Current Fungal Infection Reports (2019) 13:308–319


Updates on the Treatment of Non-Aspergillus Hyaline Mold Infections

Saman Nematollahi1 & Shmuel Shoham2

Published online: 26 November 2019 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Abstract Purpose of Review This review summarizes both the recent and relevant studies about the treatment of non-Aspergillus hyaline molds. Recent Findings Given the rarity of these infections, there have been no large randomized clinical trials regarding the most effective antifungal therapy. Summary Although there are more data for the treatment of Fusarium and Scedosporium, there are limited data with case reports that address the other rare hyalohyphomycetes. As we develop improved diagnostic techniques and larger fungal registries, we may be able to determine efficacious treatment modalities. We hope that future research will focus on implementing clinical trials with the new antifungals and ongoing development of novel fungal agents.

Keywords Hyaline molds . Hyalohyphomycetes . Emerging fungal infections . Antifungal therapy . Fusarium . Scedosporium

Introduction epidemiology of hyalohyphomycoses and then transition to a review of their treatment drawing from the published litera- Treatment of invasive infections due to non-Aspergillus hya- ture and from our own experiences. line molds (hyalohyphomycetes) is challenging. These molds are of particular concern due to their intrinsic resistance to many standard antifungal drugs and their potential for causing Background and Epidemiology devastating disease. The most common infections are due to Fusarium spp. and Scedosporium/Lomentospora,followedby Hyalohyphomycetes, which are normally present in soil, wa- spp., Acremonium spp., Scopulariopsis spp., ter, and vegetation, are increasingly recognized as causes of Trichoderma spp., and Rasamsonia spp. These filamentous infection. Reasons for this include a growing population of at- fungi have branching septate hyphae that lack pigment and risk patients, broad use of prophylaxis effective against other are often confused with Aspergillus. It can also be difficult organisms (e.g. Aspergillus, Candida, bacteria), and improved to determine whether their presence in clinical specimen is fungal diagnostic techniques [1, 2]. reflective of colonization or invasive disease. Consequently, Data regarding hyalohyphomycoses are available from ep- accurate diagnosis and institution of proper treatment is often idemiology studies in the USA and Australia. The US based delayed. In this article, we will briefly touch on the Transplant-Associated Infection Surveillance Network This article is part of the Topical Collection on Current Management of (TRANSNET) identified 1208 invasive fungal infections in Fungal Infections solid organ transplantations (SOT) and 983 invasive fungal infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplantations * Saman Nematollahi (HSCT) from 2001 to 2006. Of those, 169 (8%) were due to [email protected] non-Aspergillus molds, with Fusarium accounting for 22% and Scedosporium for 16% [3, 4]. By contrast, an Australian 1 Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns study of non-Aspergillus mold infections found that 33% were Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA due to Scedosporium spp., 8% Fusarium spp., and 2% 2 Transplant and Oncology Infectious Diseases Program, Johns Paecilomyces spp., indicating that epidemiology may differ Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA by locale [5]. Curr Fungal Infect Rep (2019) 13:308–319 309

Fusarium species are grouped into ten phylogentic species and subtropical climates and Scedosporium with more tem- complexes [6]. Most infections are probably due to F. solani perate climates and certain geographic locales (e.g., species complex [7]. In the TRANSNET data set, F. solani Australia). Major host factors to consider are immunodeficien- accounted for 27% of Fusarium infections, but almost 60% cy states such as hematological malignancy, solid organ trans- were reported as unspecified Fusarium spp. [4]. Clinical man- plant (especially lung), and bone marrow transplant. ifestations in non-immunocompromised patients are most fre- Abnormal pulmonary architecture and mucosal defects can quently keratitis and onychomycosis. In immunocompro- predispose to colonization with fungi such as Fusarium spp., mised patients, infectious sites also include the skin, sinuses, Scedosporium spp., Purpureocillium lilacinum,and lower respiratory tract, and bloodstream [7].Diagnosisistyp- Paecilomyces variotii, which can then progress to infection. ically made by tissue or blood cultures with MALDI-TOF and In that regard, predisposing conditions such as skin break- PCR assays increasingly used to assist with identification of down and trauma, and lung diseases with bronchiectasis the organism [7–9]. With regard to fungal biomarkers, (e.g., cystic fibrosis) are important host factors. Given that Fusarium can cross-react with the galactomannan assay and these molds may be resistant to multiple antifungal agents, the beta-d-glucan assay has variable reactivity [10–13]. infections that break through prophylaxis or initial empiric The Scedosporium is primarily comprised of the therapy with a mold active agent should raise concern for Scedosporium apiospermum complex (S. apiospermum sensu hyalohyphomycoses. stricto, S. boydii,andPseudallescheria angusta). There are other rare species including S. aurantiacum, S. dehoogii,and Infection vs Colonization? S. minutisporum [14]. S. prolificans is phylogenetically dis- tinct from other Scedosporium spp. and has been renamed The decision to treat is straightforward when culture is obtain- Lomentospora prolificans [15]. The teleomorph (sexual state) ed from a sterile site (e.g., tissue or blood) and when there is of S. apiospermum is known as Pseudallescheria apiosperma histopathologic evidence of invasive infection. More chal- [7]. P. boydii was initially classified as the teleomorph but has lenging are circumstances when organism is retrieved from since been determined to be a different species [14]. non-sterile site specimen such as a sinus aspirate, sputum, Scedosporium/Lomentospora spp. tolerate anaerobic and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, or urine. Cultures obtained from high saline environments and can be found in sewage, ma- these sites do not necessarily indicate infection. This is partic- nure, and swamps. L. prolificans and S. aurantiacum are pri- ularly true for patients with bronchiectasis such as those with marily found in hot and dry climates and are particularly lo- cystic fibrosis (CF) and non-immunocompromised patients calized to Australia, Spain, and Southern US, whereas with chronic sinusitis. Distinguishing between infection and S. apiospermum species complex is found in temperate cli- colonization requires consideration of host vulnerability, clin- mates and distributed worldwide [16•]. Most infections occur ical signs and symptoms, results of non-culture techniques in immunocompromised patients. Of the 27 Scedosporium (e.g., beta glucan, galactomannan, nucleic acid amplification), infections in the TRANSNET data set, S. apiospermum and radiographic findings. accounted for 70% and L. prolificans for 30% [4]. In immu- nocompetent patients, infection may occur following traumat- When to Pursue Surgical Versus Medical Management ic injury or near drowning in contaminated water. Typical sites Alone? of infection include the sinuses, lower respiratory tract, central nervous system (CNS), and bloodstream [7]. Similar to As a general rule, surgical debridement/drainage of affected Fusarium, Scedosporium is best diagnosed with tissue or areas should be considered in non-pulmonary blood cultures. Molecular assays are increasingly used, but hyalohyphomycoses. This is especially true when there is lo- are still experimental [7, 8]. There may be a role for beta-d- calized skin or soft tissue infection, brain involvement, or glucan and galactomannan index in diagnosing pleural disease. Antifungal therapy should be guided by sus- Scedosporium/Lomentospora, but utility of those assays is ceptibility, with the caveat that Clinical and Laboratory inconsistent [17, 18]. Standards Institute (CLSI) breakpoints have not yet been established for these fungi. Surgical intervention should be strongly considered for L. prolificans given its resistance to Basic Principles of Treatment virtually all available antifungals. For bloodstream infections (e.g., with Fusarium), removal of central venous catheters Hyalohyphomycoses should be considered in patients with may be required [7, 19••, 20•]. There is sometimes a role for compatible exposures, host factors, and clinical features. resection of fungal lung lesions [21], especially if there is no Clues include a history of exposures to soil, dust, vegetation, improvement with medical management alone, but the deci- and water that is suspected or known to be contaminated with sion to operate is often complicated by the high morbidity fungal spores. Fusarium is typically associated with tropical associated with such procedures. 310 Curr Fungal Infect Rep (2019) 13:308–319

Immunomodulation patients with high BMI, severe mucositis, malabsorption, and inability to consume high fat meals. Immunosuppression should be reduced to the extent feasible Voriconazole is available in IV and oral formulations. to assist with restoration of the immune system. Resolution of Voriconazole has complicated non-linear pharmacokinetics neutropenia when present is important. In that regard, that lead to unpredictable drug levels and significant drug- granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is helpful drug interactions through the CYP450 system. Trough levels [20•, 22••, 23]. In cases that prove refractory to antifungals, should be obtained 5–7 days after initiation and checked immunomodulatory therapy such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ)may weekly thereafter, with a goal trough of 2–5.5 mcg/mL have a role [24, 25]. The evidence for checkpoint inhibitor (though some recommend 1.5–4.5 mcg/mL). Levels below 1 induced immuno-stimulation as a potential modality for non- mcg/mL are associated with clinical failure and levels above Aspergillus hyalohyphomycosis is extrapolated from experi- 5.5 mcg/mL with toxicity [30–33]. ence with invasive candidiasis in mice and invasive Isavuconazonium sulfate (prodrug of isavuconazole) is mucormycosis in a single patient who responded to a combi- available in IV and oral formulations. There are certain labo- nation of nivolumab and interferon gamma after surgery and ratories that will check isavuconazole levels, although there is antifungal therapy were unable to control the infection [26, no data to suggest that a specific isavuconazole trough level is 27]. Using checkpoint inhibitors and T-cell activation as an therapeutic. In contrast to the other triazoles, isavuconazole adjunctive modality merits further study. shortens the QTc interval, which should be avoided in patients with familial short QT syndrome. Duration of Therapy Posaconazole, isavuconazole, and voriconazole are inhibitors and substrate of P-glycoprotein and CYP450 enzymes and can Length of therapy is individualized and based on site and extent impact serum concentrations of co-administered drugs metabo- of infection, whether source control has been attained, the pa- lized via these pathways (e.g., sirolimus, tacrolimus, cyclospor- tient’s net state of immunosuppression, and safety considerations. ine, warfarin). It is crucial to adjust the doses of such medications As a general rule, treatment should be for several months or when azoles are started or stopped. Liver and cardiac toxicities longer. Exceptions are localized skin or soft tissue infection that are important in both. Hepatic enzymes should be monitored has been managed with thorough debridement (or amputation), either weekly or biweekly and a baseline EKG should be obtain- which may require little or no additional antifungal therapy. ed to measure the QTc (except for isavuconazole, which shortens Treatment for pulmonary, sinus, CNS, and disseminated infec- the QTc). If it is > 450 ms (men) or > 460 ms (women), a follow- tion should be continued at least until radiographic and clinical up EKG should be obtained daily for the first 48–72 h after signs of infection have resolved. For patients with anticipated initiation. If the QTc is > 500 ms at baseline, then an alternative prolonged immunodeficiency, such as those with hematologic therapy should be considered if possible. Posaconazole tablets malignancies and HSCT, antifungal therapy should be main- can cause abdominal pain in some patients. Voriconazole may tained until substantial improvement of immune function. cause visual hallucinations and photosensitivity with short-term therapy. Skin cancers and periostitis are associated with long- Drug Toxicity term voriconazole therapy. The most common side effects with AmB are infusion- Voriconazole, posaconazole, and amphotericin B (AmB) related reactions, renal toxicity, and electrolytic disturbances. products are the most commonly used drugs for These are less common with lipid formulations, which are the hyalohyphomycoses and all are associated with potential for treatment of choice if using an AmB product. Careful moni- toxicity and/or drug-drug interactions. Isavuconazole is occa- toring of renal function and electrolytes is mandatory. Salt sionally used; however, there have been no robust clinical loading (e.g., infusion of 0.9% NaCl × 0.5 to 1.0 L/day) re- trials to support its use. The echinocandins have less toxicity, duces renal toxicity. The echinocandins are generally very but also have a smaller role in therapy. well tolerated, though occasionally can cause infusion- Posaconazole comes in IV and oral forms, although many related reactions and hepatic enzyme elevations. hospitals do not have the IV formulation readily available. For oral posaconazole, both delayed release tablets and suspen- sion are available. The tablets are preferred as they have su- Treatment of Specific Fungi perior absorption and drug levels compared with the suspen- sion. Trough levels should be obtained 5–7 days after initia- Fusarium tion and checked weekly thereafter, with a goal trough of ≥ 0.7–1mcg/mL[28, 29]. With the oral suspension, effective **primary recommendation: voriconazole (Table 1). drug levels may not be achieved for many days (or at all) The treatment of choice is voriconazole with consideration despite increasing dosage. This is particularly problematic in of adding lipid formulation amphotericin-B (AmB) as initial Curr Fungal Infect Rep (2019) 13:308–319 311

Table 1 Recommended therapy of non-Aspergillus hyaline mold antifungal agents were ≥ 2 mg/L [35]. More favorable (al- infections though still variable) triazole MICs are observed with Fungal pathogen Initial antifungal Alternative therapy F. verticilloides, F. oxysporum,andF. proliferatum [36–38]. therapy The best outcomes are with Fusarium verticillioides [22••]. Clinical outcomes with voriconazole are often better than Fusarium Voriconazole AmB + voriconazole may be considered pending would be expected based on the in vitro results. In several susceptibility case series, some level of response (either partial or complete) Posaconazole was reported in 50% of patients on voriconazole, with worse F. solani mayberesistant outcomes if patients were neutropenic (5–36%) [22••, 39, 40]. to voriconazole and require AmB There are limited data on posaconazole for Fusarium,al- though it has been used as salvage therapy in HSCT, with Scedosporium Vo ri co na zo le Vo ri co na zo le + Am B o r echinocandin may be 48% of patients having either partial or complete response considered pending [7, 40, 41]. Additionally, there are data on isavuconazole from susceptibility two clinical trials (SECURE and VITAL). In these trials, nine Lomentospora prolificans Vo ri co na zo le + patients with Fusarium infections (3 F. solani,4Fusarium terbinafine NOS; 2 Fusarium plus another mold) received isavuconazole Vo ri co na zo le + echinocandin as primary therapy with four patients demonstrating stable or +/− inhaled positive response [42]. AmB Combination therapy is controversial due to risk of antag- Purpureocillium Vo ri co na zo le o r onism and differences in responses between Fusarium species lilacinum (formerly posaconazole known as [43]. Retrospective studies and case series show mixed results Paecilomyces [39]. Combinations that have shown clinical improvement lilacinus) include AmB with caspofungin, voriconazole, or terbinafine Paecilomyces variotii Posaconazole or and voriconazole with terbinafine [44–50]. A retrospective AmB Acremonium (formerly AmB, analysis of 233 Fusarium cases comparing treatment out- known as voriconzole or comes between two time periods (1985–2000 and 2001– Cephalosporium) posaconazole 2011) showed increases in use of voriconazole, combination Scopulariopsis and Terbinafine + Based on in vitro data, therapies, and survival rates during the latter time period. Microascus voriconazole can consider or posaconazole + Combinations included voriconazole plus AmB (17 patients), posaconazole caspofungin + voriconazole plus terbinafine (2 patients), and posaconazole Caspofungin + terbinafine (but this plus AmB (2 patients) [51]. A recent report summarized treat- voriconazole showed antagonism ment of 26 Fusarium infections in SOT recipients. Most were or with S. candida) posaconazole of skin and soft tissue (42%), followed by the lower respira- Trichoderma Vo ri co na zo le Vo ri co na zo le + tory tract (35%). Azole monotherapy (usually voriconazole) echinocandin may be was used in 42% of patients followed by AmB monotherapy considered pending in 27% and combination (typically AmB with voriconazole or susceptibility an echinocandin) in 19%. Overall mortality was 30% but Rasamsonia argillacea Posaconazole + posaconazole + • (formerly known as echinocandin echinocandin + AmB reached 60% in the lung transplant population [52 ]. argillacea) may be considered pending susceptibility Scedosporium

In all cases consider: (1) surgical debridement when feasible and espe- cially for non-pulmonary sites of infection, (2) reduction of immunosup- **primary recommendation: Scedosporium spp.- pression, (3) addition of G-CSF when there is neutropenia. Granulocyte voriconazole (Table 1) infusion and interferon gamma can be considered in refractory cases L. prolificans – voriconazole + terbinafine (Table 1) Scedosporium/Lomentospora spp. are resistant to multiple therapy in deeply invasive disease [19••, 20•, 22••, 34••]. antifungal agents. This is particularly problematic for While the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of azole L. prolificans, which is resistant to virtually every available antifungals for Fusarium spp. tend to be high, the clinical antifungal agent. A survey of over 300 clinical and environ- significance of this is unclear. For most F. solani species, mental isolates demonstrated S. apiospermum to have more complex isolates MICs are low for AmB (1 mg/L), but higher favorable MICs to voriconazole as compared to other antifun- for azoles. In a multicenter Australian study, only AmB had gals [53]. In a multicenter global study evaluating clinical consistently favorable MICs (1–2 mg/L) for Fusarium solani experience of voriconazole for treatment of Scedosporium, species complex, while those for all other commonly used 57% of patients responded successfully to therapy, especially 312 Curr Fungal Infect Rep (2019) 13:308–319 those with superficial or localized infections. Mortality rates dual therapy with respect to FEV1 and respiratory symptoms, were higher in those with CNS involvement, disseminated patients with triple therapy had more radiographic improve- infections, hematologic malignancy, HSCT, and infection ment [71•]. with L. prolificans [54]. • • L. prolificans is essentially a pan-resistant mold [16 , 20 , Other Hyalohyphomycetes 34••]. Voriconazole is the most active agent, although its MIC is higher when compared to MICs for S. apiospermum. Paecilomyces Despite attempts at antifungal optimization, there are high mortality rates with CNS and disseminated infections, as men- **primary recommendation: P. lilacinum – voriconazole or tioned above. In an experimental mouse model of disseminat- posaconazole (Table 1) ed and CNS infection, almost all mice infected with P. variotii – posaconazole or AmB ≤ Scedosporium isolates having voriconazole MIC 2 mg/L Purpureocillium lilacinum (formerly known as responded to that drug, whereas only 33% of mice challenged Paecilomyces lilacinus) is increasingly recognized as a path- ≥ with strains having MIC 4 mg/L responded. This suggests ogen. Clinical manifestations include skin, soft tissue, and ≤ that an MIC 2 mg/L can be predictive of a favorable out- ocular infections [72]. This species is generally resistant to come in disseminated infections [55]. many antifungals, including AmB, itraconazole, fluconazole, In vitro analyses of isavuconazole against Scedosporium and echinocandins, but tends to be susceptible to voriconazole spp., S. apiospermum,andL. prolificans show drastic differ- and posaconazole [72–77]. Paecilomyces variotii is another ences in susceptibilities, with isavuconazole having favorable clinically relevant species in the genus and tends to have lower MICs against S. apiospermum but higher ones against susceptibility to voriconazole [78]. Several authors have re- – L. prolificans [53, 56 58]. Although isavuconazole has ported voriconazole resistance and treatment failure [79–82]. broad-spectrum mold activity, clinical experience in Posaconazole has favorable MICs and its use has led to suc- Scedosporium spp. is limited and additional data are needed cessful treatment [79, 81]. Isavuconazole has also shown fa- before it can be broadly recommended. vorable MICs [53, 57]. Guidelines do not make strong recom- Current guidelines recommend using voriconazole plus mendations on antifungal therapy, but note that P. lilacinum is consideration of AmB or an echinocandin for resistant to AmB but susceptible to triazoles, whereas •• • •• •• Scedosporium spp. [19 , 20 , 22 , 34 , 59, 60], and a P. variotii is susceptible to AmB and posaconazole [19••, combination of voriconazole and terbinafine to treat 22••, 34••]. L. prolificans infections based on evidence of in vitro syn- ergy and case reports [19••, 22••, 34••, 61–67]. Clinical data suggests that patients who receive voriconazole- Acremonium based therapy have favorable outcomes [68]. One study utilizing the FungiScope registry and a review of the liter- **primary recommendation: AmB or posaconazole or ature since 2000 identified 208 Scedosporium and 56 voriconazole (Table 1) L. prolificans infections. For Scedosporium infections, Acremonium spp. (previously known as Cephalosporium) voriconazole (as compared with AmB) was associated with typically cause infections in immunocompromised patients lower mortality in both localized and disseminated disease. [83]. Clinical presentations include skin and nail infections, For L. prolificans infections, voriconazole was also asso- mycetoma, peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients and ciated with lower mortality when compared to other anti- fungemia. Disseminated infections are associated with high fungals (53% vs 69%, respectively). Of note, despite po- mortality rates. In vitro data and case reports have favored tential for in vitro synergism, the addition of terbinafine to using AmB, voriconazole, or posaconazole, depending on – voriconazole did not improve outcomes [69•]. This is like- susceptibilities [84 87]; however, in vitro MICs are high for ly due to low terbinafine tissue concentration at the site of all antifungal agents except terbinafine [88]. In one report, a ’ infection. renal transplant recipient s subcutaneous infection resolved Limited data are available for triple therapy. Animal data with surgical debridement and reduction in immunosuppres- suggested synergy with voriconazole plus AmB plus an sion without need for antifungal therapy [89]. Guidelines rec- •• echinocandin [70]. In a multicenter German study of 31 CF ommend using AmB, posaconazole, or voriconazole [19 , •• patients with Scedosporium/Lomentospora lung infections 22 ]. (15/31 had S. apiospermum and 3/31 had L. prolificans), com- bination therapy with voriconazole and an echinocandin +/− Scopulariopsis and Microascus inhaled AmB was more effective than voriconazole alone in improving FEV1, respiratory symptoms, and radiographic **primary recommendation: terbinafine/caspofungin + changes. While there were no differences between triple and voriconazole or posaconazole (Table 1) Curr Fungal Infect Rep (2019) 13:308–319 313

The genus Scopulariopsis encompasses both hyaline and limited data, recommendations should be to use voriconazole melanized molds that are phylogenetically close to with consideration of adding an echinocandin. Scedosporium. The most common species are S. brevicaulis, S. gracilis,andS. brumptii (renamed as Microascus gracilis Rasamsonia and Microascus paisii,respectively),S. candida, M. cirrosus, and M. cinereus. Infections occur mostly in immunocompro- **primary recommendation: posaconazole + echinocandin mised patients and include superficial sites (e.g., skin, cornea) (Table 1) and invasive disease such as pneumonia, endocarditis, and Infections due to Rasamsonia spp. (most common in this cerebral abscesses [90, 91]. These infections are resistant to genus, Rasamsonia argillacea, previously known as many antifungals and result in high mortality rates. Antifungal Geosmithia argillacea) are increasingly recognized susceptibility testing should be performed. In vitro data sug- [112–114]. While it may be difficult to distinguish these or- gest that S. brevicaulis is resistant to all available antifungal ganisms phenotypically from Paecilomyces and Penicillium agents [92, 93]. In a murine model of infection, voriconazole, spp., identification is now easier with improved molecular posaconazole, and AmB were effective against S. brumptii/ testing [113, 115, 116]. The Rasamsonia argillacea complex M. paisii, but not S. brevicaulis [94]. Micafungin has favor- includes R. argillacea, R. aegroticola, R. eburnea,and able MIC for S. brevicaulis, but the significance of this is R. piperina [117]. Infections have been reported in patients unclear and clinical failure with it has been reported [95]. with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), CF, and graft Data regarding combination therapy are limited. A study of versus host disease (GVHD) [112, 114, 116–122]. Infections 27 clinical isolates observed synergy with caspofungin, involve the lungs and brain. Mortality rates may reach 50% posaconazole, and terbinafine with Scopulariopsis and despite aggressive antifungal and surgical interventions. The Microascus spp. but antagonism for S. candida [96]. most effective antifungal regimen is not known, although Various treatment combinations have been used with some combination therapy is preferred given the organism’sresis- clinical success. These include posaconazole or voriconazole tance profile. Isolates are usually resistant to itraconazole and with an echinocandin or terbinafine (or both), surgery and voriconazole [114, 117]. Generally, isolates have favorable terbinafine, and in one report a combination of voriconazole, MICs to posaconazole, echinocandins, with variable MICs caspofungin, terbinafine, and aerosolized AmB [97–104]. to AmB [114, 117, 122]. A study of 47 isolates showed very Current guidelines recommend combination therapy with ei- favorable MICs for echinocandins, variable MICs for ther voriconazole/posaconazole plus terbinafine or posaconazole and AmB, and clearly high MICs for both caspofungin [34••]. Unfortunately, given its resistance profile, voriconazole and isavuconazole [123]. This susceptibility pat- successful outcome is rarely achieved with medical therapy tern was also seen in eight in vivo clinical isolates of CF alone. Treating physicians should strongly consider surgical patients [124]. There are limited data with respect to clinical debridement and restoration of host immunity when feasible. and in vivo efficacy. Guidelines and case reports support the use of an echinocandin plus posaconazole with consideration of adding AmB [22••, 112, 114, 116, 119] Trichoderma

**primary recommendation: voriconazole (Table 1) Novel and Future Therapies Trichoderma spp. may cause infections in immunocompro- mised hosts [105, 106]. Data to guide antifungal recommen- Several new agents with activity against hyalohyphomycetes dations are sparse. In a study of 73 human and animal isolates are currently in the developmental pipeline. APX001A (mostly T. longibrachiatum), voriconazole had the lowest (manogepix; formerly E1210) inhibits the fungal enzyme MICs, while posaconazole and itraconazole showed no activ- Gwt1, which in turn blocks the inositol acylation during syn- ity. Although some isolates were susceptible to AmB, most thesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored pro- had high MICs. Echinocandins in general showed favorable teins of the cell wall. This agent and has activity against MICs to Trichoderma spp. Of note, all the Trichoderma spp. Candida, Aspergillus, and Fusarium [125]. A recent study showed similar susceptibility patterns [107]. With respect to showed APX001A to have potent in vitro activity against a clinical success, most reports suggest voriconazole with con- range of hyalohyphomycetes including Scedosporium, sideration of adding an echinocandin [108, 109, 110, 111•]. In Fusarium, Paecilomyces, Lomentospora prolificans, a 2018 case report and review of T. longibrachiatum infec- Rasamsonia, and Trichoderma [126•]. F901318 (olorofim) tions, the authors identified 14 cases with a survival rate of is an inhibitor of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, a key enzyme 64%. AmB susceptibilities were variable although tended to in pyrimidine biosynthesis. It has very favorable in vitro ac- have higher MICs. The MICs of both voriconazole and tivity against several Scedosporium spp. and Lomentospora caspofungin were low and favorable [111•]. Based on these spp., but less so against Fusarium [127, 128]. N- 314 Curr Fungal Infect Rep (2019) 13:308–319 chlorotaurine (NCT), an oxidant developed in topical and in- transplant recipients, United States, 2001-2006. Emerg Infect Dis. – haled formulations, has shown fungicidal activity against 2011;17(10):1855 64. 5. Slavin M, van Hal S, Sorrell TC, Lee A, Marriott DJ, Daveson K, Scedosporium and Lomentospora spp. [129, 130]. et al. Invasive infections due to filamentous fungi other than Additionally, hemofungin, an inhibitor of ferrochelastase, Aspergillus: epidemiology and determinants of mortality. Clin has in vitro activity against several fungi, including Microbiol Infect. 2015;21(5):490 e1–10. Fusarium spp. [131]. j.cmi.2014.12.021. 6. O'Donnell K, Sutton DA, Rinaldi MG, Sarver BA, Balajee SA, Schroers HJ, et al. Internet-accessible DNA sequence database for identifying fusaria from human and animal infections. J Clin Conclusion Microbiol. 2010;48(10):3708–18. 00989-10. 7. Arif S, Perfect JR. 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