Local Feature Filtering for 3D Object Recognition Md. Kamrul Hasan∗, Liang Chen†, Christopher J. Pal∗ and Charles Brown† ∗ Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, QC, Canada E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected], Tel: +1(514) 340-5121,x.7110 † University of Northern British Columbia, BC, Canada E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Tel: +1(250) 960-5838 Abstract—Three filtering/sampling approaches for local fea- by the Bag of Words (BOW) model from textual information tures, namely Random sampling, Concentrated sampling, and retrieval, computer vision researchers have induced it as Bag Inversely concentrated sampling are proposed and investigated. Of Visual Words(BOVW) model[13,14], where visual features While local features characterize an image with distinctive key- points, the filtering/sampling analogies have a two-fold goal: (i) are quantized, the code-words are generated, and named as compressing an object definition, and (ii) reducing the classifier visual words. These Visual Words have been successfully learning bias, that is induced by the variance of key-point tested for feature matching in 2D object images. numbers among object classes. The proposed methodologies have In this work, we have proposed three new local image fea- been tested for 3D object recognition on the Columbia Object ture filtering methodologies that are based on some very sim- Library (COIL-20) dataset, where the Support Vector Machines (SVMs) is applied as a classification tool and winner takes all ple assumptions. Following these filtering approaches, three principle is used for inferences. The proposed approaches have object recognition models have been formulated, which are achieved promising performance with 100% recognition rate for described in section two.