
Sedimentology (2019) doi: 10.1111/sed.12665

Using to address the marine or continental origin of the Permian Hutchinson Member of

ANNA SOFIA ANDESKIE and KATHLEEN C. BENISON Department of and Geography, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, 26506-6300, USA (E-mail: [email protected])

Associate Editor – Hairuo Qing

ABSTRACT The Permian Hutchinson Salt Member of the Wellington Formation of the Sumner Group of Kansas (USA) has multiple scientific and industrial uses. Although this member is highly utilized, there has not been a sedimentologi- cal study on these rocks in over 50 years, and no study has investigated the full thickness of this member. Past publications have inferred a marine ori- gin as the depositional environment. Here, this marine interpretation is chal- lenged. The goals of this study are to fully document sedimentological and stratigraphic characteristics of the Permian Hutchinson Salt Member in the Atomic Energy Commission Test Hole 2 core from Rice County, Kansas. This study documents colour, , sedimentary textures, sedimentary structures, diagenetic features and stratigraphic contacts in core slab and thin sections. The Hutchinson Salt Member is composed of five lithologies: bedded , siliciclastic mudstone, displacive halite, bedded / and displacive gypsum/anhydrite. These lithologies formed in shallow surface and mudflats that underwent periods of flooding, evapoconcentration and desiccation. Of note are the paucity of carbonates, lack of marine-diagnostic fossils, absence of characteristic marine and lithofacies, and the stratigraphic context of the Hutchinson with associ- ated continental deposits. The Hutchinson Salt Member was most likely deposited in an arid continental setting. This new interpretation offers a refined view of Pangaea during the middle Permian time. Keywords Bedded halite, continental, , Hutchinson Salt, Kansas, Permian.

INTRODUCTION to remaining questions about its depositional origin. The Hutchinson Salt Member was ini- The 110 m thick Permian Hutchinson Salt Mem- tially proposed as a marine deposit in the 1960s ber of Kansas has multiple significant industrial (Tasch, 1960; Dellwig, 1963, 1968; Jones, 1965). uses, ranging from mined salt, solution-mined Since these initial studies in the 1960s, evapor- storage caverns for liquid gas, com- ite sedimentology has made great strides in sci- mercial underground storage for humidity-sensi- entific understanding through the concept of tive items and marker beds for petroleum comparative sedimentology (i.e. Lowenstein & studies (Schulmeister et al., 2019). This salt has Hardie, 1985). In addition, the challenge of dis- also been used to determine Permian seawater tinguishing among marine, marginal marine and composition (Holser, 1966; Claypool et al., 1980; continental deposits has been Horita et al., 1991; Lowenstein et al., 2005); addressed by Hardie (1984) and Smoot & Lowen- however, this interpretation is controversial due stein (1991). This new knowledge needs to be

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists 1 2 A. S. Andeskie and K. C. Benison applied to the Hutchinson Salt to evaluate the to bacteria and wood fragments, the presence of depositional history of this well-known evapor- a single ostracod valve and a red-coloured ite deposit. polygonal-structured object, which was tenta- Halite deposits can contain specific proxies for tively described as either a fragment of a brack- past environments, past climate and past life. For ish water bryozoan or a fragment of a marine example, Schubel & Lowenstein (1997) used com- coral, were noted. Based on this evidence, Tasch parative sedimentology to develop criteria to (1960) construed that the shale was from a recognize ancient shallow-perennial-saline-lake nearby open sea and that the salt was likely . Lowenstein et al. (1999) determined from a saline inland basin surrounded by palaeoclimatic history of Death Valley for the past swamps. However, there are potential problems 200 kyr from a core of halite and siliciclastics. with the interpretations of this study. Ostracods Fluid inclusions in halite have yielded past sur- are known from both marine and continental face water and air temperatures (Roberts & Spen- waters. The single ostracod fragment could have cer, 1995; Benison & Goldstein, 1999), as well as been carried by wind into the system. Therefore, past atmospheric composition (Blamey et al., Tasch’s (1960) observation of a single ostracod 2016). In addition, micro-organisms and organic fragment provides no diagnostic evidence for compounds have been documented in fluid inclu- depositional environment. In addition, the tenta- sions in halite (Lowenstein et al., 2011). The tive recognition of one partial fossil as either a Hutchison Salt Member most likely contains such bryozoan or marine coral, is not strong evidence proxies for a critical time in Earth history. It also of a marine setting. The wood fragments has implications for Permian palaeogeography. observed by Tasch (1960) would have originated However, the depositional conditions which pro- in a continental or marginal marine setting, but vide the foundation for studies of past environ- could have been transported into a shallow mar- ments, past climate and past life are not yet fully ine environment. In summary, none of these fos- understood for the Hutchinson Salt. sil identifications are diagnostic of depositional The goals of this study are to complete environment. detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic anal- Dellwig published two papers (Dellwig, 1963, yses of the Permian Hutchinson Salt Member in 1968) that were a part of a larger study that the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Test Hole included the most detailed sedimentological 2 core from Rice County, Kansas. This study description completed on the Hutchinson Salt documents colour, mineralogy, sedimentary tex- until now. This author observed samples from tures, sedimentary structures, diagenetic features salt mine walls, which represent only part of the and bedding contacts on a variety of scales member, and identified the dominant lithologies including core slab, thick section and thin sec- as randomly oriented hoppers (cumulates), bot- tion. These observations are used to interpret tom-growth halite, clay and anhydrite (Dellwig, the depositional environment and diagenetic 1963, 1968). Mudcracks, ripple marks, red salt history. This study of physical features, along and polygonal shapes were also observed. From with mineralogical and geochemical characteris- these sedimentary observations, Dellwig (1963) tics, can be used to re-evaluate and test the interpreted the depositional setting as a shallow standing depositional environment interpreta- with periodic subaerial exposure and occa- tion of the Hutchinson Salt Member. sional addition of brine to the basin. Dellwig (1968) completed chemical analysis on the red salt and noted that it is composed of 23% ferric BACKGROUND iron. This red colouration was considered to be ferric iron precipitated by microbial action due Although the Hutchinson Salt is a well-known to bacteria and other organic forms present in stratigraphic unit, few sedimentological studies the red halite. There were no potassium miner- of it have been completed. The only sedimento- als identified throughout the entire Hutchinson logical or palaeontological descriptions were Salt (Dellwig, 1963, 1968). published in the 1960s (Tasch, 1960; Dellwig, Jones (1965) completed a sedimentological 1963, 1968; Jones, 1965). study of the Hutchinson Salt on the 94Á7 m thick Tasch (1960) observed parts of the Hutchinson Hutchinson Naval Air Station core. This core Salt in mine wall samples. In this study, large was drilled in May, 1958 in Reno County, Kan- blocks of mine salt were dissolved and the resid- sas. Jones (1965) reported possible remains of ual shale was examined for fossils. In addition blue-green algae, Permophorus-like pelecypods,

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology Hutchinson Salt of Kansas: marine or continental? 3 and siliceous foraminifera (Serpulopsis), and Zeller, 1968; Watney et al., 1988; West et al., claimed a restricted marine environment. How- 2010). Directly below the Sumner Group lies the ever, this marine depositional environment inter- 104 m thick Wolfcampian Chase Group. The pretation is sceptical because these suspected contact of the Chase Group and Sumner Group fossils, major ion ratios, bromide concentration, defines the Wolfcampian–Leonardian boundary and sulphur and oxygen isotopes can be found (West et al., 2010). The Chase Group is com- in a range of marine and continental settings. posed of the Wreford Limestone, Matfield Shale, Since the 1960s, multiple studies have Barneston Limestone, Doyle Shale, Winfield accepted the tentative marine interpretation for Limestone, Odell Shale and Nolans Limestone the Hutchinson Salt and have used geochemical (West et al., 2010). The Chase Group is domi- analyses to evaluate Permian seawater composi- nated by grey fossiliferous shale, non-fossilifer- tion. Fluid inclusions in the Hutchinson Salt ous shale and grey/yellow limestone. The Chase – – – – contain Cl Na Mg K SO4 brines (note that ele- Group rocks were likely deposited in alternating ments are listed by abundance; Horita et al., marine and continental environments (Miller 1991; Lowenstein et al., 2005). Holser (1966) et al., 1996). reported 30 to 60 ppm Br and Horita et al. (1991) The Leonardian Sumner Group (ca 275 m measured 29Á2to60Á4 ppm Br in 15 fluid inclu- thick) is composed of three formations: the sions in Hutchinson Salt halite. Anhydrite in the 214 m thick Wellington Formation, the 91 to Hutchinson Salt has @34Sof+12Á2to13Á5& 137 m thick Ninnescah Shale and the 2 to 30 m (Claypool et al., 1980). Some of these studies thick Stone Corral Formation (Zeller, 1968; West analyzed isolated or secondary fluid inclusions, et al., 2010). The Wellington Formation contains which do not represent depositional waters, and six members, from the base: an unnamed mem- some represent whole rock analyses, and, there- ber, the Hollenberg Limestone, a second fore, may contain geochemical data from more unnamed member, the Carlton Limestone, the than one . These limitations in geochemi- cal analyses cast some scepticism about some of the interpretations. Regardless, none of the geo- chemical signatures is diagnostic of marine brines. Some modern saline lakes have an over- lapping range of these compositions. There has yet to be a comprehensive modern Group Guadalupian sedimentological study of the complete thickness Quartermaster of the Hutchinson Salt Member. Previous publi- cations relied on partial cores or salt mine walls that did not include the complete stratigraphic thickness of the member, or relied on geochemi- Group cal analyses without a full stratigraphic or sedi- Nippewalla mentological context. Here, the standing marine- Stone Corral Fm interpretation is challenged based on the paucity Ninnescah Shale Leonardian Milan Ls

of stratigraphic and sedimentological observa- Permian Hutchinson Salt tions needed for interpretation of depositional Wellington Carlton Ls environments and because previous geochemical Group Sumner Formation unnamed mbr data is possible in both marine and continental Hollenberg Ls saline systems. There is no independent and unnamed mbr diagnostic evidence of marine deposition. A detailed sedimentological study of this famous Group salt in core is overdue, and is necessary before Chase geochemical proxies for past environments, past climate and past life can be evaluated. Wolfcampian Grove Council

STRATIGRAPHIC CONTEXT Fig. 1. Stratigraphic column representing context of the Hutchinson Salt Member among Permian rocks in The Hutchinson Salt Member of the Wellington Kansas (not to scale). Modified from West et al. Formation is part of the Sumner Group (Fig. 1; (2010) and Foster et al. (2014).

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology 4 A. S. Andeskie and K. C. Benison

Hutchinson Salt and the Milan Limestone. The red siliciclastics. It has been interpreted as Hutchinson Salt Member composes approxi- perennial and ephemeral acid saline lake depos- mately 110 m, or about one-third, of the group its, palaeosols, mudflats and aeolian dunes in the subsurface. There are few publications on (Benison & Goldstein, 2001). Furthermore, some the other members of the Wellington Formation fluid inclusions in Nippewalla Group bedded due to the thinness and/or the lateral disconti- halites indicate extremely low pH (<1) saline nuity of these rocks. Giles et al. (2013) studied lake water (Benison & Goldstein, 1999). The the Midco and Otoe members of the Wellington Quartermaster Group, the youngest Permian rock Formation in northern Oklahoma, which are in Kansas, is composed of red beds and bedded equivalents of the Carlton Limestone and shale gypsum/anhydrite of the Whitehorse Formation, underlying the Hutchinson Salt in Kansas, and Day Creek Dolomite and Big Basin Formation interpreted these as continental deposits, (West et al., 2010; Benison et al., 2013). including palaeosols and lakes. It is also impor- It is important to note that the Leonardian– tant to note that the Sr87/Sr86 ratios are inconsis- Guadalupian rocks of Kansas, the Sumner, tent with Permian marine signatures (Giles Nippewalla and Quartermaster Groups, pose et al., 2013). The Ninnescah is a red, siliciclastic some challenges in their study. Because they shale and the Stone Corral is composed mostly contain evaporites, including halite, thicknesses of bedded gypsum/anhydrite. Both the Nin- and sedimentological descriptions are best rep- nescah and Stone Corral formations have been resented in the subsurface; in outcrops, halite interpreted as continental deposits (Watney has been dissolved and only casts, moulds and et al., 1988; West et al., 2010). pseudomorphs attest to depositional halite The rocks stratigraphically below and above (Benison et al., 2015). However, high recovery the Hutchinson Salt provide few fossil clues to cores of evaporites are rare. For this reason, their past depositional environments. The most descriptions of the non-evaporite rock underlying Carlton Limestone Member contains units are based on outcrops, and the evaporite plant fossils and the insect fossil, Mecopteroid units, particularly halite, are best known from panorpida (Beckemeyer & Hall, 2007). The Carl- cores. Because many of these siliciclastic rocks ton-equivalent Midco Member of the Wellington contain intergranular halite cement and dis- Formation, in northern Oklahoma, contains rare placive halite , late-stage dissolution fossils. One fossil type was identified as con- near the surface results in outcrops in which the chostracans, a clam-shrimp considered continen- siliciclastics have not retained sedimentary tal (Giles et al., 2013). In the overlying Milan structures well (Benison et al., 2015). Further- Limestone Member, Norton (1939) reported more, the name ‘dolomite’ has been mistakenly brine shrimp fossils, Estheria, in its the highest attributed to some gypsum/anhydrite units, pre- bed (Norton, 1939). This interpretation may not sumably because they have a light grey, blocky be accurate since brine shrimp are not identifi- appearance in outcrop and do not react with able in hand sample and there are no photomi- HCl. These challenges in the study of mixed crographs present in this publication. However, evaporite–siliciclastic rocks supports the impor- there are no supplemental studies to confirm the tance of detailed sedimentological study of the Norton (1939) interpretation. In summary, mem- Hutchinson Salt in core. bers of the Wellington Formation stratigraphi- cally below and above the Hutchinson Salt both contain few fossils, one of which is diag- APPROACH AND METHODS nostic of a continental system. The Sumner Group is overlain by the conti- The Hutchinson Salt Member can be observed nental deposits of the Leonardian Nippewalla in core and salt mines. The majority of past Group and the Guadalupian Quartermaster studies were completed on salt mine walls. Salt Group. The Nippewalla Group is ca 150 to mines provide easy access to the rocks; however, 240 m thick and composed of the Harper Sand- they only expose portions of the Hutchinson stone, Salt Plain Formation, Cedar Hills Sand- Salt Member. Some cores allow the thickness of stone, Flowerpot Shale, Blaine Formation and the Hutchinson Salt to be observed in its Dog Creek Formation (Zeller, 1968; Benison & entirety. Although the Hutchinson Salt was Goldstein, 2001; Benison et al., 2013). The observed in walls of the Mine (old Nippewalla Group consists of bedded halite, Carey Mine) in Hutchinson, Kansas, throughout bedded gypsum/anhydrite, displacive halite and this research, this study focuses on the Atomic

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology Hutchinson Salt of Kansas: marine or continental? 5

Energy Commission (AEC) Test Hole 2 core. In diagenetic features, contacts and any fossils pre- October of 1970, this core was drilled to a total sent. Photographs of the core were taken at the depth of 370Á5 m in Rice County, Kansas KGS. Colours of dry core slabs were determined (Fig. 2). The Hutchinson Salt was identified using a Munsell Soil Chart. from 225Á5 to 335Á2 m. The purpose in drilling Samples of representative lithologies were this core was to investigate the Hutchinson Salt slabbed using limited water flow on a wet tile as a possible repository for radioactive waste. saw at KGS. Approximately 80 core samples The core was drilled with a salt-saturated brine were mailed to West Virginia University. Both and low-water-loss starch mud. The diameter of thin and thick sections were used for petrogra- this core is 10 cm. The core is stored in large, phy. Samples of six mudstone slabs were mailed wooden boxes at the Kansas Geological Survey to Spectrum Petrographics, Inc. (Vancouver, (KGS) in Lawrence, Kansas. WA, USA) for large-format thin section prepared As part of an attempt to archive the core, previ- with minimal use of water or heat. Approxi- ous to this study, it was slabbed and the two mately seven, polished, thick (1 cm or less) bed- halves were placed in separate boxes and stored ded halite slabs were also used for microscopy. in separate parts of the core repository. One half Bedded halite chips (ca 1 mm thick) were sliced of the core was maintained in its original wooden from the core slab using a razor blade. The chips boxes with bottom and top core section depths were hand polished with various sandpapers labelled in each sample box. The second half was and used for fluid inclusion petrography. Petro- split vertically a second time and the resulting graphic observations were completed using an vertical quarter samples were combined into Olympus BX53 microscope (6Á3to639 magnifi- smaller cardboard boxes; during this process, the cation) and an Olympus SZX10 microscope (20 order by depth of the quarter slabs was not main- to 20009 magnification) (Olympus Corporation, tained; making it difficult to confirm stratigraphic Tokyo, Japan). Both microscopes are equipped orientation for individual core quarters. For this with transmitted, reflective and polarized light study, the core half slabs in the original wooden sources. A digital camera and SPOT5 digital boxes were used. Each box contained 4Á2m imaging system were used for photomicrographs (14 ft) of core. A measured section based on each of thick sections, thin sections and fluid inclu- box of core (ca 4Á2 m per unit) was created. The sions. measured section focused on colour, mineralogy, Mineral identifications were made by X-ray sedimentary textures, sedimentary structures, diffraction (XRD), as well as petrographic exami- nation. Select samples of bedded halite and mudstone were crushed by mortar and pestle for N XRD analyses. The XRD was conducted on three Kansas samples of bedded halite (whole rock analyses) 39oN and three samples of mudstone (whole rock and detailed clay analyses) by K-T Geoservices, Inc. (Gunnison, CO, USA). The entire Hutchinson Hutchinson Salt was tested for carbonates by the application Salt of HCl and for salt minerals by taste. 37oN Member


Texas Oklahoma The Hutchinson Salt Member is composed of 35oN five lithologies (in order from most to least abundant): bedded halite, siliciclastic mudstone, 100 mi displacive halite, bedded gypsum/anhydrite and 101oW99oW9597oW oW displacive gypsum/anhydrite. A graphic display of the Hutchinson Salt Member in the AEC-2 core is provided in a stratigraphic column Fig. 2. Map of Kansas, Oklahoma and north . The star represents the core drilling location and the (Fig. 3). The entire Hutchinson Salt Member dashed line represents the Permian Hutchinson Salt was tested with HCl (both with and without Member (modified from Pierce & Rich, 1962; Jones, powdering) and no reactions were observed. The 1965). XRD analyses did not detect any carbonates. No

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology 6 A. S. Andeskie and K. C. Benison identifiable fossils were observed, either in hand including black, tannish-brown, grey and white sample or thin section. Detailed sedimentologi- (GLEY1 N/4, GLEY1 N/7, GLEY1 N/8, GLEY1 cal observations of lithologies are included in 2Á5/N, GLEY1 7/N, 5Y 7/1; Fig. 5A to D). the following sections. Thicker beds of mudstone are grey and black, whereas white mudstone tends to be thin lami- nae. A variety of sedimentary features can be Bedded halite identified within the mudstone, such as intra- Bedded halite is composed of individual halite clasts, climbing ripple cross-bedding, low-angle laminations varying from 0Á5to1Á0 cm thick ripple cross-bedding, soft sediment deformation, (Fig. 4A and B). Most of this lithology ranges in wavy discontinuous lamina, mudcracks, auto- colour from dark grey to light grey (GLEY1 2/ clastic breccia, dewatering structures and ero- 5N; 5Y 5/1; GLEY1 5/N; Fig. 4A). However, rare sive surfaces (Fig. 5E to K). units of bedded halite are pink due to various Three samples of lithologically-representative clast sizes of reddish mud (2Á5YR 4/6). Three mudstone units were analyzed using bulk and samples of mud-free bedded halite were used detailed clay XRD. One was from a depth of for bulk XRD analyses: (i) the lower unit 282 m: 50Á4% quartz, 21Á9% halite, 10Á2% illite (294 m) contains 99Á6% halite, 0Á2% anhydrite and mica, 5Á7% plagioclase feldspar, 3Á4% and 0Á2% quartz; (ii) the middle unit (270 m) potassium feldspar, 2Á5% chlorite, 2Á0% magne- contains 99Á5% halite, 0Á3% anhydrite and 0Á2% site, 1Á8% kaolinite, 1Á3% R1 ordered mixed- quartz; and (iii) the upper unit (242 m) consists layer chlorite/smectite with 50% smectite layers, of 91Á2% halite, 8Á6% anhydrite and 0Á2% and 0Á8% Fe-rich dolomite were identified. quartz. Overall, the bedded halite lithology is Another sample from a depth of 254 m: 26Á5% dominantly composed of halite, with rare gyp- anhydrite, 25Á9% quartz, 13Á7% illite and mica, sum/anhydrite and quartz. 11Á7% halite, 6Á9% plagioclase feldspar, 5Á1% There are two types of halite crystals within the potassium feldspar, 3Á5% chlorite, 2Á2% kaolin- bedded halite lithology: (i) bottom-growth halite; ite, 2Á2% R1 ordered mixed-layer chlorite/smec- and (ii) cumulate halite. Bedded bottom-growth tite with 50% smectite layers, 1Á4% hematite halite commonly contains growth bands of pri- and 0Á9% magnesite. The final sample was at a mary fluid inclusions arranged in centimetre- depth of 235 m: 27Á5% quartz, 23Á6% illite and scale, upward-oriented chevron halite crystals. mica, 15Á6% halite, 7Á9% potassium feldspar, (Fig. 4C to F). Some secondary fluid inclusions 7Á8% magnesite, 5Á1% chlorite, 4Á7% plagioclase cross-cut primary inclusion assemblages. The pri- feldspar, 3Á4% R1 ordered mixed-layer chlorite/ mary fluid inclusions contain trapped brine, gyp- smectite with 50% smectite layers, 3Á1% kaolin- sum daughter crystals, rare vapour bubbles, rare ite and 1Á3% pyrite. It is noted that the XRD suspect micro-organisms and pollen (Fig. 4F). In analyses did not detect any primary carbonates. contrast, bedded cumulate halite is observed as Mineralogical variations in mudstones are beds of millimetre-scale, randomly oriented, apparent in thin section. Figure 5 shows alter- cubic halite crystals. Primary fluid inclusions nating laminations of black clay-sized grains, were also observed in cumulate halite crystals. grey silt-sized grains and gypsiferous layers. The Most halite beds only contain bottom-growth gypsiferous mudstone laminations are most halite. Some beds contain bottom-growth halite clearly observed through cross-polarized light. and cumulate halite. There are no documented The gypsum crystals are blocky and euhedral in beds consisting solely of cumulate halite crystals. shape and ca 0Á2mm2 in size (Fig. 5K and L). Some bedded halite units contain clear, halite There are a variety of diagenetic features found cement-filled vugs that cross-cut growth bands of with the mudstone lithology including inter- primary fluid inclusions (Fig. 4C). Commonly, granular halite cement, anhydrite nodules and these bedded halite units also contain white patches of red-staining from iron cements. (GLEY1 7/N), thin laminations of microcrys- talline halite that drape over underlying crystals Displacive halite of cumulates and/or chevrons (Fig. 4C). Displacive halite is a lithology composed of large (ca 1to2cm2), cubic halite crystals ran- Siliciclastic mudstone domly organized in a fine-grained (clay-sized Siliciclastic mudstone lithologies consist of and silt-sized) siliciclastic sediment matrix clay-sized to silt-sized grains in multiple colours (Fig. 6A). In the displacive halite lithology,

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology Hutchinson Salt of Kansas: marine or continental? 7

Depth General (m) Key Depo. envi. Evaporite features lithology Siliciclastic features 225·5 ______Wet Bedded halite Dry mudflat + + mudflat + + __ __ Shallow Bedded surface + + gypsum/anhydrite __ __ brine Shallow Displacive surface Wet halite 235 brine 295 mudflat __ __ Dry mudflat Displacive gypsum/anhydrite Shallow __ Shallow surface surface brine __ Mudstone brine

+ + Rip-up clasts 305 245 __ __ Dry __ __ mudflat __ __ + + Dry + + mudflat Ripple x-beds Shallow __ __ surface + + brine Discontinuous Shallow lamina surface __ __ + + brine 255 Wet 315 Mud cracks mudflat __ __ Dry __ __ mudflat Shallow Dewatering Shallow surface structure surface brine brine __ __ s s s s s s Soft sediment ______Dry deformation Wet mudflat __ __ mudflat __+ __ + 265 325 Bottom-growth halite __ __ Wet mudflat Shallow Cumulate surface halite brine ______Dry mudflat Bottom-growth __ __ gypsum 275 335·2 __ __ Wet mudflat Evaporite efflorescent crust Shallow surface brine Dissolution pipe Wet mudflat Anhydrite 285 Shallow nodules surface brine

Fig. 3. Stratigraphic column of the Hutchinson Salt Member in the AEC-2 core. Note the distinct colour varia- tions in both bedded halite and mudstone lithologies.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology 8 A. S. Andeskie and K. C. Benison


2 mm

E 2 cm

C Fig. 4. Bedded halite lithology. (A) Core slab of bedded halite alternating in colour. (B) Thick 0·5 mm section (ca 0Á5 cm) of bedded halite. (C) Close-up of the thick section in dp F (B) with late-stage dissolution pipe (dp) cross-cutting multiple beds of ec halite with white clay at the base, efflorescent crust (ec) interpreted from fine-grained, tan mud trapped ch in one lamina and chevrons (ch) composed of primary fluid 2 cm 0·5 cm 100 μm inclusions labelled. (D) Chip of bedded halite with chevron. (E) and (F) Close-up of chevron and primary fluid inclusions. halite crystals can range from 15 to 90% and Needle-shaped, cumulate gypsum/anhydrite mudstone can range from 10 to 85% of the com- crystals are interbedded with laminations of position. The mudstone is cemented with halite. black mudstone. The cumulate gypsum/anhydrite The colour of the displacive halite crystals and crystals are tannish-brown (5Y 5/1) and the mud- mudstone range from dark brown to tan (10YR stone is black (GLEY1 2Á5N to GLEY1 N/7). This 3Á1 and 5YR 6/6). Displacive halite units disrupt lithology is cemented with halite (Fig. 7B to D). rare laminations in the mudstone matrix. Dis- placive halite is dominantly observed in the Displacive gypsum/anhydrite middle (253Á0 to 298Á7 m) of the Hutchinson Salt Member. Displacive gypsum/anhydrite consists of rare, randomly oriented needle-shaped gypsum crys- tals in black mudstone (Fig. 6B). The gypsum Bedded gypsum/anhydrite needles range from 0Á01 to 0Á5 mm long. The Bedded gypsum/anhydrite lithology consists of composition ranges from 40 to 95% mudstone laminations or beds that are predominantly com- and 5 to 60% thin gypsum needles. Unlike dis- posed of gypsum/anhydrite mineralogy. This placive halite, displacive gypsum/anhydrite is lithology was present in two distinct textures: only found within black mudstone in the lowest bottom-growth and cumulate gypsum/anhydrite. 10 m of the Hutchinson Salt Member. Some nee- Bottom-growth, swallowtail-shaped, bedded dle-shaped gypsum crystals are twinned and gypsum crystals are oriented upward from a appear as a ‘star’ or ‘burst’ shape. These shapes nucleation surface to form a bed (Fig. 7A). The are ca 2 mm wide and are suspended in a black crystals widen at the top, exhibiting competitive mud matrix (GLEY1 2Á5N to GLEY1 N/7). growth. The swallowtail-shaped gypsum crystals (GLEY1 N/4) that comprise the beds are Diagenetic features approximately 0Á5 cm tall and are draped with thick laminations of white, powdery, clay-sized There are several different diagenetic features to silt-sized gypsum/anhydrite grains. throughout the Hutchinson Salt Member. Most

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology Hutchinson Salt of Kansas: marine or continental? 9


1 mm 3 mm


2 cm 2 cm 2 mm 2 mm


2 mm 2 mm


2 cm 2 cm 2 mm 2 mm

Fig. 5. Mudstone lithology. (A) Dark grey and white laminations of mudstone disrupted by displacive halite crys- tals in mudstone in core slab. (B) Alternating red and grey graded colouration in mudstone in core slab. (C) Alter- nating dark grey and white laminations in mudstone brecciated with displacive halite growth in core slab. (D) Grey mudstone core slab with rare displacive halite crystals and Fe-rich halite vein. (E) Climbing ripple cross bed- ding in silt-sized grains. (F) Dewatering structure (arrow) in mudstone. (G) Discontinuous lamina in mudstone. (H) Faults in laminated mudstone highlighted by a circle. (I) Convolute laminations in black and tan clay-sized and silt-sized sediment. (J) Intraclasts in mudstone highlighted by red arrow. (K) Black mud, gypsum and bottom growth halite in plane light. (L) Same view as (I) in cross-polarized light.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology 10 A. S. Andeskie and K. C. Benison

INTERPRETATION OF LITHOFACIES A The descriptions of the lithologies, including sedimentary features, indicate three environ- ments of deposition. The three environments are: shallow surface brine settings, wet mudflats and dry mudflats.

Shallow surface brine settings Both bottom-growth and cumulate halite and gyp- sum/anhydrite crystals form only in surface brines. Therefore, the abundant beds of bottom- 2 cm growth and/or cumulate crystals in the Hutchin- son Salt Member are remnants of past surface brines. These shallow brines had chemistries dom- + À 2+ 2À inated by Na ,Cl ,Ca and SO4 . No carbonates B were observed in the bedded halite or gypsum/an- hydrite lithologies, so it is likely that the water À À2 chemistry was not HCO3 -enriched and CO3 - enriched. Chevron halite is indicative of shallow surface brines (<0Á5 m deep; Shearman, 1978; Lowenstein & Hardie, 1985). Cumulate halite crys- tals form in surface brines, regardless of depth. However, all beds that contained cumulates also contained chevrons. Therefore, the Hutchinson Salt halite was formed by shallow surface brines. Some of these shallow brine settings underwent periods of flooding, evapoconcentration and desic- cation. Evapoconcentration of surface waters is represented by the precipitation of bedded evapor- ites, including bottom-growth and cumulate halite and gypsum/anhydrite crystals. Thin laminations 1 mm of white, microcrystalline halite that drape over some beds of cumulates and/or chevrons are inter- Fig. 6. Displacive halite (A) and displacive gypsum preted as efflorescent crusts that formed during (B) lithologies. (A) Cubic-shaped centimetre-scale dis- desiccation (Fig. 4C; Smoot & Castens-Seidell, placive halite suspended in mudstone in a con- 1994). Desiccation is also suggested from mud- formable contact with underlying bedded halite in cracks and intraclasts in mudstones (Smoot & Cas- core slab. Displacive halite crystals are observed in tens-Seidell, 1994; Benison et al., 2007). Clear, hand sample and thin section. (B) Thin, needle- shaped, millimetre-scale displacive gypsum crystals halite cement-filled vugs in some bedded halite is suspended in black mudstone in conformable contact interpreted as early dissolution pipes caused by with bedded gypsum. Displacive gypsum crystals are flooding (Fig. 4C; Lowenstein & Hardie, 1985). In only observed in thin section. contrast, some bedded halite does not contain flooding and desiccation features, indicating that the shallow saline brines were perennial (Schu- of these features are specific to host lithologies, bel & Lowenstein, 1997). The bedded halite and such as intergranular halite cement in mudstone. bedded gypsum/anhydrite lithologies of the However, one diagenetic feature, red-coloured Hutchinson Salt Member were deposited by both halite veins, is not specific to any lithology and perennial and ephemeral shallow surface brines. cross-cuts all lithologies (Fig. 5D). Although the red colour and resemble , this is not Wet mudflats an accurate identification. Based on the lack of tangy taste and observations from Dellwig Wet mudflats are interpreted by the presence of the (1968), this red mineral is an iron-rich halite. displacive halite and displacive gypsum/anhydrite

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology Hutchinson Salt of Kansas: marine or continental? 11


Fig. 7. Bedded gypsum lithology. (A) Core slab of laminated grey and 1 cm 2 cm white mud with ‘V’-shaped swallow-tail bedded gypsum beds C D highlighted by red arrow. (B) Core slab of silt-sized, tan-coloured and white-coloured laminations of gypsum/anhydrite crystals. (C) Thin section photograph of interlaminated, aligned, needle- shaped, cumulate gypsum crystals and black mudstone. (D) Thin section photograph of discontinuous laminations of unaligned, unoriented, needle- shaped, cumulate gypsum crystals 1 mm 1 mm and black mudstone. lithologies. These rocks formed in mudflats that formed in dry mudflats. These dry mudflats were saturated with a shallow saline groundwater were vegetation-free areas adjacent to wet mud- that precipitated displacive halite and displacive flats which, at most times, were subaerially gypsum/anhydrite in unconsolidated mud (Smith, exposed and were underlain by a deeper water 1971; Casas & Lowenstein, 1989; Smoot & Lowen- table. These dry mudflats occasionally experi- stein, 1991). Wet mudflats are dominant through- enced periods of flooding. Flooding was most out the middle unit of the Hutchinson Salt. These likely activated by rain events, causing sheet mudflats experienced multiple periods of flooding floods that deposited wavy discontinuous lam- and rare periods of desiccation. This is indicated ina, climbing ripple cross-bedding and rare soft- by climbing ripple cross-bedding and mudcracks, sediment deformation. Desiccation followed, respectively. Displacive halite crystals that cross- forming efflorescent crusts, dewatering struc- cut these sedimentary structures document fluctu- tures, mudcracks. autoclastic breccia and intra- ation of the groundwater table. clasts. Periods of desiccation likely also resulted in deposition of aeolian silt and clay. Erosive surfaces in the mudstone units were likely Dry mudflats formed by both flooding events and aeolian pro- Siliciclastic mudstone units containing discon- cesses. X-ray diffraction results indicate that tinuous lamina, intraclasts and mudcracks quartz abundance remained relatively consistent

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology 12 A. S. Andeskie and K. C. Benison in mudstone lithologies. The quartz abundances was subjected to flooding, evapoconcentration are interpreted to indicate that an energy source, and desiccation. These are characteristics of such as wind and/or water, carried quartz grains multiple modern environments, including saline into the system from outside sources, likely lakes, saline lagoons and arid-climate tidal flats. including reworking of Chase Group outcrops. These environments contain similar sedimentary features and may have overlapping chemical signatures, despite the different origins of the DISCUSSION parent waters. Deciphering among these envi- ronments is challenging (Hardie, 1984). Depositional trends of the Hutchinson Salt Member Revisiting criteria for distinguishing marine versus continental evaporites The Hutchinson Salt Member is composed of five lithologies: bedded halite, mudstone, dis- Hardie (1984) provided a comprehensive discus- placive halite, bedded gypsum/anhydrite and sion about guidelines to decipher whether displacive gypsum/anhydrite. These lithologies ancient evaporites were deposited by a marine were found in varying abundances throughout or continental environment. Five sedimentologi- the thickness of this member, creating a natural cal, mineralogical and chemical criteria were division of three sections: lower, middle and recognized: (i) fossil types; (ii) facies associated upper. These stratigraphic divisions were based with unit of interest; (iii) primary ; on the presence or absence of the displacive (iv) sequence of minerals; and (v) trace element halite lithology. The middle Hutchinson Salt and isotope geochemistry of saline minerals (253Á0 to 298Á7 m) predominately contains bed- (Hardie, 1984). Other guidelines for recognition ded halite, displacive halite and rare mudstones. of marine versus continental evaporites are over- The lower (298Á7 to 335Á2 m) and upper (225Á5 views of continental evaporites by Smoot & to 253Á0 m) Hutchinson contain little to no dis- Lowenstein (1991) and marine evaporites by placive halite beds and are composed of bedded Kendall (2010), as well as detailed case studies halite, bedded gypsum/anhydrite, displacive of modern evaporite depositional environments gypsum/anhydrite and mudstone. (i.e. Eugster & Hardie, 1978; Hardie et al., 1978; The middle depths of the Hutchinson Salt in Casas & Lowenstein, 1989; Schubel & Lowen- the AEC-2 core do not have as much evidence stein, 1997; Lowenstein et al., 1999; Benison for flooding, evapoconcentration and desiccation et al., 2007). as do the lower and upper depths. The middle Hardie (1984) suggested the use of fossils to Hutchinson likely had higher groundwater decipher marine or continental settings. Macro- levels and more persistent shallow, perennial scopic body or trace fossils were not observed in lake water. This may have been caused by more hand sample or thin sections in the Hutchinson consistent temperature and humidity levels due Salt Member. The only fossils observed were to less extreme weather events. Additionally, suspect prokaryotes, algae and pollen trapped in this groundwater driven system supports the fluid inclusions. Although a few publications interpretation of a continental depositional envi- have mentioned fossils (Tasch, 1960; Jones, ronment. In contrast, flooding, evapoconcentra- 1965), these publications provide little docu- tion and desiccation cycles observed in the mentation of fossil types. Therefore, the mentions upper and lower Hutchinson Salt may suggest of fossils in past publications are either not that deposition was strongly influenced by more diagnostic or too rare within the Hutchinson extreme weather events, such as rainstorms and Salt to be considered diagnostic. No fossils were droughts. observed in the current study of the AEC-2 core or supplemental observations of salt mine walls. The lithofacies associated with the Hutchin- What does Hutchinson Salt Member son Salt can provide clues to help distinguish sedimentology and stratigraphy indicate environment. Beneath the Wellington Formation about marine or continental setting? lies the Chase Group, which has been inter- The Hutchinson Salt Member is dominated by preted as marine and continental cyclic deposits halite, gypsum and siliciclastics that formed in (Miller et al., 1996). Above the Wellington For- shallow surface brines adjacent to wet mudflats mation, there are hundreds of metres of conti- and dry mudflats. Much of the Hutchinson Salt nental deposits (Watney et al., 1988; Benison &

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology Hutchinson Salt of Kansas: marine or continental? 13

Goldstein, 2001; West et al., 2010; Benison saline surface waters and groundwaters. The et al., 2013; Giles et al., 2013; Sweet et al., presence of trace amounts of Fe-dolomite and 2013; Foster et al., 2014). In addition, no classic magnesite may be depositional or diagenetic. tidal flat features, such as tidal bundles, have Furthermore, it is not known if rare Fe-rich been described for any rocks above the Chase dolomite and magnesite were made within the Group. Based on these associated lithofacies, the depositional environments or were transported transition from marine to continental settings from another environment. must stratigraphically occur in either the Chase The rarity of carbonates could be explained by Group or the Wellington Formation. The strati- two hypotheses: (i) few, rare carbonate minerals graphic position of the Hutchinson Salt Member, were present at the time of deposition; or (ii) as part of the Wellington Formation, plays a key carbonate minerals were present but were later role in transition of marine to continental envi- dissolved or altered. The second option is not as ronments. viable as the first option due to multiple contra- Minerals within the Hutchinson Salt Member dicting observations. Primary halite is still pre- include halite, gypsum/anhydrite, quartz, illite, sent in the core. It is not feasible to dissolve mica, potassium feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, carbonate minerals and not primary halite chlorite, kaolinite, magnesite, smectite and because halite is more soluble than carbonate hematite. These minerals are undiagnostic minerals. Another issue is that there are no rem- because they can be found in both marine and nants of carbonate minerals. No shapes, grains, continental environments, and some may be dia- or textures characteristic of carbonate grains or genetic. crystals were seen under the microscope. With The sequence of minerals throughout the this reasoning, it is more plausible that calcite Hutchinson Salt does not show any obvious and aragonite were never present in the deposi- trends. This suggests that there were not signifi- tional environment and that other carbonate cant changes in brine chemistry. However, it is minerals were never in abundance there. This significant to note the lack of calcite, aragonite strongly questions the traditional marine model. and other carbonate minerals in the member, Typically, marine-sourced waters will initially and the presence of iron in some of the halite. precipitate carbonates, including calcite or arag- Both characteristics are found in some arid con- onite. As the water chemistry changes through tinental saline settings (Benison et al., 2007). flooding, evapoconcentration and desiccation This study’s application of the Hardie (1984) cycles, carbonates would periodically form and criteria, supplemented by consideration of be closely associated with halite and gypsum/ Smoot & Lowenstein (1991) and Kendall (2010), anhydrite. If the Hutchinson Salt Member was highlights the lack of marine fossils and the formed by marine brines, why are only rare and paucity of carbonates in the Hutchinson Salt atypical carbonate minerals present? Member. Here, it is suggested that continental deposition was more likely than marine deposi- A case for continental deposition tion. Although multiple past studies have suggested deposition from a marine environment, diagnos- Investigating the paucity of carbonate tic features confirming this interpretation were minerals not justified well in previous publications and During the sedimentological investigation of this were not identified in this study. Here, the study, carbonate minerals were found to be rare Hutchinson Salt Member is interpreted as a sal- throughout the entire Hutchinson Salt in the ine lake system with continental parent waters. AEC-2 core. The only carbonate minerals Supporting evidence for this interpretation is: (i) detected were trace amounts of dolomite and lack of fossils typically expected in marine- magnesite. One siliciclastic mudstone sample influenced settings; (ii) paucity of carbonate contained ca 0Á8% Fe-rich dolomite. Three mud- minerals; and (iii) absence of marine-indicative stones revealed 0Á9%, 2Á0% and 7Á8% magnesite. sedimentary lithofacies (for example, tidal bun- No carbonates, including the Fe-rich dolomite dles and tidal channels). In addition, the Sum- and magnesite, were observed in thin section. ner Group is stratigraphically bounded by The absence of calcite or aragonite is interesting lithologies that support this interpretation. because bedded and displacive gypsum and Therefore, it is likely that the Hutchinson Salt anhydrite reveal that Ca was available in the Member was deposited in a continental setting.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology 14 A. S. Andeskie and K. C. Benison

CONCLUSIONS evaporites of the Amoco Rebecca K. Bounds core, Greeley County, Kansas: Implications for science and industry. In: In conclusion, the Hutchinson Salt Member is Mid-Continent Core Workshop: From Source to Reservoir to Seal (Eds M.K. Dubois, W.L. Watney and J. Tollefson), composed of five lithologies: bedded halite, silici- pp. 9–14. Mid-Continent Section American Association of clastic mudstone, displacive halite, bedded gyp- Petroleum Geologists and Kansas Geological Society, sum/anhydrite and displacive gypsum/anhydrite. Wichita, Kansas. These formed in shallow surface brines that under- Benison, K.C., Zambito, J.J. and Knapp, J.P. (2015) went periods of flooding, evapoconcentration and Contrasting siliciclastic-evaporite strata and outcrop: An example from the Permian Nippewalla Group of Kansas, desiccation with adjacent wet and dry mudflats. U.S.A. J. Sediment. Res., 85, 626–645. This study proposes that the Hutchinson Salt Blamey, N.J.F., Brand, U., Parnell, J., Spear, N., Lecuyer, C., Member was deposited by a continental environ- Benison, K.C., Meng, F. and Ni, P. (2016) Paradigm shift ment. This interpretation is supported by the in determining Neoproterozoic atmospheric oxygen. – paucity of carbonates, lack of marine-diagnostic Geology, 44, 651 654. Casas, E. and Lowenstein, T.K. (1989) Diagenesis of saline fossils, absence of characteristic marine litho- pan halite: comparison of petrographic features of modern, facies and the stratigraphic context. More geo- Quaternary, and Permian halites. J. Sediment. Petrol., 59, chemical analyses are needed to further 724–739. investigate this interpretation and to use cli- Claypool, G.E., Holser, W.T., Kaplan, I.R., Sakai, H. and matic and biological proxies to better under- Zak, I. (1980) The age curves of and oxygen isotopes in marine and their mutual interpretation. stand the Permian of Kansas. Chem. Geol., 28, 199–260. Dellwig, L.F. (1963) Environment and Mechanics of Deposition of the Permian Hutchinson Salt Member of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wellington Shale, in, Symposium on Salt: Northern Geological Society, Cleveland, pp. 74–85. Dellwig, L.F. (1968) Significant features of deposition in the We would like to acknowledge James Talbot of Hutchinson Salt, Kansas, and their Interpretation. In: K-T Geoservices for processing all bulk and clay Saline Deposits: A Symposium based on Papers from the XRD analyses. We thank W. Lynn Watney, Nikki International Conference on Saline Deposits (Eds R.B. Potter and the Kansas Geological Survey for Mattox, W.T. Holser, H. Ode, W.L. McIntire, N.M. Short, access and sampling permission to the AEC-2 R.E. Taylor and D.C. Van Siclen), Geological Society of America Special Paper, 88, 419–429. core. This research was funded through a NASA Eugster, H.P. and Hardie, L.A. (1978) Saline lakes. In: Lakes Exobiology grant 80NSSC18K1286 to KCB and a – Chemistry, Geology, Physics (Ed. A. Lerman), pp. 237– WVU faculty travel grant to KCB. Brenda 294. Springer-Verlag, . Bowen, Tim Lowenstein, Dennis Powers, Peir Foster, T., Soreghan, G.S., Soreghan, M.J., Benison, K.C. and Pufahl, Marcia Schulmeister and Hairuo Qing Elmore, R.D. (2014) Climatic and palaeogeographic significance of aeolian sediment in the Middle Permian are thanked for scientific discussions. Dog Creek Shale (Midcontinent U.S.). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 402,12–29. Giles, J.M., Soreghan, M.J., Benison, K.C., Soreghan, G.J. REFERENCES and Hasiotis, S.T. (2013) Lakes, loess, and paleosols in the Permian Wellington Formation of Oklahoma, U.S.A.: Implications for paleoclimate and paleogeography of the Beckemeyer, R.J. and Hall, J.D. (2007) Permopanorpa midcontinent. J. Sediment. Res., 83, 825–846. inaequalis Tillyard, 1926 (Insecta: Holometabola: Hardie, L.A. (1984) Evaporites: Marine or non-marine? 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