Greek ID's for Phd History Exam

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Greek ID's for Phd History Exam 1 Identifications for the PhD History Exam for Philology Students Greek history Aeschines Agoge Aigospotomai Alcmaeonid archon Areopagus Arginousai Aristeides Athenian citizenship law Battle of Mantinea Brasidas Brauron Chaeronea Cimon Cleisthenes Cleon Conon Corcyra Council of 500 Critias Croesus Darius deme Dionysius I of Syracuse Draco Epaminondas Ephebic Oath ephors Epidamnus Eubulus euthynai Four Hundred Gelon Great Rhetra gynaikonitis Hellanotamiai Hippias hoplites League of Corinth liturgy Lysander Marathon 2 metics Miltiades Neaera Nicias nothoi/gnesioi ostracism pancratium Peace of Callias Peace of Philocrates Peace of Antalcidas Peisistratus Periander phratry Phylarchus Plataea Pnyx Polycrates of Samos Potidaea proxenos prytaneis Salamis seisachtheia sycophant synedroi Syssition Themistocles Theoric Fund Theramenes Thermopylae Timaeus trireme Xerxes Hellenistic History Achaean League Agis IV Antigonus I Monopthalmus Antigonus II Gonatus Antiochus Epiphanes Antipater Apocrypha Archimedes Aristarchus Arrian Arsinoe II 3 Attalids Berenice II Callimachus Cassander Chaeronea Cleomenes III Cleopatra VII Darius III Demetrius of Phalerum Demetrius Poliorcetes Demotic Eratosthenes Euclid Gaugamela Gordion Granicus Herophilus Isis Issus Josephus Judas Maccabaeus Lyceum Lysimachus Mark Antony Memphis Museum Nabis Nectanebo NeoPythagorean Olympias Persepolis Pharos Plutarch’s views on Alexander’s divinity Ptolemy I Ptolemy II Raphia Rosetta Stone Rostovtzeff Roxane Seleucus Nicator Serapis Vergina Roman history Actium 4 aedile Agrippa Postumus Agrippina the Elder Alesia Antoninus Pius Antinoos Apulia Aquae Sulis Ara Pacis Arch of Titus Arminius augur Augustales Battle of Munda Battle of Pydna Battle of Zama Boudicca Burrus Aelia Capitolina annona Campania Capua Cato the Elder censor Circus Maximus Claudius Quadrigarius cliens/patronus Clodius Comitia Centuriata Coriolanus Cornelius Fronto Crassus cursus honorum Dacia damnatio memoriae devotio Domus Aurea evocatio Fabius Pictor flamen/flaminica Fulvia Galba Germanicus the Gracchi Hadrian’s Wall Hamilcar Barca 5 Herodes Atticus infamia ius trium liberorum Jugurtha latifundia legion Lex Hortensia Lex Julia de Adulteriis Lex Manilia Lepidus libertus/liberta Licinian-Sextian law Livia manumission manus Misenum Mithraism opus reticulatum Ostia Palatine Pappian-Poppaean code patria potestas peculium proconsul Sextus Pompey Poppaea praetorian prefect quaestor Regulus repetundae courts Saturninus Scipio Aemilianus Sejanus Sempronia senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus Spartacus Third Punic War Thrasea Paetus Tigellinus Titus Tatius Trajan tribunician potestas “Turia” Twelve Tables Valerius Antias Quintilius Varus 6 Vercingetorix Lucius Verus Vestal Virgins Zenobia .
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