Festival Hall December 3, ~989 ~:Ooto 5:00 PM

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Festival Hall December 3, ~989 ~:Ooto 5:00 PM � , -- - -- Festival Hall December 3, ~989 ~:OOto 5:00 PM Fund for Educational Excellence -PROGRAM- TIME EVENT DIRECTOR 1:00pm City College High School #480 Russell Perkins Jazz Ensemble Opening Procession Hosted by WMAR-1V's Horace Holmes and Mary Beth Marsden 1:15 pm Awards to Outstanding Students 2:00pm Cross Country Elementary School #247 Marietta English Cheerleading Squad 2:05pm Lake Clifton Senior High #40 Sg!. James Smith ROTC 2:15 pm Eutaw Marshburn Elementary #11 John Nelson Choir 2:30pm Croes Country Elementary School #247 Sylvester Graves Choir 2:45pm Combined Elementary School Band Charles Anderson Maree Gamet Farring #203 Violelvllle #226 Lockerman Bundy #261 3:00pm Claremont Special Education #3(J7 Linda Mensah Dance Ensemble 3:10pm Canton Middle School #230 Marilyn Bevans Gymnastics Group 3:22pm Malcolm X Elementary School #3S Regina Smith Dance Ensemble 3:30pm West Baltimore Middle School _ #80 Betlye McLeod 4:00pm Frederick Douglass High School #450 Carolyn Starks Jazz Vocal Ensemble 4:15 pm City College High School #480 Russell Perkins Jazz Instrumental Ensemble 4:30pm V-103 Youth Talent Spotlight Hosted by Randy Dennis and B.J. Lewis ALL SCHOOL SALUTE OUTSTANDING STUDENTS �." Burton T.m.r. Skinner Kyle Andenon Stephen Siewart Smith art HIli Elementary School #4 Edg!l(;Ombe Circle EleIT1€ntary James Mosher Elementary School Northwood Elementary School Jl242 ,. BaeOfl School 1162 "'. Amende o. Journey I Bementary School #7 Mlndl Jaekson LaVemBunch Armistead Gardens Elementary lid Cooper Rosemont Elementary School #63 Alexander Hamilton Elementary School 11243 Springs Elementary #8 Maurlee G.rOner School #145 TIlrynMye ... ,lque Brookl Liberty Elementary School #64 Candice JonnlOn Leith Walk Elementary Schoollt245 es McHenry Elementary School Gerl Ruffin Bentalou Elementary School Jll5Q R018Smlth Mount Royal School #66 SherrleGreen Beechlield Elementary School 11248 George C, Kelson Elementary "11' Jebrll Tam.r Adolemalu-Bey Thlres. C.rter .w Marshbum Elementary Eogewood Elementary Schoolll67 School #157 Cross Country Elemenfary sctco ~hQoj eu ChrlsUne Heliley Delwin FlMller #247 IiIl Jeffers Soutoem High School if70 Carter G ......oodson Elementary Jaequelyn Rebb School Ml60 Iland Elementary SChool 1112 Euphtoml. Lae Bowen Sinclair Lane Elementary SChool "Stokes Sarah M Roach Elementary School TIlnea'" Young ,,,. Patapsco Elementary SChool #163 :f1 Tilghman Elementary School 1'1r"", Freamon 13 Henry'" Coalell. Jr. Kelsh. NI ... 01. Bernard Hams Sr. Bern School lC. WIIlllee Calverton Middle School #75 Arundel Elemerltary School 11164 "50 Heights Elementary SChool 1114 Melina Morvet' Anthony Glrdl'll'r Chlmere LINne Mltthe .. Francis Scott Key ElemJMiddle George W.F. McMechen Juniorl Callaway Elementary School 11251 Senior.l77 =~rraoaElamel'\tary School 1176 J.ml.H.ndy erect #19 Toy La-. JICkIOl'l Ll .. Shetmln Dr, Martin Luther Kmg, Jr. Elem #254 Franc,s M, Wood High School 11178 rIM CollMrt _,_Helling Run Middle School 1177 Chlnnet WlIII.ms rge Washil'\gton EJemel'\tary K~ Y.CQ09Il' Souti18est Middle School #255 ::hoom Harlem Park Middle SChool 1178 DICkey Hill E1_tary School JI201 MeI.ne Taylor uLlpacomb KodlO_ llieheel Smith CalYln RodWell Elementary School IIiyne( Browl'\e Elamentary Will~m H. Lemme! Middle School Lafay9ne Elementary School #202 '25' ::hooI #25 HIkIeI'II Brylnl OuJ....,. WII_ Nk:oIeE~'" FerTIng Elementary Schoollf203 l.ockelTT1an-Bllndy Elem&<1tary ...isOn Sqllllre Elementary School School lt261 -..... West Baltimore Middle School i'8O Daniel GugllUUI Woodhome Elementary ScnooIlI205 Chrlllopher Hodgea • .... William S. Bller Schooi 11301 _ Greenspring""""'- Middle Schoolll82 KlntbertJ Anderton am Pindeft1ughel1 Elementary Furley EkImer1t1ry Schoollr.!08 Anltlon,Hn. No OUDtandIng ".-m William Paca Elemenlary Schoolll83 lIrriIftI s. c.rm~ Upton Home & Hos~tal School 11303 -""It 8ueltIIIy Jr. Winston Middle School JI20fl 'fowIncIIlA_ l.IIIdeel'lI Nicole CIrtIf ~ A. Henson Elementary Lilkawood Elemenlllry School f86 IIatttlew U"1nNI1bM Claremont Senior High School #307 ,"","" Halelwood Elernent&ry School 11210 Chn.llne Dunlap Windsor Hilis E1emenlllry School litH Or, Lillie M. JackSOf1 Efern. School ~~rySchooim "" #315 w_ .......Gardenville Elemenlllry Scrlool 11211 """'.- CMnI .. SaunderI Lyndhurst Elementary School,aa lstr6arn Pari( Elemefltary School ..... ,.,...""""" Edmonson-Westside High School Guilford EIeml!ntarySchoolll214 11 C..... -e- #400 Rogne! Heights Elementary School Aonllet Clrfllo ...... Highlandtown Elemenlllry School VenueR_ red D. Monroe Elementary ... NortIlwestllrn High School1i401 :.hoo11l32 "15 -..,... Ulshlne Slwytr ..e-.... Franklin SqlJll/ll Elementary School KanlkaHtrJh; H95 Grove Park Elementary School 11216 Northem High Schoo 11402 em Park Elementary Schoo iI35 ...... ErtCl St\IntelM Alce "-_Sehmlctl ._CoIJington SqUire Elementary 1i97 Battlmore Polylechnic Irl$titute #400 Belmont Elementary School if217 ord HeIghts Elementary School ShInII Quick Sherrie Chandler • Samuel F.B. Morse Elementary Yorkwood Elementary School 11219 Forest Park Senior High School #406 ...• T.hlley _.-Scl1oolll96 Gregory P\lellll C_,.,... :elm X Primary School t38 ""- Morrell Perk Elemef1tery School Weetem High Sclmol1i407 Dntl wtllhl ~=AE~e':e~ Elementary LannoxBrown ts F. Nicholas, Sr. Elemenlllry mo School'101 Ashby LanIl1on:I l-.4ergantheler Voc. Tech. H.S. 11410 MI, Washington Elementary School lelleKno. """'''' Thoma""""' .....G. Hayes ElllrTI8r1tary """'Walbrook"'''' High School 11411 I Clif101'\ Seflior High f40 .. School..,... Jll02 Gil"" Carter C81t1y!en. JIICIlIOl'l ........ Pimlico Middle School #222 SoUlttweslem High School #412 oitton Middle Schoollt4\ _ Moravia Park Primary School 8105 Nedlne WluIt1 Soody"""" Pimlico E1em&<1lary SChool if223 Harbo, City Leem,ng Center #413 lson Middle SChool 842 Gilmor Elementary School #107 DnI.... Brootu; Johnllhan JohN ~..... Weslport Elementary School if225 Paul Laurence Dunber Sen H.S. ,pstuad Hill Middle ScrlooII#43 ChMnHOMitl Vlf1able Senror High School '115 TlII8Amrtleln ,,,. -rlilinor -""""Joshua long John Rllrah Elementary School mo Aenee Fevancl tebello Elementary li44 Duke Ellington Primary School #117 Baltimore School for the Arts 11415 d Bel,.... AenyAbklln LlIoy.GrHr Canton Middle SChool IIZ30 TImothy Long lr'al Hill Elemel'\tary School #4S Furman L. Templeton Elementary Danlellt Dillon Flllderick Douglass Senior H.S.'450 SchoolJl125 Brehms Lane Elementary School LaShlWn Wlgner lQuapin Middle School 1146 Salm.nlM Hlnlon Joseph C. Briscoe HS. #451 tIttIy Walklnl Booker T. Washington Middle SChool Nellr Abukhdelr No oullllncllll9 'tudenl ,pstead Hill Elementary School "" Roland Park Elem./Middle SChool Fairmount Hill Vocat,onal H.S. Jl453 -17 '''0 A1esander JeekIon, Jr. .233 No oUllllndlnlisluCSent Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle MOfllque CoI..... n Hal10rd Institute #456 ~'''':heast Middle School #49 School #133 Arlington Elementary School 11234 VondIMy .... nSI"", KlmlMrty lIgffll And,... McOe""l" Baltimore City College iI480 ollSton Elementary School JI50 Walter P. Carter Elementary School Glenmount Elementary SChool '235 lIlChryll.1 CorrlnlVO,t lpdefl E!ememary School 1155 "'. He.lhef LUltte Hamilton Elementary/Middle School e1.Vav_rl Harriet Tubman Elementary School .236 ert Poole Middle School r56 Jeffrey Lett n1ar ThI .... rs Kel.he"" L.atreI:H Adlm, Berljamm Franklm Middle School 'nns Falls Elementary School Charles Carroll of Carrollton ~ Elementary #139 Clmmon"" Byrd queslHlle TImlBroou FaliSlaU Middle School1!241 , Eager Howarel Elementary Robert W. Coleman E~mentary choolll61 School #142 ALL SCHOOL SALUTE SPONSORS Regular Sponsors * The Admiral Fell Inn * Garamond/Pridemark Press * The Art Decorating Company * Balloons Over America * H&SBakery * Baltimore Marriott * Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor * Merry-Go-Round * Baltimore City McDonald's * The National Aquarium in Family Restaurants Baltimore * The Baltimore City SChools * Office of Employment Development * center Stage T. Rowe Price * Chas Salon 300 * * Cross Keys Inn * V-103FM * Design Concept * WMAR-TV * Esskay School Sponsors Beck, Powell and Assoclates 039 Dallas Nicholas Elementary Oak Contracting Corporation 047 Hampstead Hili Elementary King David Lodge #18, Prince Hall Masons of Maryland 222 PlmllcoNllddle Giant Food, Inc. 233 Roland Park Banimore Federal Financial 251 callaway Elementary Baltimore Polytechnic Board of Overseers 403 Baltimore Polytechnic Inst. Mondawmln Mall 450 Frederick Douglass We thank the above listed sponsors for their generous support of the ALL SCHOOL SALUTE and strong commitment to the Baltimore Public Schools. !ii'(i) C. ~ (I 'q' I~ I. z Each Ai,l, w'/' hove letter ( a J t'11; di5flayed at roc/, end, I,,, q. a ~ _Numbm on Hoor-pion are ql 3 0 5chool numbers, X 3 ; / t / ® I ~ • , o ~ I • ~ ~ g I J [2J ® ~ ~ CC, ~r ~ L------ ,1.8801 ------._--.. £I/TE~ 133lliS N30V'lV'8 EXHIBITORS Information 076 Harlem Park Junior High 216 Frankford Intermediate 004 Steuart HiW Sementsry 079 William H. Lemme! Middle 217 Belmont Elementary 007 cecn Elementary OBO West Baltimore Middle 219 Yorkwood Elementary 008 City Springs Elementary 082 Greenspnnq Middle 220 Morrell Park Elementary 010 James McHenry 083 William Paca Elementary 221 Mt. Washington Elementary 084 Thomas Johnson Elementary 011 Eutaw·Marshburn Elementary 222 Pimlico Middle Elementary 085 Fort Worthington 223 Pimlico Elementary 012 Lakeland Elementaryl Elementary 224 Grove Park Elementary Middle 086 Lakewood Elementary 225 Westport Elementary 013 Tench Tilghman 087 Windsor
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