Name: ______

Topic 3- Classification and Biodiversity



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Total marks achieved: ______



The Northern elephant seal is a found in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.

In the nineteenth century, Northern elephant seals were hunted and this reduced the population to about 20 seals.

The seals were listed as an Appendix II species when CITES was established in the 1970s.

The population has now recovered to over 100 000 individuals.

The seals in this population have developed health problems, including a high mortality rate for newborn pups, deformities and weak immune systems.

(i) Describe the role of treaties such as CITES in maintaining global biodiversity.








(ii) Explain why, although the population of seals has recovered, many of the seals have health problems.










(Total for question = 4 marks)


The photographs below show three .

Tasmanian wolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

Grey wolf (Canis lupus)

Dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata) The evolutionary relationships between these three mammals were investigated. The DNA base sequence of part of the gene for 12S ribosomal RNA from each mammal was analysed.

(a) Explain which two of these mammals are most closely related in their evolutionary history.






(b) The Tasmanian wolf is a marsupial mammal. In marsupials, the young are born in a tiny, immature form and move into a pouch on the abdomen of the mother to develop further.

The grey wolf is a placental mammal. The fetus develops inside the uterus and the larger young are born in a more mature form.

The ancestors of Tasmanian wolves and grey wolves once shared similar habitats.

Explain why grey wolves and their close relatives are now found in many parts of the world but Tasmanian wolves only survived on isolated islands.







(Total for question = 5 marks)


Tapirs are nocturnal mammals that are found in .

In 2013, the Journal of Mammalogy published an article describing the discovery of a new species of , Tapirus kabomani.

Scientists already knew about the but thought that it was the same species as Tapirus terrestris.

(a) Give one reason why scientists thought that Tapirus kabomani was the same species as Tapirus terrestris.




(b) These two species of tapir can be distinguished using gene sequencing.

Describe how sufficient amounts of DNA could be obtained in preparation for gene sequencing.










(c) Explain how distinguishing Tapirus kabomani as a separate species could affect the index of diversity of the area.






(Total for question = 7 marks)


The diagram shows four varieties of rabbit.

Fur colour in rabbits is controlled by four different alleles:

the allele for brown fur, C, is dominant to all other alleles the allele for chinchilla fur, cch, is dominant to the alleles for Himalayan and albino the allele for Himalayan fur, ch, is dominant to the allele for albino the allele for albino fur, c, is recessive to all other alleles

The fur colour of can be affected by natural selection.

Compare and contrast stabilising selection with disruptive selection.












(Total for question = 3 marks)


The photograph shows a stonechat, Saxicola dacotiae.

The species breeds only on the island of Fuerteventura.

Which of the following is the best definition of a species?

Individuals of the same species can interbreed to produce


A fertile offspring

B hybrid offspring

C sterile offspring D viable offspring


The island of Lanzarote is near the African coast and has a desert climate.

The photograph shows the edge of a lava flow from a volcano that erupted on this island about 200 hundred years ago.

In the foreground is an area that was not covered by the lava flow.

Over a long period of time, the lava will change to look like the climax community seen in the foreground.

King Juba's spurge, Euphorbia regis-jubae, is a plant that occupies a niche in the climax community.

Explain the niche occupied by King Juba's spurge.










Minke whales, killer whales and dolphins are all cetaceans.

These animals are different species that all belong to the order Cetacea.

Cetaceans evolved between 55 and 60 million years ago.

Their closest living relatives are thought to be pigs and cows.

The diagram shows the evolutionary relationship between minke whales, dolphins, pigs and cows.

Analyse the diagram to explain the evolutionary relationship between these four animals.










(Total for question = 3 marks)


The effects of light intensity and temperature on the net primary productivity (NPP) of young willow trees were investigated.

Young willow trees were grown in two greenhouses: one with high light intensity and one with low light intensity.

In each greenhouse, groups of these willow trees were kept at different temperatures for six months.

The results are shown in the graph.

* In a further investigation, succession was monitored for fifty years in an abandoned field.

The field was originally used to grow crops.

After fifty years, large numbers of coniferous trees were growing in the field.

These coniferous trees do not shed many leaves.

When compared with younger trees, older coniferous trees have a much higher proportion of tree stem, branches and roots and a lower proportion of leaves.

The following factors were monitored: plant biomass NPP mineral ion content of soil index of diversity of animals

The line graphs show the trends that happened over fifty years for each of the factors.

Analyse the data to explain how succession is linked to the changes in this abandoned field.
























(Total for question = 6 marks)


Sickle cell anaemia is caused by a mutation in the β-globin gene which codes for part of haemoglobin.

The diagram shows the first 10 amino acids in this part of haemoglobin, in a healthy person and in a person with sickle cell anaemia.

The allele that leads to sickle cell anaemia is known as HbS.

From 1990 to 1996, all newborn infants in California were screened for the presence of the HbS allele.

The data in the table show the ratio of individuals with and without the HbS allele, in various ethnic groups. A chi squared test was used to analyse the raw data.

The null hypothesis was: "There is no difference between the frequency of the HbS allele in African Americans and in all other ethnic groups combined."

The calculated value of chi squared was 450 615.

The table shows some critical values for the chi squared distribution, with one degree of freedom.

Malaria is a major cause of death in Africa.

Assess the effect that this might have on the frequency of the HbS allele in African populations.

















Chester Zoo has 10 black . The is critically endangered due to being hunted for its horns.

One kilogram of rhinoceros horn can sell for more than £50 000.

The photograph shows a black rhinoceros.

The number of black rhinoceros fell from 70 000 in 1960 to 15 000 in the late 1970s.

All trade in black rhinoceros horn was prohibited under CITES in 1977.

However, hunting continued and fewer than 2 500 black rhinoceros were left by the year 2000.

(i) Explain why hunting continued after the black rhinoceros was listed in CITES.







(ii) Explain why the genetic diversity of the black rhinoceros has decreased between 1960 and 2000. (2)







The Eurasian lynx is the largest native European cat species.

It was once widespread across Europe but is now restricted to small areas of national parks.

Ex-situ and in-situ conservation measures were used in the 1970s to increase biodiversity.

Lynx were bred in zoos and 10 were reintroduced into an area of protected where the lynx had become extinct. Existing wild lynx were protected in an area of forest where they had not become extinct.

In 2016 scientists estimated the population sizes and genetic biodiversity of the lynx in these two areas of forest.

They found that the population and genetic biodiversity of the lynx in the area where they had been reintroduced were much lower than in the protected area.

(i) State what is meant by the term biodiversity.



(ii) Explain why, in 2016, the genetic biodiversity of the lynx population in the area where they had been reintroduced was much lower than in the protected area.






(Total for question = 3 marks)


The photograph shows an adult mayfly.

Rhithrogena germanica is commonly known as the March brown mayfly.

The classification hierarchy for this mayfly is:

Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Ephemeropteroidea Heptageniidae Rhithrogena germanica

(i) State the genus of this mayfly.



(ii) This mayfly belongs to the phylum Arthropoda.

Which is the order for this mayfly? (1)

A Animalia

B Ephemeropteroidea

C Heptageniidae

D Insecta

(Total for question = 2 marks)


The photograph shows a stonechat, Saxicola dacotiae.

The species breeds only on the island of Fuerteventura.

Explain how this species of stonechat may have evolved on the island of Fuerteventura.














The photograph shows a stonechat, Saxicola dacotiae.

The species breeds only on the island of Fuerteventura.

A survey has shown that there may be fewer than 1000 pairs of S. dacotiae on Fuerteventura.

The number has declined over the last 20 years due to habitat loss.

Explain the role of zoos in the conservation of species such as S. dacotiae.










Q15. The group of birds, known as warblers, contains many species which are very similar in external appearance.

Two of these species, the chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita, and the willow warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus, are so similar that many experts can identify them only by listening to their individually-characteristic songs. These songs are used during breeding to mark territory and attract mates.

The photographs below show these two warblers.

(a) Although chiffchaffs and willow warblers are often found at the same time in the same woodlands, they do not interbreed.

(i) Suggest why successful interbreeding between chiffchaffs and willow warblers would make some scientists doubt their classification as separate species.








(ii) Suggest reasons why the two species do not interbreed. (3)







(b) Records show that very little change in the appearance of chiffchaffs and willow warblers has occurred during the last two hundred years.

Suggest why the rate of change in the appearance of these two species is relatively slow.










(Total for Question = 9 marks)


Minke whales, killer whales and dolphins are all cetaceans.

These animals are different species that all belong to the order Cetacea.

The five-kingdom model of classification is hierarchical.

Part of this hierarchy is: kingdom phylum class family genus

Where in this hierarchy should the order Cetacea appear?


A between kingdom and phylum

B between phylum and class

C between class and family

D between family and genus

(Total for question = 1 mark)


The photograph shows part of a bacterial cell surrounded by viruses, as seen using an electron microscope.

The diagram shows the three-domain model of classification as suggested by Carl Woese.

This model was based on the comparison of many different characteristics. Some of the characteristics used by Woese are shown in the table.

(i) Analyse the information to explain the evidence for the three-domain model of classification.












(ii) Many scientists agree with this three-domain model.

State how these scientists would have reached agreement about this model.




(Total for question = 4 marks)


Tetracycline and penicillin are two antibiotics that are commonly used to treat bacterial infections.

The diagram shows the structure of penicillin.

In 2013, an Australian scientist said that 'evolution was winning the antibiotics arms race'.

Comment on the statement made by this scientist.















Chester Zoo has 12 000 animals from 400 different species. Chester Zoo aims "to be a major force in conserving biodiversity worldwide".

Chester Zoo supports an in-situ rhinoceros conservation and monitoring project in Chyulu Hills National Park in Kenya.

It is difficult to find and count the black rhinoceros because they roam freely across a large area.

However, the DNA of a black rhinoceros can be obtained from its dung (faeces).

(i) Devise a method by which black rhinoceros dung could be used to estimate the number of black rhinoceros living in Chyulu Hills National Park.






















(ii) DNA from dung indicated that 14 black rhinoceros were present in the park.

Explain why 14 black rhinoceros could be an underestimate of the population. (2)







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