tangled up in the conflict between the CURRENT EVENTS: Mongols and Khitan. The Koreans decided to BYZANTINE- side with the Mongols, and when the Khitan’s In the Byzantine leader was committed suicide, the people left Empire the from the Khitan group were no more and construction of blended with the Koreans. With this defeat, the Church Hagia the Mongols left and planted some of their Sophia has begun people in Korea to learn the language, so they construction. The could return and officially invade Korea. The construction of the church all started from Mongols are expected to succeed in their the Nika Riot, where many peasants were invasion. unhappy with the unjust taxes that Emperor Justinian was carrying out. Thankfully Justinian had stopped these riots by moving his loyal troops to the city and using force of course, but unfortunately during the process of the riots, a church that was called by the people “Hagia Sophia” was torched and burned down to flames. Due to this incident Emperor Justinian has decided that a new Hagia Sophia would be born. The two architects that are in charge of the construction of the Hagia Sophia are, Anthemius and Isidore the Elder. With the construction of the church Hagia Sophia, the fame of Christianity and Justinian is predicted SONG to increase. DYNASTY- The Song Dynasty MONGOLS- had done it again. The Mongols have They have changed started in another the way of life with invasion! This time their new innovation. What is this little their target will be innovation that I speak of? It is… CHAMPA the Korean RICE! What is this “champa rice” you ask? territory. Their Champa rice is a new early ripening rice crop target on the Koreans, however, wasn’t part that China was introduce to by Champa, near of their initial plan. This plan to invade the the Mekong River Delta. This drought Koreans, first start with the Mongols initial resistant crop is able everywhere at any time, goal to defeat the Khitan. When the Mongols this enable the agricultural industry to had forced the Khitan to go across the Yalu harvest rice twice a year! More rice means River where the Korean’s territory was that more mouth’s will be fed, more mouth’s planted. This caused the Koreans to get fed means more full stomachs, more full stomachs mean more happiness and peace

1 WHAP-6th 5th-12th Century Vol. 1 The Post-Classical Chronicles throughout the dynasty. This innovation is as fortunate to practice Christianity without exactly why the Song Dynasty has earned the the massive effect of Charles the Great, more nickname of being the “golden age” when commonly known as Charlemagne. compared with the previous dynasties in In the previous year, a family called the China. Carolingians took over the Frankish ISLAMIC monarchy (a Germanic tribe under the rule of King Clovis) through various military - conquests. Europe remains united through The Islamic their various conquests; also maintaining has just political stability for nearly a century and a finish their first ever half. After the Battle of Tours in 732 fought civil war by the mighty Charles “the Hammer” Martel That people are against attempting to spread calling the first Fitna. This civil war first in Spain, Christianity was then preserved began in the 656 and took about 5 years to throughout our lands. get over with. It all began with the Many years later, leading to our civilization assassination the third Caliph, Uthman Ibn today, Christianity is widespread, as our Afan. He was assassinated due to his lenient empire’s common religion due to the works policies that were carried out in the economy of our great emperor Charlemagne. Weeks and the large degree of freedom given to this ago, his grace was named Europe’s first people. His actions angered the people and empire of Europe, crowned by the Pope erupted the Islamic rivalries which caused himself. Charlemagne the great has already the already establish conflict between the successfully established a stable empire, two groups, Sunni and Shia, to have an even some claiming it as the revival of the bigger split. It also led to the establishment of previous, ancient Roman Empire. The the Ummayyad Empire which is expected to emperor has set up districts amongst the be the biggest Islamic empire to exist. land to unify the states under his control as he continues to restore church-based education amongst Europe. Since then, MIDDLE intellectual activity as well as literacy has EASTERN increased throughout the empire. However, EUROPE- there is much confusion amid the villages of The sun arises on a the common people, leading up to the main Sunday morning as question peasants everywhere wonder. the common peasant Which holds the higher authority- the state strolls out of his or the church? home in the village, joining his neighbors as the townspeople gather into weekly mass. Thankful to the Lord for all their blessings, they continue to live in praise and unity for their one true God. However, the people of Europe would not be

2 WHAP-6th 5th-12th Century Vol. 1 The Post-Classical Chronicles

The countryside in Japan became a lethal site due to soldiers recklessly attacked on the common people. Thus, their only way to turn for protection was to trade parts of the land they owned to lords who exchanged safety in return. As this practice facilitated, power in the hands of these lords increased. Though the emperor initially holds the highest rank, after titling the shogun, his power is technically lacking each day. The shogun, infamous across Japanese lands has a line of important nobility EDITORIAL under his control along with the SECTION: military he FEUDALISM: WHO’S REALLY authorizes. To gain CALLING THE SHOTS?- such power, the shoguns designate a daimyo It’s no secret that for centuries, civilizations (governor) to the provinces in the land who before us have flourished with their fifteen also get a fair share of power under the minutes of fame only to decline and fall due shoguns. Equal to the daimyo lies the to instability in their society. However, as samurai- those huge men in armor guarding new empires have risen in the past century, a some important lord walking through your new order of politics has been in place- village. Samurais are warriors sworn to feudalism. courage and to protect the weak. Under the It’s no longer about gold and jewels, no; samurais are people like you and me- societies value power more than anything peasants. Though we are a great percentage and that is exactly what feudalism ensures. of the population we are under the control of And what is power exactly? Land. Land is the those above us, having no real power due to one main source of power which is the root of no real land. the beginning of feudalism. Along with Coincidentally, around the same time as establishing political values, resources, and a Japan, the civilization in Europe is currently stable bureaucracy, feudalism is a system exercising the same practice. Charles the designed for those at the top of the social Simple, one of the previous kings of France, pyramid to gain power through a line of exchanged an enormous part of his land to a loyalties due to the vastness of the land clan of Vikings in return for a pledge of reigned. Therefore, the rulers of civilizations loyalty. Such a negotiation led to the rise of a in this century, such as in Japan and Europe, new social and political organization. hold very limited power due to their reliance European feudalism focused on more on loyalty of their nobles and the goodwill contractual idea- negotiations for example. and respect of the common people Land and loyalty were traded left and right

3 WHAP-6th 5th-12th Century Vol. 1 The Post-Classical Chronicles receiving their own independent terms of they’re unqualified? Just because they fiefs and vassals. Although the king was the inherited ’s looks doesn’t mean head of the kingdom his need for pledges and they inherited his ability to spread the great resources forced Allah’s words. We must think this through him to rely on and do what is best for our Muslim landlords better community, in order to do that, we should let known as the Muslim community decide. nobles. Also, due to religion -Hello! I am a proud Shi’a Muslim, and we dominance in Shi’a Muslim think that the Successor of the region, Muhammad should share his own blood! We church bishops were also of high rank. Below should continue our last prophet’s legacy by them, were the knights, living by the belief of letting his own kin to carry out his legacy. chivalry. A knight pledges his devotion to Even Muhammad himself ordained his cousin lords of higher ranking to receive their share to be the next Caliph. So we as follower of of fiefs. One must display bravery and Muhammad should carry out Muhammad’s courage or suffer humiliation and be stripped actions. So of course fulfill our last prophet of power. Under their social class are, of wishes and have those closest to him, his course, us- the peasants. European feudalism family, be chosen as the Successor. is usually summed up by those who fight, those who pray, and those who work. ASK HANNAH: SUNNI-SHI’A SPLIT- Sunni and PEASANT Shi’a, two REVOLTS- group united Dear Hannah, by one I am a peasant in the religion: Tang Dynasty and right Islam. One now there is a horrible religion, but disaster in our Dynasty. The two different An Shi Rebellion has begun groups so of course there will be differences and I am afraid of all the violent between the two. To determine these that is going on. Millions of people are being differences we went out and interview two killed and all I would like is to keep peace in Muslims, one from each group to determine our society. Is there any way that I can make what differentiates the two. this happen?

-Hi! I am a Sunni Muslim, and we Sunni -Hello Tang Dynasty Citizen, what I Muslim believe that the successor of would suggest doing is try to reason with An Muhammad that will become the new Caliph Lusha and tell him about the many should be elected by the Muslim community. complications and devastations that he will One should not be selected just because they encounter. Although he may have a strong are a descendent of Muhammad. What if

4 WHAP-6th 5th-12th Century Vol. 1 The Post-Classical Chronicles and large army, it will still be difficult for him caught this disease by the exposure of it to satisfy all of his greed. through open wounds. By the time he had realize that he was hit with the Bubonic RISE & SPREAD OF RELIGION- Plague, it was much too late. And with this we Dear Hannah, ask that everyone learn from Cristian’s death I am planning on moving out of the Islamic and be aware of your surrounding and be Caliphates to search for better opportunities sure to NOT take part in such a dangerous or what not, but I’m am afraid of carrying out trend that risk people’s life one by one, every this decision due to the fact that my religion, day. Islam, may not be excepted in other empires. What am I to do with this situation? WEATHER REPORT: -First off, I would first like to ask you to not be afraid due to the fact that this In today’s environmental report, drastic conflict of yours is much easier than you changes have been made to the canal all over think to fix! If you are thinking of moving the Tang Dynasty territory due to the new right away, then I would suggest moving to pound lock invention used for canal systems. the Mongols Empire where they are very This pound lock system created by 2Qiao accepting of many religions, if you are in no Weiyo allows the canal rush then no worries because Islam is to be parted into spreading faster than you think, and will soon different be accepted by many empires. I wish you section so good moving! the water levels can change. This makes their canal effective by letting OBITUARY: large barges go through easily Cristian Welsh, born and safely. These pound locks doesn’t harm in the 5th century the environment in any way, shape, or form and raised in his so there’s no need to worry. But the only home town complaint that has been said about these Constantinople in pound locks are from the fishes which say the Byzantine they are confused. Empire, took part in the latest and deathly trend: the Black Death. This trend scientifically known as the SPORT SECTION: Bubonic Plague. The great Sir Cristian had The latest and the most innovative weapon to caught the disease during his daily errands as date was revealed this week. It’s a merchant. He was trading spices along the called the “flying cloud thunder Silk Road, but little did he know, he would clap”, this amazing not only by trading spices but also the contraption shoots out Bubonic Plague. Symptoms that he cast-iron-gunpowder experienced, but mistaken for the flu were: bombs. These bombs fever, headache, chills, and weakness. He

5 WHAP-6th 5th-12th Century Vol. 1 The Post-Classical Chronicles explode on contact if they are hit hard used for. His wealth is about 110 time more enough. This amazing contraption could not than what the average person makes. With have happened without their discovery of this amount of money he is defined as the gunpowder. Gunpowder has enable the Tang richest man ever to live by a landslide. How Dynasty’s weaponry to advance rapidly and was he able to achieve this luxurious has kept them ahead of the game when going lifestyle? When, asked Mansa Musa replies against their enemies. with these wise words, “Hard work along with knowledge comes a long way.” With his many riches, he goes on with his life and COMIC: leads the Islamic Caliphates forward and spread the religion, Islam, which is expected to last forever just like Mansa Musa’s wealth.

FASHION: LOTUS FEET Do you have that passion for fashion? Then try the latest, women most in populChinaar are trendcommitted that manyto doing. So womencommitted in Chithatna they are do committedit for their whole entire life. This trend is called:to doing. foot So binding. Forget silk robes and powderedcommitted faces, our dynasty has taken on a thatnew they era of beauty and that, my friends, is foot binding. LOCAL NEWS: It's not about what you look like; it’s about what you can fit into! A million dollars. A After an emperor’s concubine, Daji, was seen dream to some, but not with dainty three-inched feet, the emperor to this royalty. Mansa publically declared this rare abnormality to Musa, king of the Islamic be a sign of beauty. Since then, foot-binding Caliphate has showed has been a symbol of great wealth and high this world what being status amongst the Song dynasty, popular in rich really is with the upper-classes. High-status women balance of 410 billion everywhere are binding their feet whether it dollars. A dream, be to slim up the sides or bind it entirely. The definitely, a dream. One can only wonder tinier the better! The process, however, is the what that much amount of money could be

6 WHAP-6th 5th-12th Century Vol. 1 The Post-Classical Chronicles only part about it that's not too beautiful. It is usually carried out when the girl is very young. The feet are soaked to soften up before the toes are broken. The foot is then slowly arched further up each day, sealed with a bandage until it reaches the desired size. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but hey, beauty is pain after all. Some would call this practice symbolic in means of culture as China takes on a new era. Women everywhere wobble with tiny feet making foot binding possibly a fashion icon for centuries to come.