Indict Montgomery Attorney in Connection With
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READ THI NEWS WHILE IT IS NMfB FIRST M YOUR WORLD PRICliixliNTS VOLUME 24 - NUMBER 70 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1956 --------- : TB INDICT MONTGOMERY ATTORNEY IN ’ ’ —L. • - A—' • CONNECTIONte WITH BUS PROTEST,. y < » > • SAY ACTION WILL STIFFEN NY Jury. RESISTANCE TO JIM CROW, MONTGOMERY, Ala. - (INS) - A Negro attorney active in efforts to end racial segregation in public transportation al Mont Indicts gomery was indicted Saturday for irpresenting an individual with out his consent.- Attorney Arthur Gray was at rest, ed and freed upon posting $3uo Daniels KEYNOTES PTA COUNCIL FETE - Mrs. Mabie W. Hughes (right), bond state senator from Shelby arid Tipton counties, was keynote speak The Grand Jury that returned SCHOOL NEW YORK- (INS) - Sing« the idictment will resume its study Billy Daniels was indicted Thurodqf er for the Founders Day observance of the Bluff City PTA Coun of an boycott of city buses by Ne by a grand Jury on five count* In cil held Friday at the Vance Avenue YWCA. Seen with Mrs. Hugh groes on Monday. the February 1 shooting Of tight es is. (left) Mrs. G. M. Bumpus, president of the council. (Withers The action brought from it Negro BILL GETS truiner Janies Jackson In a Harlam Photo) leader the pledge that members of after-hours bottle club. his race will be more determined Daniels is free in »2.500 ball filling than ever to malntan their refu some California engagement!. sal to ride city buses until "Jim ‘GO-SIGN’ Hi.; attorney was Instructed by the Venscii, Westbrooks Named crow” seating is abolished. District attorney to have Daniele There was no sign if other in BY RAYMOND WILCOVE back in New York within a week to plead to the indictment. dictments have been returned in WASHINGTON. <INS> - The It was learned the sealed Indtot» the racial controversy since Alaba Controversial E’ederal School Aid To Local GOP Cbmmittee mint charges Daniels with two ma law does not permit announc- biH Ims received the "Go-Ahead" Tills will mark the first time that counts of assault In the setoud do* Wil t. DESIGNATE ng names of aixused until they are from the House hadershlp and is National GOP delegates have been aree and two counts of vkMAUns ELECTION SITE served with the indictments. nbw expected to be takrrT up next so t-leclt-d In Hie past national dele Gray and Charles langford were law prohibiting possession of month. At a recent meeting di the Shelby gates have been named at a mass lkinced readly weapon». Aw the attorneys in a suit filed two Il was learned Roturday that County Republicans at the Fair county convention. weeks ago in Federal District Court count, a misdemeanor, accused 1 grounds, Dr. H. Q Venson and O T speaker Sum Rayburn <Dr Texas, 'Ho- < utility GOP convention on at Montgomery seeking an end to iels of discharging a weapon in, • Westbrooks were named to the six- plans to have (lie house consider . Marc'.I in will also elect a county segregation in public transporttie public place. ■ man committee- to select voting sites ! chairman for a 2-year-term and the legislation before the .Easter Jackson, wounded In the sbodAr tion. fur the Republican precinct elections I also elect GM delegates to tlie slate lrcess. also is fiee in »2,500 ball as a gmh PLAINTIFF WITHDRAWN! STATE'S "MISS CHARM," "MR. ESQUIRE" - Win Flanked by runners up Walter Caldwell at rulos- Tuesday, March C. ■GOP Convention lai witness, The grand jury1 hMId Five plaint ffs were listed In Hil- Since the 11-day vacation begins ners (center) Wilbur Davis of New York City ki (number 17), Mis* Yvonne White of Beau Purpose ol the precinct electtoons At tile State Convention it) more testimony from 14 wttneaek befatt suit. One of them Mix. Jenettu (Number 14) and Miss Jacqueline Davies of mont, Texas (no. 7), Richard Caffey of LaGrange, is tu elect delegates to the Shelby [ delegates at large will be elected Mm ch 29, the leadership is con returning the indictment. Reese, later withdrew because, shie sidering calling up the measure III.'(no. 15) and Miss Jacqueline Coke of Birm County Republican Convention set to the national convention as a bo Greenville, Miss, (number 2) of Tennessee Stale's said, of the threats made again it during the week of March 19 or 20 for Mardi 10. 2 p in. at the Fair nus for the state having gone Re "Mr. Esquire and Miss Charm" titles are seen ingham (no. 10). her. ' no specific date has been set. grounds at which time the precinct publican in 1952. It was believed she was the h»- elected delegates will elect two dele Others on the election site com The legislation is still awaiting dividual Gray was accused of re gates and two alternate delegates mittee aie W. L Asie, William C rules committee clearance to the presenting without her consent to the National Conven 1 Irons, Artuistead Clay, Kerry W floor. The 12-member steering com- I The law reportedly has brougtit Gal High tion. Wellford and Jerred Blanchard. mittee lias had the bill since lust Rscsfds only one previous Indictment In August and plans to hold futher a BATON ROUGE. Louisian» Alabama h story. That one resulfk-d hearings, indications are Huit the 1 in the conviction In 1940 of a According to Medics! Student bill will be reported out by mid- I Montgomery Negro lawyer who Has compltohment Report from the Marell. Negro Chamber Of Commerce active in opening registration lists STUDENTS TELL OF TRIP Pointing out that they were in to seeing Negroes dnd whites mix soclatlonsoctatlon of American MMte! ing in the waiting room and on the leges, two Southern Uhjve I ' to Negroes Meanwhile, supporters and op EXPERIENCE TO STAFFER terstate passengers and that they Graduates have graduated 1 If convicted. Gray would be ponents of the measure jockeyed had a right to use any waiting room trains and busses the quicker such Graduates By RAYMOND F. TISBY automatically barred from law behind the scenes for votes amid the students were then asked by practices will be accepted without Medical College in the hi| A Service Organization tlie officer to show him their tick question," he believed. third of their practice and would face a miniilium doubt whether the bill will pass Four Negro college students from BY C. J. GASTON year for the benefit of its members ets-. After inspecting the tickets, "the fine of $500. No maximum fine Is and. if so in what shape. Pine Bluff, Ark. including one Executive Secretary officer said no more and then went The Chamber is also a business pro set by the law. Gray, a native of The hottest Issue facing the mem Memphian with whom the oilier I have often been asked this away," tlie students said. motion agency. This is done by en Montgomery, has been practicing bers is whether to vote for an anti three wire to visit over the week question. "What benefit will I get Prominent GOP, NAACP couraging members of the Chamber law for 18 months. He Is a graduate segregation amendment which Rep. end Sunday, in an exclusive inter from the Chamber of Commerce?" Another minor incident occurred to render better service to their cus of Western Reserve at Cleveland, Adam Powell <D> N/Y... says he view with tlie Memphis World, This is an important question and in Blytheville during a rest period. tomers at all times. On the other Ohio. will offer The amendment would shortly after their arrival at the the writer will-answer it by saying Here live station manager angrily hand customers and prospective cus FOUR WIU, BF. FAITHFUh” restrict federal funds to districts Greyhound station here, revealed Killed By Local Store first, that the Chamber is a service ordered the students out of the tomers are encouraged by the Charp Of the attempts to end racial which show they are complying the “findings" of their "test case" organization for the business and waiting room • which tlie students COLUMBUS, Ga. - (SNS) - Dr. Thoma* H. Brewer, prominent ber to do business with their own segregation in Montgomery, Gray with the supreme court decision to sec how mid-south area bus lines professional people of our great city. politely, but firmly refused to do. people as much as possible (Continued On Back l*ag« I barring racll aegregation in public are complying with the recent Inter physician, staunch Republican and leading member of fho Off The Chamber serves as a repre state Commerce Commission ruling Here also the students reported chapter of lhe NAACP, was fatally shot last night at approximately sentative and spokesman for its schools. banning segregation of passengers another incident that occurred 7:30. Various reports of the shooting laid lhe scene either at Dr. members in matters pertaining to In interstate islatrtD'state) travel. when an unidentified man. "either their welfare. On the surface this? Brewer's office or al a Columbus Department store. Mrs. Roosevelt Raps Tlie collegians reported of no ma a white man or a fair-skinned Ne service may not seem Important to jor incident in their trip, and found gro" informed the manager that he Alleged to be the killer in the Unofficial sources Mid that Dr. i some but we must remember that in both passengers and bus driver pas was "an investigator from Washing case is l.uclo Flowers <white), tlie Brewer had'been «hot twice in th» unity there is strength. Stevenson Rights Critics High Negro sively accepting passenger "mix ton," proprietor of the department «tore.