Firstcovid-19Vaccine Forchildrenabove12yrs
DAILYFROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● POSTAL REGN. NO. JAIPUR CITY/014/2021-23 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 2021, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM CADILA’S3-DOSESHOTBASEDONDNAPLATFORM WORLD FirstCovid-19vaccine forchildrenabove12yrs IN AFGHANISTAN, getsemergencyusenod REPORTS OF TARGETED KILLINGS FUEL FEARS 66%efficacy recorded; needle-free, to be administered BIDEN PLEDGESTO intradermally; second dose at 28 days,third at 56 days AMERICANS: WE WILL GETYOU HOME agegroup. PAGE 11 KAUNAINSHERIFFM On Friday, the Indian drug NEWDELHI,AUGUST20 regulator said in atweet that af- terevaluating the “interim” GUJARAT-BASED Zydus Cadila's phaseIII clinical trials resultsin three-dose Covid-19vaccine was consultation with the subject ex- THE FALL OF on Fridaygranted emergency Low-cost, no pertcommittee, it has approved KABUL TO use authorisation foruse in ZyCoV-D “for restricteduse in adultsand children above 12, cold storage emergency situation in India for TALIBAN making it potentiallythe first 12 years and above”. The vaccine vaccine to be administeredtothe ZYCOV-Disthe world's is to be administeredatdays 0, WHATITMEANS adolescentpopulation in India. firstCovid-19 vaccine 28, and, 56, the regulator said. FOR INDIA With the central drug regu- built on aDNA platform While thevaccine has been ASERIES lator clearing the vaccine, Zydus to be granted emer- approved foruse in the adoles- Defence MinisterRajnath Singh with Congress president Sonia Gandhi at Parliament House on Friday. PTI Cadila's ZyCoV-D is settobe- gency use authorisa- cent population, it's forthe gov- come the firstCovid vaccine can- tion. UnlikemRNAvac- ernment to take acall on THESINSOFEMPIRE didatedevelopedonaplasmid cines, DNA-based whether to roll out the vaccina- By Pratap BhanuMehta P6 DNAplatformtobecommer- vaccinesdonot require tion drive forthis agegroup.
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