Congratulations on being selected to participate in the Regents Semester Program in Newcastle, Australia. You are about to embark upon what may be one of the most formative and exciting experiences of your life! This handbook contains the most up-to- date information specific to the program in Newcastle. We expect you to read all of the information carefully and to take the handbook with you to Newcastle. One of the best ways to prepare for study abroad is to learn as much as possible about the program and Australia prior to your departure. You can do this by visiting the Office for Study Abroad, reading information about the program and the country, and talking to faculty and former students. However, there may be situations you will not have anticipated, and your flexibility will determine the kind of experience you will have while abroad. The UI Study Abroad is here to help you throughout your preparation and semester abroad. Please let us know if you have any questions. We can be reached at Study Abroad, 1111 University Capitol Centre, 319-335-0353. We wish you a successful and rewarding study abroad experience! Sterling Bacher Program Coordinator
[email protected] 1 Table of Contents: 1: Study Abroad Mission Statement ..................................................................................... 4 2: Contact Information .............................................................................................................. 4 Newcastle Emergency/Contact Numbers ....................................................................................