The History and Development of Islam in the District of Dairi, North Sumatra Province
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Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.5, No.2, pp.1-13, February 2017 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAM IN THE DISTRICT OF DAIRI, NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE Ansari Yamamah1, Isnaini Harahap1, Marliyah1 1State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia ABSTRACT: The coming of Islam in the district of Dairi started form Barus and developed by people from Aceh (some of them are clerics) who one of them is Koser Maha. Among of the developers of Islam in Dairi is still a mystery of their existence, such as Teuku Panjang Rambut (a Royal Man from Aceh with long hair) who was able to change his being or performance, and he is still alive as it is believed by the local people. Although the majority of the population of Dairi are non-Muslims , the teachings of Islam, however, can be received by the society because there is are similarities between the teachings of Islam and the culture of the Pakpak (the indiginous inhabitants of Dairi). The spread of Islam in Dairi was done through relation of kinship, ethical examples, mysticism, and olah kanuragan (martial arts) and kesaktian (magical power). These methods were very different from the way the Dutch colonial when spreading Christianity in Dairi that is done through the genocidal extermination or ethnic cleansing so that many Pakpak people were expelled from Dairi to some neighboring regions in order to save themselves. Luckily, even though the Muslims are minority in Dairi, but social relation in terms of religious harmony is very good. KEYWORDS: Dairi, Koser Maha, Pakpak, Islamization INTRODUCTION The district of Dairi is one of the Islamic propaganda regions for Muslims. As an Islamic propaganda territory, the process of Islamization in Dairi somewhat different ground from elsewhere. According to Anas Mahmoud, the District of Dairi as well as Angkola, Simalungun, and Karo are inland regions which is an agricultural area that was controlled by tribes and clans that until the 19th century still inherited the life pattern of ancestral religion called animism and dynamism in which the kings and datu-datu had a very big role in transforming the pattern of religious life.1 Besides the transformation of animism and dynamism into the Christian teaching done by the datu-datu, the process of Islamization in Dairi, in the colonial time, faced too many obstacles from the Dutch government through the adviseur voor Inlandsche who then initiated the separation of the Batak people from the Malay Muslims by way of christianizing Batak people who believed in perbegu (local religion), prohibited raising Muslim village chief for villages 1Anas Machmud, “The history of Islamic proselytizing in North Sumatera at the entrance era and Islamic development in North Sumatera” in A. Djalil Muhammad and Abdullah Syah, The history of Islam and its development in North Sumatera (Medan, MUI, 1981), p. 116. 1 ISSN: 2052-6350(Print) ISSN: 2052-6369(Online) Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.5, No.2, pp.1-13, February 2017 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( with non-Muslim population,2 and even cut off trade relations between Dairi and the District of Singkil in which its population had converted to Islam. However, these efforts was unable to stop the process of Islamization in Dairi. There was a number of names of Muslim preachers in Dairi both from local man such as Koser Maha who spread Islamic teachings through his family lines approach, and from outside such as Haji Ibrahim who was an Islamic teacher came from Runding (an area in Aceh Province),3 Shaykh Abdurrauf al-Singkili from Singkil, Tengku Ponds Blooms from Gayo district, and Guru Gindo, a teacher from West Sumatra. These Muslim preachers competed against the Christian missionary, which had successfully christianized some Pertaki, to convert the local people into Islam.4 Up to the year 1968, the Muslim population in Dairi was only 29.814 peoples, while the Christians reached 114.642 and the Catholics were 15.823.5 If the number was percentized, it meant that 22.85% of the populations were Muslims in 1968. Even 12 years later, based on the census of 1980, from 242.215 the inhabitants of Dairi it were only 41.206 converted to Islam6 or about 17:20%. Based on the quantity within the span of 12 years, it could be seen that there was a growing number of Muslim populations with total 11.828 peoples, but, based on its percentage, the number decreased by 5.64%. Therefore it is interesting to examine in greater depth how the actual development of Islam in Dairi. There are two research problems that will be answered in this writing that are: how was the history of the coming and the development of Islam in Dairi. This research purpose are to know the history of the coming and the development of Islam in Dairi. RESEARCH METHOD Research Approach Methodologically this research is a historical research that is trying to construct past events systematically and objectively by collecting, evaluating, verifying, and synthesizing evidence to establish the facts and obtain robust conclusions.7 The approach taken is a sociological approach that attempts to describe the social sides of the events that occur whether religious, social, political, and even ideological movements so that the process of structuring social relations between various components of society can be described properly.8 Location and Subject Research 2Aqib Suminto, The Islamic politics of Ducth (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1985), p. 185-187 3Mudin Maha, “ “The history of Islamic proselytizing in Dairi regency” in A. Djalil Muhammad dan Abdullah Syah, The history of Islam and its development in North Sumatera (Medan, MUI, 1981), p. 257-259 4Flores Tanjung, Dairi in the flash of history (Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2011), p. 22 5Payung Bangun, “Batak Culture” in Koentjaraningrat, Human and culture in Indonesia, (Jakarta: Djambatan, 1995), p.113 6Mudin Maha. “The history of Islamic proselytizing in Dairi regency” p. 255. 7Sumadi Suryabrata, Research Metodology(Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 1995), p. 16. 8Dudung Abdurrahman. Research Method of History (Jakarta: Logos, 1999). p. 12-13 2 ISSN: 2052-6350(Print) ISSN: 2052-6369(Online) Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.5, No.2, pp.1-13, February 2017 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( This research was conducted in the district of Dairi, while research subjects are some religious leaders in Dairi. Data Collection Method In historical research, the first thing conducted is to collect data called heuristic that is obtained through library (library research). Furthermore, in order to support the primary sources above, Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with the parties related to this research, such as religious leaders in the District of Dairi. Data Analysis Collected data were analyzed by using content analysis that is a research technique for making inferences that can be replicated and be valid through deep attention to the context. It is also called research technique to describe the content of communication objectively, systematically and quantitatively.9 Theoretical Study 1. The Coming of Islam to the District of Dairi There is no certain information when the real time Islam came to Dairi. However, in the literature study, there are three major theories that can be referred, namely the theory of Barus, the theory of Aceh and the theory of the border. First: Theory Barus Dada Meuraxa states that the coming of Islam to the Land of Batak originated from Barus. According to him, Barus was the first place that accepted Islam, even in advance than of Samudera Pasai. This opinion is based on a tombstone found in Barus bearing the name of Ruknuddin, died on the night of the month of Safar 48 H / 672 AC, written with Arabic script (abjadiyah) using the letter "h min" at the age of 102 years 2 months and 10 days.10 Dada Meuraxa comes to this conclusion after receiving information from the Agency of Old Tombs Committee Maintenance in Barus who have met an old cemetery on behalf of Ruknuddin who died on the evening of 13 Safar year 48 of the Hijra with the age of 102 years 2 months and 10 days. On the gravestone are written letters of the Arabic alphabet "h min".11 If the reading of the committee in Barus, and of Dada Meuraxa is true, it means that before the year 48 H there were Muslims settled in Barus in a fairly long period. That means that Islam had entered in Barus in the first century of Hijra or in the 7th century AC. The reading of Dada Meuraxa, however, is disputed by Ustaz Mohammad Arsyad Thalib Lubis who stated that the words "h min" on the tombstone did not indicate the year of Hijra. On the other around, the script can be read that Ruknuddin, the person whose name appears on the tombstone died in 802 AH, 9Klaus Krippendorf, Content Analysis: Introduction to the Theory and Methodology (Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 1993), p. 15-19. 10Hasyimsyah Nasution, Tradition Hegemony toward the Islamic development in Batak Karo society in North Sumatera, in, Journal Analytica Islamica, Year 1 Vol 1 No.1, 1999, PPS IAIN North Sumatera, p. 46 11The informations about Dada Meuraxa can be seen in, The history of Islamic entrance to Indonesia, ( p. 131-132. 3 ISSN: 2052-6350(Print) ISSN: 2052-6369(Online) Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.5, No.2, pp.1-13, February 2017 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK ( plus a month plus 16 days.