Downing Street, Admiralty, 6th August, 1938. 26th' July, 1938. R.N. The KING has been pleased to confirm the Flying Offrs., R.A.F., to be Lieuts. (A) with appointment of Thomas Whitfield, Esq., seny. as stated: — O.B.E., to be a Nominated European Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council of the Gold G. H. J. Feeny. i6th Nov. 1937. Coast Colony. S. M. Bird. i8th . Pilot Offr., R.A.F., T. W. Lamb to be Sub-Lieut. (A) with seny. of I2th Mar. 1937. Wt. M.A.A. W. H. Fountain to be Cd. M.A.A. Downing Street, with seny. of 24th . 2&th July, 1938. R.N.R. The KING has been pleased to give direc- tions for the appointment of Adam Rankine, Proby. Sub-Lieut. H. O. L'Estrange to be Sub- Esq., M.C., M.B. (Director of Medical Ser- Lieut, with seny. of ist Feb. 1938. vices), to be a Member of the Executive Council Proby. Paymr. Sub-Lieut. H. W. Hill to be of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago. Paymr. Sub-Lieut. 8th Jan. 1938.

Admiralty, 8th August, 1938. Admiralty, 2nd August, 1938. R.N. R.N. Proby. Sub-Lieut. J. C. Lapage to be Sub- Cd. Gunr. (Retd.) E. J. Robinson to be Lieut. Lieut, with seny. of ist . (Retd.) with seny. of ist Apr. 1937.

Admiralty, gth August, 1938. Admiralty, yd August, 1938. R.N. R.N. Lieut.-Comdr. P. S. Cooper placed on the Actg. Comdr. G. A. M. Paul placed on Retd. Retd. List with rank of Comdr. gth Aug. List with rank of Comdr. 3ist July 1938. 1938. Paymr. Lieut. C. P. P. Brice placed on Retd. Lieuts. (Retd.) to be Lieut.-Comdrs. (Retd.) List. 9th Aug. 1938. with seny. as stated: — Cd. Wtr. S. J. Ashworth to be Paymr. Lieut. W. Turner, ist July 1938. 9th Aug. 1938. A. W. Grose, D.S.C. 3rd July 1938. Wt. Wtr. C. E. Tickner to be Cd. Wtr. gth E. G. E. Liversidge. ist Aug. 1938. Aug. 1938. Lieuts. to be Lieut.-Comdrs.: — S. L. Harron, L.D.S., to be Surg. Lieut. (D). 9th Aug. 1938. J. H. Wilkinson. N. E. Cutler. L. C. S. Sheppard. R. B. C. Hutchison. J. Howson. War Office, D. Mel. Russell. gth August, 1938. G. W. Rowell. H. I. G. Rylands. REGULAR ARMY. ist Aug. 1938. The undermentioned Lt.-Cols. to be Bt.. • Cols, under the prov. of Art. i82A, Royal Warrant for Pay and Promotion, 1931: — Admiralty, tfh August, 1938. C. A. E. Cadell, M.C., R.A. 29th July 1938. R.N. R. L. McCreery, M.B.E., M.C., I2th L. July 1938. Proby. Sub-'Lieuts. to. be Sub-Lieuts. with E. H. Barker, D.S.O., M.C., K.R.R.C. seny. as-stated: — ist Aug. 1938. N. J. Parker. COMMANDS AND STAFF. • M. F. R. Ainslie. B. J. Anderson. The undermentioned relinquish their R. S. Beveridge. appts.: — ist . Col. (temp. Brig.) E. Le G. Whitting, M. H. Davis, ist . D.S.O., M.C., as Comdr., R.A., Malta, and the temp, rank of Brig. 3oth July 1938. Cd. Gunr. W. Clarke to be Lieut, with seny. Col. H. W. Dakeyne, D.S.O., as Off. i/c of-27th July 1938: Record & Pay Office, R. Tank Corps. 7th Aug. 1938. .. . Col. L. M. Gibbs; C.V.O., D.S.O., M.C., as A.A.G., War Office. loth Aug. 1938. Admiralty, $th August, 1938. . Lt.-Col. T. N. F. Wilson, D.S.O., M.C., R.N. . K.R.R.C., as Mil. Asst. (G.S.O. 2nd Grade), War Office, ist Aug. 1938. Elect. Lieut. F. P. Walters placed., on Retd. Ma.]. W. H. Kingsberry, M.B.E., Loyal List. 5th Aug. 1938. R., as Garr. Adjt., Chatham. 8th Aug. 1938.