If It's not in the Times, then it didn't happen.

Volume 22, Number 1 April Fool UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, ' SAN DIEGO Tuesd~y, April 1, 1974

Watson Takes Fifth Piranhas and Pyramids: Shockley Appointed Work on Third Starts

Provost at Third Plans for the construction of those in the majority also of Third College were described the pond as "the finalized last week at a latest in home security. If meeting of the Regents in there were boats the protective effect of the Noted physicist and humanitarian William Shockley San Francisco. Construction Piranha would be im­ has been appointed the new Provost of Third College it began immediately after the announcement was mediately negated." was announced today in Berkeley. The classroom buildings President Hitch made the announcement yesterday made. According to the Ar­ will be an even greater only three days after joseph Watson, the former provost architectural triumph, the of Third was named the Provost of the new "Fifth chitects in charge, Third's Architectural plan will planners contend. Adobe College", the School of Penal Sciences. huts, Navaho hogans, and In making the announcement Hitch said "I am quite "emphasize the many Tibetan stone pagodas will sure that Bill Shockley will continue the fine tradition of myriad culture's which the programs of Third College characterize the main Third College and the excellent work of its former features of the classroom provost joe Watson." Hitch did say however that attempt to deal with." The Dormitories will be buildings. Shockley will be encouraged to test his theories and that The "fete-a-tete" as the "Third College is probably as fine a laboratory as a Construction begins on Third College Commons. Ac­ constructed in the center of cording to those in charge, "If the weather is with us, a Piranha infested pond planners call it, will be sc ientist studying in his field could find." Third's unique Commons: a Shockley the former Nobel Prize winner in Physics the building should be ready by the milennia." (complete with Anopheles mosquitoes). The dorms one-half scale replica of the has gained fame in recent years for his works of themselves will be made Great Pyramid of Giza. It genetics. Although skeptics have doubted the validity of out of Bamboo, and will be will feature sunken his theories on the inferiorities of blacks compared to placed on stilts in the passageways, secret en­ that of whites as a whole, most members of the Bananas Make Appeel center of the pond. trances and exits, and the academic community have applauded his provocative Some regents expressed cafeteria will be housed in and sti mulating studies in a field which was formerly the concern that the plan an underground replica of realm of crusty old "New Deal" type liberal biologists (la jolla) In an exclUSive seeing bananas treated as provided for no boats or King Tut's tomb. 'We think who drearily paraded the half baked notion that en­ sex symbols ." rafts to transport the a Commons should be vilonment was more important than the individuals interview on KSDT's "The Students to and from their fun", the Planners and genetic background. Record Show", the for­ on-campus residences. Regents agreed. Shoc ldey said he was generally satisfied with the mation of the Banana The claim stems from a However, these were Total cost for the project, programs of study at Third College but that "studies of liberation Front (BlF) was long time practice of announced last week by denouced by the majority before company rake-offs genetically inferior cultures and societies should be equating bananas with Randolph, the World's as " non-repressive." Some abandoned." phallic symbols and a (continued on page 32) The new Provost said that "I am investigating the largest Banana . recent event in which po sibility of starting a department of Domestic Randolph's wife Chiquita Four-in-One Sciences and starting next year Third College will offer a Randolph, largest was raped (her yellow (rp'}Ntpnlv 42 fp .. t) of t~o degree in Sanitary Engineering." Arrangementj ha. leotards carele~s ly .. tr.. wn bunch ()f baii,! rl_ already been made with the Sanitation Department in .lway( an<1 blten in pubhc. demanding fruit reform told San Di go for a co-operative educational program . Randolph attributes this University Fills Quota KSDT Djs Rick Anderson casual attitude to the sexual and larry Deckel that he associations that have long Waste Traced was "S ick and tired of time been cast to banan.as. Vice Chancellor Paul Saltman announced today that "You don't see people UCSD had fulfilled the affirmative action guideltnes picking on apples" said instituted by the federal government, and hen ceforth Randolph, "they claim they only White American males would be considered for Improvement in Cafe. Food Noted keep the doctor away. And faculty positions, With an emphasis on Jews . who ever dares cast Saltman explained that the UCSD department average allusions to oranges? And had been greatly improved when the recently created they're as perverted a pear Afro-Asian-latin-Indian-American Studies Department Dr Harvey Mudde, demonstration, we sent a Mudde claims. The first as there's ever been ." had lured a Black, American-Indian woman with a Chancellor of the UCSD small, neutral-bouyancy week of fall quarter was the Spanish surname Uti lities service (CUC- container with 'hot' cobalt date most often put forward " Since she counts as four mtnorities," 5altman aid, In order to help better the DUS), today told reporters in it through the pipes and as the time of breakage. "and the department only has two facu lty members, this public image ot the banana at a press conference in gave out geiger counters to department is 200% minority, which meets government Randoph is organizing a downtown Revelle that a the students. Imagine our requirements." The other faculty position in this new When told of this rumor, sertes of 10-second TV spots ~ewer main had broken surprise when we trailed it department has been filled, but Saltman would not Dr. Kruse, Director of the under the Revelle cafeteria going into the cafeteria area de igned to slip in to confirm rumors that the appointee was obel Prize Institute for Applied Food daytime programming. three weeks ago. It was but not out of it! We just winning novelist BortS Pasternak. at Revelle (DIAFR), hotly discovered yesterday when hope the canister remained The other woman professor on campus, Nobel winner denied it. She claims that can of radioactive intact." Randolph told Triton jane Eyre, was recently promoted from her position as the plastic-lined paper bags Iracer" waste was flushed tim~s reporters that the technician to assistant professor She cou ld not be taped underneath the down a USB toilet. Banana liberation Front reached for com ment on Saltman's tatement However, Ironically, most students cafeteria chairs are there to making a public appeel, it is publicly known that she is working for a second who eat at the Revelle allow students to take out and anyone interested Nobel Prize 0 that she ca n be granted tenure Dr james Bugger tells Cafeteria were of the food. She closed the in­ thiS story: "Well, we flushed should opinion that the qualtity of terview when reminded of [continued on page 17] It down as sort of a joke. We the food during the last the ten dollar fine for this were teaching med students three weeks was better than unlikely act. the basics of tracing averaae. A few, however, samples throuRh the blood wondered if the main has Dr. Mudde professed his tream . So, as a practical been broken 10nRer than Dr. belief that the repair work E. Coli, Fruit Ries, Da Vinci, and More being done by Drs. Mc­ Carty, Soto, and Hinton will be finished today. McCarty, The Revelle College Provost's Office Advent of Geometry and its influence on Soto, and Hinton are has announced the initiation of new Greco Roman Literature members of UCSD's courses available to non-science (BIO) Utilities Service Work Crew majors at Revelle College. The list that MUSIC 109 Harmoni , Hydraulics and for Fixing Broken Sewer follows are all upper division classes and the Nature of Music. Mains (YCSDUSWCFBSM). will fulfill requirements for all Humanities and Social Science Majors. PHilOSOPHY 101A Th'? Nature of the But if we are to believe Infinite. Dr. Sesma. Director of ANTHRO 188 Neuroscience and its influence on the arts of Middle America. UCSD's Student Body, PHilOSOPHY 1018 The R d Corpu cle B. Kobayashi, MTWTF 9-12 Collectively and In­ and the Natur of th Urllverse dividually, and in Small COMMUNICATIONS 187.4 E 01, and Groups of Three or Four, Non-verbal Communication PHYSICAL EDULA liON 100 I ennl on and an Apple a Day Keeps Reimann urface A h nck MTWTF the Doctor at Bay, at UCSD DRAMA 106ABC Art of Direction of 10-12 Medinl School Nobel LAure.t", On. Wilhelm von (UCSDDCDBUCSDSBCISC­ tost and Fritz von Spitz cIemonttr...... 1heir new "Iri.. Fruit riles and Choreography of Mating ! TFADKDBUCSD), the Dancf' and other procedure OCIOlOG 1879 Ba trial ulture em Buk Alive" neural impulte stimulator. troubles may lust b(' P altman M1WTF 1 • lab optIonal Accordi,. to the Docton, it took three ye.n of in­ beainning Se ma has t~nsive study Md bite nip. houn at the ,r.ve yard to III.., TORY 183 The l volutlon of Wh .1t reported three c a e5 of VI UAl ART 11'lQ The Art of l Da give their ....'at ... ill final tett. .1 nd 1 hf' F. pansion of W sl rn [uroP\ radiation Slckn ~ on th adv nt of Anatoml al "jawohl". HMfted Dr. von TlOIt, ''fHen D•• DriHe campu~ ~ch could not ~U"'llct. mit uns." GlN~RAl lIHRATURl 177 1 ht' Roth, Alioto Moving In Other Entrepreneurs· Needed ...~ · News One type of oraanization UCSD has all possibility with students who are in­ Campaign Starts for June Primary too few of is the student business. Many terested in developing their own business The Regenta reasons for this have been asserted, but in those areas mentioned above or any no one really seems to know why. SE~ is others. by James C. 5010 We plan to concentrate include Baxter Ward, Los among those who have problems relating the ITT We also plan to cover Governor Ronald Reagan determined to try to locate the rare breed Setting up student business is hard Over the past two or on statewide offices Angeles County Supervisor decided whom they are affair but he seems to be important statewide offices today announced the of daredevil-the UCSD entrepreneur. work and it takes dedicated people to be three weeks we at the Triton especially during the first and former broadcaster; going to vote for. Mayor fighting just that much as they provide interest to reappointment of Catherine Any lead will be followed to locate successful. Nonetheless, the en­ times have been receiving part of the quarter. Em­ Bob Moretti, Speaker of Alioto is second with 20 harder to erase any doubts. the University of California Hearst and the appointment members of the species. Harvard and UC trepreneural risks are balanced by the mountains of political phasis will be on the the State Assembly; William percent and Morretti is At first he was thought to be and any propositions that of Joseph A. Moore, Jr., as Berkeley students have for decades high profits possible in successful literature relatinl to the gubanatorial primaries for Matson Roth, a University third with 14 percent. the natural successor to may arouse the voter. members of the University produced successful businesses that are situations. Salaries for entrepreneurs upcoming June 4 primary the two parties. When the of California regent; Ed­ However in a poll taken by .Covernor Reagan but then Local races will be of Cal ifornia Board of sold or willed to underclassmen by would have to be paid through the election in Califomia. So for filing deadline was up three mund C. Brown Jr., the Roth campaign, Brown Reagan said that he was covered if they have any Regents .. graduating seniors. The types of en­ earnings of the business as no funds are the Spring Quarter we weeks ago it was an­ California Secretary of had slipped to 41 percent, going to. be neutral in the interest and several of them Mrs. Hearst, a terprise attempt~ can range from -the available at this time from the university. would like to present some nounced that 31 people had State; Jerome Waldie, while Morretti and Alicto campaign. As a result some look like they just might Republican, was first ap­ Simple one- or two-person business or Students interested in such endeavors of the important in­ submitted their names as member of the House of had also fallen slightly. of the money that probably provoke a few heated pointed to the board in partnerships up to complex cooperative should contact Eric Martinez, Bldg. 215 formation to the voting candidates. Although a Representatives, and Joseph Roth and Waldie had 6 would have gone to debates. As usual the 1956 by Governor Goodwin associations and corporations with Matthews Campus or Judy Manternach, public so that you might final list was not available Alioto, Mayor of San percent and 5 percent Reinecke went to Flournoy. County Board of Super­ Knight . Moore, of San boards of directors and employers. Bldg. 210 Matthews Campus, or call ext. better decide who you by press time you can be Francisco. respectively. While it is Flournoy seems to be the visors continue to exe~ Fairest of the Fair Contest Francisco, has been an ex­ Immediately, SEO has business for the 1936. Ideally, ideas should be written up might vote for. This column sure that this election will In the Mervin Field obvious that Brown is the stronger candidate in a themselves in the process of officio member of the following types of workers : bartenders, and submitted to Mr. Martinez prior to will not be an editorial type have a top number of California poll, highly strong frontrunner, Moretti general election because of who can throw the most DEL MAR - Locations, dates and times of 21 board since 19&9 as pet sitters, caterers, chauffeurs, con­ discussion of the project. piece but rather a news qualified and strong regarded among political and Alioto have started to his popularity among in­ mud. My own prediction is remaining area Fairest of the Fair contests have been President of the Mechanics valescent aides, house cleaners, painters, "Those who organize, manage, and column with what we hope candidates for all the experts in the state, Brown swing their campaigns into dependents. Reinecke that there will be some announced by the Southern California Exposition, Institute. Both terms are for readers, tutors, sales persons, and pilots, assume the risks of a business or en­ will be practical insights parties. is the impressive fron­ high gear. . however is very strong lawsuits before the year is sponsor of the annual county-wide competition to sixteen years . etc., etc. SEO is willing to explore any terprise-Webster's. into the political world of Candidates for the trunner with approximately among traditional out against one of the William Roth has been in select a queen to reign over the Expo during its "June 21 - As a governor's appointee the upcoming election. democratic nom ination 46 percent of the vote Republican voters as was supervisors. the local spotlight lately as July 4 run . to the board, Moore evidenced last week by his It is hoped that this he opened his San Diego Winners take part in the Fairest of the Fair Pageant on replaces John Canaday, of endorsement by the column will give broad and Campaign headquarters in June & at the Scottish Rite Memorial Center in San Los Angeles, whose term Who Gets It? California Republican fair coverage to all the an abandoned gas station. Diego. Assembly (CRA), a con­ candidates in the races we expired . Canaday has Alioto has been the most Preliminary contests have already been held' at servative grass roots cover. accepted an appointment obvious of the candidates Pacific Beach, Spring Valley, National City and La Mesa. to the Post·Secondary Meeting for Married Student Housing organ i zation . Next: The 41st / Entry blanks are available through local chambers of in San Diego with ap­ Conlresliontll District tlnd Education Commission. pearances every week for commerce, town councils, contest chairmen or the Expo Although Senator Alan Prtlctices. Canaday will fill the the past month. Baxter offices in Del Mar (ph. 297-{)338 or 755-11&1). Single students, post doctoral 2. Should there be a maximum time Cranston is very popular expired term of Mrs. Marian Ward and Roth have been Winners of area contests receive gifts valued at S800 fellows and medical residents are among limit for occupancy? Various suggestions throughout the state his bid Notice LaFollette, also of Los applying public pressure and will appear in promotional events at the fair. The the groups that are asking the University include one or two years for all students. for reelection has attracted Angeles. The term expires towards Brown for public The Office of EduCtilt Fairest of the Fair will receive S500 in cash and prizes to house them in either the Coast or If this policy is adopted how would its a number of Republicans in January 1, 1975. Mrs. television debates. It looks Abrotld announces valued at S1,500. Mesa married student apartments. implementation affect students currently an attempt to unseat him. LaFollette resigned to run ike the Democratic meeting tit the Because . of the ever increasing demand living in married student housing? I His most prOrT'inent op­ for the Republican campaign will be a free terntltiontll Center for for a limited number of apartments the 3. How can administration of the ponent probably won't be Engineer Shortage Ahead nomination for State wheeling affair with lots of those students interested Housing and Food Service Advisory apartments be made less subject to able to run against him. S. I. Controller. fireworks . in summer studies in A seemingly unavoidable shortage of engineers is Committee is asking for student opinion abuse? There is a widespread feeling that Hayakawa, of San Francisco Frtlnce .lind Spain. These building for the years ahead in most engineering fields. on several issues concerning the married use of the apartments has been abused. The Republicans have an State fame was recently prolrtlms are fully olIC­ student apartments. These issues in· The shortage, already being felt, is boosting salarie ~ and The Pili Students have sublet their apartments to interesting matchup with denied a chance to ,un in credited by U.C.S.D. cl ude : leading to more job security. The future demand for Dr. Alan Sweezy, nonstudents for extended time periods; Lt. Governor Ed Reinecke the republican primary The meeting will ttlke engineers should remain strong for at least this decade people have remained in the apartments and Controller Houstan because he switched his chairman of the board of 1. To who should priorities for housing pltlCe from 7 to 9 p.m. and probably beyond. beyond termination of their students party reg istration f rom The Planned Parenthood in married student apartments be given? Flournoy as the candidates Wednesday April 10 in the Democrat ic to Republi can What has been a buyer's market for the last several Federation of America, is One proposal would give first priority to status. etc. with the ma jor media main lounge of the In· too late. Republ icans who years, is turning around again for those who possess an slated to be the keynote married students with children. Second, A Housin g and Food Service Advisory coverage . Their campaigns temolltiontll Center. Color engineering degree. Employers are stepping up their are running include James speaker at the Planned and equal priority would be given to Committee meeting will be held Thur· have not yet become as slides of the SpolInish Costtl efforts to find good graduating engineers to the tune of Johnson, a former Assi stant Parenthood Association of married students with no children and sday, April 4 at 1 :30 in the Revelle South active as their democratic BrtIVolI and the French 5% increases or more in salary offers since the end of Navy Secretary, State San Diego County Twelth Si ngle graduate students , on a first come dining hall. The purpose of this meeting counterparts but it looks Mediterranetln coast last year. At the Master's level, the number of job offers Senator H. l. Ri chardson, Annual Luncheon, Friday, first serve basis . Another proposal would will be to hear student opinions con­ like it should be tight race . the progrtlms will rose Competition is also strong for the still and Dr. Earl Brian. 40%. March 22nd, 11 :30, in the gIve all students - single graduates, cerning the above issues. All interested Reinecke has had some pltICe ] will be shown. relatively few women and minorities graduating in Gold Room at the Kona Kai ma rr ied students with or without persons are invited to attend and give engineering and technological disciplines. Club on Shelter Islanlj. children - equal priority. their suggestions. The engineer who is flex ible about job options may Dr. Sweezy is a April 13, 1974 - 8:00 pm also find she/he is in demand for other kinds of em­ distinguished economist ployment such as management and techn ical sales. and world renowned Fu rth ermore, si nce there is consi derable flexibility authority on economics and Early Job Assistance COMMUNITY MAIN GYM - UCSD among curricu la and degree, employers can draw on population growth . BLOOD BANK engineering graduates from re lated fi elds when th ere is Currently, Dr. Sweezy is The demand for certain kinds of goods and services 327 F. Street UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA, a shortage of app licants in the field of fi rst choice. professor of Economics and continues to grow. The energy crisis is creating new jobs Associate Director of the and establishing -different priorities. Better jobs and PAYS DONORS SAN DIEGO Caltech Population more promotional opportunities are increasing for Candle Ban Proposed Program . The title of his women and minorities. forsenice TRITON TIMES • talk will be " The Business of Mon.-Sat. Legislation' banning the ~ale of candles with wicks birth control -is it good for It is a myth that the job market is rigid and static. On 8:45-5:30 PRESENTS maQe With lead wire (.o res was introduced today by business? ." the contrary, it happens to be a fluid arena where Closed Sun. Senator Nicholas C Petns (D-Oakland). The bi ll people are mobile: occupations are changed on an 233-5481 declares " a pOisoning hazard" In the use of candles average of five times during a lifetime. It is also flexible containing a Wi ck made with a lead wire center to the enough for people to be enterprising: over a third of ~tate 's cltl7ens, "especially children " SUPPORT today's graduates probably will end up working at jobs !lusit " It is indeed Ironic that after the battle to remove and that have not yet been invented. reduce lead from gasoline and certain paints, we POSITION discover the candles we burn for light and beauty are TRITON TimES Education has a potent value in the society, but the pOisoning u~ ," Senator Petris stated relationships between it and possible work en­ AVAILABLE vironments often need to be more clearly understood, n~ lIantts Cockroaches in the Coffee particularly in the rapidly -evolving occupational FDVERTISERS scence. Thus, in order to help students still at UCSD The University of (UCR Highlander) With streaking dominating con· Our Officer Selection Officers are looking for a few good college men­ gain gretlter freedom and flexibility as they make CallfQrnia at San Diego versation these days, we b gan reminiSCing of the maybe 3 out of 1 ~O-who will make good Marine officers. If you're one of dec isions about future jobs, a pair of workshops is seeking to fill a half­ nf·&paiu notoriOUS fads of yesteryear Remembering the packed them, we'll gille you a chance to prolle it during summer training at Quan­ focusing on the student-job relationship will be offered time position in the telephone booths, panty raids, police confrontations, tico, Virginia. by Career Planning and Placement this quarter. office of Vice Chancellor and the ghastly practice of swallowing goldfish, we were for Academic Affairs, Interrupted by an acquaintance of ours who noted that Our program is Platoon Leaders Class. PLC. With ground, air and law ianet atnmpu title • ASSistant Coor­ the Pub (a UCR restaurant) has Introduced yet another options. You might ellen qualify for up to $2,700 to help you through college. The relationship between student tlnd job is first seen dinator for Affirmative fad to the UCR campus But we ask, will cockroaches In But if money is all you're looking for, don't waste your time. on the student side in the Occupational Survey .gen'l admission $2.50 Action. Salary $8500· the coffeepots really t;atch onl The challenge is leadership. If you want it, work for it. If you've got It. Workshop. where students look at their occupational Interests, goals, and priorities, and lay a groundwork for 12,000 for half-time on a show us. It's one hell of a challenge. But we're looking for one hell of a man. UCSD students ':.50 Statue's Torch future job hunting. The workshop should especially be 12-month basis. Submit taken by tudents early in their college careers . The job resumes to Dr. Paul side of the student-job relationship is examined in the Sallman, Vice Chan­ to Receive Repair cellor for Academ ic Science M onitor) Job-Seeking Techniques Workshop, as it concentrates .------.. on job-hunting procedures and strategies aimed at Affairs, 105 MC, UCSD, Th,! Statue of Li berty's torch is to be I !he llannes • "Iease send me Info:~0!~n41 La Jolla, CA, 92037 by helping students locate potential employers, approach repai red .. a $5 mill io, wor! ,p.,,,t ..r festival with more Box 38901 I Marine Corps Platoon Leaders I los Angeles, California 90038 Class. (Please Print) them, and present themselves with confidence. March 25 ... .1974 . than 3& theater o mpanles is planned . . his torlcal FREDRICK'S I The University of landmarks-a nd documents-a re bei ng dusted off. Calif .• San Diego Is an Although the U n i t ~ q States's 200th birthday is still I Name Age I Each workshop will consist of exercises, lectures, and equal opportunity­ techni ca lly a good t~ o years away, those in the thick of Ski & Hike discussions; will have three meetings; and have limited affirmative action preparations insist It is coming with the speed of OUTrI TTERS I Address I enrollment . employer. tomorrow See The Wo"" Sheet I pale 9] for times & dtltes. "We're rea lly runni ng short of t ime to do anything City State Zlp ____ other than grab onto t he coa ttails of existing programs," School Clas. of sa ys a staff member of the Ameri can Revolution I I Bicentennial Administration (ARBA), the official SNOW REPORTS I Phone Social Security # I The TRITON TIMES II officiolilly recognized til tI .tudent neWlptlper by the Com­ government coordination agency "To do anything muniCtiltion Boud of the University of Colilifornia, San Diego, Buildinl 250, Mtltthews 454-235 1 If you are a senior, check here for Information on Officer Candldatea Cia .. unique and new requ ires a lot of lead time and O. Campul, b lolla, Callfomltl 920J7. Publication il twice wee.dy on TueldtlYI and orga nization " 7722 l AY AV [NUl FridtlYI. Offices are located In Room 117, Blalle Hall. Revelle Campus. For aciverti.inl Th plan I~ to have tpns of th ou~a nd s of celebrations LA JOLLA CAlif 92037 phone 453-1722. or 453-2000, X 1017; for editorial or news phone 1(1016. across the nation With each locality ( ho05lng it~ own 454-1410 ._------_. mode of ('xp r p~s lon "All Anw rI ( cI will bp t hp \how( .I~ f ' ," 1n\1\1 ~ Pr('sl dpnt Nixon '. J , ...... , .... AprIl 2, 1974 Ptlle 2 Triton Times, April 2, 1974 TheSLA On the other~hand, any time the interests of the continued from 4 continued from pap 4 people are at hand there is an enemy law to counteract Soto Introduction by Mason Powell SLA th~se Interests and of course the people are forced to 3. Miscellaneous personal items. A collection of abide by them. In understanding this we cc.. ne to where various barbarian than satisfaction with the antique paintings, Chinese screens and Greek vases. understand why the U.S. has more ~risons and the hordes settled down and system ? The Symbionese liberation Army has recently been in Twenty-four vases each valued at S10,OOO each . A largest numbers of laws to control the people that has occupied territory that over Mr. Soto would seem to the news due to the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst. In collection of Oriental rugs given to him by his personal ever been recorded in the history J)f humans on this centuries evolved into the advocate the U. S. and the spite of the fact that Ms. Hearst goes to a branch of U. friend, the Shah of Iran. The family has also received earth. modern states . The African Soviet Union dividIng up C. and that the SlA has made complete publication of numerous gifts over the year5 from other long-time These laws are created to imprison the people and by " nations" were drawn on the world in the interests of its communiques a necessary condition to the woman's personal friends such as Ho~ard Hughes . that protect the rich from the poor. ' maps in European capitals, their "strategic health" safety, no mention of the kidnapfing has appeared in The Hearst Foundation is a front for the Hearst for­ It is in the judgment of this court that the Hearst and utterly fail to take into Certainly that is likely to the Triton Times. Furthermore, al Southern California tune. The foundation serves as a tax loophole for that family and the Hearst Corp. seems to be more foolishly account the linguistic, produce an "overly ner­ newspapers have published incomplete, misleading, fortune. The foundation donates an estimated S3 concerned with the identities of supposed SLA elements and distorted reports; the television on this issue of cultural, and ethnographic vous" international million a year to established charities to maintain its rather than with the admission to the people of the realities of the regions . situation; most ot the course remains the boob tube. and only radio station legal status as a foundation . The S1 .5 proposed to be crim~s committed against the people by the Hearst KPFK (90.7 on FM radio), whose sister station KPFA in They are not organic states "hardship" felt by the comi ng from the foundation is nothing more than half empire. That act of good faith (following is unclear on but colonial administrative western nations is a product Berkeley received the initial communique from the SLA, of what that foundation is legally required to donate tape - "in its - showing") to the people, not to the SlA has given the subject complete and unbiased coverage. areas. turned into self- of their own bungling. annually in order to maintain its foundation status. .- the Hearst empire should demonstrate a change of (KPFK is , in fact, the best news source in Southern administering rel(io.ns : Presumably. Mr Seto The assets of the Hearst Corp. have been stated many Interest, .r~gret for his crimes against the people and a would have objected to the California and broadcasts the news nightly at 6 p.m.) times. However, I will restate them again as some firm deCISion that they will no longer be a party to such Granted many of the new revolt in the British colonies What follows is part of a transcript from General Field specific factors. As we all know, the Hearst Corp. is actions in the future. nations are having trouble in the late 18th century. The Marshal Cinque sent to Randolph Hearst on February composed of a chain of magazines and newspapers. They shoul? also d.emonstrate that they are not only running their govern: new nation, without the 21, and published in the San Francisco Examiner on Feb . However, I wish to point out two specific ones as concerned with freemg and making a better life for ments-but the trouble is 22. It is hoped the readerw ilt now be able to form a the result of the colonial guiding hand of the Mother examples . Cosmopolitan magazine reaps profits of $7 Patricia but also freeing and making a better life for all country, would do a poor slightly more informed opinion of the SlA. However, million to S8 million per year. Another is House of the people. However, they have seemingly said by period. Only when b h dl due to the inherent nature of Southern California's "free colonialism has been totally jo in an ing its own Beautiful, which reaps profits of S3 million to S4 million their actions that they know me and therefore do not affairs . looking at the press," one is forced in this case, and actually in many a year . The Hearst Corp. is also composed of as have to repent for their crimes. errad icated can these record of American foreign other cases, to listen to KPFK radio to learn what is mentioned before, a chain of TV stations and fe~ture peoples begin to repair the and domestic policy. one happening. film industries and also ownership of lumber companies enormous damage done by could be forgiven for To those who bear the hopes and faith of our people, However. to this I would say yes. You do, indeed. Minority Editorial allocate existing apartments firml Hold your ground! If it and partnership in large stockholdings in General know me. You have always known me . I'm that nigger the colonial powers. thinking Mr. Soto might let the voices of their guns express the words of fairly, without should come to that, then Motors as well as land holdings in each of the cities you have hunted and feared night and day. I'm that I also fail to be impressed have a point. freedom. discriminating against so be it. let the chips fall where the newspaper chains operate: for example, nigger you have killed hundreds of my people in a vain by Mr. Soto's citing of the Greetings to the people, comrades, sisters and fact that the Portugese use . I assume Mr Soto pays single graduate students. where they may. Unleash ownership of one sq uare block in New York City, with hope of finding. I'm that nigger that is no longer just Regents Duplicity Marian Greenspan brothers, General Field Marshal Cinque speaking. African Mercenaries in their lip service to the value of the furies. Fight for what the land alone valued in hundreds of millions of dollars hunted, robbed and murdered. I'm the nigger that hunts , The Symbionese War Council, the Court of the army any more than I am freedom . Freedpm IS the you believe in; don't give as we ll as land and buildings in England and Australi~ you now. People, has just finished hearing tapes and hearing . ' d b th f t h t right to do what one Wishes. In their meeting of March 15, 1974, the University an inch. Perhaps it's about and . Impresse y e ac t a . h ' Yes, you know me. You know us all. You know me. I'm California uses cheap ~IS es,. to run one sown of California Regents voted to scold Goodyear Tire Open Letter time we have a good some of the new.; reports and statements made by the In total, the Hearst empire along with Mr. and Mrs. Hearst family concerning the arrest of Patricia Campbell the wetback. You know me, I'm the gook, the broad, the Mexican labor, or that the life. It Includes th~ freedom and Rubber for makIng an illegal contribution of shaking up. Certainly we Hearst's personal wealth does in fact go into the servant, the spik. Dear President Nixon : Hearst. southern states used slaves. to. make sown 40,000 dollars to the reelection campaign of Richard will be much stronger and hundreds and hundreds of millions. Yes indeed, you know us all, and we know you - the ~ne I heartily urge you not to In the court's second tape by Patricia, it was said that Could not the failure of the mistakes. Th.s freedom Nixon. While the Regents and .the govemment better for it afterwards. Even if Mr. Hearst was to give all that to the people, oppressor, murderer and robber. And you have hunted resign the office of any good faith gesture on the part of the Hearst empire "small insurgent forces in must apply to all ~er sons , In profess this sort of activity to be illegal as well as with the personal friends such as the Shah of Iran and and robbed and exploited us all. Now we are the hunters President under any cir­ Portugese Africa" be the all places at all times Only undesirable, their actions indicate exactly the would be basically OK. Howard Hughes he would suffer no losses. that will give you no rest. And we will not compromise cumstance. Though the Just remember Mr. We, however, understand that Patricia wants to come result of repression rather then can we have peace . opposite. The government has resorted to 5 000 However, even if Mr. Hearst were to give all of that to the freedom of our children. evidence against you President that what's good dollar fines of companies which contributed as home, as soon as possible and that this statement was the people, he cou ld never pay the people back for the Death to the Fasci st insect that preys upon the life of appears to be damaging and for the country isn't clearly misinterpreted as meaning that an untrue much as 100,000 dollars, and Nixon has even past losses of their children and freedom , nor for the th e people. overwhelming, I hope you necessarily good for the gesture of good faith and regret would be accepted by returned a large part of the money to those who were coming Revolution. Do the cu rrent suffering they are now under. caught (and subsequently "confessed".) The fight this thing through to the people. We also wish to point out that when necessary the the very end. Revolution an incalculable This is not the case and, therefore, at the end of that Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies Regents, who hold 347,000 shares of Goodyear service and stay in there no en emy can adjust its losses to correspond to its interests stock worth 6.1 mi Ilion dollars, voted in conjunction Even if the House of tape stated by Patricia, I myself, by the direction of the at any given time. A prwote hbefol art. college gronflng 8 .. _. M A. 019'''', Teochtng CredenIrOll, Representatives should matter what the outcome. CertlflCot" tn TranslatIOn ond Inl.pr.,ohon Acc:r~lt" by the W ..'er n AMoco­ wlt.h management NOT fo fine the top company court, stated the feeling of the court and thereby lIOn of Schools and Co6leges, CalifornfQ StOI. Boord of EducOltOn \I.I.,o~ You and only you alone, ?fflcers who made the contribution, and also NOT to impeach you, I urge you to clarifying the request of the people. It is in the direct interest of Mr. Hearst to comply with Triton Times P oliey Appfo..-ed hold your ground and, not remaining and working That statement reads as follows : .. institute a policy of firing officers for similar the demand for food . Not because he finds it necessary CMUlA__­ buckle under. Stay in there within the system can "We wish to clarify what your daughter has said about ...... Neb-:­ behavior in the future. Regent Carter justified these to feed the people but rather because he must secure - "'-- subvert it far more our request by a good faith gesture on your part. The "'OIY E,..,IIh ... s-...4 actions on the basis that an opposite vote would and fight! let it go to the an d protect one of his possessions - his daughter, __ ~ OCOMOM>CJ c...... thoroughly than a whole The following are the guidelines and restrictions for Senate and challenge that people are awaiting your gesture. You may rest assured A" 1tAANA0iMIHT have "~n adverse reaction against that company as Patricia . Thus, he finds a way to change the proposal ,-0.- army of revolutionaries submitting material for the editorial and opinion pages . far as Investors are concerned ." august body to convict you . that we are quite able to assess the extent of your (the tape voice is garbled at this point; it sounds like "of tNf1IHA rtOMA1 IN016 I' ...... ' ineffectually attacking the letters should not exceed 250 words typed on a ...... Do you think they would sincerity in this matter. And we will accept a sincere the assessable laws" or "acceptable laws") which allow --"''''-' ,­...... citadel of government from effort on your part. double-spaced, 60 space line. The Triton Times . res~rves The real message from the regents to Goodyear is dare? him to distribute the charitable rather than ransom '" ... .., If the House is squeamish without. History has ap­ " We are quite able and aware of the extent of your the right to edit all letters in excess of the offiCial limit...... -... goods . - ·~s.u-ClN, clear: they do not disapprove the actions of --- 01 about impeaching you, you pointed you the advance capabilities as we are also aware of the needs of the Opinion articles should not exceed three typed pages, Goodyear, and they implicitly encourage these ForDIAN InformofJOn Of __ Wm. to assault troops of the people." In the same vein with the stated enemy. corporations double spaced and using a 60 space line. As with the actions in the future. The signers of this editorial can imagine how loathe the Revolution. Don't let her wish to aid such countries such as South Africa, the letters the Triton Times reserves the right to edit all "'~~1I . 1"4-J_.,.U . l"'J POST OHICIIOX • .,.. Senate will be in going that The Hearst empire has attempted to mislead the CAUFOIIHIA t394CI abhor these actions of the Regents, which clearly Phillipines, South Vietnam or Ireland in securing brutal ",,~"""""""1f7 .....,. • • I"S _n. one fateful step beyond and down now in this, your people and to deceive them by claiming to put forth a items submitted in e)(cess of the official limit. demonstrate that if Watergate has taught them and dictatorships which rob and murder the people. No carrying out your political finest hour. You have a good faith gesture of S2 million. Members of the university community will be given Ann M . Thurber, Assistant Dean of U. S . industry anything, it Is only to be more careful existing laws are honored and no one responsible goes Admissions, will be visiting the UCSD. execution. It will be a first rendezvous with destiny. This amount is not at all a good faith gesture but priority for space on the Opinion pages . . . in their illegal activities. to prison for the rest of their lives. This is typified in the campus on Thursday, April 11 . For ap­ in American history. They You're a fighter, Mr. rather is an act of throwing a few crumbs to the people, The Triton Times announces these gUide lines to Watergate scheme and the U.S. deliberate violation of pointments, please contact the Career will be setting a very President. Slug it out to the forcing them to fight over it amongst themselves. insure that all members of the University community We also note, that in the true spirit of affirmative the United Nations sanctioned international embargo of Plannin & Placement Center. dangerous precedent and in last man. Don't let them We have had a court hearing concerning both the will have an opportunity to express their views . action of the university, the Regents voted with the Rhodesia n goods. management of Goodyear against the demand of the process will go down in hound you from the highest actions of the enemy Hearst family and the Hearst so":,e stockholders that the company issue a report infamy as the king-killer pinrfclcle in the land. Hold empire as a whole and the media and the combined on Its employment practices towards worr.en and Congress . It will mean that onto it with your life! responsible gesture of good faith . minorities. this legislative body. with a. All Power to the People! We have chosen first to expose a sampling of the mere flick of the wrist, can lorne Ward extent of the Hearst empire which includes the Hearst keep or dispose of any Foundation, the Hearst Corporation empire. and Mr. II" future President as it sees U.C.Alumnus and Mrs. Hearst's personal assets . The assets of the "metamorphosis fit; I don't think the Hearsts' wealth include the following: Letters Founding Fathers quite had 1. A silver mine and thousands of acres of land in A CINEMA PRESENTA nON this in mind when they Soto, Again Mexico, acreage in Hawaii, and 70,000 acres of tim­ time usually has a much wrote the Constitution. berland in Northern California valued at millions of Housing higher income than two However, if the Senate By Malcolm Smith dollars. A cattle ranch near San luis Obispo, orange fMM DEAfH 10 LIFE si ngle students with part­ shMark McCarty than for married students . ditional inexpensive course is up to you. enjoyed by the nations of John lavlor Some may claim that Artf 141 .... There is no reason to housing close to the the western world; Greece Lan., Det:hl A...... MINI ..' such an ordeal will tear the and Hitlerian Germany are believe that married campus, either by the -~ f'F.££! students without children University or by private country apart and fine examples of this TIM TII"ON TlMI' It ....d.lly ...... _ ... tile c... are more broke than single developers. Such a solution wrecklessly undermine the stability. The nations of - ...... _ ...... 01 .... U_IIty.1 C.M ...... _ -...... as.. _. AT .Zb22 US.B. j MVELLE COLLEGE, U.C.S.D very foundations on which Africa did not evolve as did C __• La ..... CaIHoMI. 92e]7. , __ II __ -." ... '-" ~ IOfA&"MMrU."...... grad students. A married eems extr mely unlikely .-... Oflket ...... _ 117. _. Hall ...... c-.,.. -...... u-. couple which includes a anytime soon. Right now, the Republic itself stands. the nations of Europe, ,.... UH7U. ..." ·_ •• 1t17;'" _ .. _ ...... 1t1 • . non-student who works full the University should Ignore such warnings. Be conlinued on lNIe S 7=30 pm. WEDNESDAY I APRIl3 I UCSD BOOKSTORE Pilge 4 Triton Times, April 2, 1974

Pilge 5 Triton Times, April 2, 1974

, o,. ' . ' ' .. t."" Declcel Clothes Free A Touch of the Poet San Diego Shakespeare 52.95 P~per Bound Country Puddina, Inc. Season Announced British poet Nathaniel Tarn will be the fifth writer to present readings of his work in the 1973-74 San Diego This book touts itself as being a "Major New Poetry Series sponsored by the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University. Guest 'direct'Ors have be directed by the first Lear" and""inll Richard III ," breakthrough." Fine. But what exactly is it? Well, in it's In 1967, Call staged own words, "The most complete nude scene digest ever Tarn will read at 4 p .m . Wednesday, April 3, in the been announced for the female director of a Festival published. With stories, pictures, maDS . rates on resorts, Formal Lounge of UCSD's Revelle Commons and at 8 25th San Diego National production. Diana Maddox, "Twelfth Nillht" for the parks, campsites, free beaches. Everywhere clothing is p.m . Thursday, April 4, in the SDSU's Aztec Center. Shakespeare Festival. last year employed at the Festival. Each of the optional." Coordinating the series, which is free and open to the Producing Director Craig Old Globe as dramaturge productions have been public, are the Departments of Literature and Visual Noel selected directors for "The Merchant of selected as the best And why. vou may ask, is such a book imoortanH Arts and Campus Program Board at UCSD and the familiar with past Festivals Venice" will stage the productions of the Festival Well, according to the philosophies of the various School of Literature and Cultural Arts Board at SDSU. at the Old Globe Theatre. popular tragedy. Miss season by the Old Globe editors and contributors to the volume (this is issue Winner of the first Guinness Prize for poetry in 1963 Maddox appeared in Theatre membership. number 1 with more to bilow, success willing) they at the Cheltenham Festival in England, Tarn is con­ "Twelfth Night"will open leading roles for several "Look forward to the day when people will no longer sidered one of the most important British poets writing on June 4 co-directed by easons with the St ratford Noel will be interviewing look upon the human body with disgust, shame or fear, today. Eric Christmas and Craig Shakespeare Festival in and auditioning actor~ in but accept it as it is, and for all its worth '" They preach His published work includes Old Savage/ Young City, Noel. Noel explained this Canada. Trained at the Old Los Angeles and San that the naked human body is not erotic, but rather it is Where Babylon Ends, The Beautiful Contrildictions and was made necessary as Vic School in England, she Francisco this week (March clothing and strip-tease philosophy that makes us October. Christmas will play the acted with the Old Vic 21 through March 25) with believe it is erotic. Tarn is represented in numerous British anthologie ~ major character role of Company with Ralph Festival guest directors Eric including Young Commonweillth Poets '65, and Music Malvolio in the Richardson and Laurence Christmas and Diana Shakespearean comedy. Maddox. So the book tells us all the places around the country ilnd Sweet Poetry. He has also contributed to a variety Olivier. "Romeo ilnd Juliet" Christmas has previously Rehearsals for the silver where you caD stop being a "c1othist" and become a of literary publications in England, France, Germany will open this summer at directed "The Merchant of anniversary season of the nudist. It also has a number of articles concerning the and the United States. the Old Globe Theatre on Venice," "Love's Labour's San Diego National history of nudism, V. I. B. (vacation in the buff) Tarn, 44, worked as an anthropologist in Guatemala June 7 Lost" and "A Midsummer Shakespeare Festival will vacations, and coverage of the Miss and Mr. Nude and Burma and has traveled extensively throughout the Night's Dre~m" for the Old Returning to direct his begin on April 23. Two America and World pageants. world. fourth production at the Born in Paris, he received a bachelor of arts degree in Globe Theatre. Director of weeks of student per­ you guys take a joke?" Old Globe's San Diego My complaint with all this fine sounding liberated "April Fool. You know ... April Fooll Aw, come 1948 from Cambridge University. He also did graduate Theatre at the University of formances will precede the California at San Diego, National Shakespeare The Band That Drove the philosophy is this. If the book is so concerned with work there and at the University of Chicago where he official opening on June 4. Christmas is currently Festival will be Edward changing this falsified image nudity has gotten, why Larry Deckel completed his Ph .D. in 1957. He later studied at the One hundred twenty~ight Concerts: directing "T~rtuffe" at the Payson <;:all . "Henry IV, part then are they using yellow-press sensationalism and London School of Economics and the School of Oriental performances will be Rats Out of Munford...... University, in which he will 2" will open on July 10. seemingly attempting to attract the porno voyeur?? For and African Studies at the University of London. performed of the three also play the title role. During the past two example: one article in the volume concerns one YES He taught at the Universities of Chicago and London plays through September "Romeo and Juliet" will summers, he directed "King 15. Learn "HOW TO EXORCISE THE DEVIL". Wendy Zellea Berlowitz who feels that "clothing is and has lectured extensively at many other universities irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether you have clothes and synthesizer which since 1952. on or not." To prove this, she removes her blouse in The San Diego Sports Arena playing the entire album wrenched the sports arena to its Mail $3 to DAO Associates 4536 Park Blvd. public, auctions it off, and then gets arrested for in­ eats rock groups and never cries. to The Edle. As always, decent exposure and challenges the constitutionality of And its latest victim of acoustic distortment was "Yes", who remains a knock~ut. very limits as the dragon's head the law. Now ignoring the sensationalism of all this, music is so lushly complex splits in two, blossoming like a San Diego, Calif. 92116 Dept. PT there is sti ll reason to believe that this is a sincere at­ played against the Sports Arena Records: Greg Leonard last week during finals. could almost swoon . While great fl ower, whale bones tempt to elevate the human body. So be it. However, play it Close to the psychedelically flashilJg red and All Ears consider how the editors of Clothes Free handle the they've matured enough darting back and forth, death Hearing a concert at the story. First off, the interview is entitled "Wendy's secret they can go out onto head s projecting, lights personally appropriate of settings weapons" (sound at all like something you'd find in the Sports Arena is closely akin to tangents and play more thrQbb ing, strobes appearing, FUSION, Mich~el Ur~niak - Columbiil alone. Very nice. placing your stereo in the toilet latest fashions back of a seedy bookstore?) and on the back cover they and freely than ever before. smoke filli ng and engulfing the KC32852 Rilted: Excellent spout "Travel with Wendy as she takes her top off from and listening to records w)lile Wakeman particularly · interior of the dragon head, the in wire frames Norman, Oklahoma to the East Room of the White flushing, and yet it is the only more willing to let go and drums, the stage. Everybody's The sound of Fusion is a distinctive KISS, Kiss - C~5ilblanCii NB 9001 House. Exclusive classroom photos not available place we've got with the size to barrage of keyboards say jaws Si mply dropped. Round blend of typically Eastern European . There's a very manufactured, kind of anywhere else in the world," (Yes, Wendy is a teacher). handle the big name concerts. dr, marvin piece. two to "Yes". scales and rhythmic materials with the Moby Grape, atmosphere about this And you should see these picutres. Talk about strip So we all buy our tickets, get weitzman contemporary improvisational music band. "Live" they emit a very, very well­ tease philosophy. The sliding down the thighs of pants, frisked at the door, and try to However, the Back out for the encore. found primarily in Western jazz. The rehearsed understanding of the most panties, and so on. If the statement of these photos is keep the best frame of mind we complex nature of Close Closing night excitement fills optometrist resultant music that Michael Urbaniak's superficial elements in rock (i .e . supposed to be "the human body is beautiful, not can . Edge was lost to the the stage as it's the end of seven sophisticated, highly talented quintet redundant rhythmic and chordal erotic" then somebody is kidding. No, they're not Sports Arena, and in weeks and 40 concerts on the new midway creates is at once both unique and structures, banal lyrics and repetitive erotic, but they're sure trying to be. hearing five instrumen road for the band and crew. That night marked one of the familiar, i.e . that despite its ethnic in­ "no-technique" solos), and this, their fed mart each blending to make a Roundabout and 5tarship rare times that a concert in the fluences, the music's chordal and har­ debut LP is at best a well-produ.ced All right, the book does do what it sets out to do, at we get the whole whole in Trouper, both crowd-pleasers store Sports Arena started on time monic basis is very reminiscent of that reflection of that same simplistic polish. least to the extent of providing a comprehensive li sting resounding chaotic and played with as much energy PVl'S pxammed (remember last year's "Yes" heard in the recent recordings of, jlmong Straight off page one of " How to have a p,,'sCriptoon, foiled of nearly every nudist camp in the U S. and Canada, but Rounds one to the Sports as I've seen them done. Four concert when they finally came others, Herbie Hancock and Eddie hit band". contact leme, fitted it's the hypocrisy that seems to float around the book's naked groupie-streakers h it the on at Midnight?), and to make After setting the mood Rated: Poor philosophy which strikes me The book in some senses stage, the crew throws confetti Henderson. The sum of this album's aural Mon TU.',Thura.Frl. up for this success, they started "Yes" proceeded to setting of well-conceived, well­ 10.30 AM .. 8:00 PM. ought to offend a true philosophical nudist, and is the crowd th rows " Yes" off by announcing that John nearly its en,tirety their ~ NATURAL BOOGIE, Hound Dog Saturdl.,1 certain ly a dissappointment for voyeurs, despitf> an balloons, and its no contest. performed layers of diverse and con­ 10:00 Am .. 1:00 PM. Sebastian would not appear as epic Tilles of TuOlv .. "., trasting timbres and textures comprises Taylor and The Houserockers-Alligator Over 200 Grinningbird flights every day connecting North­ Sunde.,. advertising air designed to draw them in, so one can "Yes" wi ns two out of three falls scheduled. Sigh. In his place Oceilns. And here even certainly one of the most auspicious jaZl 4704 ern and Southern California. Give yO'y'r_camplJ~ rep or 11:00 AM .• 5:00 PM. only judge its merit on its puported accuracy con­ and the Sports Arena can only PSA a bird whistle ...... CIOMd Wedneed.YI appeared Charlie Starr (it could Sports Arenacouldn't hold debuts in recent years. This tight set of Chicago-style good­ ,....1IfC. cerning the "nude scene". Be your own judge. Here is offer a parki ng lot jam up as its have been Ringo Starr and it down. This more melodic, time boogie-blues is a suitable follow-up their e ntry concerning our very own Black's Beach. final sore-loser tactic. An ex­ R~ted: bcellent 3245 wouldn't have fully made up for evenly distributed piece to their excellent debut LP released in Citing evening of theatrical Sebastian's absense) who played the arena, as the 1973. sports arena blvd, "BLACK'S BEACH : Over 3,000 persons daily have concert-going with some of the THE ATKINS-TRAVIS TRAVELING electric guitar and sang all by production work of the Natural Boogie is made up of" Hound loco'" foom II1e _ arena) been reported at this beach, most of them nude. It's finest musical work the current SHOW, Chet Atkins and Merle Tr~vis - himself, and went from dull to worked to its keenest RCA APL 1-4479 . Dog originals, traditional pieces and located about 110 miles south of l. A. on Interstate rock scene has to offer. 224·2973 224-2974 nearly interesting in the course vantage. The lighting Elmore James tunes ("H~waiiiln Boogie", Highway 5 in La Jolla. Take the Genesee Avenue exit While this album certainly doesn't of his tastefully brief set. throughout the sho "fillk To My Bilby") used as showcases from the San Diego Freeway. Go West on Genesse for Side note: fulfill its theoretical promise (teaming keenly, and moterized two country music's finest guitarists) it for either Taylor's raunchy slide guitar about a mile to North Torry Pines Road, continue south Caug ht "Steely Dan" at I. )'S Now I was ready. The stage the dragon's head really disappoints. What it is, is lines or second guitarist Brewer Phillip's about a mile and turn right on La lalla Shores Road. Go Saturday night and as mobbed neYe! full of outrageous setting, the projection screens for fine flat-picked leads. While admittedly a little more than a mile to Discovery Way Park in essentially a low-key thirty-minutes of green blobs, the dragons head of rei igiously or as it was, the worst and most there's really nothing new here, the Aquarium Museum lot. Walk north to end of lot down casual country-pick in', and for this engulfing the percussion uncomfortable at J.j's is better album's enthusiasm "is" quite con­ path to beach. Past rocky point that juts out is begin­ symbolic projections as listener, an LP of satisfying unpretentious equipment, the whale bones, than the best at the Sports tagious, and the musicianship is first­ ning of 'Free Beach.' Water and beach cleaner about 3/4 weaved its way entertainment. the blue tunnel, the tower over Arena . Dan's set was too short class throughout. In all, a worthy mile further down." crowd. Absolute dyn R~ted: Good the whole mess loaded to the band can be. Themes but really solid, and local band acquisition for any blues fan. Look out folks, here they come! "Glory" shows signs of real brim with lighting instruments. second side of the album THAT'S WHAT I AM HERE FOR, Roy R~ted: Good In comes the Firebird Suite, and Potential. J.J's continue to into the performance Buch~nan - Polydor P06020 become one of San Diego's with it "Yes," picking liP right third, and the entire Undoubtedly, Roy Buchanan is a ETCETERAS where they left off last year by finally climaxed in a concert halls. superlative, consistentiy exciting rock The Moody Blues, after a two-year guitarist, one of the best, and this album layoff, are set to begin recording their is simply f~r superior to his previous two eighth LP in May. efforts. Unfortunately, the album's That Richie Furay-Chris Hillman-John production and mix are as tasteless as David Souther-Jim Cordon group has estival before and his "new" band shows high­ beaun recording in L.A . with Richard quality ~ band class but no belter. In Podolor producing. ~.. the end, it'! due only to Roy's uniqUf Billy Cobham, whose new LP is due in April, is stated as the producer of Air(a's IlssiC11Ie5 P'las.I.._- ...J...... J as " style' and fluid technique &hat' this ""i""1 ~n~ ~ othenvise con(used~ ~nceCl lP next effort. .. . (; la!ISfCaJ danc~ Ydcabulary, becomes. worthVdla. 'rod'n'roIL buY. "Steppenwolr-, led by John I(ay~~ave Jill.llft; form;; _,,"cipal ..... ~ ,.• , NIfonned and are presend¥ IN!IOP'inc City Bal5' 'n:dlis WOi1t , " . for a label. ' •• of HeCtor ' . SljtowsW . "SOUL Of A cln lOt ...... Cc6 Lowell Ceorae's, "little Feat" h.ve ~ the lelfdint . ~s 1,\' y.... _~ !Y.1tIU ' .' • " .~ broken up. . '." .. ' This reissue of Jesse's debut .~WiI T~ llbum package resukin"from' the scheQul~fc¥~;~I"!.. ,rfCo«$Id oriainally ,,,.. :PJW. ,~ h ' Bob Dy\an(B.In~ tcMV iilCheduled tor .a 30 and d pIn -W.if7 - a perfotrned as a foll~"~ ..... In the May 1 release. '" tM studios: ~ Cock., fifijsh~ an at " al~"" . " ,', ": "~I' ( Dylan, Neil ~ '';'_ ~ '. ad. ~ . fqco".;',tr.'Qf'I, ~y then lb. ~ ....,. 'aaum .tor AIIM '~I'*~~ ~ n SenIOr C ~ charm charisma and c1lsarmi1\8lv 'op- • ftandy Newman ~ ; T~yIOr at On sale daily IIOOIf'tI) e pm at (1mI5ti~ approach to ' life INIcl ..~ ,Nt!w YOlk's Hit factory,NtG Cuthl'lt ... Coli ge bo)l office, 01' via mall . synthesized into the self-identity even Montf@al's Palisades Arts Studios; and, Ballet, P.O Ilox 82471. San today charKteristic of his sty'• . <>v.rall the Rollinll Stones at Miami's Criterion this is ~ solid thoroUlhly pleasina set Studios. PiI.e 6 Triton Times, Apt'iI 2, 1974 Pqe 7 Triton Times, April 2, 1974 , , ThelVork eet This page Is paid for and n ..._r, ... t1 nt efforts of the St Employment office and Career Planning and Placement Services.

SE~ Off-CampU8 Employment Som... ne n ...... for noon duty .upervl.or It .lernent.ry ochool­ C-P&C Services Full-time Positions «tlll/hr. SEO F 00110 CCP·1I07O Curetorlal II Admlnl.tr.llve Intern.hip; BA/.rt hl.tory. SEO B DDOt7 Switch boerd _tor. prior .Xperienc.II... .,,.d - .2.00/h• . to .tan. Need 2 movws wtth _n tnsck 10 m...... vy holm. 'rom vl.u.1 .rt.; Tho Toledo Mu .... m of Art. IToiedo. Ohlol De.dllne SED F 00.1 41111/74 . otlpend of " .000. w/tr.v.1 allowance of '1.000. Clelremont to E~ - a.lety. wren.... . a_rei Oftlc. dut.... om. dreftl", ond ,round lend.ceplng. IIrlor SEO B 0GD1I CPP-liOI4LAboratory Technlclon; BA / btet.riol",y or rel_d field: Someone to _ ...... on ____ - t2.00 _ hour. experience pr..... ed - ..Iery . open. C... · Sweyne Co" Inc.; IS.ntl ANI .prlnggred. m.y .pply. CPP·5105. Coot & PI.nnlng/Sch. En,ln.. ,. ; BA or MS In eny ong. SEO B 00011 - SEO F 00112 Sam... ,.. with _ tru.. to m ..... fu.nlture f.om La JoIle to 3 on­ Aleeb.. tu_ ...... for ••nlor In hl,h Ichool-lIla". arranged. dlaclpllne; Blcht.1 Corll. ISon Fr.ncI.col. CPP·5105b Cor .... In Data Proc ...i ng; all d.gre•• & all m ojors : compu. ",to. - .....,•• rnr...-ct . SEO F 00111 Synch.onIzed .wlm.nd .prl"" boerd dlvln, In.tructo r needod d.ta proc... l ng '.11. not nee .... " ; Electronic De.. Svlt.m. Corp. SEO B oaan lop.nlng. In 30 mejor U. S. cltinl. Wom.n _nted for ...... nent...... h_cl.nln,. with own ....ry .....""ed . S ... 12·2. ,0r- tZ.00 _ h •. -3 ...... _ wfL SEO F 00117 CPP·5105c Adjuot.,. Inon· •• llln, c.rllrl; BAllib.,,1 1m ; • wk. SEO B 00142 2 _ne nttded to lloot wottlc.nd dlroction sign. for Mod.1 trelnlng In l. A.; lIb.rty Mutuel Inaurene. Co• . 116 Weot Cot.! of· M.n.Ify ...... _ ... .-cIedfo.drlvlnt•• na_rln' phoneo- ....ry Ho .....- Set. befor. 10. Sun. before duok/$1Z per .he/.:M p.r wknd. fico.l. Irra_d- muot be on cell from 7:00 ...... to .lIy ev.nln.. . SEOF~ CPP·5105d Comput.. Applicetiona Antlvat Troinee; BA or MS In .Iect. en,. Or computer , cl.. or MS In M. th; P.ciflc G •• ft Electric SEO B 00171 C.mp cou ....oro netdtd '0 ..... Iou. IUmm., c.mp •. SEO F 00172 Co. ISen Fr.ncl.eol. Hou.... "'_ ~ to ecrub f iDOrl. w_h w.llo. cl.n tol"to­ CPP·S101ie Chemlc.1 T.chnician.; M / BA chemiotrv; knowledg. in t2.00/hr. Photoerepher needed 'or on. tim. only; b II w dev.loplng .nd IIrlntlng- "'ery .nd tim•• "..nged . lab. tachniquII • • yntho.l. & purification of or,anic compounds SEO B 00173 required; R.ychem. IM.nlo Park. Ce.) Someone to drive children to Bird Rock ._ .nd beck SEO F 00111 'rom __ CPP-I5105f Mone,.ment Training Program in Merc hondi.lng & for bellet I_n thlt Tu...tey .nd Thursdey- .... ry ••raneed . Infor.... tlon ra.. rdl,.. Summ.r Proeram of Am.llc.n Dental Alan. - d.dlln. for .ec"pt of .ppllc.llono I. 4 /15174. Credh; BAI rlQulr.d; S.,rs. RoebUCk & Co. SEO B 00111 CPP-I5101ig BloIo,l.t; BA/blol",y w / .. p. in . nlmel aurgery or Need 2 bertenclen .nd 4 ..rtY helpers 'or M.y 2. ' :30 - ....ry. SED F 00112 bartenden "'.00 .... hr. • nd ...... t3.00 ... hr. - muot be ••. SeI_on ...... whh _peMnc. worklnll on blcycleo­ performln, rodioimmunooutYI; Synt•• Corp. IP.lo Aho. Ca.l. CPP-I5105h PrOllremm.,a ll BM 3101; MS/ math or computor .clenc • porlenced. • 1./hr.-1 hro. S.t. p ...... ed ; A.rO/" Elect.oov.t.m. Co. (A.u.a. C • .I. SEO B 001_ SEO F 00110 Sev... 1 'ul .nd pert time openl,... 'or person. to tuch P.ro"n. CPP·!i1011 M.N,.ment Tral,...; BA/ w/buoine.. expo pr.f.rred; Hou ...... n. needed for 0,.. dey to ec:rub w .... floon. window.. Alletata lneurane. Co. Ip••• d.ne l. tool. provided. need ..t...... ,.- t2.111 ... h •. F.rtI. Areblc• • nd SII.nloh. n.tI.... pe.ke. or very flu.nt.-tIi per 114 hro. CPP·1i1011 Account e..cutlv.. ISecurltl.. S.le.me n l SE~ B 001II BA / economlca. 2Ii Yl'l. 01.,• • w I ..... e.p. or ..... orlonted: E. F. P.into. needed to do trfm worfl end Intellor... Int .nd __ will SEO F 001. Hunon II Co . (21 offlcelln C• .· cholc. I. up to tha lndlviduoll. b. provided noftr_ nMded- .,.oo/h• . Stroll,.. mu.Ic"n n .....d for European re.tour.nt end b.r- ...." • rra",ed. CPP-S1OSk R_rchAeoltt.nt; BA/ ch.mlat,,; Hyl.nd I.boratorl .... SEO C IIOCI'I2 ICooto M... . C• .•. Noed tylliot to.ke dIcIetIon f.om _ .pe- tz.OOll/hr.f5 hro. SED F 1101. Porton needed to hon, poot.... bout. lectu•• th... doctor will b. CPP·51OSI Group Pen.lon Tralne.; BA / meth or eeonomic s ; por wk. "vi,.. - ....ry ••rran,ed : Pruden"'l lnourence Co. IL.A.I. S EO C CIIIIIM Steno-typlot to worfI wtth R....,h A __ ; .hrthnd.1II wpm.; type III SEOFOO203 Tennlo _her needed '0. two wom.n b ..ln ..... - ....ry .rr.nged. wpm - ...... /mo./3 moo.!ful time. SEO F CICDD4 SEO C 00021 P.non ...... to ....t at .temoon partY M.y4- '2.1iO-«1.00/ hr. bperlenced typilt to type from .11 • ..corder .nd wrftttn dreftt. SEOF_ SE~ continued accur...... "" - ....ry .nd ached...... ,ed . Diet tid needed Imm.dl.taly '0. conv... oc.nt ho.pltoI- t2-00/ hr. SEO C..az7 SEO F 0CIIII07 SEO I 00 .. Bill_I typItt, ...... nd E...... horthend In Sp..... - ....ry Expe.... nced window w ..hor need.d. 5 hra. - n .OO /h •. Need _Itnoo• • • om. throu,h tho .ummer- ' 2.00/ hr. & tip • . t2.00/hr. SED F OCIZOI SEO 1001. SEO C 00021 P ...on _ded to call cultom... to orr.n,.. time for cars to be Ol.hw•• hero and kitchen help n ..ded - '2.oo/ hr. Need .ecretarY with ohorthend- ulerv. _I. hrI. .... wk. worfled on- .2.00. SEO 100,. SEO C GOa SEOa_ Kitchen __tlon and po eklng- .2.10/ hr. T.... ho,.. ..Itt ...... to ...... ,"poIntm_ 'or cuttomer. 10 Store CIMni"" .nd window _hlng- $2.00/ hr.t1·2 dey. oe. wk. SEO J 00107 brln, cera In for ,...- ...... nd ac .....u .. to be ....need . SED a 00011 Need .omeone to do ,'O<:lry . hopping. wllhlng . • tc. for . nothe. SEO C 00112 S.rvlc. and melnt.n.nce 0' juice dl._.. r ·.I." . • rran,ed. Indlvlduall room ft boord/hro. fle.lble. Typl.1 needed,or thermom .... co.• muot type IiO wpm" momln,. l­ SEO a 00117 SEO J 00108 I - t2.21/h• . 3 ..nona n ..d.d to Ino.1I poly.. t .. film on ' .indOw.- t2-50- Peroon to hlil> ...I .t with ..ar cl. ln,. welklng II reading to men w ho nOO/h•. he. hod .trok.- .1.lIO /hr.12 hro. per dey; Mon· F• . SEO C 00'II& SED J 00108 G.... ral cI ..lcal. typine. fllInt. pho,.... no Ihorthend- t.2.21/ hr.. SEO G 00145 On. peroon to helll with .Idorly crippled lI,.ter femol. - u lery • ft.... OOnt . Janlto. Or ....Inttnenc:. peroon- t2.00/ hr.l2 hr • . momln,. Tun.·S . .. "dy. SED G 001118 II work .chtdul.- .rrangad. SEO 0 00032 Mechonlc tr_ for foreign ca.. - .... " ond Ichedule to b. SED J 00110 One _nine. m.th or computer ac ..nc. ....jor pr.... rod . '0. Need medlcel.tt.ndent; .trong with quick re.ctlon • • ebl. to drlv.­ computer _mor with knowltd.. of mini comput.ro- .... ry. .rra,...d. REO G 00,.. t2D/ wk.nd 1:.30 .m-li:3D pm Set. & Sur. orran...-I perl·lim...... nInte. P ...on needed to do ..rdenl", . g.ner.1 yerd m.ln_nc.. c.r SED J 00111 SEO 0 00CD4 n.... ed to get thoro - t2.25/hr. to .tart/Set.. ' ·1. Som.o... to do houHk.eplng. fix m ..I • • do dl.h.. for Invalid ..dy ­ Summ., work for tloctrlcal .....,..trln' Iral ...... urvey work in SEO G 00174 .1.7li/ hr. II ... to ••"'1 -7:30 pm 3-5 dey. por wk. el.ctllc.1 ...ulpment - .... ry • • 1 .• /hr.f5 d.yo. 40 hro. wk. O,,"'nlng. own tool• . I_nmower evallable - 2.00/hr.fonce • wk. SED J00112 5 EOOOllll:W SEO G 00171 Grod or u_ cleo_om.n with knowl.dge 0' nutrition for cooking P.rson 'or Time .nd Motion Study- PI.nt I.y out with d.,re. In light hou __pln, . live-In If you pref.. / n . ~.2.liO / hr ./ D .. M.r. Mech. En,.• Indu• . E,... or e.peri.nce In Induo. Tech.- 'ull tlmel 1 Or 2 perao...... cIod to dig 1. ft. dltch- ....ry and time a".angod. .. SEO G 00181 SEO J 00113 ....ry . _" Ce,. 'or elderly women- Room ft boardlllve·ln/ mult be froe In P.""", nttded to do office c"'"lng one dey per wk.-t25 • month. SEO 0 001. SEO H 00012 ev.nln.. . P.,.on _ded to .ne~,.. ph_. teke work ordero. momlng. SED J 00114 Nttd clerk.t Ito•• ; will train; mUlt be bond.bl.- U .lli/ hr. to . .. rt/ N•• d comp.nlon ld.,ly••• m l·crlpp ..d wom.n; no hauo_ork ; until June- ...." . t2.00/h• . 11 p~7 .m. '0 •• d.p...... bl.- Room II bo.rd Iprlvate room II bathJlllv.l" SEO D 001_ SEO H 00013 SEO J 00115 N•• t dre.... httdtd '0. bookk.. pin, . gener.1 .".and.. .om. Someone to aall W.btten Student Hndbk • . - t2.000 for 3 P ...on . pref... bly f.male. to liv. In. do cooking II li ght hou.. w ork receptlonilt- 20 hro . .... wk.-t2J)O/hr. mOl.t.ummer. for .kI.rly room II board 11 $25 p .. wk. SEO E CDI3I-111111Z. E 110163. E 001E. E 002DI. E 002IIB SED H 00014 "dy- SEO J 001111 V.rlety of child cere. hou.... hOUlec... ni,.. . cookln,• • nd N.. d lI ...on \0 sell cendelabra. for prlv.t. inellvldu.l- ..I.ry _In'. Help 'women with making break'... II light hou._ork- $2.00/ hr.l9 b.byolttl"" lobo .v.I...... • .... "".d per ..1. 1 own .chtdule. .m-noon every dey. SEOF"- SEOHOIaIi Two to throe _I. to tel.pho... CUltOm.,. e.pl.lnlng produC:U­ N.d ...1 ••t.tt .alaop.,.on ond flnanclel con.ultonto- .... ry SEO J 00114 A.. iot en elderly wom.n thot h •• rec.ntly had he.rtattack; li ght $2.0011 Ihr.fl-t p.m. erraneed. h,.. flexible - full or pert·tlme. SEO H GOON cooking. ve" lI,hI hou •• cltonlng - ••Ia" end . ch.dul. a ..an,.d . SEa F 000II SEO K Nttd _raotlc lleolli. to m.ke eppointm.nto 'or ..I. rep,..en· ocmo Someone to e.oIlt bookk_.. with .xperl.ne. or .om. knowled,e Orl ... penon Iround - provldl own cor-•• la" II achedul • • rran, ed. tetlvet- tZ.lO/ hr. & bonu./2-41 :30 pm or 4:30-9 pm. of bookk_ln.,..2.ODIh• . SEO K 001115 SEO H 00017 D.II... ry work and .om. melntenanc.; mUlt hey. good d rlvlnll SEa F 00017 Nttd .ctv.rll.lng ..... per.on- 30 perc.nt comml.. l onl own hro. Ooorto door oc.tenl,.. volunt.... for Outr•• ch Pro,ram In PB. MB. record and be bondeble- t2.oo/ hr./3D hro. per wk" mutt h.v. one SEO H 00018 N_ ...rI ·tlme count •• penon- .2.oo/ hr.l1·2 d.y. p •• ful day fr ... & OB. wk./11-15 pm or • pm. SEO F 00018 SEO H 001II3 Phy.lcally fit poroon wtth wll...... ~ne. 'or mountal_rln, P .....n needed to ••11 f.rlllI • ., to rot.1I .toro.- good comml•• lon . rep.-.ntatlve. .om. t ....lllne - ...... 11 ..... II beneflto. SEO I 00100 SEO F 0001II Nttd I p.opl.- counter gill• • bu. boy •• II kitchen h .. p - . elary & Art .tudento to do "youto with e_rIonce In commerc.. 1 "youto; .chtdul. v.... bl • . SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK occo • . IIhonea end light typI",,- t2.00-2.lIO/hr.l2·1i lI.m.! Ii d.y. per SEO I 00102 wk. Nttd ._.. nced w.ltre"- .'.11i & tlpel Tuo.·Frl. 5-9 pm. Wed. April 10 BULLOCKS DEPT. STORES; ell d.g .... mejo rs; SEO I 00103 M•• chondl.. & Op... llol1l Training Prog .. m. E".cutive Training SEa F 00010 Pr",rom. Some for hou.Ik_lng .nd lI,ht ..r ...... ln'- tZ.OO/hr,f4hr.. av. 2 Nttd two w.ltr•• & m.ke homburgaro . •• ndw!ch ...... d • . etc. - Thu. April l' S. S. KRESOE CO.; .11 degroo • • mel 0,.; Mlnag.ment wk •. .1./"'./&:30 pm.·12 pm. SEO I 001001 Trelnlng POIlllan • . SEO F 00II71 Openine"or 1. w.I...... - ."perl.nced Intr.y ....l c.I .1.1I5/ h •. II MONTERREY INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN STUDIES; a.. their . d Seve.. 1 0"","" for tol ,I'" " '11" end ov.. ) to po.. Iclothedl for tip.. thle liege art cle._- """.00/hr-'-12 lira. _ wk. SEO 11I010I Fri. April 12 KANSAS CITY UFE INSURANCE CO.; . 11 degr•• . SEa F 00072 Nttd ell ...... for _ .. nt- ....ry . .,ran,ed/4:3Q.8:3D pm. m.joro; lneurone...... with potential for odvenCltTtent Into Two tttrectiv. end ~Ie __ to eIIrect cue...... II .n­ m._gem_1. __ qutttl_..... ry end houro .....eed . SEO 11101. NeecI _ltrnt- .1.7li/hr'/1-2 w ..k day./1-2 day. on ."ottIc.nd. Apllolntmento ...... ce ... " '0 ••11 Int.M_• . Mort info about SEO F 00D73 SEO 1110137 thee. ortllnlutlon•• nd ",pointm.nt .c_uNng I•• voll.b ...t the Couple. over 21 ..... to worfl ...... nt .. 1 therepilt ot glri·. horne; 3 p_ 21 yro. old to bu. teb ... In new r .... u .. nt. will Involv. CP&P Office. 1012 Muir HftSS. M.ke .vory offort to . I,n up et I... t at the hou .. mein... _. g.- therepy II _m mootin,. - «IIIIImo. II htevy work ..... ry VIlli ... two doy. before your Int.Mew. rm. II brd./hra. vorv. SEa F IIOOJI The .wly job ••aI.tane. C.... r Plannlnc ft PI.c.ment wOrk.hope .ro .chtdultd •• follow", S.lf·motiwtad. Poll. ScL. Eeon. . Pub. Admin. or Buo. mejor 'or CAR EE R S BULLETINS Admin. Intern to do ~ on ,ov. ..,... & bud.... - tl.1ll/hr. HEALTH Occupellon.1 Survey Work.hop: Mondaya. 3·5 p .m .. April 1·22. grodueto or .1OO/h• . und.".rod.f211 hrt. per wk. Job·Seeklng Technlqu. Work.hop: Wad ... ld.y• • 3-5 p.m" April Applications for the 2 years of college cour­ 10-24. SED F OOIIJI Further inform.tion II the CPftP Offlc • • 1012 Muir HIISS. Need Ieaz bend - .....,.•• rnr...-ct/l-8 nI,htoll hn. ..., nI,M. Optometry College Ad­ sework including biology. SPORTS & FOREIGN mission Test are available in chemistry, physics. Further CAR SERVICE S EO F fIf1I1T7 Noed 1 m.... nd 2 f_1t ...... coune...... ; 5 Itnlor cou ...... ro : 1 the Health Sciences Ad­ education involves 4 years drlu nu,..; .nd1 nutrftlon_. 'or.ummer- "'ry& hrI. very. visory Office, Room 6037, in optometry school. For SEOFOOIDI Two new publications information. reflecting tn NOW PLAYING AUTO UPHOLSTE RY 20 Muir for any persons further information on Mlrried COUIII. to live In .. -'dent ...._ .t 3 ap" bld... - interested in this career . optometry or the admission are now availab le for rapid development wn Flr. t San Diego Prod,cUon For All Cars Itlary. neeotle..... Applications to this test. check with the office reference : have taken place Twice expelled from Ie, tli ariel SEO F OOGII H e a I t h are e r s fIeld over tl- e la t a, a young man , a ,le Mitute Spenilh tu_ ..oded- II ..... netIve women _k.. - ...." & hn. profeSSional area are ac­ above. Guidebook (Jrd edition) year In Iud >d are author and art llt fa nl a!iz,s he CONSIDERA TlON TBA. cepted upon completion of becomes ordained. ther... ""me· prOVIde an over view of the occupational and tralnl diotel, . I•••• d as the second TO STUDENTS SEO F 001. ' P.. lOn with ....1 MI ...... to be nltht ....n_ of .hop- hea lth field. ome In- reqUi r ement~ . an overv E",,1I1h Pope. Hi. briel but II' IC. ciling ro19n crolle. one 01 thl n OO/h •. nI,1tta .nd WHII...... form ation ofl ava ilability of of the current direc motIt coltbrill.d ...d e.lroorcfi 7618 rAY AVENUE S ;O F 00131 (man ia l aids. h alth oc- <.are, UlJplJltUl1ltle~ III ntty pi.,. 01 our ti_. P. X _rator. with job ._II.nco ....eferrtd - tZ. • /hr. The staff of Career Planning and Placement and the cupat ion de cnption. a librilry SCI nce have taken. INTHE REAR SE) F 1101. staff of Student Employment invite students to a k hea l t h career calendar. iI n doc up d Ilon.!l l ~~O'F-o:..=th cumont WSI .nd S •. Ufnevt... ce.da - t2.n/hr. questions concerning career. part·time or ummer 0« upatlons rn library d \ "ptlon of t n I A JOLLA. CA l if BI·II""'.IIIINInIIIt-E...... ' -"on .-cIed to coun'" _ with employment. Send the que tion to "Employment lenCI' contaln,~peCla"tles open to 4')4-1920 prob"m pree ...... on birth c_oI. oterilzllllon• • tc. - rorum" c/o Eric Martinez. Bldg. 215 Matth ws Ca mpus . taO/hr. to __ ~Ig n If iL

P~ge 8 Triton Times, April 2, 1974

--- ~ ____------...... ------announcements--- ......

Th. R.v.lI. R.. I"nt D.. n'. Anyone Int_.ted In .tt.ndlng Wed at ,... In .... Rav .... fMmaI The Hletory Dept ennouncea thet R.. dlng 0'011" M·W 10:00 .m SPOKTS 0ffI0e Ie _ -...anil .... Nota.. klng M l1:OO.m Study Skill the lagUM Art F.. tI".1 on July '74 Classic Saturday tuesday Lounge ...... wi. be • ap.ker P,of_ Armin R.ppeport will fM the RMIdent AcIvIeor poeldon 13th. July 11th. July lAth or from .... R_ C..... C-. All be offwIng • on the Cold W 11:00 .m For Infor ....tlon c.1I W., fM MId Revelle u~I... In the past, races have competitive crew here at inexperienced and has had du,lnl the I.Sp,lnl Qu."., . _ end y_...... __011,"" OASIS ...t. I .. 2d Muir 8th fl. AUIIU" 4th C8n contact H.rry .t • ra weIcotM. 14/21 AMES FILM· ..... '. 2 ''W_ In Rm . ... (p4161 Ext.~ . Hu,ry ... I. IImit.d. been held at distances UCSD. its problemsjn getting a set En'oIl ....nt I. by perm_Ion of .... _c. It by chance you are flulda" 1104 UH. 12-1. (4121 lnetructor: _ Mil.. K.I...,.,.. to .ppIy. P'- pick up ...... 1 (4/61 standin, on the beach near ranllinll from one to seven Crew is a very precise boat. At present Larry aIIp """' Student lmpl~_nt Third College F.oulty .nd ...ff Hletory Offloa, .. H&SS Bldg the Hotel this miles. In present day sport . Timing and teamwork Snowd~n is the coxswain, OffIce. Appointe fM InteI'vIew M_ on Wed. Apr 1.1174 at Conf . . for "'...... Info. (4/111 mllet be...1MCIII by April Itt!. C4/2l competition most races are essential to win a race. Tim Finnilan is in the stroke Seleeted Joeks Dolf W.ld.m.I., from Swlt­ Th. following cou, •• ' In Saturday morninl around 8 Room A. ", Me .14:011 P. m. (4/21 LIte,.tu,. will be off_.d Sp,lnl Att.ntlon V.t.,.n • • V.t.ronl· have been standardized to In order to achieve this seat, with Richard Smith, ••,land, will apeak on: HAl ...... am, you milht heM a Ou.~r by the ChlC8no Stud_ D.p.nd.nll .nd F,I.ndl of 2000 meters. level of precision a lot of Trekking .nd MOII .....~ fM sinlular voice echo out of Grady jones and Dave Third Col.... P'OIIOOI S_lal D.partm.nt. S ... nl.h/Llt. 163 - V... rana : If you would ... In· by Eric Raisten E.... nded Conlelouln... ". H. · Ralph Cohen, P,of_o, of Englleh CLASSIFIED AD POLICY: FREE Collesiate competition in time must be spent prac­ Gutzler in the 3,2 and bow Stull. Dept. off ... I cou_ .. P,of. To..... Ybe,ra Introduction t.,..ted In portlclpatlng In I the foa. If by chance this baan workl... 'for more then will..,.. on N_Lltarary Hlatory TO ONL Y REGISTERED GRADS miligram C8m"lgn to .ncou,.g. sinlular voice veils the Crew varies with the size of tieing. seats respectively. tw.nty yeera In .... A .... end .... TCP,o"o.t II. L.AT/GRE AND UNDERGRADS AT THIS to Chicano Llt... ture : T.m.. . Wed. Ap,3 at 4:00 p.m. In "" ". P,.p.,atlon .. du,lng Spring FIIU,... P,oblem.tlca MWF 1·2 congr... to pe.. atrong., the boat as well as the An oarsman is also ex­ The Crew Classic itself This .rtlcle Is being run .s the sport. page'. Ivery y.. ' • group of USF HUlldg. Everyo... Ie cordially CAMPUS. ALL ADS MUST BE command "Et-vous pretl Qua"". Cou_ Ia daalgned for P&L 1117' Llt/Oan'" 1114 • P,of. 1.. 1.I.tlon for hllh., "at.rana· experience that oarsmen pee ted to spend time will commence the rowing .nswer to Selected Shorts, Itud.n" for valnI", In hiking .nd InvI1ad to .1Und. (4/21 ACCOMPANIED WITH NAME b_fl.. . com. to the V.t.,.na Partezl" you will haveheard cllmblng. Y_. which Ie the ...... otud_ who .,. unfamiliar with T_ Ybe". N_ Llt.,.tu'M: have. Shells range from working out off of the AND VALID STUDENT 1.0 . Aft.l,. Offlc• • 214 M.C.. ...fore the starting command that season on the west coast. of hi. unlQu. .pp,o.ch to .nd unpracticed In ..king natl_1 THOSE ADS WHICH DO NOT Chicano EJtp ....lw Culture MWF 11·12 APM 23111 The following Ap,1I lChh. (4/t) single sculls to double water. This includes run­ The Classic will begin at 8 rnoun ..I,..." .... Ie u* to control hllh-pow.,.d ••I.ctlon ...t • . FOllOW THIS POLICY IN AD· will begin the first race of general cOU'" In Lltar.tu,. will be of· the 1974 san Diego Crew sculls to fours to the ning 3-5 miles a day as well am with the single sculls All- Americans Next Year? the phyolcal _ of climbing. PREREQUI.ITES: Junior 0' DITION TO LINE LIMITATION We ""III _ 2DO highly oaIected 8eniM ."ndlng. Thera will b. SPECIFICA TIONS WILL BE f.,ed Spring Ou.rtar .. "cont.xt" Classic. traditional eight oared as lifting weights. As one and finish around noon cou,... In Chlclno Studl ••. shell . In most regattas there can see the time spent in pICIII... of the AllIe. Refraah· Wom.n.· FIELD HOCKEY oontinuou.... m. throughout the D!SCARDED. NON STUDENTS W.nt to know how to do Ip ..dy Because of the emminent with the featured Varsity m.nta will be ..wei. 1:00 PM cou_. TIll. eou ... will b. "f,.... Sp.nllh/Ut. 101 • P,of. G,lnor MEMSERS: W.·ra In the p,oc_ MAY INQUIRE FOR AD RATES. Rolo Splnl.h Am.,lc.n .nd .ffectlve Ibrary ' ....'ch 1 arrival of the Crew Classic, is also competition on the trying to achieve the Eight race. Congratulations to Jerry (Sic) Colt and Paul Internatl_1 C_. A~'"2. (4121 of finding • coach who will ....P of credl ...nd the InetNctor will FOR MORE INFO CALL 453-2DOO T.k. Cont.mpor.ry I.... ,. 50 be P,of_, NoI.n E. Penn. P,OM/Flctlon MWF ..10 HIL 1180 freshmen and ]V levels as ultimate precision that is Trainer. who were both named to the USIU AII­ lie OIIt ....t f.1I on • "oIuntery X'01' lET) " Info,matlon .nd Ac.d.mic the Obscure Sports The Varsity Eight C...... will m ..t TUM. 12:00-1:30 Spanl.h/Ut. 130 • P,of. Joaeph Department has decided to well as Varsity competion. necessary to win races is competition should be Opponent Team, which was selected by members of b •• I.. Any fu,th., .n· Somm.,. Nowl of the MI .. lcan Libra ...... 2 unlta. 2 S.ctlonl M & nouncernan.. will be put In thI. p.m .. :MIll. 2A: Bee I .nd 2 will Wit 10 In C.ntral Ub. Ind T. Th.t make Crew the focus of this A typical eillht oared time lost from studying, outstanding . Crews the USIU basketball team. The All-Opponent first wednesday ...... on Bat. atertlng It 1:3D I .m .. In conjunction with the oth., S.n R."olutlon: Th. Implct on shell is about feet in which as we all know is of IOctlon of thl p.p.,. Any DI.go I'.. ColI.g.. .nd LIt ...tu,. of I Mllor Hloto,lc.1 11 In Cluat., Lib. (415) week's article. 60 spotlighted in the race team was dominated by players from USD and QUMtlon. M ouI-"_. p ..... 2202 2A .nd 2103. BlololY length and weighs in the prime importance, league winning Azusa-Pacific. Sulldlng. (4/12) Unlveroltl... the U ndergradu.te Phenomlnom. TTH 12:311-1:&0 USB Crew is the oldest in­ include last years Classic The 1173-74 Ban 0",0 N_ cal Judy Irwin .. 7~ eftar Stud.m Counell of UCSD I. 4CIIIOA S ... nIoh/Ut. 132 . P,of. tercollegiate sport in the neighborhood of 250 especially here at UCSD. and Western Sprint '>Oltry S.rI. p_ N.thenlel .:30 P.M. (416) .poneo,lng a Col'- Night fo, the Grlno, Rojo latin Amerlcln b ..y United States. Competition pounds. Being as light as it This year Coach Gebur champion, Washington, Ta,n. B,ltl.h po.t Ind .n· PADRE B ...... II t ..m on Apnl 21. MWF 11·12 UH 82Ii7 (4/61 is for its size the shell is very hopes to field two com­ th,opoIOllIat. who win read from SCI 3AL ST\JDENTB Thera I•• Mlater Angu. Fletch.. . luthor of 1174. Dlocounl tick... fM _act Eo,n 4 unlta of c,edlt •• In OASIS in the sport began way back Navy, always a power in tutor. If you quollfy. n ..d you, fragile. The of the boat petitive shells . UCLA Chokes on Vegetables hi. poetry Wed, Apr 3 ••,4 p.m.• In ....0IIII ...... ge of ....or .. ory AI~, T"i.Ci;dhetiC Moment _ta will be .vallabl... the Uray w. in 1852 with a race between Crew, and the University of boolul IQuant. C".m· J . W... ,I H.IIBo.. Offlc. umll Thura. Ap, II. aervlc..... tutor In the low., thl R.velle Forrnal Lou_. The end tEl ,".1 M!!9U' Fri nlllht 0,. June J.ck.on is only 1/8" thick. The seats The Varsity Four should Wisconsin, the In­ fo, next Qu.rtar'. you Ira will lectura on: Aufwledereahn: .nd the prlca fo, I IIck.t I. only dlvl.lon. co,. cou,.. moth .nd the crews of Harvard and 1973 ••rl ... which I. free .nd op.n to ilt I' Chrl.tm.. will ..,.. k on "Racl.m are supported by an be fairly strong, having not continuing Imo Sci 3B. why Th,..holde In the M.,le " ".110. The gem. will be • dynamic eel.nc•• aqu.nc •• . C.II ,.t 1306 yale. Since then the sport tercollegiate Rowing In more basketball news, UCLA is hereby awarded thl public. I. aponao,ed by the .nd S ... I.m" R.".II. Fo,m.1 CI m pu. P,ogram Boa,d. end the not ..II you, book .t the Co-OP Mon. Ap, i .t 4:00 P. m. In the P,.· ....on .peet.culo, with 0' come to ,oom 1008 20 Mul, .nd elaborate framing system three experienced oarsmen Association champion. the All-America Choke award as they somehow Lounge. 8:30 P.M. Op.n to the has grown tremendously, VI.u.1 Art. .nd Llt.,.tu,. book ...che_ : Rav.i.. Informal Rav .... Formal Loung •. E"eryone Phllad.lphl•• nd will ... played In eak for B.rbe .. for mo,e Inlo. within the shell which also in the shell. The boat will be managed to throwaway a seven point lead in the public. (4/51 now over 100 colleges and DIP.rtm.n". 14/21 Lou_. (4/111 I. co,dl.11y Invited to "'"nd. 14/51 the San 01,,0 S.. dlum . (41111 1114/121 universities compete in provides rigidity for the coxswained by Sue Glick­ All the races will begin at second five minute overtime and twice blew eleven regattas held all over the boat. man , with Morgan jotinson the northern end of Mission point leads, the last with six minutes to go in the country. Crew is one of the most in the stroke seat . Mike Bay, near the Catamaran game, as North Carolina State picked up a free ride demanding of all sports. It glass and Mark Akeson Hotel and finish just past into the NCAA Basketball Championship, as they requires a lot of time and return trom last years frosh the Bahia Hotel on Bahia defeated the Bruins, 80-77. energy from those who four to hold the middle two Point. Good viewing participate in the sport. This seats in the shell. Tom locations can be found on the two is one of the problems that Eckstein rounds out the Santa Clara Pt., EI Carmel Coach Bill Gebur has faced Varsity shell . Pt. , and near the finish line in trying to build a highly The Frosh Four is quite on Bahia Pt. The Big Melee Finley Shafted-­ of you Twice

San Diegan Ken Norton must be congratulated for now and awarded the Muhammed Ali/Cassius Clay Abalone Regulations For Mouth of the Month Award for his great publicity campaign and downright lousy bid for the heavyweight boxing of the world, as George Foreman handily disposed of Norton with a second ~-advertisements for ourselves------~ The Deep-Sea Poacher round KO. Also the "Chicken of the Year" Award goes to by Bert Kobayshi FISHING REGULATIONS curve), and must not be less Muhammed Ali, who after calling a press conference I 0,2 'octm .... to .hera Dup". In FOR SALE Ueed Fencing Teenal" wanted M.J.O.FHove,.): thenk. fo, the services pertinent to your foraging than 3/4 inch wide nor less to announce plan for his bid for the heavyweight of .... V_.Trop...... or ..... uo. of your IIp.·1 h ... ch.lra .nd C.rdlff. CI_ to CN ..... CIII Rick for sale 713-3173 14/21 All frustrated lobster for dinner. than 1/16 inch thick. All title, and prediction of Foreman 's downfall at the off. Call ... H_rd (4/21 hev. mi. thing for kneea. 14/21 divers have been eagerly edges must be rounded and hands of Norton, decided to make himself scarce lnoqm. tax MNIce. dlecoum lor I4m~gl_ .way '-_OllIe ~trII . La,.1 dMk wlm..,m.ny dra_ra. awaiting the opening of 1) You must have a current free of sharp edges. Knives, and ski p the scheduled press conference. wAM/FM ...... __k Mu.t S.III 11 Morrl. Mini Need Very I...... C8n raflnleh. OLENN BABY: r.m.mb., ... collor. M.1e AOQoqma" w.nted for La .tud.n". eteff or flculty. 7S-I22I C8.h for eehool. t30D 3D mpg. yok •• cuffe. You, locall,on·llnd.,. abalone season that started - 1974 sport fishing license screwdrivers and other hc.1 condo• .011, ....., K.... n Debbie ....221. (4/21 Jolla VII"ge Studio Apt. Call afte, 2. (P/m burna 011 4ID-1n7 D."ld (4/61 (4121 M.rI< .t 4D-GIl,mo,n or _14/21 March 16. And now that the (S4.00). sharp instrumehts are Turning to baseball, Mrs. Charly Finley is 14/21 prohibited . (This is a new season has finally arrived, awarded the " Mothers of Invention Necessity" Cheep 1III,.gat(m La Jolle 4 lYPlST. Fe ... 4Ii can" • plgo. Coli MARIAN You, lult••• are , ..lIy the following may be a very 2) North of Yankee Point regulation this year. The Award, as she finally did what no other person has FORD Muateng for .... to the MICROPHONE AKG D200E New ml"pup· no hou.. prlv/c.n M.I~mt Wlnted for Spring Or. 453-S272 (4/SI I. with c ... and co,d . MiG 7Ii&t53IJ gonna ml .. you mucho. WI.h you necessary item for the (in Monterey County) reasoning behind this been .able to do - get rid of Gharley Finley. Mrs. flrat cu.\qmer with .. calh. C.II ~mlll. 413,,,10 l.t./lI.". 1111 y." f~m ....ch In D.M. Very 463-Qi82. (4/2) 14/51 hlpplne.. at Berk ..ey . BB (4/ 121 prospective Ab consumer. SCUBA cannot be used; change stemmed from the Finley is now filing for divorce and has a court in­ m_I• . (4/21 nlc. " .71. 715-2210 14/21 south of Yankee Point non-coagulating nature of junction preventing him from going home. BSR Mcdonald 310 turntabl.. 1 Due to the revisions of SCUBA is allowed . abalone blood, which BOSE 901 Dlr.ct/R.ti.ctlng WANTED : Uaed w.ffl",on. Cheap Thankl TW L.lnda PR LII B ME lost & found y.. ' old. MO Call 463-1219 ,"k 10' WM Munch & liP Da, & Thump Lu • . • pt. to .hera. Own 'OQm & the rules and regulations resulted in a high mortality Sp •• k., SY'14Im, tao. Write John C.II 4Ii4.a3DI • 14/21 beth. North PlrI<. C.II M.rjl. 2111- The " Boob" of the Year Award goes to Charley MI.w.II.lInO Wlnth,op. SO. 12117 Tim 0' I.. ", m ....g • . 14 /51 fo, ....t BDI Love. KB 14/21 covering Abs that occured 3) Open season is from a.7 (4/2) Dlvld Strait pick up loot ID .t rate of "shorts" due to , Finley, who signed up Herb Washington , a 14121 over the past two years, March 16 through january injury from cuts . Divers are T,lton Time. offlc • . (41 5) professional 60 yard sprinter, as a pinch runner, and FREEl 10 mo. old cocke,·poodle Phy.lce TA·. Needed fo, In­ there is a need for a recap 14 cautioned to learn to judge d.p.nd.nt .tudy cl... n ••t MACKEY MOUSE I love you .nd hired Maurey Wills for a week to teach his new Couch 7·. .. taoRefrillfreuer ... w/.ho" & lloc. mal •• v.ry fri.ndly 1m hooked on the f ..llng • • 0 lit. of the 1974 CALIFORNIA a legal abalone and not pop Z7II-8DIi3 (4/61 quart.. . JI5.II2I .fter 8 PM (4/21 3 bd, condo In G.n..... If you want more lime 4) limit is five Abs in the aquisition how to steal bases, only to find out that MIgic Chef R.nge 4-bumer " . Cell glt ,owdy. #(1;. (4 /2). FISH AND GAME SPORT CIII Plul 272·1110 0, .....1, . (4/21 Hllhl.nd•• v.n . to .tud.nt. FRENCH HITCH·HIKERS I.ft before you start a family, combination of all species . a "short" so as to minimize instead of sliding into bases, Washington bounces .prlng & .o(oqm., 1174. WoW "mill bel In Blu. VW bu. In OM the risk of injury even EMKO Contraceptive over them . Taffrail Log . compl.t.. Envll.h Studlnt.. Faculty. and S .. ff In­ c.rpat. .11 .I.c. kitchen w / rafrig. Fri. Na.d DES PARA TEL VI Pi .... 5) Minimum size more.) Mldllnd ",mp . • nd • track "p. Wolk.r Che,ub Mo,k III. 10lIl ml. t.,.. ted In aldlnv the fo,mltlon of housing unfurn t21l./.mo. 412~4I (412) c.1I 7Ii5-6437 (4/21 Foam is a beautiful way to measured in greatest shell plaYer ...... 1 .ft., IQm 14/21 acel •. .,00 0' be.t off ... 216-1540. a Roth for Governo, Committe. help you say whtn! You 7) Abs must be brought 1p4/21 on Clmpu. Ihould contact Mlk. diameter; Red Abs : 7 in­ S ..me at the T,lton Time. office BEAUTIFUL VILLA. n.. , Swlt· Alredal. puopy for ..... AKC Whoa"., .tol. HR Phy. bk l"Im may have many reasons ches; Green, Pink and ashore above the high water 1M Basketball Champs 0' call axt. 1016, 1017. Any ••,I.nd ond Lak. CQmo. P,of... o, 3 FEMALES w.nt , ...on.bl. AIDA "gl.ter,d. 14Imall: call ....1311 . Goed Tran.port. ca,. 1_ Fo,d clf.:Do you w.nt ,.wI,d fo, to wait .. . but only one White Abs : 6 inches; Black mark in such a condition (4/2) Feln,n, 18 mpg. new tl,••• now •••i.tanc, will be g,.. t1y ap' In"lt•• collenu.. to .he,. hi. "man hou •• 0' .pt. to r.nt during .Plclou.. old·wo,ld Mloqm., ... oqm.,. CALL PATTY 412-83111. Or hl"lng a con.cl.nc.1 R.tum to reason to start your family. Abs : 5 inches; all other that the size can be ... tt. nici Interior. t30D. 216-1540. p,eelated. (4/51 Finally, the congratulations of all who par­ hqm. In p ..c.ful foothill. 01 the NIKKI 462.... I.. " . .... m_g. TT. 14/21 You are ready and you species 4 inches . determined. Such Abs not (114/21 Is comln. ticipated in any way, shape or manner in the UCSD Pier,. Maure tan or ...ophone . 1.. llan Alpa. Write O. Pravltall. and/ o, "",mb., 14/2) want to. in their shell may not be Pert. cond.. good P.de: cae •• Wented: Uled Bloloay Tod.y. S .. 2946 B.nn.tt Rldg. Road. Sin.. 6) Abalone irons must be intramural basketball program to the top three transported or possessed , .trap ••tc . tz2I 412-4474 (4121 sp •• ,vun. Volt Swlmma.ta, Klthy In TT office 0' cIIi 27&-0030. ROM. C.llfornll Il1404. (P4/21 Found:c., k.y on .trln. In Flv. In the meantime, there straight, or with a curve except when being teams in the 1974 Winter quarter leagues. The doubl. .lInt. 30" u.ed twlc • . 14/ 51 ROOM AVAIL IN DEL MAR and Q.lm • • Tu. night c.1I Jlm.C. winners were: ON who beat the BANG GANGERS OCEAN VIEW HOUSE OWN IIII:E .nd Id.ntlfy (4/21 is EMKO Foam. You can having a radius of not less prepared for immediate WATER BED AND FRAME .,00 '1'.111. 2I6-8l14O 0' X1131 . (p4/21 April 13 than 18 inches (such as for the Men's title; TYRONE SHOELACES who beat F grad needed to . • hera Ig 2·bd ROOM. BATH & DOUBLE BED apply it in advance ... in a consumption. APT. SIZE REFRIGERATOR nil "Handy men wlnt.d. y.,d wor1< . hou •• w/ Mlm • . 211...mln to .... mpu. PRIVATE POOL nQOlmonth ,.. CALL STA.IA OR UZ ..,. matter of seconds ... 50 irons made from the INTERCOURTS for the Pee Wee title; and last p.lntlng .nd .om. lI.n.,al 112.110. 217"" ."•. Blrt>. Conny 1712 (4/21 8) Fishing hours : half­ 14/21 FOR .ALE: AntiQuM; Ga(TftIn FOUND: Glri·. w.tch, M.,. I . USB there's no interruption to automobile leaf springs-in but not least, COSMIC GIGGLE who beat HEP­ m.lnt.nance. tl.7I p., hou,. Call (412) other words, a gentle hour before sunrise to half­ BURN'S HOPEFULS for the Coed Championship. ..b... 8 ...... darl< ...ne &-2111" 1p4/21 3Il10. C.II D.n. 4152.-. (4121 mar the mood. So natural hour after sunset . 70 Tovo.. MK II ••uto ... c . cond.• boolulhelf-"'''.• , .....tv I.,.. Wented G'ld Stud.nt .It 2 flv. y, feeling it won't a/feCt the '1.7110.00. Call: 2JO.GDI2. 14121 venIty. excell. condo .71 othero. OIRL NONSMOKER · FREE 9) Yqu must carry a ..·1D114121 ROOMIBOARD wrl ..: M ... John old boy ....cheng. fo, ,mlbd n.. , sensation or plensure for personal Hopklne _ Oillmond St..P.B. campu,. Tale 463-8115 (p4/12) LOST: In South Dlnln. Roqm. device which is capable of 3/12174: • red. double-knit Nght either of you. SURFBOARDS: "4" ,0undt.lI. (4121 accurately measuring the ..... dov... II, I"" ,0und.. lI, O'Nallle LONOJOHNS. II. X"'ond jackat. If found. ~ , RI~!! 1412) Recommended b.' phy­ size of the Abs taken . Sports This Week Dlhe,...... off MIk. m.zIDI (4121 "/offer. call Bill ,.1l1li (4121 FEELING REJECTED LATELY .•. HOUSE FOR RENT UNIV CllY sicians . . . but so sa fe and Mandilrin &. Shanghili THEN CHECK OUR CLASSIFIED roqoqmata _nted fM Spring t3IO 4BR2BA bilin cPta d,p. 01, When you are finally Qu.".r. hund,.d yl,d. f'Cl.m ga, pltlo fned av.1I 4/10 453-48IIi DAV SPORT OPPONENT LOCATION TIME 2 1_ fM Nlllon, ...... BALE: Honda CL .. AD POLICY ... CORKY IE11 simple to use you er n buy Style 0_ FOR 71' 110 beech In D .. M.. _lII-ZIIO (4/21 (4/61 successful in locating and t",m.,... Call ken at __ for MILES. _.00. Phon. _ .n. Loat: Spalding I.. the, ....k ....11 Mon-W.d SOWIS Tournament M_ from it at your drug depa ·t'Pent Chinese Restaurant securing a limit of Abs, but W_'. Info. K .... trying C4I2I 14121 old. but In .ood condo Iota of ...kedIaIl Collega 11.m .... ithout • preseriptlO I . Feet F.t M.n _k. F._ F.. aentlm.n.. 1 vek,• . (4121 don't know how to clean Tu.. B...... II USD Dlemoncl 1:. pm Wom.n ...... DI .... Don. A'IO Roq.... " _ntH t1l(mo .. utll. 3 10% off dinner bel, "- Solene S_h Fenced them or otherwise prepare M.n·. Tan_ UCSD Staff Muir Cta II pm FOR SALE 2 ...... fM Nlllon. TURNTAIU G.rr.,d Z.ro H.II (4/21 EMKO, ",ilh IIH .!plir.", h., il menu with studen' I Women'. yard ..... ,..,. 14/21 them for consumption, call iT hura '.10.... ' Muir Cta 4pm Silver Gatnn tftI","" Cell ken at 1OD;rJShura ..... oert., Ilk. new. carpools fiff"J ., Ii., ./ /111. Tan_ Camp 12:30 pn --for Info. K_ trying 14121 .,. DevId or Iv.,-. __ MAY WE SUCG£ST Bert (ext. 2285) or any Sea Frl UC Irvine Loet: One kid thet my f ...... PRE · PI L. wilh IIH .ppllwlir IhII, Oolf Pandlaton 14121 OUR CHINESE Deucer Divemaster for free Men'. Tan_ So. CaI.CoIl... Mul, C.. 2pm boulht fM two luzlm. Aneware to ;1 Prt · fi".~/, lip " " u·trk ,,, Fo, Sa... 7ft. ourfbMrd. long ...... nama of V.nk... Call F.(tq...... nee-.d. h_ In U nr. .p,lng qu.rt., ca,pool for SMOIICASIOARD advict:. Bat Men'. Ten" US'U Muir Cte I pm. 271-4,.. tM/III1.U. Crew .0 C,_C..... c M_lonBeV no ...... Mill. -.-. (4/21 ' beech. OWft.4m. roqm...... ,. CORONADO. C!l1I Tracy .....a7 EUIIOPf ,"A~' WEEKDA" LUNCHES I.m 4/2) 14121 (412) • Good Luckl Oh yeah , the Burflng USC, SDSU ..nO"'o 1:30 P"' Student Fllghta .n y ••' round. V Soccer J Bolivane best spots to find Abs are in Sun Track noon M.. •• Carbon G...... juat • ...... ,. lOOd luck on you, finale. CONTACT: ISCA ID3Ii Unlverolty Club Fo, MIa: IIrMd _ _ -41m. Av • . #11 S.n DI ..o . C.IIf. 121111 1017 prospect the Bird Rock vicinity. Nfl..... and ' __Pld ... for Thenk YOll for my flnall Old I Two ad.... no child .... _nt to ~ JV Soacer C_nedo Muir Ad 2 pm R..... ng ... C....- ... _ _ or oonaIdar __ Gery . - pe.. 7 ...... In the mornln." In rant ept ffctm...merrIed Bt. helng. IMPERIAL lEACH c.,pool. TEL (11 41 217·31110 (2131 ..._ LA JOLLA Club Rick. call lIN17I C4I2I 00 (4121 .,17-1/21 cell _ ....,. . 14/21 Needed. ctlrIa ,04-17:13 (4121 1114/71 W ~· Tu. -14121 _AOUItAL P'OAM 4S4-58Ofi Men'. Ten" Point L_ Muir eta 4 ...... ~,...... ~ . ... '"I ....0 CO""... Y • eT Lou,e, MO .

'aae 1. Triton Ttmet, April 2, 1974 Pilge 11 Triton Time5, April 2, 1974 The Triton Times Wastebasket

Each day, the Triton Times receives reams of However, because there accumulated a par­ gritty material from University of California, San ticularly Impressive mass of the garbage over Diego, the UCSO Extension, and all of the UC spring break, when no one was looking, we have system's other crude manifestations. All this stuff decided to run it all at once and be done with the comes in the form of ' news' releases, and all of itl blight. So here. begs to be ignored. "Spring Wildflowers-How to know Them": Sure Conservatives and Libertarians: How to Know Them Spring wildflowers and beekeeping will be the topics beekeeper, will teach "Elementary Apiculture and of two classes University of California Extension, San Beekeeping," 7 to 10 p.m. each Thursday in Room 1117 Diego will offer starting in April. of the Psychology and Linguistics Building on UCSD's The growing national from the Fred C. Koch Muir Campus. attention being given to Foundation and the "Spring Wildflowers - How To Know Them," to be conservative thought, and National Endowment for held Saturday mornings in San Marcos, will be taught by California is among the high volume producers of the effect conservatism the Humanities. Wayne P. Armstrong, who is a botany and biology honey in the United States, and this country is the could have on future Modern American instructor at Palomar College. A foremost authority on leading producer of honey in the world. Yet the ancient national policy, will serve conservatism varies widely Southern California plants, he will show participants art of beekeeping still lends itself as a one-person oc­ as the background for a 1(}' in its doctrines and tactics how to identify spring wildflowers brought out by the cupation, whether for supplementary income or part lecture series begin­ and even the word "con­ rains as well as the useful, edible and poisonous plants pleasure. ning Tuesday, April 2, at the servatism" has no simple of the area (Poison Hemlock, for instance, grows University of California, San definition. For the most abundantly in San Diego Cou"ty). Diego. part, conservatives share a strong suspicion of He will lead the class on field trips to a recently Some of the nation's government activity, Let this little box tiike the plue of iill the news burned area, a creosote bush scrub community, a leading proponents of particularly in the releiiSes from iill the 5ef1iitOrs, congressmen, "disturbed" coastal streamside plant community, a conservatism and liber­ economic sphere, and view preuhers, iind Hlesmen who iire running for ViiriouS vanishing coastal salt marsh, as well as to riparian tarianism, including John schemes for the perfection stiite iind niitioniil offices. Hospers, Libertarian Party of society with considerable woodland, a mountain meadow and a yellow pine All of these undidiites hiive chosen this point in forest. candidate for president in skepticism. time to become suitiibly enriiged iit something or 1972, and M . Stanton Evans, other. Some of them iire miid iit the oil industry, Of recent interest, Jr ., editor of the In­ particularly among First class meeting is April 20, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, in others of them iire miid iit the undicUtes who iire dianapolis News, are students, is libertarianism, Room LS-2 of the Life Science Building at Palomar miid iit the oil industry, iind so on. And, surprisingly, cheduled to take part. an offshoot of con­ College in San Marcos. Carpools will be arranged for whenever one of them miikes a firey stiitement, The lectures will begin at servatism. libertarians field trips. someone from his office is there to write it down, 7:00 p.m. each Tuesday oppose government in­ type it up, iind send it to every newspiiper in the through June 4 in Room stiite, to let the poeple know how mad the undidate­ trusion not only in A practical use of wildflowers and other flowers will 2722 of the Undergraduate didate is. economic affairs, but also receive attention on 10 Thursday evenings, beginning Sciences. Building on the But we haven't the room for all these worthy in what they regard as April 11 . Rodman Miller, a Ph .D. candidate in the Revelle College campus at messages, so please accept this as the candidates' matters of personal liberty department of Biology at UCSD, and an experienced UCSD. Cost for the series statement of general outrage. Just to let you know and conscience such as they care. is 551 .00 with three abortion and draft amnesty. academic units being of­ Hospers, director of the fered through UCSD Ex­ school of philosophy at the tension . Those interested University of Southern We Certainly Hope So may attend the first lecture California, will open the Birth Your Own for free. If they wish to series on April 2 speaking continue, they may sign up on "Libertarianism : for the remaining lectures University of California President People who train young couples Philosophy and Program ." at that time. Charles J. Hitch state<. :'Jday (March 27) awaiting childbirth, in the Lamaze Evans, who serves as that fair and adequate 'iaries and fringe Method and other techniques, The series is under the chairman of the American benefits are the Univt: y's first priority willhave the opportunity to enroll in a direction of Dr. Daniel Orr, Conservative Union, is in seeking budgetary au, nentations this three-part course of their own. Professor of Economics at scheduled to speak on "The year Hitch's statement wc:s made before The series, titled "Preparation for UCSD, and is being un­ Media in a Free Society" on a subcommittee of the A~ I ,bly Ways Childbirth Educators," will be given in derwritten in part by grants May 14. and Means Committee meeting in the spring, summer and fall through Sacramento the auspices of UCSD Extension, in He stressed that he and his staff will conjunction with the Offfce of work with the Legislature" ... so that opr Continuing Education, UCSD School employees-whether professors or of Medicine. Eat, Eat, Until You Die secretaries or custodians or librarians­ Participants will receive certificates are not in effect penalized because they as Prepared Childbirth Educators on dressings and desserts. work for the University of California." satisfactory completion of the series . Courses on the spring Hitch stated that the Governor's First meeting of the spring quarter curriculum at University of CHINESE COOKERY will budget includes a request for a 3.7 portion is Thursday evening, April 4, California Extension, San be a shorter course, April 15 percent increase in staff personnel at Mission Bay Memorial Hospital in Diego include several in the through May 20 at the sa laries, which combined with the 4 Pacific Beach . Those interested in "Gastronomies." home of teacher Ruth percent carry-over from th i s year joining the concentrated study are Fagersten, 8497 EI Paseo (pending Cost of Living Council ap­ asked to write or call for a special GOURMET COOKING Grande, La lolla. Main proval) will keep the University application before March 15. leads the list, starting dishes for dinner from reasonably in line with prevailing rates in Monday afternoon April 1 various areas of China will both the public and private tors at the International Center be the focus. This class is However, he noted, " In terms ot fringe The Ninth Annual Elise and on the University's Mat­ scheduled for Monday benefits, the Governor's Budget includes thews campus. Meetings mornings 10 a.m . until nothing at all for the University, nor for will be weekly, 2-5 p.m., noon. a ademlc staff of the tate University Walter Haas Award Award? through June 10. and col leges, though it provid s 3.1 Professional chef and THE WINES OF pE'rcf'nt of payroll for State ( ivil se rvants culinary arts instructor CALIFORNIA is to meet BERKELEY - Dr. Choh-Ming Li , vice chancellor of the and for nonacademl staff of (SU " Robert l. Blanchard will eight Wednesdays at Chinese University of Hong Kong, has been awarded the He commented that some question 'pach students the fine lunchtime, 11 a.m.-2p .m. ninth annual Elise and Walter A. Haas International exists over h.")w much of an increase is points of cooking, choosing beginning April 3, at the La Award. The award is given to a foreign alumnus of the warranted for the sta ff personnel benefit kitchen equipment ana Valencia Hotel in La Jolla. University of California who has rendered outstanding package to make it comparable to utensils, and preparation of Wine consultant Dick service to his country or the betterment of international compensatio 1 packages for civil service canapes, entrees, relations. Colangelo is the host­ employees and that the matter currently vegetables, breads, salads, The award will be presented Thursday, April 4, at the instructor. is under stud" by a state task force which University Charter Day Ceremonies to be held on the will report m V\;:lv But h stated " There B rkeley campus. IS no doubt that our academl ~ ldff In 1%3 Dr. Li was appointed the founding chief should haVE- thE' 11 P rc nl and more, xecutive of the Chine e University of Hong Kong . His for we hav proved that It would takE' an post as vice c. han ellor is equivalent to the office of the amount qL.al to so m 'i percent of presld nt of an Am rican university (The titl of payroll to br n$ our up to parity beneflt~ hanc 1I0r is conf rrE'd on th gov rnor of the colony, With our compdmon Institutions Ther according to British custom .) ca n be no PHUW for not mdkln~ dt plast During hi S administration Dr. Li has ~ucr. ssfully thp 3 1 pE'rCf'nt avarlable to our fac.ulty " tran s form~d a group of ind p nd nt colleges In Hong .. to una rscore thiS," Hitch continued, Kong into a coh sive 'T deral" univerSity, the first t m pomt out that Stat employ s "1 publi Iy financed ollege I vel s hool outside China not only gen rally r elv more It If deSigned primarily for the Chinese people. retlrf'm nt bE'neflts than Un IV r~lty D SPit the acute shortage of land for dev lopment in people, but al~o th' Stat (ontubut Hong Kong, h was abl to persuad th colonial substantially more to th (0 t of those gov rnmpnt to lea him th Unrver~lty ' present 333- bE'npflt~ The Unlv rSlty com S up With ac.re site for an annual r nt of ~ 18 Hp aim embark d th ,hort pnd of thE' stlt k no matter upon cl fund-ral 10 9 campaign which provided several Whll II ~ ,W yClIJ hold It" million dollars for c.ampu burldlngs, In luding a modf'rll library, d (.I n (('nter, a student unton dnd an ip~!ltllt,. ( hlnese stud l(" Page 12 Triton Times, April 2, 1974