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NM ICE OF01/PC07 Plus Postage DMUS! RENON ID 175 615 RC 011 610 "AUTBOR Nupoll, Karin, Comp. TITLE La Reza: A Selective Bibliography of Library Resources Addenda. INSTITUTION California State Univ., Northridge. Univ. Libraries. POO DATE 78 -NOTE 155N: For related document, see ED 131 980 NM ICE OF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIefORS Art; Autobiographies: Bilingualism: Biographies; *Cultural Background: Developing Nations: Economic Factors: Females; Polk Culture; Geography; Health: Housing: Immigrants: Law Enforcepent: Library Collections: Life Style: Literature: Mexican American History: *Nexican Americans; Music: Newspapers: *Periodicals; Philcsophy: Politics: *Reference daterials: Religion; Sociocultural Patterns: Socioeconomic Background: Theater Arts IDENTIFIERS Chicanas: *Chicanos: Mexico ABSTRACT Books, periodicals, recordings, art works, government documents, and bibliographies, datiug mostly from 1960, are included in this 1978 addendum to the 1973 edition of La Reza: A Selective Bibliography of Library Resources*. Similar in format,p, the eaLlier volume, the addendum contains 1,616 non-annotated entries organized into 31 Library of Congress subject areas: Reference Naterials, Agricultural Labor, Archeology/Anthropology, Art Forms, Biography/Autobiography, Chicano Lifestyle, Civil Rights, Bconosic/Labor Conditions, Education, Folklore, geography, Health, *Historical Emergence of the Chicano, Housing, Immigration, Language Study/Bilingualism, Law Enforcement, Literature, Juvenile Literature, Mexico, Media, Music, Recordings, Newspaper/Journal Reeources, Political Rights, lsligioa, Philosophy, Theater Arts, La Chicano', and Third World. The sections for La Chicane and the Third World are new. Within each section entries are listed alphabetically by author and ,includs the California State University-Northridge (CSUN) library eall number. Also in each section is a list of Chicano periodical references, based on CSON holdings, which are rarelyindexed in atandsrd sources. Articles from standard journals are not included. 'An.alphabetical author index is included. (SB) -4 Seproductions supplied by EMS are the best that can be made * .,.. from the original document. * IA RIM A MUM W UMW ISOM AM% *as Naval. Oftinum *xi *mom Nemium 19711 U I DIPARTMENT OP NIIALTH. IDUCATION A WIRPARE "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS N4TIONAL INSTITUTE OP MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY GDOCAT ION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- icW DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS Vrolk_ STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." This biblieguphy Is as addenda to the La Rata: a selective bibliographyof library resources (CSUN) published in 1973. The collection of research scarce: has grew. coesiderably IS has the need for easy SCUM. The format of this addenda is basically the same as the base volume. Call n umbers are giver for those materials owned bythe University Libraries. Two new sections - 'La Chicano" sod "Third World" -wereadded because of specific N OVO research needs of CSUN researchers. A special feature of the addenda is the inclusion of Chicano periodicals which are rarely indexed in the standard sources. Theindexing was baud on holdings at CSUN and unfortunately there are some gaps for missing WILLArticles from standard journals are not included since they are easily accessed through the standard periodical indexing sources. Grateful appreciation is extended to Nina Pinthus end Sue Meuger who spent many hours on the monumental task of typing this addenda. ADELANTEI Karin Nepali Chicano Studies Librarian Reference Department California State University Nortaidge I.REFERENCE MATERIALS 1 ref rm Cor4ova, Benito. Z BIBLIOGRAPHYOF UNPUBLISHED MATERIALS PERTAINING TO 5984 HISPANIC CULTURE. Santa Fe, N.M., Bilingual-Bicultural N4 C6 Communicative Arts Unit, Division of Instructional Services, State Department of Education, 1972. 2 Z Jordan, Lois B. 1361 MEXICANAMERICANS RESOURCES TO BUILD CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING. NA J67 Littleton, Colo., Libraries Unlimited, 1973. 3 ref rm Rolm, Richard. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ETHNICITY AND ETHNIC GROUPS. Rockville, 1361 Md.,National Institute of Mental Health. Center for 84 04 Studies of Metropolitan Problems. For sale by the Supt. of Does., 1973. 4 8 THE MEXICAN AMERICAN DIRECTORY, Axturo Palacio, ed. 1960-70 184 ed. Washington, ESC Executive Systems Corp., c1969. M5 A3 1969 5 ref rn Ortega, Philip D. SELECTIVE MEXICAN AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. El Paso, Texas, 1361 Border Regional Library Association, c1972. 11405 6 ref rm Pino, Frank. MEXICAN AMERICAVS; A RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY. East Lansing, 1361 Michigan. Latin American Studies Center Michigan State .114 P55 University, 1974. v.1-2 7 ref rm Quintana, Helena. A CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHY ON CHICANOS 1960-1973. Alburquerque, 3161 University of Now Mexico, Cultural Awareness Center, College MA Q55 of Education, 1974. 8 Z Talbor, JaneMitchell. 1361 A COMPREHENSIVE CHICANO BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-1972. Austin, 144T3 Jenkins Publishing, Pemberton Press, 1973. 9 ref rm Tatum, Charles:M. 2 A SELECTED AND ANNOTATEDBIBLIOGRAPHYOF CHICANO STUDIES. 3161 Manhattan, Rinses, Society of Spanish and Spanish-American 114T36 Studies, 1976. 10 8 Texas Institute for Educational Development. 184 CHICANO ALMANAC. San Antonio, Texas, The Institute, 1973. M5 T4 4 11 ref rs Texas. University. Houston. Libraries. lAXICAN MAHICAN; A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Houston, 1972. 1361 114 116 1972 12 ref rs Texas. University of Houston. Libraries. Office of the Assistant Director for Collection Development. 1361 MEXICAN AMERICANS; A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Revised and N4 116 enlarged, 1974. 1974 13 ref Trejo, Arnulfo D. BIBLIOGRAFIA CHICANA; A GUIDE TO INFORKATION SOURCES. 1361 Detroit, Gale Research, 1975. 114 T73 14 ref ru NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF CHICANO FACULTY AND RESEARCH. Los LC Angeles. UCLA, Aztlan Publications, Chicano Studies 2682 Center, 1974. N38 PERIODICAL RESOURCES 15 AP "Annotated Bibliography," in EL GRITO v.V no.4 (Summer 1972), 1 pp.12-37. G7 18 AP Hero, Robert P. 1 "Los Chicanos: a bibliographic essay," in Cal SAFOS v.2 C655 no.7 (Hinter 1971), pp.50-59. 17 AP Rios-C, Hermflio. 1 "Toward a 10 Chicano bibliography-Part II," in EL GRITO G7 v.V no.4 (Summer 1972), pp.38-47. II.AGRICULTURAL LABOR 18 HD Bailie, George. 1527 BASTA! LA HISTORIA DE NUESTRA LUCHA. ENOUGH! THE TALI C2 B33 OF OUR STRUGGLE. Text from the Plan of Delano. Delano, California, Farm Worker Press, c1966. 19 Cal Doc California. Agriculture and Services Agency. Dept. of I 270 56 1976 Industrial Relations. Division of Fair Employment Practices. CALIFORNIANS OF SPANISH SURNAME. Populotion, education, income, and employment. June, 1976. 20 HD California. ,Employment.Development Department. 1525 AGRULCTURAL ORIEMATION, RECRUITMENT/State of California, C3 Employment Development Department, 1974? 21 IOC California. Legislature. Assembly. Select Committee on 10.4 Farm Labor Violence. F37 AN EXAMINATION OF VIOLENCE IN THE FARM LABOR DISPUTE, 1973 BAKERSFIELD, CA., OCTOBER 1, 1973/California Legislature, Assembly Select Committee on Farm Labor Violence. Sacramento: the Committee. 1973. 22 HD California. Legislature. Senate. Fact Finding Committee on 527 Labor and Welfare. C2 A543 CALIFORNIA'S FARM LABOR PROBLKM; report.Sacramento, Senate of the State of California, 1961-63. 23 KFC Colorado. Le islative Council. 1820 MIGRANT LABOR PROBLEMS IN THE 1970's: STAFF REPORT TO THE 1.4 CO1ORADO GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Denver, 1970. no. 157 24 HD Dunne, John Gregory. 5325 DELANO-REVISED AND UPDATED. N.Y., Farrar, Straus and £29 1)8 Giroux, 1971. 1971 25 E Erenberg, Mark. 184 A STUDY OF THE POTENTIAL RELOCATION OF TEXAS MEXICAN M5 E7 MIGRATORY FARM WORKERS TO WISCONSIN. 1969. (Dissertation- University of Wisconsin-1969). 26 HD Fisher, J Donald. 1527 A HISTORICAL STUDY OF THE MURANT IN CALIFORNIA, by J. C2 148 Donald Fisher. San Francisco, R and E Research Associates, 1973 1973. Originally premented as the author's thesis, University of Southern California, 1945. 27 ref pa Fodell, Beverly. CESAR CHAVEZ AND THE UNITED FARM WORKERS; a selective 8164.9 bibliography. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1974. F63 1974 28 HD Follman, Joseph Francis. 1525 MIBRATORY WORKERS, PROVISION AND FINANCING OF HEALTH CARE/ P75 J.F. Follmann. 1.1.: Health Insurance Assoication of America, 1974. 29 HD Fusco, Paul. 5325 LA CAUSA, THE CALIFORNIA GRAPE STRIKE. N.Y., Collier Books, A29 F9 1970. 30 HD Galarza, Ernesto. 6515 FARM WORKERS AND AGRI-BUSIMESS IN CALIFORNIA 1947-1960. 4292 C33 Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1977. 31 F Garcia, Mario Trinidad. 395 OBREROS: THE MEXICAN WORKERS OF EL PASO, 1900-1920. M5 G37 University of California at San Diego, 1975. 32 HD Hathway, Marion. c 5856 THE MIGRATORY WORKER AND FAMILY LIFE. N.Y., Arno Press U52 W35 1972, c1934. 1972 33 HD Jorgenson, Janet M. 1525 HIMATORY AGRICULTURAL WCWKERS IN THE UNITED STATES by J6 Jaret M. Jorgenson, David E. Williams (and) John H. Burma. Grinnell, Iowa, Grinnel College, 1961. 34 110 Kushner, Sam. 6515 LONG ROAD TO DELANO/Sam Kishner.-lst ed.-N.Y.: International A292 U58 Publishers, 1975. 35 KF LEGAL PROBLEMS OF AGRICULTURAL LABOR. Davis. Calif., School 905 of Law, University of California, c1970. F2 L4 36 HD MEXICAN LABOR IN THE UNITED STATES. Arno. Press, 1974. 8081 )16 MS 1974 37 HD National Advisory Committee on Farm Labor. 1525 FARM LABOR ORGANIZING, 1905-1967; a brief history. N.Y., 1345 1967. 38 HD Malkin, Dorothy. 1525 ON THE SEASON: ASPECTS OF THE MIGRANT
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