I Senator Says Administration May Ease School Desegregation Deadline

I Senator Says Administration May Ease School Desegregation Deadline

HIGH T!Dfo. 6-26-69 LOW TIIJr 5 1 at 0154 6-26-f,9 4 2 at 1424 1 4 at 0800 t-tOURGlASS 1 3 at 2012 ! !! ._------------- __9_,_NO __ 8_4_3_2 _______________ __ __ KWAJALEPJ, ~~'I.R,)HALL ISLANDS Wednesday, June ~1969 I l V~ ~ ~ -=-p~.~ ----- I Firebombings Lead L i Senator Says Administration May To Arrest of 30 Negroes VENICE, ILLINOIS (UPI) Warrants charg­ Ease School Desegregation Deadline lng dlsorderlv conduct and lncltlng to rl0t were lssued today agalnst more 'IAS,I'IGTO", D C (UPI) -- Senator Jacob K Javlts sald today that the Nlxon than 30 Negroes arrested dur~ng dlS­ Admllllstratlon plans to relax the September desegregdtl0n deadline faclng 800 turbances in whlch several bUlldlngs school dlstrlcts two pollce cars and a flre truck were Elght Negro members of the House sald such an act would be "a betrayal" of hrebombed black people Those arrested were held at the Ma­ Senator Fdmund S Muskle, (Dem -Malne), telegraphed Presldent ~l1xon urgin& dlson County Jall at Edwardsvllle,Ill "that these gUldllnes not be weakened ln '~----~~~\ and in the Clty Jalls at Madlson and Alton, Ililnols an~e:~~~r the Just1ce Department nor the TODAY'S NEWS The dlsturbances erupted last nlght Department of Health, Educatlon and Wel- and contlnued untll early today Po- fare would conflrm perslstent reports 11ce made numerous arrests and trans­ that on Thursday or Frlday the 800 dlS­ JAMES MC DIVITT -- ret&res ported the Negroes to Jal1 In a bus tricts would be glven more tlme to come Several of those arrEsted, lncludlng up wlth desegregatl0n plans , CONGRESS -- wants to be con­ two Juvenlle's, were later released,but But a HEW spokeman sald posslble sulted when troops would be used most of them were charged changes In Lhe government's aesegrega­ The first flrebomb was thrown at the tl0n guidellnes were under dlSCUSS10n VENICE, ILLINOIS --has ~ts pol~ce old Venlce Food Mart and caused a He wouln ,lOt el aborate Under present busy w~th ~oters small flre plans, the school dlstrlcts would lose The second bomb was thrown at the all federal aid unless they adopted de­ SENATOR JAVITS -- raps N~xon's flre truck whlch answered the call segregatlon plans acceptable to HEW by rumored soften~ng on desegregat~on Flrebomblngs of houses and pollce September cars followed Pollce cars were also WOUNDED AWAIT AIRLIFT- South Vietnamese ,o,dm, con A loss of federal ald, Javlts went on JOINT INQUIRY BOARD -- heaT'S more ~olf' v.ounded comrades whIle v.dltIng for arrn 0..1 of helicop stoned to say, "hardly seems d severe penalty test~mony from Evans' crewmen The IS-man Venlce Police Department ter'l to aIrlift them to a brt<,p hOspItal The troop~ battled 15 years after the Supreme Court's dese­ VIet Cong forces In KlCn Hoa Provmre \\.heJe US .;Hh HENRY CABOT LODGE -- returns to was helped ln maklng the arrests by Dlvl~lon \S pulllOg out (Rodwpl/()fo) gregatl0n decisl0n and flve years after offlcers from the Granlte City, Ill, the C1Vl1 Rlghts Act of 1964 prov1ded Paris and 23rd sess&on tomorrow Pollce Department, the Madison County for the cutoff of federal ald to segre- Sherlff's Office and the Illinols !sated schools State Pollce Slxty-five offlcers were Shortage of Life Jackets "Frankly," sald Javlts, "unless school at the scene at one tlme offlclals can demonstrate that fallure Lodge Returns to Tallrs The disturbance followed the vOlcing to comply wll1 result In the loss of fe­ of demands on the Clty by Negroes Says USS EYans Sailor deral funds, the chances are that mode- With New Instructions About 15 Negro youths visited ~ayor rate local school ofl officlals may be John F Lee last week and demanded he forced to capltulate to the hard core glve them jobs SUBIC B~Y, ~h~ PHILLIPPINES (UPI)- A sal­ segregat10n element ln the communlty PARIS (UPI) -- Chlef Amerlcan nego­ Monday about 18 Negro youths dlS- lor whG escaped from the slnllng sectl0n "A pullback of effort here In Wash- tlator Henry Cabot Lodge returned from rupted work on a city gtreet re-sur- of the U S destrOyer Frank F [vans af­ lngton wll1 ~ave an electrlc and a de­ Washlngton today to the Vlet Nam Peace facing project The street crew ter its colllglon wlth an Australlan car- leterl0us effect throughout our country" Talks wlth new lnstructl0ns ln the called the police, who were presented r.ler testlf.led toda'} that there was a A statement slgned by the seven Negro face of stiffened Communlst attltudes wlth more demands shortqge of I1fe Jackets on the ShlP members of the House sald "Reports that at the negotlatlons and mllltary pres­ The youths said they wanted an end But the sallor, Damage Controlman Casey school desegregatl0n guidellnes are to sure on the battlefleld to police patrols ~n Negro nelghbor­ Patrlck K llJ.}f', 21" of New Orleans ,qulck- be weakened, dlstress us greatly" Lodge spent 45 mlnutes wlth Pres- hoods, mattresses In city jal1 cells 1) admitted under questlonlng hy a Naval ldent N1XOn and Presldentlal Advlsor and the police department's help in f,oard of Inqulrj th~t he had no fartual Senate Demands Consultation Henry Kissmger before flYlng to Pans getting Jobs knowledge to support hlS testlmony where he 1S expected to lead the U S Another sallor, Seaman Major n Bo~l- Before Mal·or Money Spending delegat10n at the stalled Peace Con- McDivitt Retires From tcher, 22, of Jackso lVll1e, Fla , told the ference ln tomorrow's 23rd seSSlon Board he knew of no one aboard the Evans WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Senate put It- The hardenlng was expressed both In without a llfe Jacket self on record today as demanding lt be Communlst declaratlons ln ParlS re­ Astronaut Corps The ]o.lnt U S -Austral1an Naval Board 1S consulted In advance before major mill- Ject1ng mutual troop wlthdrawals from SPACE CENTfR (UPI) -- Apollo 9 Com­ lnvestlgatlng the June 3 colllSlon In tary or monetary commltments are under- South Vlet Nam and negotlatlons wlth mander James A HcDlvltt quit the WhlCh the carrier Melbourne cut the Evans taken abroad the Salgon government It also was Astronaut" Corps today and took a in two, causlng the death of 74 Fvans sal­ Senators adopted a resolutl0n by a eVldent ln the Communlsts' contlnued desk job planning Moon landing m1s- lars who went down wlth the "IE'stroyer'~ vote of 70 to 16 asklng that a natlonal mllltary pressure on areas manned by sions for the Space Agency forward sectl0n 1n the Sou! h C!\Jra Sed commltment overseas be undertaken on Iv U S troops who wll1 be among the ~cDivitt, whose Apollo 9 voyage Earller, a fellow offlcer pralsed the after jOlnt afflrmatlve actlJn by Con­ flrst 25,OOO-man contlngent pulllng last March proved the U S lunar navlgatl0nal accuracy of Lt J g Ronald ~ress and the Pres1dent out next month landing craft ready for ~oon fllght, Ramsey, who was on the bridge and ln Presldent N.lxon objected to the reso­ Quallfled analysts In Parls sald the became the third Moonship Commander charge of steerlng the Evans at the moment lutl0n at a news conference last week on Communlst alm was to make the transfer to retire after a single Apollo mis­ of lmpact wlth the Melbourne the grounds lt could restrlct hlS free­ of the defense bUlden to South Vlet­ sion Ramsey, 24, of Long Beach, rallf, has dom ln deallng wlth forelgn crlses when namese forces as dlfflcult as posslble Before the Apollo flight, McDivitt ref~sed to testlfy on constltutl0nal tlme was short for both Washlngton and Salgon, but who is a 40-year-old Air Force Colo­ grvunds The resolutlon expresses the "sense of also to embarrass the Salgon Forces In nel had been in space once before as Lt J pRobert M Hl1t?, 25, of Santa the Senate" and lS In no way legally the eyes of the local population Th1S the Commander of Gemini 4 in 1965 Edrbara, Cdllf , told the Board he had re- blndlng on the Presldent It grew out they sald would make the Unlted States "This new job removes him from con­ 11~ved Ramsey on the br~dge several tlmes of concern by some Senators over the way wonder lf South Vletnamese troops were sideration for future spaceflight as­ previously an~ was to have done so the U S lnvolvement ln the Vlet Nam War up tb the task, and hamper Nlxon's signments," a Space Agency spokesman nlght of the coll1S10n He sald Ramsey grddually wldened wlthout a formal de­ plan to brlng Amerlcan troops home sald had always presented a concise and acc~­ claratlon of war by Congress Astronauts on later Moon flights rate report of the sltuatlon on the brlJge Senate Republ1can Leader Everett Dlrk­ will spend more time than the Apollo when turnlng it over to hlS replacement sen trled wlthout success to restrlct lt Nixon Confident Tax 11 crew on scientific experlments and PreV10US testlmony has lndlcated that to cover only "hot war" sltuatl0ns A such These later misslons are the the Junl0r Offlcer of the Brldge, Lt J g softenlng dmendment to thlS effect co­ Extension Will Pass ones which McD1Vitt wlll advise In James A Hopson, 28, of Kansas Clt" Kan­ spon~ored by Senators Karl Mundt (Dem -S WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Whlte House his newly-created offlce He wll1 sas made a 55-degree error 1n plottlng D ), and Thomas Dodd (Dem -Conn); lost sald Presldent Nlxon lS "very confl­ superVlse landing slte selectlon, the carrler's actual course prlor t~ ~ol- on a vote of 36 to 50 dent" the surtax extenslon wl1l pass misslon planning requirements, and 11slon But Ramsey's performance ot duty The resolutl0n, co-sponsored by the Presldentlal Press Secrebary Ronald spacecraft modlfications was descrlbed as "excellent, exce llenl ' Ser,ate Forelgn Relat.1ons Commlttee and Ziegler sald the Presldent's POS1tl0n McDivitt's departure

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