World map indicating the category of Human Development Index by country (based on 2013 data; published July 24, 2014).

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a compos- ite statistic of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which is used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. It was developed by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq, is anchored in the Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s work on human capabili- ties, often framed in terms of whether people are able to [1] “be” and “do” desirable things in life, and was published Mahbub ul Haq by the Development Programme.[2] The 2010 Human Development Report introduced an posed this idea, but he soon went on to help Haq develop Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI). the Index in the future. Sen was worried that it was go- While the simple HDI remains useful, it stated that “the ing to be difficult to capture the full complexity of human IHDI is the actual level of human development (account- capabilities in a single index, but Haq persuaded him that ing for inequality),” and “the HDI can be viewed as an in- only a single number would shift the attention of policy- dex of 'potential' human development (or the maximum makers from concentration on economic to human well- IHDI that could be achieved if there were no inequality).” being.[3][4]

1 Origins 2 Dimensions and calculation The origins of the HDI are found in the annual Develop- ment Reports of the United Nations Development Pro- 2.1 New method (2010 Report onwards) gramme (UNDP). These were devised and launched by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 and had Published on 4 November 2010 (and updated on 10 June the explicit purpose “to shift the focus of development 2011), starting with the 2010 Human Development Re- [5] from national income accounting to people- port the HDI combines three dimensions: centred policies”. To produce the Human Development Reports, Mahbub ul Haq brought together a group of de- • A long and healthy life: Life expectancy at birth velopment economists including Paul Streeten, Frances Stewart, Gustav Ranis, Keith Griffin, Sudhir Anand and • Education index: Mean years of schooling and Ex- Meghnad Desai. Working along with Nobel laureate pected years of schooling Amartya Sen, they worked on capabilities and function- • ings that provided the underlying conceptual framework. A decent standard of living: GNI per capita (PPP Haq was sure that a simple composite measure of human US$) development was needed in order to convince the public, academics, and policy-makers that they can and should In its 2010 Human Development Report, the UNDP be- evaluate development not only by economic advances but gan using a new method of calculating the HDI. The fol- also improvements in human well-being. Sen initially op- lowing three indices are used:


2.2 Old method (before 2010 Report)

The HDI combined three dimensions last used in its 2009 Report:

• Life expectancy at birth, as an index of population health and longevity to HDI

• Knowledge and education, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weighting) and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross en- rollment ratio (with one-third weighting).

• Standard of living, as indicated by the natural log- arithm of gross domestic product per capita at purchasing power parity.







Amartya Sen 0.4


− LE 20 0.2 1. Life Expectancy Index (LEI) = 85−20 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2004 MYSI+EYSI 2. Education Index (EI) = 2

HDI trends between 1975 and 2004

2.1 Mean Years of Schooling Index (MYSI) = This is the methodology used by the UNDP up until its MYS [6] 15 2011 report. The formula defining the HDI is promulgated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).[8] In 2.2 Expected Years of Schooling Index (EYSI) general, to transform a raw variable, say x , into a unit- EYS [7] = 18 free index between 0 and 1 (which allows different in- dices to be added together), the following formula is used:

− ln(GNIpc)−ln(100) • xindex = x min(x) 3. Income Index (II) = ln(75,000)−ln(100) max(x)−min(x) Finally, the HDI is the geometric mean of the previous three normalized√ indices: where min (x) and max (x) are the lowest and highest val- HDI = 3 LEI · EI · II. ues the variable x can attain, respectively. LE: Life expectancy at birth The Human Development Index (HDI) then represents MYS: Mean years of schooling (Years that a 25-year-old person the uniformly weighted sum with ⅓ contributed by each or older has spent in schools) of the following factor indices: EYS: Expected years of schooling (Years that a 5-year-old child will spend with his education in his whole life) • LE−25 Life Expectancy Index = 85−25 GNIpc: Gross national income at purchasing power parity per • 2 × 1 × capita Education Index = 3 ALI + 3 GEI 3.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI 3

• ALR−0 Adult Literacy Index (ALI) = 100−0 7. Sweden 0.840 ( 4) • Gross Enrollment Index (GEI) = CGER−0 100−0 8. Denmark 0.838 ( 1) • log(GDP pc)−log(100) GDP = log(40000)−log(100) 9. Canada 0.833 ( 4) 10. Ireland 0.832 ( 4) Other organizations/companies may include other fac- tors, such as infant mortality, which produces different 11. Finland 0.830 ( ) number of HDI. 12. Slovenia 0.824 ( 2)

13. Austria 0.818 ( 1) 3 2014 report 14. Luxembourg 0.814 ( 3)

Main article: List of countries by Human Development 15. Czech Republic 0.813 ( 1) Index 16. United Kingdom 0.812 ( 3)

The 2014 Human Development Report by the United 17. Belgium 0.806 ( 2) Nations Development Program was released on July 24, 2014, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 18. France 0.804 ( ) 2013. Below is the list of the “very high human develop- ment” countries:[9] 19. Japan 0.799 (New)

20. Israel 0.793 ( 1) • = increase. • = steady. 21. Slovakia 0.778 ( 1) • = decrease. 22. Spain 0.775 ( 2) • The number in brackets represents the number of 23. Italy 0.768 ( 1) ranks the country has climbed (up or down) relative to the ranking in 2013 report. 24. Estonia 0.767 ( 1) 25. Greece 0.762 ( 2) 3.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI 26. Malta 0.760 ( 3) Main article: List of countries by inequality-adjusted 27. Hungary 0.757 ( 1) HDI 28. United States 0.755 ( 12)

The Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index 29. Poland 0.751 ( 1) (IHDI)[9] is a “measure of the average level of human de- velopment of people in a society once inequality is taken 30. Cyprus 0.752 ( 1) into account.” 31. Lithuania 0.746 ( 2) Note: The green arrows ( ), red arrows ( ), and blue dashes ( ) represent changes in rank. The changes in rank are not 32. Portugal 0.739 ( ) relative to the HDI list above, but are according to the source 33. South Korea 0.736 ( 5) (p. 168) calculated with the exclusion of countries which are missing IHDI data. 34. Latvia 0.725 ( 1) 35. Croatia 0.721 ( 4) 1. Norway 0.891 ( ) 36. Argentina 0.680 ( 7) 2. Australia 0.860 ( ) 37. Chile 0.661 ( 4) 3. Netherlands 0.854 ( 1) Countries in the top quartile of HDI (“very high human 4. Switzerland 0.847 ( 3) development” group) with a missing IHDI: New Zealand, 5. Germany 0.846 ( ) Singapore, Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Brunei, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Andorra, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, 6. Iceland 0.843 ( 2) Cuba, and Kuwait. 4 4 2013 REPORT

3.2 Countries not included 20. France 0.893 ( )

Some countries were not included for various reasons, 21. Finland 0.892 ( 1) mainly the unavailability of certain crucial data. The fol- lowing United Nations Member States were not included 22. Slovenia 0.892 ( 1) in the 2014 report:[9] North Korea, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Nauru, San Marino, Somalia,India, Pakistan, 23. Spain 0.885 ( ) South Sudan, and Tuvalu. 24. Liechtenstein 0.883 ( 16) 4 2013 report 25. Italy 0.881 ( 1)

Main article: List of countries by Human Development 26. Luxembourg 0.875 ( 1) Index 27. United Kingdom 0.875 ( 1) The 2013 Human Development Report by the United Na- tions Development Program was released on March 14, 28. Czech Republic 0.873 ( 1) 2013, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 2012. Below is the list of the “very high human develop- 29. Greece 0.860 ( ) ment” countries:[11] Note: The green arrows ( ), red arrows ( ), and blue dashes 30. Brunei 0.855 ( 1) ( ) represent changes in rank when compared to the new 2012 data HDI for 2011 – published in the 2012 report. 31. Cyprus 0.848 ( 1)

1. Norway 0.955 ( ) 32. Malta 0.847 ( 4) 2. Australia 0.938 ( ) 33. Estonia 0.846 ( ) 3. United States 0.937 ( 1) 34. Andorra 0.846 ( 1) 4. Netherlands 0.921 ( 1)

5. Germany 0.920 ( 4) 35. Slovakia 0.840 ( )

6. New Zealand 0.919 ( 1) 36. Qatar 0.834 ( 1) 7. Ireland 0.916 ( ) 37. Hungary 0.831 ( 1) 8. Sweden 0.916 ( 3) 38. Barbados 0.825 ( 9) 9. Switzerland 0.913 ( 2)

10. Japan 0.912 ( 2) 39. Poland 0.821 ( )

11. Canada 0.911 ( 5) 40. Chile 0.819 ( 4)

12. South Korea 0.909 ( 3) 41. Lithuania 0.818 ( 1) 13. Hong Kong 0.906 ( ) 42. United Arab Emirates 0.818 ( 12) 14. Iceland 0.906 ( ) 43. Portugal 0.816 ( 2) 15. Denmark 0.901 ( 1) 44. Latvia 0.814 ( 1) 16. Israel 0.900 ( 1)

17. Belgium 0.897 ( 1) 45. Argentina 0.811 ( )

18. Austria 0.895 ( 1) 46. Seychelles 0.806 ( 6)

19. Singapore 0.895 ( 7) 47. Croatia 0.805 ( 1) 5

4.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI 25. Estonia 0.770 ( 2)

Main article: List of countries by inequality-adjusted 26. Hungary 0.769 ( 3) HDI 27. Greece 0.760 ( 3)

The Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index 28. South Korea 0.758 ( 18) (IHDI)[11] is a “measure of the average level of human de- velopment of people in a society once inequality is taken 29. Cyprus 0.751 ( 4) into account.” 30. Poland 0.740 ( ) Note: The green arrows ( ), red arrows ( ), and blue dashes ( ) represent changes in rank. The changes in rank are not 31. Montenegro 0.733 ( 8) relative to the HDI list above, but are according to the source (p. 152) calculated with the exclusion of countries which are 32. Portugal 0.729 ( 1) missing IHDI data. 33. Lithuania 0.727 ( 1)

1. Norway 0.894 ( ) 34. Belarus 0.727 ( 3)

2. Australia 0.864 ( ) 35. Latvia 0.726 ( 1)

3. Sweden 0.859 ( 3) 36. Bulgaria 0.704 ( 5) 4. Netherlands 0.857 ( ) Countries in the top quartile of HDI (“very high hu- 5. Germany 0.856 ( ) man development” group) with a missing IHDI: New Zealand, Chile, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, 6. Ireland 0.850 ( ) Liechtenstein, Brunei, Andorra, Qatar, Barbados, United Arab Emirates, and Seychelles. 7. Switzerland 0.849 ( 1)

8. Iceland 0.848 ( 3) 5 2011 report 9. Denmark 0.845 ( 3) 10. Slovenia 0.840 ( 7) The 2011 Human Development Report was released on 2 November 2011, and calculated HDI values based 11. Finland 0.839 ( 6) on estimates for 2011. Below is the list of the “very high human development” countries (equal to the top 12. Austria 0.837 ( 3) quartile):[12] 13. Canada 0.832 ( 4) Note: The green arrows ( ), red arrows ( ), and blue dashes ( ) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2011 HDI 14. Czech Republic 0.826 ( 9) data for 2010 – published in the 2011 report (p. 131).

15. Belgium 0.825 ( 1) 1. Norway 0.943 ( ) 16. United States 0.821 ( 13) 2. Australia 0.929 ( ) 17. Luxembourg 0.813 ( 4) 3. Netherlands 0.910 ( ) 18. France 0.812 ( 2) 4. United States 0.910 ( ) 19. United Kingdom 0.802 ( 2) 5. New Zealand 0.908 ( )

20. Spain 0.796 ( 1) 6. Canada 0.908 ( )

21. Israel 0.790 ( 8) 7. Ireland 0.908 ( )

22. Slovakia 0.788 ( 6) 8. Liechtenstein 0.905 ( )

23. Malta 0.778 ( 3) 9. Germany 0.905 ( )

24. Italy 0.776 ( 4) 10. Sweden 0.904 ( ) 6 5 2011 REPORT

11. Switzerland 0.903 ( ) 44. Chile 0.805 ( )

12. Japan 0.901 ( ) 45. Argentina 0.797 ( 1)

13. Hong Kong 0.898 ( 1) 46. Croatia 0.796 ( 1)

14. Iceland 0.898 ( 1) 47. Barbados 0.793 ( )

15. South Korea 0.897 ( ) 5.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI 16. Denmark 0.895 ( ) Main article: List of countries by inequality-adjusted 17. Israel 0.888 ( ) HDI

18. Belgium 0.886 ( ) Below is a list of countries in the top quartile by 19. Austria 0.885 ( ) Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI).[13] According to the report, the IHDI is a 20. France 0.884 ( ) “measure of the average level of human development of people in a society once inequality is taken into account.” 21. Slovenia 0.884 ( ) Note: The green arrows ( ), red arrows ( ), and blue dashes 22. Finland 0.882 ( ) ( ) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2011 HDI list, for countries listed in both rankings. 23. Spain 0.878 ( ) 1. Norway 0.890 ( ) 24. Italy 0.874 ( ) 2. Australia 0.856 ( ) 25. Luxembourg 0.867 ( ) 3. Sweden 0.851 ( 5) 26. Singapore 0.866 ( ) 4. Netherlands 0.846 ( 1) 27. Czech Republic 0.865 ( ) 5. Iceland 0.845 ( 5) 28. United Kingdom 0.863 ( ) 6. Ireland 0.843 ( ) 29. Greece 0.861 ( ) 7. Germany 0.842 ( 1) 30. United Arab Emirates 0.846 ( ) 8. Denmark 0.842 ( 4) 31. Cyprus 0.840 ( ) 9. Switzerland 0.840 ( ) 32. Andorra 0.838 ( ) 10. Slovenia 0.837 ( 7) 33. Brunei 0.838 ( ) 11. Finland 0.833 ( 7) 34. Estonia 0.835 ( ) 12. Canada 0.829 ( 7) 35. Slovakia 0.834 ( ) 13. Czech Republic 0.821 ( 9) 36. Malta 0.832 ( ) 14. Austria 0.820 ( 1) 37. Qatar 0.831 ( ) 38. Hungary 0.816 ( ) 15. Belgium 0.819 ( 1)

39. Poland 0.813 ( ) 16. France 0.804 ( )

40. Lithuania 0.810 ( 1) 17. Spain 0.799 ( 2)

41. Portugal 0.809 ( 1) 18. Luxembourg 0.799 ( 3)

42. Bahrain 0.806 ( ) 19. United Kingdom 0.791 ( 4) 43. Latvia 0.805 ( ) 20. Slovakia 0.787 ( 7) 7

21. Israel 0.779 ( 8) 3. New Zealand 0.907 ( )

22. Italy 0.779 ( 2) 4. United States 0.902 ( ) 23. United States 0.771 ( 19) 5. Ireland 0.895 ( )

24. Estonia 0.769 ( 2) 6. Liechtenstein 0.891 ( ) 25. Hungary 0.759 ( 3) 7. Netherlands 0.890 ( )

26. Greece 0.756 ( 2) 8. Canada 0.888 ( )

27. Cyprus 0.755 ( 2) 9. Sweden 0.885 ( ) 10. Germany 0.885 ( 12) 28. South Korea 0.749 ( 17)

29. Poland 0.734 ( ) 11. Japan 0.884 ( )

30. Lithuania 0.730 ( ) 12. South Korea 0.877 ( )

31. Portugal 0.726 ( ) 13. Switzerland 0.874 ( ) 32. Montenegro 0.718 ( 7) 14. France 0.872 ( 2)

33. Latvia 0.717 ( 1) 15. Israel 0.872 ( 1)

34. Serbia 0.694 ( 9) 16. Finland 0.871 ( 1)

35. Belarus 0.693 ( 10) 17. Iceland 0.869 ( )

Countries in the top quartile of HDI (“very high human 18. Belgium 0.867 ( ) development” group) with a missing IHDI include: New Zealand, Liechtenstein, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, 19. Denmark 0.866 ( ) Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Brunei, Malta, Qatar, Bahrain, Chile, Argentina and Barbados. 20. Spain 0.863 ( ) 21. Hong Kong 0.862 ( ) 5.2 Countries not included 22. Greece 0.855 ( ) Some countries were not included for various reasons, 23. Italy 0.854 ( ) mainly the unavailability of certain crucial data. The fol- lowing United Nations Member States were not included 24. Luxembourg 0.852 ( ) in the 2011 report:[14] North Korea, Marshall Islands, Monaco, Nauru, San Marino, South Sudan, Somalia and 25. Austria 0.851 ( ) Tuvalu. 26. United Kingdom 0.849 ( )

6 2010 report 27. Singapore 0.846 ( ) 28. Czech Republic 0.841 ( ) The 2010 Human Development Report by the United Na- tions Development Program was released on November 29. Slovenia 0.828 ( ) 4, 2010, and calculates HDI values based on estimates for 30. Andorra 0.824 ( ) 2010. Below is the list of the “very high human develop- [15] ment” countries: 31. Slovakia 0.818 ( ) Note: The green arrows ( ), red arrows ( ), and blue dashes 32. United Arab Emirates 0.815 ( 1) ( ) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2009 HDI published in the 2010 report. 33. Malta 0.815 ( 1)

1. Norway 0.938 ( ) 34. Estonia 0.812 ( ) 2. Australia 0.937 ( ) 35. Cyprus 0.810 ( ) 8 6 2010 REPORT

36. Hungary 0.805 ( 1) 19. Slovenia 0.771 ( 5)

37. Brunei 0.805 ( 1) 20. Greece 0.768 ( 2) 38. Qatar 0.803 ( ) 21. United Kingdom 0.766 ( 1) 39. Bahrain 0.801 ( ) 22. Slovakia 0.764 ( 3) 40. Portugal 0.795 ( 6)

41. Poland 0.795 ( ) 23. Israel 0.763 ( 11)

42. Barbados 0.788 ( 5) 24. Italy 0.752 ( 5)

25. Hungary 0.736 ( 3) 6.1 Inequality-adjusted HDI 26. Estonia 0.733 ( ) The 2010 Human Development Report was the first to calculate an Inequality-adjusted Human Development In- 27. South Korea 0.731 ( 18) dex (IHDI), which factors in inequalities in the three ba- sic dimensions of human development (income, life ex- pectancy, and education). Below is a list of countries in 28. Cyprus 0.716 ( 1) the top quartile by IHDI:[16] 29. Poland 0.709 ( 1) Note: The green arrows ( ), red arrows ( ), and blue dashes ( ) represent changes in rank when compared to the 2010 HDI 30. Portugal 0.700 ( 1) list, for countries listed in both rankings.

31. Lithuania 0.693 ( 1) 1. Norway 0.876 ( ) 32. Montenegro 0.693 ( 4)[17] 2. Australia 0.864 ( )

3. Sweden 0.824 ( 4) 33. Latvia 0.684 ( 2)

4. Netherlands 0.818 ( 1) 34. Romania 0.675 ( 3)

5. Germany 0.814 ( 3) 35. The Bahamas 0.671 ( 4)

6. Switzerland 0.813 ( 4) Countries in the top quartile of HDI (“very high human 7. Ireland 0.813 ( 3) development” group) with a missing IHDI include: New Zealand, Liechtenstein, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, 8. Canada 0.812 ( 2) Republic of China (Taiwan), Andorra, United Arab Emi- rates, Malta, Brunei, Qatar, Bahrain and Barbados. 9. Iceland 0.811 ( 5)

10. Denmark 0.810 ( 6) 6.2 Countries not included 11. Finland 0.806 ( 2) Some countries were not included for various reasons, 12. United States 0.799 ( 9) mainly the unavailability of certain crucial data. The fol- lowing United Nations Member States were not included 13. Belgium 0.794 ( 2) in the 2010 report.[14] Cuba lodged a formal protest at its lack of inclusion. The UNDP explained that Cuba had 14. France 0.792 ( 3) been excluded due to the lack of an “internationally re- 15. Czech Republic 0.790 ( 8) ported figure for Cuba’s Gross National Income adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity”. All other indicators for 16. Austria 0.787 ( 5) Cuba were available, and reported by the UNDP, but the lack of one indicator meant that no ranking could be at- 17. Spain 0.779 ( ) tributed to the country.[18][19] The situation has been ad- dressed and, in later years, Cuba has ranked as a High 18. Luxembourg 0.775 ( 2) Human Development country. 7.1 Countries not included 9

7 2009 report 28. Andorra 0.934 ( 1) 29. Slovenia 0.929 ( ) The 2009 Human Development Report by UNDP was re- leased on October 5, 2009, and covers the period up to 30. Brunei 0.920 ( ) 2007. It was titled “Overcoming barriers: Human mo- bility and development”. The top countries by HDI were 31. Kuwait 0.916 ( ) grouped in a new category called “very high human de- velopment”. The report refers to these countries as de- 32. Cyprus 0.914 ( ) [20] veloped countries. They are: 33. Qatar 0.910 ( 1)

1. Norway 0.971 ( 0) 34. Portugal 0.909 ( 1) 2. Australia 0.970 ( 2) 35. United Arab Emirates 0.903 ( 2)

3. Iceland 0.969 ( 1) 36. Czech Republic 0.903 ( )

4. Canada 0.966 ( 1) 37. Barbados 0.903 ( 2)

5. Ireland 0.965 ( ) 38. Malta 0.902 ( 3) 6. Netherlands 0.964 ( ) 7.1 Countries not included 7. Sweden 0.963 ( ) Some countries were not included for various reasons, 8. France 0.961 ( 3) such as being a non-UN member or unable or unwilling 9. Switzerland 0.960 ( 1) to provide the necessary data at the time of publication. Besides the states with limited recognition, the following 10. Japan 0.960 ( 2) states were also not included.

11. Luxembourg 0.960 ( 2) 8 2008 statistical update 12. Finland 0.959 ( )

13. United States 0.956 ( 2) A new index was released on December 18, 2008. This so-called “statistical update” covered the period up to 14. Austria 0.955 ( ) 2006 and was published without an accompanying Hu- man Development Report. The update is relevant due 15. Spain 0.955 ( 1) to newly released estimates of purchasing power parities (PPP), implying substantial adjustments for many coun- 16. Denmark 0.955 ( 2) tries, resulting in changes in HDI values and, in many [21] 17. Belgium 0.953 ( ) cases, HDI ranks.

18. Italy 0.951 ( 1) 1. Iceland 0.968 ( )

19. Liechtenstein 0.951 ( 1) 2. Norway 0.968 ( )

20. New Zealand 0.950 ( ) 3. Canada 0.967 ( 1)

21. United Kingdom 0.947 ( ) 4. Australia 0.965 ( 1)

22. Germany 0.947 ( ) 5. Ireland 0.960 ( )

23. Singapore 0.944 ( 1) 6. Netherlands 0.958 ( 3)

24. Hong Kong 0.944 ( 1) 7. Sweden 0.958 ( 1)

25. Greece 0.942 ( ) 8. Japan 0.956 ( )

26. South Korea 0.937 ( ) 9. Luxembourg 0.956 ( 9)

27. Israel 0.935 ( 1) 10. Switzerland 0.955 ( 3) 10 9 2007/2008 REPORT

11. France 0.955 ( 1) 9 2007/2008 report

12. Finland 0.954 ( 1) The Human Development Report for 2007/2008 was launched in Brasilia, Brazil, on November 27, 2007. Its 13. Denmark 0.952 ( 1) focus was on “Fighting climate change: Human solidar- ity in a divided world.”[24] Most of the data used for the report are derived largely from 2005 or earlier, thus in- 14. Austria 0.951 ( 1) dicating an HDI for 2005. Not all UN member states choose to or are able to provide the necessary statistics. 15. United States 0.950 ( 3) The report showed a small increase in world HDI in com- 16. Spain 0.949 ( 3) parison with last year’s report. This rise was fueled by a general improvement in the developing world, especially of the least developed countries group. This marked im- 17. Belgium 0.948 ( 1) provement at the bottom was offset with a decrease in HDI of high income countries. 18. Greece 0.947 ( 6) A HDI below 0.5 is considered to represent “low devel- opment”. All 22 countries in that category are located 19. Italy 0.945 ( 1) in Africa. The highest-scoring Sub-Saharan countries, Gabon and South Africa, are ranked 119th and 121st, re- 20. New Zealand 0.944 ( 1) spectively. Nine countries departed from this category this year and joined the “medium development” group. 21. United Kingdom 0.942 ( 4) A HDI of 0.8 or more is considered to represent “high de- velopment”. This includes all developed countries, such 22. Hong Kong 0.942 ( 1) as those in North America, Western Europe, Oceania, and Eastern Asia, as well as some developing countries in 23. Germany 0.940 ( 1) Eastern Europe, Central and South America, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and the oil-rich Arabian Penin- 24. Israel 0.930 ( 1) sula. Seven countries were promoted to this category this year, leaving the “medium development” group: Albania, Belarus, Brazil, Libya, Macedonia, Russia and Saudi Ara- 25. South Korea 0.928 ( 1) bia. 26. Slovenia 0.923 ( 1) On the following table, green arrows ( ) represent an in- crease in ranking over the previous study, while red ar- 27. Brunei 0.919 ( 3) rows ( ) represent a decrease in ranking. They are fol- lowed by the number of spaces they moved. Blue dashes ( ) represent a nation that did not move in the rankings 28. Singapore 0.918 ( 3) since the previous study. 29. Kuwait 0.912 ( 4) 1. Iceland 0.968 ( 1) 30. Cyprus 0.912 ( 2) 2. Norway 0.968 ( 1)

31. United Arab Emirates 0.903 ( 8) 3. Australia 0.962 ( )

32. Bahrain 0.902 ( 9)[22] 4. Canada 0.961 ( 2)

5. Ireland 0.959 ( 1) 33. Portugal 0.900 ( 4) 6. Sweden 0.956 ( 1)

8.1 Countries not included 7. Switzerland 0.955 ( 2)

Some countries were not included for various reasons, 8. Japan 0.953 ( 1) such as being a non-UN member, unable, or unwilling to provide the necessary data at the time of publication. 9. Netherlands 0.953 ( 1) Besides the states with limited recognition, the following states were also not included.[23] 10. France 0.952 ( 6) 11

11. Finland 0.952 ( ) • 2009 (2007): Norway 12. United States 0.951 ( 4) • 2008 (2006): Iceland 13. Spain 0.949 ( 6) • 2007 (2005): Iceland 14. Denmark 0.949 ( 1) • 15. Austria 0.948 ( 1) 2006 (2004): Norway

16. Belgium 0.946 ( 4) • 2005 (2003): Norway 17. United Kingdom 0.946 ( 1) • 2004 (2002): Norway 18. Luxembourg 0.944 ( 6) 19. New Zealand 0.943 ( 1) • 2003 (2001): Norway

20. Italy 0.941 ( 3) • 2002 (2000): Norway 21. Hong Kong 0.937 ( 1) • 2001 (1999): Norway 22. Germany 0.935 ( 1) • 2000 (1998): Canada 23. Israel 0.932 ( ) • 1999 (1997): Canada 24. Greece 0.926 ( ) • 25. Singapore 0.922 ( ) 1998 (1995): Canada

26. South Korea 0.921 ( ) • 1997 (1994): Canada

27. Slovenia 0.917 ( ) • 1996 (1993): Canada 28. Cyprus 0.903 ( 1) • 1995 (1992): Canada 29. Portugal 0.897 ( 1) • 1994 (????): Canada 30. Brunei 0.894 ( 4)[25] • 1993 (????): Japan

10 Past top countries • 1992 (1990): Canada

The list below displays the top-ranked country from each • 1991 (1990): Japan year of the Human Development Index. Norway has been ranked the highest eleven times, Canada eight times, • followed by Japan which has been ranked highest three 1990 (????): Japan times. Iceland has been ranked highest twice. • 1989 (????): United States

10.1 In each original report

The year represents when the report was published. In 11 Future HDI projections parentheses is the year for which the index was calculated. In April 2010, the Human Development Report Office [26] • 2014 (2013): Norway provided the 2010–2030 HDI projections (quoted in September 2010, by the United Nations Development • 2013 (2012): Norway Programme, in the Human Development Research paper 2010/40, pp. 40–42). These projections were reached • 2011 (2011): Norway by re-calculating the HDI, using (for components of the HDI) projections of the components conducted by agen- • 2010 (2010): Norway cies that provide the UNDP with data for the HDI. 12 15 SEE ALSO

12 Criticism 14 Country/region specific HDI lists The Human Development Index has been criticized on a number of grounds including alleged ideological biases • African countries towards egalitarianism and so-called "Western models of • development", failure to include any ecological consid- Argentine provinces erations, lack of consideration of technological develop- • Australian states and territories ment or contributions to the human civilization, focus- ing exclusively on national performance and ranking, lack • Brazilian states of attention to development from a global perspective, • measurement error of the underlying statistics, and on Chilean regions the UNDP’s changes in formula which can lead to severe • Chinese administrative divisions misclassification in the categorisation of 'low', 'medium', 'high' or 'very high' human development countries.[27] • European countries Economists Hendrik Wolff, Howard Chong and • Indian states Maximilian Auffhammer discuss the HDI from the perspective of data error in the underlying health, • Indonesian provinces education and income statistics used to construct the • Latin American countries HDI.[27] They identified three sources of data error which are due to (i) data updating, (ii) formula revisions • Mexican states and (iii) thresholds to classify a country’s development status and conclude that 11%, 21% and 34% of all • Pakistani districts countries can be interpreted as currently misclassified in • Philippine provinces the development bins due to the three sources of data error, respectively. The authors suggest that the United • Russian federal subjects Nations should discontinue the practice of classifying countries into development bins because - they claim - • South African provinces the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide incentives • U.S. states (American Human Development Report) for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the potential to misguide politicians, investors, • Venezuelan states charity donors and the public who use the HDI at large. In 2010 the UNDP reacted to the criticism and updated the thresholds to classify nations as low, medium, and 15 See also high human development countries. In a comment to The Economist in early January 2011, the Human Indices Development Report Office responded[28] to a January 6, 2011 article in the magazine[29] which discusses the • Wolff et al. paper. The Human Development Report List of countries by Human Development Index Office states that they undertook a systematic revision of • Bhutan GNH Index the methods used for the calculation of the HDI and that the new methodology directly addresses the critique by • Broad measures of economic Wolff et al. in that it generates a system for continuous • updating of the human development categories whenever Disability-adjusted life year formula or data revisions take place. • Full cost accounting • • Green gross domestic product (Green GDP) 13 Geographical coverage • Gender-related Development Index • Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) The HDI has extended its geographical coverage: David Hastings, of the United Nations Economic and Social • Commission for Asia and the Pacific, published a report • geographically extending the HDI to 230+ economies, Gross National Happiness whereas the UNDP HDI for 2009 enumerates 182 • Gross National Well-being (GNW) economies and coverage for the 2010 HDI dropped to 169 countries.[30][31] • 13

(HPI) 16 Notes and references • Human Development Index (HDI) [1] “The Human Development concept”. UNDP. Retrieved 7 • ISEW (Index of sustainable economic welfare) April 2012. • Legatum Prosperity Index [2] “United Nations Development Programme”. 2013-05-26. Retrieved 2013-05-30. • Leisure satisfaction [3] Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko (2003). “The Human Develop- • Least developed country ment Paradigm: operationalizing Sen’s ideas on ca- pabilities”. Feminist Economics 9 (2–3): 301–317. • Living planet index doi:10.1080/1354570022000077980.

• Law of Social Cycle [4] United Nations Development Programme (1999). Human Development Report 1999. New York: Oxford University • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Press. • Money-rich, time-poor [5] HDR_2013_EN_TechNotes. Page 2. • OECD Better Life Index BLI [6] Mean years of schooling (of adults) (years) is a calculation • of the average number of years of education received by people ages 25 and older in their lifetime based on edu- • Subjective cation attainment levels of the population converted into years of schooling based on theoretical durations of each • Where-to-be-born Index level of education attended. Source: Barro, R. J.; Lee, J.-W. (2010). “A New Data Set of Educational Attain- • ment in the World, 1950–2010”. NBER Working Paper No. 15902. • (WHR) [7] (Expected years of schooling is a calculation of the num- • (WVS) ber of years a child of school entrance age is expected to spend at school, or university, including years spent on Other repetition. It is the sum of the age-specific enrolment ra- tios for primary, secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary and tertiary education and is calculated assuming the pre- • Economics vailing patterns of age-specific enrolment rates were to • stay the same throughout the child’s life. Expected years of schooling is capped at 18 years. (Source: UNESCO In- • Demographic economics stitute for Statistics (2010). Correspondence on education indicators. March. Montreal.) • [8] Definition, Calculator, etc. at UNDP site • Ethics of care [9] • Human Development and Capability Association hdr14-report-en-1.pdf

[10] “Human Development Report 2014 – “Sustaining Hu- man Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Re- • Progress (history) silience"". HDRO (Human Development Report Office) • United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 25 Progressive utilization theory July 2014. • Post-materialism [11] • Psychometrics hdr2013_en_complete.pdf • International Association for Feminist Economics [12] “2011 Human Development Index” (PDF). Retrieved 2013-05-30. • International development [13] “2011 Human Development Complete Report” (PDF). • Right to an adequate standard of living Retrieved 2013-05-30. • [14] International Human Rights Development Indicators, UNDP • System of National Accounts [15] “2010 Human Development Index trends, 1980–2010” • Welfare economics (PDF). Retrieved 2013-05-30. 14 17 EXTERNAL LINKS

[16] “2010 Human Development Complete Report” (PDF). • An independent HDI covering 232 countries, for- Retrieved 2013-05-30. mulated along lines of the traditional (pre-2010) ap- proach. [17] “Human Development Report 2010” (PDF). UNDP. pp. 152–155. Retrieved 2014-08-03. • List of countries by HDI at [18] “Samoa left out of UNDP index”, Samoa Observer, Jan- • America Is # ... 15? by Dalton Conley, The Nation, uary 22, 2010 March 4, 2009 [19] Cuba country profile, UNDP • Human Development Index (HDI) by countries at [20] “Human Development Report 2009” (PDF). UNDP. pp. 167–174. Retrieved 2014-08-03.

[21] “News – Human Development Reports (UNDP)". 2008-12-18. Retrieved 2013-05-30.

[22] “Human Development Indices: A statistical update 2008”. UNDP. p. 29. Retrieved 2014-08-03.

[23] “Human Development Indices: A statistical update 2008”. UNDP. p. 32. Retrieved 2014-08-03.

[24] “Human Development Report 2007/2008” (PDF). UNDP. Retrieved 2014-08-03.

[25] “Human Development Report 2007/2008” (PDF). UNDP. p. 229. Retrieved 2014-08-03.

[26] In: Daponte Beth Osborne, and Hu difei: "Technical Note on Re-Calculating the HDI, Using Projections of Compo- nents of the HDI", April 2010, United Nations Develop- ment Programme, Human Development Report Office.

[27] Wolff, Hendrik; Chong, Howard; Auffhammer, Max- imilian (2011). “Classification, Detection and Conse- quences of Data Error: Evidence from the Human Devel- opment Index”. Economic Journal 121 (553): 843–870. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2010.02408.x.

[28] “UNDP Human Development Report Office’s com- ments”. The Economist. January 2011.

[29] “The Economist (pages 60–61 in the issue of Jan 8, 2011)". January 6, 2011.

[30] Hastings, David A. (2009). “Filling Gaps in the Human Development Index”. United Nations Economic and So- cial Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Working Paper WP/09/02.

[31] Hastings, David A. (2011). “A “Classic” Human Devel- opment Index with 232 Countries”. HumanSecurityIn- Information Note linked to data

17 External links

• Human Development Report • 2010 Human Development Index Update • Human Development Interactive Map • Human Development Tools and Rankings • Technical note explaining the definition of the HDI PDF (5.54 MB) 15

18 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

18.1 Text

• Human Development Index Source: Contributors: HelgeStenstrom, DanKeshet, William Avery, SimonP, Patrick, Michael Hardy, Pit~enwiki, Dramatic, Tomi, Mac, Docu, Samuelsen, Александър, Julesd, Bogdangiusca, Stefan-S, Mike Linksvayer, Scott, Jiang, Schneelocke, Mydogategodshat, Agtx, Rbraunwa, Savant- pol, DJ Clayworth, Tpbradbury, Tempshill, Vertical123, Nricardo, Joy, Pakaran, Johnleemk, Flockmeal, UninvitedCompany, Slawojarek, JorgeGG, SD6-Agent, Donarreiskoffer, Cdang, Astronautics~enwiki, Earl Andrew, Fredrik, Xiaopo, RedWolf, Nyh, SchmuckyTheCat, Timrollpickering, Sunray, Nerval, OneVoice, BovineBeast, Argasp~enwiki, DocWatson42, Kim Bruning, Bfinn, Rj, Tom Radulovich, Peruvianllama, Curps, Cantus, Mboverload, Grant65, JRR Trollkien, Vanished user wdjklasdjskla, Gugganij, SoWhy, Pgan002, Ran, Be- land, Piotrus, Dayg1110, Rdsmith4, Mikko Paananen, Stefan Wolff~enwiki, One Salient Oversight, Asbestos, Neutrality, Jcw69, Tyking, Three, MementoVivere, Zondor, Udzu, Gazpacho, Mike Rosoft, Gbhatnag, Edolen1, Discospinster, Smyth, Aris Katsaris, David Schaich, Gblab, LindsayH, SpookyMulder, Bender235, Travers, Tgies, Loren36, Helldjinn~enwiki, Tompw, Livajo, Sluj, Ben Webber, RoyBoy, Bookofjude, Thuresson, Jonathan Drain, Bobo192, Cretog8, Live and let Troll, Smalljim, FoekeNoppert, Acntx, Redquark, SpeedyGon- sales, Jeodesic, Nickolay Stelmashenko, Chicago god, Perceval, Jobius, Espoo, Jumbuck, Bob rulz, Quintucket, Alansohn, Rd232, John Quiggin, Ronline, Riana, Wikidea, Lectonar, Stalefries, Snowolf, JePe, Marianocecowski, Velella, Cburnett, Docboat, Grenavitar, Sciur- inæ, Versageek, Mattbrundage, Instantnood, Tobyc75, Netkinetic, Nightstallion, Kitch, Kardrak, Ultramarine, Dismas, Zntrip, Bobrayner, Velho, Richard Arthur Norton (1958- ), Woohookitty, Henrik, TigerShark, GVOLTT, LOL, Sesmith, Hylas~enwiki, Alanmak, WadeSim- Miser, Hdante, Astrowob, Alcarinquë, Bkwillwm, GregorB, Mb1000, CharlesC, Waldir, Zonath, Jon Harald Søby, Jacj, Dysepsion, MJK, Behun, Rachel1, Cuchullain, BD2412, Jclemens, It419, Broccoli, Rjwilmsi, Angusmclellan, Koavf, Ligulem, Yug, PatOP, Fred Bradstadt, Nguyen Thanh Quang, Cassowary, DirkvdM, Baryonic Being, Lionelbrits, GnuDoyng, Vsion, SportsMaster, RexNL, Gurch, AlexCovar- rubias, Tequendamia, Nimur, Fct, Thecurran, Glenn L, Procrastinator~enwiki, King of Hearts, Chobot, DVdm, Citizen Premier, Volunteer Marek, Imikem, Gwernol, E Pluribus Anthony, YurikBot, Wavelength, NTBot~enwiki, Mesfin, John Quincy Adding Machine, Hede2000, Theathenae, Jonathan Stanley, Gaius Cornelius, Eleassar, TEB728, Drgregmartin, Clam0p, David McCormick, ONEder Boy, Equilibrial, Bobak, XGustaX, Vivaldi4Stagioni, Bonusbox, Roche-Kerr, DeadEyeArrow, Sebleblanc, Superiority, SuperFlanker, Wknight94, Jezz- abr, FF2010, Zzuuzz, Cbogart2, Closedmouth, Merrick79, Reyk, Htmnssn, Black-Velvet, Wikiant, Brz7, EDGKBH, Hayden120, And- jam, Markustwofour, Appleseed, Kgf0, Lobizón, Cappelle, SmackBot, Alan Pascoe, Wic2020, Espresso Addict, KMcD, Rtc, Tarret, InverseHypercube, Hydrogen Iodide, Unyoyega, Kahuzi, Jagged 85, Big Adamsky, WookieInHeat, Exukvera, Jonathan Karlsson, Kin- tetsubuffalo, Elk Salmon, Ryanchiu, Cazort, Spiggot, Aksi great, Brianski, Ohnoitsjamie, Betacommand, Skizzik, Desiphral, Polaron, Evilandi, Iancaddy, Franken10, Flexxx, GoneAwayNowAndRetired, Chris the speller, Kurykh, Denis Sacharnych, Phoenixfire159, Tghe- retford, Master of Puppets, Thumperward, Columba livia, Rothery, Papa November, BrendelSignature, Schama, Deathanatos, Ikiroid, Effer, Kungming2, Aridd, DHN-bot~enwiki, Schwallex, Geoffrie, E946, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, All in, Aviageek, Sahmedi- tor, Glloq, Scotsboyuk, Australia boy, AndySimpson, Khoikhoi, Andreas007~enwiki, Cybercobra, Nils Simon, Lord Eru, Saulo Paiva, Zero Gravity, KI, Woodysee, Rodrigogomespaixao, Margetts, Vina-iwbot~enwiki, Deiz, Skinnyweed, SashatoBot, Krashlandon, Harry- boyles, Srikeit, Thebt, Jesus H. Lincoln, SilkTork, Gobonobo, Accurizer, Niczar, Mgiganteus1, Shiyang, Weather Man, Cielomobile, Ex nihil, Randomtime, Libera~enwiki, Abdullah Geelah, SandyGeorgia, Mathsci, Lomibz, Ryulong, Manifestation, RichardF, Citicat, Andrwsc, RevTenderBranson, Eastfrisian, Levineps, Laurens-af, RhomboidFive, Scooter20, Baderyp, Caminator ii, Octane, Beno1000, Goran.S2, Tawkerbot2, Nloth, JForget, Zarex, Van helsing, Nautilator, Mexxxicano, Daswede, Old Guard, MrFish, Chemical Ali, Halo- fan101, Nauticashades, AndrewHowse, Madskillzediter, Cydebot, Jason.mailley, Diegom809, Kaldosh, Linkmaster88, Davius, Anonymi, Luisldq, Deepdreamer, Bazzargh, Matt Clacher, Pascal.Tesson, Gproud, BDS2006, Christian75, DumbBOT, DarkLink, Alaibot, AndThe- CrowdGoesWild, Kozuch, Afinebalance, Maxcrc, Zalgo, Chookmeister, CieloEstrellado, DJBullfish, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Paragon12321, Faigl.ladislav, Gkheilig, Marek69, NorwegianBlue, Malarious, Horologium, The Proffesor, Adam2288, Cogito ergo sumo, Ideogram, Dfrg.msc, Grayshi, Murraybuckley~enwiki, Mywayyy, Ditsonis, GDP, Escarbot, Oreo Priest, Mentifisto, Jrendle, AntiVandalBot, Boki- caK, Gioto, Luna Santin, Guinsberg, Petree13, Doc Tropics, Fayenatic london, Isilanes, Spencer, Pure soul, Sk8a h8a, Arx Fortis, JAnDbot, BbJeffery, AniRaptor2001, Tony0106, Felipe Menegaz, MER-C, Yaoyu, Avaya1, Devout Christian, Alferac~enwiki, Sevenstar~enwiki, Belg4mit, J-stan, Adult Film Actor, Kerotan, Naval Scene, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Amnesiac86, John Smith M.D., Ph.D, Bjornbrunstad, Freefry, Bequw, Avicennasis, Zandweb~enwiki, Ben Ram, MetsBot, Odros, Schumi555, Genius Chimpanzee, Vssun, Glen, BATE Borisov, ExplicitImplicity, The Lord Of The Dance, Arjun01, Eliko, Rettetast, Roastytoast, Wikinger33, Mschel, CommonsDelinker, AlexiusHor- atius, Cyrus Andiron, Valdesino, J.delanoy, Kedorlaomer, MITBeaverRocks, Trusilver, EscapingLife, Uncle Dick, J intela, WindAnd- Confusion, Icseaturtles, Mikael Häggström, Skier Dude, M.M.S., Psychlopaedist, Mangwanani, NewEnglandYankee, Artem Grujovich, Matthardingu, Nwbeeson, QuickClown, Toon05, Potatoswatter, Keizuko, Bennelliott, Actarux, STBotD, DH85868993, DorganBot, Kore- gaonpark, Andy Marchbanks, KGV, Ddjam4, Funandtrvl, Artesà, Christopher Mann McKay, Wkurzius, VolkovBot, Alyr999, Jeff G., Lia Todua, Faisaltt, AlnoktaBOT, VasilievVV, Godefroy, Philip Trueman, Brianrulseh1, TXiKiBoT, AllanManangan, AlexTingle, Corticopia, Quizimodo, Sankalpdravid, Anna Lincoln, Chausean, Lradrama, JhsBot, Canaima, LeaveSleaves, PDFbot, TheSix, ACEOREVIVED, Randall uob~enwiki, Larklight, Itemirus, Triesault, Wolfrock, Jadine, Synthebot, Enviroboy, Sue Rangell, MaCRoEco, AlleborgoBot, Ste- fan040780, DVoit, S.Örvarr.S, Frxstrem, SieBot, Coffee, BotMultichill, Derlinus, Phe-bot, Mangostar, Aero1980, Andrew Steller, Ben- togoa, Gglenda, Oda Mari, JuanFox, Faradayplank, Kildor, DancingPhilosopher, Moeng, MadmanBot, Akarkera, StaticGull, Msrasnw, Royptorico, Capitalismojo, Legatumltd, Islamablad, Nimbusania, HaploTR, Mygerardromance, Altzinn, Nn123645, Superbeecat, Mi- siu mp, Aglondon, Explicit, Pakheng, Ratemonth, Elassint, ClueBot, Sonictrey, WilliamRoper, The Thing That Should Not Be, Cam- brasa, Der Golem, VQuakr, Joao Xavier, Wflett, NovaDog, Lampak, Trivialist, ChandlerMapBot, Excirial, MatttK, Dnbbtt, Cujo rosa, John Nevard, Lartoven, Adrian Comollo, Bunifaaa, Jayantanth, Retroqqq, Kabulzamin, Tyler, Sahu gopesh, NuclearWarfare, Jotterbot, Fairseeder, Redthoreau, Tastesoon, Mb nl, Warrior4321, Zaneselvans, SchreiberBike, Nappyboyradio, Varj741852, LAMPOO, Butteris, Panos84, Jondoig, Certes, Siyang Li, SoxBot III, Anon126, Liberal Humanist, Antti29, BarretB, XLinkBot, Thehighestpower, Tarheel95, Wertuose, Rror, Little Mountain 5, Rreagan007, SilvonenBot, HOOTmag, Mcrfan910, RyanCross, Jpboia, Jrb24308, Abellim, Addbot, Sims2aholic8, Hahc21, ERK, Yoenit, Wsvlqc, Help! Charlie Abuse!, Sqa rizvi, TutterMouse, Camillaschippa, Douglas the Comeback Kid, MrOllie, Download, Glane23, Szechwan001, CUSENZA Mario, Lemonade100, THPyxol, Tide rolls, Lightbot, Adz657, Locate Words!, MuZemike, Tikar aurum, Formerly very active, now only occasional editor, JoshuaD1991, Luckas-bot, Yobot, 2D, Kartano, Cflm001, Min- vogt, Nallimbot, Countdown to oblivion, KamikazeBot, AnakngAraw, Bbb23, Razzzhead, AnomieBOT, ThaddeusB, Dabackgammona- tor, Jim1138, Russellngsw, Gonzalochileno, AdjustShift, Rejedef, Kingpin13, Flewis, Materialscientist, Foofong1, Danno uk, OllieFury, Fisherama55555, Hillmans, ArthurBot, Clark89, RealityApologist, Andyso, Xqbot, Night w, A Fantasy, Capricorn42, Juteman, AL3X TH3 GR8, Acebulf, -Spidersencer-, BritishWatcher, Maddie!, Hi878, Pmlineditor, GrouchoBot, SydneyB007, Alumnum, BubbleDude22, RibotBOT, Bohemian Arcade, Mirri cat warrior, Ziggymaster, Jlhiowa, Squeeric, Jounaid, Trafford09, Shadowjams, Kingka625, Kaklen, 16 18 TEXT AND IMAGE SOURCES, CONTRIBUTORS, AND LICENSES

Ihaveabutt, Sinleeair, Euroval, FrescoBot, Vmantoe1, GenericBob, Chronus, Mistakefinder, MichealH, Tiranpoika, Nosedown, Haeinous, Girlwithgreeneyes, Fcarson, Ангел2009, HamburgerRadio, Aldy, Liop32, Henjeng55155, Blahzre, AMH-DS, Glass House 00, Pinethicket, Elockid, Hariboneagle927, HRoestBot, JamieMcGS, Dan wilson12, Azips, Foxhound66, Gas Panic42, Magnode, Btilm, Mediatech492, ,Catinator, Sisyphos23 ,کاشف عقیل ,Meaghan, Anonymous0422, Full-date unlinking bot, Pristino, Tankiona, Elekhh, FoxBot, TobeBot LilyKitty, Rickipedia127, Mitarani, Lneal001, Brusnl, Eeeeeekscv, RobertMfromLI, Josh2k765, RjwilmsiBot, Creedence, Chipmunk- davis, Vtstarin, MAKootage,, НАТОвец, MAXXX-309, Ionut Cojocaru, EmausBot, John of Reading, WikitanvirBot, Gfoley4, AlexanderGunnar, Dadaist6174, Ajraddatz, Zollerriia, ScottyBerg, Giornorosso, MikeAn, Passionless, Wikipelli, P. S. F. Freitas, Anirudh Emani, Ponydepression, Nentrex, Drazsika, MithrandirAgain, Mar4d, Kirbyn Joel Berrios, Hennesisveryweird, Thefellowship3, AvicAWB, Battoe19, Bentrebs, Metlx01, Thine Antique Pen, Rcsprinter123, Egtj, Avionics1980, L Kensington, Dan56789, Zoaran18, Ktrinko, Palosirkka, Donner60, CocoaPuff310, ElockidAlternate, Orange Suede Sofa, ChuispastonBot, Jcaraballo, Lijah9, Kiddie Techie, Raiderfun, Iketsi, DASHBotAV, Budavari1970, Mikanz001, Applesort, Sonicyouth86, Petrb, ClueBot NG, Cohneli, Dreamxxtraveller, Somedifferentstuff, Idealoony, Hieikoya, CocuBot, Ypnypn, MelbourneStar, Jscottg, Frietjes, Arthaus Mouse, Edgesonic, Marosvari.gergo, Darlough, Caquita21, HMSSolent, Naman297, Frank.manus, Saffron Blaze, Zedzed1, Lowercase sigmabot, BG19bot, Dabix, Sockerkorn, Wiki.damsel, Nochoje, M0rphzone, HIDECCHI001, MusikAnimal, Geraldo Perez, Tincanmansiimon, Mark Arsten, Isksin, Emma May Smith, Yerevantsi, Boilpoil, Meclee, Cryptaker, NorskBrannmann, Insidiae, Himanshukun, DrCruse, Iryna Harpy, Czarccc, Lebanon2011, Klilidiplomus, En.gravious, Ido47, Muffin Wizard, Exerman, Teashias, Ajajajhehe, Ethraen, Liam987, Inivisiblee, Pratyya Ghosh, The Illusive Man, ChrisGualtieri, Mediran, SNAAAAKE!!, Ducknish, Bausinboss, 15dawsonp, Waylesange, Charles Essie, The Vintage Femi- nist, Lugia2453, Spicyitalianmeatball, YvelinesFrance, Graphium, W0rldp34c3l0v3r, Lachalan smyt5h, Sriharsh1234, Waveclaira, ZX95, Hhsmith5, Bontairo, Peacenil, C editor720, Faizan, Epicgenius, GuiQi, Jmdurr, Vertawes, Eyesnore, Jakec, AnthonyJ Lock, MRRT21, Ehhetv, RubleuleR, Cizlini, Szqecs, SergeiBlakz, Ginsuloft, Son ravi, Haylee Meldrum, Whizz40, Noyster, 6it4pq, CLWKevin, Keijhae, Massyparcer, LifaxofGhana123, Riepoit, Apipia, Jerry the panda, YJAX, Demquad2014, UsmanKhan, Rda8, Mexico2017, Ram.karan.b, Prinsgezinde, KasparBot, Professordata, XXthe dragon balz slayaXx, Marianavegeta353 and Anonymous: 1635

18.2 Images

• File:2014_UN_Human_Development_Report_Quartiles.svg Source: UN_Human_Development_Report_Quartiles.svg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: • File:BlankMap-World6.svg Original artist: BlankMap-World6,_compact.svg: Canuckguy et al. • File:Amartya_Sen_NIH.jpg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Original artist: NIH (according to picture caption) • File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Decrease2.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sarang • File:Flag_of_Afghanistan.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: Original artist: • User:Zscout370 • File:Flag_of_Andorra.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Llibre de normes gràfiques per a la reproducció i aplicació dels signes d'Estat per als quals el Govern és autoritat competent (Aprovat pel Govern en la sessió del dia 5 de maig de 1999) Original artist: HansenBCN • File:Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg Source: Barbuda.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Argentina.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Based on: Original artist: (Vector graphics by Dbenbenn) • File:Flag_of_Australia.svg Source: License: Public domain Con- tributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Austria.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work, Original artist: User:SKopp • File:Flag_of_Bahrain.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Source: Drawn by User:SKopp, rewritten by User:Zscout370 • File:Flag_of_Barbados.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Original artist: User: Denelson83 • File:Flag_of_Belarus.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Zscout370 • File:Flag_of_Belgium_(civil).svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Bhutan.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Originally from the Open Clip Art website, then replaced with an improved version. Original artist: w:en:User:Nightstallion (original uploader), the author of xrmap (improved version) • File:Flag_of_Brunei.svg Source: License: CC0 Contribu- tors: From the Open Clip Art website. Original artist: User:Nightstallion 18.2 Images 17

• File:Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: The flag of Bulgaria. The colors are specified at n=000005&g= as: Original artist: SKopp • File:Flag_of_Canada.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Chile.svg Source: License: Public domain Con- tributors: Own work Original artist: SKopp • File:Flag_of_Croatia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Nightstallion, Elephantus, Neoneo13, Denelson83, Rainman, R-41, Minestrone, Lupo, Zscout370, MaGa (based on Decision of the Parliament) • File:Flag_of_Cuba.svg Source: License: Public domain Con- tributors: Drawn by User:Madden Original artist: see below • File:Flag_of_Cyprus.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Vzb83 • File:Flag_of_Denmark.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Madden • File:Flag_of_Dominica.svg Source: License: CC0 Con- tributors: Own work: Flag of Dominica originally from the Open Clip Art website. Redrawn by User:Vzb83 except for the parrot. Colours are adapted from FOTW Flags Of The World website because of the currentness (refreshed 2001). The colour sceme is found at the government website of the Commonwealth of Dominica and THE WORLD FACTBOOK of the CIA. Original artist: User:Nightstallion • File:Flag_of_Eritrea.svg Source: License: CC0 Contribu- tors: From the Open Clip Art website. Original artist: user: • File:Flag_of_Estonia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Originally drawn by User:SKopp. Blue colour changed by User:PeepP to match the image at [1]. • File:Flag_of_Federated_States_of_Micronesia.svg Source: Federated_States_of_Micronesia.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Finland.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp • File:Flag_of_France.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Orig- inal artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Germany.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Greece.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: own code Original artist: (of code) cs:User:-xfi- (talk) • File:Flag_of_Grenada.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: ? Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp • File:Flag_of_Hong_Kong.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Tao Ho • File:Flag_of_Hungary.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: • Flags of the World – Hungary Original artist: SKopp • File:Flag_of_Iceland.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Islandic National Flag Original artist: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Zscout370 and others • File:Flag_of_Iraq.svg Source: License: Public domain Contrib- utors: • This image is based on the CIA Factbook, and the website of Office of the President of Iraq, vectorized by User:Militaryace Original artist: Unknown, published by Iraqi governemt, vectorized by User:Militaryace based on the work of User:Hoshie • File:Flag_of_Ireland.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Drawn by User:SKopp Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Israel.svg Source: License: Public domain Con- tributors: Origi- nal artist: “The Provisional Council of State Proclamation of the Flag of the State of Israel” of 25 Tishrei 5709 (28 October 1948) provides the official specification for the design of the Israeli flag. • File:Flag_of_Italy.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ? 18 18 TEXT AND IMAGE SOURCES, CONTRIBUTORS, AND LICENSES

• File:Flag_of_Japan.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi- nal artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Kiribati.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Kuwait.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: SKopp • File:Flag_of_Latvia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Drawn by SKopp Original artist: Latvija • File:Flag_of_Lebanon.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: ? Original artist: Traced based on the CIA World Factbook with some modification done to the colours based on information at Vexilla mundi. • File:Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Lithuania.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Own work Original artist: SuffKopp • File:Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg Source: License: Pub- lic domain Contributors: Own work, colors from http://www. Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp • File:Flag_of_Malta.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Monaco.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Montenegro.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: B1mbo, Froztbyte • File:Flag_of_Nauru.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: Source: Drawn by User:SKopp • File:Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Zscout370, Hugh Jass and many others • File:Flag_of_North_Korea.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Template: Original artist: Zscout370 • File:Flag_of_Norway.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Dbenbenn • File:Flag_of_Oman.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Palau.svg Source: License: Public domain Con- tributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Poland.svg Source: License: Public domain Contrib- utors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Portugal.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Original artist: Colum- bano Bordalo Pinheiro (1910; generic design); Vítor Luís Rodrigues; António Martins-Tuválkin (2004; this specific vector set: see sources) • File:Flag_of_Qatar.svg Source: License: Public domain Con- tributors: Drawn by User:SKopp Original artist: (of code) cs:User:-xfi- • File:Flag_of_Romania.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Own work Original artist: AdiJapan • File:Flag_of_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis.svg Source: Nevis.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work in accordance with Original artist: User:Pumbaa80 • File:Flag_of_Saint_Lucia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work, Government of Saint Lucia Original artist: SKopp • File:Flag_of_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg Source: Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Samoa.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_San_Marino.svg Source: License: Pub- lic domain Contributors: Own work: Original artist: Zscout370 • File:Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: the actual flag Original artist: Unknown • File:Flag_of_Serbia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: From Original artist: 18.2 Images 19

• File:Flag_of_Singapore.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: The drawing was based from Colors from the book: (2001). The National Symbols Kit. Singapore: Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts. pp. 5. ISBN 8880968010 Pantone 032 shade from Original artist: Various • File:Flag_of_Slovakia.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: Own work; here, colors Original artist: SKopp • File:Flag_of_Slovenia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work construction sheet from Original artist: User:Achim1999 • File:Flag_of_Somalia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: see below Original artist: see upload history • File:Flag_of_South_Korea.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Ordinance Act of the Law concerning the National Flag of the Republic of Korea, Construction and color guidelines (Russian/English) ← This site is not exist now.(2012.06.05) Original artist: Various • File:Flag_of_Spain.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Sweden.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Switzerland.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: PDF Colors Construction sheet Original artist: User:Marc Mongenet

Credits: • File:Flag_of_Tuvalu.svg Source: License: CC0 Contribu- tors: See URL [6] for “officially” credibility and “correctness” of precise star-positions Original artist: User:Zscout370 • File:Flag_of_Vanuatu.svg Source: License: Public do- main Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work after Original artist: User:Madden • File:Flag_of_the_Bahamas.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Bahamas government • File:Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg Source: svg License: Public domain Contributors: • -xfi-'s file • -xfi-'s code • Zirland’s codes of colors Original artist: (of code): SVG version by cs:-xfi-. • File:Flag_of_the_Marshall_Islands.svg Source: Islands.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source: Li- cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Zscout370 • File:Flag_of_the_Seychelles.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: [1], for the RGB approximations [2] Original artist: User:Vxb83 • File:Flag_of_the_United_Arab_Emirates.svg Source: Arab_Emirates.svg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg Source: Li- cense: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ? • File:Flag_of_the_Vatican_City.svg Source: Li- cense: CC0 Contributors: jpg labelbasis Original artist: Unknown • File:Human_Development_Index_trends.svg Source: Index_trends.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work. Derived from File:Evolució de l'IDH.png by Artista, released under PD-self. Original artist: cflm (talk) • File:Increase2.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sarang • File:Mahbub-ul-Haq.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Snaim 20 18 TEXT AND IMAGE SOURCES, CONTRIBUTORS, AND LICENSES

• File:Steady2.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Tomchen1989 • File:Sustainable_development.svg Source: Li- cense: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: • Inspired from Developpement durable.jpg Original artist: • original: Johann Dréo (talk · contribs)

18.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0