4Cosa May Not Go to Minneapolisban Johnson Binally Sells Indians 4
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"V 'WPhfi t . ' l 'a7"'' rw S 10 THE WASHINGTON TIMES; tVJBDNESDAYi KEBRKART 16; $fa aft r -- Jg-- : f- rrra a.'rj1. ',jt. r rrt1 T"'i" ' ' T t .ai.. uy - 4. SK"1 May Not Go to MinneapolisBan Johnson Binally Sells Indians v- ' 4cosa , . 1 '- 1 - - --J mmt - ;, TO0HNAMBNT STATISTICS WILLARD IS RESTING, F RANK BAKER SIGNS MINCE PIE "LlfTLB OP EVERYTHING" AT CHICAGO HtilE WITH YANKS' CLUB St "BUGS" BAEft. Mr demon T, WMODLFw MHpSBBsASC "Let the Promoters Do the josn NiugS" cV-- voogh ue Connie Mack's Famous Slugger or zZbDFQW yW j Worrying' Says Champion r ' WIH Toil for Three Years in Jim "Most teams m will ge South of Ring. h fft Diffoite Aotion Has tten New York. twkc. Oaee isi the spring and r in of Sending "'Jaken Case ence 1m the league CHICAGO, Feb. 16. Champion Jtsa NEW YORK, Feb. ls.-"- Now let the Him to standing?' Wlllard was taking things easy out Minneapolis, bell rlnlr. The Yankees aro ready. They at his home in Rogers' Park today. will havo the famous Frank Baker while Tom. Jones, Tex Rlckard, and guarding third base, with little 'Frits the rest of tne promoters or nia Malsel running 'Wild la tho garden. March 3 bout with Frank Moran did ASKS WAIVERS ON .SEVERAL "Smiling" 'Bill Donovan ts most cheer Tad Jones will endeavor to prevent Yale fuming fretting, Wlllard, players from earning an IL the and Zk &MA.IU ful over the outlook, for he believes having decidedly positively and abso- At ' m x WOrn ,at Ptali viJTroi: DStsrs that with Baker third base. New Just as fast aa sporting experts. un- lutely that h$ will not fight Moran York may win the 1818 American League scramble sports, Idte in March, when his cold is Indtoattop Point to csxcLUNeux rx vwxxO pennant. Arthur Pelky scrambles until Brept f , muse. 'am again. In the fifth round of his cured and h'e feels ,as chipper as a t(m-- x&i,ssa,9 Just what was paid for Baker has yet flghtfwlUi chicken, let the promoters go ahead Big Supply of Outfielders : Carl Morris. Arthur hung up ? to bo announced, but it is thought to new figures for the plunge for distance. and worry today., HtHSsT '? be close to tXMi. Baker has Signed a "Mr. Wlllard is In bed, and will be In Spring. threo-ye- ar VRtporting contract to ptay with the They cured Mr. Reward's tore throat there .until often 10 o'clock.' Jt was isSBBBBaSMSak7SsSBX If fs X Yankees, but his salary has not been th Chicago by applying the salve to said at Jess' home. "No. he won't do UMllMCHT "-2- 'Mm Johnston Refuses given out Mr. Jonef ear New York. any training .today," aeusy The Yankoes base their hopes of a Tom Jones was due In Chicago to- To pennant on added hitting strength. With Facts Nat Worth Knowing. day to tako a slant at the champion. , Join Dodgers Plpp, Manager Griffith can. mako big league Anxious ..:. cs-r- . Gedcon, or Bauman and 'Baker In New York yesterday Tom indicated Mails Not wlwa - In Infield, Roger Pscklnpaugh'a light careers easier for his young pitchers peeved " .z the ho was considerably becausp - taking To Play lnx Brooklyn Coast Outfielder Claims Ebbets stlckwork won't bo so noticeable. Leo by some of the resilience out of Jess had announced he wanted a twp TBs&vF- Magee and Frits Malsel are sure of out- the official league baseball and putting weeks' postponement of the fight 16-Wa- It Into the bench. Wlllard himself. Mrs. Wlllard. and IfORK, Uer wm?s. Has Declined to, Assume field berths, and their bitting should HEW ft. tho champion's entire string of train- left-han- prove JWalte, the young d of great assistance to tho team. sparring partners were ready His Fed, Contract. semi-pr-o Will the public support a loser? ers nnd f pitcher, of the Brooklyn team, Baker played with a team to tell Jones today that Jssa' cold is raay Hot play with the Eoblnfl CHATTANOOOA, Tenn., Feb. ll-J- Im last season, and hard work on his farm That question 'will be answered by too severe to permit any training un- some mv .Tnhmtnn. thn fnrtnnr Oakland Pa. at La, Trappe. Md, DoVotvanrsaysleIther end f th 60'000 Tho til nex: week at tho earliest this year. Mails has re--1 good condition, P1""80' against play- - clflo Coast League outfielder, who twaw ipuhlic ;kind of a. grudge aides hero In the winter, has refused that he expects his slugging third sack- - will support the loser for life. t jng on the Atlantic coast, an to report to the Brooklyn Nationals, er to be In the beat of shape by the S.A.A.A.U.toHold - Fed-eral- tune uie season opens. has asked Harry Wolverton, who bought him flow the Newark s. The Sam Tournament. f taanagcr of the Seattle team, Sam Longford and Bam McVey will to secure his release from Eb-- Shortly after the Coast League season collaborate some more this week .to de- OutdoorMeeiinMay bets. closed Johnston signed with the Fed- Philadelphia Loses cide the Sam championship. It will be erate After peace was signed President an elimination contest, the winner of Javelin Throwing and Hqp, Sjejj' win aul Charles IL Ebbets bought his reloasa Army-Nav-y Game the bout earning the right to meet the ',;B LOUIS A. D0UC5HER. PjMS from Harry F. Sinclair, the former loser, In the' hear future.1 "The-lose- r of and Jump Will Bo Trr Newark owner. claims second hive decided on (ending Acosta VUOUL.O Johnston that the ' bout and the winner of s "Z not Ebbets haa declined to assume tho con New will mingle to decide Included. LOOK lr Signed League. York Again To Be Scene of the first when to Minneapolis." U Clark OriffUh'a c u ' tract he with the Fcdoral the winner of the scrap will years v JwTlasir JfUTi COLteo itrro Annual Struggle Between 'second For the first time In three there of the report from the Flour ome - meet the loser of the. second engage- wlfl bo an outdoor track and field meet Ofcr .today the wee Chilian had Bender Signs Contract ment It ls the consensus of opinion A. A-- In'May. that - Services. for'the South Atlantic U. been1 turned over to Joe CanIIlon'a &ZM& f&vfc& rcfcR.er has- t among fight experts that Sam will 'bo Tho board M governors met last. night in -- With Philadelphia Club NEW YORK. Feb. tham feels May 3) aa Millers. i MPED TOAfr THE PlHS US6D IM eliminated from the tournament Baltimore and .selected tae -- that It has fallen heir to another snort- date, and Uomowood Field, the fine ath- aiked waivers on several MONSTER TXfat1AMEKT VWLL. 16.-J- ust to "I have for re .BO0 PHILADELPHIA, Feb. ing classic. It having been awarded the Althouah Frann Jotet ha taoited'the letic homo of Johns Hopkins University, plarera. and Acoata is one of Uiexn. I WCTGrH VOQ OOO HTJNU' maka It binding and legal within law Army-Nav- y football game next faU price on Qabricto d'A.nnunxto' head to as' the place. '" ' Albert having hold-ov- t. , have prfembed Minneapolis an and league standing, Charles after successfully staged that 14.009,000. Qabe U',tm a . In addition to tho regular events al- Rondeau, but I haven't Bender stuck his John Hancock to a bit event last reason. Dr. J. William i ways scheduled at an outdoor meet. of Phil parchment yesterday and In- White, chairman of the University of Another conflicting date haa been add throwing hop. step and decided 'jret Juat who It will be. It may squad arrives, as the Old Fox merely New1 Jer- Javelin and the pitching ARDMORE WILL NOT stantly became a member of a National Pennsylvania commlttoo on the Army ed to baseball's burden. The Jump scheduled' for this bo Acoata. It may 'be some one else. wants them to unllmber their Navy game, championships will be decided have been and wings so aa to be ready for the short 22 BOUT League club for the flrat time, In his and football has made sey canoe South' .Atlantic" gathering. plenty of tlmo to decide." practice games that will be played STAGE FEB. baseball life. There was no hesitancy the announcement that New York will on Juiy Kin. , ,, rfeough I've year, tvt thecntry blanks will, not Unless radical changes ara made. later. or squabbling over terms between the get the big gridiron contest this for several weeks. It, Is certain y Manager Griffith will liave a horde of -- 4 Manager Jimmy LaFontaine Makes chief and tho club, for he and Moran unless Philadelphia can provide a scene Reports from Yale say that tho that Catholic University. Georgetown, J5eb Ray Morgan, who has some weight to had reached an understanding on the for the event which will seat at least keep- and tho: Maryland Aggies will have ath- outfielders at Charlottesville woek 50.000 Blue will not loso Black, thus h: remove, probably accompany the. to That Effect. financial subject last and all that 'spectators. letes In .tho various ovents. Mllan.'-En- Milan., 'Charlie Jarolaon. will Announcement agreement bind- first squad to camp. Morgan, knowing remained to make the The move to again award this game ing tho Yale spectrum 'intact. Tho board' of .governors also .chose' Turner Barber. Heilrl Rondeau. Dan ing was for Bender to sign a club con- to New York was decided on St a con- March 18 for tho InterscholasUc swim- Jim Parka and his last chance Is before him.