Parasitol Res (2011) 109:S1 – S8 DOI 10.1007/s00436-011-2397-1 Procox®

Efficacy of Emodepside plus Toltrazuril (Procox® Oral Suspension for ) against , stenocephala and caninum in Dogs

Annette Schimmel1, Iris Schroeder1, Gertraut Altreuther1 (*), Terry Settje2, Samuel Charles2, Sonja Wolken3, Dawid J. Kok4, Jennifer Ketzis5, David Young6, Douglas Hutchens1, Klemens J. Krieger1

1 Bayer Health GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany 2 Bayer HealthCare LLC, Shawnee Mission, KS, USA 3 Institute for Parasitology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Hannover, Germany 4 ClinVet International (Pty) Ltd., Bloemfontein, Republic of South Africa 5 Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services Ireland, Co. Mayo, Ireland 6 Young Veterinary Research Services, Turlock, CA, USA

* E-mail: [email protected]


The efficacy of emodepside plus toltrazuril (Pro- and between 4 and 655 worms for . The cox® oral suspension for dogs) against different studies demonstrated 100 % efficacy of emodepside/ of gastrointestinal (Toxocara toltrazuril suspension against mature adult, ≥ 94.7 % canis, , Uncinaria steno- efficacy against immature adult and 99.3 % efficacy cephala) was evaluated in nine randomised, against the L4 larval stage of T. canis. The efficacy blinded and placebo-controlled laboratory studies against mature adult A. caninum was ≥ 99.5 % and in naturally or experimentally infected dogs. The the efficacy against mature adult U. stenocephala product was used at the proposed minimum dose was 100 %. All differences between treatment and of 0.45 mg emodepside and 9 mg toltrazuril per control groups were statistically significant and no kg body weight. Efficacy was calculated based on gender effect was found. It can be concluded that the worm counts after necropsy. emodepside/toltrazuril suspension represents a safe Worm burdens in the control dogs ranged between and highly effective product in dogs with 0 and 409 worms of the respective stage for T. canis (T. canis, hookworms) infection.

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Introduction including the route of infection (oral or prenatal), infection dose, age and immune status of the so Nematodes in dogs are an important group of endo- that prepatency can be as short as ~ 3 weeks after a parasites in which Toxocara canis and hookworms prenatal infection and up to ~ 6 weeks after an oral are of special interest (Epe et al. 2004; Pullola infection (Parsons 1987). The lactogenic transmission et al. 2006). The prevalence described in studies is of lesser importance for the infection of dogs with performed in many parts of the world varies con- T. canis (Burke and Roberson 1985a,b). siderably. Toxocara canis is the most frequently Infections with mainly encountered, with prevalence in Europe often take place by the oral route, while infections with ranging up to 32 % (Fok et al. 2001; Sager et al. Ancylostoma caninum can be caused orally as well 2006; Grandemange et al. 2007; Wright and Wolfe as percutaneously. The prepatent period has been 2007; Nikolic et al. 2008). , as the reported to be ~ 2 – 3 weeks. However, the time second most common nematodes, are found up to taken to develop to maturity depends also on a 13.1 % with an even higher prevalence rate of up variety of factors including immunity and the to 32 % in stray, shelter and kennel dogs (Fok et al. route of infection (Bowman et al. 2010). 2001; Pullola et al. 2006; Grandemange et al. 2007; Emodepside/toltrazuril suspension is a new combi- Martinez-Carrasco et al. 2007). Generally, it has nation of two already known actives in veterinary to be considered that cited prevalence cannot be medicine. Emodepside is a semi-synthetic derivate compared directly as the examined populations are of PF1022A and belongs to the cyclic depsipeptides. quite different to each other (Schnieder et al. 2011). Emodepside binds to a presynaptic latrophilin recep- Additionally, Wolfe et al. (2001) found in that tor which belongs to the group of the G-protein-cou- the faecal flotation method underestimated the true pled receptors (Willson et al. 2003; Harder et al. 2005). prevalence of T. canis by 46.7 % and of Uncinaria In addition, emodepside acts via a second target, a species by 31 %, so the true prevalence in the dog Ca++-activated K+ channel. This channel belongs to populations studied may actually be much higher. the large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated Many publications on parasite prevalence present potassium channels, termed SLO-1, which generally details on age groups, and generally, prevalence of are important regulators of cell excitability. The end Toxocara canis is considerably higher in puppies effect of emodepside is flaccid paralysis and death of and young dogs compared to older dogs (Wright and the nematode (Holden-Dye et al. 2007). Wolfe 2007; Fok et al. 2001; Pullola et al. 2006; Mar- Toltrazuril has been used in veterinary medicine tinez-Carrasco et al. 2007; Ugbomoiko et al. 2008). since the 1980s. It has broad-spectrum activity This matches with prenatal transmission being the against species of various genera of coccidia (Eime- most important way of T. canis infection in dogs. ria, Isospora, Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis etc.) in a Parenteral infections of puppies occur not only after wide range of livestock and companion . the infection of the pregnant bitch but also through The combination of these two actives, emodepside reactivation of somatic tissue larvae from earlier and toltrazuril (Procox® suspension) is indicated infections (Webster 1958; Koutz et al. 1966). The for dogs, including puppies from 2 weeks of age developmental cycle of T. canis is complex and can and young dogs, when mixed parasitic infections involve migration of larval stages through various caused by roundworms and coccidia of the following organs including the , and kidneys before species are suspected or demonstrated: Toxocara reaching the where development to canis (mature adult, immature adult, L4), Unci- the adult stage is completed or enters a hypobiotic naria stenocephala (mature adult), Ancylostoma stage, e.g. in muscle tissue. The different pathways caninum (mature adult), Isospora ohioensis-com- and times for development depend on multiple factors plex and Isospora canis.

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Emodepside has already been proven to be effec- were housed together. At least on the day of treat- tive against nematodes in dogs applied as emodep- ment and the following two days, the dogs were side plus praziquantel in a tablet formulation, housed individually. Commercial dog was pro- Profender® tablets, Bayer Animal Health GmbH, vided once or twice per day and water was available Leverkusen, Germany (Altreuther et al. 2009a,b; ad libitum. All dogs were acclimatised for at least Schimmel et al. 2009). The present paper focuses 7 days prior to the start of the study. on the nematocidal efficacy of emodepside/toltra- General requirements for study inclusion were zuril suspension and nine controlled laboratory good health and no recent use. Dogs studies against mature and immature stages of included in the six studies that used experimen- T. canis and mature hookworms in naturally and tal infections were required to be negative for experimentally infected dogs are described. nematodes before infection as examined by fae- cal counts during acclimation (no. 1, 3 – 6, 9). Dogs included in studies that investigated effica- Materials and methods cy against patent infections (no. 1, 2, 6 – 9) were required to demonstrate at least 2 positive faecal The efficacy of emodepside/toltrazuril suspension egg counts before treatment. (Procox®) against different species of gastrointestinal nematodes (Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum, Clinical observations Uncinaria stenocephala) and developmental stages of In all studies, dogs were physically examined at T. canis was investigated in nine laboratory studies. least once during acclimation and once before treat- The study designs are summarised in Tab. 1. ment. Additionally, all dogs were observed for their All studies were conducted in accordance with general health once daily except for treatment days VICH guideline 9 “Good Clinical Practice” (July and the two following days, when clinical assess- 2000) and followed the recommendations given in ments were conducted instead. On treatment days the VICH guidelines 7 “Efficacy requirements for clinical assessments were conducted once pre treat- : overall guidelines” (December 2000) ment and ~ 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 hours post treat- and 19 “Efficacy of anthelmintics: specific recom- ment. Clinical assessments were continued twice mendations for canines” (July 2001) as well as the daily for the following two days. WAAVP guideline for evaluating the efficacy of anthelmintics for dogs and (Jacobs et al. 1994). Infection Three studies (no. 2, 7, 8) were conducted with nat- Study animals urally infected dogs in the USA and the Republic of The dogs used in the studies were either purpose- South Africa. In the other studies, dogs were orally bred individuals from different suppliers, animals infected with embryonated T. canis or hook- owned by the contract research organisations worm larvae. The origin of the isolates and doses (CRO) or animals obtained from commercial ken- used for infection are shown in Tab. 1. nels according to the respective local regulations. In total 143 healthy Beagle or crossbred dogs (6 weeks Treatment to adult, 67 male, 76 females) weighing between Dogs were randomised by sex and body weight and 0.8 and 16.6 kg were enrolled. The dogs were either allocated to either treatment (71 dogs) or control identified by ear tattoo, numbered collar tags or (72 dogs) group and treated once with emodepside/ subcutaneously implanted microchip and were toltrazuril or placebo suspension. In the six studies housed single or in groups. After randomisation, investigating efficacy against mature adult stag- it was ensured that only dogs of the same group es, animals were treated after patency had been

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demonstrated. In the three studies investigating the methods. In two of the studies with natural infec- efficacy against immature stages of T. canis, treat- tions (no. 2, 8) worms were collected daily post ment was applied 21 days post infection (Tab. 1). treatment from the faeces using sieving techniques In all studies, the minimum therapeutic dose of as described below for necropsy. 0.45 mg emodepside and 9 mg toltrazuril per kg body weight was administered based on the body Necropsy weights taken either one or two days before treat- Five to 7 days post treatment all dogs in these stud- ment. The suspension was orally applied using a ies were euthanised and necropsied. At necropsy, syringe and ensuring that the full dose was swal- the digestive tract from stomach to was lowed by the dog. The dogs were observed at dosing removed. The intestinal contents and the results and ~ 30 minutes after dosing to determine any of several mucosal strippings of the small and large vomiting or regurgitation. All dogs were fed imme- intestines were washed over sieves with apertures diately after treatment to ensure conservative con- of 50 µm to 250 µm.

ditions as the cmax of emodepside in the suspension In study 5 the small intestines were additionally tends to be lower in fed dogs (unpublished data). soaked in 0.9 % saline at ~ 37 °C for 2 – 3 hours to encourage release and sedimentation of adher- Faecal examination ent larvae. After soaking the saline solution was Pre treatment faecal egg counts were conducted to passed through a 50 µm aperture sieve and the monitor presence or absence of nematodes using small intestines were stripped and washed again modified McMaster or quantitative centrifugation using the same sieve. All samples were analysed for

Tab. 1 Animal details and design of the nine studies

Necropsy Age of No. of Origin of Treatment (days Study dogs at dogs isolate/ Parasite Breeds Infection (days post post no. treatment (treated/ natural infection) treat- (months) control) infection ment)

Experimental 1 Beagle 4 – 5 7/8 Germany 49 7 (~ 300 eggs) South 2a Cross-breeds 1.5 – 4 8/8 Natural – 7 Africa Experimental T. canis 3 Beagle 3.5 8/8 21 5 (~ 300 eggs) Germany Experimental 4 Beagle 3.5 8/8 21 5 (~ 500 eggs) Experimental 5 Beagle 3 – 3.5 8/8 Ireland 21 5 (~ 300 eggs) Experimental A. caninum 6 Beagle 3.5 – 4 8/8 Africa 23 7 (~ 300 larvae) A. caninum Beagle, + U. steno- 7 3 – 4 8/8 Natural USA – 7 cross-breeds cephala South 8a Cross-breeds > 4 8/8 Natural – 7 U. steno- Africa cephala Experimental 9 Beagle 3.7 8/8 Italy 22 7 (~ 1,000 larvae)

a additional faecal worm counts post treatment to necropsy

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mature and immature worms, and the recovered cy of anthelmintics for dogs and cats (Jacobs et al. specimens were counted and differentiated accord- 1994) as follows: ing to , species and developmental stage. % effectiveness (reduction) = (N1 – N2)/N1 x 100

Efficacy determination and statistical analysis N1: geometric mean nematode count for the control group Adequacy of infection in the control group was N2: geometric mean nematode count for the treatment assessed according to the methods suggested in group VICH guidelines 7 and 19 that require a minimum Geometric means were calculated following trans- of 6 control animals with at least 5 worms each. formation using a logarithmic method (averaging Additionally, the intensity of infection was con- the transformed values and converting the aver- sidered adequate when the lower 95 % confidence age using anti-log to represent a geometric mean). limit was greater than 10 % of the central tendency Because neither the actual worm counts nor the (geometric mean if all worm counts in the control logarithmically transformed counts were distrib- group > 0 or median if one or more worm counts in uted normally, the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank the control group = 0). sum test (two-tailed, using α = 0.05) was used to Percent efficacy for each treatment was calculated test for both gender and treatment group (emodep- according to VICH guideline 7 recommendations side/toltrazuril suspension vs. placebo) effects. and the WAAVP guideline for evaluating the effica- The analyses were performed using SAS software (SAS® Institute, Cary, NC, USA).

Tab. 2 Results of T. canis worm counts at necropsy per study and developmental stage

Control Treatment No. of Range of Treated Develop- group: Geometric Study day worms worms group: mental dogs (n) mean of worms Efficacy p value no. (days post (treated/ (treated/ dogs (n) stage with ­(treated/control) infection) control) control) negative ≥ 5 worms 0/ 1 49 8 0/141 7 of 7 0/16.0 100 % 0.0047 Mature 10 – 36 adult 0/ 2 – 4a 0/85 8 of 8 0/7.5 100 % 0.0030 0 – 6 0/ 1b 49 1 0/15 7 of 7 0/1.4 n.c. 0 – 6 0 – 2/ Imma- 3c 21 5 3/71 6 of 8 0.3/5.0 0 – 33 ture 9 5/112 0.2/4.1 94.7 % 0.0004 0 – 1/ adults 4c 21 4 2/41 6 of 8 0.2/3.4 0 – 14 0 – 5/ 5 21 7 16/370 3 of 8 1.4/32.3 95.7 % 0.0136 1 – 77 0/ 3 21 4 0/45 8 of 8 0/3.0 n.c. 0 – 16 0 – 1/ L4 larvae 4 21 6 1/493 7 of 8 0.1/12.8 99.3 % 0.0039 1 – 409 0 – 5/ 5 21 8 6/509 6 of 8 0.4/52.6 99.3 % 0.0040 16 – 101 n.c.: not calculated, because of low infection in control group a efficacy calculated despite < 6 adequately infected control dogs (see results) b although this study was designed for efficacy evaluation against mature adults, a few immature adult worms were found in the control group c data on immature adult T. canis of study 3 + 4 were combined because of inadequate infection of control groups

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Tab. 3 Results of mature adult A. caninum and U. stenocephala worm counts at necropsy

Control Geometric No. of group: Treated group: mean Study worms Range of worms Parasite dogs dogs (n) of worms Efficacy p value no. (treated/­ (treated/control) (n) with negative (treated/con- control) ≥ 5 worms trol) 6 8 1/458 0 – 1/46 – 79 7 of 8 0.1/56.3 99.8 % 0.0035 A. caninum 7 8 39/1418 0 – 39/16 – 379 7 of 8 0.6/120.7 99.5 % 0.0044

7 7 0/462 0/4 – 174 8 of 8 0/36.5 100 % 0.0030

U. stenocephala 8a 8 0/1448 0/57 – 468 8 of 8 0/140.9 100 % 0.0030

9 8 1/4402 0 – 1/286 – 655 7 of 8 0.1/533.6 100 % 0.0035

a additional gastrointestinal nematodes found (see results section)

Results between treatment and control groups in all stud- ies were statistically significant and no gender The requirements for an adequate infection of the effect was found. control group were fulfilled in all studies. Faecal worm counts conducted additionally in two In three of the T. canis studies efficacy was calcu- studies (no. 2, 8) showed that T. canis and U. steno- lated even though the criterion for 6 control dogs cephala were expelled within 2 days after treat- with a minimum of 5 worms of the respective stage ment. In study 8 the treated dogs also expelled was not met. In study 2 only four control dogs were A. caninum (5 dogs), T. canis (2 dogs), Toxascaris adequately infected with mature adult T. canis and leonina (2 dogs) and Trichuris vulpis (7 dogs). At two control dogs had four worms each. As also faecal necropsy no nematodes were found in these dogs worm counts were examined in this study it could except for one dog with three immature T. leonina. be shown that six of the eight treated dogs had shed Two dogs (study 1, 4) vomited food within half an 6 to 36 T. canis worms within 2 days after treat- hour after treatment. No other clinical signs were ment. Therefore the infection of the treated dogs observed that were regarded as potentially treat- was regarded as adequate for the study. Studies ment related. 3 and 4 were conducted at the same location under similar conditions and did not show significant dif- ferences between the worm burdens of the two con- Discussion trol groups. Therefore, the data for the immature adult worms from studies 3 and 4 were pooled to All nine studies presented in this paper demonstrat- fulfil the requirements for adequate infection. ed efficacy against mature adults, immature adults Thus, for each investigated parasite stage of and L4 larvae of T. canis and against mature adult T. canis, efficacy was calculated from 2 data sets hookworms. The treatments were well tolerated in and a 100 % efficacy against mature adult, ≥ 94.7 % all dogs. The vomiting of two dogs (study 1, 4) within efficacy against immature adult and 99.3 % effica- half an hour after treatment may have been due to cy against the L4 larval stages was demonstrated the fact that they had consumed their entire food (Tab. 2). The efficacy of the emodepside/toltrazuril ration within half an hour post treatment coupled suspension against mature adult A. caninum was with the excitement related to treatment procedures. ≥ 99.5 % and the efficacy against mature adult The efficacy results demonstrated in these labo- U. stenocephala was 100 % (Tab. 3). All differences ratory studies were confirmed in a multicentred

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field study performed across Europe in one month sion was proven to be safe for puppies from 2 weeks to 11 years old dogs. An efficacy of 100 % against onwards (unpublished data) and is, therefore, suit- T. canis and 99.9 % against Ancylostomatidae based ed as a reliable parasitic treatment starting at this on faecal egg count reduction was demonstrated. In early recommended time point if a co-infection with 90 % of the dogs a good acceptance was described Isospora spp. is suspected or demonstrated. (Altreuther et al. 2011). These results match the efficacy results described for the emodepside/prazi- Acknowledgements quantel tablet (Profender® tablets for dogs) and con- The authors thank all technical personnel involved firm emodepside as an effective nematocidal active in the studies. (Altreuther et al. 2009a,b; Schimmel et al. 2009). The trans-mammary and prenatal transmission of Compliance statement T. canis and A. caninum in the bitch is the cause All of the studies reported herein were performed for special interest, attention and the necessity to in compliance with current, applicable, local laws take measures to protect especially puppies and and regulations. young dogs from parasitic infections. Puppies can be severely infected by these intestinal worms Disclosure statement before diagnosis is possible by faecal examina- A. Schimmel, I. Schroeder, G. Altreuther and tion. Furthermore, Isospora spp. infections are K. J. Krieger were employed by Bayer Animal very common, particularly in young dogs (Lappin Health GmbH, Germany, and T. Settje, S. Charles 2010). Both nematodes and Isospora spp. share and D. Hutchens were employed by Bayer Health- the same target organ and cause similar pathology Care LLC, USA, during the conduct of these stud- and subsequent clinical signs such as diarrhoea. ies. S. Wolken, D. J. Kok, J. Ketzis and D. Young To decrease contamination of the environment and were employees of University of Veterinary Medi- thus lower the risk of reinfection, a regular early cine Hannover, Germany, ClinVet International started and reliable parasitic treatment is neces- (Pty) Ltd., Charles River Laboratories, Ireland, and sary. ESCCAP (2010) recommend for this reason to Young Veterinary Research Services, USA, respec- start an anthelmintic treatment when puppies are tively, and conducted the studies as CROs. All stud- 2 weeks of age. The emodepside/toltrazuril suspen- ies were sponsored by Bayer Animal Health GmbH.


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