Improvements in RWTH LVCSR Evaluation Systems for Polish, Portuguese, English, Urdu, and Arabic M. Ali Basha Shaik1, Zoltan Tuske¨ 1, M. Ali Tahir1, Markus Nußbaum-Thom1, Ralf Schluter¨ 1, Hermann Ney1;2 1Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition – Computer Science Department RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany 2Spoken Language Processing Group, LIMSI CNRS, Paris, France f shaik, tuske, tahir, nussbaum, schlueter, ney
[email protected] Abstract acoustical mismatch between the training and testing can be re- In this work, Portuguese, Polish, English, Urdu, and Arabic duced for any target language, by exploiting matched data from automatic speech recognition evaluation systems developed by other languages [8]. Alternatively, a few attempts have been the RWTH Aachen University are presented. Our LVCSR sys- made to incorporate GMM within a framework of deep neu- tems focus on various domains like broadcast news, sponta- ral networks (DNN). The joint training of GMM and shallow neous speech, and podcasts. All these systems but Urdu are bottleneck features was proposed using the sequence MMI cri- used for Euronews and Skynews evaluations as part of the EU- terion, in which the derivatives of the error function are com- Bridge project. Our previously developed LVCSR systems were puted with respect to GMM parameters and applied the chain improved using different techniques for the aforementioned lan- rule to update the GMM simultaneously with the bottleneck guages. Significant improvements are obtained using multi- features [9]. On the other hand, a different GMM-DNN integra- lingual tandem and hybrid approaches, minimum phone error tion approach was proposed in [10] by taking advantage of the training, lexical adaptation, open vocabulary long short term softmax layer, which defines a log-linear model.