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Peninsula Papers Information and news for the communities of St Ishmaels, Hasguard, Robeston West, Walwyn’s Castle, Dale, St Brides and Marloes. Papurau Penrhyn Gwybodaeth a newyddion am gymunedau St Ishmael’s, Hasguard, Robeston West, Walwyn’s Castle, Dale, St Bride’s a Marloes. OCTOBER 2019 HYDREF The Church in Wales Parishes of Dale, St Brides with Marloes, Hasguard with St Ishmael's, Walwyn’s Castle & Robeston West Parish PriestsPriests: Fr. Andrew Johnson 01646 636966 [email protected] Rev’d. Dr Rhiannon Johnson 01646 636966 Postal Address: The Vicarage, 172 Castle Way, Dale, Haverfordwest, SA62 3RN Curate: Rev’d Gaynor Ford 01646 693452 [email protected] Church Wardens Dale: Peter Morgan 636625 Harriet Bishop 636668 St Brides: Mary Lewis 636430, William Richards 636242 Marloes: Yvonne Evans 636251 St Ishmaels: Heather Phippen 636261 Walwyn’s Castle: Jayne Edwards 01437 781575, Kate Morgan 01437 781270 Robeston West: Gill Thorne 01437 890693, Geoffrey Harries 01646 692736 Baptist Chapels: Moriah --- Marloes Paul James 01646 636241 Aenon --- Sandy Hill Anne Hardacre 01437 763639 LOCAL SERVICES SHOPS: Marloes Village Store and Post Office 01646 636968 Open: Monday 9-1, Tuesday to Saturday 9 - 4, and Sunday 9-12:30 MOBILE LIBRARY: Next dates: Friday 11th October, 8th November, 6th December St. Ishmaels Burgage Green Layby - 10.50 am to 11.20 am Dale - Blue Anchor Way - 11.35am to 12.05am Marloes - Toilets - 12.15 am to 12.45 am Contact 01437 776126 or 07774 230200 (van) MOBILE POST OFFICE: Tuesday: St Ishmaels 14:00—15:00 Dale 15:15—16:15 Thursday: St Ishmaels 13:00—14:00 Dale 14:15—15:15 CONTACTS FOR HALL HIRE: FOR HIRE THE CORONATION HALL AND JUBILEE Marloes: Bridget Lister 01646 SUITE DALE 636274 St Ishmaels Memorial Hall: Yvonne Evans 01636 636251 St Ishmaels Sports & Social Club: Sports Club: 01646 636444 or Claire Sheil 07768 968016 BOOKINGS: WENDY KEHOE 01646 636721 Walwyns Castle Village Hall: EMAIL– [email protected] Jean Rees 01437 929813 Dear Friends, The Summer has been slow and gracious in its retreat this year but it is coming up to Harvest festival time again. This year we have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to pray about. For many, the warm summer has brought a bumper year. I am told that spending patterns changed in the tourist industry, so some did far less well than they normally do and others, who have had some very lean years recently, did very well. There is something, though, very profound in thanking God each year for whatever has come, not just when things have been especially good. In fact, in my experience, people are more likely to be thankful when times are tight. In very good times they often praise themselves and no one, or nothing else. Being thankful together binds communities together. After all, the same sun and rain have fallen on all of us. Being thankful together should also turn our hearts outward in generosity. Being thankful is also a choice. The truth is that every life and every year is a mix of things, good and bad, and how you cope and flourish depends a lot on whether you chose to be thankful or to be thankless, whether you chose to bless or curse. Long ago, I was learning a certain style of teaching young children. In this method you are taught, at the end of every session, to hold the child’s hand, look into their eyes and tell them something good you have noticed that they did in the time you have been together. It felt very odd and un- British, but it completely changed my teaching style. Before I was on the look out for bad behaviour, to keep control of the classroom. Afterwards, I was attending to each child’s specialness. It felt like blessing. So, this Harvest, maybe think of one especially good thing this year, even if the rest has been dismal, imagine taking God’s hand and telling him you noticed and say thank you, With every blessing, Gaynor, Andrew and Rhiannon Produced by the Church in Wales Parishes of Hasguard with St Ishmaels, St Brides with Marloes, Walwyns Castle, Robeston West and Dale ST JAMES CHURCH, DALE HARVEST FESTIVAL FRIDAY 4th OCTOBER at 6.00pm Collection in aid of Tir Dewi Followed by a HARVEST SUPPER Coronation Hall, Dale, at 7.00pm Tickets £9.00 adults, £5.00 u12 Come and join us as we celebrate the Harvest. The late Mrs Patricia Ryecroft. Last year St. Brides Church received a bequest from Mrs Patricia Ryecroft, who lived in Devon. Recently her ashes were interred at St. Brides Churchyard. All the arrangements were made via the solicitors acting as her executors who have provided us with no further information. The Church Committee would like to place a small memorial stone to mark her ashes and would be very grateful if anyone could provide them with information about Mrs Ryecroft regarding her relationship with St. Brides, or her family. Any information can be passed on in confidence to Rev. Gaynor Ford (01646 693452). MOTHERS’ UNION. We had a very successful launch to our Autumn series of meetings. We have plans for moving Dementia Awareness on, and for various events to help the charities con- cerned. The next meeting is on Tuesday 8th October - speaker still to be confirmed. Teas are provided by Mary Lewis and Gwen Davies - I look forward to seeing you all there. Mothers’ Union is a non-denominational group and welcomes all, and despite the name you do not have to be a mother! If you feel like popping in to see how we operate please do. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in Marloes Village Hall at 7.30pm For any more information contact Harriet 636668, or Bridget 636274. Are you an avid reader or fan of Josephine Cox or Danielle Steele? We have a number of hardback books by each of these authors, donated to the St Brides Fete. They are available for the price of a phone call and a donation to the Church! Further details from Peter and Rosemary Royle 01646 636970 St Peters Church, Marloes All Souls Service Friday 1 st November at 6.30pm A service to remember and to give thanks for those who have died. We invite all members of our communities to remember friends and family who have passed, and to celebrate their lives at this service. If you are unable to come and would like someone to be remembered please let us know or place the names on the prayer list which will be in the churches at Dale, St Brides, St Ishmaels and Marloes Revd Gaynor Ford 01646693452 email: [email protected] ST JAMES CHURCH, DALE This month we have the face of Janus - we look both forwards and backwards - as we look forward to celebrating the Harvest much of which has long since been gathered in, At our Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Friday 4th October there will be a speaker Gerald Davies from Tir Dewi. Tir Dewi is a charity which provides a helpline for all who work in agriculture or who work to pro- vide the food we eat. The news is full of farmers who are struggling and do not know where to turn - Mr Davies is coming to explain the work of Tir Dewi and so hopefully provide a point of contact should it be needed. The collection from the service will be given to Tir Dewi. So why not come and hear about and support this worthy cause and attend our Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Friday 4th October and the Harvest Supper which will follow it. This is being held on a Friday this year in the hope more of you will be able to attend, and bring the whole family along to make it a real village celebration of a successful harvest. It is a BYO bottle event with a buffet supper. Tickets are on sale from Harriet (636668) or Mil (636671) £9.00 for adults and £5.00 for under 12s. - see notice in this issue of Peninsula Papers. We look forward to welcoming you to both or either! St. Peter the Fisherman, Marloes St James the Great, Walwyns Castle, There will be two services at St. Peter’s this Harvest Festival month to which all are invited to attend. Sunday October 6th Family harvest service at Sunday 13 th October at 9:30am – Harvest 11am, followed by bring Festival – A celebration of the Harvest in and share lunch in the our area. All are invited to this service village hall, and auction which will be followed by light refresh- of produce ments. Contributions towards the decora- Proceeds to charity tion of the Church would be welcome Sunday 27 th October at 9.30 – Service of Holy Communion. Community Councils DALE sent to the Highways department about Extracts from the meeting held on the 9 th the widening/footpath in some areas of September2019. the road between Pickleridge and Black Sea Grass Several Dale residents at- rock. tended the meeting to raise their con- Several complaints and concerns had been cerns and find out more information raised about the excessive speed and use about the sea grass project in the Dale of the blue light by the water ranger in bay area. The Council felt that there had the bay around the pontoon. Clerk will been conflicting details about the sea be writing to the Port Authority for a grass and the impact it could have on the report on incidents in the bay.