The Merchant, the Scientist and the Citizen the Competing Approaches of Social Science Education in the French High School
Special Topic Article 10 The merchant, the scientist and the citizen The competing approaches of social science education in the French High School Igor Martinache University of Paris Cloé Gobert University of Lille Keywords" Social $cience, citi(en$)ip and civic education, curricular e*olution, France, active peda,o,- % A little more t)an /0 -ear$ a,o, an inte,rated and plurali$tic teac)in, of $ocial $cience$, includin, economic$, 0a$ created in t)e Frenc) l-c1e. % t 0a$ aimed more at trainin, enli,)tened citi(en$ t)an at direct preparation for t)e la2our mar3et. % 4o0ever, t)i$ approac) i$ rapidl- 2ein, called into 5ue$tion, 2ot) 2- certain economic lo22ie$ and 2- $ome univer$it- economi$t$. % T)e current refor. of t)e )i,) $c)ool and t)e 2accalaureate tend$ to confir. t)eir victor-. % 6e-ond t)i$ e7ample, it i$ t)e *er- o2#ective$ of trainin, in and t)rou,) t)e $ocial $cience$ at $c)ool t)at are po$ed. #urpose: T)e ai. of t)i$ article i$ to ,i*e a 2ird8$ e-e vie0 of t)e main i$$ue$ $urroundin, t)e teac)in, of economic and $ocial $cience$ in t)e Frenc) )i,) $c)ool $pproach" T)i$ article i$ 2a$ed a2o*e all on a $-nt)e$i$ of t)e e7i$tin, primar- and $e% condar- literature on Economic and $ocial $cience$ (9$cience$ 1conomi5ue$ et $ociale$:) teac)in, in France and t)e controver$ie$ $urroundin, it. Findings" T)i$ te7t ,i*e$ a ,eneral overvie0 of t)e $ituation of SES teac)in, in France, 2- ,oin, 2ac3 to t)e ori,inal intention$ of it$ aut)or$; 2- anal-$in, curricular development$, 0)ic) $)o0 a pro,re$$ive di$tance fro.
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