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WSnks^DAT. MARCH li. IM R Manchester Evening Herald Averaga^lMfly Clreulstion [ g e X ^ \ For the Mwtk «f i’eteoMy. 1948 of Organist George Gaaklll Ashton Deum Laudanma, tha words arra and baritone, Robert Gordon, Sr. The Study group of the South will present "the Holy City” which entirely scriptural. “The Holy City” was last sung Methodist W.S.C.S. will meet at Soloiata of the choir singing im by the South Church Choir in 1926 List Director is suggested in tha first part by ,ths under the direction of Archibald Member *t the Asdit About Tovifn the church Friday afternoon at Serlptura, "Here Have Wa No portant parta of "The Holy City" 2:30. The devotions will be led by will be Mrs. Eunice Hohenthal, Sessions. Palm Sunday evening At HALE’S >. BsieM M CXieslatleu Continuing a ty ," "Thy Kingdom ‘1 Mrs. Carl Marks. Mra. Inez Truax Miss June Teomans, Miss Eleanor the service at 7:30 p. m. will be For Oratorio Come," and "My Soul la Athirst preceded by a carillon recital on r » M t PrMWenti of Mary Bush- will lead the discussion on South for God." Willard; contraltos, Mrs. Mabel 24” % 40” and 24” x 48” PRICE THREE CENTS Ml Cheney-Auxiliary, TT.S.W.V., eastern Asia. Mrs. Arthur Gibson Robbins and Mrs. Frances Schro the Case Memorial Chimes begin (FOURTEEN PAGES) The second part of the oratorio ning at 7 p. m. Colorful ^ MANCHESTER, CO?JN„ THURSDAY, MARCIL45,1945 m\ meat with Mra. Charles War- will be in charge of refreshnienta. Georfje Gaskill Ashton was suggested by the words, "I der; tendr, Bernard Campagna, Lvol. Lxnr.. no. i 3* (CSmwUM AdrertMag ea Paga It) ---------------------- , 447 Center atreet, Friday af- saw a New Heaven and a New noon at 1:30. Nurses’ Aides who have any ex To Present The Holy Earth," thus realizing tha desire tra time to spare, particularly City on Palm Sunday. and promises contained in the flraf ‘ Tha Women's Auxiliary of the mornings, are asked to 8®t part. Bedroont Rugs Tokyo in Flames After B-29 Raid [ian*Amcrlcan Club will meet in touch with Miss Eileen McGuire, I On Palm Sunday evening, With tha exception of two j Yanks Virtually Cut avening at 8 o’clock at Uie , superintendent of nurses, as icon I March 2t>, the Squth Methodist hymns, a verse from John Milton, Smart floral patterns and novelty Ian to Rewrite illan clubhouse on EldiidRc as poasible. There arc many sick and three veraca from the Te . eet. All menibcr.«i arc urged to , patients at the Memorial hospital church choir under the direction stripe design. In red, blue, green, nd. at the present time. black and white, and rose. Will wear % and wash for years. i $ 2 - 9 8 ^he Cosmopolitan Club will Theodore Juscryc, of Manches- , irty Lever Bill; Nazi Superhighway; at Friday after: oon at 2:30 at ter, and Mias Yvonne P. Brunella, nter Church House, with Mrs. of Springfield, MftflSt wore mar- irbert House as hostess. Jamw ried Saturday by Justice of the HALE'S SELF SERVE Mddlaw of Rockville, head of the Peace Stuart J. Wasloy, accord- The Original In New England! Baldwin Proposal LH clubs of Tolland county, will ing to a return made today by Mr. on Connecticut highways and Get Across Moselle Waslcy. colored pictures. » Mary C. Keeney Tent; Daugh- THURSDAY SPECIALS! Measure Source of Miwh Romulo Will ig n of Union Veterans of the Civil Public Records Controversy Within EHtablinh Nine - Mil« W ar will meet tomorrow night Allied Planes Sees Hope , Briflgeheail Withia Mth' Mrs. Wilbur Loveland of 41 All Kinds of Sweet and Republican Party; Dis-X 7^^// o f J a p E ro street A St. Patrick’s party Warrantee Deeds cussed at Oucus ^ -p _ Eight Mile« pf Co« «U1 be enjoyed. Frank M. Terr>- to Margaret R | O f Victory Dwire, property located on A rd -, Salted Butter Attended by Mitchell;| R a d i J e e d S Again Pd^iid blenz; First Army Ad- more road. Margaret R. DwMre to Frank M. Small Towners Object.! ----- This Spring lances Within L Half Terry et iix, property located on Maxwell House Reich Today Mile of Ruhr-Frank* Box ’Chocolate.** Ardmore road. _ T 7 u ffnr/i ^ Bitterly iye.$cribes *Cold- Fresh Candles Nellie A. Norton et al.. to John Coffee 1-l.h. F’ajici Hag 31c larch 15.—(ff*) — Reliable ly Premeditated Airoc- flirt Road; Germani Arrive F.ach Week! .S. Wolcott et ux., property located Qoseoi»f of Reg. S1.49 11-Ton Super - Bomh Churchill Pledges Con on Main atreet. sources disclosed today that in Mariila; Films Biiihling lip Strength. Arthur Drug Stores l.aar|Fe No. 10 Can [the party lever bill, source of Cretliled with Knock servative to Prom o 845 Main S t Tel. 8806 To Indict Japanese. I much controversy within the ing; Out Vital Rail Via tion of Free En Bulletin! Can 8 5 c Pineapple Juice 20”x36” I Republican party, will be re- \ Paris, March 15.— WHEEL CHAIRS Oval R iigs I written in an effort to align San Francisco, March 15 — duct at Bielefeld. terprise After War. Bitterly describing "coldly p|«- The German radio said HOSPITAI. BEDS For Children! [the party solidly for it in the Novelty hit-or-miss oval scatter ^ > -d meditated atrocities" in Manila Bulletia! I.xmdon, March 15—<>P)—Prime that the new U. S. 15th Arm j HOSPITAL For Rent or Sale. rugs for bklrooms, halls or bath- VL I | v l l-General Assembly. The plan had none into action in thf Can 4 3 c I to redraft the meakure, placed at Brig. Gen.. Carlos P. Romulo waa London, March 15.— A Minister Cluirchill held out hope EXPENSE IS NO ARTHUR & JAMES, INC. Banana Flokes rooms. ^ I *-1-^ Itho foot of the House calendar back in the United States today fleet of 1,380 American bome- today of victory over Germany east Rhine bridgehead at magen to swell the asaitult 198 Farm’gt’n Ave. Htfd. 2-4848 (after it had been reported faVor- Ctith a aheaf of documents and ers attacked the outakIrU of this spring, pledged hjs dominant LONGER A DRAIN Sun sweet Berlia, Including the huge |ably by the House membera of Aims to ’‘indict the Japanese peo I Conservative party to promotion force to men. ON THE (the Elections committee, waa dis- ple on the floor of Congress." freight yards at Oranlenburg. of free enterprise In the post-war ___Qt. 29c (cuaaed at an hour-long caucua of The resident commissioner of toda.v following the first nse period, and served notice that he Paris, March ly — “ FAMILY INCOME I Prune Juice' 1 Republican repreaenUtlvea at by the R. A. F. of a new 11- the Philippines, who arrived here intended to guide Britain In the Americans virtual^cut thi tended by Harold E. Mitchell, the from Manila yesterday after a ton volcano bomli. trials of peace. 3c Per Day and Up FIX I party state chairman. dramatic reunion there with his "Victory lies before us, certain Ruhr-Frankfurt / superhigh* Wni Pay tar X-rays ■ Boom and Putnam Coffee Lb. 3 ^ ^ C .\pproval Outlook Improved wife and their four sons, said the London, March 15 ■ Allied and perhaps near,” he told the way east of thy Rhine todaj Beard • Operating Room • Am- DRIVEWAYS One high G.O.P. source said prime purpose of his trip wss to warplanes ripped into the Reich and established a nine-mil< bataniT • Anaetboala - Medl I that as a result of the caucua, the (Gontlnned ou Page Two) Large No. 2<'t Can Salteoea again today in the 31st day of a bridgehead %Sross the MoselU ines aad Laboratory. 1 chances for ultimate House ap- (Continued on Pngo Two) Men, Women and Children NOW! J proval of a revised measure had sustained aerial offen.aiv# which river within eight miles oi tron birtb to 78 years of age. Call us for all driveway re Cah I iubatantially increased. saw R. A. F. raiders unleash a besieged (!oblenz. First ArmJ pairs and Installations. Clam Chowder 35c The proposed legisatlon, advo new weapon yesterday--an 11-ton Yanks Seize infantrymen edging into thf cated by Governor Baldwin in his super-bomb credited with knock heavUy wootled hill* east of th* ALLEN & Tall Can Rio Del Mar inaugural message, would elimin Op eii Meetings F. Fitzgerald ing out the vital Berlin-Ruhr rail expanding Remageo bridg«h«*4 ate party levers on voting ma way viaduct at Bielfeld, 80 mjles were within a half mile of the HITCHCOCK TELEPHONE 2-1417 chines and the party designation Two Silmyaii Sardines; Can 37c Plan Reverses east of the Rhine. / superhighway at 9:35 a. m. (bat-.- A ll Lines of Inraranee ASHES REMOVED on paper ballots. British bombers weie in Action tlefront time), and an unconflrint 888 MAIN STREET Republicans from small munici during the night, heavies ^rik in g Sea Islands ed Brussels radio broadcast 44 TEL. S10S palities, where the use of paper Prior Policies at the western front snpply cen- ^minutes later said the road na4 Super Suds Lge. Pkg. 23c Make Yourself A ballots is general, were reported „ ters of Zwelbniecken knd Hom- been cut. aa the chief atumbllng block to b.urg, while Mosquitos locked Ber Invailurfi of Mindanao Ameiican machine-gun ■- fiM the enactment of auch legislation. lin for the 23rd s t r ^ h t night. aWept the conciete highway, buW Savol .Oroke still Dours frdm •ectlon of Tokyo (lower right) several hourt after a force of more than They cbntended that the elimina San Francisco Confer SOO Mariahaa-baaed B-29s loosed a record bomb load aver the Japanese capital.