
2 CONNECTIONS ~- -- f CONNECTIONS Becomes Independent This is CONNECTIONS' first issue as an the box to the left. CONNECTIONS will be Independent publica!IOl'I. We are no longer awarding $5 and 11n Oral Majority bumper associated 11.1th Oay Community Se1"1ces stlcker to the most interesting piece of news or the University YMCA/YWCA submitted by a reader each month. We feel that CONNECTIONS must be an This is~ue al'IO introduces the independent business in order to serve the CONNECTIONS new look." Many thanks 240 I Manor Rd Apt 118, Austin TX 78722 entire AuStln gey community. We have to F rande Stull and Kristull Graphics for 4 74 1660 Hours: 6- 10 pm en1oyed being a program of Qay Com typeSetting end productJOn as$istance mumty Services. but it's tlme to le11ve the We're very excited about oil ~se nest dl.inge$ We hope they'll help us serve II you want to see YOUR news in Austin better. CONNECTIONS, 1ust tell us about IL Our Thanks for your support Ed.tor/Publisher Jim Olinger phone number and mailing address are In Asslsulnt Editor ••• Wll'jde Frey Gr11phlcs • • Don Jack$on Photognsphy •...•. Carr St1 ong Typesetting . Krlstufl Grephics National Advertising • Jo4o Disabato Rivendell Marketing Co. 666 6th Ave New York. NY 10010 212/242·6863 Response to AMERICAN STATESMAN 'Gay

CONNECTIONS is the monthly mcganne Paradise' Article for gay women and men In Austln and The l\USllN AMERICAN STATESMAN core about his being gay. Of course. this 1s the same m.rn who disparages drag . We welcome your contributions or ran 11 front ·page article on Sunday, March 8, news. feeture urtlcles. fiction. poeuy, letters. titled Homosexuals Comfortable In Austin queens and would'l t resid"' with gays so as line dnswlngs and photogrephs. If return or - City Tolensnt of Ufestyles." by Dick not to be tempted to "party all the time.' It acknowledgement Is desired. please en Stanley. seems strange that the socially elite straight dose a stcmped. sdf·eddressed envelope Some of the people Stanley Interviewed people would be free of onti-gey prejudice said they regard Austin as a kind of heaven when the g11y caterer, h1msdf, IS filled with il Also, we don't really know II U1e upper for homosex1.u1ls. De. Ronnld Sawey, 11 professor at Southwe~ TeXlls SUlte Univcr· crust is so sophisticated becausf' Donald slty in San Marcos. wrote the followinq has not been quoted by n11me. Another el11ered that women are better J m 01 oger Alan Pogue and Carr Stlong what "'-IS n thQ artic:le w;is q le on point lovers of women than men are (CA T npp makes the ScJme Apparentlv and even 1n pmng. Janna lumbrun was observ.,uon.) he ls unaware that Lly Tomlin does nght when she Insisted on the importance e'so PubhcatlOns - A.\etro Times. '.\om Guess impressions of men. Sacha's remarks cl corrmg out It 1s Impossible to t"Xpect 0 What. Roll "9 Stone end Th1S Week n CMI nghts when you are un.. I rl1J to fight sh011. ignorc'lce as well as a need to put Texas for them Tlle older bus rn:ssman sa!d down. something mport.art when he pointed out Janra Zumbrun s contt>ntlon that ~pie that gays oppress U1emselves by toking on are afraid to Ix> open about being gay 1s nd1culous stereotypac:ul manne!lsm~ or by entirely 11ccurete I leach nt the university hid ng out under the camouflage of wife level. As I contemplate signing my name to and ch ldren thts letter, I nm 1110oare !Mt many people There are other ways In which IA

SAN FRANCISCO - Bb<.k and \I. t: te COMMUNITY '.\en Together, the mte racial support group, ..111 llold rts fir~ lntematJonal con vertJon In !:>an Francisco. June 25-28. The recent svt.ng 10 Ille Right hlls SERVICES c:re11ted a ne"" - ond frighten ng - chma•e for mrnonues. particularly Blocks. a spokes­ ~ I NFOR lATI Ori R~~ERRALS PEER COUllSELI NG I man said SC>day PasSJVC rei;rs: c;,-lv f. 279 Collingwood, San Frenclsco C11lif 94114 __,-.. -- --- I, J l 'I} CONNECTIONS 3

FCC Upholds MCCA Senior Prom Robison Cancellation April 26

DALL.AS - In a landmark decision. the The fir:>! activity by the Metropolitan Federal Communleauons Commission. by Community Church of Austin (MCCA) in Its un;;lmous vote, found an uppeal by the building fund c11mpaign will be a formal Jam~ Robison Evangcl1col Association to senior prom at 8:00 p.m~ Sunday Apnl 26. ~without merit, on February 2.?. 1981. Theme for the prom. which will bl' held at The FCC upheld the nght of D.illas st.Jt1on The Hollywood. 304West4th,1s "A Night in WFM·TV 10 cancel the James Robison Casablanca." Evangehcal Hour following an anti·gay Remembt!r the date you took to the broadcast. prom? This time you can take the date you On Februdl) 25. 1979. James Robison. a really wanted ! Tuxedos or formal gowns, ti>levision minlMer based in Odil.is. preached whichever you prefer, are urged to be worn. a sermon on 'mordlity" which was largely a There will be a booth for photos with your one· sided view of homoscxudhty. fhe fol· date and corsages will be sold. lowing day. wrM ·TV tcrmlnnted the series To apply for prom king and/or queen, (since reinstdted), stdting that It believed you must be in a tuxedo or a formal. The religious programs should not deal with prom king and/or queen will be chost!n by controversial issueq of pubhc lmportanc-e. a lottery. at S l a chance. WFM's ilCtion was ba5ed on the Fairness Only 300 tickets for the prom are avail• Doctrine 11nd Personal Attack Rule and w.is able at $6 each. Tickets may be purchased ldken following a Personal Attack com at D~n·s Office Equipment, Hot Lips, Rain· plaint by the Dc1llc1s Gdy Pol1ltcal Caucus. bow Works. Bookwomcm, and at MCCA James Robison fill!d 11 complaint against Ttekets will be available at the door the WFM with the FCC's Complillnh dnd night of the prom, if there are any left Compliance Division which ruled in Feb· Q's Tuxedos. 2426 Guadalupe, is offer· ruary, t 980. thot no nction was warranted. ong special discounts for the MCCA Prom. WFM·TV dc<:lined to defend Its action Their basic black tuxedo will rent for $20, before the full Comm1s5lon Con~oqul!ntly, and other colors or styles -...ill be $5 off the National G11y Task Force ond the Dallas Henry's Memrys. 423 East 6th, has a Gav Pohtiail Caucus joined to oppose the MCO\ Senior Prom Goers; (clockwise from left) Cheri /'1l1ler, Wally good selection of inexpensive evening Hargrave. Robin Camp, and Allan 5hilne model tuxedos from Qs Robison complaint gowns for sale. 'This acuon by the FCC 1s an affirmation Tuxedos and a-emng gowrt5 from Henry's Nemrys. of the prlnoplt' of fairness and equity lor e11l Austin Gay embod1<'d in the rersonul Attack Ruic and sided presentations of the gay is~ue In Oral Majority Fa1me!>S Doctrine," commented NGTF Co· religious programmmg. Gay rights or>d Reaches Austin League Forming related subjects are controverstal issues of D1re<:tors Charles f Bryt.lon and Lu« a The first meeting to org11nize 11 dty-~lde Vale.ska ·To the extent that electronic pubhc importance. Station managers have league of Austin gay busme:.ses bnd Bob Kunst of Gainesville, Flondo. vi!11ted prea<"hers hold anti gay views, they 11re on a duty to apply the Fairness Doctnne by organizations was held nt Tex s Colorado Austin on Mcirch 11 to announce the notice that use or the pubh :i1rwavt>~ to offering local gay organizations an .op­ Strt't't on Sunday March 981 fen rorm11t1on ot rhe Ornl Mlljonty, en organ Bar 22. J spreml lh1•1r blted getting the Privacy Rights Act passed in agenda Items for the April 12 meeting Florid11 In November, 1980. Florida 1s now include choosing 11 name for the group end one of only four stateS ~1th such a constJtu· organizing o Gay Pride Week committee. tional amendment. whkh says: All natural For more information. can Lynn May et SUNDAY persons have the nght to be left al<>rn! and free from government intrusion Into their 837·5928. APRIL 26th private hves.' Dobie Tearoom The privacy act passed by 600.000 votes. Dangerous Kunst ~1d Austin attorney Douglas D. Behrendt 8tol2p.m. The gay rights activist pomted out that warns there is 11 great danger of being people opposed to the Privacy Rights Act arrested for sexual actrvtty m the publ c had i;a1d "This is gomg to legalize gay restroom at Dobie Center near the UT right,, prostitution, pornography and mari· Austin campus. Junn11 "Kun~t replied, Ofcourse. And 11 will AD--""-.J~~~"~.:~~~~;~TS Security guards at the center recently abo keep the bedroom snoopers out of our arrested certain persons In the restroom bedrooms, and everybody's bedrooms." The guard claims he observed the tlleg.il Kun\I said th .. lt!Ct'nl burning of rock 'n' activity through " one w.lY mirror, but 6.00 per person roll record~ by religiou~ fundamentalists in refuses 10 allow an e~amrnalion of the Waco convinci>d him that Texas was a mirror. A court order will bt' requested to good plHce to :start his national movement pennit an examlNltion of the mmor by He 5111d such oct1ons are • trying to tell defense counseJ. Meanwhlle. all persons HOT LIPS people how to live and love. and that should base their behavior In the rcsuooms RAINBOW WORKS smacks of communism. · on the assumpllons thllt the one·way m rror BOOKWOMEN 'Tm Part or the Oral Ma;ority bumper doe" exbt and that their octJVilies may be DAN'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT stickers and buttons are OV111lable from ob!.erved by security guards. CONNl:.CTIONS. Send $1.25 for each tern Sexual actiV1ty in a public restroom Is 11 end a large, i>elf·addressed, stamped FORMAL WEAR ENCOURAGED serious m1:>

Dallas Gay Alliance Fight Back! by l "lol Green You have a cl11mce to ~trike bd<:K di the The Dallas G11y Political Caucus changed Moral M11jorlty, but you have to tc1ke It right Its mime to the Dall.JsGayAlhancef.\drch8, now In fact. 1f 11' 5 uftrr Aprll 4 forget 1t It s 1981 The name ch11nge came 11bout ofter alrc.idy over 11 hiu! hour debate on the mdus1on of the lherc arc seven candidates 111 the mayor word 'lesbian' m the new namC' The and cny council elections who hove been organimton changed Its name to Dallas endorsed by the Au\11n Lesbian Qay Gay Alliance because of the groups Political Caucus 11nd who support gay growing lnvolY(.'!Tlent m uc.!JYIUes. outside causes the politic.al re11tm and because m;my Several of our aindldat~ hove Mor11l people felt the name Gay Political Caucus MaJonly·supported opponents. who 11re wa~ m1slead1ng and prevented many running well.fman< ed 11nd Wt'll organized members of the commun ty from getting campi!ign$ involved ,.ldr. i Whicl't cund dates do you want running Ausun for the next two years' GCS Gains [lections arc won by being able to CETA Employee organize the voters. not simply by being Gay Community SeMces. the peer· right The candidate who hos the most counselling and refC'rrlll service for gays m people making phone calls to voter~ Austin. 9111ncd 11 Volunteer Coordinator/ d1sulbutmg literature and taking people to Community l.iats0n person m March. the polls on elc<11on day, is the one who Working with GCS as p.:irt of the Un111er5ity usually v.ins. Y staff, fred Ucun ls the first paid staff Thts Is a un1e v.tien YOO. 11 single person GCS has held. Fret days ot the C'lectlon. pro

Bob Binder _ Mayor Mike Guerrero _ _ City Council place 1 Roger Duncan City Council place 2 Marcos DeLeon City Council place 3 Richard Goodman City Council place 4 John Trevino City Council place 5 L Charles Urdy City Council place 6

The ALGPC Candidates Support:

Full civil righ t11 for lesbians and gay men Including gnyK in fair housing ordinance Repeal of Section 21.06 of lhe Texa11 Pt.>nal Code Human relations training on gay il

Paid Poltt1cal Adwrltwm~n t by

R" tC1 Counc man Tr..wio Comm ,., Judy ~ s 11easurtr 606 Iii r.. , ft Comm tt~• lo Ei«t M ke G =•ro Ca Bo ner ttc r 714 V. ::.JX!h: Friends of Bob B ndu•C• R1Chnrd Goodman Comp<1 gn; Fr•nk lvi: tteasurtt19n fund, HoU<"r Duncan tr"asurt'r 25.36 ~ Longrct.S, Commlth!~ 10 [!~ct MArCOS Del.ean S4 R~nieno.. tren.sur J 211 E. F n

...... t'41 .. 6 CONNECTIONS tt probably would have been different I she couldn't believe that nice. sweet girt tuld dlsplay windows of three Ausun what have made St. Charle<> Gift Shop The d:dn t even do the "'1ndows myself. As written a letter like that The lobbyisttold me businesses. wtuc.h have been accused of famous f>\ayor Carole McClellan told him much of a feminist as I am, I didn t think she had seen my \l.10dows and r.he loved dep1ctm9 and helping promote violence that when ~he brings visitors to Sooh Street. al'l)'thmg about the windows other than them She thought they were 11 hoot She ag!tlnst \l.'OmCn. been repeatedly she alweys pomts out Je.rry s windows ha-we gory, scary H.lllowcen. sald she would make some mqutnes about \~'.Ida zed CNer last two years In 1979 Jerry mSllll ed o Peeping Tom the JerrySha11o says. Anywindowsfvedone mywmdows Anger sadness and frustratiOn are all wind°"' displdy. ft:atunng h15 mannequin that had \1olent aspects had humorous Jerry Shaw and Sa ;y Pharr are offering a Donna Louise Vandals ~lued ncw$J>apers evident \l.TICf' the thrte store owners dis aspects as ... en In the Peeping Tom $500 reward for Information leading to the cu;s thear..., d!Splays. all believe over lhe front of the St Charles display ndow The> W\ndow a male mannequin WllS reaching arrest £lld conviction of the person or displays are and feel they are wind°"'~ and painted Dep;cting violence thc11 harmless though vcnetJao bltnds and pulling flowers persons \I.TIO broke out their store windows out of a 11;1~ Tre Hz loween Window that on October 31, 1980. For deta Is. call 474 w.is broken, deptcted a wOMan hanging 6428 or 418 5598 '>ally S s a Austin Lamhd11 fuli., supporu th s effort to ume of tre macabre A f 1end of mine did catch lht'" vandals Roy OakC"s ~tatw W th • window Tt>e sui<.1dl' note left by the abl>o1 violence, 1nck1d1ng llie vurdal1sm munneqi..111 said Sorry <.ou1dn t make the Iii.it was cornm1ued nqa1n these bus· tia!lowC('n party I got hunq up " [1('~('5. " A womon was on eyew1tne:.s to tht' .itta< k Sally feels like U•C' women who were on St Che•le~ wmdows Accordin!J to involved with this believe they i:re working ... env Shaw and the Austin police. the for equal rlg'its. B~ resorting to VlolenC'E' woman saw a man and a woman QI" a ilQcJmst nw, they ore trymq to lllkc- away my rnot"'>rcyd!.' She "'11511eurty hot by one of the l'qUlll rights bnc.ks the woman threw She got a lic ..nse The Henry s Memrys owner hlld been nuMb<.'r but missed SOfTle of th• numbers receMl"g phone calls and Visits befor!.' on 1t She had heard the sound of Henry s Halloween. from srr .ill groups who came Memrys wind~ lx'ing broken two blocks by the store to tell l"W! they did not l.ke my 1111/lf'/ only mome"'.lts before Windows They said I mu~t rot ha any <;ally Sii~ leader~ of large femin st sense to d pKt violen<"e ag;i n~ women I groups m Austin hke the Henry s Memrys got several phone ~Its ut the shop and so ..., ndOW$ Sally has two letters condemrung did my husbond I finally got llr\.-d of 11 and her window disp~ taped to her cash started hanging up reg1~er A woman lobbyist et the State Sally does flX'l lntlmld.ited, but she says Ceprtol saw them and told Sa1ly she knows I Will continue to do my Windows as I one of the letter \I.Titers.. Sally says" She said

My wmdows are what have m.ide SL Chdrles--- famous. - Jerry Sh.iw 'VIOLENT' 1x'1ng anacked by a 'handful of cranes who aga·nst women creates 1t on the news th nk they ore appl)'lng lcrmmst p11ndplcs. papers. The glue l!Oilked in end ruined the glass. Jerry had to have It replaced All three bus1n~s owners received WINDOWS numerous complaints about the displays. On Halloween of 1979 the display from both individuals and groups Jeny windows at The Maya. 1616 L.avnca, were Shaw, owner of St Charles Gott Shop. 316 smashed Owner Doug Martin says he got a E 6th. and Sally Pharr. of Henry's Memrys, lot of hostile cnucism from women for that VANDALIZED partlcu!ar display (which had been done by 423 E. 6th. received 11 letter from Austin by Wayde Frey Lambda, 11 gay organtzatJon, expre~ing the 8 woman) for men's shorts Three kmale concern that the Windows you displayed at m11nnequin5 were dressed In mens r.hirts Ha loween ~. both directly and sul:>- ...,th no pants. They had paper sacks over 1m nally to promote violence agmnst their heads. were tied together ...,,th a rope, people - especially women and had tiny toy 50ld1ers at their feet. sug~ting they were pnsoners of war Responding to the cnuasm and \'lln da ·sm, Doug says. Some wom.. n arc more concerned about their identity about \I.ho th~ are. than a!:>out the r bellllVK>r about ...tiat they are doing In Marth. 1981. the displ.ly 11. ndows at The Maya had three ho!..~ in them. proba~ from a~ n:Jes. The ma~emot had let the w1ndows rema n that \I.II) for a rnontr Two of Ht'nry ~ f>\::'T'~ windows"'"'" hdttNed by a bnck thrOW'.nrJ cou~ on a motorC}d or Hallo\l.l'cl' of 198C The t c ks bro~ a couple of arrrs ff 5d I> s 1940 s m.111n~ums How rd and '>ally Pharr de.ined LP tl-e mess u'.l' 5 00 a ,,., I he couple on U1e motorcycl broke out 0 the &t <.t>arles d1~piav 1.\indo"' n•on en''> Jter Sa ly Pl>dr SdY~ tr pt:'I•« •JI 1 her t v.:is tt>c Sll< d Y October ,CJSO T'1e w 11dow

tt IMTUle l"\anll('qums ..., t p thC' \I.omen :> .:'l!)r, Sa I> say had sorr.• ma e mannequ ns. cwh1Ch I 11e .Je1ry Sha"" sa)'1I his window displays are never been oble to find in usable concitlon) 7

&~d at~ help both & an<: hairdresser showed models with shaved s.ublimlnolty IO ~ \'IOlence am l)>I heads on the Phil Donahue Show on 1V. He pcop1o ~ on u... St c~ said bald women were the look of the future Jeri} Shaw says he ne-. er heard from fe!T'lnists when he had a Gay Pride Week window 1n 1980 llllth two female mannequ ns wearing tuxedos dnnklng champagne, and embracing. He adds. Nor did feminists give me any en· ouragcment or support "'hen I did the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay R1gh~ windo"' in 1979 with the female mannequin. the surtcase and the large travel poslN with the U.S. Capitol in the bdckground ' In lacl shortly illtN the SL Cnarles store windows were ruined by the glue and paper •

in 1979, the feminist radio program Foce ~ ct .;olcncc !hon ""' -=> ~ the Music on KUT·FM told their listeners to ~.depi<~ "boycott a certain g1ftshop on Sixth Streel.. We look ton.erd 10 COnllml<'d fncndshJp and would be happy to talk about this further W• ~rry responded With ..a window that had strlC~___ hope you will ,_,con\lCler... _alAtt. no lon9tf the female mannNJuin <.mashing a radio St Ch.ul<»' owner Jerry Shaw outside uandaliLed ·Peeping Tom .. ~~~ - with 11 hammer, and a sign that read "Donna when K 1> ~rou• ID the I""> ol people. pleose This harrossment is the same kind that when they left, they felt like they had not Louise faces the music.' ·· AU>\ln Lambda C-dtMtor• Alter Sally's and Jerry's shop windows of thing the Mofla does In New York City in been able to get their point across 'They 603 WUI I 2111 Street running protection rackets. It's sad to think told me that there had been a lot of rapes were broken at Halloween 1n 1980, an Contact i'IK'M<>I F•mand .. that misguided people In Austin sink to the and violence against women going on In Austin 1V ~talion came to Sixth Street and mobster level of violence and vandalism to this country. They felt my Halloween recorded 11 videotape segment about the copy toe Henry> 1'\emiyJ Emma Lou Linn make o political poinl" window encouraged violence against incident for the 6:00 p.m. news. Jerry and Sally also received the following letter: Peaceful opposition to the displays women. I did not agree with them." Jerry Shaw re~nts the pressure being 4 N""'""1be' 1980 continued. Sally says. "Two women from In January, 1981, the St Charles Gilt exerted against SL Charles Gilts He say~. Austin l ambdo ciime to see me in Shop windows were shattered again. The St Chert,,1 (;ta M Austin Lambda had no business cor November, 1980. after my windows were female mannequin in the display window 316 E4't 5'"1h ~ responding llllth the owner of this building.'' broken out They were very nice. We hod a was bald and was wearing 11 51mple red AU>I n TeM• 78701 Roy Oakes responded, .. Austin Lambda good, intelligent d1scuss1on, bul I'm afraid evening dress. The next morning a famous is not attempting to blackbllll anyone. The matter is between Jerry and his landlady At our "'°"""!>ft 3rd A.nrwig Mttting U... As we talk. we listen to a reeord ng of AUJlln Lambda C-dinoionr!> mpOOCl>ng on "rtt.ne ,. nol "'8nl lo >ttm ~but IO be ..n bed hard That s my problem Let me that our t and want IO (JflOOU<" lhat frlondship A pen:.ive Jerry Shaw adds: I th nk we ·~, ....,,., >lrongl)I agrtt" th""'~ gays should be working tog<'ther on more C•P'"""' 10 you that the •ind

March 5, 1981 Austin Country llt,-tm.· and ,Jim an~ lla llr of .\u,tln Hot Lips DIVINE

- ~-,. ,~, . ~.. . ' . ' :

,, 10 CbNN.EttfONS' Dan' sOffice Equipment Company

Owner Dan Boyle by Wayde Frc~ 2816 Nuccl's venuons, where 1111 tht> str111ght men ment They spectahze m Sl!fVK1ng IBM. he docsn t even know about One o! lhe more prom nent gay·owned In turn. Dan his accountant 1s gay. brought their \lllVeS to the banquets. and Adler end Sm th·Corona type\llriters. They S11ys. buSJnes s n Austin is Olin s Office Equ p­ Olin came by himself ser.1Ce the Sanyo phonean5""-enng equ p­ his ha rdresser IS gay. h s doctor 1s gay. and ment COP'\ pall) located at 2816 N uecei. 1s his He IS also a past president of the Austin ment they sell and they also sell tabletop so lawyer !ll1d open 8.00 am to~ JO pm. Monday Olin Bo)1e and ~ Deacon partlcipated Excc.uuve Assocllltion. "'ti1ch ts composed copiers that reta I from $800 to $ l 295 lhrough in the Austin comm ttee for the March on ol 11bout 35 young local busines.s leaders. Frid3v On JanU<1ry 12. 1981 the company o..... ner O.,n ~ s face lights up m a Waslungton in 1979 In February. 1981. Dan ~ says. he rece1Ves both moved from l1S San Gabriel location to sm !e "'hen you mentJon his outfront gay Olin perllc1pated in 11 panel dtSCUss.on of personal end monetary satlsfoction from larger end nicer quarters 111 2816 Nueces. ness Dan 1$ an enthus!asti<: CONNEC· {111)'5 In business and m professions. Dan"s Office l"qu1pment Company He next door to McDonald s. off Guadalupe the TIONS advertiser He says "the rates are held at a m«ting of !he UnlVefsity Gay enJOYS !he challenge and respons btl1ty of acro~s the street from Hot Laps. anolher very reasonable • and tells us that many Students OrgemlllUon et UT Austin. O\lln ng hlS O\!>TI business as well ns the CO"NECTIONS advertiser people have told him they sa.,.,. hi$ ad. He IS a past president ( 1977) the freedom of not having to nns.,.,.er to nn Dan Boyle employ$ himself and seven or Dan 5Ulrted ~1119type\l!Tlters1111969. Austin Office Mlldline Dealers Assocsauon. employer for his i;exual preference. other people. Dan says his staff kllO\llS he Is He lllOlled IO Austin m 1972 end opened a He IWBS a board member for a four·stdte Dan says he wanted lo start his own gay and they are open·minded and hbernl repair shop servk:lng office equipment - erec1 of NatJonal Olli to him. CONNECTIONS was tJ,,ped on an Adler office npewrttu rent· AVAILABLE ON MOST MODELS purchased from Dons untll this Issue - SAN YO DICTATION Editor Dan Is sure he has gay customers EQUIP. - HOURS · MON. • FRI. 8:00 AM • 5:30 PM

ADLER SE-1000 2816 Nueces

Off Guadalupe. next to McDonald's 1 474-6396 Serotcc Techniclall VlflCc Flores CONNECTIONS 11

/lot L1ps ouncrs Tom Ltppano,

The ~tore wnh the largest selection ofgay greeting cords 111 T cxas 1s nghl here 1n Austm - Hot Lips at 2815 A Fruth e Hollow, whrn he returns. D1v1ne told Tom ond Rdy that the Austin respon\e to his appearance was the warmest, most moving, that he has ever COMING SOON received Bunch and Keith also ho~tf'CI a packed, THE ALL NEW standing·room only appearance by Divine


Tom Ltppdno 12 CONNECTIONS

Man to .Man psychiatly. which perStSts In the 11ttempt to expla n homosexual development es 11 Rev eu:ed by Lors Elghner result of 11n a ·e1111t1011 of fether and M>n. Sin<:e Dr Charle$ Silverstein co- Th!S hlls neveJ explained why M>me sons 11uthored The Joy of Goy Sex. ex with demonstrably poor relatlom with Ihm pccllltl00$ of hts latest. olfenng are bound father f111l to become homo~uals. nor why to be htgh. He meets them. Mon to Mon is some homosexullls have veiy good an onginal. tnventlve. even sernlnaL work. relatloo s 11.~th their fathers. Dr. Stl\-erste n has completely re-examined Gay actMStS have always rejected the the development. types, and meaning of Oist.lnt Fllther theory. but have failed to gay love. while largely free ng himself of the account for the fact that strn1ned relations entrenclied stimces of both the ho­ with the father s a very common aspect of mophobe end homoph'!e camps. There IS the histofy of the gay man. Both sides have an abundaPce or new light cast on the become deeply entrenched In their sub,ecl In short. this IS a musL positions and nothing really new has been The sutHitle Gay Couples 1n Amenca • added to this debate for years. may be a bit misleading. This 1s not another But suppo5e, os Dr Silverstein does. that gay ·marnaqe • manual nor " survey-and· these causes 11nd effects are reversed. If a tabulate book. Some of the 'couples" boy IS gay.doesn't It seem reasonable thate described here ore little more than one· dis!llnt relationship With his father will 'light sumds: some are more like result? Would not even well meaning, roommates than lovers. Much of the book occepting straight men have difficulty is cle'JOted to the development of lovlng relating to gay sons? If we accept some withmthe 1ndMdU4L Mon lo Mon ls long on verslOll of the Oed pal theoiy where 11 the ""hy' s and hall. come s of gay straight boy puts distance between himself coupling but c bat shorter on the how to '> and h!S mother, 1t doesn t seem so thlln I expect many readers "'ould prefer outlandish to suppose 11 gay boy that 1s a crock. If only because many of us Man to Mon requ res the reader to do a P&t of th s. no doubt. Is the genera! contributes to the distance between h mself had relatJons with adults 11.nen we were lot of rethinking and new th nk.ng That Is ullWl ingness of our c.ommun ty nclud ng and his father for s1m ar reasons and by teeMgcrs. Dr Sih.erstetn just flat out says not particularly comfor!llble or comforting Dr Silverstein himse f to ngidly def:ne a sim ~u mechanisms. gay men and gay boys do have sex with to everyone. CJ~arty, a much more popular qay cou~ Perhaps that ts a defin uon Even the dogmas of Gay l.iberaUon are each other and maybe that is not such an and rac e book could have come out of Dr that 5hould ne-.-er be made. But If t 15. work not safe from Dr 5 lversteln s acute ewful thing For folks stiD nervous about Sdvcrgem s very candid and incisive like Dr Sdverste n s must be considered. obse!vations The cotec.h sm goes ga) 1s a An ta Bryunt and the Save Our Ch dren 1nterv1e11.-s. Instead Mun lo Mon Wiii rema n CJIPl!nded. and debated Mon to Mon preference we choose to be gay Dr hoopla. that i:; a very shocking and a cornerstone of the gay I brory when the 1 reveals how truly complex the ssucs Sih.erste'n s heresy IS all the more fnghtenmg observation current spate of pandering pop-psyc.hology nvolved are even though man;- of us have dangerous because 1t IS true llie do not Dr S lvefg~n s mog surprising books h.es been recyded Into 5hopp1ng had pnt. pol !JCal ans'Wers to most of these choose to be gay; 11.-e d scover we are gay observations, of course. are not at all alien bags and choose to accept 1L The catechism - they ore new !\lo sts on old 911Mb1ts. We questJOf'lS for years. MAN TO MAN by Dr Charles goes. gay men do not have 5eJ\ with are perfectly familiar With the facts and For l'xample. Dr Silverstein conSJdets S1 uerstem Wll/1om Morrot< and teenage boys; that occurs only v.1th surpnsed llil' never thouoht to put them lhe OISUlnt Father This hoary bugaboo has Compan~ Inc. J 05 MC1d15or1 Aul!llUC. denmged hctcro~exUllb- Now we all know been handed down to us from strnlght tOflether lhcll u;oi1 New York NY IOOlb 347 pages $12 95 Sector 27 emphatic. hrs vocals full of had fcUOIN'well­ lyrical guitar work - twistlng atonal bursts. '-'::======::;­ met heartiness.. It was easy to sing along nngmg notes cost Into the void a la the Tom Robinson with Glad to Be Gay," easy to stomp to his Police's Andy Summers - gives the b\! Debro Rae Cohen group s straight nhead rock (, roll - te , spacious, pulsing melodi~ most of their easy :o approve of the Tom Robinson Band color and ch11racter. The rest of the band is strong enough to force Robinson to discover>y v.1thout ever really becoming engaged by them. concentrate on singing, If only to keep App11rently. Robinson felt the same way. pace This music strains hl5 vocal Sector 27 Is more complicated - resources more than did the fRB's. but mus1CClly. lyri~dlly and conceptually - tlw!t'ul! for the besl Tom Robinson's air of r>ecor>ds than either of the TRB albums. and It ~ a a man pressed and exhilarated by tension more powerful pobucal document because fits right in With the new l.Ys main themes.. of ll Sector 27'' songs (mostly co11.T1tten by Intrigued by the stratn of spacey British Robinson and baSStSt ~lo Burt) paint a VISIT US progressMS1T1 that runs from the Police to portra t of an artist caught between moral Jcyy Or.islOI\, Robinson has made a fresh mperatiVeS and lhe knowledge of his own TO SATISFY S!arL assembrng a highly t11lentcd group weakness Instead of the r old sloganeering, that cha enges him musically rather than the slngcr'5 lyrics are full of resonant ambigu.ty The "lnvltatiOn from the other YOUR Tom Robinson used to make com· simply supporting his 11o'Ords.. side ' that Robinson must conSider ("What mitment look so easy He \11:is gay, proud In Stevie B especially. hes found an tUJve we got to lose 1f we ti)' it on None of and good looking H s lyrlCs v.-ere raised fist accomplished. lntwtlve performer whose MUSICAL NEEDS them bastards notice when we're gone") might be the templlltion of treason. su clde or simple escape while the respons1b1!ities * he must face ( Not Ready'') may be those HEADGEAR & of sexual or pohtlcal comm1tmel't. rhetorical or physical confrontation Probcibly all ol the above. ACCESSORIES Several of Seclor 27's compositions are concerned With the probtPms - log1st1cal, fum11lal lntcrMl - of gay hfe. yet this by no RIVERTOWNE means Um ts them. such detail makes the whole record ring truer \Vhether fighting MALL •.• ,443 · 2232 off piimful fragments cf memory In "Mary WESTGATE Lynne or clutching atthe promise worn by repetition. that he II setie control of his life MALL .... 892·1389 ( On.. fine Day l. Tom Robinson tsn t • • • • • • • • • • demonstratJng perfect polltlcs but how 10 3 OFF Purchase d fflcult it ls to be a pol tieal human being And that makes Sector 27notonly11 fine of Non · Sale Items; With a bum but a brave one This Ad thru Ap rrl 30, 1981 CONNECTIONS 13 Discovery Records PRESENCE To Debut CONNECTIONS 1s plea~ to welcome CONNECTIONS. (Craig :.ayi. most of the Contributors Sought Discovery Records as our newest adver· other record stores in town have stopped The Dallas Gay Political Caucus (DCiPCJ prO\ided. Otherv.ise a I works offered for tlsers. There are two OtSCOVery Records then import business ) ts solKtling contributions for Presence. a COl\5ederation OS well OS 0 I publ shed stores in Austin - 2007-C E. Riverside Tom Robm,,gn has two songs on the I terary magimne designed to r~l the •••orks become the propert) of th<" DGPC /4. Ortve in Rtvertowne Mall and 4521 West album,· 1967 (So Long Ago).- and "Glad too-often unpublished talents of g~ five-per~on ~x-ual ed OPa board "' Gate Blvd , in We~gatc Mall Both stores to Be Gay. women and men The '"'<>rks it conta ns w: I revie... a work and make the are open from 1000 11 m to 7 00 pm The Secret Policeman·, &II-The be diverse and unique to their creators. regc:•d ng publteatl<>n Monday through Saturday. Music Is the companion record to the film Presence WI ! have 11 sty! sh and e egant In order to hJn,e Presence pn tcd clrd CONNECTIONS readers ..,;11 receive a The Secret Policeman" Ball. Profits from appearance appropriate for coffee table· read) for sale ~ .June I I QS I t 1e dead ne 10% discount on the purchase or a1ty non the album. wh1<:h retails for $6 24, go to display for a I sUbfTllSS ons IS Apn I 3 I QS I for sale items in the store'I 1f they bnng tn the Amnesty lnternation.il. Peatunng Pete Suggested art!Stic forms mdude prose. this C'ldcavor to maK the strongest Discovery Records ad from this a.o;sue by lownshend. Tom Robinson, Ni"1I Innes. poetry, songs. pen and inks. and possible statement about ga~ t.llcnt. please Apnl 30. 1981 and John Willidms. the album was re photography All subm tted "''<>rks should send as many separate poec~ as you w1sh Crlllg [)ougla~s. manager of the River corded at The Secret Policeman\ 811//,the be on 1!.h1w paper With the authors or to The DGPC literary l'-\aga111'1C PO Box towne stoic 58)'$ 01SCovt•ry Records can 1979 Amnel>ty International Comedy Gala 11rl~t"s 'lame in small pnnt on the back. 35011. Dallas. Texas 75235 obtain T1w Sec rel Po/1ccnr,m s Ball The at Iler Ma;esty s Theatre, London, June Pictonal urt should be black and wh te only for more tnformauon. conta<'.t Bn Music (LP). the album d1•scrihed by I om 27-30. 1979. To have subrn1Ut•d work returned, a self Nelsonaq214) 7508041 (home)or(..?14) Robinson in his •11tcrv1cw m the Mdr< h addrc~scd, ~t;,m!'("d envelope mu>t be 748-0000 ("''Ork). lprl 1981 l I - 14 CONNECTIONS

... nowhere else but ... National Gay Rights mvestigallons because many of them have been involved In antl·gay actMties In the TEX'S COLORADO Bill Re·lntroduced past. Hill odrmts, however, that his feelings are acadcm1<: bc<:ause ·11iere is not a wed STREET BAR WASHINGTON, D.C. - With Far more of evidence to support them co-sponsors than at any compan:ible pomt Lee Harrington. president of the Houston in a Congressional seSSIOfl. Represen· Gay Pol tical Caucus and a member of the uves Ted Weiss(D-NY) and HemyWaxman task force. In relerrlnq to other polK:e (0-CA) have re-introduced the natiOnal related deaths. Including those of Randall bbian and gay cMI rights legislation In the Webster, Joe Campos Torres and Gary House of Representatives. According to the Wayne Stock. said. "It 1s lamentable that Gay Rights Nauonal Lobby, this Session"s again. m Houston, Texas. we have another bdl, HR. 1454, has a total of 34 m1uar SJtucslion (with the Houston Poli<:(" D<:-part· sponsors H.R. 1454 1s virtually identieal to ment) where no one can really know what the last Congress· H.R. 2074. happened. Although last Session's bill had 55 Ray Hill put the situation In stronger $ponsors et one point. only 49 returned to terms when he Sllid, '"Let'~ let people draw A FULL "TEEK OF Congrt!SS this y<:ar. The general dii>· their own conclusion that U1ey tHPD) orgnmzation accompanying the beginning murdered him (Parz) and not 11wiry with 1t" A rec;ent motion on l>ch<>ll of McCoy to EXCITEMENT! of o Congres!.1onal Ses~ion probably ac· counts for the fact that some of the former have the <:1ty In pol tJcal heat for their co-sponsorship thl' world. 11;ithout off setting pos1uve feedback from KUT is only one of the three publicly nay constituents. Among those who have owned radio st1111ons In Austin The other not yet signed on 1s long time sponsor Rep. two are KMFA and KAZI. KUT IS con l'icrma:i M1neta (D·CA) Mint'!a"s d1strl(t du~llng 11 fund raising drlvf! during J'.prtl If Includes San Jose. wtuch recently repealed you want to contnbute money to IL~ local gay rights ordinance by a margin of community-owned radio In Austin, why not 2 to I. give your money lo KMFA or KAZI. stations The only Texas Reprcsenli!tive to co· that ne<'d It' R1•m ..mher which station sponsor the bill is Mickey Leland cancelled Aus11n·s gay r.:idlo progrern. \Vednesday - 35¢ well drinks (DHouston) CONNEC'l IONS has le11rned that one of G<>y Rights National Lobby urges those the publicly owned radio sUitiuns In Austin committed to cMI rights for gay people to may Ix-gin rebrcwknsling A Different write the t'h1d sponsors to express Drummer, which WilS a 30 minute weekly apprecilltion. Cong Ted Weiss. 132 gay r11dlo program produced by Carr Cannon House Office Bu ld1ng. Wash· Strong and the Austin Gay Radio Collective Thursdav. - FREE beer 1ngton DC 20515. and Cong Henry In association with Gay Community WoxmAn 24 I 8 Rayburn House Office Services. The program wns 5llCkcd by KUT Building, Washington, D.C 20515. FM In the spring of 1980 after It ran for 13 Mam Guns Who1 weeks, despite enthu$11lstlc response from l~riday and Saturday Socnvn~to. C.6/omla) listeners. after hours till 4:00 am. Paez Killer Likely Gay Press Convention To Be Acquitted in Dallas

HOUSTON - Members of the Fred Paez The Gay Press Assoclouon (GPA) will Task Force told a March 22 community hold a national convention at the Melrose meeting they c:xpect an a<:Quittlll of the Hotel 1n Dallas MlJy 2-3, 1981 The group officer indicted m the June 28, 1980 was formed in New York City in January, shooting death of Gay Political Caucus 1981 secretary Fred Paez. More than I 00 member$ of the !JllY 'I thmk that we pretty much all agree that press. Including indlVlduals from other we expect lln ocquitllll, said Ray Hill o English speaking countries, ore expected member of the task force and personal to attend. 404 Colorado.Austin. 474-7003 friend of Paez. 'In terms of prosecutiOJWI The Dallas Gay Allianc-" muy sponsor a t.-vldence. these 1s none. ' cocktail rccepllon for the group• . . . nowhere else but ... Officer Kevin M. Mc<..oy was 1nd1cted by u Texas publicatlon~ plnnnln(l to parllc-1 Harris County grand jury In October, 1980, pate m the Dallos convention Include of negligent homicide. Mc.Coy had testified CONNCCTIONS. MFTRO 1IME.5 (Dallas TEX'S COLORADO that Paez had made sexual advances Fort Worth), and THIS WEIK IN TE:XAS toward him and that hl~ (Mc.Coy s)gun had (Hou~n) STREET BAR discharged when Paez had resisted arrest Some of U1c other members of the GPA The tllsk force was organized by the gay include THE;. ADVOCATE. IN TOOCH, lliE: rommun ty to investigate the case SENTI~~ GAV CO/\V>\UNfTY NEWS, Despite the lack of concrete evidence GAV LIFE CHICAGO end FlRST HAND 11gn nst Mc.Cay. Hill feels that lhefe had to One of the 11genda items 111 the Mey have been 11 prior consptracy by officer5 convention wlll be to set up 11 computerized who testified bst October in the grand jury gay pre$$ wire .ervlce. CONNECTIONS 15

Thursday May 21 7:00pm, CALENDAR Gay People Health Care free draft beer, meeting Call 453-0816 for Tex's Colorado CONNECTIONS calendar events Sunday April 26 8 :00pm, location Street Bar are pnnted tree of charge To have Senior Prom at The Hollywood, Tuesday May 26 7:30pm, Tuesday New Wave Night your event listed, call 474·1660, or West Theme: "A Night 304 4th. Austin Lesbian Gay Political Austin Country mall your information to 2401 Manor in Casablanca" Tickets $6 Caucus meeting Austin Euro-Disco (electronic Rd Apt 118, Austin TX 78722 Tuxedos or formal gowns urged Lambda disco) 85¢ dnnKs Deadline for submitting 11ems for the Fund· ra1s ng benefit for M CCA. Saturday May 30 1 Opm-2am, all night, Tex s May calendar 1s Aprtl 28 Tuesday April 28 7:30pm, free STD screening by Gay Colorado St Bar Austin Lesbian Gay Po t1ca People Health Care at Wednesday 7 :30pm, MCCA Caucus meeting, Austin APRIL 1981 Red River Crossing worship service Lambda 408 W 23rd 8:30pm, MCCA Christian Friday April 3 7-1 Opm , free MAY 1981 WEEKLY EVENTS Life Series STD screening by Gay People Free drinks and beer, Health Care at Austin Lambda Austin Country 35¢ drinks, Tex's Col Saturday April 4 VOTE 1n Austin Sunday 2p m, MCCA worship Friday May 1 4 :00-7:30pm, orado St Bar City Council election. ALGPC seMce, 408 W 23rd 17th annual Eeyore's Birthday Thursday 8-1 Opm, endorses the following. Bob 4- 8pm, Sunday Party, Pease Park. Rain date Austtn Lambda Binder, mayor; Mike Guerrero, social, Austin Country Monday, May 4 Sponsored by lesbian awareness place 1: Roger Duncan, place 2, Free beer. University Y. session Marcos Deleon. place 3; Rich 8pm, Dignity liturgy. Saturday May 2 1 Opm-2am, Free beer. Tex·s Colo· ard Goodman, place 4; John Call for free STD screening by Gay 477-6699 rado St Bar Trevino place 5, and Charles location. People Health Care at Club 1 Opm, Showt1me at Urdy, place 6 1 Opm, Trash and - Ba:hs Sunday April 1 2 Townw1de Aust n Country Sat urday May 2 - Sunday May Comedy with the Grease meeting of gay businesses and Friday 7:30pm, 3 · hird Annua Sixth Street Sisters, Austin Country organizations, UT Texas Union Aus ., ambda Spring Arts Festival, Old Pecan Monday 6 :30pm, Austin Thursday April 16 7 :00pm, game night Street Assoc1at1on Lambda meeting After hours till 4:00am, Gay People Health Care 8-1 Opm, Austin Gay Press Assoc1at1on national Tex·s Colorado St meeting Call 453-0816 for Lambda gay men's convention. Melrose Hotel Bar location. awareness session Dallas Saturday After hours till Saturday April 18 1 Opm- 1 Opm, lree beer New SaturdayMay16 10am-2am, 4 :00am, Tex s 2am, free STD screening by Gay free STD screening by Gay Apartment Lounge 1 Colorado St Bar Peop e Health Care at New People Health Care at Private 12 mldnight-2am, Apartment Lounge Cellar New Wave N 1ght, DIRECTORY CONNECflONS adve1ti~er• Austin organozations Bath tx<'CUllVl' He,1hh Club 7th crnd Congrl!SS 478-7220 Businesses /I Bil Cleant:!r 385·7096 Dans Oll1cc.) Equipment 2816 Nueces 474-6396 Discovery Records 2007·C I:'. River.ide 443-2232 D1stovery Records 4 ">21 West Gate Blvd 892-1389 Herr~/5 M!>rPtys 423 c 6th 474·6428 Ho1 Ltps 2815-A Fruth 416·'ll20 Pacific Sunrtsc 1712 S Congress 441-4565 St Charlr.s Gilt Shop JI6 I'. bth 47o·5598 Church

Mmopolttan CoMmur. ly Church of Austin P 0 Bo-: 18581 Aust n Texas 70745 4i7-7747

Clubs The Au5t n Counuy 705 Red R1ve1 478-6806 The N(•v. Apartment I oungc 2828 Rio Grande 4 78-0224 'lcx's Colori.do Str<'et B1ir 404 Color.ido 474-7003 Organilatlons Austin Lambda AA Center 1403 E 6th 472-0336 Austin 1.ambdd 60.l W 12th 478-8653 A11~t111 l.esbl

Professionals Douglas Behrend!, <•llorney 111 W Anderson Ln Suite 207

458-9118, 44.3-2461 Patrt<.k 8 rookH Michael M·•ncfee PhD. psychologtst 2813 Rio Grande 476-5419 16 CONNECTIONS CLASSIFIED C NNECT 0 s

CON"iE:.CTIONS reaches a special aud ence tNt other Libertarian meeting to plan Tax Protest. Wednesday Apnl 8. Austin publ cations don l We II assign a blind box number to 7-00 p.m. at Pacific Sunnse Pubhc. welcome advert sers who Y.1sh to rema n anonymoul>. Classified deadline IS the twenty second ol each month. Classified rate is I~ per Apartment to share in North Austin. $100 month Coll 926 word - m n mum one dollar Our 111flat1on·fighting Super 3310. Classified gives you a busmess·card stzed dtSplay ad for only $5 Call 474 1660 for details.

""' ye .,fled ads lo CONNECTIONS 240 l Manor Road. Apt. 1 18 Austin, Texas 78722

ART DECO CARDS 2815 A Fruth Name P'1one Austin. T~xas 78705 Address r '"and R. City State Zop 5 12-476·5120

Pacific Sunrise (Anarchodillo): MARIJOANA pipes Ku !'I Fu sh(l('s, woks l"latural soaps and shampoos 'SC en.;.e r t1on l ~ertanan books C.h nese 9111se11Q produ<.ts I /I 2 So1<~ Conqress. 441 4565

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l'\D \ID \LAM> RI \ '°" HIP ( Ol !\ ... 11\i(

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AU!oolJtl San Amonio 7lh & Congress 723 A\c. "B" CONNECTI NS 478 7220 225-8807 TWELVE rONTHLY ;ssuEs .. - ONLY $ 8 Special OIFer! C0 N~ EC T I 0 ~ S r /i Sove up to 33% and receive one issue FREE with any IN TOUCH subscription! Tissues S13 OO(a $21.00 value)' 13 issues S24 OO(a S39 00 value/' ADDRESS 19 Issues S36 00 (a SS 1 00 •Blue}' LIP Sample copy ol current 1ssu11 $3 00 Cl Y STA E • Pr ces quoted include your lree e.tlU11nue You must send this coupan to 111c11.v11eitra1uu• Send your name. address and U S currency US check or U S moner ordt'Jf to I IN TOUCH FOR MEN 13 1316 N Western Avenue. Hollywood CA 90017 UBSCRIB •