



MONTGOMERY, Ala. - (INS) - A Negro attorney active in efforts to end racial segregation in public transportation al Mont­ Indicts gomery was indicted Saturday for irpresenting an individual with­ out his consent.- Attorney Arthur Gray was at rest, ed and freed upon posting $3uo Daniels KEYNOTES PTA COUNCIL FETE - Mrs. Mabie W. Hughes (right), bond state senator from Shelby arid Tipton counties, was keynote speak­ The Grand Jury that returned SCHOOL NEW YORK- (INS) - Sing« the idictment will resume its study Billy Daniels was indicted Thurodqf er for the Founders Day observance of the Bluff City PTA Coun­ of an boycott of city buses by Ne­ by a grand Jury on five count* In cil held Friday at the Vance Avenue YWCA. Seen with Mrs. Hugh­ groes on Monday. the February 1 shooting Of tight es is. (left) Mrs. G. M. Bumpus, president of the council. (Withers The action brought from it Negro BILL GETS truiner Janies Jackson In a Harlam Photo) leader the pledge that members of after-hours bottle club. his race will be more determined Daniels is free in »2.500 ball filling than ever to malntan their refu­ some California engagement!. sal to ride city buses until "Jim ‘GO-SIGN’ Hi.; attorney was Instructed by the Venscii, Westbrooks Named crow” seating is abolished. District attorney to have Daniele There was no sign if other in­ BY RAYMOND WILCOVE back in New York within a week to plead to the indictment. dictments have been returned in WASHINGTON. - The It was learned the sealed Indtot» the racial controversy since Alaba­ Controversial E’ederal School Aid To Local GOP Cbmmittee mint charges Daniels with two ma law does not permit announc- biH Ims received the "Go-Ahead" Tills will mark the first time that counts of assault In the setoud do* Wil t. DESIGNATE ng names of aixused until they are from the House hadershlp and is National GOP delegates have been aree and two counts of vkMAUns ELECTION SITE served with the indictments. nbw expected to be takrrT up next so t-leclt-d In Hie past national dele­ Gray and Charles langford were law prohibiting possession of month. At a recent meeting di the Shelby gates have been named at a mass lkinced readly weapon». Aw the attorneys in a suit filed two Il was learned Roturday that County Republicans at the Fair­ county convention. weeks ago in Federal District Court count, a misdemeanor, accused 1 grounds, Dr. H. Q Venson and O T speaker Sum Rayburn

Ilams? ... Well «nrely hear from Jackson <"BTW>. William Sandfcrfl “T* V-nw* f « ' ’’FSENTS her lb the future and Mary Hall. Sylveater Ford apd TEEN-AGERS Manassas High News MADISON TO 8PEAK AT Juanita Porter (Or la it Doria Port­ WDIA's radio Forum " Brown METROPOLITAN MONDAY erfield?), Marilyn Patterson, Janet America Speaks" presented a forum MARVIN DOGGETT SCORES 31 AS MANASSAS Jesse Madison, the vice-president Rainey and (Oh no. not again) Booker Washington High News of the Manassas 8enior Class, will Walter Williams, Charline Harris discussion Sunday. February 26, at HUMBLES MARIANNA CAGERS, 93 TO 47 BY MARY ANNE THOMAS 4 30 on the Subject "Should Youth speak at Metropolitan Baptist and Joseph Kirk, Herman Herron The powerful Manassas Tigers jumped to a 37-0 lead 1st half and Jaquelin Allen (Hamilton), Rob­ ROOSEVELT JAMISON WINS FIRST PRIZE IN POSTER CONTEST Be Blamed For Its Part in Crime?" church, Walker and MacDowell, this lead before being scored upon as they massacred a helpless Mo­ coming Monday at 8 P. M The pro­ ert Bowles and Cora Lambert (B. Roosevelt Jamison, a senior of this school won a $50 saving Representative? from all of the lo­ cal high schools and two colleges ton High School team of Marianna, Arkansas by a crushing 93 to gram is a tour de force of the Senior T. W.i, Tim Wilkeraon and Norma bond in reward for his Crime Prevention poster, which will be took part in tlie discussion. "* 47 score Thursday afternoon at Manassas gymnasium. Council. ; Quinn Quar tion Week chairman; and Mr Jeans White, Giles Walls, Eddie Nelson, Club com- no on .the 24th of this mu'vh'fur"the" Arkansan» trt.. - lone and Rosa Mosely. ' Pattison, Downtown Exchange Club ' Shirley Crump. Floyd Taylor 1 month at tlif Flamingo.' and went tin lu win, 93 to 47.- The end of the jierfect romance:. ■ president. ’ v- ' . Betty Barnes, Lois Williams Elea­ ' ’ —— ‘ ' PRETTY ELAYS James Lynn qnd Georgia Webb. — TEN TOP CATS - Robert Webb " A record number of school chil­ Th" Jokers’ invite von to spend u nor Cole. Fntncyne Hurst, Elaine Tiie Arkansas team received its Wonder what happened? again came out on top for the sec­ nlvht ol pnietv with them at the dren, 2.448. visited Open House at Moore June Rillops. Joyce Turner, Tlrat score in the 2nd quarter with James Crawford, who is it? Bettye ond consecutive week (2-10 respec­ Flamingo Mai ch 14 Memphis Police Headquarters yes­ Joan Williams. Peggy Cox. Jesse tlie scwejioaid reading 37-0 in favor Davis'(Douglass» or Dorothy Sea­ tively) Jimmy Bullocks. Johnny terday. In view of increasing num­ Lambert. Darnell Thomas. Katie The Lus DeMoiselle’s * giving r. Of tile Tigris. As the ball squeezed borne? Johnny locke and Locke, Van Randle, Charles Delane, bers each year at open house, ten­ Robertson. Daisey Rooks. Walter , Lucille Banks I hear you’ve been ! at the same place March 5. through the nets, the Moton team Alberta Woodland are still going tative plans are being set up to Morgan. Yours Truly and many Robert Bowles, Melvin Brown, James receiving calls out Mebose way Irom The Zephyr Social Club ihtro- received a huge ovation from the strong. Crawford. Samuel Brown, Freddie hold open house at the police Sta­ other.-. Herman McClellan, but Willie Wells | duces spring to you with a fashion audience The Moton eagers manipu­ tion for two days next year. Me- Addie Henderson, Mary Anne Simpso nand Jesse Madison. STUDENT OF THE WEEK isn't worried at all because he knows' show and dance at the Flamingo lated some beautiful plays but as Comas said. Today the spotlight ‘turns on MLss Thomas, the Booker T. Washlng- he's first in Lucille's stall Room. March 23. Music by Finas tor shooting, well, that was a dif­ WANTED BTW PROVES TOO GOOD ton News Reporter, told us Satur­ Lucille Banks, a senior in the 12-6A Newborn. ferent story. ACTIVE litri ■orni! li mH Drum, »«Ita It is said that Claudell Works left day that "she doesn’t mind you be­ UrUcned. errate» In Nur fork Mtn FOR HAMILTON, 72-63 class at Booker T. Washington High The win was the -Tigers’ setond the boy she was dancing with on ing "angry" with her because she "Voile". "MiAtntloeUt". Ora» Booker T Washington continued School. Mr Cora Jordan White of Colum­ consecutive victory over the Moton dim. Nt InreilBtnl. MHern Minter, the floor Thursday night when Dud­ writes only what she sees." “Young Htnortr C, Venni. unbeaten in the Prep League as it She is 15 years of age and lives at bus. Ohio, a social, civic and relig­ basketeers. (Manassas whipped Mo ley Bonds walked in the door. There Fong had two girls at the dance downed Hamilton 72-63 Thursday 363 Tillman with her mother. Mrs. ious worker returns to Memphis ton on its own court, 74-51 the pre is really no need for you to tell me Friday and neither answered to the night in the Blair T Hunt gym­ Eddie Banks. anything, because I can see he is a I and will be presented to the Mem- vious Monday). nasium. In her scholastic activities she is I phis public, again by the women name of Addie Henderson," Miss . tough boy. Manassas (93) Moton (47) a meinbei of tlie Pep Squad. NHA. of Metropolitan Baptist Church Thomas exclaimed. '‘So there's real­ , Emmett Crosby Bertherine Berk­ F — Rayford 5 Walker 10 Forwards John Gray with 25 and Yearbook Staff and the Y-Teens Sunday. February 26. 1956 A tasty ly no need for me to tell you (Miss ley must be a tough girl in your F — Gentry 6 Walton 6 L. C. Gordon with 23 points led Lucille was also voted the most turkey dinner will be served. Hendersoni anything else aS’ you book. 1 see sh eis holding two of­ (‘ — Ford 2 Yarbough 4 the Warriors to victory. Charles 'smartest and popular gui in her can see through that," Miss Thomas fices in your fan dub President and G — Doggett 31 ...... Fisher 16 Bolden with 14 and K C. Chandlei |lomProom she also won second The Harlem Globetrotters again went further. Business Manager, by the way Helen „ ~ ...... G - Bullocks 10 Robinson 10 with 16 led the Wildcats, although place in the Miss Booker T Wash- return to Memphis on Sunday. Feb- MISS ETHELYN WILLIAMS Gaines is Vice President and Jesse. ruary 2g at the Ellis Auditorium. Substitutes — Manassas. Hart, 1 James Ivy is still cooling it but they still lost the garni' mgton Contest of last year. ETHELYN WILLIAMS CONTINUES Jones is Secretary. The zetas wyj gjVe a je^-agf Cummings, Blair 4. Bradford 16, won’t release any names Phil- The game was a close one 4)1 the TO MAINTAIN HIGH Miss Banks is a member of the Simpson 8. Parks 7, Cleaves 4, Wil­ more Wilkins and Claudette Traylor way with the lead changing several Progressive Baptist Church, on Juanita Thomas says she prefers party at the New Daisey on Febru- I SCHOLASTIC AVERAGE the Hamilton type such as Joe Lee! ary 22. 1956 at 7:00. son, Moton: Banks 3, Livingston, are just too tough Elvine times until the last few minutes Vance, and attends often It has been said that when a girl Cannon 4, Cook 4. McLemore and Robert Webb are when the Warriors moved out in In social life she is a member Jackson. SENIOR COUNCIL NEWS was a dream, her report card would HAMILTON TONIGHT; still “hitting it off heavy" Mary front to stay Score at half was 39- be bound to be a nightmare. This of the Esqutte Social Club Her phi- Luby strong why didn.t yQU tpU Thp Councn' iaunthing ST. AUGUSTINE Bratcher and Billy Burrows are still 39 statement certainly does not hold losophy is. Be the best of ui.atevei I u<_ about WilUp L L(wJj? HUH? Dp_ a Teen.age caDlpalgn entitled “Lets INVADES THURSDAY the “greatest" So are Shirley The Washington B team defeat- you are." her ambition is to be a ' true for Miss Ethelyn Williams, the lores Tribble you are a Junior now Eliminate Juvenile Delinquency.' at Upshaw and Robert Frison. ed Hamilton 56-34 tn the prelimm- Dietician. The Manassas Tigers will take on glamourous daughter of Mr. and so wake up and live. the Metropolitan Baptist Church, CURRENT COUPLES - Robert ary game, as Center Charlie Fobbs | Lucille plans to. enter Spdman I the Hamilton Wildcats tonight in Mrs. John Williams. 823 Olympic. Emma J. Mathis what are you go- Monday. February 27. at 8:00 P M Blair and Gloria Shockley. Samuel scored 21 individual points College in Atlanta in September Manassas gymnasium. (Tuesday). For Miss Williams a "B" is un­ ing to do now that Willie G. Holmes Presidents of the High Schools will i Brown and Billie Jean Jones, Ovas Washington <72i Hamilton >63) where she plans to major in dietet- The Wildcats will be out to reverse usual. She predominately makes "A" is gone? ) speak on sub-topics related to the Ahderson and Racine Wilkerson, Gordon 23 • F Bolden 14 ics. the 74-45 loss handed them by the and in her school career has never WISH-BONE Frankie Mathis BOY spells boy theme Marvin Doggett and Johfietta Madi­ Gray 25 F Williams 6 Her steady beau is Willie Wells j Tigers in the first meeting of the made below "B". Now a Senior, Miss ITALIAN DRESSING Hurry and get one son. Jesse Madison and Dorothy Franklin 8 . C Mann II HIGH SCHOOL OFFICERS two while Manassas will try a repeat Williams' report card, thus far. has The following are Tiger Struck: Willie Shotwell. Council President Mathis 10 G Stepter I TO BE GUEST OF ZETAS victory The B game begins at 7:30 been a clean sweep of the first let- James Craigen with Mary Hall Cora and Senior of this School urges Davis 0 G Bradley 0 on February 22. at the New Daisy Lambert with Robert Bowles. Doris attendance of all teenagers of inis Here Thursday night the Tigers. ter of the alphabet, Article in Readers Digest Reveals Substitutes - BTW will meet the scrappy St. Augustine ; MOST STUDIOUS GIRL Oliver 1. Theater the Zetas will give a party James with Timothy Brown, Doro- S€‘100‘ ana C*W' t Burgess 0. Tennionr 5. I Thunderbolts. at. 7:00 at which the highest rank-1 thy Jackson with Jessf Madison. Despite her high scholastic aver­ Hamilton — Jone 10. Pernell 2. ing officers of the High school so-1 Be sure to come and hear this Last night at Woodstock the Tig­ Celestine Ransom with Nathaniel, age. Miss Williams still.finds time to Jittery Pre-Menstrual Tension Chandler 16. great program. I will see you there. ers were taking on the Woodstock ■ t will be guest. Owens, and Willie Shotwell with participate in the various school and W ARRIORS ENJOY GAME ...... | GREAT DOINGS OF BTW Aggies. ■ < SENIOR DANCE SLATED Joyce Savage, outside extra curricular activities. Several witnesses saw the thrilling FOR MARCH 9 ...... J i On ______second thought...... I ______have been "FEATl RES" ARE ALREADY She is vice-president of the Double Is So Often a Needless Misery! t The Seniqrs of Booker T Wash-j Frankly speaking I wonder what is amazed at the wondrous detngs our SELECTED - IT MAY BE YOU Teeners; secretary of the Honor So­ ington and their guests will spend a! happening between Joseph White great school has made during the Since we started spotlighting ciety; member of the Nature Study Do you suffer terrible nervous ten- »topped ... or strikingly relieved .., pain and discomfort 13 out of 4 night of gaiety on March 9 at 8 00 i and LaTrenda E (of St. Anthony i? past weeks. Just think, winning a Manassas students, we have been Club. English Club, Y-Teens, and ilon-feel Jittery, irritable, de­ women got glorious relief I in the Blair T. Hunt Gymnasium.! Watch’ out! Girls interested in him. 21 inch television; having a repre­ asked the question by many stu­ assistant secretary for the Manassas pressed - Just before your period each month? A startling article in Taken regularly, Pinkham'» re­ v.hen they'dance to the music of A certain senior has been catting sentative of Washington win the art dents. ¿'Well. now. when do I re­ Newsette. - READER'S DIGEST reveals such lieve» the headaches, cramp», nerv - She was voted "Most Studious Squash Campbell and his Madlads. all week, wonder what he is going contest in the National Crime Pre­ ceive a feature write-up?" Before pre-menstrual torment 1» needless ous tension .,. during and before You may purchase tickets from to do when Senior Week comes? vention week; who was Jamison, a asking that, question, ask: "What Girl" in a popularity contest. She misery in many cases! your period. Many women never any Senior. I Claude Cody and Fred Gaither senior; and representatives .taking have I done to receive a feature is a member of the Rev. F R. Nel­ Thousands have already discov­ suffer—even on the first day! Why should you? This month, »tart tak­ BTW WINS 21" 1 are really coming into the news. — part in the Brown America Forum: write-up?” son pastored Friendship Baptist ered how to avoid such suffering. ing Pinkham's. See if you don't WESTINGHOUSE TELEVISION Wonder what’s happening?. who were Miss Avant, a junior and The students are ALREADY SE­ Church. With Lydia Pinkham’s Compound MEMORIAL STUDIO and Tablets, they're so much hap­ escape pre-menstrual tension... »a ' i Booker T Washington, having sold1 Carol Hooks and John Aldridge LECTED by the "Experts" and Miss Williams, currently compet­ 889 UNION AVENUE Joseph White, senior, and most of pier, less tense as those "difficult often the cause of unhapplne»». Bpiianpr P i t> uiu*cmore ticketsgiacw wto vuvthe ommcShrine vuvuoCircus aicare iujifull ulof tnevicheer vneone wwas xicvnnever nap-hap- all. our exciting basketball games iq, although you might not know it — ing for scholarships, plans to attend , dava"day’s" annroach!approach! r““ Get Lydia F Mnniim.nt« mil Ertttors o) than any other high school, won a py unless the other was news. I leading the city prep league! - you may be among those selected Chicago University, her ambition to Lydia Pinkham's la dectwi'Itili •• Pinkham'» Vege-. vpars for rniirtpnnJm a n J beautiful 21” television set. which is wonder if that’s why the ywent hack But to think again, there comes students. The assertion that "we become a medical technician as she has a remarkable gradaci, 3 nt »I 4 woaei i«t table Compound... year» for courteous mndee and rea- nntt. in ,hp or convenient new I now placed in the auditorium. together? the thought "of knowing we have a accept anyone wjthi an available likes the fiel dof medicine. soothing effect on teliti •( atrwai iiiirtii, gait ! tonable prices. Tablets which have Hats off to all who supported the Shirley_____, Crump____r says____ She _____fears... no great faculty and the nation's great­ picture is completely false. The And what College would not be the source of such Wndcrfal nliif dariag aad PHONES JA. 6-5466 distress. In doctors' blood-building iron school in helping it to win this ¡danger as long as she's around the records show that we've featured grateful to receive a student with as beiate ibex "difficult daje "I est principal; Professor Blair T. I tests. Pinkham's added. At druggists. JA. 7-7862 most treasured prize. ‘ Lone Ranger // Hunt. only the top-tnost students. We se- much ability as Miss Ethelyn Wil- MCMFrilS WôRlb • Tuesday, February 14Ì4 Q Glib Rews NORTH MEMPHIS THRIFT CLUB I Pioneer Grambling The North Memphis Thrift Club nu t at the residence of Mr and Mrs KutondoH, 248 Chelsea Avenue. Resident Passes February (. The meeting was open­ By COLLIE J. NICHOLSON ed by the president at 8 P M GRAMBLING. La. - (Special) — Devotional service was ted by L. I Funeral services were held here Alexander, actin« chaplain, singing Tuesday morning ’for Mn. Martha (he club's theme song. "Leaning on , Adams. 78. wife of Charles P Adams Jesus." During the brief business ' founder of Orambling College. session, various committees report­ ed Mrs Adams died at her iwme Sat- The Ways and Means Committee . uiday following a long illness '■ is planning a social event for the BT JKWEL SENTRY Brief campus services were held in benefit of the Floral Treasurer. — the college auditorium at 9 A. M. been Watch the Memphis World for the NEGRO HISTORY WEEK ernment, as a consultant at the Jinguished American who has president of Howard University since time and place in the near future followed by solemn requiem mass at Last week "NEGRO HISTORY Dumbarton Oaks Conference which The hottest was thanked by Mrs 10 -A M in St. Benedict Catholic WEEK" was observed throughout was concerned with the economics 1926.. Ada Montgomery. Church \\ith the Rev. Severin Nelles. ‘ the nation : . . In Memphis all of rebuilding of a war torn world MARIAN ANDERSON -The The ladies present were as fol­ OFM pastor. Si. Thomas Church. the City Schools paid homage to ■ When the first meeting^ to draft j a charter lor the formation of the world's greatest contralto, -became lows: Hattie Hostom. Annie J. Ry- Ruston, officiating great leaders (both contemporaries a great success in the Scandinavi­ i ans, Willie Spearman. Addie Craw­ The Rev. Cassion Northbauer. and those which have parsed on.» i, United Nations were held in San an Countries where she learned to ford. Lula Alexander. Opal Kirken- I OEM pastor. St Benedict Church, The Five Public High Schools made Francisco. Ralph Bunche was there sing in both Finnish and Swedish toll, Ada Montgomery. Henrietta i Grainbling, delivered the sermon special efforts to bring out accom­ as advisor to Commander Harold The tint concert touring Eu- Davis. Lula Levender and other». Interment was in the Grambling • plishments to youth through special • Stassen. Mr Bunche prepared volum The next meeting will be at the re­ Cemetery • activities and programs MA­ j inous______nfimoranda _[Or-these confer- . rope became a critical triumph cnees narticulafly concerning the She also sings in English French, sidence of Mrs Rosa L Sanders. 992 NASSAS HIGH SCHOOL presented Ope ot Grambling’s first teachers. proposed trusteeship of the former and German Miss Anderson Lewis Street. All members are urged two chapel programs during “the Mrs Adams spent most oi her life colonies ol our en»mles in the "Near; gac 142 concerts in Norway to be present, business of import­ week with Mr James Wax. Rabbi East." Africa and the Pacific. Many Sweden. Denmark and Finland ance, Request of the president. here and helped her husband stage at the Popular StreeJ Temple of Is­ | Hallie Hostom, President. Annie a desperate struggle to keep the of Dr Bunche’s recommendations It was in Europe that Marion An- rael and Lt. George W Lee along became a part of the Charter of derson began to be acclaimed by J. Ryans. General Secretary. Lula school alive during its formative with special class room programs years the United Nations when diplomats (ritlcs asthe "greatest singer in the Alexander, Chairman of publicity. every day last week , MEL ROSE also presented to their stu­ of all of the governments all ever i world" She is rated among A' native of Tuskegee. Ala . she t'-e world became aware of this bril the top ten of the concert and stage, dents on Friday Lt. George W Lee i the University of Chicago (Billings) came io Grumbling in 1901 as the liant youn-t Negro in Washington, earning a large annual salary, who has made history for Memphis Hospital (or many years . . Dr school s first domestic science teach­ p C • One year she earned $380.000 through many channels . . B. T. 1 Jones is also a Provident Hospital er. In 1947 he went to various United Her numerous honors accorded her WASHINGTON, the mother high on the South Side where he gives THE QUEENS OF HEARTS ENTERTAIN - Sunday, I vice president; Mrs. Jean Mason, entertainment Nations sessions in , and in other countries was a request for Mis Adam Is survived by her school, had special programs in each two hours every day 4o Negro pa­ I at the Flamingo Room the Queens of Hearts! Pans and was asked bv Trygve Lie a command performance before tile chairman; Miss Mardine King, assistant secre­ class room during the week . tients unable to pay ... He too husband, two daughters Mrs Fidelia Bridge Club entertained with a Cocktail Hour. I (then United Nations Secretary» to King end Queen of England ; is a Southerner having spent- much tary; Mis Sarah Marie Neal, -'president; Mrs. Johnson and Mrs Teresa Gamer; HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL pre- fly to Palestine to" aid the United • The great contralto has averaged I time in Memphis' and Holly Springs It was a gala occasion wifh each member dress­ Grace Donaldson, »eporter; Mrs Mory Wolsey, three sons. Edw udJIenry and Ralph Nations Special Committee in nevo- over 100 programs a year in cities I Adatns.’and eight grandchildren. sented another speaker, Rev J. A and is a member of "Your Column­ ed in White Jersey Blouses arid Cumberbund with t treasurer; and Miss Mayola Oliver. Meinbeis not McDaniel, exécutive secretary of the tietine "Peace" between the Arabs as apart_as Vienna. Buenos Aires, ist’ " family. J Red Toreado Pant (velveteen) under Net skirts. . show'n include Miss Susie Anderson, and Mrs. 'X'—? Memphis Urban League and pastor Moscow. Tokyo and New York . and the Jews in Palestine . . the March of Dimes <$5 00* five Shas has been invited to sing at Shown are (I. to ( ) Mrs. Molli# Cright, Mrs. Eva Knight. (Withers pfioto) of the Bethel •Pdesbyterian Church With the Swedish diplomat he DR. N. O CALLOWAY, has been dollars Mrs Novell. Director, Mrs the White House. Smith College Martha Whitney, secretary; Miss Juanita Alien; ... and DOUGLASS HIGH pre­ toured the Bottlefields of the Holy called the genius at the University _kjuanita Daniels, Fte|x»rter sented to their student body, the Land with cars bearing the "Peace granted her the Doctor of Music of Illinois where he is a professor Rev. Dr. W. H. Brewster and tbc degree in 1944. Marion Anderson Flag" of the United Nations i in the Medical School At one time ,ing. A graduate of Mt Hermon Brewsteraires. The Memphis min­ They held meetings to end the was inspired and guided by our own Augustus White Makes | Dr OHloway taught at Tuskegee In- |School,-Mt. Hermon. Mass, lie is a Housewives League ister also spoke on the Negro's bloodshed between the two religious MME FLORENCE COLE TOBERT. stHue . He too has been guests INGROWN NAIL who is a past opera star singing in Brown U'$ Honor Roll candidate for the Bachelor of Arts Negro’s achievements. groups . It was really Dr Ralph i m Memphis at the I-eMoyne College HURTIN« YOW Bunche that brought the Jews and many foreign countries before Kings i incident’s home and with Dr. and Degree. He has been on the varsity Unit 12 Reelected AGAIN we shall attempt to go PROVIDENCE. Rhode Island - Iruatditft Arabs together . . The Peace and Queens Mme McCleave, [ Mrs B. F McCleave. Working with football team was secretary of his over some of the great accomplish­ Augustus A«_ White .son ol Mrs Awards, given him in »950 was the in private life. Mrs B F McCleave, Negroes t»ne year in Chicago. Dr. Present Officers NMI ments of prominent and eminent Sr. wife of a' prominent physician 1 Charles Tarpley of 382 Boyd Street, sophomore class; elected to the first one awarded a Negro . . . Holloway served as Medical Direc­ The Housewives League unit 12 A tn drop. .( OUTGKO^ Ota« khmd Negroes: RALPH BUNCHE. won the and dentist Brown Key junior Honorary society; r4l«f from tomtntiM pall rt laimra M* Dr. Bunche has also done research tor of Provident Hospital, Chicago . Memphis, has recently l»ecn named met at the home of Mrs Juanita OUTGRO UKheiu th. Uln oadmntA tte Nobel Peace Prise Of $31.000.00 for Daniels recently. All present officers .Ji, >llo Ojnb«i p.10 ud dbeorafort. OUTGRO his services as United Natiois Me­ JUSTICE PANE BOLIN is the la trajlabla >1 dl ~ East Indies. those close to us. but we must know ' sity, due to his high academic stand- fraternity. were re-elected diator on the Palestine dispute. He only Negro Woman Judge in NYC a few distinguished Memphians A donation was send to WD1A for was offered the high position as As­ caring a large annual salary. DR CHARLES DREW-Suited have made history off ulcer coun­ sistant Secretary of State in Prc- from experiments the “Blood Bank" try and to many foreign countries ident Truman's Cabinet, but refus­ DR IRA REID - Heads the De­ . . , Through his discovery millions DR. J E WAtKER founder and ed the position Today Dr partment of Sociology at Haverford of lives have been saved . . Be­ past president of the Universal Life Bunche is Under-Secretary of the College in Pennsylvania . . and is fore the extensive study made by Insurance Company of which he United Nations (next to Secretary the only Negro professor at the fine Dr Drew . blood had not been still serves as chairman of the board General». Dr. Bundle was graduat­ institution . . Incidentally we shipped, »reserved over a long pe-1 and founder and president of the ed somma mm lande, class valedic­ have a Memphian attending Haver­ Memphis Tri-Statc Bank, has been torian and was a Phi Beta Kappa roid of time Dr Drew w asborn ford HOLLIS PPR1CE, JR. named one of the ten most promi­ member at the University of Cali­ in Washington. D. C .where he at­ voung son of President and Mrs nent Negroes in America ... Dr fornia in Los Angelse . . This tended high school . He went Hollis Pnce at LcMoyne College. Walker’s accomplishments have graduation brought him five met­ out for tjasketbill. football and the track teams . . in high school as been many and widely known . . als for excellence in various stu­ DR T K LAWLESS. Chicago well as he did at Amhrest College and he has been called a "business dies and a scholarship to Harvard Skin Specialist, is noted all-over the from where he was graduated a wizard" all over America, having University and where he received an world for his unusual ability as a well as he did at Amherst College founded tire fourth largest Negro appointment of full professorship Skin Specialist and Dermatologist loved student He accepted a posi­ business in the world, In 1931 ho went to Europe and . People come from all over the tion ns head coach at Morgan Col­ Africa to gather first hand mater­ world to Chicago to receive treat­ lege in Baltimore He later REV. 8. A OWEN is vice-presi­ ial on social problems for his doc­ ment trom Dr. Lawless Dr went to McGill University Medical dent of the National Baptist Con­ torate . He received the Ph Lawless was graduated from Talla­ vention The prominent figure has D. from Harvard In 1944 he School In Montreal. Canada, where dega .College where he Is now a he won a scholarship in the high­ toured the Holy Land twice. was elected to the Stat» Department member of the Board of Trustees for the Associate Chief of the Di- est scholastic honorary society. La­ .He came to Memphis fpr the LT. GEORGE W. LEE, promi­ .vismn ot Dependent Territories ter the Julius RosenWald Founda­ dedication of Bruce Hall while vis­ nent figure in business, politics, and when ho. became the first Negro in tion granted him a fellowship for iting all AME Schools and was guest famed writers; made history again American history to be in full charge further study ... In 1933 he re­ at the president's home on the col­ last week when he spoke in "In-, oL office In the State Department. ceived the master's degree and a lege campus here ' dependence Hall" in Philadelphia At the end of World War No I degree in surgery from McGill EverybodyIs Waiting For The Big after which he accepted a position Mis speech will come a part Dr. Bunche was assigned by the gov WILLIE SMITH. Memphian, who I as instructor of pathology at How­ of the Congressional Records hav­ formerly played with Jimmy Lunce- ing been submitted by Congressman ard: In 1938 he was awarded the ford, is a lone Negro musician with FEMALE HELP WANTED Rockefellow Fellowship in Surgery B Carl Reece. The Republican lead­ WEEKEND GRAND OPENING ! Harry James' band er. who reconcil'd the nomination WOMEN — Sew Easy Ready- by the General Education Board . for a Republican president. Candi­ Cut House Coats. Home. Earn Dr Drew chose Columbia Universi­ DUKE ELLINGTON has lieen date Tate in 1950. wrote “Beale From *17.40 l<> $26.16 Dozen. ty NYC There he was a resident in the most colorful'and'most publi­ Street" and •'River "George." Write - Accurate Style. Surgery at Presbyterian Hospital . . cized figure in the popular music Freeport, New York. — Columbia conferred on the distin­ field for more than two decades, MR AND MRS ROBERT FIELD, guished Dr. Drew the degree of The name Duke, he got from his SR. had as their house guests last Doctor of Science in Surgery . . . flair for dressing . . Critics In­ week MR WAYNE REEVES. MR H His thesis was “BANKED BLOOD" form us that despite of his great £L HARDY and MR CROWDER, talent and popularity, he is unaf- He received the "Spingarn F instructors at Tennessee State Uni­ Medal" in 1944 and was elected to fected. courteous and sincere versity in Nashville . The Nash­ SILVER SAVER STORE NO. 17 choir ROBES vice-presidency of the American In Memphis last week, the Duke ville came to Memphis to hunt with Soviet Medical Society. managed a mid-night call to the Mr Fields. Will VteH Church Aa* Kelso, to let his friends of 13 years, 1747 CASTALIA Al CARVER Show Sample». Na KATHERINE DUNHAM Dancer, -Dr. and Mrs. Julian Kelso know he DR AND MRS. VENSON and DR Obligation. “ went to" Jamaica and to other is­ was in town ... All of his spare GEORGE WEST are back home al­ Hartley Garman! Ca lands where she studied African re­ time was spent with the Kelso's hiv­ ter attending the executive board ligious rituals and learned their CALL OR WRITE ing breakfast there Monday morn­ meeting of the NDA (National Den- . Miss Dunham brought ing of last week and spending the tal*Association) at Hamiltdh. Va., John Sadler these dances back to America as day. where the National Dental meeting BR. 8-2768 or 4-302B beautiful expressions of Native Art will be held this summer . . . Dr. MEMPHIS, TENN. I and Culture. In Martinique she DR WILLIAM H HASTIE—has Venson is a member of the exec­ learned to dance the fifiveEbigive prcbably held more high executive utive board of the NDO ... Dr A I T Back in America she continu­ positions in the Federal Govern­ West is director of exhibits In the Ì. DELICIOUS » ed her studies at the University of ment than any Negro He has serv­ National Dental Association. <■ for QUICK RELIEF of Chicago and offered her trip to the ed as governor of the Virgin la­ Caribbean as a thesis for a master's lands. Judge of the same islands DR AND MRS. ARTHUR HORN!' degree in anthropology . She and is now a New York Circuit are ba»k after a mid-winter trip to FROZEN FOODS HEADACHE gsve up the scholarships snd made Court Judge New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. dancing a career Today she Pork Roast Sime Bonless...... lb. 29c NEURALGIA is recognized as an artist and an RICHARD WRIGHT, author ot DR; AND MRS E FRANK authority in dance "Native Son," is rated as one of the WHITE and MRS CARNELIA OVEN - FRESH Neck Bones (lean meaty). .... 2 lbs. for 15c Eate Paint of Headache DR. MORDECAI JOHNSON. Ph top authors in America. CRENSHAW have as their house Neuralgia . Neuritis with D, D D.. is president of Howard guest MR MELVIN BROWN of Vienna Sausage (Red Bird) 2 cans for 15c Quick Acting STANBACK University and an eminent minister JEWELL PLUMMER. Chicago so­ Chicago Dr and Mrs White and speaker Dr Johnson has cialite. is the only Negro woman were guests last summer of Mr BAKERY BOYS Test STANBACK agairurt been awarded many honorary de­ with a Ph D in cell physiology . . Brown and his famed wife, Chrdia Royal Sausage (Fit For A King)... lb. 19c eny preparation you’ve grees from Negro and white institu­ She has worked »■> an instructor King, beautiful model at their 42nd ever used ... See bow tions The Spingarn Medal was in the department of anatomy at Street home in Chicago Potted Meat (Stastee Brand) 5 cans for 20c ML-PACKAGED quick relief comes. given him in 1929 . . His ora­ and currently torical gill Is still a particular asset works tn cancer research . . . LOCAL OMEGAS CHOOSE 4*1» Sardines (Amer. Flat Can) . 2 cans for 17c ... He attended school in Paris, Jewel was guest in Memphis twice •FUN-O-RAMA" THEME Snd STANBACK Tenn and Roger Williams College (onre as the gurtt of Mr and Mrs OF CHARITY DANCE MEATS Spaghetti (Bonnelle's) 300 size 2 for 17c In Memphis, Morehouse and the Maceo Walker) And several years Plans are being made by the University of Chicago He later re­ ago with Mabel Myers en route to Memphis giaduate chapter of Ome­ Regular Loaf Bread : ...... 2 for 29c ceived the D D. degree from Ro­ an Alpha Kappa Alpha Boule that ga men for their forthcoming Char­ chester Jheological Seminary . . . she usually attends ity Dance, planned for Friday night. WONDERFUL Peas (School Day) 4 size 2 cans for 25c A master's in Theology was received Apiil 6th at Club Ebony ... In Irom Harvard Memphians arc IJR EARL RENFRO - was the what is acknowledged as a departure proud and still do claim the diy- first Negro specialist in orthodontia from earlier years, the organizations Toliet Tissue (Soft Crepe)..... 2 rolls 09c in the Unted States. Dr Renfro, has chosen for this year a new DAIRY VALUES popular in the Chicago civic and so­ theme, "Fun-O-Rama.'’ Salad Dressing (Blue Plate)...... Pint 25c cial circles, was the first colored Plans al thia' time are Incom­ teacher In itie denial school at the plete. but the dance committee UntveTSty Of Illinois Dental School promises to be an event that In Clabber Girl Baking Powder 10 Oz. can 10c Today; as an associate profes­ every way live up to its intrtguinglv sor of orthadontia. the science of modern theme . . . Committee straightening teeth, he ran point members, Who are gotng all out to King Colton Pure Preserves (All Flavors) MADAM BELL to any country on the globe—and make the dance one looked forward locate at least one of his student« to by Memphians in years to come, (All Flavors) are Dr I. A Watson. Jr.: Dr E 10 Oz. jar. 2 for 17r~ GREATEST PALMIST DP WILLIAM MOSES JONES, Frank White. Mr Lawrence West- t-»-, - ■ ——■—■ : : —:—_— ii is top Ophthalmologist »ud only ley. Mi O'Ferrell Nelson and Mr J Negro Professor of Eye Surgery at John C. Parker . . . Tickets will go on sale and reservations may be Prices Above Good Fri., Feb. 24—Monday! made on or after March 3rd. The Madam Bell that you all know who stayed at the Shaving Is Slicker — Mississippi State Lino for yean, will not be reading for Blade Changing Quicker FREE PRIZES SATURDAY ONLY! awhile. Due to bad weather »he it unable to complete con- 11 itrvction of home. Don’t be mitleadl Madam Bell hat no ^Gillette daughter or titter reading under her name! There will be BLUt BIADI* IN HANDY DISPENSER no one reading under the name MADAM BEIL until it hat

been announced in this paper! Watch the MEMPHIS WORLD

for notification of rowmption of reading». Soon m the wea­ ther warm* up the'lf open her new, permanent office. 747 Gastelia (At Carver

I 4 • MEMPHIS WOULD • Tuesday, Kbrwry 21, 1456 Yoir Kim “Let’» Eliminate Juvenile DelinquencyI« Y-Teen Cornar Sure. It's great Just being a teen, f but being a Y-Teen------Boy! Campaign Slated By Senior Council The Y-Teens. the teen-age de­ partment of the YWCA, have really The Senior Council an organiza­ For further Information on how to reach the chbrch, call the secretary been functioning this fall and they tion composed of teenagers repre­ have just really started Last Friday senting various high school« and at JA 3-11'611 being headed by the presidents of Teenagers wishing to become af- night, four Y-Teens (Maxine Ander- each senior class and h