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THE TORRANCE HERALD MAY 9, 1963 | LIFE'S LIKE THAT By FRED NEHEP Enjoy the finest at , i CHIP I lowest j STAMPS | cost! 7 MAGIC SALE DAYS THURS. TO WED., MAY 9 TO 15 "Don't worry about my age ... I ran spade a garden If you can stand running off to a luncheon every day'.!!" YELLOW CLING - HALVES OR SLICES FRESH : I CONC£NTF A Closer Look DEL MONTE LARGE i SHOV By Ernest Kreiling PEACHES "AA" EGGS \ ORA N< HOLLYWOOD—After eight Gunsmoke changed much In years Gunsmoke has probably eight years?" 1 asked Mac no. 2Vz , 6 oz. replaced the bath as America's Donnell. dozen favorite Saturday night tradi "They've changed a lot and :; i can tion. not in a way I particularly like. fir/,-- « A few years ago Gunsmoke Matt was more human then. 25 31 was the most and not nearly 2 popular western the shining sym out of a total of 35 on the air. bol of law and order he's be In the fall it enters its ninth come. Doc was more of a year with competition from quack, and spent more time in only _four others. Rawhide, the Long Branch. Kitty, well. Wagon Train, and the Vir Kitty's morals were consider FIRST ginian. ably more in doubt then than QUALITY GRADE "AA" CONCENTRATED DETERGENT GOLDEN CREME !i FO!|SAL/ Gunsmokc's perennial popu they are now. larity is a tribute to producer "I personally would like to GOLDEN Norman MacDonnell and writer see us put a little more bite CRIME SALVO PREMIUM LAUR John Mcston. who in creating into their personalities. They've Gunsmoke pioneered the so- all become bland, so terribly BUTTER called adult western for tele pure and righteous," MacDon TABLETS ICE CREAM MA1 vision. nell continued. • • • "But these changes just hap- giant half 24 o z._ IN SPITE of skeptics who >cned, slowly and without our pound thought hone operas were only >cing aware of it. Although I size j gallon jar- . for the Saturday afternoon cap- don't particularly like every includes lOc off ., pistol trade, the two men com thing that's happening to Matt, M f* bined authenticity with a re )oc, Kitty and Chester (he'll spect for the history of this be back for at least 10 episode* next season), we don't plan any brief episode in America's Stem* frontier to bring a basic enter changes in them or in format." ECONOMICAL DAILY DIET MA PERKIN'S end pitcei (hi ,y ^r* tainment form to television. Al though the western had been BEFORE VISITING with a part of American folklore MacDonnell I had visited one HUNT'S STEWED DOG E«y w«y fo ipot ilm eh toll since Owen Wistcr's novel, of the ranches Hollywood uses PINEAPPLE •The Virginian," and since Wil for "location" shooting and Sta Flo L qu liam S. Hart immortalized the watched Jim Amess film a TOMATOES FOOD With irut flavor ef frteth pt< cowboy on film, the closest scene for an upcoming se JUICE thing to„ _a .real — M'^stcrn- televi- quence. no. 2'/2 Welchfc Cr sion had seen was Roy Rogers Standing next to a campflre tall 46 oz. and Hopalong Cassldy. in the middle of the prairie, can cans can Foodcraft livens up mi M|lt p The twist that affected the Matt Dillon says, "If you're go course of television entertain ing to shoot me. you'll have to Sweet P ick ment was.. — the— - "adult~- western" shoot me in the back." He • term MacDonnell said they turns his back to the hombre. originally used to.. connote the Short pause. Then In a deft possible audience and the in movement Matt spins and fires. i y li tended authenticity, not neces Dillon Is hit in the leg. but FROZEN . corn, peas, peas & onions, j ASSORTED COLORS XINT HACK sarily the content."" • the other critter is dead. Dil tomatoes, • • lon, his face grimacing with peas & celery, peas in cream sauce ; ZEE PAPER TOWELS FRANCO AMERICAN i! MEXICAN EN( THERE'LL always be a west pain, crawls awkwardly toward the camera. Cut. gi-nt 07r ern,' MacDonnell__..__ said, because BIRDS roll Z/t when written In the proper I estimate this scene to be EYE ITALIAN '5T 39Q idiom, the western has an ap part of Jim Amess* 300th-plus pealing honesty, strength and episode of Gunsmoke. Al VEGETABLES ' t "" •impllcity." though It struck me as remark LIBBY SPAGHETTI AIL PURPO&6 0 What was so new about Gun- ably similar to many another smoke eight years ago? Gunsmoke scene Pve watched 8 oz. ^Qc . SWEET PEAS toll $4 fj WHIT|»KIN "Much of it was a matter of over the years, there was little I no. 303 17/% doubt that Jim Arness and pkgs. afli^F cans authenticity. For example, wo can | / U 7 ] didn't Rive Matt's horse a name. Andy McLaglen, who's directed « 9c A horse in those days was about 80 Gunsmokes. were try t'Z •imply a means of transporta ing diligently to make this one ,AJ 1 tion, and men had to rely on at least a little better than the ^.j,.*....v,..,,r:.. more than one. We had our last one. actors fire only five shots from • • • their six-shooters, since most THEY SHOT the scene men kept_.. the hammer closed at least three times, pausing on an empty chamber. We had between takes only for the an idea that someone ought to sound of a small private air- ORIGINAL FORMULA DUBUQUE knock the Marshall around plane to fade away and for the once in a while. Ho not only contrails of a jet to dissipate wasn't superman, he wasn't al into the California-Kansas sky. FINLEY'S GIN HAM ways Impressed with the idea But except for such 20th Cen of being a lawman. And, ol tury harassments the cast and course, Kitty wasn't exactly the crew calmly, methodically, pure little girl in blue jeans skillfully, and slowly createc from next door In other words another piece for that complex thcro was a certain reality and of I IMI contradictory moslac about the people and situa that makes up the existing folk- fifth tlons." lure about America's frontier CARR'S MOUNTAIN GLEN GRAND TASTE TENDER N' JUICY "HAVE THE characters in West. SCOTCH FRANKS STAR QAXEI<>*^ Ml $498 pound $BFT(————— Bj CXAY R. fOLLAN ————— -no. •"" UHA ' quort ^" pkg. ^) MAK. tt M Your Do-// Atli»/l/ Cuid. K iFT.w rfi 45 _^i-a> AW(. JO if According lo lh« Start. ' OCT'.SJ&1& To develop 1^ 7.10-1M3 messogc (or Thursdoy, rM4X8-57«T L/ 33 3X38 teod wordi corre>p.xvling to number* S34673 %. EASTERN PREMIUM WISCONSIN CHEDDAR CHEESE of your Zodiac biitli sign. jf 'AUB» 1 Vmoanfr 3IPic»ni itl Romarllc KOino 0.\ AW. 11 2 ' l<xl» 32 Prctlefm ».2 And OCT.34ti-, PROST BEER 1 W **** " 3Tical 33 To 63Movi« NOV n~&\) LONGHORN 4MoU 34MoU t4Snul«i -G\ 4-14-lo-TJ 5AI 7.1S-19-3S/C 12 oz. ^v24-31-33-9C 35 fly ASPrcpowU 2-44-87 79' 6 Band. 36 You'll 66 Or V2 cons 7 59! OIMMI Uola 37 S«< «7 Nn> UaiTTAIlUt x-ra MAVTJ 8 Datonc* 38 Decitlont 63 To Nov.n /« cat* \0>T\ ' 9lnturanc(. 39 Of 69 Action of 74 cmt I2.fl JS^WNfU 10Uk*ly 40 Health 70S«ul>l< DtCn.r 77n !_£•}IW GARDEN r>,20-M-30-45 Illmpiuv* 4IR»ody 71 That 1- J. B-JIJT FRESH IZYuu'ri 42 In 73 Opportv*lHy sJtwn-n^ DYour <IJThi»K,l. 71 Book Z7-48-71M5, CAHCU 14Te!ei>w\e 44Voum.i 74 Today CAWCOM f*.* JUN«» ISEI«c!»d 45Y«» 7SConloct 0£C W* XL CUCUMBERS 16 Call 46Th« 7*DQloiKea MH 30 V"RV^ fhSLwvOTT» 17Oon't 47For 7 7 And 3AJ7-3WO 18 Sign 48 To 'AIGiocioul 57-54 5644/Ci 19Th.f.'t 49Fi« 79&el ?MM3_J« Always oven|freih and tatty Reg. & for 42c D35-5981^ ZOWomtorlul SO Learn S0t«.l«rn«nl HO 2IU 51B,I8M 81 Think AOUAMII Chocolate Cup Cakes 6f°'36c /fn JW.YW 22lrrilobl* S5 You'll BJAmvn 1AN J ' •*& Old Country Kitchen Regular l?c Ib/ VxXVVr AUG.1 23 23 B« S3 Sixjikllng S3 >«,.,«« tie iv jp^ 24 Piopk '-< Win «4 Rnt Topped with itiam* or poppy leedi. Reg. 3Ec All Beef Knockwurst n>. 59c 10 O\51-S3-5W ^bPollcIM ^'i Som«tfr»lnfl 85 All 1MJ40-43J 1 &U47-1M2 26 Do/, 86ru«K«l KJ-76-79-84^1 Delicious 27T.ylnO S7N« 5J Y^™'* Egg Bread io.f 29c Try th«i* hearty homemade diihef. pint R*9- v»oo 9ft Butineif " Jewtlry bo Yew mat • 39c Hi. 3°}jJ*» A !< Uff& Issr" «Tr» s«S MAi.7/>S beautifully decorattd eak« juit for Mother. Sauerkraut, Baked. Beans 29c V) 2- 6- 9-« ^)Good ^Advene f)Ncu,raI 23-4MT-49/G ^2879-8586 6269-74 V» Mother's Day Cake $2.50.