30 00 2 Shares, Canton, Miss E. Craven. Two Ladies, . . 30 00 Shares, Canton, Newark, 6th, S. S...... 30 00 2 Shares, Canton, B d.: Butler,...... 15 00 Share, Canton, Mrs. D. W . Lusk. Newark, Bethany, . . . 30 00 Sh., Tr. School, Canton, Mrs. J. B. Pierson. B d.: S. S. and'Children 45 00 3 Shares, Canton, Newark, Calvary, . . . 25 00 Share, Suk-el-Ghurb, Mrs. N. F. Denton. B d .: Girls, .... 25 00 Share, Canton,* Newark, Central, .... 225 00 Day Sch. & 3 Shs., Canton Mrs. T. F. McNair. B d.: Young La dies, . 30 00 2 Shares (Boys), Canton, Miss M. E. Foster. Newark, Heigh St., . . 315 00 Miss Butler, Canton, Miss M. A. Pierson. Bds.: Sabbath school, Fanny Meeker, . 35 00 2 Shares, Canton, Mrs. F. M. Parker. Newark Park, .... 250 00 Miss Butler, Mrs. R. W . Chace. B d .: Young Peoples, . 60 00 Miss Butler (special), Miss Clara S. Littell. Newark, Roseville, . . . 252 25 Mrs. Kerr, Canton, Mrs. A. C. Halsey. B d .: Heralds to Korea, 65 00 Shares, Canton & Korea, Miss C. E. Jackson. Newark, S. Park, . . . 506 82 * Mrs. W . R. Anthony. B d .: Mission, .... 15 00 Share, Canton, Miss E. Baldwin. Newark, Wickliffe, . . . 36 00 B. W . Canton, Miss M. A . Sweasy,

4540 45 61

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Pkesbytery of New Bkunswjck, N. J. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. W m . Swan, Lambertville, N. J. Pres. See., Mrs. A . V. Van Fleet, Flemington, N. J. Pres. Treas., Miss C. A. An­ derson, P. 0 . Box, 284, Trenton, N. J.

Alexandria, 1st, . . $ 3 20 Miss A . Apgar. Amwell, 1st, . . . 47 00 Mrs. Martin Beilis. Am well, United, 1st, 28 13 Sch., Sao Paulo, Mrs. J. Van Marter. Amwell, 2d, . . 41 30 Mrs. H. W . Holcomb. Bound Brook, . . . 15 00 Miss Ada Field. Copper Hill Sabbath-sch 16 00 Miss Kate Kuhl. Bd.: Ella Kuhl, . 20 00 Miss Cornelia Hill. D ayton ,...... 25 70 Miss E. Throckmorton. E w i n g ,...... 50 00 Mrs. A. M. Lanning. Bd.: Sabbath-school, 40 00 Flemington, .... 140 00 Mrs. P. J. Nevius. Bds.: Gleaners, . 100 00 Miss Kuhl, Miss M. P. B. Hill. Hill Mem., 32 50 Miss S. Sanderson. Frenchtown, .... 70 00 Mrs. E. G. Williams. Hamilton Square, . 40 00 Mrs. M. M. Nutt. B d .: Soldiers of the Cros: H o lla n d ,...... 15 00 School, Syria, Mrs. S. Yanselous. Hopewell, Gleaners, . . 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Miss Sadie Ege. Kingston...... B d.: Cheerful Workers Lambertville, Ogilvie, Be 149 37 Lawrenceville, .... 100 00 Share, Beirüt, Mrs. A. D. Green. B d .: Gosman, . . . 20 00 Work, Africa, Miss E. V. Hendrickson. Sabbath school, 30 00 Chapel Bell, Africa, Little Y o r k ,...... 6 00 Miss Lizzie Duckworth. Milford, . . _...... 65 00 School, Syria, Mrs. Wilson Thomas. New Brunswick, 1st, . 125 00 Mrs. M. A. Munsell. B d .: Gleaners, . . . 16 00 Miss B. E. De Hart. New Brunswick, 2d, . 42 00 Mrs. J. F. Yan Cleef. Pennington, . . . 43 80 Zenana Work, Mrs. S. B. Ketcham. Bds.: Anna Foster, . 40 00 Work, Bogota, Miss Lizzie Muirhead. Sabbath-School 40 00 Share, Sidon, Mrs. E. M. Titus. Primary Class, 4 00 Princeton, 1st, .... 308 65 Zenana Work,* Mrs. G. M. Maclean. Bds.: Gerald Dale, . 50 39 Miss L. M. Henry. F. K. Haverga 3 00 Mrs. Henry E. Hale. Young Ladies, 13 52 Miss M. Worden. Princeton Boys 55 78 Henry E. Hale, Jr. Kingoes, Kent Band, . 11 50 Miss It. L. Hunt. S to ck to n ,...... 22 00 Mrs. S. E. S. Hendricks. Titusville,...... 12 00 Miss Mary P. Brower. Trenton, 1st,...... 405 00 Mrs. Hepburn, Japan, Miss M. M. Johnson. B ds.: Golden Hour, 30 00 Share, Yokohama, Miss L. S. Lalor. Infant School, 18 05 Share, Yokohama, Trenton, 3 d , ...... 100 00 Nat. Teacher, Kolhapur, Miss Lizzie Burgen. Bds.: Beatty, . . . 40 00 Share, Dehra, H. S. Herron. Sabbath-school, 40 00 Share, Dehra, Infant School, . 30 00 Share, Shanghai, 62

Name of Society. Amount Name of Secretary. Contrib. Special Objects.

Trenton, 4 th ,...... ' $372 00 Miss Mary Stelle. j Mrs. Holcomb, Jhansi, Bds. : E m ily,...... 28 00 Miss S. Katzenbach. Infant School, 15 00 Work, Jhansi, Trenton, 5 th ,...... Miss Sadie Furman. Trenton, Bethany, . . 15 00 Mrs. D. R. Foster. Trenton, Prospect St., 166 50 Share, Sao Paulo,* Mrs. Wm. Burgess. Bd.: Girls,...... 70 08 Share, Futtehgurh,* Miss M. Auer.

3B01 47

Pr e sb y t e r y of N e w to n , N.J. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. Alex. H. Young, Newton, X . J. [Miss Susan B. Hutchi­ Pres. Sec., Miss S. D. Thomp­ son, Mynpurie, and Mrs. son, Newton, X . J. . Nurse, teacher, Liberia, Pres. Treas., Mrs. W . P. Sal­ supported by Presbyte- mon, Belvidere, N. J. rial Society.] A n d o v e r ,...... 11 25 Mrs. H. M. Freeman. B d .: Workers for Christ, . 3 75 Miss Agnes Freeman. Asbury, ...... 15 00 Mrs. T. A. Slack. Belvidere, 1 s t ,...... 182 70 Mrs. Anderson, Lahore, Mrs. W . P. Salmon. Bds.: Willing Workers, . 70 00 Miss Ida Witte. Sowers of Seed, . . . 49 25 Fred. Paul. Sabbath-school, . . 69 21 Work, Africa,* Belvidere, 2 d , ...... 90 30 Chinese Home, S. F.,* Miss F. A. Harris. B d .: Go Forward, .... 40 00 Blairstown,...... 235 97 Tea., Canton and misc. Miss E. O. Butler. Bds.: Blair H a ll,...... 25 00 Share, Ningpo, Miss Grace R. Travis. K u h l,...... 30 00 Work, Africa, Miss Bessie M. Howell. Bloomsbury,...... 30 00 Share, Bangkok, Mrs. M. H. Clyde. Branchville,...... D a n v ille ,...... 10 00 Mrs. J. C. Osmun. Deckertown,...... 25 90 Mrs. J. II. Dunning. Delaw are,...... 5 50 Mrs. M. G. Hemingway. Bd.: Agapé,...... 21 30 Miss Adelia Davis. Greenwich, ...... 11 20 Miss M. L. Purcell. Hackettstown,...... 28 63 Miss Ilose Werts. Bds.: Gleaners,...... 15 00 Christ’s Workers, . . 30 00 Miss A . E. Curtis. Helpers,...... 5 00 Miss Carrie Smith. H arm on y,...... 50 30 Miss Jennie Love. B d .: Young People’s, . . . 10 00 Mrs. It. P. Cobb. Know lton,...... 10 00 Lafayette,...... Mrs. Simmons. B a n d ,...... Miss Hattie Calvin. Marksboro’, ...... 11 00 N ew ton,...... 135 39 Mrs. Marshall Hunt. Bds.: Young People’s, . . Infant School, . . . 5 75 Miss Sara Moore. Cheerful Workers, . 10 00 Miss Mary Dunning. Xew Village,...... 6 64 B d .: W orkers,...... 10 00 Oxford, 1 s t , ...... 12 00 Miss E. Spangenberg. B a n d ,...... 5 00 Oxford, 2 d ,...... 96 32 Mrs. C. C. Weston. Bds.: Mite Society, .... Harry B. Perkins. Children’s Aid, . . . Miss Minnie Bennet. 63

Amount Name of Society. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

Phillipsburg,...... $160 00 Mrs. E. Lomasson. Phillipsburg, Westminster, . 35 00 Miss E. Leibensperger. Sparta, Band,...... 8 50 Stanhope,...... 1 00 Stewartsville,...... 92 00 Sch.,Saharanpur<4,Miss’y* Mrs. Mary B. Hand. B a n d ,...... 20 00 Stillwater,...... 19 00 Chinese Home, S. F., Miss Carrie C. Moore. Washington, 1 s t ,...... 100 00 Mrs. A. J. Bigler.

1802 86

P k e s b y t e k y o f W e s t J e r s e y , N . J . Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. S. G. Ware, Salem, X . J. Pres. Sec., Miss H . F. Van Meter, Salem, X . J. Pres. Treas., Mrs. Mary G. Porter, Bridgeton, X . j .

Atlantic City, . . . 25 00 I Miss Elmira Scull. B d .: Sea Side, . . . GO 00 | Miss Kate Snyder, Absecon,...... 4 00 j Miss Emma Cordery. Blackwood, Band of Hope 60 00 Bridgeton, 1st, . . . . 72 92 Miss S. M. Riley. Bds.: Standard Bearers 25 00 Walter Borden. Golden Circle, . 50 00 Miss M. Janvier. Sabbath-school, . 32 00 Share, Lodiana, Little Gleaners, . 3 00 ! A. A. Fithian. Bridgeton, 2 d , ...... 82 25 Mrs. T. Williams. Bds.: Young Ladies, . 57 00 Heber Beadle, . Miss S. M. Wescott. King’s Daughters 7 00 Miss Carrie Krauter. Bridgeton, West, . . . 108 00 Mrs. W . H . Woodruff. B d .: Willing Workers, 20 00 Miss Cornelia Costin. Camden, 1st,...... 10S 00 Mrs. S. A. Eeeder. Camden, 2 d ,...... 12 11 B d .: Sabbath-school, . 40 00 Cape M a y ,...... 24 35 Miss A. C. Hughes. Cedarville (two churches), 37 59 Miss Abbie Diament. Bds.: Willing Helpers, 10 00 Miss Gertrude Diament. 1st Ch. S. S., . . 75 00 Sch. Syria, Clayton,...... 63 22 Miss L. M. Harding. Bds.: Golden Links, . 17 82 Miss Belle Sayre. Buds of Promise, 4 00 D eerfield,...... 50 00 Mrs. C. D. Moore. Bd.: Elfie,...... 36 00 Miss Mattie Biddle. Glassboro,...... 12 00 Miss Mary Stanger. B d .: Sabbath-school, . G reen w ich ,...... 100 00 Sch. Saharanpur, Mrs. H. N. Miller. B d .: Willing Workers, 40 00 Sh. Miss Mattie Mulford. Hammontou, ...... 20 00 Mrs. M. F. Hoffman. B a n d ,...... 2 75 May’s Landing, .... 17 00 Miss H. Endicott. Merchantville,...... 27 60 Mrs. M. C. Furber. M illv ille ,...... 33 00 Mrs. Dr. Newell. B d .: P a r k , ...... 29 00 Miss E. Sturdivant. 64

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Society.

Pittsgrove (Daretown), . . $ 31 00 Mrs. Dr. Paulding. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 31 25 Miss Lizzie Dubois. Coral Workers, . . 12 00 Miss J. Paulding. Salem, ...... 110 12 » Miss Anna Van Meter. B d .: Young Gleaners, . . 100 00 * Miss Mary Pancoast. Swedesboro,...... V in ela n d ,...... 25 00 Wenonah B and,...... 115 00 Jhansi,* Miss Clarr Farr. W o o d b u r y ,...... 14 00 Mrs. H. E. Rodgers. B d .: Young Peoples’, . 43 47 W oodstow n,...... 18 24 Miss Carrie Hunt. Bd.: Ogove,...... 8 15 * Miss Ella Hunt.

1873 00

Presbytery o f B l a i r s - v i l l e , Pa . Pres. President, Miss Martha Graham, Wilkinsburg, Pa. ’ I Pres. Sec., Mrs. T. R. Ewing, 1i Blairsville, Pa. ! [Mrs. J. R. Hearst, Japan, Pres. Treas., Mrs. Geo. Hill, i supported by Presbyte- ; Blairsville, Pa. rial Society.’] j

Armagh, ...... I 25 00 Miss J. L. Elder. B e u la h ,...... ; 149 75 Miss M. Graham. B d .: ...... ! 90 50 * Miss L. McCrea. Blairsville,...... • I 60 46 Sh. Oroomiah and Mis’y, ! Mrs. T. R. Ewing. Bds.: Noble, ...... 15 05 Five to Six, .... 5 00 Nellie Kister. Braddock, ...... ! 18 35 Mrs. J. S. Johnston. Conemaugh,...... 1 23 00 * Mrs. C. J. Niz. B d .: ...... Mrs. C. J. Niz. Congruity,...... i 30 00 * Miss M. J. Bovard. Congruity, New Salem, Br., . 33 10 Miss E. A . Duffield. Cross Roads,...... 36 21 » Miss A. A. Junk. Derry, ...... 70 29 Mrs. R. D. McCaslin. B d .: Bessie Milliken, . . 15 45 Robt. Pitcairn. E b e n sb u rg ,...... 64 50 Share, Sidon,* Mrs. F. H . Barker. Fairfield ( N e w ),...... Miss M. E. Kennedy. Greensburg,...... 140 00 Sh, Sidon & Sch. Ningpo,* Miss Annie Welty. Bds.: Foster,...... 40 00 Share, Ningpo, Miss Carrie Black. Sunbeam, ...... Share, Kolhapur, Harrison City, ...... 22 00 Mrs. J. Highberger. B d .: Sunday-school, . . . Miss E. Hiddie. Irw in ,...... 36 80 Mrs. E. W , Gant. Bd.: McGogney,...... 20 33 Miss B.. M. Martin. Joh n stow n ,...... 92 89 * Mrs. G..L. Yoder. L a tr o b e ,...... 4 0 30 * Miss P. Miller. B d .: H o p e ,...... Miss J. Peters. L ig o n ie r ,...... 55 00 * Miss J. B. Elder. L iv e r m o r e ,...... 19 00 Miss M. Rutlidge. M a n o r ,...... 8 50 Miss Morrow. B a n d ,...... 6 93 Murraysville,...... 146 63 B. W . Siam, b’d’g Fund* Miss M. Irwin. B ds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 74 30 • Bright Eyes, .... 50 00 * Clyde Thompson, 65

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

New Alexandria, . . . . $ 28 00 Mrs. J. Wallace. B d .: Evergreen, . . . Miss M. Gallagher. New S a le m ,...... 52 00 Share, Ningpo,* Miss Agnes Shields. Parnassus,...... 60 00 Mrs. B. B. Campbell. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 25 00 Sabbath-school, 50 00 Share, Tungchow, W . G. Dougan. Pine R u n ,...... 18 52 Mrs. S. McLaughlin. Plum Creek,...... 32 25 Miss M. L. Grubbs. B d.: Young Ladies’, . Poke R u n ,...... 43 50 Miss E. Dickey. U n ity,...... 15 00 Mrs. E. J. Beatty. Bd.: G irls,...... Mrs. C. P. Tiers. V eron a,...... 28 01

1741 62

Presbytery of Butler, Pa Pres. President, Mrs. W . J McConkey, Grove City, Pa. [Miss M. Culbertson, San Pres. Sec., Mrs. Agnes Mc­ Francisco, Cal., & Miss , Cullough, Whitestown, Pa. Belle Eakin, Laos, sup­ Pres. Treasurer, Mrs. J. D. ported by Presbyterial j Decker, Baldwin, Pa. Society.] I

A lle g h e n y ,...... 14 66 Miss A. Knox. A m i t y ,...... 48 25 Mrs. R. A. Montgomery. B d .: Young Ladies’, 28 00 Miss E. Gildersleeve. B u ffa lo,...... 20 00 Mrs. N. J. Bricker. B d .: McPherrin, . . 38 55 Miss Ettie Young. B u t le r ,...... 98 00 Miss B. W . Lowry. B d.: Young Ladies’, 23 72 Miss Annie Wick. C e n tr e ,...... 48 25 Miss Alice Black. Centreville, . . . 47 25 Mrs. T. S. Coulter. Bds.: McCauley, 6 85 Young Ladies 2 25 Clinton ville, . . 14 50 Mrs. E. L. Hayes. Concord, .... 70 55 Mrs. Howard Coulter. B d .: Girls’, . . 8 85 Fairview, .... 18 35 Miss Belle Patton. Grove City, . . . 89 50 Mrs. A. M. Craig. Bds.: Foundation Stones, 50 00 Miss Flora Craig. Little Grains of Sand 56 70 Miss M. Craig. Harlansburg,...... 69 00 Mrs. M. Cleland. Harrisville,...... 20 00 Martinsburg,...... 20 00 Mrs. M. Martin. Middlesex,...... 42 00 Miss L. Anderson. Mt. Nebo...... 46 00 Mrs. M. Coates. Muddy C r e e k ,...... 25 00 Miss Edna Thompson. New H o p e ,...... 19 00 Mrs. Mary Porter. Bd.: Pioneers, .... 5 00 a it New S a le m ,...... B d .: Little Helpers, . 20 00 Sh. Kolhapur, Mrs. M. E. Anderson. North B u t le r ,...... 22 00 * Mrs. E. Robb. North Liberty, .... 24 88 Mrs. R. M. Sailes. B d .: Workers for Jesus, 10 00 North Washington, . . 35 00 Mrs. C. C. Mechlin. Petrolia,...... 4 00 Miss Ada Forsyth.

5 66

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Plain Grove,...... $ 48 00 Mrs. M. J. Rodgers. B d .: Cheerful Workers, . 1 00 Miss Mary Moorhed. Young Ladies’, . . . 30 64 Pleasant V a lie v ,...... 5 00 Miss M. A . Black. B d .: Corner Stones, . . . Portersville,...... 53 00 Miss M. Cleland. P ro sp e ct,...... 24 00 Miss J. M. Thompson. Scrub Grass,...... 46 00 $ Miss Salina Anderson. Sum m it,...... 11 00 Miss Ida L. Fair. Sunburv, ...... 75 25 Mrs. J. Tinker. Bds.Pearls of Hope, . . 22 20 * Busy Bees, 9 62 Miss Flora Glenn. Unionville,...... 53 00 Mrs. H. McCandless. B d .: Gospel Soldiers, . . . Westminster,...... 22 95 * Zelienople,...... 24 25 B d .: Sabbath-school, . . . 11 31

1483 70

Pr e sb yte r y of Ca r lisle, Pa. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. J. A. Briggs, [Mrs. Eddy, Syria, Miss Harrisburg, Pa. Hunter, N. A. Indians, Pres. Sec., Mrs. W . C. Brew­ Mrs. Leaman, China, ster, Newville, Pa. and Miss West, Japan, Pres. Treas., Mrs. M. L. supported by the Pres- Paulding, Carlisle, Pa. byterial Society.]

Carlisle, 1 s t ,...... 80 00 Miss Cora B. Klink. B ds.: Golden Chain, . . . 36 00 * Macedonian, .... Carlisle, 2 d , ...... 147 77 Miss M. W . Logan. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 67 00 Share, Bancho & Organ, Miss M. M. Hench. Anna West, .... 11 80 Boys’, ...... 6 00 Carlisle, Metzgar Inst., . . . 3 03 Chambersburg, Central,. . . 30 54 Mrs. W . H. H. Mackey. Bds.: Young Ladies’ . . . 53 66 Miss Kate Keyser. C h a p e l,...... 6 00 Miss May Pennington. Sunshine,...... Chambersburg, Falling Sp., . 201 90 * Mrs. J. S. Nixon. Bds.: Young Ladies,’ . . . 245 00 * Miss Nettie II. King. Simpson Culbertson, 24 91 * John Mcllvaine. Busy Bees...... Chambersburg, Wilson Col., . 25 00 Miss Ella B. Everitt. Dauphin, ...... 26 00 Miss S. T. Robinson. Bds.: Jun. Miss’y Soc., . . 50 00 Share, Sidon, Robt. Heck. Children, of the King, 15 00 Share, Saltillo, Mrs. F. M. Baker. Dickinson, a l a d y ,...... 50 00 Dillsburg (Monaghan), . . . 54 85 * Miss L. A . Sheffer. Bds.: Christian Endeavor, M. W . Britcher. Whatsoever, .... 12 00 # Duncannon,...... 19 20 * Miss Annie Jackson. Gettysburg, B a n d ,...... 66 00 Sh., Sidon & B T g Fund,* Miss Agnes S. Barr. Sabbath-school, . . . 5 50 A lady...... 115 00 * 67

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Greencastle,...... $ 85 25 Share, Beirut, Miss H. S. Davison. Bds.: Young Ladies, . . 37 00 Share, Lodiana, Miss K . M. Martin. Lilies of the Valley, 32 82 Share, Tungchow, Lily Euthrauff. Excelsior Boys, . . . Share, Lodiana, Green Hill, Y. L. B., . . . . 5 75 Miss Ellie Skipper. Harrisburg, Market Square, . 427 35 Tea., Beirût, Miss’s, &c.,* Mrs. Geo. B. Stewart. Bds.: Macedonian, . . . . 365 00 Mrs. David Fleming. John A . Wier, . . . 10 00 Mrs. G. M. McCauley. T r u s t,...... 6 00 Mrs. Bleesly. Cheerful Givers, . . 13 50 Miss Mary Kelker. S. S., Senior dep’t, . 142 07 McCarrell Mem., . . 30 00 Orphan, Saharanpur, Harrisburg, Pine Street, . . . 476 87 Teas.,Syria,India Misc.* Mrs. T. C. Torrington. Bds.: Whatsoever, .... 30 00 African Schooner, Syrian Helpers, . . 50 00 Share, Sidon, Miss Jennie Divan. Talitha Cumi, . . . Brave and True, . . 15 00 Work, Benita, Miss G. F. Houston. Livingstone...... 15 00 H. M. McCormick, Jr. Anything for Jesus, Little .Reapers, . . . J 15 00 Share, Canton, Mary Campbell, . . 15 00 Share, Canton, Miss Hayes’ Class, . 20 00 Orphanage, India, S. H. Kautz’s Class, 10 00 Share, Nanking, S. H. Kautz. General Fund, . . . 10 00 Miss Julia Graydon. Young Ladies, . . . 43 59 Building Funds, Miss Helen M . Boyd. Harrisburg, Seventh Street, . Harrisburg, Westminster, . . 50 00 Mrs. R. B. Mateer. Bds.: Children’s, .... 14 07 j School, Syria, Miss E. S. Elder. Harriet Eddy, . . . 15 00 Miss Jennie Withrow. Sabbath school, . . . 36 37 Share, Shanghai,* Lower Marsh Creek, .... 22 84 Lower Path V a lley ,...... 20 00 B d .: Willing Workers, . McConnellsburg,...... 22 00 Miss Ella M. Irwin. B d.: Coral Workers, . . , Mrs. B. W . Peck. Mechanicsburg,...... 100 00 Sch., Lahore, Mrs. M. L. O’Neale. Bds.: Happy Workers, . . 50 00 Share, Tungchow,* Rebekah J. Miller. B ir th d a y ,...... 9 00 Mary Floyd. Mercersburg,...... 22 48 Miss E. I). Creigh. Bds.: Young Ladies,’ . . 43 00 Share, Lodiana, Miss Minnie McKinstry. Thomas Creigh, . . . 25 32 Miss X . McCullough. Middle Spring,...... 31 50 Mrs. J. M. Wylie. Millerstown,...... New Bloomfield,...... 21 00 Mrs. C. M. Adams. B d.: Early Blossom, . . . 5 00 Miss Ella M. Sheaffer. Newville, Big Spring Ch., . 80 00 Miss Belle M. Hays. Bds.: Hope,...... 50 00 Miss Mattie Svigert. Wide Awake, .... 10 00 Mrs. J. E. Hays. Newville, Hopeful Workers, 195 00 Tea., Beirut and misc.* Miss Eva K . Randa‘1. Bds.: Dewdrops,...... 10 00 Mrs. M. S. Stough. Willing Workers, . . King’s Children, . . 20 00 Miss Mary Thompson, P a x to n ,...... 56 21 j Mrs. E. S. Rutherford. B d .: Cheerful Givers, . . 20 00 ; Miss Helen Rutherford. Petersburg,...... 45 00 Miss K . H. Brandon. Rocky Sps. and Strasburg, . 5 00 Shermansdaie,...... 11 00 Mrs. L. E. Saunder. 68

Shippensburg, $127 56 Miss M. E. Hays. Bds.: Young Ladies,’ 55 00 Share, Tungchow,* Miss Mary Sibbitt. Hull 61 76 Kolhapur,® Mrs. D. T. Nevin. Upper Path Valley, 61 39 Miss L. C. Skinner. Waynesboro,...... 46 00 Mrs. C. A . Wallace. Bds.: Young Ladies,’ . Korean, . . . . 17 25 Miss Mary Stewart. H u l l , ...... Well’s Valley,...... Miscellaneous,...... 5 00

4571 11

Presbytery of Chester, Pa. Pres. President, Miss E. M. Buxton, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Pres. Sec., Miss Anna Esler, Glenolden, Pa. Pres. Treasurer, Mrs. H. A. MacKubbin,Coatesville, Pa. A t g le n ,...... 14 50 Miss Eliza Houston. B d .: Busy Gleaners, A von dale,...... 118 05 S Miss Ella Humes. B d .: Sabbath-school, 2 25 ! Berw yn,...... 48 70 j * Miss Etta Stauffer. Bryn M a w r,...... 178 94 ; Zenana Work,* Miss Jeannette Black. Chester, 2 d , ...... 17 08 ! School, Sao Paulo, Miss Laura E. Heaney. B d .: Mary B. Heaney 2 00 : Miss Maggie Irvins. Chester, 3 d , ...... 23 40 ! Mrs. John R. Sweney. Christiana,...... 26 00 ! Coatesville, .... 60 00 ! Mrs. Anna Scott. B d .: Labor of Love, 40 00 ; School, Syria, Darby, 1st, Glenolden Bd 8 75 I Miss Sadie Black. Darby Borough, . . . 35 25 i Mrs. H. A . Malin. B d .: Sunbeam, . 60 00 ; Share, Lodiana, Miss Mary Malin. Dilworthtown, .... Miss F. E. McClure. Downingtown, .... 93 56 ! * Mrs. A. P. Tutton. Bds.: Golden Links, 2 28 ! Little Agnesi, . 5 75 ! Miss Bessie Mitchel. Sabbath-school 15 00 I Sh. (Boys), Sch., Canton, East Whiteland, . . . 110 00 " Miss Tillie Shaeffer. Fagg’s Manor, .... 47 00 Mrs. W . C. Morrison. F a irv ie w ,...... 21 00 Mrs. W . H. Miller. Forks of Brandywine, 81 00 Miss C. G. McClure. Great Valley, . . . . 73 55 Miss Jennie Fetters. B d .: Sabbath-school, 28 73 Honey Brook, .... 100 00 Mrs. Wherry, India, Miss L. P. Dampman. B d .: Pansy, .... 8 00 Miss Grace Trout. Kennet Square, . . . Mrs. T. Hakestraw, Lincoln, Willing Helper 40 00 Share, Tungchow, John B. Rendall. M a rp le ,...... 24 00 Miss Sallie Moore. B ds.: Sabbath-school 25 00 Work, Africa, Thomas, . 5 00 Miss May Rodney. Media,...... 41 34 Teheran Building, Miss E. R. Yarnall. B ds.: Annie G. Dale, Stephen Ruth. Yarnall Mem. 4 83 69

Amount Special Objects. Name of Society. Contrib. Name of Secretary.

New L o n d o n ,...... $ 40 36 * Miss N. E. Jackson. Oxford, 1 s t , ...... 206 00 Mrs. C. J. Wiley. B d .: Syrian Chapter, . . . 50 00 Sch., Work, Syria, American Chapter, . Phoenixville,...... 59 00 * Mrs. W m. Emery. Toughkenamon,...... 15 00 Miss A. M. Strahorn. Upper Octorara,...... 100 00 Mrs. Wherry, India, Miss M. J. Wallace. Bds.: Excelsior,...... Miss Mary Ross, Pres. M arsh a ll,...... 12 00 ) Miss Dora Boyd. Hope and Trust, . . 15 00 > Share, Tungchow, Miss Fannie Davis. H o p e ,...... 13 00 W a y n e ,...... 67 21 * Miss E. B. Pleasants. B d .: In His Name, .... 47 82 * Miss T. S. Sellers. West Chester,...... 435 00 * Mrs. H. F. Wyers. Bds.: Young People’s, . . 50 00 Share, Sidon, Willing Hands, . • Miss Kate Barber. West Grove,...... 75 42 Mrs. C. M. Sparks.

2546 77

Presbyter y of Clar io n , Pa. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. D.E.Mateer, New Bethlehem, Pa. Pres. Sec., Mrs. R. L. Buzard, [Miss M. Baskin, San Brockwayville, Pa. Francisco, Cal., sup­ Pres. Treas., Mrs. S. E. Craig, ported by the Presby- Brookville, Pa. terial Society.]

Beechwoods,...... 92 25 Miss Lizzie Hunter. Bds.: Mission, ...... Miss M. McCurdy. P ancoast,...... 8 00 Miss A. R. Hutchison. W ild Wood, .... Miss Lizzie McClure. Bethesda, Y . L. B., • . . . . 26 00 * Miss Lizzie Craig. Brockwayville,...... 8 65 Mrs. Dr. Niver. Bd.: Caruthers,...... 10 50 Miss Clara Burkhouse. Brookville,...... 126 30 Sch., Syria,* Mrs. A. C. Craig. Bds.: Young People’s, . . 115 00 Sch., Canton,* Miss N. McKinney. Happy Children, . . 45 00 Share, Work Tungchow, B o y s ,...... 5 00 Work, China, Callensburg,...... 74 20 * Miss Lizzie McClure. B d .: Golden Links, . . . 24 00 * Miss A. Ijllingensmith. C larion,...... 75 00 Mrs. George F. Kribbs. Bds.: Young Ladies’ , . . . 80 00 Share, Lahore,* Miss L. Lawson. G le a n e rs,...... 30 00 Share, Yokohoma, Shining Lights, . . 30 00 Share, Lodiana. Concord, ...... 5 75 Bds.: Young Ladies, . . . Miss S. E. Johnstone. Dime Gatherers, . . 5 46 East B r a d y ,...... 40 00 * Mrs. B. H. Smith. B d .: Beacon Lights, . . . 50 00 Tea, Bdg., Sch. Canton, Miss Celia Graham. Edenburg,...... 33 00 Mrs. Hugh Amo. Boys’ C la sse s,...... Em lenton,...... 30 17 Mrs. J. J. Gosser. B d .: Young People’s, . . Miss Lulu Amo. Greenville, ...... 43 00 Mrs. M. E. Craig. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 58 10 -Si Miss Love L. Sloan. Children’s , ...... 4 50 70

Leatberwood, .... $ 20 20 Mrs. A . E. Wilson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 50 00 Rays of Light, Licking,...... 34 00 Mrs. L. C. Pritner. Mt. Tabor,...... Miss Maggie Long. New Bethlehem, . . . 89 10 Mrs. M. E. Wood. Bds.: Star of Bethlehem 24 91 Miss Lulu Krow. Sabbath-school, 36 10 Young Ladies’, 35 67 New Rehoboth, . . . 39 49 Mrs. M. Corbett. B d.: Young Ladies’, 8 80 Miss Carrie Corbett. Oak G r o v e ,...... 70 22 Mrs. S. C. Corbett. Bds.: Acorn, . . 34 46 Miss Lizzie Painter. Earnest Workers, 23 26 Oil City, 2 d , ...... 80 00 Share, Saharanpur,: Mrs. J. C. Darington. Bds.: Young People’s, 23 74 Work, Chefoo, Miss M. B. Wilson. Sabbath-School, 68 20 Perry, ...... 13 50 B d .: Do-what-we-can, Perryville, ...... 20 00 « Miss Josie Pollock. P is g a h ,...... 42 00 B. W ., Chefoo, Miss R. Jones. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 38 60 , Share, Futtehgurh, Miss Madge Jones. Snowflakes, . Punxsutawney, . . . Miss Sallie Zeitler. Reynoldsville’, Band, . Miss Nora Wheeler. R ich la n d ,...... 10 00 Miss Viola McGinnes. R id g w a y ,...... 15 75 Miss Mary McKee. B d.: Boys’ and Girls’, 4 59 Miss Lena Garritt. Rockland...... 7 00 Scotch Hill, Y . L. S., . 12 00 Mrs. Nettie Brady. S h i lo h ,...... 5 00 Mi's. M. E. Reed. Bd.: Mission Garden, 7 02 T io n e s ta ,...... 102 00 Mrs. G. G. Butterfield. Troy, ...... 13 87 Miss Ada Guthrie. West Millville, .... 17 04 Mrs. M. E. McCurdy. Wilcox, Rays of Light. 6 30 Miss Mabel Wells. Worth ville , ...... Miss Lizzie Waggoner.

1972 70

P e e s b y t e e y o f E e i e , P a. [Mrs. J. M. Swan, China, Pres. President, Mrs. L. D. and Kindergarten, Sao Wetmore, Warren, Pa. Paulo, supported by Pres. Sec., Miss Margaret G. Auxiliary Societies. Cowell, Cambridgeboro’,Pa. Miss Cora Bartlett,Per­ Pres. Treas., Mrs. J. A . Neill, sia, by Young Peoples’ Titusville, Pa. Bands.] Belle Valley, . . . 20 86 Sh. Train’g Sch’l, Canton, Mrs. G. J. Russell. B rad fo rd ,...... 97 75 Mrs. M. P. Straight. B ds.: Silver Link, 100 00 Japan and Miss’y, Miss Jane Dresser. Busy Workers 3 00 Cambridge, . . . 44 81 Mrs. E. L. Birchard. Bds.: Young Ladies 34 06 Miss Lena Rockwell. Bartlett, . 6 25 Miss Louise Leffingwell. Cochranton, . . . 17 85 Miss Mary Powell. Bds.: Young Ladies’ 10 00 Miss Emma Cushin. Worthy Workers, 71

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Conneautville,...... 5 29 34 Mrs. H. A. Billings. Bd.: Young Ladies’, . . . 15 00 Miss Louise Billings. Cool S prin g,...... 12 00 Mrs. Mary E. Miller. B d .: Children’s , ...... 25 00 Miss E. M. McEwen. Cooperstown,...... 24 00 Mrs. W . A. Crawford. Bds.: Helpers...... D o lly ,...... 2 00 Corry, ...... 25 75 Miss Bertha King. Corn planter,...... 1 00 E din boro,...... 34 98 Miss Martha Phelps. B d .: Willing Workers, . . 15 00 I Miss Annie Reeder. Erie, 1st, ...... 145 00 Miss MeCreight, ; Mrs. J. M. Ormsbee. B d.: Sabbath-school, . . . Share, Tungehow, Erie, C e n tr a l,...... 185 35 Miss MeCreight, Mrs. S. A. Davenport. Bd.: Mary T. Minor, . . . 100 00 Miss Margaret Shirk. Erie, Chestnut S t . , ...... 19 40 Mrs. E. D. Gates. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . • 22 63 Miss Emma Vance. Cheerful Givers, . . 2 37 Miss Nellie Marshall. f Miss MeCreight and j Erie Park, ...... 280 00 Mrs. Wm. Brewster. [ Orphanage, India.* j Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 98 50 Miss Mary L. Case. Coral Workers, . 70 00 Work, Japan,* F airv ie w ,...... 20 00 Miss R. E. Eaton. [ Zacatecas, Med. Fd. j Franklin, ...... 407 08 Mrs. R. F. Glenn. { and Misc.* j Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 33 57 Miss Rachel Brady. Pearls for the Master, 3 00 Miss Lizzie Raymond. B o y s ,...... 75 L ily ,...... 60 00 Miss Jessie Morton. Sabbath-school, . . . 52 87 Wm. Sutley. Little Helpers, . . 10 81 Miss Clara E. Whitaker. Fredonia,...... 31 16 Mrs. Eva L. Moore. B a n d ,...... 15 00 Garland,...... 4 84 Mrs. D. J. McMillan. Georgetown,...... 1 00 Girard,...... 37 00 Mrs. R. S. Battles. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 22 20 Cheerful Givers, . . 3 00 Miss Mary Blair. Coral Workers, . . . 3 05 Gravel H u n ,...... 8 83 Miss Etta Clark. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 15 00 Mrs. S. S. Hoig. Greenfield,...... Greenville,...... 135 52 Mrs. T. C. Gibson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 60 00 Miss Florence Keep. Eunice Critchlow, . M. L. Hengist. Sabbath-sehool, . . . 23 80 H a d le y ,...... 7 85 Harbor C reek ,...... 23 00 Mrs. T. M. Dodge. Harmonsburg,...... 20 15 Mrs. Dr. Bean. Jamestown, ...... 13 33 Mrs. J. L. Dennison. Bd.: Flemming,...... Miss Nell Throop. Kerr’s H ill, ...... 21 00 Meadville, 1 st,...... 11 15 Miss L. S. Davis. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 67 00 Mrs. M. P. Davis. Meadville, 2 d , ...... 53 35 Miss E. C. Callender. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 25 00 Miss Jennie Clarke. Little Helpers, . . . Miss Dora Dorell. 72

Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

Mercer, 1 s t , ...... $ 28 71 Miss Mary Bowser. Bds. : Young Ladies’, . 25 00 Miss Grace B. Newell. Busy Bees, . . . 2 20 Miss Sara Zahniser. Boys’, ...... 3 00 Chas. Packard. Mercer, 2d,*...... 78 05 Mrs. J. A. Stranahan. Bd. : Young People’s, . 40 30 Miss Eva L. Mills. Milledgeville,...... Mt. P le a s a n t,...... 25 42 Mrs. W . M. Glenn. Bds. : Young Ladies’, . 5 00 Apple Blossoms, 7 34 Miss Maggie Amon. North E a s t ,...... 211 46 Sch. Mynpurie & Misc.* Mrs. K. V. Stockton. Bd. : Willing Workers, 55 00 Work, Benita,* Miss Ella B. Clark. j Tea., Sidon, Sh., India ) Oil City, 1 st,...... 315 96 Mrs. S. C. Walker. ] and Occ. School,® j Bds. : Young People’s, 100 00 Miss Nettie Bradley. Star of Hope, Willard Say. I 30 00 Share, Futtehgurh, Circle of Brilliants Miss Bertha Organ. Children’s, . . . 1 00 Pittsfield, Cheerful Givers Miss Lucy Whitney. Pleasantville,...... 17 05 Mrs. A. W . Brown. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 3 40 Sabbath-school, . 6 00 Miss E. J. Sterrett. Little Workers, 5 00 Sandy L ak e,...... 38 11 Mrs. Cora Rayen. Bd. : Young Ladies’, . 2 65 Springfield,...... 63 12 Mrs. Susie S. Cross. Bd. : Susie Cross, . . . 10 00 Miss Georgia Wilson. Stoneboro’, ...... 16 64 Miss Ida Esgar. Tidioute,...... • 97 00 Mrs. E. B. Grandin. Bd. : Helping Hand, . 25 00 Miss IT. M. Parshall. Titusville,...... 843 42 Miss Alexander & misc.* Mrs. E. K. Thompson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 200 00 Mrs. F. Truesdell. Alexander, . . . 102 00 Share, Yokohama Bl’g Fd. Miss Marv Hoberts. Cheerful Helpers, Sabbath-school, . 61 32 Mrs. Bryan’s Class, 5 00 Union City, . . . 23 28 Mrs. J. S. Thompson. Bd. : Young Ladies’, U tic a ,...... 12 91 Miss Belle McCracken. V e n a n g o ,...... ! Mrs. Alice Bole. [ Shs, Sidon & Canton, ] Mrs. E. W . Parshall. W arren ,...... 359 52 ( & Organ Zacatecas,® j Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 50 00 Miss Lucy F. Friday. Arbutus, .... 5 00 Miss Lizzie Crull. Evergreen, . 14 63 Miss Mabel Dalrymple. Mizpah, .... 2 00 Miss Kittie Brown. Waterford,...... 34 93 Miss S. A. Boyd. W a te rlo o ,...... 23 86 Miss Fannie Gilliland. Wattsburg, ...... 12 22 Miss E. E. Traev. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 3 30 Miss Mary Montague. Sabbath-school, . 3 06 Miscellaneous,...... 45 06

5646 13 73

Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

Presbytery o f H u n tin g­ don, Pa. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. N. D. Orbi- son, Bellefonte, Pa. [Mrs. J, Butler, China, Pres. Sec., Mrs. W . P. Wilson, and Miss F. Porter, Bellefonte, Pa. Japan, are supported Pres. Treas., Mrs. William by the Presbytenal So­ Dorris, Huntingdon, Pa. ciety.] Alexandria,...... S 43 65 Miss J. Harklerode. Bds.: Hartslog Valley, . 26 71 Miss Alice C. Robb. John Porter, . . . 40 50 Altoona, 1 st,...... 170 03 Miss Alice McClelland. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 18 50 Miss Olive Parker. Little Workers, . 25 00 S. J. Learner. Children’s Band, . Miss Jesse B. Wiggins. B o y s ,...... 1 50 Altoona, 2d, ...... 104 25 Mrs. M. W . Thompson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . 10 00 Miss Nettie B. Wagner. Allegheny, . . . 15 00 Miss R. C. Wallace. Bedford,...... 25 00 Miss Jane Tate. Bellefonte,...... 132 92 Mrs. W . P. Wilson. Bds.: Loring,...... 75 00 Sh. Kolhapur,* Miss Shortlidge. B e a v er,...... 116 00 Chinese Home, S. F.,;i Miss J. Crittenden. Beulah, Sabbath-school, . . 20 00 Mrs. A. M. Gamble. Bimingham,...... 44 25 Miss M. Grier. Bds.: Mountain Sem., . 100 00 Miss S. Kinch. Mountain Children, 18 61 Clearfield,...... 46 00 Miss Ella C. Shaw. B d .: Young People’s, . 12 00 Albert Kerr. Du Bois, ...... 60 00 ¡ Mrs. C. E. Bostwick. Bds.: Stewart,...... 25 00 j Miss J. Mead. Busy Bees, .... 3 70 Duncansville,...... 55 39 ’ Miss S. G. Thompson, B d .: H o p e ,...... 30 00 i Miss M. Wheatley. East Kishacoquillas, . . . 97 52 I Miss Jennie Kvle. Hollidaysburg, ...... 119 50 M rs. S. J. Tucker. Bds.: Cheerful Workers, 26 03 *- Miss Clara Smith. Hope...... 34 15 Miss Carrie Bayley. Whatsoever, . . . 35 00 Sh. Dehra, i Miss A. R. Moore. Willing Workers, 60 29;* : Miss A. E. Barr. Seminary, .... 70 00 Ch’te Irvine Mem., 12 16 Mrs. E. P. Landis. IToutzdale, ...... Mrs. S. Leonard. Huntingdon, ...... 130 41 Mrs. W. H. Woods. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . 30 00 Building Fund,* Miss May Patton. Lilies of the Valley, Onward (boys), . 8 80 Building Fund,* Charlie Reed. Sabbath-school, 7 71 Earnest Workers, 14 00 ! Miss M. E. Petriken. Le wist o w n ,...... 112 00 Miss A. J. Clarke. Logan’s Valley, .... 13 75 Mrs. M. G. Riley. Lost C r e e k ,...... 18 67 Miss M. J. Hunt. Lower Spruce Creek, . . 55 00 Mrs. M. J. Gardner. B d .: Heart and Hand, 10 30 Miss Belle Thompson. Lower Tuscarora, .... 12 00 Mrs. R. Hartshorne. Martinsburg,...... 49 41 Mrs. C. P. Ashcomb. Middle Tuscarora, . . . 22 50 Miss Minnie Noely. ! Miss M. McAlister. Mifflintown,...... 76 36 I Band: ...... 2 00 74

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

M ilr o v ,...... $ 15 00 Miss Kate L. Thompson. Mount U n io n ,...... 28 00 Miss S. H. Adams. Bd.: Daisy,...... 15 00 Mrs. A. Simons. Pennfield,...... 24 50 * Mrs. E. J. Bird. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 5 82 Miss A. E. Bird. Do Your Best, . . . 4 00 Miss Nellie Bird. Peru, ...... 3 01 Miss Ada Patterson. Petersburg, Band, . . 1 25 Miss B. Henry. Philipsburg, B and,...... 1 56 Pine G r o v e ,...... 44 50 * Mrs. A. P. Mitchell. Port R o v a l ,...... 51 58 Miss Kate E. Keister. Bd.: Stewart,...... 47 11 Shade G ap,...... 9 02 Mrs. M. B. Stitt. Shirlevsburg,...... 4 25 Sinking Creek,...... 98 53 Sh., Ningpo, (2 years,)* Miss S. S. Ross. Sinking Y a l l e y ,...... 91 37 # Miss M. E. Morrow. Bd.: Gleaners,...... 35 20 Miss M. M. Tiissev. Spring C r e e k ,...... 129 50 * Miss Maud Mitchell. Spruce C r e e k ,...... 784 21 B’ld’g and Med. Fund,* Miss C. W . Stewart. Bds.: Colerain Forge, S. S.. 52 00 Share, Sidon, Heart in Hand, . . . 10 22 Cool Run, . . . 6 60 Building Fund, Miss Rose M. Reed. T y r o n e ,...... 140 68 $ Miss E. J. Crawford. Upper Tuscarora,...... 22 45 Mrs. J. A. Blair. Warrior’s M a r k ,...... 117 50 Share, Kolhapur,* Miss Carrie Neff. Williamsburg,...... 50 00 School, Saharanpur, Miss C. S. Els worth. Miscellaneous,...... 84 17

4113 60

P r e s b y t e r y o f K i t t a n - s x n g , P a . Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. C. R. Craw­ ford, Kittanning, Pa. Pres. Sec., Mrs. T. B. Elder. Elder’s Pudge, Pa. [Miss S. M. Wherry, In­ Pres. Treas., Mrs. John Sut­ dia, supported by Pres- ton, Sr., Indiana, Pa. byterial Society.]

A p o llo ,...... 121 26 Mrs. S. J. McBryar. Bds. : Hopeful,...... 17 69 Miss Emma Alexander. (1 U il Faithful Workers, . 11 05 B e th e l,...... 30 00 Miss Flora Allison. B eth esd a,...... 15 00 * Mrs. L. G. Plumer. Boiling S p r i n g ,...... 18 00 Miss Carrie Orr. Cherry R u n ,...... 6 00 Mrs. M. Calhoun. Cherry T ree,...... 6 25 Mrs. E. B. Camp. Clarksburg,...... 10 00 Mrs. Ida Ferguson. C linton,...... Mrs. Mary Wolf. Concord, ...... 18 00 Miss A. C. Stockdill. Currie’s R u n , ...... 71 43 * Mrs. John Hill. E ben ezer,...... 40 00 * Elder’e Ridge...... 94 25 Miss Mary Wray. Bd. : Donaldson,...... 21 09 * E ld e r to n ,...... 31 08 Miss Maty Christy. F re e p o r t,...... 66 58 Miss H. Si. Pritner. Bds. : Young Ladies, . . . 21 00 Miss Mary Weaver. Sabbath-school, . . 40 00 Share Tungchow, 75

Amount Käme of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

G i l g a l ,...... $ 13 75 Glade R u n , ...... 49 00 B. W ., Canton, Mrs. E. D. Mechlin. H arm ony,...... 38 00 Sch. Saharanpur, Mrs. S. N. Pattison. Homer C ity ,...... 25 00 Mrs. John McMillan. Indiana, ...... 325 00 Mrs. C. E. Barr. Jacksonville,...... 30 00 Mrs. J. M. Lowman, B d .: Sabbath-school, . 40 00 Sh. Beirut, it it Kittanning,...... 455 00 Mrs. Judson, China, Miss Lizzie Stewart. L e ech b u rg ,...... 120 00 Mrs. R. Swalm. M arion ,...... 34 25 Mrs. Sarah Lytle. Mechaniesburg, . . . . 30 00 I Sch. Scharanpur, Mrs. F. W . Allen. B a n d ,...... 5 13 Mt. P le a s a n t,...... 9 00 Mrs. Linda Gourley. Parker C ity ,...... 15 60 Mrs. Conway. Rockbridge,...... 11 00 Mrs. Sarah Simpson. Rural V a l l e y ,...... 30 25 Miss M. E. Patrick. Saltsburgj...... 100 00 Miss Lizzie Mcllwain. B d .: Little Sunbeams, 32 00 Student, Saharanpur,* Miss Anna Moore. Slate L ic k ,...... 56 50 Sch. Kolhapur, Miss M. J. Brown. B d .: Fruit Buds, . . . 8 50 Srader’s Grove, . . . . 33 50 Miss A. J. Hill. T u n n e lto n ,...... 6 25 Mrs. S. J. Krytzer. Washington,...... Mrs. M. W . Bell, West Glade Run, . . . . 50 00 B. W . Canton, j Mrs. X . Hindman, West Lebanon,...... 60 65 j i Mrs. Kate Fulton, B d .: Sabbath-school, . 25 85 ! Worthington,...... 29 00 Sch. Saharanpur, Miss N. R. Craig.

2271 91

Pe e sb y t e e y o r L a c k a w a n n a , Pa . Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. S. P. Fenn, Pittston, Pa. Pres. Sec., Miss Mary D. [Mrs. De. Heer, Africa, Strong, Pittston, Pa. and Mrs. Wyckoif, In­ Pres. Treas., Miss G. Foster, dia, supported by Pres- Honesdale, Pa. byterial Society.] A r a r a t ,...... 3 50 Mrs. J. Bloxham. B a n d ,...... Miss M. Bloxham, A s h le y ,...... 74 71 Mrs. D. O. Eroh. Bds.: Bright Lights, . Gerald F. Dale, A th e n s ,...... 55 35 Sh. Sidon, Mrs. S. R. Paine. Bd.: Willing Workers, 10 00 I Mrs. Cora Fitch. Bennett,...... 5 00 C an ton ,...... 30 00 Mrs. S. P. Gates. Carbondale,...... 78 48 i * Mrs. S. D. Baker. Bds.: Pansy, .... 65 25 Mite Gatherers, 50 00 Sh. Lodiana,* Miss M. Crane. Willing Workers D unm ore,...... 4 00 Mrs. A. C. Smith. B d .: Try and Trust, . 6 00 Mabel Christ. East Canton,...... 14 00 B d .: Penny Helpers, . 11 50 Franklin, . . . 25 00 Mrs. F. H . Marsh, Great Bend (Hallstead), 30 00 Sh. Shanghai, B d.: Little Gleaners, . 5 63 H arm ony,...... 30 00 Mrs. H. O. Peck. 76

Hawley, 18 50 Miss F. Bishop. Bds.': Hopeful Workers, 10 00 Hattie Curtis. Mountain Daisies, 1 50 Honesdale, ...... 221 50 Shs. Beirut & Oroomiah/3 Mrs. J. R. Jenkins. Bds.: Mispah,...... 46 00 Sh. Kolhapur,* Miss H. Holmes. Busy Bees, . . . 15 00 B’d’g. Jhansi, Soldiers of the King, 35 00 Shs. (boys) Canton,* Jos. Crandall. Happy Workers, . 1 00 Kingston...... 91 00 Miss A. Hoyt. Bd. : Torch Bearers, . . 42 50 School, Saltillo,* Miss E. Loveland. Langcliffe,...... 100 00 * Mrs. M. Johnston. Bd. : Moosic S. S., Nassau 266 55 Work, Africa,* Livingstone, . . . 26 78 Little M eadow s,...... 10 00 Mrs. S. A. Pitcher. Maltby, Stella Chapel, . . 20 00 Miss S. J. Lancaster. Bds*: M ission ,...... 19 26 Y . America Club, . 5 00 ! William Lancaster, Monroeton,...... 39 20 j Mrs. O. H. Rockwell. M ontrose,...... 121 65 Share, Tripoli,* \ Mrs. A. H. Berlin. Nanticoke,...... 31 25 Bds. : Freewill,...... 12 37 Loren Luke. Birthday and S. S., 6 46 Nicholson,...... 6 35 Miss Lulu Crane. Orwell...... 12 00 Mrs. II. R. Champlin. Piitston, 1 st,...... 104 34 School, Syria, Mrs. D. S. Stark. Bds. : P a r k ,...... 122 14 Miss M. Craig. Bethel,...... 30 00 M iss M. Monie. Plymouth, . .• ...... 108 66 School, Syria, Mrs. W . W . Lance. Bds. : Young Ladies’, . . 6 50 Miss F. C. Lance. Light Bearers, . . 6 00 Miss M. Lance. Wide Awake, . . . 5 00 Miss F. C. Lance". Prompton, Lilies of the Val’y 10 00 Providence, Guild Band, . Miss Agnes Yickary. Scranton, 1 s t,...... 461 10 Miss J. Moore. Bds. : Juv. Association, . 500 00 Miss Thomson, Beirut, Seek and Save, . . 85 00 Korea, Africa & Brazil,* Miss F. Hunt. Lowrie Boys, . . . 80 00 Shs. Lodiana&Tungchow*! Jas. D. Cook. Scranton, 2d...... 287 87 Miss W . Buell. Bds. : Golden Rule, . . . 25 00 Emma Hoadley. Boys’, ...... 50 00 Share, Petchaburi, Carl Welles. Scranton, Green Ridge Ave. 58 34 Work, Syria, Mrs. H. M. Bookstaver. Bds. : Mary Campbell, . 60 00 Share, Lodiana,* Miss Ada Van Stark. Early Reapers, . . 15 00 Miss K. Nettleton. Scranton, Washburn Street, 99 48 Mrs. E. R. Parker. Bds. : Gleaners, .... 40 06 Miss Jennie Staples. j School, Syria, Kefr Shîma, . . . 60 00 Miss M. Bunnell. Scranton, Lilies of the Field, 35 00 Work, Nanking, Miss Brickenstein. Shickshinny,...... 26 50 Mrs. J. A. Clark. Bd. : Sabbath-school, . 14 00 Miss B. Nicely. Stevensville,...... 29 00 Mrs. L. Stevens. Bds. : Little Helpers, . 5 00 j Zenana Work,* Youth’s Soc., 18 00 Walter Stevens. Susquehanna,...... 28 68 Mrs. J. Eidman. Bds. : Mite Gatherers, 12 66 •Share, Bancho, Mrs. Doolittle. Young Peoples’, 15 66 Miss N. Graham. Syl v a n i a ,...... Mrs. D. Shepherd. T o w a n d a ,...... 200 00 Mrs. N. W . Betts. Bds. : Overton, .... 30 46 Work, Africa*, Miss B. Camochan. Stewart, .... 15 00 Mrs. C. L. Risby. 77

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Troy...... $104 6 8 Mrs. H. W . Hovey. B d.: Birthday, . . 32 50 Share, Petchaburi,* Albert Hovey. Tunkhannock, . . 51 00 Mrs. R. P. Northrop. B d.: Children’s, . Wells and Columbia, 9 2 0 West Pittston, . . . 206 35 Mrs. J. W . Berry. Bds.: Willing Workers, 55 00 Sh., Nanking & B ’d’g Fd, Miss Helen Strong, Young People’s, 82 00 Share, Canton,* Miss Belle Fordham. CO Wilkes-Barre, 1st, . . . 467 Mrs. Graham, India,* Mrs. L. S. Langdon. Bds.: Young Ladies, . 60 00 Miss E. Chase. Mrs. Loop’s, . . 17 00 Mrs. E. S. Loop. Wilkes-Barre, Covenant, 15 05 Miss M. Price. Wilkes-Barre, Memorial, 229 00 School, Mexico,* Miss S. C. Hunt. Bds.: Whosoever W ill, 82 75 Share, Tungchow,* Miss M. J. Case. Willing Workers, 12 00 W m. Hessell. Wyalusing, 1st, . . . 2 0 00 Mrs. M. C. Jones. Wyalusing, 2d, . . . . 61 75 Mrs. C. J. Lewis. W yom in g,...... 30 00 Bds.: Young Ladies, 25 00 Share, Kolhapur, Miss M. Polen. Mission, . . . 2 2 10 [ Work, Nez Perces, Miss Ruth Polen. Sabbath-school, 15 00 Miscellaneous, .... 17 34

5905 42

P r e s b y t e r y o f L e h i g h , Pa. Pres. President, Mrs. J. H. M. Knox, Easton, Pa. Pes. Sec., Miss Elizabeth W eb­ ster, Mauch Chunk, Pa. [Mrs. J. H. McComb, Lo- Pres. Treas., Miss S. E. Ben­ diana, India, supported son, Beading Pa. by Presbyterial Soc’y.]

Allentown, ..... 152 75 Mrs. A. J. Breinig. B ds.: Helpers, . . . 40 00 Share, Futtehgurh, Miss Alice M. Smith. Loring, . . . 44 07 Miss Susie Jones. Boys’, .... 25 10 Eddie Soleliac. Ashland...... 19 00 Miss K. Johnston. B d .: Spring Violets, 5 22 Sallie Bensinger. A u d e n r ie d ,...... 25 00 Miss M. G. White. B a n g o r,...... 12 00 Mrs. W . G. Sherrer. B d .: Coral Builders, B e th le h em ,...... 54 00 Med. Fund and Miss’y, Mrs. J. R. Miller. Bds.: Musgrave, . . 50 00 Building Fund, Miss A. F. Brown. A . D. Moore, . 33 00 Building Fund,* Edith M. Miller. Catasauqua, 1st, . . . 86 00 Miss Mary M. Craig. B d .: Cheerful Givers, 46 00 Lizzie Hallenbach. Catasauqua, Bridge St. Bd 90 00 Miss Sallie McHenry. Easton, 1 s t .,...... 252 07 Sch., Bogota and Miss’y,* Miss Sophia Heckman. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 60 70 Sch., Kolhapur & Miss’y, Miss S. J. Daws. Loring, .... 17 39 Maijorie Andrews. Olivet Willing Wk 10 00 Share, Nanking,* Miss M. Anna Tyler. Easton, Brainerd, . . . 282 45 Zacatecas & Zenana W k,* Miss Anna W . Fox. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 50 00 * Miss E. J. Seitz. Isabella Nassau, 40 00 Share, Ningpo, Bessie H. Allis. David Brainerd, 66 00 Packer Allis. 78

Name of Society. Amount Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

East Stroudsburg,...... $ 19 65 Mrs. Wm. Burrows. Bd. : Mountain Rill, . . . 8 50 H a zle to n ,...... 185 17 Share, Bangkok, Miss Edith Pardee. Bds. : Sabbath-school, . . 80 90 School, Saharanpur,* Andrew Houston. Y . Ladies’, ...... 5 00 Florence B. Salmon. Wild Daisy, .... 12 00 Mrs. J. R. Casselberry, A . B. Jack, . . . 4 20 Barton Youngman. Hokendauqua,...... 23 50 Miss A. Ross. Bd. : Cheerful Workers. . 13 00 Jas. E. Little. Lock Ridge,...... Miss Alice J. Hertzog. MahanovCity,...... 50 00 Miss Ettie Woods. Bd. : Golden Hour, . . . 43 88 Miss Carrie Hess. Mauch Chunk,...... 270 45 * Mrs. John Nichol. Bds.: Little Workers, . . 50 00 Share, Tungchow,* Emily S. John. F e rrier,...... 7 00 Miss Ethel Hazard. Nevius Boys, . . . 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Geo. Hammann. Sabbath school, . . 63 00 Middle Sm ithfield,...... 20 00 Miss Helen Turn. Mountain C h u rch ,...... 12 52 Mrs. E. L. Brodhead. Port Carbon,...... 30 00 Mrs. M. D. Birch. Pottsville, 1 s t ,...... 61 55 Potts ville, 2 d , ...... 48 50 Miss J. F. Hause. Reading, 1 st,...... 198 48 * Mrs. J. P. Zell. Bds. : Sparkling Gems, . . 35 00 Share, Bancho, Miss Alice M. Earl. Aftermath, .... Miss Bessie J. Zell. Reading, Washington St., . . 6 15 S h a w n ee ,...... 40 25 * Miss Lizzie Fenner. Bd. : S u n ris e ,...... 11 43 Frank Strunk. South E a s to n ,...... 11 79 Mrs. John Young. Bd. : Loring,...... 7 00 Stroudsburg,...... 60 00 * Mrs.C. K. Hollingshead. Sabbath-school,...... 5 00 Summit H i l l , ...... 64 75 Miss Jennie Ross. Bds. : W h i t e , ...... 5 00 Jamestown, . . . 5 00 W m. B. Crowe. T am aqu a,...... 6 80 Mrs. A. J. Rhoads. Bd. : May Flower, .... 10 00 Nellie Hirsh. Upper Lehigh,...... 42 00 Miss J. F. Merrick. White Haven, ...... Miscellaneous,...... 7 00

3015 22

P r e s b y t e r y o f NORTHUM­ BERLAND, Pa. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. J. D. Rear­ don, Lock Haven, Pa. Pres. Sec., Miss C. M. Ayres, 38 E. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. [Miss Emma Cable, San Pres. Treas., Mrs. S. A . Proc Francisco, is supported tor, Lewisburg, Pa. by Presbyterial Soc.]

Bald Eagle and Nittany, . . 53 50 * Mrs. Annie Hurst. Berwick, Kumler Bd., . . . 43 33 Miss M. W . Stewart. Bloomsburg,...... 206 00 * Mrs. M. L. Neal. Bds. : N e a l ,...... 65 26 Share, Tungchow,* Miss L. G. Wilson. Four O’clock, . . . 38 35 Share, Tungchow,* Miss J. W . Barkley. Sabbath-school, . . 50 00 Nat. Tea., Sidon. 79

Amount Special Objects. Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib.

Buffalo, Cross Roads, .... $70 51 * Miss Regina Hoffa. Bd.: Silver S ta r ,...... 8 69 Miss Reitenback. Buffalo, Miiflinburg, .... 38 76 Miss E. C. Forster. B d .: Earnest Workers, . . 11 00 Olie Forster. Danville, Grove Ch., .... 70 50 * Mrs. E. S. Gearhart. Danville, Mahoning Ch., . . 53 94 « Miss Ella Moore. B d .: Sabbath-sehool, . . . 97 21 * E m p o riu m ,...... H artleton,...... 18 00 * Miss Kate Lucas. Holland R u n ,...... Jersey S h o r e ,...... 100 00 Miss L. G. Reed. Lewisburg...... 67 55 Miss Kate McDonald. Bd.: Snowflake,...... 23 42 * Frank Clingan. Lock Haven (Gr. Island), . 54 35 » Mrs. C. G. Furst. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 115 00 * Miss H. Loveland. Pansies,...... 16 00 * Lycoming,...... 29 63 * Mrs. S. G. Updegraff. Bds.: Newton,...... 15 00 * Miss M. Brown. Adeline Henry, . . 10 12 Daisy King. Miiflinburg,...... 25 00 Miss A. B. Chambers. Bd.: Reardon,...... 10 00 * Jennie J. Herr. M ilt o n ,...... 92 45 * Miss Alice Frick. Bds.: Ruby Blessing, . . . Young Ladies’, . . 30 00 Work, Mexico,* Miss Encie Hevlumn. M u n c y ,...... 37 50 Medical Fund, Mrs. F. H. Petrikin. New Berlin,...... 10 00 Northumberland,...... 27 59 Mrs. R. E. Graham. Bd.: Beatrice,...... 15 00 * Orangeville, ...... 25 00 Mrs. A. M. Canfield. Shamokin, ...... 25 00 Miss A Washmood. Sunbury, ...... 51 31 Mrs. J. Cressinger. Bds.: Dew Drop, .... 15 44 Sh. Lodiana (in part), May Israel. Milliken...... 18 00 Miss M. Rockefeller. Warrior Run & Watsontown, 80 00 Miss M. H. Watson. Bds.: Busy Bees,...... 18 00 Jas. Montgomery. f Sh. Lodiana & Work, I Bright Evergreen, . Miss M. Schooley. 60 00 { Brazil.® j Washington...... 107 00 Sh. Sidon,* Miss Flowrella Oakes. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 43 20 -» Miss L. Watson. Washington, .... Washingtonville and Derry, 55 28 * Miss Jennie Sheep. Legacy, Mrs. H. C. Lowrie, 40 80 Williamsport, 1st, . . . . 354 30 Day School Lodiana,® Mrs. S. E. Webster. B d .: Curtis Hepburn, . . 90 00 Tea School, Yokohama,* Jas. Watson. Williamsport, 2 d , ...... 362 77 Sh. Sidon,* Mrs. L. C. Ayres. Bds.: Loring,...... 80 00 Sh. Beirut,® Miss Elsie Besley, Ministering Children, 31 50 Sh. Saharanpur,* Claudia Hungerford. Williamsport, 3 d , ...... 61 24 Mrs. Clinton Lloyd. Bds.: Carrier Doves, . . . 7 00 Mrs. D. M. Peck. Young Ladies’ , 36 00 Sh. Mexico, Miss Ella Gerritt. Sabbath-school. 50 00 Sch. Lahore. Miss Harriet Lowe.

3115 50 80

Name of Secretary.

P r e s b y t e r y o f P h i l a d e l ­ p h i a , P a . Pres. President, Mrs. A . L. Massey, 1609 Arch Street. Pres. Sec., Miss Mary S. Nel­ son, 204 S. 41st Street. Pres. Treas., Mrs. W . L. Du Bois, 1915 Vine Street.

Atonement, Little Helpers, $ 10 00 i Sh. Nanking,* Miss Ella G. Bruen. B d .: B o y s ,...... 2 50 I Work Gaboon, Jas. P. Jenkins. Bethany ...... 350 90 I Mrs. Emerson Sao Paulo,* Mrs. J. S. Chestnut. B ds.: Infant-school, 50 00 ! Sh. Dehra, Heralds of the Cross 40 00 Sh. Tungchow, Mrs. John Wanamaker. Philippian, . 20 00 Chinese Home, Robt. Lamdon. Sabbath-scliool. Curtis, . . . Robt. A . Neely. Calvary,...... 640 00 ! Mrs. Dale & Bld’gFund,* Mrs. L. C. Norris. f Nat. Tea. Beirût and I Bds.: Humphrey, 180 00 ; I Bld’g Fund," j Miss E. R. Williamson. Day Dawn, 35 00 1*1 Mrs. M. L. Frederick. Otto, .... Miss E. W . Smith. 25 oo; [ Mrs. G. F. Dale, Jr., Henry Paul, . 30 00■ I *K * Mrs. J. R. Miller. Star of Bethlehem, 25 00 I J Miss S. M. Lisle. Prayer and Pence, 12 30 I Sh. Nanking, Mrs. Perit Dulles. Lend a Hand, . . Miss C. L. Farnham. Hope Chapel, Cl. 1 4 Chambers,...... 200 ! Miss Nassau Africa, Miss Mary L. Brand. B d .: Sabbath-school, . . 50 I Sh. Suk-el-Ghûrb, Clinton Street Immanuel, . 101 I Japan, Miss N. S. Mitchjell. Bd. : Immanuel, .... 5 Miss Lizzie A. Evans. First C h u r c h ,...... 675 Miss A. C. Webb. B d .: Albert Barnes Mem. 125 Miss Lizzie Gegler. F o u r th ,...... 50 Suk-el-Ghurb, Hollond M em .,...... 69 School, Syria, Miss K . B. Davis. B d .: King’s Messengers, 15 Share, Nanking, Miss K. B. Davis. Lombard St., Reeve Bd., . 15 Work, Benita, Miss Mary Reeve. Ninth Church, Y . P. Band, 25 Miss Lizzie McFetridge. Old Pine Street, . . . 455 Miss Jones, Africa,* Miss S. A. Ayres. Bds.: Workers for Jesus, 70 2 B. W ., India, Miss Ectta McElver. Helping Hands, . 35 Building Fund,* Mrs. J. S. Stratford. Buds of Promise, . Share, Lodiana, Miss Ella Willard. May Blossoms, . . 40 Share, Canton (2 years),* Miss Ella Willard. Second C h u r c h ,...... 610 | *Miss Schenck, Persia, Mrs. C. M. Siter. Bds.: Beadle,...... 100 j & Mrs.Thompson, Siam, Miss Adele Mitchell. Star of the East, . 50 Share, Sidon, Miss Du Barry. Early Blossoms, . 25 Share, Petchaburi, a a ti Morning S. S., . . 50 Afternoon S. S., . 25 South Church,...... 91 School, Ningpo, Miss Annie D. Jones. B ds.: Cheerful Givers, . 30 Share, Saharanpur, Miss M. M. Archer. Earnest Workers, 30 Share, Futtehgurh, Miss Laura Starrett. Y . P. Society, . . 43 * Miss Annie Russell. South Western, Bds.: Mizpah 80 Student, Beirut, Lizzie S. Ball. John McLeod, . . 50 3 Shares, Nanking,# John Woods, Jr. Irwin P. McCurdy, 75 » Wm. H. Smith. Little Workers, . 33 Orphan, Canton,* Robert Black. 81

Amount Name of Society. Contri b. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Tabernacle,...... $309 55 | «Tea., Zacatecas, and Mrs. O. S. Swope. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 125 00 j Share, Petchaburi, Miss Bedford. McCook Boys, . 25 00 Share, Petchaburi, William King, Jr. Little Maids, . . 40 00 Work, Talaguga, Junior, .... Madge W . Bruner. Tabor, 91 00 Share, Lodiana,® Miss Kate Baird. Bds. : Little Helpers, . . 15 00 Tungchow Building,* Mattie Yeamans. Gleaners for the King 7 00 Lodiana Building, Miss Jennie Chestnut. Shining Lights, _ . 14 00 Teheran Building, Miss Lillie McCune. Messengers of Light, 16 00 Kolhapur Building,® Samuel Bailey. Tenth Church,...... 752 33 Mrs. Curtis, Japan* Mrs. W . L. Du Bois. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . 30 90 Miss Helen B. Porter. Birthday, .... 13 20 A lady, ...... 120 00 B. AY., Japan, Union Church,...... Share, Futtehgurh, Walnut Street,...... 513 79 Miss Barber, Beirut,® Mrs. Patterson Du Bois. Bds.: For His Sake, . . 10 00 Share, Ningpo, Miss H. B. Purves. Ready Helpers, . . 2 00 Mexico, A . M artin. Dr. Thompson, . . Dickson Brown. P e k in g ,...... 6 00 Frank Reaney. | School, Peking, Geo. Y. Taylor, . Dudley Guilford. M. H. Dunton, . . 10 00 Sabbath-scliool, 100 00 Westminster, .... Miss Maggie Hirst. 150 00 Sch., Syria,* B d .: Young Ladies’, '■} Miss Sallie Major. West Spruce Street, . 749 46 Mrs. Nevius, Chefoo,® Miss Ella McCord. B ds.: Perseverance, 5! 00 B. W ., Canton,® Miss Lizzie Watson. Sabbath-scfhool, 100 00 2 Shares Suk-el-Ghurb, Infant School, 30 00 Share, Saharanpur, Monday Eve’ng Club, 2 00 A lady* . . 100 00 Wharton Street, . . 5 00 ! Miss Ella M. Wood. B d .: Snow Drops, 42 00 I ® Miss Mattie Smiley. Woodland, .... 294 28 Miss Nassau, Africa,* Miss F. U. Nelson. Bds.: Woodland, Miss Ella Keyser. W . K . Eddy, 2 50 Robert Sinclair. A l a d y ,...... 500 00 Wylie Memorial, . . 51 60 Share, Dehra. Miss J. C. Wylie.

8928 26

Peesbytery of Philadel­ phia C entral, Pa. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. D. R. Posey, 1232 Arch Street. Pres. Sec., Miss E. L. Burnett, 825 Preston Street. [Miss Annetta Bartlett, Pres. Treas., Miss M. F. Kern, Mexico City, supported 1529 N. Broad St., Phila. by Presbyterial Soc’y.]

A le x a n d e r ,...... 171 75 Mrs. L. P. Rhoades. Bds.: Treasure, . . . . 9 00 Miss Carrie Kennedy. Alexander (boys), 25 00 Work, Mexico,* Bethany, . . . . 30 00 Miss J. C. McElroy. Go Forward, . . . 5 56 Sabbath-scliool, . 84 36 6 8 2

Amount Nume of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Arch S treet,...... $451 00 Miss Blunt & Bl’d F ’nd, Miss S. S. Cooper. Bds.: Mizpah, . . . 50 00 Teacher, Nanking, Miss H. Cooper. Joy Bells, . . . 21 00 Work, Jhansi, Miss Ada Ely. King’s Gardeners 30 00 Share, Canton,® Miss Clara Sherman. King’s Soldiers, 35 00 Lodiana Building,® Edw. R. Schreiner. ( Tungchow, Nanking,) Sabbath-school, 95 00 Mr. A. R. Mclntire. ( and Saharanpur,® J Beacon, ...... 3 00 Mrs. J. McCrone. Bds.: Lucy Robbins, . 7 00 Miss Sadie Leonhardt. Livingstone, . . 2 50 Miss Carrie Morris. Korean, .... 6 59 B eth esda,...... 1C4 70 Miss Dickson, Dakota, Mrs. M. Newkirk. Bds.: Anna M. Eva, . 80 00 Share,Futteligurh &Mis’y Miss M. E. Reaney. J. B. Dickson, . 5 00 Miss Dickson, Miss Emma Fetter. Sabbath school, 180 30 i 6 ti # Bethlehem, . . . . 80 00 Sh, Dehra, Matron, Ningpo, Miss M. M. Haig. B d.: Bethlehem, . . Mrs. J. B. Kniffin. Central,...... 110 93 Share & W ’k, Tungchow,5 Mrs. W . J. Atwood. Bds.: Messengers, . 135 00 Share, Sidon,® Miss A. P. Kollock. Hope, .... 32 00 B. W ., Nanking, Miss L. M. Ramsey. Pauline (boys), 73 00 Share, Lodiana,® Ernest Haas. Laughlin, 57 00 B. W ., Ningpo,® Miss Ella Roberts. Central, . . . 78 00 Share, Kolhapur,® Miss May Fratz. Gleaners, . . Cohocksink,...... 318 32 Mrs. Calderwood, India,® Mrs. W m. Greenough. Bds.: Golden Links, 70 00 | B. W . Muzzffarnagur,® Miss Alice Fox. Messengers of Light, 100 00 i Share, Saharanpur,® Miss M. Peacock. Mission Workers, 66 50 | Share, Tungchow,® Miss S. J. Harvey. Crusaders, . . 30 00 ! Share, Korea, Russel Shuekert. Columbia A ven u e,...... 59 14 Share, Kolhapur,® Mrs. Dr. Swayze. Bds.: Young Ladies’ , . . Buds of Promise, . . 7 60 Mrs. M. E. Deakin. Carrier Doves, . . . 17 00 Mrs. F. A. Yaché. Green H i l l , ...... 100 00 Miss M. E. Smaltz. Bds.: Sunbeam,...... 27 00 Lavinia Stewart. B o y s ,...... 9 00 Brand Clarkson. Kensington Johnstone, . . . 150 00 Jhansi, Mrs. Lawson. Kensington, 1 s t , ...... 250 00 B. W . Zacatecas,® Miss Laura Preyer. M antua,...... 55 00 Mrs. C. Earpe. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . 30 00 Share, Ningpo. Miss Edith Earpe. Little Stars, . . . 17 00 Miss L. F. Baltz. King’s Messengers, . 14 04 Zenana Work, Arthur M. Crane. Berean, ...... 30 00 African Schooner, Katie L. Paul. M em orial,...... 155 00 Share, Dehra,® Miss H. E. Shaw. Bds.: Lilies of the Field, . 21 38 Work, Africa,® Miss Helen Wilder. S. A . Mutchmore, . 2 00 Albert H. Decker. North, 170 00 Sch. Syria,® Miss A . Evans. Bds.: B. L. Agnew, . . 50 00 Share, Sidon, Miss A. L. Ervin. Light Bearers’, . . 8 00 Mrs. T. Halloway. Sab.-school, No. 2, 70 00 Shs., Dehra & Oroomiah, Wm. L. Bradway. j Mrs. E. A . Morrison, I North Broad Street, . . . 648 25 ( India and Jhansi, j Mrs. Eugene Linnard. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . Miss E. R. Ritchie. H a rp er,...... Miss Carrie D. Marshall. Young Soldiers’, . A l a d y ,...... 75 00 Sch. Syria, Mrs. W m. Hogg. 83

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Northminster,...... $171 00 Mrs. C. J. Mcllvaine. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . 50 00 Share, Bancho, Miss L. B. Fitler. Boys’, ...... 20 00 Lodiana Building,* Harry Fouse. Morning Star, . . . 7 00 » Miss Minnie Morse. R. 11. Fulton, . . . 14 00 Louise O. Fulton. Sabbath-school, . . 36 00 Primary school, . . 50 00 Share, Bancho, Mrs. R. H. Fulton. O l i v e t ,...... 319 12 Nat. Tea., Kolhapur,* Mrs. C. R. Dodworth. Bds.: Olivet Graham, . . 51 63 Work, Africa,* Miss Carrie Griffith. J esus’ Little Lambs, 80 00 Share, Dehra,* Mrs. C. R. Dodworth. Oxford...... 430 90 1 Mrs. H. G. Kern. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 100 00 1 * Miss Helen Burpee. C o lfe lt,...... 38 50 !- Miss Case, Japan. Guthrie,...... 32 00 1 Miss Edith Bolton. Willing Workers, . 28 43 J » Miss Gertrude Roller. F. L. liobbins, . . . 60 00 Sh., Dehra & Bld’g. Fund, Mrs. 1. P. Black. Sabbath school, . . 79 90 Share, Suk-el Ghurb, Geo. T. Hensel. Princeton, ...... 521 64 « Mrs. J. A. Henry. B ds.: Young Ladies’, . . 83 50 Share, Sidon,* Miss M. McCahan. Henry, ...... 6 0 00 i Share, Saharanpur, Eugene Bush. Princeton,...... 32 00 Share, Shanghai, Ernest Shubert. H a stin g s,...... 10 00 Geo. Buckley. Fullerton,...... 170 00 Share, Futtehgurh, Miss Jennie Manlev. Day Dawn, .... 32 50 Share, Futtehgurh, Mrs. J. Kelly. First Fruits, .... 46 00 Share, Oroomiali,* Miss Henry. Helping Hands, . 30 00 Miss Clara Rilev. Shepherd (1st ch., N. L .;, . . 80 00 B .W .Canton &Wk. Africa,' Miss E. H. Patterson. Bds.: St. P a u l , ...... 15 00 Share, Saltillo, Miss Glendenning. Little Gleaners, . . 30 00 Share, Kolhapur, Spring G a r d e n ,...... 60 00 Mrs. E. B. Day. Bds.: Christian Workers, . 13 00 John Stokes. Buds of Promise, . . 12 00 Lizzie Day. Sabbath-school, . . 12 00 Edw. Gillette. T em ple,...... 160 00 * Miss V. Donaldson. B ds.: Temple Workers, . 110 00 * Miss Laura Buck. Grace,...... 38 00 -» Miss E. Snyder. Busy Bees, .... 60 00 « Tioga,...... 30 00 Miss E. L. Megargee. T rin ity ,...... 30 00 » Miss A. Johnstone. West Arch St., ...... 513 00 Miss R.. Harris, Lahore,* Miss Ella Bürgin. Bds.: Young People’s, . . 120 00 Miss C. E. Trumpler. Y'oung Men’s , . . . 11 50 H. L. Bennerman. King’s Daughters, . Soldiers of the King, 10 00 Carrier Doves, . . 70 00 Sh. and organ, Bancho, Flora Bean. Miscellaneous,...... 10 00

8511 54

i j

1i 1 j 84

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Presbytery op Philadel­ phia N orth, Pa. Pres. President, Mrs. L. W . Eckard, Abington, Pa. [Mrs. George F. Fitch, Pres. Sec., Miss H . N. Baggs, China, and Miss Bessie Abington, Pa. Milliken, Tokyo, Ja­ Pres. Treas., Miss E. C. Van- pan, supported by Pres uiem , Bristol, Pa. Dyterial Society.]

A b in gton ,...... $303 00 Mrs. R. Stevenson. B ds.: Young Ladies’, 20 65 Mrs. T. Glentworth. Susan B. Smith, 50 00 Share, Shanghai,* Willow Grove, . Ann Carmichael, .... A sh b ou rn e,...... 37 91 Miss Agnes Laird. Bridesburg, Sabbath school, 10 00 Bds.: Willing Workers, Little Lights, B r is to l,...... 109 20 I Sh., Dehra,* Miss M. Tredick. B d .: Basti, .... 38 55 j Sh., Futnhgurh, Miss K . Phillips. f Teach’s, Beirut &Deh- 1 Chestnut H ill...... 412 26 ( ra,& B. W . Oroomiah, J Miss M. M. Owen. Bds.: Little Gleaners, 100 00 Africa and Mexico, Bessie Milliken, Miss E. Adams. Junior Boys, . . 100 00 Work,U Nez (( Perces, U William Savage. Corbett Boys, . 100 00 Eugene Stahlman. Sabbath-school, . 35 00 Share, Tungchow, Disston Memorial, . . . 11 00 Miss Elmira Gillies. Doylestown,...... 200 00 Miss H. M. Du Bois. B ds.: Andrews, .... 23 20 I Chinese Home, S. F., Miss F. Meredith. W illing Workers, 8 05 j Work, Africa, Robert James. Fox Chase, Band, . . . . 25 00 I Japan,* Miss C. Mattis. Frankford,...... 96 25 B d .: Young Ladies’, . 20 00 Germantown, 1st, .... 739 13 Miss Seeley, India,* Miss H. M. Johnson. Bds.: Watchers, . . . 100 00 E li o t ,...... f Sh., Tungchow and 52 79 Collier Martin. Junior Bovs’, . . I African Schooner, John Van Pelt. Pulaskiville, S. S 41 07 Germantown, 2d, . . . . 122 00 Occidental School,* Mrs. W . F. Hagar. Bds.: Tulpehocken, . 55 00 Work, Mexico,* Miss G. Douglass. Seek and Save, . 5 00 Miss N. L. Yerkes. Non Nobis Club, 20 00 Share (Boy), Canton, H. L. Davis, Jr. Sabbath-school, . 60 00 Sh., Delira

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Jenkintown, Grace Church, . $ 40 00 Share, Futtehgurh,* Mrs. H. B. Cross. Bds. : Grace,...... 5 00 Miss A. G. Baker. St. P au l,...... Walter Flack. Leverington,...... 2 00 Mrs. J. Fritzniger. Bd. : Young Ladies’, . . . 5 17 Manayunk,...... 66 70 Share, Dehra,* Miss B. Stafford. Merion Square,...... Morrisvillc,...... 10 65 Miss A. C. Parsons. Mount A i r y ,...... 23 34 Miss A. Garrett. Bd. : Sabbath-school, . . . 8 00 Miss M. Walker. Neshaminy of Warminster, . 44 00 Miss M. Carroll. Bd. : Happy Workers, . . Neshaminy of Warwick, . . 41 08 * Mrs. E. Nichols. N ew tow n,...... 93 50 Share, Dehra,* Bds. : Kate Craven, . . . 20 00 Harvesters, .... 24 00 Sabbath-Sehool . . 28 25 Norristown, 1 s t , ...... 129 23 Miss A. H. Craig. Bds. : Little Folks, .... 2 50 Miss M. Hamill. Willing Workers, . 15 00 Miss F. Hibbert. Norristown, Central, .... 37 22 * Bds.: Sabbath-School . . 60 00 Share, Dehra,* Mrs. J. J. Derr. Christian Endeavor . . 4 78 Port K e n n ed y ...... 8 00 Pottstown, ...... 37 92 Zenana Work,* Mrs. J. M. Cunningham. Bds. : Helping Hands, . 7 00 Miss M. Evans. Faith, ...... 18 23 * Miss M. G. Hitner. Providence, Pastor’s Aid, . . 21 00 Roxborough, ...... 71 25 Work, Mexico,* Thompson, M e m . ,...... 58 00 Share, Canton,® Mrs. S. M. Paul. Miscellaneous,...... 39 18

4,221 41

[Mrs. Alexander, Allaha P i t t s b u r g h a n d A l l e ­ bad,Mrs.Traey, Futteh g h e n y CO M M T T E e . gurli, Mrs. Robt. Morri Pres. President, Mrs. J. P. E, son. Eawal Pindi, Mrs Kumler, 413 S. Hiland .St., Hull and Mrs. Goheen Pittsburgh, Pa. Kolhapur, Miss Davis Pres. Secretary, Miss Eimua Tokyo,Miss Baird, Can Forsyth, 200* Western Ave., ton, M rs. Gault, Africa Allegheny, Pa. Mrs. Robinson, Chili Pres. Treasurer, Mrs. George Miss Van Email, Laos A. Kelly, 198 Western Are., and Miss Cuthbert, Ja­ Allegheny, Pa. pan,supported by Com­ mittee.) Allegheny, 1 st,...... 401 00 Mrs Stewart Scott. Bds.: Earnest Workers, 105 00 Sli.,Sidon & Med. Fund,* Mary Ramsey. E. E. Swift, . . Harry Cameron. Allegheny, 2d...... 72 50 Mrs Anna Reno. Allegheny, Central, . . 12 00 Mrs. N. Rigely. Allegheny, Ger., Y . L. B. 5 00 Miss Anna Berger. Allegheny, North, . 533 35 Mrs. E. C. Ferree. Bds.: Hodge...... 100 15 Miss Redick. Louise, .... 78 00 Miss L. Frazier. Anna K. Warfield, 10 00 Miss B. McAboy. Little Builders, 13 00 Amelia Fisher. Earnest Workers, 50 00 Share, Suk.-el-Ghurb, Chas. Patterson. 8 6

Amount Special Objects. Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib.

Allegheny, McClure Ave., . SI 8(3 76 * Mrs. A. C. Patterson. Bds.: Gleaners,...... Rexie Langfitt. Sabbatli-School, . . 26 17 Allegheny, Providence, . . . 53 00 * Miss C. McConnell. Band, ...... 33 33 Allegheny, School St. Band, 30 00 Share, Futtehgurh, Mrs. Wharry. Bakerstown,...... 33 50 Mrs. Jas. Grubbs. B e a v e r ,...... 44 50 Mrs. Lowery. Bds.: Young Ladies’ . . . 37 50 S u n beam ,...... Miss Alice L.Weaver. B e lle v u e ,...... 37 55 Share, Oroomiah, Mi's. Robert Davis. Bds.: Fidelia,...... Workers for India, . Bethany,...... 44 00 « Mrs. S. C. Donaldson. Bethel,...... 144 00 * Mrs. L. Caldwell. B d .: Sabbath-school, . . . 100 00 * Bridgeville,...... Bridgewater,...... 56 87 Miss S. E. Jackson. B d .: Sheaf Gatherers, . . . Canonsburg, ...... 136 50 * Mrs. Shupe. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 42 00 Orphan, Canton/* Miss Julia Briceland. May Flowers, . . . 7 10 Alexander Allison. Chartiers, ...... 73 50 Miss Lizzie Boyle. Einsworth,...... 135 88 $ Mrs. Phillis. B ds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 12 10 Miss Grace Raymond. Little Branches, . . 40 00 * M. D. Courtney. Willing Workers, . . 30 00 Charles Eyster. Legacy, Mrs. Berringer, 100 00 Evans City, .... 1300 Miss H. Irwin. F re e d o m ,...... 6 00 Mrs. S. A. Hillman. Glasgow,...... • 10 00 Mrs. H. J. Boyd. B d .: Shining Lights, . . . J00 Miss Eva Dawson. G len field ,...... Mrs. N. E. McKee. Glenshaw, ...... 23 30 * Miss N. Shaw. Bds.: Hannah Shaw, . . 12 00 Alice Davis. Whittaker Circle, . . Miss M. Hodil. Hazlewood, ...... 105 00 Mrs. H. H. Gregg. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . H ebron ,...... 34 00 Miss Annie M. Eaton. H ila n d ,...... 116 00 Work, Petekaburi,* Mrs. Florence Sangrie. H o b o k e n ,...... 28 36 Miss Jennie Rolshouse. H om estead,...... 42 10 ’A' Miss Mary Jackman. B d .: Ministering Children, 2 00 Miss Mattie McClure. Industry...... K noxville,...... 10 00 Miss Adele McClure. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 50 00 Miss Laura Grabenstein. Lebanon,...... 53 00 * Miss A. L. Scott. Leetsdale,...... 85 00 #- Mrs. Robert Wardrop. McKee’s R ocks,...... 50 00 Miss Mary Gibson. Mansfield,...... 110 00 & Mrs. F. D. Steen. B d .: Silver L in k ,...... Miss Alice Reno. M illvale,...... 43 78 Miss S. H. Johnson. Mingo, Gleaners for the King, 72 00 Share, Oroomiah,* Mrs. M. M. Bryant. Monongahela City, . . 123 74 Work, China and India,® Mrs. A . M. Kennedy. Mt. Pisgah...... Mrs. W m . Chess. Mt. W ashington,...... 32 20 Miss Clara Nelson. O a k d a le ,...... 47 55 * Mrs. J. J. Mathews. 87

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. | Name of Secretary.

Pittsburgh, 1 s t , ...... $848 56 * ] Miss Carrie B-ose. Bds.: Young Voyagers, . . 25 00 i Light Bearers, . . . 25 33 l Louisa Lowrie, . . . 30 00 Sh., Shanghai, Espey, ...... 20 00 Faith, ...... 11 61 * Sabbath-school, . . 93 68 * Purves, ...... 12 50 Pittsburgh, 2d, Y n’g Ladies, 300 00 Miss Ruth Benney. Bds.: Adelaide Howard, . 94 00 * Caroline Lapsley. McKibben, . . . 10 29 Edmund Arthur. John C. Lowrie, . . George Craig. Pittsburgh, 3 d ,...... 700 00 Mrs. T. W . Bigger. Bds.: YoungLadies’, . . . Children’s , ...... Heart and Hand, . . 80 00 Pittsburgh, 4 t h , ...... 70 00 * Mrs. H. W . Bickel. Bds.: Mrs. Knox, .... Thos. Ferguson. Sabbath-school, . . 12 00 Shrom, ...... 30 00 Grace Kerr, .... Pittsburgh, 6 t h , ...... 232 00 * Miss Lizzie Munn. B d .: Sabbath-school,. . . 15 00 Pittsburgh, 7 t h , ...... 7 00 Mrs. H . Layely. Bd.: Goheen,...... 25 00 Mary Lavely. Pittsburgh, Bellefield, . . . 343 73 B. W ., Mynpurie & Msc.* Miss Virginia Bailey. Bds.: Busy B ees,...... 60 00 Orphans,'Canton, Miss Jane Murdoch. King’s Workers, . . 5 00 Pittsburgh, Birmingham, . . 105 00 * Miss Anne Campbell. Pittsburgh, Central, .... 50 00 Work, Chili, Mrs. M. J. Rigdon. Bd.: Chalfant,...... 34 50 Miss Emma Pierce. | Orphan’g India, M ed.) Pittsburgh, East Liberty, . . 605 73 Miss J. M. Rea. { Fund and Misc.* J Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 39 42 * Kumler, ...... 92 00 Jane McKelyey. Buds of Promise, . . 75 00 Ilapper, .... 10 13 Work, Canton, George Hailman. Infant Class, .... Miss Castner’s Class, 5 00 Pittsburgh, 43d Street, . . . 56 15 Mrs. North. B d .: E zri,...... 37 50 Pittsburgh, Lawrenceville, . 238 00 * Mrs. L. J. Farley. Bds.: Willing Workers, . 6 00 E. J. Foster. McConnell, .... 50 00 * Miss J. Gallaher. Little Workers, . . 9 00 Pittsburgh, Park Aye., . . . 204 49 * Miss J. G. Mac Gonigle. Bds.: King’s Soldiers, . . Fordham Orr. G le a n e rs,...... 105 23 S h aw ,...... 4 00 Mrs. Sallie Jamison. Pittsburgh, Shady Side, . . . 750 00 Mrs. C. H. Spencer. Bds.: Busy B ees,...... 65 00 Ethel Acliison. Nassau Female Col. 100 00 Share, Bancho (2 years), P la i n s ,...... Miss A. Thompson. R a c c o o n ,...... 104 00 Work, Petchaburi, Mrs. J. M. Matchett. Band, Candor, . . 5 00 Eva Russel. Rochester,...... 5 00 Miss Tillie Williams. Name of Society. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Sewickley, . $290 50 Miss E. C. Wilson. Bds.: lixcelsior, . 2S 31 Mary Campbell. Morning Glory, 28 30 Miss Bessie Waters Golden Rule, Ethel W . Christy. S h a ro n ,...... Miss Sarah Parry. Sharpsburg, Miss Emma Kelly. B d .: Young Ladies’, Mary Robison. Springdale, Miss Minnie Renshaw. Swissvale, Mrs. AY. M. Watson. Band, . Share, Ningpo, Tarentum, Mrs. A . M. Dunn. B d .: Kate Fleeson, . West Bellevue, Workers, Share, Kolhapur, Wilkinsburg,...... ! Mrs. W . S. Clow. Bds.: Earnest Workers, Miss Mary Kellar. Buds of Promise, ; Miss Sarah Trefflinger. Young Ladies’ Branch, . Miscellaneous,

10,984 48

Pr esb yter y of R edstone, Pa. Pres. President, Mrs. A . M. Bailie, McKeesport, Pa. [Mrs. J. H. Shedd, Per­ Pres. Sec., Miss Lydia G. sia, and Mrs. M. F. Keel, Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Trippe, Seneca M i s - Pres. Treas., Mrs. S. E. Jones, sion, supported by Pres- Belle Vernon, Pa. byterial Society.]

Belle V e r n o n ,...... 91 20 Miss Anna Williams. Bd.: Happy,...... 18 57 Brownsville,...... 50 25 Share Sidon, Mrs. H. C. Krepps. Connellsville,...... 161 11 Mrs. S. J. Sample. B ds.: Young Ladies, . . . 50 27 Miss Flora Wolf. Johnston,...... 15 33 R. B. Pauli. D unbar,...... 130 00 Mrs. D. A. Byers. Bd.: Loring,...... 50 00 W m . Bowden. Dunlap’s C r e e k ,...... 42 35 Miss W . C. Baird. Fayette C i t y , ...... Greensboro’, ...... 13 50 Miss Eunice Boughner. Laurel H i l l ,...... 33 00 Miss Jennie Bryson. Long Run...... 85 68 Miss Ada Brown. In mem. Mrs H. Larimer, 150 00 McKeesport,...... 150 85 Mrs. J. C. Smith. Bds.: Mission,...... 87 04 Miss Martha Harrison. Cheerful Gleaners, . 50 00 Miss Fanilv Mason. Mt. P le a s a n t,...... 150 38 Miss B. Whitehill. B d .: J u n e ,...... 15 00 Miss Lula Evans. Mt. Pleasant, Re-union, . . . 76 20 Mrs. B. Jordan. Bd. L avyah,...... (>~> 46 Miss Ada Stevenson. Mt. V ern on ,...... 22 00 Miss Lizzie Duncan. New Providence,...... 63 00 ZenanaWork Futtehgurh, Miss Nettie R. Lynn. Bd. Ready Workers, . . 3 00 Miss Flora Fleniken. New Salem ...... 22 83 Mrs. C. Jackson. Pleasant Unity, ...... 43 00 Mrs. R. F. Smith. Bd.: Trusting,...... 7 00 Mrs. M. E. Gillen. 89

Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

Rehoboth,...... $ 34 00 Miss Vira Patton. Bds.: Willing Workers, . 24 65 * Miss Maud Hansman. Webster, ...... 15 00 * Miss Emma Perkins. Shaw, ...... 10 00 Round H i l l , ...... 100 00 Mrs. B. McBryar. Scottdale,...... 12 25 Miss L. G. Merritt. T e n t ,...... 28 50 Miss M. E. Griffith. B d .: Busy B e e s ,...... 12 00 * Miss Lucy Smith. U niontow n,...... 45 65 * Mrs. A. P. Boner. West Newton,...... 1 39 20 Miss Annetta Darr. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 18 00 Miscellaneous,...... 29 62

2016 19

Presbyter y o f Sh e n a n g o , Pa. Pres.Pres’t, Mrs. W.M.Taylor, Mt. Jackson, Pa. Pres. Sec., Miss M. J. Duff, [Mrs. E. A. Sturge, San Mt. Jackson, Pa. Francisco, Cal., sup­ Pres. Treas., Mrs. J .A . Craw­ ported by the Presby- ford, New Castle, Pa. terial Society.]

Beaver F a l l s ,...... 114 14 Sell., Saharanpur,* Mrs. G. W . Morrison. Bds.: Sabbatli-school, . . 60 79 Miss Eva Yanard. Young Ladies’, . . 90 00 Miss Libbie Miller. H uldah,...... 42 39 Share, Tungchow, Mary R. Morrison. Clarkville,...... 99 50 Sell. Lahore, Mrs.'M. Walker. E n o n ,...... 46 50 * Mrs. M. S. Dinsmore. H erm on,...... 26 00 * Miss E. C. Searing. H opew ell,...... 16 00 Mrs. S. H. Ferree. B a n d ,...... 15 00 Kolhapur B’d’g, L eesburg,...... 50 00 Share, Banclio, Mrs. X. A. Bingham. Bds.: Fidelia . 20 00 * < liildren’s, .... 3 00 Miss Alice Thorn. Little B e a v er,...... 15 00 Miss Mary J. Kenney. Mahoning,...... 19 00 Miss Janet Woods, Mt. P le a s a n t,...... 75 00 Mrs. Henry, Canton, Miss Lena Crawford. B a n d ,...... Neshannock,...... 122 65 Mrs. McCauley, Japan,® B a n d ,...... Miss Lydia Cowden. New Brighton,...... 103 43 Miss M. Thorniley. B d .: Selina, ...... 28 35 Miss Louise Weber. A L ad v,...... 100 00 New Castle, 1st...... 51 50 Miss Carrie H. White. Bds.: Sabbatli-school, . . 32 00 Work, Africa, L y d i a , ...... Miss S. Gageby. Two Young Ladies, 20 00 Share, Tungchow, New Castle, 2 d , ...... 44 00 * Miss L. Connell. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 40 00 Share, Tungchow, Miss Goula Boyles. N e w p o rt,...... 13 50 Mrs. Mary Eckels. Bd.: A Ladv,...... 25 00 Share, Petcliaburi, | North S e w ic k le y ,...... 5 00 ; Petersburg,...... 23 00 1 i Mrs. Alex. Warner. Princeton,...... 4 20 i * M rs. Sadie Lechler, P ulaski,...... 20 05 |Mrs. John AYineman. B a n d ,...... 2 37 1® 1Miss Ella Stitt. 90

Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

Rich H i ll,...... $ 56 50 * Mrs. S. J. McBride. Bds.: Young People’s, . . 45 00 * Daylight Workers, . 43 00 Sharon, 1 s t , ...... 25 00 Mrs. Alex. McDowell. B d .: Sabbath-school, . . . 66 80 Share, Kolhapur,* Miss Mary Wilson. Sharpsville,...... Bd. Little Reapers, .... Slippery Rock, ...... 24 75 Mrs. B. B. Ward. U n i t y , ...... 48 80 * Miss M. J. Buchanan. B d.: Young People’s, . . 51 00 Share, Tungchow, W estfield,...... 125 65 * Miss Sadie Gibson. B a n d ,...... 21 00 Mrs. Blanche Fullerton. West Middlesex,...... 52 25 2 Shares, Canton,* Mrs. S. E. Hillier.

1887 12 [Mrs. J. C. R. Ewins, India, Mrs. F. W . Pr esb yter y of W a sh in g ­ March, Tripoli, Mrs. ton, Pa . R. Thackwell, Dehra, Pres. President, Mrs. D. A. Miss Jessica R. Carle- Cunningham, Wheeling ton, M. D. Ambala, W . Va. Mrs. B. Labaree, Per­ Pres. Sec., Miss M. Grayson, sia, and Mrs. G. S. Washington, Pa. Hayes, Chefoo, sup­ Pres. Treasurer, Miss J. W . ported by the Presby- Baird, Washington, Pa. terial Society.] Allen Grove,...... 9 00 Miss F. McCaffrey,'Tr. B e th le h em ,...... 17 00 Mrs. R. J. Hall. Burgettstown,...... 137 14 -s- Miss Mary Patterson. B d .: Golden Chain, . . . 38 70 Share, Canton,* Miss Mary Rice. Claysville,...... 189 63 * Mrs. Lizzie Stewart. B d .: Aftermath, .... 109 65 Nat. Tea., Sidon,* Miss Kate King. C o v e ,...... 76 00 Miss Marie Caruthers. B d .: Sabbath-school, . . . 5 23 Cross C reek ,...... 132 00 Miss J. C. Dinsmore. Bd.: Loring,...... 44 00 Share, Yokohama, Miss Lizzie Robb. Cross Roads, ...... 38 00 Share, Lodiana,* Mrs. Dr. Graham. East Buffalo, ...... 71 67 Miss W . C. Leonard. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 3 33 • F a irv ie w ,...... 11 70 Mrs. E. J. Murray. Forks of Wheeling, .... 156 50 * Miss Ida Carter. Bds.: Bessie Shaw, .... 20 00 Miss Nellie Storer. J Share, Tungchow, Excelsior (boys), 20 00 W m. Brown. Frankfort,...... 20 00 Mrs. C. Craft. Bd.: Pickens,...... Miss M. Keifer. H ookstow n,...... 12 00 Miss A. A. Laughlin. Lower Buffalo...... 44 00 Share, Nanking,* Miss Annie Manchester. Lower Ten-M ile,...... 65 40 B. W . Canton,* Miss Joanna McFarland Mill Creek,...... 70 13 Mrs. Hunter, China, Mrs. Geo. Allison. B d .: Little Reapers, . . . 3 55 Moundsville, ...... 14 00 Miss B. McConnell. B d .: Busy B e e s ,...... Mt. O liv et,...... 20 00 Mrs. Hunter, China, Mrs. M. H. McConnell. Mt. P le a s a n t,...... 25 00 Miss S. B. Smith. Mt. P ro sp e c t,...... 75 00 « Mrs. A . Y . McGugin. New Cumberland,...... 148 70 * Mrs. J. A. Smith. Bds.: M yrtle,...... 8 30 Miss Lily Douglass. G r ie r ...... 10 00 Miss A . Abrams. 91

Amount Name of Society. Con tri b. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Pigeon Creek,...... $ 40 37 Mrs. J. K. Davis. Bd. : Young Ladies’, . 23 55 Miss Margaret Paden. Three Springs,...... 20 00 Mrs. J. R. Hooker. U n ity,...... 10 00 Mrs. L. II. Brad dock. Upper Buffalo,...... 200 50 Miss M. Wotring. Bd.: McMillan, . . . 34 00 Share, Futtehgurh, Miss Blanche Magill. Upper Ten-Mile, .... 19 30 Miss S. Wier. Bds. : Busy Bees, . . 44 00 ! Share, Shanghai,Sf Miss Annie McVey. Washington, 1st, .... 441 76 ! Miss M. Grayson. Bds. : Sewing Society, . 190 00 Share, Oroomiah,* Miss J. W . Baird. Young Ladies’, 137 80 ! * Mrs. Ray. Cornes, .... 138 00 i 2 Schools, Mynpurie,* Miss Mary Acheson. June Rosebuds, . 58 45 i Hospital, Petchaburi, ! Miss Lizzie Strean. Standard Bearers 13 60 ! | Jas. MeKennan. Seminary, . . . 80 00 Miss N. Sherrard. Sabbatli-scliool, . 112 25' B. W ., India, Washington, 2d, .... 68 20 I Mrs. A. J. Eagleson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 73 05 I Miss Kate Hays. Pansy,...... 37 70 ! Miss Kizzie Thompson. Bovs’, ...... 3 50] Waynesburg,...... 35 00 Mrs. H. B. Sautz. Bds.: Young Ladies’, .’ 11 25 Miss Annie Jeffrey. Boys’ , ...... Sabbath-school, 40 09 ; * W ellsburg,...... 59 50 ! * Mrs. J. T. R. Braddock. Bds. : Young People’s, Mackev, .... 11 40 Miss Edith Murphy. Little Seeds, . . 5 50 Mrs. R. M. Brown. West Alexander, .... 251 00 Mrs. J. P. Woods. Bds. : Loring .... 47 46 Share, Beirut,* Miss Mary Anderson. Hold the Fort, . 58 00 Itinerating W ’k, China/ Miss Mary E. Craig. Sabbatli-scliool, 40 00 Share, Denra, Legacy, Miss Lawson 200 00 Building Funds, West Liberty,...... 50 00 Miss Hannah Eagleson. Bd. : Cunningham, . 7 71 West Union,...... 39 25 Miss Annie B. Oldham. Bds.: Young People’s, 21 20 Mrs. Kate A. Oldham. Willing Workers 5 00 Miss Laura Oldham. Wheeling, 1 s t ,...... 833 80 Mrs. J. A. Bell. Bds. : Sidney Ott, . . 50 53 Miss Belle Caldwell. Cherith, . . . 20 00 Share, Dehra, Miss Margaret Oldham. Cunningham, . 10 00 Miss Lillie Heiskell. Boys’, ...... Howard Strong. Sabbath-school, 35 00 Bessie Yance, . . 50 00 Share, Sidon, Miss Vance. Wheeling, 2 d , ...... 42 36 Mrs. Fannie Campbell. Bd. : Carleton .... 60 00 Mrs. John Reed. Wheeling, 3d, . . 15 00 Mrs. P. F. Fulton. Bd. : Busy Workers, . 50 00 Work, Clienanfou, Miss L. A. Miller. Wheeling, Beach Glen, . 23 50 Miss Euplia Hutchison. W olf R u n ,......

5414 01 92

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

P r e s b y t e r y o f W e l l s - b o r o ’, P a . Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. W . D. Tay­ lor, Mansfield, Pa. Pres. Sec., Mrs. Chas. Tubbs, Osceola, Pa. Pres.Treas., Mrs. H. F. Kings­ ley, Mansfield, Pa. Beecher’s Island, Band, . 20 00 Miss May Baxter. Coudersport,...... 17 33 Mrs. C. E. Groves. Bd.: Sabbath-school, . 6 00 Elkland,...... 21 69 Mrs. M. E. Ryan. Farmington,...... 5 00 Mrs. M. J. Blanchard. Mansfield,...... 11 27 Mrs. W . D. Taylor. Osceola,...... 15 77 Mrs. F. J. Seeley. Bd. : Sabbath-school, . 2 55 T ioga,...... 9 60 Mrs. H. N. Wheeler. Wellsboro, ...... 18 00 Mrs. H. E. Raeslev.

127 21

Pr e sb yte r y o f W estm in­ ster, Pa. Pres. President, Mrs. D. E- Small, York, Pa. [Miss S. L. McBeth, Nez Pres. Secretary, Miss Mary A. Perces, Effie A. Light, Beyer, Octorara, Pa. M.D., supported by the Pres. Treas.. Mrs. M. L. Park, Presbyterial Society.] Gap, Pa. Sell., Sa’haranpur, B e lle v u e ,...... 61 94 Seh., Saharanpur, Miss Maggie High. B a n d ,...... 30 78 Miss Carrie T. Crossen. C e n tr e ,...... 61 00 Mrs. M. J. Irwin. Chanceford,...... 70 00 Miss Glenn Keyser. Chestnut L e v e l ,...... 73 22 Mrs. M. J. Reynolds. Colum bia,...... 162 00 Miss E. B. Chamberlain. Bds.: Young Ladies’ , . . 10 46 Airs. E. W . Goerke. Sabbath-school, . . 10 75 Miss Steinliiser. H opew ell,...... 14 75 Mrs. Sallie Manifold. Lancaster, ...... 186 00 Miss Mary Carson. Bd.: Young Ladies’, • . . 75 00 Share, Dehra & Nanking, Miss M. W . Acheson. Leacock, ...... 66 50 ! B. W . Allahabad, Miss B. Dobson. B d .: Lucy Leaman, . . . 15 00 ! Share, Nanking, ; Miss Clara Bair. Lebanon, S. S . , ...... 25 00 Sch. Liberia, Little B ritain ,...... 55 00 Mrs. L. P. Paxson. M a rie tta ,...... 55 12 Miss J. Buchanan. Middle Octorara,...... 23 00 Miss M. A. McElwain. New H a r m o n y ,...... 21 40 Miss B. V . Lane. Bd.: Girls,*...... 8 00 Pequa, ...... 70 00 Airs. Win. Robinson. Pine G r o v e ,...... 40 00 Mrs. M. J. Barnett. Band, ...... 7 50 Airs. J. E. Witnier. Slate Ridge, ...... 45 00 Miss K . Heaps. Slate ville, ...... 63 55 Airs. Priscilla Harry. Bd.: Snowflake,...... 15 00 Aliss M. C. Ritchie. Stewartstown,...... 45 00 Airs. W . R. Long. Strasburg,...... 6 00 Aliss Clara B. Walker. U n i o n ,...... 85 00 Share, Lahore, Aliss Mary A. Beyer. 93

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Wrightsville...... $ 14 00 Miss Jennie M. Keer. York, 1 s t ,...... 22:i 90 Miss M. B. Evans. Bds.: Niles,...... 30 50 Cheerful Workers, . 11 36 Jas. Small. Always Ready, . . 13 41 Miss Nettie Gotwalt. York Calvary,...... 25 00 Miss Clara B. Cross. York, Westminster, . . 23 00 Miscellaneous,...... 549 06

2292 20

Presbytery o f W e s t V ir g in ia . Pres. President, Mrs. J. H. Flanagan, Grafton. Pres. Secretary, Mrs. John W . [Miss Emma Harris, La­ Mason, Grafton. hore, India, supported Pres. Treasurer, Mrs. P. T. by Presbyterial S o - W etzel, Ravenswood, W. Ya. ciety.]

Charleston, Kanawha Church, 11 20 F a irm o u n t,...... 9 35 Gnattv C r e e k ,...... 5 00 Miss Minnie Coburn. B a n d ,...... Hoy Martin. Grafton,...... 19 00 *- Mrs. A. J. Nuzum. Bds.: Sabbath-School, . . 13 00 Willing Workers, . 8 00 Miss Lucy Ivins. Young Peoples’, . . 11 00 Mr. A. L! Thayer. Morgantown,...... 26 40 Miss A. J. Evans. B d.: Anna Hunter, .... 14 00 Parkersburg,...... 26 00 * Mrs. W . L. Daily. Bds.: Mary Campbell, . . L o r in g ,...... Buds of Promise . . 22 00 Miss Ger. Armstrong. Ravenswood,...... 15 20 Sisterville,...... 7 00 Miss Sallie Russel. Sugar Grove, ...... 10 00 Miss Lizzie Lough. B d .: Children’s , ...... 2 25

199 40

Pr e sbyter y of N e w Ca s­ t l e , Del. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. C. M. Whar­ ton, Dover, Del. Pres. Sec., Mrs. C. Hunting­ ton, Dover, Del. Pres. Treas., Mrs.Wm. Crosby, [Mrs. G. H . Ferris, Kol­ 501 West St., Wilmington, hapur, India, supported Del. by Presbyterial Soc.]

Chesapeake C ity ,...... 25 00 Mrs. H. W . Hopper. B d .: What We Can, . . . 15 00 Share, Nanking, Miss Maggie Pensil. Cool Spring,...... 19 50 Mrs. A. E. Manning. Delaware C ity ,...... 5 00 Bds.: Young People’s, . . Fred Price. Little Helpers, . . . 25 00 Sunbeam ,...... 10 00 Share, Nanking, 94

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Dover...... 73 10 Mrs. V . Spruan. Bds.: Cheerful Workers, 54 00 Sabbath-school, . . 15 41 Elkton, ...... 88 00 Mrs. M. A . Gilpin. Federalsburg,...... 8 50 Miss M. E. Logan. Forest, ...... 75 00 Mrs. Chas. Derrickson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, , 60 00 Mrs. M. D. Hardcastle. Girls’, ...... 25 00 Share, Yokohama,* Miss E. Reynolds. G la s g o w ,...... 37 00 Mrs. Samuel Aldrichs. B d .: Young People’s, . Miss Maggie Fleming. Green Hill Young People’s Bd 5 00 Head of Christiana, . . . 16 00 Miss R. Johnston. Lewes, ...... 12 00 Mrs. E. Richardson. Manoken, , ...... 42 15 Share, Futtehgurh,* Mrs. J. S. Crockett. B ds.: Irving, . . . 7 89 Mrs. C. Hayman. Coral Workers, . 6 52 Mrs. Mary ’Crisfield. Newark, ...... 25 00 Miss Annie Evans. Bds.: Amaranthian, . . Miss Helen Woolston. Sabbath-school, . 30 00 Share, Kolhapur, Pitts’ C r e e k ,...... 40 00 Share, Tungchow, Miss Sallie Henderson. Bds.: Pocomoke, .... Rose Bud, .... 5 00 Mrs. A. Stevenson. Port D e p o s it ,...... 50 00 Miss Emma Brown. Bd.: Hillside,...... 20 00 Share, Nanking,* Miss Bessie Parker. Port Penn, ...... 11 00 Miss M. O. Eaton. Bds.: Labaree, . . . 5 00 Willing Workers, 10 00 Teheran Building,* Mrs. J. B. Cleaver. Rehoboth, D e l . , ...... 30 00 3? Miss Sallie King. Rehoboth, M d . , ...... 20 00 Mrs. E. S. Broughten. Rock...... 11 00 Mrs. Mackey. Bds.: V iv ia n ,...... 7 67 Gleaners, .... 2 00 St. George’s , ...... 30 00 School, Lodiana, S m yrna,...... 7 00 West Nottingham, .... 75 50 School, Canton, Miss E. Briscoe. White Clay Creek, .... 44 50 Wicomico (Salisbury), . . 23 40 Miss L. Humphrey. Wilmington Central, Y . P. S 293 00 Miss Kate Plummer. B ds.: Mural Crown, . . 35 00 Miss Helen Duer. King’s Daughters, 32 00 Wilmington, Hanover St., 174 62 Mrs. Jas. Semple. Bds.: Busv Gleaners, . Share, Kolhapur, Ligftt Bearers, . 17 41 Miss Alice Bartes. Wilmington, Olivet, 10 00 Wilmington, Rodney St., 30 07 Miss Bowman. Wilmington, West, . . . 164 00 Mrs. J. P. Belville. Bds.: Happy Workers, 49 25 Share, Lodiana,* Young Peoples’, 25 00 Mrs. Florence Evans. Z i o n ,...... 22 00 Mrs. G. A . Martindale. Bds.: Young Ladies,’ . 10 00 Miss M. John. Happy Harvester, , 33 07 Sabbath-sehools, . . 18 33

1985 89 95

Amount Special Objects. Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib.

P k e s b y t e r y o f B a l t i ­ m o r e , Md. Pres. Prest., Mrs. C. E.Waters, 1817 Madison Ave. Pres. Sec., Miss J. M. Cross, St. Panl and Chase Sts., Pres. Treas., Mrs. R. M.Wvlie, [MissThiede, Lahore, In­ 652 Franklin St., Balti­ dia, supported by Pres- more, Md. byterial Society.] Aberdeen,...... Mrs. McChesney. Annapolis,...... 10 84 Mrs. J. D. Rayfield. A s h la n d ,...... 17 60 Mrs. W . S. Franklin. Baltimore, Aisquitli St., . . 65 25 Zenana Work, Etawah,* Mrs. M. J. Harper. Baltimore, Boundary A v e ., . 161 27 Miss T. B. Norris. | Sh., Delira & Work La- Bd.: India,...... 55 00 { hore. Baltimore, Broadway, . . . 15 00 f Mrs. Newton, B. W ., 1 Baltimore, Brown Mem., . . 517 47 { Can’ii, Sh.,Kolhapur* j Mrs. C. E. Waters, Bds.: Mrs. E. P. S. Jones, 148 50 Tea, and 2 shs., Sidon,* Mrs. F. A. Hoffman. M ission,...... 40 00 Share, Ningpo, E. Condon. Casket of Jewels, . . 20 00 Schools, Lahore, Mrs ( iray’s Class. 30 00 Share, Shanghai, Sabbat h-School, . . 144 60 Schools, Lahore,* Baltimore, Central, . . . 695 00 *- Miss M. S. White. Bds.: Dugdale,...... 30 00 Share, Lodiana,* Seek and Save, . . . 50 00 Schools, Lahore, Mrs. Sarah Chism, Buds of Promise, . . 30 00 African Schooner, Morning Star, . . . 25 00 2 Shares, Nanking, Miss Ann Bently. Sabbath-Sehoo], . . 150 00 School Lahore,» Little Watchers, . - John Aubel. A Lady, ..... 550 00 A Missionary, A Lady Mem. Offr’ng, 20 00 Baltimore, Faith, . . 36 00 * Miss Maxwell. Bds.: Earnest Workers, . . 2 00 Miss Belle Wright. Boys, . . ... 17 00 Faitli Workers, . . Miss Bertha Smith. Daisy Chain, .... 27 00 Miss May James. H o p e ,...... 6 00 Miss Laura Eben. Baltimore, 1 s t ,...... 988 72 Mrs. Collins, Laos,* Mrs. D’Arcy Paul. B d.: G ir ls ...... 50 00 Share, Sidon, Miss Grace Canfield. Baltimore, 2 d , ...... 137 14 * Miss Luddington. Bds.: Earnest Workers, . 20 00 * Miss Kreps. Willing Hearts, . . 48 25 Miss Alma Evans. A l a d v ,...... 200 00 Baltimore 1 2 t h ,...... 68 26 Schs., Lahore,® Mrs. Wylie. Bds.: Guli-a nar, .... 60 00 * Miss Anne Stewart. H.W.C., ...... 5 00 : Miss Minnie Jones. Mission, .... 60 32 Share, Saharanpur, Miss Grant. Sabbath-school, . . 5 90 Baltimore, Lafayette Square, 83 10 * Mrs. W . G. Taylor. B d .: Earnest Workers, . . 66 60 * M iss Grace Rogers. Baltimore, Light Street, . . 25 00 Miss Addison. Baltimore, Madison Street, . 25 00 Work, Africa, Baltimore, Westminster, . . 84 10 -s Mrs. W . A . Wentz. B d .: Silver S tar,...... 30 00 Share, Shanghai, Bel A ir ,...... 25 00 Hospital Oroomiah, Miss K. A. Richardson Bd.: J o y , ...... 30 00 Work, Korea, Lena Bauer. 96

Name of Society. Amount Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

B e t h e l,...... Mrs. J. B. Luckey. B a n d ,...... Chestnut Grove, . . . . $ 90 00 Zenana Work,* Miss S. R. Green. Churchville,...... 100 00 * Miss M. A. Ball. Deer Creek Harmony, . 92 45 Miss Emily Silver. Ellicott C ity , ...... 143 00 Miss A . E/Thompson. B d .: Rose of Sharon, 108 70 Emmittsburg,...... 56 34 Share, Kolhapur, Mrs. A . E. A. Horner. B d .: Daisy Chain, . . 11 28 Miss Gertrude Annan. Frederick, ...... 30 00 Share, Tungchow, Mrs. F. G. Thomas. Govane Chapel, . . . . 27 00 Miss M. E. Harrison. Hagerstown,...... 50 00 Miss S. McBeth, Mrs. F. M. Wise. Ham pden,...... 25 00 Miss A . E. Phipps. Lonaconing,...... 26 50 Miss M. E. Skilling. B d .: Robert Sampson, 27 00 Miss Sallie Sloan. Piney C r e e k ,...... 30 00 Work, Mexico, Miss M. L. Reindollar. Taneytow n,...... 54 00 Share, Oroomiah,* Miss F. Birnie. B a n d ,...... 4 00 Williamsport, a lady, . . 25 00 Miss Findlay. Miscellaneous,...... 14 30

5807 84

Pkesbyteky of Washing­ t o n C it y , D. C. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. D. A. Mc- Knight, 1449 Corcoran St., N. W . Pres. Sec., Mrs. I. F. MacFar- land, 1727 F St., N. W . Pres. Treas., Mrs. F. L. Moore, [Mrs. George H . Pollock, 1680 31st St., Washington, India, supported by D. C. Presbyterial Society.]

Alexandria,...... 15 00 Darnestown,...... 40 00 Miss B. Tschiffely. Bd. : Earnest Workers, . Miss C. Rathbun. Falls Church,...... 59 70 Miss Sue Riddle. B a n d ,...... 25 00 Hospital, Petchaburi, Hermon...... Hyattsville,...... 44 74 Mrs. Kate B. Page. Bd. : Cheerful Givers, . 20 00 Miss H . Gunn. Lewinsville, W k ’rs for Christ, 3 00 M anassas,...... 12 00 V ie n n a ,...... 5 00 Mrs. H. A. Bowman. Washington, 1st, . . . 115 00 * Mrs. Ogden Wyckoff. Bd. : Sabbath-sehool, 40 00 Share, Dehra, Ramsey Nevitt. Washington, 4th, . . . 162 56 " Washington, 6th, . . . 32 00 Miss M. H. Hercus. Washington, Assembly, 93 71 Mrs. A . M. Faehtz. Bd. : Young Ladies’, 10 00 Washington, Covenant, 461 63 # Miss M. E. Ballantyne. Bd.: Sabbath-sehool, 41 65 Washington, Eastern, . 39 22 Miss B. Crandall. Washington, Metropolitan, 204 80 * Miss M. E. Goodwin. Bd. : Mateer,...... 65 00 I Share, Tungchow,* Miss J. E. Nichols. 97

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. ' Name of Secretary.

Washington, N. Y . Ave., . $636 70 ■ Mrs. A. B. Williams. Bds. : Youth’s Society, . 100 00 Day School, Canton, Bethany, .... 50 00 School, Mexico, Miss Fanny Phillips. C. B. Walker’s 28 Cl., 26 Coral Workers, . 25 00 Miss J. Lauek. Gurley Chapel, . 34 00 Miss C. Schausten. Ladies’ Bible Class 10 00 Washington, North, . . . 80 00 Mrs. M. L. King. Bd.: Youth’s , ...... 2 50 Washington, Unity, . . 48 00 Mrs. E. R. Walters. Washington, Western, . . 115 00 Miss Nannie Brent. Bd. : Earnest Workers, . Miss K . Mohler. Washington, West St. . . 102 85 Miss J. Hedrick. Bd.: Sabbath-School, Share, Yokohama, Washington, Westminster, 93 17 Share, Petchaburi,5* Miss M. A. Depue. B a n d ,...... Miscellaneous,...... 26 24

2S41 73

Presbytery of Athens, Ohio. Pres. President, Mrs. M. L Stevenson, New Plymouth Ohio. Pres. Sec., Miss H . U. Maxon, Gallipolis, Ohio. Pres. Treas., Miss Emma C McVay, Athens, Ohio.

A m esville...... 13 00 Mrs. A. C. Young. A th e n s ,...... 50 00 Mrs. A. O. Sloane. Bd.: Penny a Week, . . Miss Pearl McYay. B a rlow ,...... 3 70 Beverly,...... 7 00 Mrs. Frank Preston. Bristol, ...... 15 00 Miss Ivy Henderson. Carthage, ...... 5 00 Mrs. D. E. Mooney. Gallipolis,...... 50 00 Miss H. U. Maxon. Bd.: Willing Workers, . . 5 00 Miss Alice Lupton. Logan, ...... 17 00 Miss Daisy Curtis. B d.: Infant-School, . . . 20 00 2 Shs., Nanking. M ar ie tta ,...... 116 04 Mrs. H. B. Shipman. Middleport,...... 13 40 Miss H . B. Jones. Nelsonville,...... 7 50 New Matauioras,...... New P ly m o u th ,...... 14 00 Miss Ruth Hawk. B d .: "Haymakers, .... P o m e ro y ,...... 36 99 Miss Anna Barclay. Tuppers P la in s ,...... 6 00 Warren, ...... 5 60 Mrs. H . L. Hart.

385 23

I 98

Amount Special Objects. Name of Society. Contrib. Name of Secretary.

P r e s b y t e r y o f C h i l l i - c o t h e , Ohio. • Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. George M. Ustick, Washington C. H ., Ohio. Pres. Sec., Miss M. A. Gage, Roxabelle, O. Pres. Treas., Mrs. E. L. Ferris, Hillsboro’, Ohio.

Bloomingburg,...... $ 25 00 Mrs. E . M. Boggs. Chillicothe, 1 s t , ...... 221 75 Mrs. C. H. Perkins. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . Miss U. E. Lewis. Earnest Workers, . 10 00 Share, Nanking, Edna Smith. Infant Class, .... 3 38 Mrs. H. W . Biggs. Chillicothe, 3 d , ...... 41 56 Miss H. McCague. Concord, ...... 43 00 ip Mrs. W . M. Leslie. B d .: Sabbath-school, . . D. II. Anderson. Frankfort,...... 27 00 • Mrs. J. O. Pierce. Greenfield, ...... 85 00 * Mrs. F. M. Elliott. H a m d e n ,...... 8 35 Mrs. C. S. E. Rhulman. Hillsboro’, ...... 77 80 Miss M. Wilson. Bds.: Sycamore Valley, . 10 00 * Miss M. E. Linn. Sabbath-school, . . John Hibben. M a rsh a l],...... 11 30 * Miss J. L. T em plin . Mt. Pleasant, Kingston, . . 20 00 Mrs. J. D. Mundell. North F o rk ,...... 44 33 * Miss L. Rennick. P is g a h ,...... 23 45 Miss E. Jones. + S alem ,...... 117 00 M iss Dora Fullerton. Legacy, Miss M. Wright, . . 40 00 Persia, - Washington, C. H., ...... 34 51 Mrs. S. Alderson. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 23 52 * Miss A. Springer. Wilkesville, ...... 10 00 Miss K. Deemer. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . Wilmington,...... 27 10 * Mrs. L. A. Caldwell.

904 05

Pr e sb yte r y of Cin cin ­ n a t i, Ohio. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. S. S. Gilson, Chestnut St., WalnutHills, Cincinnati, O. [Mrs. Mateer and Mrs. Pres. Sec., Mrs. Hugh Gibson, Hayes, China ; Miss Gilbert Are., Walnut Hills, Belz and Miss Mary P. Cincinnati, 0 . Forman, India ; and Pres. Treas., Mrs. Thornton Mrs. Potter, Persia, are Hinkle, Walnut Hills, Cin­ supported by Presbyte­ cinnati, 0 . rial Society.]

A von dale,...... 101 58 Share, Délira,* Mrs. A. B. Huston. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 33 00 * Young Men’s, . . . Henry D. Nichols. A Lady, ...... 40 00 Share, Tungchow. Bethel, ...... 8 25 * B d .: Willing Workers, . . Cincinnati, 1st, ...... 35 30 Miss Sallie Johnston. Î Not connected with Presbyterial Society. 99

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Cincinnati, 2 d ,...... $217 00 Mrs. H. L. Crane. Bds.: Mary Skinner, Mem., 150 00 Miss Grace Huntington. Cheerful Givers, . . 30 00 Miss Tillie Seely. Willing Workers, . Schuyler Fisher. Bethany Mission, . . Miss Agnes Kennedy. Cincinnati, 3 d ,...... 147 00 Miss Carrie Allen. Bds.: Layyah,...... 85 00 * Miss Lila Lynd. Sabbath-school, . . 60 00 Share, Dehra. Cincinnati, 4th, Y . L. B., . . Cincinnati, 5 t h , ...... 25 00 Mrs. W . G. Chamberlin. A L ad y,...... 100 00 School, Saharanpur, Cincinnati, 6 t h , ...... 46 37 Mrs. W . McCallister. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . Cincinnati, 7 t h , ...... 105 90 Share, Tungchow, Miss Arista Durrell. Bds.: Willing Workers, . 3 00 Sabbath-school, . . 50 00 2 Shares, Kolhapur. Cincinnati, Central, .... 200 00 Miss Ada Runyon. B d.: Sabbath-school, . . . 40 00 Share, Tungchow, Cincinnati, Clifton,...... 43 00 Miss Laura Smith. Cincinnati, Cumminsville, . 50 00 Work, Mexico, Mrs. F. Van Dyke. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 80 80 * Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Cincinnati, Mt. Auburn, . . 334 07 * Miss E. B. Hollister. B d .: King’s Daughters, . . 100 00 Miss Theresa Donahue. Cincinnati, PoplarSt., Y . P. B. 48 76 Miss M. P. Nicholson. Cincinnati, Sabbath Day, . . 65 00 * Miss H. Walter. Cincinnati, Walnut Hills, 216 01 * Mrs. S. S. Gilson, Pres. Bds.: Humphrey...... 50 00 Miss Hoffman. Peacemakers, . . . 32 82 Anna Northman. Fullerton,...... 20 00 Share, Nanking,* Ruth Eddy. A c o r n ,...... 30 00 * Adelaide Monfort. Gospel Heralds, . . 15 00 Share (Boy), Canton,* David Snyder. Class No. 4, . . . David Monfort. Pearl Gatherers, . . 25 00 Share, Petchaburi, Florence Copeland. Sabbath-school, . . 50 00 Cincinnati, Westminster, . . 40 00 Share, Dehra. Mrs. L. C. Moore. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 3 00 Busy B ees,...... 7 25 Share, Nanking. Cleves and B e r e a ,...... 52 30 Miss Jennie Chidlaw. Bd.: Birthday,...... 32 00 -* Miss Mary C. Karr. College H i ll,...... 69 75 Miss H. W . Wilson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, , . . 53 15 Share, Tripoli, Miss Daisy Blanchard. R. H. Bishop, . . . 30 00 Little Mission Sold’rs. Carl Rankin. D e lh i,...... 43 00 Mrs. A. E. Gray. Bd. B irth d ay ,...... Miss Jennie Belshaw. G le n d a le,...... 65 45 Miss A. Patterson. Bds.: Head Lights, . . . 40 00 Share, Tungchow. Earnest Workers, 42 00 Share, Sidon. Harrison, Boys’ Bd., .... 5 00 Lebanon, ...... 77 00 Miss F. G. Carol. Loveland,...... 17 21 Mrs. S. R. Clinton. Madisonville...... 12 90 * Miss Anna Hurd. M a s o n ,...... Mrs. Franks. Montgomery,...... 34 50 Mrs. M. M. Crain. B d .: Little Doers, .... 8 50 * Miss Jenaiie McGlassoa. M orrow ,...... 42 05 Work, Mexico,* Miss Alice Haaig. Pleasant R i d g e ,...... 19 50 Mrs. T. R. Kennedy. B d .: First Fruits, .... Louise B. Thompson. 100

Reading and Lockland, . . . S 4 75 Miss Cora Dennis. Somerset Sabbath-school, . . 3 00 Springdale,...... j 23 86 MisB Ella De C. Denman Westwood, ...... j 50 00 Share, Sidon, Mrs. Alan Sanders. Bds.: Girls’, ...... Alice Witte. Boys’, ...... ' 10 00 Willie Heybach. Wyoming, ; 117 60 Share, Yokohama,* Miss Florence Baldwin. Bd.: Cheerful Givers, . . | 20 00 2 Shares Nanking, Susan Ransom. Miscellaneous,...... ' 1148 61

4710 24

P e e s b y t e r y o f C l e v e - I LAND, Ohio. I Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. E. H. Hun­ tington, 891 Prospect St. [Miss Fullerton, India, Pres. Sec., Miss Julia Has­ M rs.W .K. Eddy, Syria, kell, 70 Brownell St. sch., Canton, and two Pres. Treas., Mrs. A . H. Potter, shares, Sao Paulo, Bra­ 832 Bolton Ave., Cleveland, zil, supported by Pres- Ohio. byterial Society.]

Akron, ...... 17 30 Mrs. Flora Page. Ashtabula...... 62 35 Miss L. P. Woodman. Brecksville,...... 5 00 Mrs. F. L. Holies. Cleveland, 1 st,...... 603 47 Mrs. S. P. Fenn. Bds.: Fidelia Fiske, . . 50 00 Miss Mary C. Kendrick. Girls’, ...... 104 28 Boys’, . . . Sarah Fitch, . . . Mrs. E. C. Haines. Sabbath-school, . 125 00 Primary Class, . . 45 00 Share, Sidon. Calvary Chapel, . 84 22 Willing Workers, 20 00 Miss Hattie Spencer. Cleveland, 2 d , ...... 498 75 Miss Alice Geer. f Shares Sidon, Bogota, Bds.: Handy, 150 00 Ernest H. Rowe. { B. W ., Gaboon,* Miss Haskell’s Class, James Ells, .... 30 00 Share, Oroomiah, Miss Ella C. Benham. ! f Shares, Bancho 4 Sao ) Sabbath-school, . . 360 00 j I Paulo. W ’k, China, [ ( Japan & Syria,* J Primary Department, 30 00 ' Zenana Work, Cleveland, Beckwith, . . 25 25 ! * Mrs. J. Craft, Bds.: Sabbath-school, . 10 00 Young Ladies’, . 5 00 Cleveland, Case Ave., . . 311 99 | Mrs. J. C. Preston. B d .: Young People’s, 25 65 Share, Suk-el-Ghurb Miss Florence Ozanne. Cleveland, Euclid Ave., . 326 65 * Mrs. H . F. Jordan. B d .: Young Ladies,’ . . 50 00 Cleveland, Miles Park, . . Cleveland, North, .... 30 00 Mrs. A . M. Gray. Bds.: Young People’s, . Youthful Helpers, 17 50 Miss Alice Hitchens. Cheerful Workers, 10 00 Miss Eva Leighton. Forget-me-not, . . 40 00 Miss J. M. Richardson. Cleveland, Wilson Ave., . 25 10 Mrs. S. Evison. B d .: Laughlin, .... 20 00 101

Amount Name of Society. Coutrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Cleveland, Woodland Ave., . $431 54 | Mrs. J. C. Gates, Bds.: Sarah Adams, Y . L., 115 00 B. W . Jalandhar,* i Miss Jessie Norton. “ Children’s, 25 00 Miss Lottie Brett. Bushnell Boys, . . 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Edw. J. Sanderson. C ollam er,...... 32 00 Miss Mary Clark. Bds.: Birthday,...... 10 00 Miss Mary Cline. Ainanoub, ...... 75 65 Sch. Syria, Guilford (S e v ille ),...... 15 00 Mrs. E. M. Goeler. M ilt o n ,...... 11 50 Mrs. John Derthie. Northfield, ...... 13 00 Mrs. H. R. Bovden. Bd.: Caldwell,...... 17 00 Miss Grace Van Osdale North Springfield,...... 13 58 Mrs. L. O. Brittain. Bds.: Cheerful Givers, . . 3 12 Curtis A. Ewart. Sabbath-school, . . 2 30 O r w e ll,...... 30 00 Miss Hattie Barnes. Painesville, Lake Erie Sem., . 60 00 B. W . Canton,* Miss Emily Forman. P a r m a ,...... 10 00 Mrs. J. A. Hodginan. Bd.: Gleaners,...... 1 00 R o m e ,...... 12 00 Mrs. E. H. Stiles. S o lo n ,...... 1 00 Willoughby,...... 64 34 Mrs. R. C. Bates. Miscellaneous,...... 43 82

4099 36

Presbytery of Columbus, Ohio. Pres. Pres’t., Mrs. W.E . Moore, 138 E. State St. Pres. Sec., Mrs. N. S. Smith, 350 E. State St. Pres. Treas., Miss Lydia H. [Mrs. Pond, Syria, sup­ Putnam, 61 S. Sixth St., ported by Presbyterial Columbus, O. Society]. Blendon, ...... 32 28 Mrs. Jas. Westervelt. B d.: Henry Bushnell, 7 42 Geo. S. Sheldon. Central College, .... 37 50 Miss Jennie D. Skeel. Circleville,...... 53 22 Miss L. A. Meeker. B d .: Young Ladies’, . 40 00 Work, Jliansi,* Miss M. A. Olds. Columbus, 1 s t ,...... 176 88 Miss Julia Gill. Bds.: Jesus’ Little Ones 27 46 % Miss Alice Fitch. Delia Loring, . Collegiate, . . Columbus, 2 d , ...... 235 95 Miss V. Howell. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 120 00 Share, Delira,* Miss Nora Flowers. Harriette Moore, 32 00 « Miss Harriet Boker. Primary S. S., . 18 19 * A Lady, .... 45 00 2 Shares, Canton, Mrs. W . G. Dunn. Columbus, Broad Street, 50 29 Mrs. Francis Marston. B d.: Mrs. Little’s, . . 10 00 Miss Kittie Ide. Columbus, Fifth Avenue, 22 11 Miss C. Covert. B d .: Young Ladies’, . 15 00 Share, Canton, Miss Gertrude Fisher. Columbus, Westminster, 101 54 Miss B. H. Butler. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 37 15 * Miss Effie Miller. Busy Gleaners, . 49 01 Orphan, Saharanpur, Miss Cassie Moler. Willing Workers, 33 00 Ivate Seymour. Allen (boys), . . 10 00 Harry Svfert. D u b lin ,...... 102

Groveport,...... 8 00 Lancaster,...... 49 02 Miss Jennie S. Work. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . 30 2(1 B o y d ,...... 10 58 Claudia Siemen. Lithopolis,...... 17 00 Mrs. M. C. Cortright. London, ...... 71 21 Mrs. M. C. Shank. Bds.: Finley,...... 50 00 School, Futtehgurh, Mrs. M. Finley. Faithful Workers, 7 00 Share, Canton, A L a d y ,...... 7 00 J Cheerful Givers, . Lower L i b e r t y ,...... 35 00 B d .: Buds of Promise, . 20 00 Lena B. Allen. M ifflin ,...... 42 03 Mrs. Delia Bagshaw. Mount S te rlin g ,...... 39 45 Mrs.Flore’ce Hanawolt. B d .: Young People, . . Eush Creek,...... 29 50 Mrs. Thomas Moyer. B d .: Alice Jackson, . . 24 31 Miss Lizzie Moyer. Scioto,...... 7 00 Miss Maggie Gibson. B d .: Earnest Workers, . 1 00 Miss Emma Gibson. Worthington,...... Miscellaneous,...... 21 66

1 1624 02

Pkesbytery of Dayton, Ohio. Pres. President, Mrs. J. H. Montgomery, W . Third St. Pres. Secretary, Mrs. Leonard Moore, 324 W . First St. [M e d ic a l Scholarship, Pres. Treasurer, Miss L. W supported by invested Hughes, 1914 E. Third St. fu n d of Presbyterial Dayton, 0 . Society.] B a t h ,...... 3 10 Miss Mary Chambers. B d .: Sabbath-school, . 4 87 Blue B a ll,...... 16 55 Miss Etta Culbertson. B d .: Gleaners’, . . . Camden,...... 7 70 Miss Laura Corson. C lifto n ,...... 75 00 Mrs. J. H. White. B d .: Young Ladies’, . 70 00 . Miss Anna Lure. Collinsville,...... 3 00 1 Dayton, 1 s t ,...... 146 oo ! Miss M. J. Dickson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 100 00 j Zenana Work, Miss Laura Van Ausdal. George Coan, . 30 00 Work, Oroomiah,* i Miss Florence Belville. Sabbath-school, 55 00 Sh.Tungchow & Af. Sch’r*; John E. More. Henry Martyn, . 14 80 Dayton, Third Street, . . 338 50 Miss Eliza A. Holt. B ds.: Young Ladies’, . 100 00 Day School, Hangchow,* Miss Harriet Phelps. Busy Bees, . . . Legacy, Miss’ Louise Parro 200 00 Jhansi, Dayton, 4 t h ,...... 80 08 Mrs. II. K. Scott. Dayton, Memorial, . . . 75 00 Mrs. Winslow Phelps. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 110 00 Sii. & Organ, Bancho,* Miss O. Pagenstecker. Golden Rule, . 11 44 Miss Birdella Andrews. King’s Soldiers, 12 45 X . A . Indians, Dayton Park, Bds.: Y. P. 100 00 William Naylor. Young Gleaners’, 55 25 Miss Ella Ames. Eaton,...... 10 00 Mrs. W . A. Bonner. 103

Name of Society. Amount Name of Secretary. Contrib. Special Objects.

F le tc lie r ,...... $ 7 44 Mrs. Lina Suber. F ra n k lin ,...... 50 30 Mrs. J. Routzahn. Greenville, ...... 50 00 « Miss Mary Jallertin. Bds.: Sabbath-sehool, . . 12 00 * Girls’, ...... 16 50 H am ilton,...... 100 00 Share, Oroomiah, Mrs. E. W . Abbey. Middletown,...... 26 76 Mrs. Wm. Reed, Jr. B d.: Willing Workers, . . Miss Helen Reed. New C a rlisle,...... 50 00 * Miss Mary Johnson. New Jersey,...... 25 00 * Miss Dora Fleming.

O x fo rd ,...... 50 00 Miss Anna Bishop. Bd.: Howard,...... 20 00 Share, Dehra, Miss Lizzie Hauser. Oxford, Female College, . . 50 00 * Miss Lizzie Merrill. Piqua,...... 146 65 Miss Louise McKinney. B d .: Sabbath-scliool, . . . 122 61 Work,Kolhapur & Japan* Miss Mary Landis. Seven M i l e ,...... 40 93 Miss Ella Wilson. Springfield, 1 s t , ...... 100 00 4 Shs., Tr. Sch., Canton, Mrs. J. T. Rice. B ds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 131 00 B. W ., Canton & Korea, Mrs. C. R. Converse. Willing Workers, . 45 00 3 Shs., Tr. Sch., Canton, Miss Bessie Brain. Mrs. Miller’s Cl., . . Share, Lodiana, Jesus’ Lambs, . . . 45 00 Share, Ningpo,* Boys’, ...... Sabbath-school, . . 79 00 s- Springfield, 2 d ,...... 218 00 2 Schools, Saharanpur,* Mrs. G. F. Burton. Bds.: Earnest Workers, . Young Ladies’, . . . 25 00 Miss Ruth Linn. Sabbath-sehool, . . 135 00 Miss F. Cavalier. T r o y ,...... 125 00 Work, Mexico,* Mrs. Agnes Templeton. Bds.: Second Aux., .... 75 00 Mrs. J. C. Rogers. Willing Workers, . Xenia, ...... $100 00 * Mrs. S. M. Allison. B d.: Sabbath School, . . 97 38 * Miss N ettie McClure. Yellow Springs,...... Miss Maggie Mayhood.

3622 31

Pr esbytery of M a h o n in g , Ohio. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. A . L. Boyd, Poland, 0 . Pres. Sec., Miss Alice Clarke, 746 Bryson Street, Youngs­ town, 0 . [Mrs. Caldwell, Bogota, Pres. Treas., Mrs. C. H. Gil­ S.A.,supported by pres- man, Youngstown, 0 . byterial Society.]

Alliance, 1st, ...... 16 63 Mrs. E. W . Cantine. Alliance, Westminster, . . . 22 75 Miss L. J. Williams. Beloit,...... Brookfield,...... 10 00 Miss Laura Kerr. Bd.: Sabbath-School,. . . 2 25 Canton, ...... 34 57 Champion,...... 10 75 Mrs. J. N. Woodrow. Clarkson, ...... 20 00 Mrs. L. E. McCalmont. Coitsville...... 16 00 * East-Palestine,...... 23 01 Mrs. J. T. Chamberlin. Ellsw orth,...... 27 00 Mrs. Fannie C. Allen. 104

Amount Name of Society. Contri b. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

H u b b a r d ,...... $ 21 00 Mrs. J. P. Cramer. B d.: Young Ladies’, . . . Massillon ...... 57 50 Miss C. A. Frank. Middle Sandy,...... 14 25 Mrs. J. G. Curry. Mineral Ridge,...... 10 00 Mrs. W . H. Harmer. New Lisbon,...... 133 00 School Saharanpur,* Miss Carrie Scherer. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 41 25 Work, Bogota, Miss Jennie Morrow. Gleaners...... 44 00 Share Saharanpur,* Alice Glenn. N ile s ,...... 19 55 Mrs. J. C. Southard. North B en ton ,...... 26 50 Mrs H. B. Miller. B d .: Young Ladies’ , . . . 15 50 North J a c k s o n ,...... 9 00 P o la n d ,...... 200 09 Miss Kate McGeehon. B ds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 8 76 Cheerful Workers, . 5 00 Frankie Nesbit. Salem, ...... 51 07 Miss Agnes Waterworth. Bd.: Amaranth,...... 32 90 Miss Laura Bonsall. V ie n n a ,...... 3 40 Miss M. E. Bovd. W arren ,...... 85 33 Mrs. S. W . Park. B ds.: Young Ladies,’ 30 00 Miss Anna Hamlin. G le a n e rs,...... 12 25 Miss Olive Howard. Youngstown, ...... 254 55 Mrs. Julia Caldwell. Bds.: Cheerful Workers, . G le a n e rs,...... 40 00 ! * Miss Caroline Strong. Sabbath-school, . . 69 66 I Sch., Bogota,

1367 52

Ppesbyteky of Marion, Ohio. Pres.Pres’t, Mrs. W.G.March, Marysville, O. [Mrs. Landes, Brazil, Mrs. Pres. Sec., Miss Helen M. McDowell, Persia, and Merrick, Delaware, O. s c h ’ p s, Tungchow, Pres. Treas., Mrs. J.W.Robin- ; China, supported by the son, Marysville, O. Presbyterial Society.] j A s h le y ,...... 13 00 Miss M. Aldrich. Berlin, ...... 5 45 Mrs. Helen L. Jaynes. B r o w n ,...... 8 29 Mrs. E. Leonard. Cardington,...... 8 50 Mrs. H. H. Pollock. Delaware...... 148 00 Mrs. A. D. Hawn. Bds.: Young People’s, . . 134 60 Sh., (Boy) Tungchow,* Miss Ella Marsh. G le a n e rs,...... 20 00 Archie Hamilton. Delhi, ...... Iberia, ...... 28 00 Mrs. J. M. Moody. K in g ston ,...... Liberty, ...... 40 00 Miss S. J. Cellar. Bd. :* Gleaners,...... 7 00 R. E. Willis. M arion ,...... 147 75 Mrs. Emma Seffner. Bds.: Young People’s, . . 34 25 ! Thos. Stokes. L an d es,...... 34 06 Share, Lodiana., Marysville,...... 93 80 Mrs. John Moore. B d.: Sabbath-school, . . . 11 20 Milford C e n t r e ,...... 21 59 Miss Jessie Reed. B d .: Mary Coe McDowell, C> 85 Miss Tentie Kimball. Mt. G i le a d ,...... 60 01 Mrs. G. N. Clark. B d.: Young People’s, . . 9 49 Miss Fannie Burt. Ostrander,...... 27 77 1 Mrs. Susan Drayer. 105

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

P is g a h ,...... $ 17 00 Trenton, ...... 50 00 Mrs. H. J. Ketcham. West Berlin,...... 14 00 Mrs. Eunice Hall. Bd. : Youthful Warriors, 21 00 Melvin Bruce. Y o r k ,...... 2 00 Mrs. M. M. Stametz.

963 61

Presbytery of Ports­ m o u t h , Ohio. Pres. President, Mrs. S. B. E. Drennan, Manchester, O. Pres. Sec., Mrs. L. P. Bell, Iiipley, O. Pres. Treasurer, Mrs. S. A Tewksbury, Portsmouth, O Eckmansville,...... 5 00 Miss Amanda Lockhart Felicity, ...... M. E. Turner. Georgetown,...... Miss Maggie Grierson. Hanging Rock, Band,. . Ironton,...... 100 00 Mrs. J. n . Nixon. Bds.: Young People’s, 13 42 Miss Belle Nixon. Olive Branches, Miss Jessie Kriter. Jackson...... 21 07 Mrs. M. E. Robbins. B d .: Young Ladies’, . Miss Hattie Moore. Manchester,...... 3 69 Mrs. Henry Collings. B d .: Willing Workers, 1 24 Mt. L eigh ,...... 30 00 Miss K. C. Allison. Portsmouth, 1st, .... 65 22 Miss S. G. Johnson. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 30 00 Little Sowers, . 20 00 Mrs. Alex. Warner. Portsmouth, 2d, .... 66 61 Mi-s. W . C. Siler. Bds.: Busy Bees, . . . Young People’s, Miss C. Both well. R i p le y ,...... 35 00 Mrs. S. D. Snedaker. R o m e ,...... Mrs. L. A. Dobson. Sandy Springs, . . 5 00 West Union,...... Mrs. Y. G. Thomson. Winchester,...... Mrs. S. E. Gregg. 396 25

Presbytery o f St. Clairs- VILLK, Ohio. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. Mary E. Campbell, Cambridge, O. [Miss A. G. Dale, Persia, Pres. Sec., Miss L. T. McFad- and Miss Annie Bal­ den, Cadiz, O. lagli, Japan, supported Pres. Treas., Mrs. R. J. Alex­ by Presbyterial Soc.] ander, Bridgeport, O. A n trim ,...... 6 30 Miss N. A. Tannehill. Bannock, ...... 31 42 Mrs. A. W . Juukin. Bd.: Weaver,...... 10 00 Miss Kate L. Junkin. Barnesville,...... 35 23 Mrs. A. Hicks. B d.: Sowers in Hope, . . 32 00 Miss Lee Ililles. Beallsville, Y . L. S., . . . . 27 00 Miss L. M. Griffith. Bd.: Laughlin,...... 10 00 Willie Tschappat. 106

Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

Bellaire, 1st,...... $105 70 * Mrs. R. C. Faris. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 35 00 * Miss M. Kirkpatrick. Bellaire, 2 d ,...... 58 50 • Miss Sara MacMillan. Bds.: Loring,...... 30 00 Miss Laura McCullough. Robert M. Brown, . 16 50 Mrs. W . C. Stewart. Sabbath school, . . 17 75 B e t h e l,...... 21 00 * Miss L. M. McManis. B u ffa lo,...... 96 00 * Mrs. F. M. Kuniler. C a d iz,...... 237 00 Sch. and 5 Shs., Canton,4' Mrs. Ellen Kerr. Bds.: Earnest Workers, 113 00 * Miss Ella Conwell. Heart and Hand, . . 26 00 John Phillips. C a ld w e ll,...... 17 00 * Miss II. Ewing. B d.: Busy B e e s ,...... 16 75 Share, Canton, Miss Rosie Gould. Cambridge, ...... 49 85 Miss Sara E. Brown. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . Miss M. A . Stone. Noyes (boys), . . 7 22 Coal B r o o k ,...... 16 00 * Concord, ...... 87 70 * Miss L. C. Mobley. Crab A p p le ,...... 95 50 Miss L. A. Ritchey. B d .: Mission Gleaners, . . 49 99 * Miss E. M. Lyle. Farmington,...... 10 05 Miss M. M. Lash. B d .: Cheerful Givers, . . o 68 F re e p o rt,...... 39 80 * Miss S. Leeper. B d .: Master’s Jewels, . . 12 20 Miss E. Dunlap. Kirkwood,...... 50 00 Mrs. Jas. Clark. Bds.: Azalea,...... 73 70 * Miss E. Lewis. C. C. Hays, .... 5000 * Chas. Alexander. Sabbath-school Cl., . 8 03 Lore C i t y ,...... 10 25 Miss Mary Laughlin. B d s.: Workers for Jesus, . 12 57 * Miss M. Ferren. Infant Boys, .... 218 Martin’s F e r r y ,...... 115 05 * Mrs. G. H. Smith. B ds.: Lilies of the Yallev, 85 77 * Miss I. B. Hoyle. Chalfaut (boys), . . 32 22 Thurman Selby. Morristown,...... 22 38 Mrs. M. H. Woods. Bd. R u t h i a n ,...... 6 00 Miss L. M. Steger. Mt. P le a s a n t,...... 70 96 * Miss L. C. Reid. Bds.: King’s Messengers, . 26 60 Miss Ella Kithcarfc. Little Gleaners, . . 14 60 * Mrs. M. L. Bracken. New Athens, ...... 39 05 Mrs. M. McConnell. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . . 31 16 Miss Alice M. Day. Nottingham,...... 32 00 Mrs. H. Fitch. Olive...... 25 00 * Miss Jennie Aikin. Pleasant Valley, Hughes Bd., 15 82 Miss Mary Crawford. Powhatan, Busy Bees, . . . 5 00 Miss Lizzie Metz. St. Clairsville,...... 86 65 Miss Annie Amos. Bds.: Coral Gatherers, . . 13 35 Miss Carrie Mitchell. Robt. Alexander, . . 9 25 Miss C. A. Alexander. Senecaville, ...... 8 00 Mrs. M. Campbell. B d .: Precious Jewels, . . Short Creek,...... 14 00 * Miss M. E. Carrick. B d .: Links and Strands, . 16 41 Miss C. A. Shields. Washington,...... 60 00 * Mrs. N. Ferguson. B ds.: Wayside Gleaners, . 20 00 Miss L. J. Heiner. Day Dawn (boys), . 10 00 Ilomer Wharton. West Brooklyn,...... 24 00 Miss S. Workman. Wheeling V alley,...... 15 00 * Miss Maggie Rusk.

2318 14 107

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Pbesbyteky of Steuben­ v i l l e , Ohio. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. E . D. Led- yard, Steubenville, O. Pres. Sec., Miss M. B. Camp­ [Mrs. Ira M. Condit, Cal., bell, Steubenville, Ohio. and Miss Kate McBeth, Pres. Treas., Miss L. J. Wea­ Idaho, supported by ver, Steubenville, Ohio. Presbyterial Society.]

Bacon R i d g e ,...... $ 27 00 Mrs. Henry, Canton, Miss L. Scott. Beech S p r in g ,...... 26 10 * B a n d ,...... B e t h e l,...... 37 80 Mrs. C. S. McClelland. B eth esda,...... 12 50 Mrs. John Brown. Buchanan, ...... 17 00 Mrs. Jennie Stahl. Bd.: Corbett,...... 16 00 Miss Clara Booth. Carrollton,...... 31 24 Miss L. A. Rutan. Corinth...... Cross Creek,...... 30 00 Mrs. S. M. Stone. B d .: Sabbath-school. . . . 27 85 Dennison...... 34 25 Miss E. R. Pilling. East Liverpool,...... 52 50 Mrs. W . N. Baily. Bds.: Young Ladies’ , . . Cheerful Workers, . 25 00 Miss Nettie Atan. Buds of Promise, . . 5 00 Miss Clara Williams. East Springfield,...... 30 27 Harlem, ...... 23 00 Mrs. M. W . Nivin. H opedale,...... 28 00 Miss Buchanan. Kilgore, ...... 5 00 Miss Maggie Young. Linton, ...... 18 00 * Mrs. Margaret Love. Long’s R un,...... 13 25 | B. W ., Canton,* Miss M. E. Hill. B d .: Young People’s, . . 29 25 Miss Josie Knepper. Madison, ...... Miss Annie Powers. Monroeville, ...... 10 00 B d .: Children’s , ...... 5 00 & New Hagerstown...... 19 50 Miss Ellie Forbes. New Philadelphia,...... Oak R i d g e ,...... 26 35 Mrs. J. Anderson. Richmond, ...... 17 00 Ridge, ...... 33 00 Mrs. F. Patton. Bd.: Oasis,...... 16 50 Share, Lodiana, Miss Y . Henderson. Salineville,...... 13 00 Mrs. W . N. Gould. Bds.: Hope, . . . . . 25 00 * Mrs. J. N. Wilson. Sabbath-school, . . 2 00 Legacy, Miss Jane Bursen, 100 00 S c i o , ...... 20 00 sir Mrs. Susan Yoorhes. Bd.: Willing Workers, . . 11 10 * Miss Maggie Shirey. Steubenville, Old Church, . 30 00 Mrs. J. A. Kithcart. Bds.: Whatsoever, .... 16 00 * Miss M. O. Boyd. Sabbath-school, . . 5 00 Steubenville, 1 st,...... 32 00 Miss L. J. Wea ver. B d .: Busy Bees, . . 54 10 * Miss Sallie Bullock. Steubenville, 2 d ,...... 127 59 B. W ., Mynpurie, Miss M. Stokele}r. Bds.: Young Ladies’. 16 59 Idaho, ...... 50 00 Miss Helen Spencer. King’s Servants, . . 36 00 Miss Jessie Erwin. Steubenville Fem. Sem., . . 8 50 Still F ork ,...... 12 06 108

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Two Ridges,...... $23 75 ! Mrs. P. R. Weld ay, Uhricksville, . . . . 30 00 I Mrs. T. J. Forbes. Waynesburg, . . . . 5 00 Mrs. C. Mackaman. W eilsville, ...... 174 85 Mrs. L. Thompson. B d .: MorningStars, 36 00 Miss Toxie Fisher. Yellow Creek, . . . .

1444 90

Pr e sb yte r y of W oostek, Ohio. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. S. F. Scovcl, Wooster, Ohio. [Mrs. J. P. Williamson, Pres. Sec., Miss Anna E. Har­ Dakota Mission, and rison, Wooster, Ohio. j Mrs. F. G. Coan, Per­ Pres. Treas., Mrs. Oscar A.| sia, supported by Pres- Hills, Wooster, Ohio. j byterial Society.]

Apple C reek,...... j 5 00 Mi.s.s E. W . McClure. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 19 40 Miss Jennie Hayes. Light Bearers, . . . j 3 00 ' Miss Anna Brown. Ashland, ...... ; Miss Alice Devor. Bds.: Rays of Light, . . . 20 00 j Miss Dora Anderson, Young Ladies’, . . . 50 00 j Share, Canton, i Miss Mattie Master. Belleville,...... 12 00 Miss S. A. Zimmers. Bd.: Willing Workers, . . 2 90 Miss DellaSampsell B e t h e l ,...... 5 00 Canal F u lt o n ,...... 2 60 Miss F. D. Liggett. Chester,...... i* I C o n gress,...... 30 53 i Share, Kolhapur, | Mrs. C. J. Warner. B a n d ,...... 5 00 Creston,...... 13 72 i Mrs. A. W . Knowlton. B d .: Gleaners...... 15 00 Share, Canton, Miss Yinie Kerr. D a lt o n ,...... 12 00 : Mrs. C. A. Erwin. Fredericksburg,...... 68 50 ! i Miss Jessie Redett. Hayesville,...... 40 00 j B. W ., Canton, ; Mrs. E. White. B d .: Young People’s, . . 15 00 H opew ell,...... 22 70 , * Mrs. Jennie Wilson. Bd.: Holcomb,...... 56 00 i * Miss Jennie Todd. Jackson,...... 31 12 I Miss Mary Marst. Lexington,...... 24 00 Miss Ellen Myers. Loudonville,...... Miss Addie Lyons. Mansfield,...... 88 75 » Mrs. Miles. B d .: Young People’s, . . . 30 00 ; Share, Lodiana, Miss Helen Simpson. Millersburg,...... 45 00 Mrs. T. W . Gasche. B d.: Children’s , ...... 9 00 N ash ville,...... 12 65 O ran ge,...... 7 00 Miss M. M. Hall. Orrville,...... 14 51 • Mrs. S. M. Brenneman. Perry ville, Golden Links, . . Plym outh,...... 17 50 * I Airs. F. D. Gunsaulus. B d.: Young Ladies’, . . . 20 00 * I Miss L. Ferguson, Savannah, ...... 35 85 j Mrs. G. L. Smead. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 30 00 Share, Shanghai, I Miss Mai fie Masters. Pearl Seekers, . . . 15 00 Share, Canton, | Ora Hankinson. Shelby, a la d y ,...... 1 00 S h r e v e ,...... 20 00 j Miss Jennie Campbell. B d .: Morning Star, .... 11 25 1 Miss Cony Gant. 109

Amount Name of Society. Contriti. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Wayne, ...... $ 15 50 Miss S. E. McCoy. B d.: Young People’s, . . . 1 63 Miss Lora McDonald. West Salem,...... 24 70 Mrs. W . A. Gerhart. Wooster, 1 st,...... 132 33 Miss Flora Miller. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 80 50 * Miss Alice Bryan. Wayside Workers’, . 25 17 Miss Emma Hughes. Wooster, Westminster, . . . 320 00 * Mrs. J. O. Notestein. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . . . 52 00 Miss Bertha Brown. Boys’, ...... 30 00 Share, Lodiana, Mrs. Jos. Myers. Coan, ...... 24 55 s- Miss Bessie Kendrick.

1517 36

Presbytery of Zanes­ v i l l e , Ohio. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. H. G. 0 . Cary, Zanesville, O. Pres. Sec., Miss Luanna Bob- ertson, Zanesville, O. [Miss M. H. Fulton, M .D. Pres. Treas., Mrs. C. H. Scott, Canton, supported by Zanesville, O. Pres. Society.]

Bladensburg, ...... 2 00 Brownsville,...... 25 00 Mrs M. McMullin. Chandlersville,...... 12 28 Mrs. M. K. Le Page. C lark,...... 20 00 Mrs. J. E. Graham. Coshocton,...... 60 00 ! Mrs. E. W . James. Bds.: Nassau,...... j C a r y ,...... 11 75 Nora Coe. Dresden, ...... 51 25 Miss E. A. Rambo. B d .: Mercv Drops, .... 5 00 I Miss Laura Smith. Duncan Falls, ...... 22 75 Miss Ella Wilhelm. Fredericktown, Y . P. S., 25 00 Work, Mexico,* I Miss Emma H. Dean. Granville,...... 132 00 * I Miss H. J. Whiting. Bds.: Earning Givers, . . 22 54 * Miss Hattie B. Kerr, King's Builders, . . i Mrs. S. M. Kerr. Granville Female College, 33 00 Share, Kolhapur,* High H ill,...... 17 00 Mrs. C. E. Lyons. H o m e r ,...... 35 00 * Miss Gertrude Knowles. Jefferson,...... Miss Nellie Farquhar. J e r s e y ,...... 48 00 * Mrs. J. B. Williams. K e e n e ,...... 23 00 * Miss Lizzie Carroll. Bd.: Happy, ...... 1 00 Madison, ...... 23 00 Miss Carrie Scott. Martinsburg, ...... 16 50 Mrs. Clara Newell. Bds.: Young Ladies’, . 11 00 Miss L. Gilmor. Our Mite, .... 2 00 Miss Minnie Sims. Mount Pleasant,...... Mount V e r n o n ,...... 54 32 Mrs. W . P. Bogardus. B d .: Mary Jones, . . . 30 00 Work, Mexico Miss M. J. Baker. Mount Z io n ,...... 18 30 Mrs. L. E. White. Bd.: Busy Gleaners,. . 5 00 Miss Fanny Glenn. Muskingum,...... 14 89 Miss M. McDonald. B d .: Young Ladies’, . . 14 00 Miss M. Welch. Newark, 1st,...... 13 50 Miss F. B. Jones. Bds.: Young People’s, . 15 00 Miss K . V . Wilson. H o p e ,...... 15 00 Miss L. Garber. Newark, 2 d ,...... 165 00 Mrs. L. B. Harris. 110

AmouDt Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

New Concord, . . $59 38 Mrs. M. L. Cookson. B ds.: Pleasant Hill, 26 66 Miss Bessie Brown. Mission, . . . 15 58 N o r w ic h ,...... 31 00 Mrs. E. Erman. B d .: Sabbath-school, 8 00 Pataskala,...... 58 95 Miss E. R. Condit. R oseville,...... 16 00 Miss M. Wigton. Rural D a le ,...... U niontow n,...... 5 00 Mrs. C. B. Fauley. U tic a ,...... 47 78 Mrs. A. L. McClelland. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 9 33 Miss Rose Buxton. Helping Hands 4 67 Miss Phila Edgar. 5 30 Percy R. Alsdorf. Warsaw, 7 25 Mrs. J. R. Elder. West Carlisle, .... 11 50 Mrs. Etta Crawford. Zanesville, 1st, .... 40 00 Miss Carrie Griffith. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 14 80 Miss Kate Fox. May Flower, . 5 00 Miss Maggie Brown. Eager Gleaners 11 36 Chas. Waters. Little Lights, 5 00 Zanesville, Putnam, . 62 76 Mrs. M. N. Nash. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 20 44 Miss L. Bagley. Coral Workers, 2 75 Miss Lizzie Phillips. Infant School, 45 96 A Lady, . . . 25 00 Oroomiah Hospital, Zanesville, 2d, . . . . 174 69 Miss Jennie Ilerdman. Bds.: Young Ladies’, 80 00 Miss Nellie Brooks. Golden Rule, 40 45 Miscellaneous, .... 14 07

1792 76

Presbytery of Holston, Tenn.f Pres. Pres’t, Miss M. Moore, Tusculum, Tenn. Pres. Sec., Mrs. N. J. Mathes, [Mrs. Heron, Korea, sup­ Washington College, Tenn. ported by the Presbyte- Pres. Treas., Mrs. R. E. Mitch­ rial Societies of Ten­ ell, Telford, Tenn. nessee.]

Greeneville,...... 25 00 Jeroldstown,...... Jonesboro’, ...... 13 50 B d .: Young People’s, . 5 00 Kingsport,...... 10 00 Oakland, ...... B d .: Young Ladies’, . . Mt. B e t h e l ,...... 10 50 B d.: Cheerful Givers, . 4 00 Salem, ...... 17 00 B ds.: Young Ladies’, . 2 74 Brovlsville Helpers 1 81 Children’s, . . 1 75 Timber R id g e ,...... 2 00

93 30

t No Report received this year. Amount Name of Secretary. Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects.

P resbytery of K ingston, Tenn. Pres. Pres’t, Mrs. J. L. Loomis, Chattanooga, Tenn. Pres. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. A. N. Cunningham, 117 Burch St., Chattanooga, Tenn.

B e t h e l,...... $18 00 Mrs. J. E. Muecke. B a n d ,...... 5 00 * Chattanooga, 2 d ,...... 50 00 Miss M. Brause. Bd.: Young Ladies’, . . . 30 00 Miss A. Wheeler. Grand V iew ,...... 11 00 Miss S. L. Edgerton. Huntsville,...... 11 00 * Miss A. Jeffers.

125 00

Pr esbyter y of U nion, Tenn. Pres. Pres’t, Miss M. M. Ban- kin, Flat Gap, Tenn. Pres. Sec., Miss J. C. Heron, Adair’s Creek, Tenn. Pres. Treas., Mrs. Chas. E. McTeer, Gay Street, Knox­ ville, Tenn.

Caledonia,...... Eusebia,...... Forest H i l l , ...... Hebron, ...... 10 05 Miss L. A. Franklin. Hope will...... 4 25 Mrs. Silas Henry. Knoxville, ...... 98 20 * Mrs. S. R. Ogden. B d.: Cup Bearers, .... 100 00 Share, Bancho,* Mrs. F. L. Fisher. Knoxville, 4 t h , ...... 10 05 Mrs. T. J. Reed. Bd.: Young People’s, . . 30 00 Orphan, Korea, John Oats. Madisonville,...... Miss Addie Lowry. Maryville, 2d, Band, .... 15 00 Work, Africa. Maryville, New Providence, 43 50 -s- Miss S. J. Lamar. B d .: Helping Hands, . . 50 00 Share, Bancho. Miss Susan Baker. Mt. Z i o n , ...... 5 00 Miss E. Bogart. New Market, .... 26 40 -» Rockford...... 15 00 * Mrs. A. R. MeBath. St. Paul’s , ...... 15 00 Miss E. J. McClister. Shanondalc,...... 17 50 * Miss Evelyn Anderson. Spring P la c e ,...... B d .: Cheerful Givers, . . Westminster,...... 14 46 *

454 41 112

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Syn od of th e A tla n tic , Abbeville, 2 d , ...... $50 00 Bd. : Sabbath-school, . . 2 50 Aiken, Im m anuel,...... 8 00 B e t h e l,...... 50 B e th le h em ,...... 1 50 Blue Branch,...... 1 00 Calvary, ...... 5 00 C a rm el,...... 5 20 Colum bia,...... 43 68 E benezer,...... 95 G o o d w i l l ,...... 22* Hebron, ...... 00 H e r m o n ,...... 02* Jacksonville, 3 d ,...... 50 Lites Chapel, ...... 00 Macon, Washington Ave., . 15 00 H a t t o o n ,...... 6 50 Mt. Pisgah, ...... 5 50 Mt. S in a i,...... 2 50 Mt. Z i o n ,...... 12 50 Pleasant G r o v e ,...... 5 00 New H aven ,...... 1 62* St. Augustine, Anderson Bd., 11 72 Share, Canton. S a l e m ,...... 50 Tabor,...... 15 00 T r in ity ,...... 5 00 Miscellaneous,...... 5 24*

226 17

O c c i d e n t a l B o a r d . President, Mrs.P. D. Browne, Highland Park, Cal. Secretary, Mrs. J. G. Chown, 933 Sacramento Street, San Francisco. Treasurer, Mrs.T.R. Henshel- wood, 933 Sacramento St., San Francisco.

Presbytery of Benicia. Pres, and Sec., Mrs. J. M. Thompson, Napa, Cal. Treas., Mrs. T. W. Colman, Stockton, Cal. D i x o n , ...... Fremont...... Healdsburg,...... Mrs. L. Z. Barth. Mendocino...... £ Mrs. J. Grindle. B d .: Young Peoples' . . . Ph Napa, ...... S Mrs. T. W . Mather. Bd.: W ylie,...... B. W ., Africa, Mrs. G. N. Beebe. Petaluma, Miss Anna MacKay. San R a fa e l,...... Mrs. R. T. McDonald. B d.: Workers for Christ, . Miss Maud Rodden. 113

Amount Name of Society. Contrih. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Santa R o s a ,...... B d .: Loyal Hearts, . . St. H e l e n a ,...... Miss Lizzie Beach, B d.: Crown Winners. Miss May Alstrom. Two R o c k s ,......

Presbytery of Los Angeles, Cal. Tres’t., Mrs. R. J. Forsythe, Los Angeles, Cal. Sec., Mrs. L. D. Kelly, Los Angeles, Cal. Treas., Miss S. J. Duncan, Los Angeles, Cal.

Arlington,...... Miss M. Gaylord. Bd. : Busy Bees, . . . Miss K. Johnson. Beaumont, ...... Mrs. Dr. McCoy. Bds. : Little Jewels, Lester Kennedy. Willing Workers, . Bert Corum. No. 3 , ...... Miss Emma Compton. No. 4, .... Miss Hattie McCoy. Bethany, . . . Miss Letlia Lewis. Carpenteria, . . Mrs. E. W . Thurmond. Etiwanda,...... Mrs. H. M. Olney. Glendale, . . . . . Mrs. A. R. Bickenbach Bd. : Links and Strands, . Miss Ruth Byram. G randview ,...... Mrs. C. A. Tarble. Bds. : Gulick. Win. C. Foy. Kate Dimiclc, Joy Farble.’ Los Angeles, 1st, . . . . Miss Eddy Syria, Mrs. S. J. E. Noble. Bds. : Round Table, . . Miss Amy Saxton. Sabbath-school, Share, Suk-el-Ghurb, Miss C. C. Brealtey. Gl’ners for the Muster Miss Anna Wier. Dew Gatherers, . Miss Mabel Guinn. Little Gleaners, Miss Florence Foster. Los Angeles 2 d , ...... Miss M. G. Thompson. Bds. : Rays of Light, . . . Emma Adams. Sabbath-school, . . Share, Suk-el-Ghurb, Miss Anna Ledbetter. Los Angeles, 3 d , ...... Miss Anna B. Clark. Bds. : Willing Workers, Share, Suk-el-Ghurb, Miss Rachel Jacques. Golden Gleaners, . . Mrs. R. P. Annin. B o y s ,...... Arthur Reese. Preston, .... Miss Grace White. Golden Rule, . . Miss M. J. McClung. Los Angeles, 4th, . . . Mrs. H. J. Beyer. Bds. : C o n d it,...... ; Miss Grace Brayton. Boy’s Sailor, . . . Howard Cromwell. Los Angeles College, .... I Bds. : Ellis College, . . Miss G. Van Norman. Estréllas de la Manana Catalina Saucedos. Orange, ...... Miss M. Bryan. Bd. : Sabbath-school, . . Geo. C. Bryan. O j a i , ...... Mrs. Joseph Waite. Pasadena,...... Work, Chili, Mrs. E. H. Hyde. Bd. : Crown of the Valley, Miss D. Cornelius.

8 114

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Riverside,...... Mrs. O. C. Wilbur. Bd. : Missionary Twigs, Mrs. W . G. Mann. San Bernardino, .... Mrs. L. Tichenor. Bd. : Willing Workers, Miss Ivy Clark. San Buenaventura, . San Diego,...... Mrs. J. H. Ferry. Bds. : Young Ladies’, . Miss Emma Wilson. Sabbath-school, L. P. Davidson. Western Lights, Miss Agues Babcock. San Pedro, ...... Mrs. A. A. Keyes. Bd. : Mariners, . . Miss Lizzie Seagraves. Santa Barbara,...... Miss H. F. Sawyer. Bds. : Young People’s, Miss Anna Edwards. Adams Chinese, . Jein Chee Sing. Santa M o n ica ,...... Miss M. N. Dunn. Bd. : Sabbath-school, Share, Nanking, Miss Florence Leavitt. Santa P aula,...... Mrs. C. H. McKerett. T u s t i n ,...... Miss Ada Galloway. Bd. : Willing Workers, . Miss Beulah Tomlin. Westminster, ...... Miss Ruth Chapman. Bd. : Harbor Lights, . . Miss B. Jargstorff.

Presbytery of Sacramento. Pres’t Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Sacramento, Cal, Sec., Mrs. J. A. Mclntire, Sacramento, Cal. Treas., Mrs. Grace B. Lock- ard, Dixon, Cal. Carson B a n d ,...... Miss Sybil Howe. C h ico,...... Mrs. Carrie Messer. B d .: Youths, . . . Lizzie Clark. C o lu s a ,...... Elk Grove, Merced, . . Marysville, Modesta, Oakdale, Placerville, .... Mrs. J. H. Foster. B d .: Rosebud, . . Miss A. Alderson. Sacramento, Westminster, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. B d .: Gleaners, . . . Annie Aitkin. Stockton, . . .

Presbytery of San Francisco. Pres., Mrs. J. Q. Adams. Sec., Mrs. E. B. Cooper. Treas., Mrs. T. R. Henshel- wood. A la m e d a ,...... • . . . Mrs. S. A. Sabin, B ds.: Young People’s, . . Live O a k ,...... Frank Webster. B erk eley,...... Mrs. W . Copperthwaite. 115

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Mills Seminary, Tolraan Bd., Oakland, 1 s t , ...... Mrs. Davis. Bds. : Mizpah, . . . . Young People’s, Oakland, E ast,...... Mrs. M. S. Adams. Bd. : Sailor, . . . Drewie Wolfender. Oakland, West, .... Miss Lillie Stetson. San Francisco, 1st, . Mrs. Jessie Ames. Bd. : In His Name, Edith K. Latham. San Francisco, Calvary, Mrs. F. Hiller. San Francisco, Howard, Mrs. Jane Root. San Francisco, Howard Street, Mrs. J. W . Stewart. Bds. : F id e lia ,...... Miss J. Stewart. Lend-a-Hand, . . . Miss Isa McCullough. All Ready, . . Miss E. K. Stevens. San Francisco, Larkin Street, Bd. : A l l i s , ...... San Francisco, Tabernacle, Mrs. W . W. Winton. San Francisco, Westminster, Mrs. W H. Gladwin. Bds. : Mattie Nash, . . Faithful Workers, Mrs. J. Cummings. San Francisco, On-Lok-Uii, Mrs. N. G. Kim. San Francisco, Tong Oke, Chun Fah. San Pablo,...... Bd. : The Fishers, ....

Presbytery of San José. Pres., Mrs. F. L. Nash, Wat­ sonville, Cal. Sec., Mrs. A. M. Gates, San José, Cal. Treas., Miss Flora Beall, San José, Cal. Los G atos,...... Mrs. L. Lee. Band, ...... Grace Temple. Santa Clara, Mrs. J. E. Southworth. Bd. : King’s Messengers, San José, ...... Miss F. King. Bds. : Silent Workers, . Little Partners,. . Miss M. Field. Watsomrille ,...... Mrs. L. J. Willetts.

Presbytery of Stockton. Pres., Mrs. R.L.Hurd, Fresno Cal. ft. Sec. Mrs. R. W . Omelvena, Modesto, Cal. Treas., Mrs. J. C. Thompson, Woodbridge, Cal. F r e s n o ,...... Mrs. Viola Mitchell, B d .: Busy B ees,...... Miss A. E. Armstrong. Merced, 1 s t , ...... Mrs. J. K. Law. Modesto, 1st,...... Miss M. E. McCord. B d.: Busy B e e s ,...... Miss Belle Howell. Stockton, 1st,...... Mrs. L. M. Cutting. B d .: Ten times one, . . . Miss Amy Inglis. 116

Amount Name of Society. Contrib. Special Objects. Name of Secretary.

Woodbridge,...... Mrs. J. C. Thompson. Bds.: Willing Workers,. . Lilies of the Valley, . Mrs. M. D. A . Sten.

Total Receipts of Occidental Board, $7,849 85.

M iscellaneous .

Poughkeepsie, N .Y ., Golden) S 15 00 Rule Band...... J Share, Canton, Mrs. S. \V. Buck. Syracuse, N. Y ., 4th, 300 00 ! Mrs. True, Japan, Syracuse, N. Y ., Park, . . 300 00 ; Mrs. E. D. Dickinson. f Albany, Oregon, .... 5 00 i f Astoria, “ . . . . 5 75 f Corvallis, “ .... 5 00 f Portland, 1st, Oregon, . . . 54 50 t Portland, Calvary, Oregon, 42 33 t Tacoma, W . T . ,...... 15 00 fLTnion, Oregon,...... 18 00 Gaboon, Africa, Baraka Soe., 25 00 Tungcliow, China, Far-away B a n d ,...... 6 25 Bogota, U. S. Col., La Ca- dena del O r a ,......

f Connection with this Society severed. NEW LIFE MEMBERS.

Ames, Mrs. H. T. Foster, Mrs. J. K. j Larimer, John Ames, Miss N. G. Frederick, Mrs. Noah Larimer, Mary Armstrong, Mrs. J. S. French, Miss Laura ! Latham, Miss E. K. Aten, Miss Nellie Frey, Miss J. B. j Laughlin, Miss Bella Bacon, Mrs. H. Fuller, Mrs. Del. ! Lay, Mrs. E. Bain, Mrs. J. W . Fuller, Miss Fannie Lenington, Mrs. A. R. L. Ball, Miss L. Gemmill, Rev. Wm. Lerch, Mrs. Catharine

Bates, Mrs. 8. B. Gemmill, Mrs. William J Little, Mrs. Emma Baughman, Mrs. M. A. Gilbert, Mrs. Mary D. 1 Love, Mrs. M. J. Bernard, Miss F. Glass, Mrs. S. J. McCarty, Mrs. H. F. Best, Mrs. L. E. Good, Mrs. A. T. i McGonigal, Miss Mary Black, Miss Sarah Goodman, Mrs. S. S. Mcllvaine, Miss Ada C. Blankart, Miss L. Gordon, Mrs. J. G. McKinley, Mrs. E. G. Bolton, Rev. J. G. Gormley, Miss M. j McKnight, Mrs. M. H. Booth, Mrs. L. D. Grimes, .Miss Lucy j McKnight, Mrs. J. A. Bradley, Mrs. A. G. Hackett, Mrs. A. ] Malcolm, Miss E. Bradley, Miss H. Hamsher, Mrs. C. J. i Maxwell, Mr. TV'ilmer Brown, Miss F. M. Hanchetts, Miss M. E. Milligan, Mrs. Geo. C. Brown, Rev. R. M. Hart, Miss M. T. j Mitchell, Margaret 8. Brush, Mrs. Georire Hays, Miss Lucy j Monroe, Mrs. D. L. Caldwell, Miss Belle Henderson, Miss R. j Montgomery, Mrs. D. Childs, Mrs. E. W . Hine, Mrs. Murry, Mrs. Byron Churchill, Mrs. Wm. Hoey, Mrs. Anna Neely, Mrs. John A. Corse, Mrs. N. B. Hoff, Mrs. J. D. j Nevin, Rev. Clias. W. Cowles, Mrs. C. J. Horton, Miss M. Newcome, Miss Ida Craig, Mrs. Sarah Houseworth, Miss M. A. Oakes, Miss Flowrella Craven, Mrs. E. R. Houston, Miss E. Ormsby, Mrs. G. S. Cribbs, Mrs. D. 8. Hunt, Mrs. B. A. Parry, Miss C. A. Dana, Miss Eleanor Ivison, Mrs. E. M. Perrault, Mrs. J. Dickson, Rev. J. 8. Jarden, Mrs. M. A. Perrault, Miss Ida Dickson, Mrs. J. 8. Jenks, Mrs. B. H. Phillips, Mrs. G. K. Dixon, Huston Johnson, Miss M. Richmond, Mrs. R. Dodge, Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Miss M. G. Robinson, Mrs. C. E. Drury, Mrs. H. L. Johnston, Miss A. M. Russell, Mrs. John Elmer, Mrs. L. M. Jones, Miss R. J. Sharp, Miss Bessie Kwing, Mrs. J. L. Kendall, Mrs. Clark Shattuck, Miss L. K . Falconer, Mrs. Cyrus King, Mrs. Alexander j Sheldon, Mrs. E. 11. Farr, Miss E. M. King, Miss L. D. Smith, Mrs. II. W . Field, Miss Mabel Kneeland, Rev. M. D. Snowden, Mrs. M. A. Fithian, Miss A. A. Kuhn, Mr. David Snyder, Mrs. Harry Fithian, Miss Phebe Lambert, Mrs. Speer, Mrs. H. Foreliope, Mrs. John Larimer, Charles Steever, Mrs. E. L. 117 118

Sterrett, Miss R. E. , Twaddell, Mrs. E. B. Williams, Mrs. A. Sterrett, Mrs. W . I Twaddell, Miss M. W Williams, Mrs. F. W. Stevens, Rev. W . C. ! Van Dyke, Miss Tillie Williams, Mrs. N. D. Stevens, Mrs. W . C. I Voorliees, Miss F. Willson, Robert N., Jr. Stevenson, Mrs. R. ] "Wagner, Mr,s. S. C. Wilson, Miss Annie Stewart, Mrs. J. W . ; Walker, Mrs. E. J. Wilson, Miss Caroline Stewart, Mrs. Kotiert Warwood, Mrs. Henry Wilt, Mrs. Joseph Street, Franklin D. Weaver, Mrs. Flora ! Woodburn, Miss Ella Sutton, Miss Annie White, Mrs. E. A. Wright, Miss M. P. Sweeney, Mrs. E. White, Mrs. Elizabeth Zabriskie, Miss L. Thomas, Miss Ruth i White, Miss Kate D. Zell, Miss Flora Thompson, Miss Alice I Williams, Mrs. A. B. INDEX.

PAGE PAOE Foreign Work, Record o f ,...... 39 Presbyterial Societies: Africa, ...... 40 Lehigh, Pa., ...... 77 China, . . . 49 Mahoning, O . , ...... 103 Chinese in California, . . . . 55 Marion, O .,...... ,104 India, ...... 44 Miscellaneous, . . . .116 Japan, . . . . 54 Monmouth, 2s. J .,...... 58 Korea, . 55 Morris and Orange, N. J., . . . 59 Laos, ...... 49 Newark, N. J., 60 Mexico, . .... 39 New Brunswick, N. J . , ...... 61 North American Indians, . . 39 New Castle, Del., ...... 93 Persia,...... 43 Newton, X . J . , ...... 62 Siam, ...... 4S Northumberland, Pa., . . . 78 South America, ...... 40 Occidental Board, Cal., . . .112 S^ria, ...... 4 1 Philadelphia,...... 80 Life M em bers,...... 117 Philadelphia Central, . . . 81 Officers and Directors, . 2 Philadelphia North,...... 84 Presbyterial Societies: Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa., . 85 Athens, O., . . 9 7 Portsmouth, O .,...... 105 Baltimore, Md., . . . . 9 5 Redstone, Pa., ...... 88 Blairsville, Pa., . . . . . 64 Shenango, P a . , ...... 89 Butler, P a .,...... 65 St. Clairsville, O., 105 Carlisle, Pa., . . . 66 Steubenville, O., 107 Chester, Pa., . . 6 8 Synod of the Atlantic, . . . 112 .. Chilicothe, O., . . . 98 Union, Tenn.,...... I ll Cincinnati, O., . 98 Washington, Pa., . . . . 90 Clarion, Pa., . . . 69 AVashington City, D. C., . . 96 Cleveland, < >., f . 100 Wellsboro’, P a .,...... 92 Columbus, O., . . . . 101 West Jersey. N. J . , ...... 63 Dayton, O., . . . 102 Westminster, Pa., . . . . 9 2 Elizabeth, N. J., . . 5 6 West Virginia, ...... 93 Erie, Pa., 70 Wooster, O., 108 Holston, Tenn., . . . . 110 Zanesville, O., . . . 109 Huntingdon, Pa., . . . . 7 3 Report, Eighteenth Annual: Jersey City, N. J . , ...... 57 Foreign Department, . . . . 5 Kingston, Tenn., .... I ll Home Department,...... 30 Kittanning, P a . , ...... 74 Treasurer’s , ...... 38 Lackawanna, Pa., ...... 75 Standing Committees,...... 3 : AST Correspondence with missionaries, and with the Board of

Foreign Missions, is in the hands of Mrs. C. N. T h o r p e , Mrs.

C. E. M o r r is , and Miss S. W .'D uBois,

-a®1* Candidates will address Mrs. S. C. P e r k in s .

* For special objects address Miss M. D. P urves.

«fi^Mrs. D. R. P o se y corresponds with the officers of Presby­

terial Societies; Miss L. W. J o r d a n , with those of Auxiliaries; Miss F. U.5N e ls o n , with Young People and Bands. I • • fis^Mrs. J u l ia M. F is h b u r n , Treasurer.

B@“ All letters to be sent to 1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

, J0@“Executive Committee Meetings every Tuesday morning, in Room No. 18, 1334 Chestnut Street. Monthly meeting, first Tues- *: day of the month, pud prayer-meeting, third Tuesday/ at 12 M., in the Assembly Room. fl^*Hour of Prayer between 5 and 6 every Sabbath Afternoon.

-— '



1 give and bequeath to “T h e Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church,” a corporation created under and byvirtue . o f the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and 1 laving its principal -place of business in the city of Philadelphia, the sum of —------dollars.


I give and devise to “T h e W oman’s F oreign Missionary Society <>f th e P besbytebian CHTjbch,j ’ a corporation created under and by virtue, of , the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and having its principal place of busk ness in the city of Philadelphia [ihere insert a description o f tite real estate].

fl©-Copies of the Charter and By-Laws can be had on applica­ tion to the Treasurer. V.