HIGH T!Dfo. 6-26-69 LOW TIIJr 5 1 at 0154 6-26-f,9 4 2 at 1424 1 4 at 0800 t-tOURGlASS 1 3 at 2012 ! !!

._------__9_,_NO __ 8_4_3_2 ______KWAJALEPJ, ~~'I.R,)HALL ISLANDS Wednesday, June ~1969 I l V~ ~ ~ -=-p~.~ ----- I Firebombings Lead L i Senator Says Administration May To Arrest of 30 Negroes VENICE, ILLINOIS (UPI) Warrants charg­ Ease School Desegregation Deadline lng dlsorderlv conduct and lncltlng to rl0t were lssued today agalnst more 'IAS,I'IGTO", D C (UPI) -- Senator Jacob K Javlts sald today that the Nlxon than 30 Negroes arrested dur~ng dlS­ Admllllstratlon plans to relax the September desegregdtl0n deadline faclng 800 turbances in whlch several bUlldlngs school dlstrlcts two pollce cars and a flre truck were Elght Negro members of the House sald such an act would be "a betrayal" of hrebombed black people Those arrested were held at the Ma­ Senator Fdmund S Muskle, (Dem -Malne), telegraphed Presldent ~l1xon urgin& dlson County Jall at Edwardsvllle,Ill "that these gUldllnes not be weakened ln '~----~~~\ and in the Clty Jalls at Madlson and Alton, Ililnols an~e:~~~r the Just1ce Department nor the TODAY'S NEWS The dlsturbances erupted last nlght Department of Health, Educatlon and Wel- and contlnued untll early today Po- fare would conflrm perslstent reports 11ce made numerous arrests and trans­ that on Thursday or Frlday the 800 dlS­ JAMES MC DIVITT -- ret&res ported the Negroes to Jal1 In a bus tricts would be glven more tlme to come Several of those arrEsted, lncludlng up wlth desegregatl0n plans , CONGRESS -- wants to be con­ two Juvenlle's, were later released,but But a HEW spokeman sald posslble sulted when troops would be used most of them were charged changes In Lhe government's aesegrega­ The first flrebomb was thrown at the tl0n guidellnes were under dlSCUSS10n VENICE, ILLINOIS --has ~ts pol~ce old Venlce Food Mart and caused a He wouln ,lOt el aborate Under present busy w~th ~oters small flre plans, the school dlstrlcts would lose The second bomb was thrown at the all federal aid unless they adopted de­ SENATOR JAVITS -- raps N~xon's flre truck whlch answered the call segregatlon plans acceptable to HEW by rumored soften~ng on desegregat~on Flrebomblngs of houses and pollce September cars followed Pollce cars were also WOUNDED AWAIT AIRLIFT- South Vietnamese ,o,dm, con A loss of federal ald, Javlts went on JOINT INQUIRY BOARD -- heaT'S more ~olf' v.ounded comrades whIle v.dltIng for arrn 0..1 of helicop stoned to say, "hardly seems d severe penalty test~mony from Evans' crewmen The IS-man Venlce Police Department ter'l to aIrlift them to a brt<,p hOspItal The troop~ battled 15 years after the Supreme Court's dese­ VIet Cong forces In KlCn Hoa Provmre \\.heJe US .;Hh HENRY CABOT LODGE -- returns to was helped ln maklng the arrests by Dlvl~lon \S pulllOg out (Rodwpl/()fo) gregatl0n decisl0n and flve years after offlcers from the Granlte City, Ill, the C1Vl1 Rlghts Act of 1964 prov1ded Paris and 23rd sess&on tomorrow Pollce Department, the Madison County for the cutoff of federal ald to segre- Sherlff's Office and the Illinols !sated schools State Pollce Slxty-five offlcers were Shortage of Life Jackets "Frankly," sald Javlts, "unless school at the scene at one tlme offlclals can demonstrate that fallure Lodge Returns to Tallrs The disturbance followed the vOlcing to comply wll1 result In the loss of fe­ of demands on the Clty by Negroes Says USS EYans Sailor deral funds, the chances are that mode- With New Instructions About 15 Negro youths visited ~ayor rate local school ofl officlals may be John F Lee last week and demanded he forced to capltulate to the hard core glve them jobs SUBIC B~Y, ~h~ PHILLIPPINES (UPI)- A sal­ segregat10n element ln the communlty PARIS (UPI) -- Chlef Amerlcan nego­ Monday about 18 Negro youths dlS- lor whG escaped from the slnllng sectl0n "A pullback of effort here In Wash- tlator Henry Cabot Lodge returned from rupted work on a city gtreet re-sur- of the U S destrOyer Frank F [vans af­ lngton wll1 ~ave an electrlc and a de­ Washlngton today to the Vlet Nam Peace facing project The street crew ter its colllglon wlth an Australlan car- leterl0us effect throughout our country" Talks wlth new lnstructl0ns ln the called the police, who were presented r.ler testlf.led toda'} that there was a A statement slgned by the seven Negro face of stiffened Communlst attltudes wlth more demands shortqge of I1fe Jackets on the ShlP members of the House sald "Reports that at the negotlatlons and mllltary pres­ The youths said they wanted an end But the sallor, Damage Controlman Casey school desegregatl0n guidellnes are to sure on the battlefleld to police patrols ~n Negro nelghbor­ Patrlck K llJ.}f', 21" of New Orleans ,qulck- be weakened, dlstress us greatly" Lodge spent 45 mlnutes wlth Pres- hoods, mattresses In city jal1 cells 1) admitted under questlonlng hy a Naval ldent N1XOn and Presldentlal Advlsor and the police department's help in f,oard of Inqulrj th~t he had no fartual Senate Demands Consultation Henry Kissmger before flYlng to Pans getting Jobs knowledge to support hlS testlmony where he 1S expected to lead the U S Another sallor, Seaman Major n Bo~l- Before Mal·or Money Spending delegat10n at the stalled Peace Con- McDivitt Retires From tcher, 22, of Jackso lVll1e, Fla , told the ference ln tomorrow's 23rd seSSlon Board he knew of no one aboard the Evans WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Senate put It- The hardenlng was expressed both In without a llfe Jacket self on record today as demanding lt be Communlst declaratlons ln ParlS re­ Astronaut Corps The ]o.lnt U S -Austral1an Naval Board 1S consulted In advance before major mill- Ject1ng mutual troop wlthdrawals from SPACE CENTfR (UPI) -- Apollo 9 Com­ lnvestlgatlng the June 3 colllSlon In tary or monetary commltments are under- South Vlet Nam and negotlatlons wlth mander James A HcDlvltt quit the WhlCh the carrier Melbourne cut the Evans taken abroad the Salgon government It also was Astronaut" Corps today and took a in two, causlng the death of 74 Fvans sal­ Senators adopted a resolutl0n by a eVldent ln the Communlsts' contlnued desk job planning Moon landing m1s- lars who went down wlth the "IE'stroyer'~ vote of 70 to 16 asklng that a natlonal mllltary pressure on areas manned by sions for the Space Agency forward sectl0n 1n the Sou! h C!\Jra Sed commltment overseas be undertaken on Iv U S troops who wll1 be among the ~cDivitt, whose Apollo 9 voyage Earller, a fellow offlcer pralsed the after jOlnt afflrmatlve actlJn by Con­ flrst 25,OOO-man contlngent pulllng last March proved the U S lunar navlgatl0nal accuracy of Lt J g Ronald ~ress and the Pres1dent out next month landing craft ready for ~oon fllght, Ramsey, who was on the bridge and ln Presldent N.lxon objected to the reso­ Quallfled analysts In Parls sald the became the third Moonship Commander charge of steerlng the Evans at the moment lutl0n at a news conference last week on Communlst alm was to make the transfer to retire after a single Apollo mis­ of lmpact wlth the Melbourne the grounds lt could restrlct hlS free­ of the defense bUlden to South Vlet­ sion Ramsey, 24, of Long Beach, rallf, has dom ln deallng wlth forelgn crlses when namese forces as dlfflcult as posslble Before the Apollo flight, McDivitt ref~sed to testlfy on constltutl0nal tlme was short for both Washlngton and Salgon, but who is a 40-year-old Air Force Colo­ grvunds The resolutlon expresses the "sense of also to embarrass the Salgon Forces In nel had been in space once before as Lt J pRobert M Hl1t?, 25, of Santa the Senate" and lS In no way legally the eyes of the local population Th1S the Commander of Gemini 4 in 1965 Edrbara, Cdllf , told the Board he had re- blndlng on the Presldent It grew out they sald would make the Unlted States "This new job removes him from con­ 11~ved Ramsey on the br~dge several tlmes of concern by some Senators over the way wonder lf South Vletnamese troops were sideration for future spaceflight as­ previously an~ was to have done so the U S lnvolvement ln the Vlet Nam War up tb the task, and hamper Nlxon's signments," a Space Agency spokesman nlght of the coll1S10n He sald Ramsey grddually wldened wlthout a formal de­ plan to brlng Amerlcan troops home sald had always presented a concise and acc~­ claratlon of war by Congress Astronauts on later Moon flights rate report of the sltuatlon on the brlJge Senate Republ1can Leader Everett Dlrk­ will spend more time than the Apollo when turnlng it over to hlS replacement sen trled wlthout success to restrlct lt Nixon Confident Tax 11 crew on scientific experlments and PreV10US testlmony has lndlcated that to cover only "hot war" sltuatl0ns A such These later misslons are the the Junl0r Offlcer of the Brldge, Lt J g softenlng dmendment to thlS effect co­ Extension Will Pass ones which McD1Vitt wlll advise In James A Hopson, 28, of Kansas Clt" Kan­ spon~ored by Senators Karl Mundt (Dem -S WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Whlte House his newly-created offlce He wll1 sas made a 55-degree error 1n plottlng D ), and Thomas Dodd (Dem -Conn); lost sald Presldent Nlxon lS "very confl­ superVlse landing slte selectlon, the carrler's actual course prlor t~ ~ol- on a vote of 36 to 50 dent" the surtax extenslon wl1l pass misslon planning requirements, and 11slon But Ramsey's performance ot duty The resolutl0n, co-sponsored by the Presldentlal Press Secrebary Ronald spacecraft modlfications was descrlbed as "excellent, exce llenl ' Ser,ate Forelgn Relat.1ons Commlttee and Ziegler sald the Presldent's POS1tl0n McDivitt's departure from the Corps ltS Chalrman Wllllam Fulbrlght~and John on the tax was "very flrm" and added leaves the nation Cooper, was adopted after flve days of "he 1S very conf1dent lt wlll pass with 49 spacemen desultory debate about how the Senate Wlthout congresslonal action, the on flying status has let ltS voice In foreign affalrs be surtax is to explre automatlcally at Under the pre- eroded 12 01 am , next Tuesday The PreSl­ sent system of It defines as a "natl0nal commitment" dent has proposed extendlng 1t at the recycl1ng, it as "the use of the armed forces on for­ present rate of 10 percent untll De­ would be 1971 and elgn territory, or a promlse to asslst a cember 31, and then droPPlng 1t to 5/ Apollo 15 or 16 torelgn country, government, or people untll it lS permltted to explre on before he would by the use of the armed forces or flnan­ June 30, 1970 have a pr1me spot c.lal resources, of the Unl ted State« The Nlxon bll1 1S lntended to maln­ In the crew elther lmmediately or upon the happen­ taln antl-lnflatlonary pressure on the He made hlstory lng of certaln events " overheated economy and to help produce durlng the Gemlnl The resolutl0n states "That lt lS the the PreS1dent's projected federal sur­ 4 mlSS10n by sense of the Senate that a natl0nal com­ plus of $6 3 bll110n ln the flscal leavlng the two­ mltwent by the Unlted States results year startlng July 1 seat capsule and c'11y from afflrmatlve actlon taken by The measure als> would repeal as of floatlng at the t~e leglslatlve branches of the Unlted Aprl1 18, the 7 percent investment tax end of a tether ~tate' ;overnment by means of a treaty, credlt, a measure enacted In 1962 to for 20 mlnutes In statute or COlcurrent resolutlon of both encourage plant and machlnery lnvest­ Amerlca's flrst louses ~f Congress spectf1cally provl- ments and thus spur a then Slugglsh spacewalk dIn? for SUch commltment " economy Federal eXClse taxes on te­ Apollo 11 is Unarr t~~ Constltutl0n, Congress has lephones and new car sales would be scheduled to make TESTING FOR MOON LANDING-Apollo 11 Commander Nell Armstrong t ik, (nght) ",th newsmen at Ellington Air Force Base Houston Tex after a train '1g flight Ileft) !"1 '1 th" eY U ~ right to <'~rlare war ex- contlnued at thelr present levels, hut America's first Lunar Landing Training Vehicle The Apollo 11 fhght to the. Moon IS ~et tor July 16 ce~t .In the event or a ~Liden attack on 5 2 mllll0n low-income people would be Moonland1ng Armstrong and Edwm E fEuz) Aldrm arp to <:;tcp onto the ltn Jft f' r [Iv'» th Urlc~C ~tates removed from the lncome tax rolls ,., ... .. 2 HOURGLASS -- Wednesday, June ~, 1969 THANKS Tmy Tots Learn to Swim • ,. IUIIUU.Utl ~ .UfllntUIl ~ 1111 ... "..... \::I "'''If'U," Thls year's Carnlval was the greatest ever, thanks to a lot of wonderful people who gave selflessly of thelr tlme and of them­ selves. In thelr glvlng they epltomlzed the COrnmUIllty splrlt of Carnlvaltlme -- for our Carnlval lS run by cornmunlty volunteers for the beneflt and enJoyment of the communlty

Thanks go to the hundreds of volunteers who so lndustrlously ran the rldes, manned the booths, and coordlnated the actlvltles to the flve Prlncesses and thelr helpers who worked so dlilgently on behalf of us all to the staffs of the HourGlass and AFRS for thelr flne publlcl ty support . to our talented lslanders who so graclously performed and entertalned for us to all that attended, lncludlng our Marshallese frlends and nelghbors, for thelr support.

To all of you Thanks THE KWAJALEIN CARNIVAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL A Volunteer Group Provldlng Year-Round Management Dlrectlon to the Carnlval

Girl Scouts

GETTING ACQUAINTED w~th water ~sn't so scary as some The KWa]Bleln G1r1 Scout Organlza­ tots may have thought Here, they hold hands and are tlon needs leaders and asslstants for COMMANDER'S HOUR ass~sted by (Zeft) Ch~s Schupp, Don Beebe, Lau~e He~tt, all levels of Scoutlng Tralnlng will IllS - 184S and Conn~e Brown be glven In September Please contact HOURS Mrs Stavast at 82813 for lnformatlon The Glrl Scouts are always prepar­ EARLY EACH MORNING Spec~al Serv~ces sponsors the T~ny lng for thp future Please donate Tot Sw~m Program for three and four-year-olds In small your used h1bach1 grllls, long-handled MaJor Johnson w&ll &nterv&ew M&ss groups the ch~ldren ~arn the bas~cs w~thout the normal barbecue tools, arts and crafts 1tems, Eleanor w~lson on the COMMANDER'S amount of no~se and splash~ng by older ch~ldren craft magazlnes and catalogs to the HOUR tomqht If you know Kwa]aleln Glrl Scouts Call Mrs Parks her, you'lL l&sten, &f you haven't at 83329 for plckup of such ltems neard of her before, sUff&ce &t to If your daughter 1S plann1ng on en­ say that she ~s one of the most terlng Scout1ng next year or 1S advanc­ interest&ng people you'll ever be lng to another level of scoutlng, p~v&leged to hear, and &s so &n­ check the llStS below for equlpment tell&gent and enterta~n&ng that one she wlll be needlng These 1tems may program was not enough and, &n an be ordered at reglstratlon next fall unusual act&on, she w~ll be on tne or can be obtalned from any stateslde show aga&n next week, too 0he was equlpment agency (lncludlng Sears) a m&ss&onary here for many years, BROWNIES -- Grades 2 an] 3 Dress and her name ~s always prefaced w&th un1forms should be worn for all cere­ "The Legendary" M&ss W& ~son monles 0-101 Brown dress, perma-press 1-142 Brown felt beanle 1-106 Tangerlne tle "Extenslon telephones are not normally The followlng 1tems may now be worn author~=ed ln the bachelor dormltorles for Scout meetlngs, but are optlonal or BO~'s Extenslon telephones degrade the quallty of the prlmary user All 8-160 Brown Bermudas - perma press unauthorIzed telephone lnstruments wll1 8-212 Whlte blouse - perma press be removpd " 8-630 Tangerlne cord camp tle The BROWNIE HANDBOOK (20-101) should also be purchased JUNIOR GIRL SCOUTS -- Grades 4,5,6 FM Schedule Dress unlforms should be worn for all FOR TONIGHT ceremonles and off-Island trIps 0-112 Green dress - perma press SHOWSTOPPERS -- Andre Kostelanetz Kikers Leave Today 0-132 Elastlc Belt conducts New York Philharmonlc 0-144 Green Beret 7 30 pm - 31 00 J Morgan Klker, a Bell Telephone Laboratorles Systems 0-120 Yellow Tle Wunderbar, So In Love, Some Enchanted Englneer, has been promoted to Supervlsor ln the Sensor 0-407 Badge Sash Fvenlng, Happy Talk, I Could Have and Data Management Department ThlS asslgnment wl11 take 14-150 Glrl Scout USA Emblem Danced All Nlght, Wlth a Llttle Blt Morgan and hlS famlly back TOFS Emblem - From local group of Luck, On the Street Where You Llve, to Whlppany, N J , today, The followlng ltems may now be worn Seventy SlX Trombones, Promenade, June 25th for Scout meetlngs, but are optlonal Somewhere, Marla, Make Belleve, B1ll, Morgan has been wlth BTL 8-157 Green Bermudas - perma press Why Do I Love You, 01' Man River Slnce 1962, and has spent 8-209 Whl te Camp Blouse -" " CLAUDINE most of that tlme worklng 8-625 Gold cord camp tIe (Jr ) 8 01 pm - 30 ou ln radar slgnal processlng 8-189 Leather Belt (optlonal) A Man and a Woman, Here, There and technlques The JUNIOR HANDBOOK (20-102) and a :verywhere, Medltatl0n, Tu As Beau Morgan, hlS wlfe, Kathl, nylon dunkbag (15-301) should also be Souere, A Fellcldade. Wonderlove, Hello, and thelr two chlldren, purchased Hello, Sunrlse, Sunset, Until It's ,R1C and Becky, wlll leave CADETTE GIRL SCOUTS -- Grades 7,8,9 Tlme for You To Go, My Guy 'on the Redtall today Dress unlforms should be lvarn for all JACK DE MELLO PLAYS THE MUSIC OF KUI after belng on Kwa]aleln ceremonles and off-Island trlps LEE for ten months 4-104 Whlte blouse - perma press 8:31 pm - 37 00 4-106 Green Sklrt I'll Remember You, One Paddle, Two 0-144 Green Beret (Same as Jr ) Paddle, All I Want To Do, The Days of 4-150 Cockade for beret My Youth, Aln't No Blg Thlng, Go to Club members are sell~ng raffle t~ckets so they'll be able 4-125 Green Tle Hlm, Lahalnaluna, Raln, Raln Go Away, to go to Parma, Oh~o, over the Labor Day Weekend to play 0-407 Badge Sash (Same as Jr ) Kanaka Pete, She's Gone AgaIn, Going ~n tne World Slow-P~tch Tournament The draw~ng w~ll be 14-153 Glrl Scout USA emblem Home, No Other Song at the~r Benef~t Luau at the M-Z Club on July 20 The follOWIng ltems may now be worn GERSHWIN BY STARLIGHT - Hollywood Bowl for Scout meet1ngs, but are opt10nal Symphony Orchestra conducted by Alfred 8-157 Green Bermudas -perma press Newman 8-209 Camp blouse, whIte perma 9 08 pm - 42 00 press OR Cuban Overture, Second Rhapsode, 4-104 Unlform blouse Porgy and Bess Medley, "I Got Rhythm" Kentron Hawa11, Ltd. lS now prepar1ng a 8-626 Green cord camp tIe (Cad­ Varlatlons Leonard Pennarlo, plano supplement to the Apr1l 1969 D1rectory. ette) MAGIC STRINGS - Frank Chacksfield & Your cooperat1on lS Sollclted In call1ng 8-189 Leather Belt (optlonal) H1S Orchestra 81125 and report all changes/errors/addltlons The CADETTE HANDBOOK (20-103) and a Y 50 pm - 43 00 1n the personnel sectlon of the present dl­ nylon dunkbag (15-301) should also be Estrellita, Serenade for Str1ngs, Chant purchased rectory sans Paroles, By the Waters of the Minnetonka, Andalucia, N1mrod "Enigma The number to call for an Varlatlons", Intermezzo "Escape to appo~ntment w~th the ophtha­ HapP1ness", Annen Polka, Pathetlque, Have you pa~a your ma&~ box rental yet? molog~st or opt~c&an &S Demande et Eponse, Splendor of Strlngs, 82363 Faust Waltz W d d J e 25 1969 H "URGr·A~:-' Page 3 e nes


HORIZONTAL 41 To conf,nn 3 South 16 Decorate CONTRACT BRIDGE 1 Surpass 45 Jetty Amencan 20 Crone 4 Bolger 48 Early frogs country 23 QuantIty By B. Jay Becker and beam 50 A Semite 4 Laughmg of paper (Top R.cord Hold.r In Ma.'.r.' IndIVidual Champlon.h,p Play) 8 Luxuriate 51 To the 5 An herb 24 AJC'ume) 12 Crude metal sheltered 6 Affirmative In CircuIt 13 Arrow Side answer 25 Lairs South dealer the spade and club fme"e, both pOison 52 SeIne 7 Soaksm 26 Mechamc s Neither Side vulnerable fall when attempted 14 Early canal 53 Senate liqUid bailiWick NORTH True the result " unlucky 15 Eden emplo)ee 8 Kmdof 27 Cavity but It IS also traceable to a .QJ6 17 PolyneSian 54 A drove headgear 28 Calendar • QI0 74 wrong chOice of plays Declarer chestnut 55 AmerIcan 9 Constel of offices shOUld not rely on the prob +A82 18 Escapes humonst latlOn 29 American ablhty of one of the fmes,e, 19 An article 10 Hold author '" A 10 5 WEST EAST succeeding when he has a far 21 Undivided VERTICAl seSSIon 32 Akmd more promlsmg method of play 22 Strong 1 Contend 11 New of cat • K9 4 3 .8752 available .A53 averSiOn 2 An mland Zealand 33 Bass smger .6 South should take the vie" 26 Baseball sea parrot 35 Cunnmg + J 10 9 4 +Q65 that there are more urgent mat ",,83 stop 36 Panted ""K9742 ters to attend to than tacklmg Ans\\ er to ) esterday ~ puzzle 38 Certam 29 Girl of song SOUTH the trumps smce thiS ran be 30 Pnvate West .AI0 done Just a~ ",ell later on A for one RACAI AIT DAP Pomtel .KJ982 31 Blow It ORAN ANNE.ELA 39 Non premature trump lead give, the +K73 defense the timing to e,tabhsh 32 Lettuce TANGERlNE.MUG sWimmer TRY THE OTHER END-Harry York 11 months old gets a ",QJ6 33 impossible SM E L TS TH EME 42 Forearm little confused trymg to fmlsh hiS mllk while ,orne fnend, a diamond tnck The blddmg In,tead South should '\In the target • E ••ET R •• bone (from left) a lion cub baby Impala and baby add'lx watch Marshgra« diamond lead \\ Ith the kmg and at tImes ••PO PS LY ICE 43 him Harry IS the son of LIOn Country Safan s zoological ~outh West North [;ast 34 Kentucky AS E. UR TOR H Italian Pass Pass play the A 10 of ,pades He de manager In West Palm Beach Fla 1. 3. hberately abandon, the 'pade Home DA RT DE SOR pnncely 4. i~ fmesse m order to flf~t esta b 35 Haggard GO i~RS E. WE house novel 45 Chart Openmg lead - Jack of dla lish a spade trick m dummv on ••ST OW E • OR •ALE •• monds 36 Fun s '" 46 Money of I~ which to discard a dlarrond' PAL.DETOiAJ~g. companIOn . account Timing IS a very Important If South play~ m thiS fashIOn AMA.ALO TING / factor In the play of many 37 Populate 47 Fall behmd I he wmds up lo,mg a spade a 39 Had been RES. NIP S E ~J:~ 49 Found Wlth hands When declarer has a heart and a club 1.nd make, the 40 LIXIYIUm A,erage time of 601u1l0D 2-l miDute5 cakes? number of different chores to contract West can wm \\lth the perform the order In which he spade kmg and return a dla does them IS frequently crucial mond but dummy takes the ,ce EX'lmme thiS deal where and cashes the queen of sparie, ~est leads a diamond How for the Vital diamond dl'inrd should South proceed? He can By attackmg spade'i flr'it stal t by leadmg a trump or by South \\ ms the crUCial I ace attemptmg a fmesse m either agamst time He est1.bllshe'i I clubs or spades spade before the defense can Suppose he starts by leadmg establish a diamond If declarer 1. trump as many players would attacks either trurrp'i or club'i do \Vest t 1. k e ~ the ace and at tnck t" a h~ lo,e'i J.n lin plays another diamond Even portant tempo 1nd I111l,t e\ en tually South goes down one los tually go down one 19d1n,t mg a trick m each SUit because proper ddense

CRYPrOQUIPS JYRJS KTMYLZ GIVVJS TGKVVJZ IL YRJZ TMIIV 7 STORIES IN 5 DAYS-A ne" set en stm) bUlldmg In Ham Y"stenia) 8 L'3Proqulp- HEP GOATHERD SPORTS DAP PER GOATEE burg Gennany IS ready for occupancy Just five ddys after constructIOn started The edifice "a.> bUilt entlfely of pre fabncated sectIOns (Cablephoto)

NEW VA CHIEf-New ad mmlstrator of the Veterans WHERE S SNOOPY?- Astronaut Cmdr John Young takes a Admmlstration IS Donald E look at slightly scorched Charlie Brown the Apollo 10 space Johnson shown at Newport capsule that fle" around the Moon while the cartoon char Beach Calif where Pres I acter (l'lght) asks A\\nght' watd you guys do Wlth dent Nixon announced hiS Snoopy Snoopy was the name given the lunar module appomtment Johnson 44 a AIR TRAffiC SICK SICK SICK-Jet passenger aircraft are backed up on a takeoff runway flov.n to v. Ithm 10 miles of the Moon s surface by Young at Newark (N J) Airport as air controllers stage a 2 day Sick strike across the former natIOnal corrmander and Eugene Cernan then turned loose m space The Apollo country The stnke left tens of thousands of passengers stranded and thousands of of the American LegIOn IS IS back at North American Space D,V,SIOn m Downey Cahf pounds of air freight standmg at air termmals from West Branch Iowa

NDW COMMUNICATIONS - The newest and smallest battery operated mlhtary tactical satel­ UP TO HERE - Durmg a hte communicatrons term mal 18 put through Its paces by Air new s conference at the Force SSgt. Jerry W Bramlett White HOl.\se Pre sid e n t SEEKING HIGHER PAY ThiS man pack terminal, when 100 000 fEDERAL Nixon declares people m big d,sa88embled can be transport­ WHITE COL1AR WOIKERS cllies and small towns across ed by hand or backpack by a STRIKE IN URUGUAY the natIOn are fed up to three man team It 18 also be­ Ing procured for Army and Ma- here \\ Ith Clime ,nd VIOlence rin. anlt .. Wednesday, June 25, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 7 Ratio's They'll Do It Every Tlme ® with ~gt Mike QUESTIONS SL06WEL.L WAS TI4E NEATEST CONFORMIST WOO EVER GRADUATED and FROM. EAST CUPCAKE HIGH ANSWERS A STRAIG~T:A!I 5TUPE~T PRESIDE~T Q How many semester OF T~E GLEE CLUB hours are requIred for full \oTED THE BE5T­ tIme traInIng In graduate DRESSED BOY IN school? HIS CLASS A An accredited graduate course wIll be conSidered full time when 14 semester hours or the eqUIvalent are taken unless It IS the estabhshed policy of the ~chool to conSIder less A .chool offiCial must so certify Q VVhere does the fund Ing for operabon of the MSTS command come rrom~ A It IS operated under what IS known as the Navy Industnal Fund The operatIOn dIffers from commercIal shlppmg m that It must make no profIt and \II/M GETTIN I SHORTER ALL TH TIME sus ta In no loss I f the earth were perfectly THERE GOES A SECOND.. THERE smooth and round the oceans GOES ANOTHER ONE .. HE~ LOOK would cover It to a depth of - ANOTHER ONE! I, 12000 feet


NO/YOU IN 'fHA"f CA6&:, W~'I..~ G&:C :r 'fHI~K ;:IV~ MAY NO-r' :r Re:~LJGE. 'fO A~LJ"f f'I-lA-r, .Jus-r E3SIOt-J I-1AD MA'I r 60 SWIMMIt-J' -rAK&: A BA-rH' 5MAR-r..,,-PAN-rG' ElY CHIL-D WI-rH "fHS O-rHSR f PGYCHOl..06Y , KIDS 2 I r ~f

"AWllght, awrlght It's the fIrst banana spht I've ever attempted'" ------! , "", LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE J

N3d 8 'MOaNIM L )loo~a V '3NldnJ~Od l 33d31 l-UMOa 3S00~ 6 'S~3I1d 8 ~NIMS 9 '31aOOd !i 10aO~ I: d\f~l l-550J~\f S~3MSN\f WISHING WELL At:1fA.- I I 4, 5 4, 2 5 6 8 3 2 5 7 2 6 A N L I Y T M W 0 0 A 0 u 7 5 6 2 3 4, 8 7 8 5 6 2 4, I B N R N R E D A L E P E 3 6 2 5 4, 3 7 8 5 6 2 4 7 c E A E F 0 E R G D T R R 6 2 8 7 5 4 2 3 6 2 4 5 . T H N H A E I M 0 S E T 0 I FINAL-L-Y FI~()RE'D oUr 2 6 8 3 7 2 4 5 3 6 2 7 5 H B R E I E WHY ~Hf3 i<"f3EP6 GoiNG­ C B T E R L D 8 5 4 6 3 5 2 7 f-iOMf" To Hf3R MOIHE'R 8 3 6 7 2 0 0 0 Z A L R 0 0 0 I R 0 3 8 7 2 8 5 8 6 4 5 3 7 2 w S 0 N E V N E D M G T S D ,• HERE IS a pleasant htUe game that Will glVe you a message Z every day It IS S numerIcal puzzle deSigned to spell out a your fortune Count the letters In your fIrst name If the num ber of letters IS 6 or more subtract 4 If the nwnber IS less than 6 add 3 The result IS } our key number Start at the ~ upper left hand corner of the rectangle and check everyone of VOUI key numbers left to Tight Then read the message the letters under the checked flgur •• gwe you 5-28 Page 8 H1URGLASS Wednesday, }u.':~ _2~, 1969 CLASSIFIED MOVIES TONIGHT ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SALE Nursery school for three and four-year­ olds starting August Applications may Sunbeam electric ffi1X master $5, 2 ladies be picked up at trailer 712 For fur­ 26" b~cycles - good runn~ng condlt~on $5 ther information call 83635 each Excellent work~ng b~cycle pump $2 Ivey Hall Call 82104 for above ~tems or see at Trade Winds Beg~nning today, June 25, and untIl tra~lor 540 "KALEIDOSCOPE" further notice, Wednesday night Bingo Warren Beatty, Suasnnah York "ALFIE" at the Crossroads Club wlll be dlS­ Frigidaire Custom Deluxe d~shwasher - Drama Color AT MIchael CaIne, Shelley WInters contInued front load - $150 Sears 20" portable 6 30 & 8 30 Drama Color-WS A window fan - 3 speed - $20 Samson~te 8 MONTHLY MEETING KwaJale~n Scuba Club card table and four cha~rs - make offer meetIng will be held tomorrow, June 26 Call 83672 In the Yokwe Yuk Club at 7 30 pm The electIon of off~cers wlll be held at New culotte wrap-around sk~rt from Best Richardson Ocean View thIS meetIng & Co , NYC , size 10, canary yellow "NIGHT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY" "STOP, LOOK & LAUGH" with orange belt Marlon Brando, RIchard Boone The Three Stooges, Paul WInchell The Kwajaleln Sa~l RaCIng Assoclatl0n Kenmore dryer - 4 or 5 years old Per­ Drama Color A Comedy B&W ATC WIll hold an lmportant meet~ng on Frl­ fect work~ng cond~t~on, $25 Ava~lable 7 30 7 30 & 12 30 day, June 27 at 7 30 pm ~n the Com­ July 14th Call Shv~dr~ks - 82439 "uNIVERSE" and "THE SHAPE OF munIty Center The purpose WIll be for THI"lGS TO COll£" WIll also be the presentation of troph~es, dISCUS­ Hell~crafters 100 commun~cat~ons re­ s-x shown Slons regard~ng the July 4 race and ceiver, covers broadcast to 34 mh, $100, the Summer Race SerIes, and the elec­ 19000 BTU carr~er a/c (2-years-old), $50 Meck Island tIon of off~cers All members and ~s­ --available July 2 One man's gearsh~ft Yokwe Yuk land reSIdents Interested ~n saIl boat and lady's b~ke, new t~res, $10 each "HUSH, HUSH, SWEET CHARLOTTE" "PLAINSMAN" raCIng, learning to race or crew~ng ar Two Renagade b~kes, $5 and $10 Large Betty Dav~s, Ollv~a de HaVIland Guy Stockwell, Don Murray lnv~ted to attend SIze h~bach~, $4 One speaker, twelve­ Horror Drama B&W AT Western Color ATC Inch, $10 Phone 82798 7 30 NOTICE The followlng 15 a llSt of 7 & 9 reg1strat1on numbers of bIcycles Wooden playpen w~th pad (excellent con­ beIng held at the Central Pollce Sta­ d~tI0n), $15 G E AM/FM clock rad~o, tlon If not pIcked up, they wlll $10 "A Gu~de to Shell Collect~ng ~n be sold at tne next POllCP bIke sale the KwaJ alein Atoll", $4 Large black 0127-R 0222-R 017l-R 0232-R clothes hamper (wIcker-back, vinyl front 0258-R 0272-R 0292-R 0031-R and top), $5 "Booster" cha~r, $3 0340-R 0043-R 04l9-R 0456-R H~gh cha~r, $8 ElectrIc can opener 0481-R 0551-R 0603-R 0740-R w~th knife sharpener, $5 Sp~ce rack, 0081-R 0091-R 0925-R 0180-B $2 Records, $1 each Call 82255 or 0040-B 0483-B 052l-B 0576-B come to traIler 641 0778-B 0405-MD OlOO-MD 1080-R 1019-R l093-R 1391-R 1395-R G E portable d~shwasher Mob~le Maid, 1454-R 1522-R 1500-R l679-R deluxe top l~ne model, clean, excellent 1741-R 1803-R 1922-R 1873-R work~ng condit~on, coppertone w~th wh~te 1232-B 1458-B 1593-B l729-B top, $85 or best offer Call 83605 1710-B 1886-B 1997-B 2094-R 2202-R 2405-R 2562-R 2657-R West~nghouse heavy duty automat~c washer 2869-R 2947-R 2993-R 2203-B in good condit~on, $50 Call 83733 2276-B 2850-B 2938-B 3138-B 3l68-B 3167-B 3195-B 3268-B National NC-33 amateur rece~ver Call 3364-B 3436-B 3446-B 3439-B 83378 3582-B 3419-B 3617-B 3641-B 3646-B 3765-B 3795-B 3817-B F~berglass boat, 16', two 18 HP Gu~nrude 3438-B 3685-B 4166-B 4l40-B outboards, 1 tra~ler, 4 gas tanks, 4 4033-B 4242-B 4798-B 4568-B hoses & other extras Boat can be seen 1~574-B 4262-B 4663-B 4675-B near the Coast Guard entrance -- Ebeye 14709-B Cost $1,250 Call John Metyrl, Trust IFl:fteen bIkes wIthout regIstratIon TerrItory numbers are also at the statIon

Carpet 12 x 15, dark brown, good con­ HOUSEHOLD HINTS dIt1on, $25, 2 patIO rockers (or1g --To remove t~ny b~ts of hair and Ilnt cost $22 each) and match1ng small table from cloth~ng, wrap a pIece of Scotch 1n good condItIon - all for $20, large tape around your hand with st~cky s~de Japanese screen - lIke new - make of­ out SERVICES fer, ChIld's record player and records ATTENTION NEW ARRIVALS all for $6, several other Items OFFICIAL BULLETIN College g~rl will babYSIt evenIngs and WIth the ~ncrease ~n pre-packag~ng ma­ (cloth1ng etc ) for sale on patIO of 25Jun69 CPT L Rader 84691 weekends durIng the day For Informa­ 2l5-B Saturday, 8 30 am terIals and crates receIved by new ar­ 26Jun69 CPT G Burke 83524 tIon call 82785 and ask for Brenda rIvals ~t IS requested that the follow­ 27Jun69 LT P Struve 82433 HELP WANTED Ing procedure be adhered to Four 26 x 1 75 new nylon bIcycle tIres, 28Jun69 MAJ D Walker 82867 DIsposal of large crates, cardboard stemware, flower arrangement, card Tutor for 4th and 5th grade boys, math 29Jun69 cw4 J Keel1ng 82896 boxes and pre-packagIng mater~als re­ table, records, lawn furnIture, materI­ partIcularly Call 84611 30Jun69 CPT J MetelskI 82790 ce~ved by new occupants through ShlP­ al Call 83627 or see at 493-B Duty hours of 11 30 - 12 30 Monday ment of household goods w~ll not be Complete aquarIum, 12 gal or over through Fr~day, pnone 81419 for Duty d~sposed of In the dempster dumpster DIshwasher, bIke rack for 6 bIkes Call Off1cer Stroller, $5, ava1lable June 30, canIst­ contaIners and/or at the trash sta­ 84611 Duty OffIcer 1S KwaJaleln M1ss1le er set, $1 50, clothes hamper, $5 Call tIons Please call the Trouble Desk Range CommandIng OffIcer's representa 82591 or see at Tr 535 at 83550 for dIsposal serVIces Your Sony 355 or 350 tape deck, SanSUl SP tlve dur1ng other than normal duty co-operatIon IS apprecIated In keep­ 200 speakers, WIll buy or trade for hours Three CarrIer a1r condItIoners, one Ing the refuse statIons clean Sony 260 recorder Call Troy at 81164 PUBLISHED BY GLOBAL ASSOCIATES AT THE 13,500 BTU, 2 years old, compressor DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER, replaced 6 months ago, $120, 13,500 BTU, durIng the day or 84105 after 4 30 pm KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL IS­ over two years old, Kwaj cond1+lon, YAP (June 20)--The newly formed Yap Beglnner~ gUItar Call Ted at 81427, ~NDS CONTACT DAAG-43-67-C-0001 $25, 6,700 BTU, 120 volt power, 14 D~strlct LegIslature IS meetIng for the The HourGlass 1S publIshed dally months old, $90 All three for $200, days and 84547, nIghts fIrst tIme In ColonIa thlS month Among Monday through Saturday avaIlable July 16 See at 449-A Call the mounta~n of work fac~ng the Leg~s­ Don't throwaway those old books' As Mater1al for publlcatlon on the 83585 lature are bIlls re-enactlng most of a communIty serVIce proJect, Boy Scout the laws approved by the preVIOUS Yap AROUND TOWN page must be submltted ln LOst Troop 314 IS collectIng books of all wrltlng to the HourGlass 72 hours Islands Leg~slature, whIch represented kInds Paper back or hard cover, pro­ only Yap proper pr10r to deSIred publlcatlon date Black cat WIth collar and rabies shot, feSSIonal and technIcal publIcatIons During ItS fIrst week approprIatIons Maten al for the AD and SPORTS pages num~er unknown Cat belonging to Jean The books are to become part of the must be In the HourGlass OffIce ln b~lls totaling more than $200,000 were KImball Please call 82128 durIng work­ Marshallese LIbrary on Ebeye Please Introduced, IncludIng a number from the wrItIng 24 hours prIor to deSIred ing hours call Brent McKay at 82262 or MIke Koll­ outer Islands, whlch hope payments made publlcatlon dates Telephone notIces and ads WIll not schak at 84695 and the books WIll be to schools and magIstrates on Yap w~ll New beach towel taken from Emon Beach collected They may also be dropped be extended to them be accepted All copy and photograph paVIllion Sunday June 15, has t~ger, off at Tr 638 & 995 between the hours The largest cap~tal Improvement so far become the property of the HourGlass apple and butterfly imprInts and says of 10 am and 6 pm Thank you for your proposed lS a $15,000 approprIatIon for RepublIcatIon of materIal contalned "HI, TIger," to be returned to 422-C or nereln IS not authorIzed WIthout cont1nued support and cooperatIon construct~on of a causeway to connect call 83696 Map Island WIth the rest of Yap Map prIor approval of the CommandIng Offlcer, Kwajaleln Mlsslle Range SylvanIa needs two secretarIes at ROI is one of two major ~s]ands in Yap pro­ Brown glasses last Saturday somewhere If you have not receIved your Hour­ Namur Shorthand IS reqUIred for one per not accesslble by road SInce Japan­ around Emon BeaCh, Reefer and Small Glass by 6 15 pm please call 83539 POSItIon WIll conSIder recent hIgh ese days In hIS address to the legls­ Boat MarIna Please call 84664 or re­ lature last week DIstrIct AdIDlnlstrator between 6 15 pm and 6 45 pm and turn to Tr 964 school graduate 1f typIng 1S good TheSE a copy wIl] be delIvered to you are fIve day POSItIons and overtIme IS George Hoover praIsed the efforts that led to ItS establ~shment, and outllned EDITOR Larry CorSI An 1mportant member of our fam1ly 1S pa1d for flY1ng t1me Interested" Cal STAFF Marcla Chrlv13 Bl 1 Derby 99315 progress In the dlstr~ct over the past mISSIng "Charley" 1S an all black year HQOver urged adoptIon of Yap's GInger Storme Imale cat WIth green eyes and should be Lucy Bloedel ThInk you have sales abIlIty" The recently-completed Master Plan by the wearIng a plastIC flea collar and Kwa- Rudy BaldWIn Yokwe Yuk lounge needs waItresses -­ legIslature as a gUlde for future de­ Jaleln Tag #105833 If you see hIm, Lu Clark try thIS challenge Apply Global As­ velopment of the Islands please call 83337 days or 82732 nIghts FEATURE SOCIates personnel Off1ce - Second Also faCIng the legIslature IS a 35- We mISS hIm'" page report by the Yap TourIst Comm~sslo WRITER Bob Phlillps Floor TerIDlnal BU1ld1ng CIRCULATION There w~ll be a Salt Water Outage that recommends contInued oppos~t~on to MANAGER Saturday, June 2~ between the hours outSIde-owned hotel constructIon and the Phll Pokoy of 0800 and 1300 The follOWIng AlcoholICS Anonymous Group h~r~ng of a full-rIme tour~st d~rector facilitIes WIll be affected The POBox 874 to help gUIde and control the develop­ Zar TransceIver Bu~ldlng, Zar Re­ APO San FranC1SCO ment of tourIsm ce~ver Bu~ld~ng and the Zar Power Call forma 965'55 Plant Other faCIlItIes In the Iii general area may be affected GLOBAL ASSOCIATES j