Congressional Record—House H258

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Congressional Record—House H258 H258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 3, 2004 would have more incentive to invest in Meeting these priorities will require Force, a former pilot instructor and tactical new jobs and new equipment. As a re- hard work, skill, and the resources of a officer, and a veteran of STS–89, and held de- sult, our economy is strong, and grow- great Nation. Yet America has always grees from the University of Washington and ing stronger. Economic output in the risen to new challenges, and has always Creighton University; Whereas Kalpana Chawla, 41, was an aero- third quarter rose at its fastest annual set new goals. Challenge and change space engineer, a Federal Aviation Adminis- pace in nearly 20 years. More manufac- have revealed the true strengths of this tration Certified Flight Instructor, and a turers reported rising factory activity Nation and the enterprise of its people. veteran of STS–87, and held degrees from than at any point in the last 20 years. And as 2004 begins, I am confident Punjab Engineering College (India), the Uni- American homeownership reached its those gifts will serve us again, until versity of Texas at Arlington, and the Uni- highest level ever. Employment is on our work is done. versity of Colorado, Boulder; the rise. By cutting tax rates on in- GEORGE W. BUSH. Whereas David M. Brown, 46, was a Captain vestment gains and dividend payments, February 2, 2004. in the United States Navy, a naval aviator, and a naval flight surgeon, and held degrees we promoted saving, capital formation, f and investment—and Americans’ hold- from the College of William and Mary and b 1415 Eastern Virginia Medical School; ings in the stock market rose by al- Whereas Laurel B. Clark, 41, was a Com- most $3 trillion. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER mander in the United States Navy and naval There is still more to do, however. PRO TEMPORE flight surgeon, and held degrees from the We cannot be satisfied until every The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. SIM- University of Wisconsin, Madison; American looking for work has found a MONS). Pursuant to the provisions of Whereas Ilan Ramon, 48, was a Colonel in job. We must sustain the momentum of clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair an- the Israeli Air Force, a fighter pilot, and Israel’s first astronaut; this recovery by making the tax relief nounces that he will postpone further passed in 2001 and 2003 permanent. We Whereas these brave astronauts will never proceedings today on each motion to will continue to open markets abroad be forgotten by the National Aeronautics suspend the rules on which a recorded for American products. And as the and Space Administration family and all vote or the yeas and nays are ordered, those who believe in the importance of ex- economy improves, we will also con- or on which the vote is objected to ploring our universe; and front the challenge faced by workers Whereas when the National Aeronautics who must learn new skills to fill new under clause 6 of rule XX. Such record votes, if postponed, will and Space Administration’s Mars Explo- jobs. As a Nation, we must help Ameri- be taken after 6:30 p.m. today. ration Rover (MER) Spirit landed on Mars on cans develop the skills they need to January 3, 2004, it brought with it a small succeed in a highly competitive, highly f commemorative plaque bearing the names of productive economy. And so this Budg- EXPRESSING SORROW ON THE AN- the seven astronauts, establishing an endur- et continues to support high standards NIVERSARY OF THE SPACE ing memorial on another planet to the fallen in our schools and proposes a Jobs for SHUTTLE ‘‘COLUMBIA’’ ACCIDENT crew of Space Shuttle Columbia: Now, there- the 21st Century initiative to ensure fore, be it Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I move Resolved, That the House of Representa- older students and adults can gain the to suspend the rules and agree to the tives does offer its gratitude to the seven skills they need to find work now. resolution (H. Res. 507), expressing the Space Shuttle Columbia astronauts and its Economic growth and good steward- profound sorrow of the House of Rep- heartfelt sympathy to their families on the ship of taxpayer dollars will help us anniversary of their loss, with the reassur- resentatives on the anniversary of the meet another important priority: cut- ance that this sacrifice will not have been accident that cost the crew of the ting the budget deficit brought on by made in vain, but will strengthen this Na- recession and war. We must continue Space Shuttle Columbia their lives, and tion’s resolve to continue their journey of discovery. to evaluate each Federal program, to extending heartfelt sympathy to their make sure that it meet its goals, and families. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The Clerk read as follows: produces and desired results. I proposed ant to the rule, the gentleman from to hold discretionary spending growth H. RES. 507 Texas (Mr. BURGESS) and the gen- below four percent, less than the aver- Whereas February 1, 2004, marks the one tleman from Texas (Mr. LAMPSON) each age rate of growth of American family year anniversary of the accident that will control 20 minutes. claimed the Space Shuttle Columbia and the The Chair recognizes the gentleman incomes. And spending unrelated to de- lives of seven heroic astronauts that made from Texas (Mr. BURGESS). fense and homeland security will be up its crew; held below one percent growth—less GENERAL LEAVE Whereas, while in orbit, Columbia’s experi- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I ask than the rate of inflation—while con- enced crew conducted important micro- unanimous consent that all Members tinuing to meet education, health care, gravity research into the life sciences, phys- and other priorities of this Nation. ical sciences, and space and earth sciences, may have 5 legislative days within which to revise and extend their re- With this spending restraint and con- in addition to promoting education initia- marks and include extraneous material tinued pro-growth economic policies, tives; on H. Res. 507. we can cut the deficit in half over the Whereas the Columbia experienced a struc- tural failure that resulted in its destruction The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there next five years. over the States of Texas and Louisiana as it objection to the request of the gen- Finally, this Budget addresses the approached to land on February 1, 2003; tleman from Texas? needs of a great and compassionate Na- Whereas the seven crew members of STS– There was no objection. tion, whose values are strong, and 107, Rick D. Husband (Commander), William Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I yield whose institutions of hope are endur- C. McCool (Pilot), Michael P. Anderson (Pay- such time as he may consume to the ing. We are helping communities of load Commander), Kalpana Chawla (Mission majority leader of the House of Rep- Specialist), David M. Brown (Mission Spe- faith pull the addicted out of depend- resentatives, the gentleman from ency. We are lifting children out of a cialist), Laurel B. Clark (Mission Specialist), and Ilan Ramon (Payload Specialist) exhib- Texas (Mr. DELAY). life of despair by making sure they Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the have mentors, and we will continue to ited unparalleled bravery and commitment to the goal of exploring space and advancing gentleman from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) press for improvements in our schools, mankind’s search for knowledge in the cos- for bringing this very important reso- so that no child is left behind. We are mos; lution to the floor of the House. extending hope and healing to millions Whereas Rick Husband, 45, was a Colonel Mr. Speaker, we can still see their suffering from the global epidemic of in the United States Air Force, a test pilot, faces. Their friends can still hear their AIDS. We will begin to implement of and a veteran of STS–96, and held degrees hearty laughter. And their families can the benefits of our Medicare mod- from Texas Tech University and California still feel their embrace. At every men- ernization and reform law, which will State University, Fresno; tion of their names or reminder of bring all our seniors coverage for pre- Whereas William C. McCool, 41, was a Com- their courage, our hearts ache with the mander in the United States Navy and test scription drugs. And we will make pilot, and held degrees from the United hollow pangs of mourning and our health care more affordable and extend States Naval Academy and the University of thoughts and prayers turn to their the full benefits of our health care sys- Maryland; loved ones. For there is no loss like the tem to more Americans who currently Whereas Michael P. Anderson, 43, was a loss of a hero. And 1 year ago our Na- have no health insurance. Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air tion and our world lost seven. VerDate jul 14 2003 00:43 Feb 04, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03FE7.003 H03PT1 February 3, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H259 Though they came from different na- The employees and contractors of Mr. Speaker, on January 16, 2003, the tions, practiced different faiths, and Johnson Space Center are connected to Space Shuttle Columbia lifted off from sought answers to different mysteries, the astronauts not just at work but in Kennedy Space Center on a 16-day mis- the winding road of providence brought their everyday life. The community at sion.
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