He ~Ost Supreme Decoration, Which Will Be Conferred Concurrently With
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J;oc.. :··o.. 29?0 ?!lr.e l. COLLAHS 01'"' 'l'HE SUPREME ORDER OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUM. Instituted in the year 18A~. This is "he ~ost supreMe decoration, which will be conferred concurrently with or on those who a~e already in Possession of, the Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum .. GRAND COHDON OF THE SVP ~1F.ME OHDER OF THE CH~YSAN~HEMUM. Instituted tn the year 18??.. This is the decoration next subordinate to the above-mention~ d Collar. There is a substitute decoration a ~ t~ched to this deco~ation. FIRS '., CL!'~Se OF r.-HE a:.um COfiDO N OF '.~HE ORDER OF THE RISING SUN WITH PAULOWINA FLOWERS. Institut.ed in 1888. '."his decoration !'~nks next to the Grand Cordon of ~t.e Sunrene Order of the Chrysanthemum. There is · a suL ~t i. tute decorat1.on attached t o this ctecorat1.on. ORD!i'R OF THE HISING SUN,. Institut ed in lA??. This decorqtion i s o~ ei~ht cl~sses. For t he f1.rst and second classes are ~iven substitute decorations r F'.l'.'or:i ·the -r1rst class downwgrc1s, ·~hei!" re ~p ect ~ v e designatio~ s ar e as follows: Grand Cordon of ~ he Order of the Rising Sun. Order of the Comoound Light Rising Sun. Inter~~ diate Co~don of the Order of the Rising Sun. Mi nor Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sune Order of the Dichromatic Light Rising Suno Order of the Monochromatic Li~ht Rising sun. Order of the Green Paulownia Leaves. Order of the V'l'ht te Paulownia Leaves. ~he above ~ ecorations will ne granted to both government s ervants i:lnd ordinary citizens whether for civ:ll1.an or milit ary meritot'iou.s services. The c1 ecor;itions of the cr ~a nd Collars cown to t hose mentioned ~n t h1s section will be grant ed only to male sex. OflDER OF '!'HE P .t~CIOUS CROWN. Instituted in l~ ~A, this decoration i s o~ etght classes. For the first class only is given a substitute decorstion. This decoration is g~ anted to wo~en only. ORDER OF r.HE SAC ~ED ~REAS UP.E. Instituted i n the year 1888. This order is of ei ~ht classes, from the fir st to the eight cl~ss. For the first class only is given a substitute d e cor~tion. This order will be granted t c both men and women whether state off ic:!.als or ord1.nary cit izens. As between the Order of the Rising Sun, the Order of the Precious Crown, and the Order of the Sacred Treasure, there is no distinction of r ank , save their classes, but where their classes are of the same rank~ The Order of the Rising Sun and the Order of the Preciol· s Crown take -precedence to the Order of the Sacred Treasure. MILI'IARY ORD~R o··.: ~ ·HE GOLDEN KI'TE. Instituted in 1A90. 'I'his decoration is of seven classes. For the first class only is given a substitute decoration. This order wtll be confer~ed on those soldiers who have rendered distinguished milit ary services. Page .::!. !Joe, Ne. 2970 ORDER OF "'HE CUL~ ·mlAL MS?. IT. Instituted in 1937~· This decorat~on is of only one cla~s, and will be granted to those who have done meritorious services contributing to the advancement of culture. This dectn-ation will b ~ granted to both wen and wo ··~ en, but so far there has been no wo!'llan who has received 1.t. i\1EDALS OF HONOUR. Instituted in 1A81. These ~ 0 oals a~ e of four k1nds, distingui~he d frr.. !¥. ea<'h 0t"°\er by the different colour of the ribbon.. A --r.cr.G.l ";:i. th ~ H~d ,..tbbon vrill be granted to those who hi::.,·e r czc:i:. ~. t ~, h0 •.:St?. '1 .L. Pan; a Medal with a green ribbon to thos~ wh-.> hr.•.-e ·oE:en Hctable f'or fidelity to their parentr. and husbancs ; or •.•1i10 have distinguished themselves in t.he <.:areer of t.r«c1p; a '"ed'll with a blue ribbon to thos~ who hu.ve i:-ender ed r.'eritox·ious services to nublic affairs ; a r.-edal ·1;i th a dark blue ribbon t o those who have contributed t heir o,..1 vat e Money 1 O"iard public und ert~kings. 'J:hose ~·!ho l;~v e render ed illustrious publ 1.c ser,rices fl'lore than once will be granted 3 bar. MEDAL FO~ COMMEMO .~ A'J'ION OF ~HF 2600 ~'H YEAR OF KIGEN" Instituted in 1940 . Th is ~eaal is given to those who have concerned themselves in the cer emony of t he 2600th year of the founda tion of Jaoan. WAR MEDAL OF 1931/1934 .I NC IDENT . Instituted in 1934. This ro edal is given to those who have been in military service in Manchu:.ia :tn and after 1931. CHINA INC !DENT · AR tlErAL . Instituted in l 939. This Jl?edal is gr·3n~ e·l to those who have been in military services in and afte~ 1937. GREATER 1- AR EAST yrAR MEr.AL. Institut ed in 1944. Th1s medal will probably be given to those ~ho have been in ~ilttary service in the Great War after 1941. .