Injustice Runs Deep Christopher Gordon Nicole Hayes the Goals of a Higher Education Usually Entail the Creation, Testing, and Implementation of New Ideas
Winner of Nine Collegiate Excellence in Journalism Awards fromo Our college. Our news. Our voice. Naugatuck Valley Community College November 1, 2016 Waterbury, Connecticut Vol. 60, Iss. 7 Embracing Ideas Injustice Runs Deep Christopher Gordon Nicole Hayes The goals of a higher education usually entail the creation, testing, and implementation of new ideas. In some colleges across America, Illinois, it could also affect those who rely on though, this concept is undergoing a radical the Mississippi River as a viable resource. shift. Students are being denied the ability to In direct violation of the National explore the wide world of free thought with Preservation Act of 1966, the Bakken Pipeline the execution of “safe spaces.” has already damaged burial sites belonging The creation of places of refuge comes to the Standing Rock Sioux. On September 3, from a position of caring. Sometimes, ideas construction workers began bulldozing along- are perceived as dangerous or dismissed as side the reservation, near historical burial sites. too ridiculous to be taken seriously. These As protesters attempted to peacefully block reactions may come in response to bigotry, the bulldozers, several people were bitten by sexism, and mockery. To give people a sanc- security dogs, and as many as thirty protes- tuary in which to develop an idea without tors were doused with pepper-spray. Several fear is laudable. However, a problem arises were arrested. A tribal chairman stated, “In when such refuges become havens of the one day, our sacred land has been turned into same sorts of bigotry, sexism, and mock- hollow ground.” Although the pipeline is not ery.
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