Robert Collins CSE486

Lecture 11: LoG and DoG Filters Robert Collins CSE486 Today’s Topics

Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Filter - useful for finding edges - also useful for finding blobs!

approximation using Difference of Gaussian (DoG) Robert Collins CSE486 Recall: First Derivative Filters

• Sharp changes in gray level of the input image correspond to “peaks or valleys” of the first-derivative of the input signal.

F(x) F ’’(x)

x (1D example)

O.Camps, PSU Robert Collins CSE486 Second-Derivative Filters

• Peaks or valleys of the first-derivative of the input signal, correspond to “zero-crossings” of the second-derivative of the input signal.

F(x) F(x) F ’’(x) F’’’’(x)


O.Camps, PSU Robert Collins CSE486 Numerical Derivatives See also T&V, Appendix A.2 Taylor Series expansion


Central difference approx 1 -2 1 to second derivative Robert Collins CSE486 Example: Second Derivatives

2 2 Ixx=d I(x,y)/dx [ 1 -2 1 ] I(x,y) 2nd Partial deriv wrt x

1 -2

2 2 1 Iyy=d I(x,y)/dy 2nd Partial deriv wrt y Robert Collins CSE486 Example: Second Derivatives Ixx Iyy

benefit: you get clear localization of the edge, as opposed to the “smear” of high gradient magnitude values across an edge Robert Collins CSE486 Compare: 1st vs 2nd Derivatives Ixx Iyy

Ix Iy Robert Collins CSE486 Finding Zero-Crossings

An alternative approx to finding edges as peaks in first deriv is to find zero-crossings in second deriv. In 1D, convolve with [1 -2 1] and look for pixels where response is (nearly) zero? Problem: when first deriv is zero, so is second. I.e. the filter [1 -2 1] also produces zero when convolved with regions of constant intensity.

So, in 1D, convolve with [1 -2 1] and look for pixels where response is nearly zero AND magnitude of first derivative is “large enough”. Robert Collins CSE486 Summary 1D 2D y

F(x) I(x) I(x,y) I(x,y) x

step edge x

|∇I(x,y)| =(I 2(x,y) + I 2(x,y))1/2 > Th dI(x) > Th x y deriv dx tan θ = Ix(x,y)/ Iy(x,y) 1st

d2I(x) = 0 ∇2I(x,y) =I (x,y) + I (x,y)=0 2 ∇ I(x,y) =Ix x (x,y) + Iyy (x,y)=0 deriv dx

Laplacian 2nd Robert Collins CSE486 Finite Difference Laplacian

Laplacian filter ∇2I(x,y) Robert Collins CSE486 Example: Laplacian

I(x,y) Ixx + Iyy Robert Collins CSE486 Example: Laplacian Ixx Iyy

Ixx+Iyy ∇2I(x,y) Robert Collins CSE486 Notes about the Laplacian:

• ∇2I(x,y) is a SCALAR – ↑ Can be found using a SINGLE mask – ↓ Orientation information is lost • ∇2I(x,y) is the sum of SECOND-order derivatives – But taking derivatives increases noise – Very noise sensitive! • It is always combined with a smoothing operation:

I(x,y) O(x,y) Smooth Laplacian

O.Camps, PSU Robert Collins CSE486 LoG Filter

• First smooth (), • Then, find zero-crossings (Laplacian filter): – O(x,y) = ∇2(I(x,y) * G(x,y))

Laplacian of Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Gaussian-filtered image -filtered image Do you see the distinction? O.Camps, PSU Robert Collins CSE486 1D Gaussian and Derivatives

x2 − g(x) = e 2σ 2

x2 x2 1 − 2 x − 2 g'(x) = − 2xe 2σ = − e 2σ 2σ 2 σ 2

2 2 x x 1 − 2 g''(x) = ( − )e 2σ σ 43 σ 2

O.Camps, PSU Robert Collins CSE486 Second Derivative of a Gaussian

2 2 x x 1 − 2 g''(x) = ( − )e 2σ σ 43 σ 2

2D analog

LoG “Mexican Hat”

O.Camps, PSU Robert Collins CSE486 Effect of LoG Operator

Original LoG-filtered

Band-Pass Filter (suppresses both high and low frequencies) Why? Easier to explain in a moment. Robert Collins CSE486 Zero-Crossings as an Edge Detector Raw zero-crossings (no contrast thresholding)

LoG sigma = 2, zero-crossing Robert Collins CSE486 Zero-Crossings as an Edge Detector Raw zero-crossings (no contrast thresholding)

LoG sigma = 4,