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Nor' by East, Oct 1962

Casco Bay Island Development Association

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ADM. MacMILLAN TO ISLANDS TOWN MEETING SLATED VISIT BAY A Town Meeting for all the Portland they will indicate that they cannot be owned islands will be held in the school present for the meeting, and enclose auditorium on October 29 their winter address. Improvement sug­ at 7:30 p.m. gestions are. also welcome. City Manager Graham H. ·watt and Such matters as fire and police pro­ the City Council will b e on hand to tection, street improvements, health af­ establish a person-to-person-contact with fairs, parks and recreation, schools, island residents in an unprecedented sewers, and planning programs are sub­ step to aid island maintenance and jects expected to arise. planning programs. In 1950 a series of Town H all meet­ Donald M. Gardner, Portland attor­ ings were held in Portland but none at n ey, a summer resident of Little Dia­ that time were conducted on the islands. mond Island will be moderator. Therefore this meeting is a trial of ways An inter-island boat trip will be ar­ and means, to test the effectiveness of Rear Admiral Donald B. MacMillan ranged by CBL for a minimum guaran­ this type of d irect ci_tizen participation tee of fifteen persons from ead1 island. iR city affairs. Much depends on the Rear Admiral Donald B. MacMillan, The fare is ninety cents round trip. Paul success of this meeting. All property­ the only living member of ·Peary's North Macvane on Cliff and Lawrence Stevens owners and residents are cordially in­ Pole Expedition, famed explorer and on Long will be in charge of arrange­ vited to attend. lecturer, will visit Casco Bay on Novem­ men ts for attendance from these islands. Says Mana·ger ·watt, "The island ber 7 and 8. Nearing his 88th birthday, This is an excellent opportunity to T own Meeting offers much opportunity the veteran arctic expert is still lecturing take part in island affairs in a construc­ for each of the islands to meet the offi­ in his always crisp and colorful style. tive and helpful manner. By this move cials responsible for the conduct of city His life story, Arctic Odyssey, pub­ the City Council is showing an active affairs and to learn more of its opera­ lished in September, written by Everett desire to h elp the islands in the many tions, accomplishments and plans for Allen of New Bedford is fast becoming a ways necessary to growth and develop­ the future. The Town Meeting offers best-seller. Copies of the book will be ment. promise in that it is another step for­ available to island residents, and the Questions are welcomed in advance ward in the consideration of the future MacMillans have offered proceeds of the so that the meetina can be effectively development of the islands. If, at the book for benefit of island development. organized. Thp this paper may sloe of the meeting we have a clearer An Open Assembly will be held in be mailed d: o t't ~nd City Hall, understanding of each of our roles in the the Peaks Island School on Nov. 7 at Attention, 1 building of a ·better island community, l :30 p.m. The student body will· attend Out-of-sta..'------_ owners will re- then a m~or purpose of the meeting will and residents are welcome. It is ex­ 1 ceive mailed repnes to their questions if have been achieveo." pected that the Auditorium will be filled. Principal Leroy H. Ahlquist will preside. Admiral and Mrs. M acMillan will be MacMillan wi}l be presented by the ISLAND RESIDENTS the house guests of the John Chapmans PTA at a public illustrated lecture at Year Round-Seasonal who will hold an open house reception 8:00 p.m. Proceeds will help the PTA H ave you any questions which you from 4 to 6 p.m. on Nov. 7. youth recreational activities. would like answered or discussed at the Island Town Meeting on October 29? Questions may be on problems related to your particular island or on our islands in gen~. :The Town Meeting can be of greatest alue only if there is a good supplr,or houghtful, construc­ tive questions. Mail to Nor' by East, Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine Name ...... Island ...... Present address ......

Tc lstar or no, Telephone service man Richard Hooper still shoulder-totes equipment to the Is lands! PAGE2 NOR' BY EAST OCTOBER, 1962

"Nor' By East" GEMS FROM MANAGER WATT Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine Taking as his theme "The Jewels in "Island residents, representing many Published by Island Development Associa­ Portland's Crown" City Manager Gra­ of the United States, are bound together tion for residents and visitors of Casco Bay ham W. Watt, has established an atmos­ by their love of this unspoiled, relatively Islands. A non-profit publication support~ by ad~crtisers and members of the Associa­ phere of helpful appreciation for the undeveloped part of southern Maine tion. All work except printing donated by Casco Bay Islands. His keynote address which comprises one-fifth of the land members. at the dedication ceremonies on Long area of the City of Portland. T his issue edited by Mrs. Julia W. Island, August 19 contained many high­ "This broad geographic represen~a­ Chapman. Guest editor for January will lights worthy of repetition. The follow­ tion provides us with a great opportunity be John Mulkern of Munjoy Hill - and ing arc directly quoted: for Portland to maintain a vital rela­ . tionship with a large part of our country. N EW YORK COUPLE WINS "We are challenged to unearth our Editorial ... TREASURE CHEST rich resources and to make of them other AN OPPORTUNITY Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ruppe of resources for the benefit of all. In the coming Town Meeting the resi­ Elmhurst, New York were th e lucky "Together, in cooperative effort, you dents of the Portland-owned islands have winners of the Retail Trade Board's and your City government can do more an unprecedented opp0rtunity to estab­ treasure chest featured during Open than merely talk about the "great poten­ lish a progressive relationship with our House Day. The custom made chest con­ tial" of the Casco Bay Islands . It is city government. taining over $100 worth of gifts from time now that we roll up our sleeves Portland merchants was delivered in New City leaders are showing a willingness and work together to develop those tal­ to meet the islands half way, on home York. I n a letter of response Ruppe said: ents which will bring about a gradual territory. It is likely that the councilors "Actually this is the first time we ever improvement in the economic health are coming with the hope that their won anything. W e wish again to thank and residential attractiveness of the is­ time will not be wasted in pettiness, or all the kind people of Peaks Island who lands . We must. be willing to con­ in the airing of subjects outside their made our visit so very pleasant We sider and experiment with new and pro­ jurisdiction, or in the abuse of the open find ourselves looking forward to our gressive ideas. floor for purposes of antagonisms. vacation next year, when we will once again visi~ your vcl State of Maine." "If the islands are to progress, they This is the time to show that we , must attract the attention and the in­ "islanders" can be responsible, intelli­ vestment of more people. People need to ien t, and helpful in our requests for know more about the islands in order unprovements, our need for iofonnation, to be attracted. Given the proper atmos­ and our thoughtfulness in suggesting phere it is my opinion that private en­ ways in which we may help them to help terprise will accomplish the most im­ us. provement and do it faster, bringing A golden opportunity lies before us - about the realization of our dreams. not only in a one-time £ace-to-face public "A single major new development on meeting with our City Fathers, bu t in any one of the Casco Bay Islands, the hope that this will give birth to a whether it be a new hotel, a modern new era of regular, orderly dealings marina, an airport for helicopter travel, which can improve the momentum so LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: a cotta!:?e development, a summer camp greatly needed in the improvement and for children, or construction of new, development of our beautiful islands. "This is just a short note to let you know how much we really enjoyed our perhaps prefabricated houses, would Let us face this open door policy with give the Casco Bay Islands a much an attitude of good will and good visit to the Island . This was my first manners. trip to the Islands in about 20 years but needed shot in the arm. Such invest­ I will assure you that it will not be ments must be actively solicited both by twenty years before I visit it again. My island citizens and by our cities and LAST FREE ISSUE wife also wants to thank you and the State government." For four years there have been fre­ lovely people who were so nice to the "The City has a recognized responsi­ quent mailings of Nor' by East to non­ "strangers" who visited your homes bility to help as much as possible to im­ resident property owners. We are en­ Mr. and Mrs. John J. King prove the standards of maintenance of closing here a brief financial statement and fa mily public facilities and to upgrade existing covering the past three issues and show­ 104 Capisic Street structures thereby helping to encourage ing why we must find new sources of Portland, Maine private investment . . The policy if revenue if we are to continue publica­ Nor' by East the City of Portland points in that direc­ tion. One source must be by subscrip­ "We have thoroughly enjoyed the tion." tion. This, therefore will be the last free issues you have sent gratis and it is only copy we can mail. fa ir that if enjoyed we should share in the cost. "The Islands need something to hold PEAKS ISLAND TAXI them together. You can be a big help Prompt Service Good luck to you." PO 6-2777 ~ SUBSCRIPTION FORM Mrs. Leslie M. Parker If you would like to receive a Belmont, Mass. mailed copy of each issue of "Nor' APPRECIATION CORNER By East'' throughout the year, at the UN-BALANCE SHEET The Island Development Association yearly subscription price of $2.00, Expenses of printing and postage tor please fill out the form printed below is deeply grateful to the Department of the last three issues of Nor' by East were Economic Development, the Greater and return to Box 66, Peaks Island, $831.03. Maine. Portland Chamber of Commerce, the Income from ads and subscriptions Retail Trade Board, and the City of Name: ...... was. $4,83.28. Portland, for all-out cooperation and Address: Deficit paid from IDA treasury (ch iefly concrete assistance in the first annual Summer: ...... membership dues) was $347.75. Open House Day on the Casco Bay Obviously: More financing needed. Islands. Winter: :_!?i? , I~A _a n~ h~lp the cause. $3.00 Our thanks also to the Portland news ...... ,, .. ,,, ...... , , ...... , ...... OCTOBER, 1962 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 3

AROUND THE BAY RETIRED ISLAND TEACHERS - by Eunice Pikuzinski BACK FROM THE FARM! Like the u nknown wag, who re­ From there we went to visit the new marked to the tourist, "Oh yes, in these house being built by Mr. Robert Belknap parts we have two seasons, winter and on the outmost point of . the tourist season," this reporter has Mr. Belknap is a Prof. of Russian at taken advantage of the fine weather and Columbia University and doing a the availability of private transportation wonderful job of construction in an un­ to visit around the bay, more in keeping surpassed spot. T he modern gas lighting with the heading of this column. fix tures are certainly an inspiration for It gives one a peculiar feeling to go those camp and cottage owners living at back ancl visit people and places one a distance from power supplies. knew as a child. The strongest impres­ The one thing that particularly im­ sion that has not changed with advanc­ pressed me coming to live in Casco Bay ing age is put very simply, "how beauti­ after living in several other places in ful" are the islands of the bay and the New England is the fact that most people seem genuinely interested in ocean upon which they rest. Virginia Bracket Beatrice Thompson With much pleasure I look back to my what is loosely termed "progress" but first visit to Cliff Island and the hospi­ with a unique and individual touch; Those who come to the Islands for tality accorded me. To use the vernacu­ maybe the "modern Yankee touch": summer might sometimes wonder what lar of the Space Age, it may be "way economic services, we hope will continue islanders do for a ch ange or vacation. out," but that fact only serves to en­ to grow, especially the essential water­ Well two of them - retired and very hance its' charm. T he lobster dinner put borne transportation so necessary in the beloved schoolteachers on Peaks - take on by the Mother's Club and the Cliff Bay, yet without the exploitation oLthe off for their farm..in PQwnel. "Island Association h as been unequaled individual or group and in its' essence This year there'll be no fall deadlines and it was a further pleasure to meet to preserve the natural beauty and or school bells for the Misses Virginia Nor' By Easts' Cliff Island correspon· pleasant manner of living minus the dis­ Brackett and Beatrice Thompson, for dent, Mrs. Priscilla O'Reilly. enchan tment of over-commercialization in J une Virginia joined her lifelong In an extended tour of the island "by that has blighted many beau tiful spots friend, Beatrice, in retirement. The foot and by jeep" in order to photo­ in New England. T here is a great deal of latter retired last year. graph the telephone crew at work and merit in the suggestion' that perhaps Both h ave served the island school various new houses recently built, there what is- called the Yankee personality with distinction for many years. Both was the opportunity to talk with many and occasionally the "New England con­ have contributed greatly to the h igh people. The new home built by Mr. and science" is particu larly suited to do just qu ality of the school and have nurtured Mrs. J ames Seymour has a kitchen to this. fourLh and fifth graders for these decades. make any woman envious. T hey h ave good reason to feel that A visit to Fisherman's Wharf marina HALF-WAY ROCK LIGHT their teaching and their community and a description of services from Mr. service h ave been warmly appreciated - Far off the rocky coast of Maine, for on both retirements there was stand­ R. Mason Spring was very interesting. T o A migh ty ledge juts from the sea, rescue one of New England's well-known ing room only at huge island parties. And on it stands a tower white, H appy summer farming was enjoyed weather forecasters whose pleasure boat A beacon light for you and me. ran out of gas, may be all in a clay's by Virginia and Bea, and they're wel­ work, but is certainly not run-of-the­ At dusk when day gives way to night, come home to the island - for the mill. Hope it means a light winter, what It guards the stately ships at sea, winter! with all the new-fangled weather­ And starlike shines that faithful light, A light of hope for you and me. machines in the making. Steadfast, immovable, serene, It sends its greeting far, RICHARD P. WALTZ By all who watch and wait it's seen, PLUMBING T hat little guiding star. 536 Washington Avenue When fogs descend, or storms obscure, Portland SP 2-2801 THE HARRIS COMPANY The siren booms its mighty roar, MARINE AND Calling a message safe and sure, "I am on watch forever more." INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES Sounding a warning note To many a listening ear, 188 Commercial Str-eet "Take heed, oh Mariner, take heed, CASCO BAY Beware, the rocks arc near." Portland, Maine By night or day, in storm or clear, LINES That guardian light shines bravely forth, Tel.: 775-5601 Regular Passenger Service Or roars its message o( good cheer, PEAKS "All's well, fear not, for I am here." LONG (In Memoriam) CHEBEAGUE Herma Rupe Smith CLIFF DEPENDABLE Gt. and Little Diamond on Call ELECTRIC SERVICE Fa ll Schedule Now In Operation. At your command 24 hours a day ~ 13 Trips Daily to Peaks SAVINGS AN D LoAN ASSOCIATION 4 Trips " Down the Bay" CASCO BAY (No Car Ferry on Wednesdays and Sundays) LIGHT & POWER .. Wher~ T lto11S(l 11ds S

As Island Art Came To City Hal I

Paintings in photo at top, left, include entries by Roy Randall, seascape; M ildred Trueworthy, (center, old ladies); Chester Pittingill, flowers; and Betty Callan, water color. Also shown are paintings of the Old Swamscott and the Steamer Portland. Center, left, Chinese Junk by Eli Ross; lower, rocky coast by Roy R andall. Top, right, carved birds by Shirley Burgess; boat and lighthouse by Barbara Ritchie, shown by her mother Mrs. Charles M. R itchie, exhibit chairman; Fisherman, by Roy R andall; and hostesses, Kar en M. Cushing, Miss H ouse Island; J an A. Sullivan, Miss Peaks Island and Grace A. Kraul, Miss Long Island. (The exhibit was sponsored bv IDA at the invitation of City Mana­ ger \,Vatt, in advance of Open H ouse Day). Photos b y Harry Ward from original paintings. OCTOBER, 1962 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 5 Aiding Development In Casco Bay 19

Leaders in Casco Bay Development activities are Robert Elliott, top left, director of recreation promotion, Depart­ ment of Economic Development (changing his film at Chebeague Island) and, lower, left, City l\fanager Graham H . -watt at Peaks Island. T op right, Winthrop K. Deane, president of IDA, presenting an appreciation scroll to Senator Robert L. Porteous, Jr., who represented Governor Recd on Open H ouse Day. (2) Manager , vau cuts ribbon at Long Island for symbolic dedication of new state-owned ·wharves. Looking on are Lester M. , ,V illis, vice-president, Chamber of Commerce, Miss Long Island and Senator Porteous. (3) Eugene \ Vilkins, manager of Station \VGA caught by cam­ eraman Dewey Dow as he visi ted the hist0ric 5th ivfaine R egiment Center at Peaks, greeted by Mrs. Charles i\f. Ritchie. (4) Mrs. Albert Balcom, proprietor of Fisher Lodge, on Peaks Island, as she prepared to greet 75 visiting Gr:rngers in her newly enlarged harbor view dining room - this season ·s development progress. (5) Genial and informative com­ mentator on Casco Bay cruises is captain of the newly remodeled Nellie C. 111 , Walter Swett. Open House Day progr;nn was on August 19th by City Proclamation. Photos by D.E.D.; Chamber of Commerce; and Sargent. PAGE6 NOR' BY EAST OCTOBER, 1962

FEENEY'S MARKET OUR VERSA TILE FIRE BOATl FOR SALE Five bedroom year round home Seashore Ave, Peaks Island by Louise Dunham Island Ave., Peaks Island Groceries - Meats - Fish Come wind and rain, hail and flood, lots of Extras - Plenty land Extra Good Condition Only $13,000. Fruits - Vegetables sudden severe illness, and, of course, fire, Open Year-Round and the Portland fireboat - you'll find Thomas R. Lynch - PO 6-2065 Deliveries PO 6-9701 is right on the job at any hour of the day or night. A very versatile craft - this fireboat. AMERICAN ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CORP. In the past fifteen years I recall three THE SEASIDE SHOP DOORS AND WINDOWS fl) occasions of fires on Peaks Island - fires Terms just too big for the island firemen ~:,Say ";1a:~~:i~t;t~-:s !~f~ 11 ~D· ) Frank H. Finnerty - P·eaks Island year. ~ ~} (mostly volunteers) to cope with. PO 6-4495 10% discount on all pur- One fire started near Greenwood chases Oct. 10 - Dec. 10th. Garden in the early spring from a rub­ With every dollar paid weekly you w ill bish fire. I t was a windy day, and the fire receive a lucky number. spread rapidly. Roofs caught on fire MANY THANKS! Join the fun. You may be a lucky winner from blazing sparks. Although frighten­ of a $5.00 bill. ing at times, it was finally brought u nder FISHER LODGE Phyllis Varney, Peaks Island control by the fireboat. Peaks Island PO 6-2066 Another was a fire on the Military Base after the war. T h is fire got a big start See you next season for that good because no op.e lived there. I t was Yankee cooking again. As before, Compliments of noticed from Cape Elizabeth and re­ rooms and meals. Dinners by ported to the Port1and Fire Dep artment. appointment. BENNETT'S VARIETY STORE A few houses burned, but mostly it was Caro and Al Balcom Firehouse Road, Chebeague Island woodland, and .the few buildings left on the Base. You could see this fire from VI 6-4238 the high buildings in Portland. I just couldn't look. The fireboat fi nally got it CHEBEAGUE ISLAND under control. THE COFFEE CU Boat Service T he th ird fire was in the summer and RESTAURANT Boats Hauled and Repaired close to our cottage - just two houses Peaks Island Engines Insta lled beyond. T he Oceanic Ho use - a small Planning expansion this win- hotel, was on fire. ter. New annex will house ALDEN BREWER VI 6-4041 My sister awakened me about three all new modern kitchen equipment. Complete line of o'clock in the morning. T h e fire looked seafoods, plus regular full-course dinners. terrific - a great mass of flame that Dining room overlooking beautiful might easily spread in several directions. Casco Bay. T here were houses on every side. Frank Kiley, Proprietor T he Peaks Island Fire Departmen t was trying to cope with it. I thought our PO 6-97 13 cottage was going; the fire seemed so close. Two women couldn't save much. I suggested that we put a few things in a small trunk and wheel it away to safety Curran Electric in our wheelbarrow. Well, the fi reboat came. The tide Supply Co. ISLAND VIEW HOUSE, Chebeague Season, May 30 to September 30 turned, but it was six o'clock - three 399 Fore Street, Cor. Exchange hours later before we were sure we Write for Brochure - Tel. VI 6-4059 would be saved. Electric Supplies, Fixtures My sister suggested that I make some and Appliances coffee and sandwiches for the tired fire­ THE ISLAND MARKET SALES and SERVICE CHEBEAGUE ISLAND men. I did as d id several others. T he Full line of groceries and meats. men were grateful. SP 2-5424 De livery service. Open 7 days a week. Now the unusual function of the fire­ VI 6-9997 boat is to take severely ill people to Portland to the hospital. A jeep is main­ tained which will take ill people to the DR. GEORGE S. MAGURES SH ERMAN R. JOHN SON boat. Quite a service on our island where OPTOMETRIST there is no resident doctor! It has often 13 1 Ocean St., So. Portland - SP 9-2453 CHEBEAGUE VI 6-5258 been reported that we can get to the At Peaks Wed. 9-12 noon Central Ave. (the late Dr. Bryant's office) Wei pumps - Sales GIid Service hospital quicker than we can get a For appointment - Mrs. A. J. Pierce, PO doctor on the mainland! 6-4448. Also house calls. fOf' lwlls & DemillCJ The fireboat may not have the artistic appeal of the huge oil tankers and destroyers which visit our port or have "There's no business like Theodore's Lobster House show business" the agility of the tugs or the beauty of 123 Commercial Street Compliments of some of the yachts that visit us during Portland SP 4-7783 the summer, but we just could not do Mrs. Pauline Fielding Stephens without her. She gives us security for all PEAKS ISLAND Try our Lobster Rolls! kinds of emergencies. BOWLING NIGHTS MONDAY - TUESDAY - THURSDAY WILBUR F. BLA KE INC. FRIDAY - SATURDAY T.V. RENTALS Plumbing and Heating Good time for all! 9 Forest Avenue Portland GLENN HAINES Peaks Island Bowling Alley SP 5-3185 Peaks Island - PO 6-2082 OCTOBER, 1962 NO R' BY EAST PAGE 7

TREFETHEN-EVERGREEN FOR SALE L. A. LAROCHELLE, INC. IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION'S Seven room year round home MEN'S WEAR SHOES Pleasant Ave., Peaks Island 50TH: 1912-1962 Completely Furnished - Good Condition 204 Commercial Street, by Robert F. Skillings Nice View - Price only $6900. Portland, Me. The August 4 Annual Fair of the Thomas R. Lynch - PO 6-2065 T refethen-Evergreen Improvement Asso­ ciation at Peaks was used as a spring­ PORTLAND FRUIT COMPANY board for observance of its Golden SUMMER THEATRE - WANTED! John Hussey Fiftieth Anniversary. Perhaps Peaks Island can again take its Among the "Golden Peaks Islanders" 185 Commercial Street, place as a locale of summer theater specially honored at the Fair supper Portland, Me. along with Ogunquit, Kennebunk, Lake­ were three charter members: Miss wood, Brunswick, and Boothbay H arbor. Jessie B. Trefethen (who cut the birth­ day cake), Miss Florence Alexander, and Portlanders and summer residents of Peaks Island would welcome the return Fish - Clams - Lobsters Arthur W. Libby. Others were Mrs. Norman Black, Mrs. Herman C. Little­ of a summer theater. We have a building R. D. HAMILTON john, Miss Kitty Grant, Mrs. Pauline in Greenwood Garden. We have a big Fielding Stevens, Miss Blanche Randall, summer audience who would enjoy see­ & Walter S. Winfield, and Alonzo Foss. ing plays. Can't we interest somebody? co. Miss Peaks Island of 1962 (Jan Sulli- 9 Custom House Wharf van) served as junior hostess at the guest table, and Robert F. Skillings intro- HATS OFF TO Port land duced the guests. KATHERINE STEWART SP 2-0251 On Sept. 17, 1912, the Misses Mary m , p•-=ro::c,p=-:::r 1:-=e.:to::-:r=----+---:a::-::n=-- ~-r!a'=e -navies en er aine - lt>t--Gt'.---WG~G-a-Of-i.g-h- pi~G€--O islanders at their ocean-front home and accomplishment is represented in the proposed forming "an improvement attractively produced story of "Peaks association for the promotion of the wel­ Island As It Was" - a memory tour of this island in its heyday. Mrs. Stewart, ISLAND MARKET fare of all sections of Peaks Island." Among the officers elected at this meet­ who grew up here, speaks from experi­ Peaks Island Down Front ing were Simeon A. Skillings, president, ence and the authenticity of her talk­ along is impressive. Almost sold out on O pen daily. SUNDAY 10 A.M. to Miss Mary G. Davies, vice president, and F. N. Calderwood, chairman of finance its first publication, a few copies are still 3 P.M. Delivery. PO 6-2 733 committee. available at $ I :50. Address her directly In 1913 the hall over Webber's Store if you wish one. was hired, and committees set to work Meanwhile. she's busy compiling a his­ WEBBER'S STORE on such projects as street sprinkling, tory of the Fifth Maine Regiment to be Trefethen, Peaks Isl.and control of browntail moths, obtaining on hand for visitors at the historic Fifth EVERYTHING IN FOODS the Post Office sub-station (Trefethen), Maine Community Center. Mrs. Stewart Deliveries PO 6-2902 fire alarm, and, of course, boat service. does our island good. Sunday vesper services were begun, and have continued to date. Tennis court leadership and instruc­ Some of the highlights in the Associ.._ tion has been furnished for years by tion's useful career have been bringing Perrine G. RockafellO\.;, member of a Compliments of Sebago Lake water to Peaks in 1920, pur­ former National Doubles Championship VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY chase of the Dayburn Casino in 1922, team, and now professor of Physical Education at Colgate University. Paul LONG ISLAND remodelling it for a club house, and acquisition of a handsome fireplace in S. Yarrington, tennis captain at Deering the lounge as a gift of the Misses Davies H igh School, and president of the in memory of their father, E. H. Davies, Association's Junior Club, was coached by him. Taxi Serving Long Island president of Portland Gas Light Co., 1860 to 1906. This spacious club house Other leadership is provided by Mrs. PO 6-2554 has been the locale of a wide range of Joseph H . Callan of Pelham Manor, community activities every year during N . Y., an officer of the Amerkan Wa-ter John- and Mary Justice a ten-week season. Color Society, as recent president, and A boat raft was built and attached to the Rev. Nathanael M. Guptill of New !refethen landing. A tennis court, built ~York City, director of the Council for m the 30's was greatly improved in the Church and Ministry of the United You'll never JO's. Under the two-year term of Charles Church of Christ, on the committee on offend a person A.. H olden as president, 1935-36, a cam­ religious services. paign for a tire engine was successful. Analysis of the Association's member­ by returning M~. H olden stepped into the treasurer's ship last year showed that 70% had office and has held it for. a record­ a smile winter residences in many states other break~ng 25. years. In I 944 a library was than Maine. This may be a typical illus­ established m the lounge in memory of tration of how droves of out-of-staters • • • Mrs. Walter B. Elwell. flock to our islands to add to the If we could •ee our,elve• cu other• ,ee Admiral Robert C. Huston, elected pleasantness of life and to give sub­ ua, we'd probably deny it. 1963 president, o n retirement from his stantial boosts to our economy. c~re~r in the Navy, led froces in refur­ bishmg the Lounge, constructing a _The Association, in its 50th year, • • • wharf an? float, and acquiring five Tum­ with over 450 senior and junior mem­ ~bout sailboats for the teaching of sail­ bers, plans a second tennis court and mg, and for racing, especially for Junior dreams of a swimming pool. I t keeps its PLEASE MENTION NOR' BY EAST Club members. A shore lot with 80 feet feet on the ground and its treasury out WHEN PATRONIZING OUR beach frontage was added in 1961. of debt, and continually reminds its members of the original objectives in­ ADVERTISERS. corporate.cl in its by-laws; "the improve­ REMEMBER! ment of Peaks Island - and the advance­ ment of its religious, intellectual and TOWN MEETING OCT. 29 social life - ". PAGE 8 REAL ESTATE OCTOBER, 1962

CHEBEAGUE ISLAND BRIDGE PEAKS ORA WS 'EM TWENTY-TWO PROPERTIES KEY TO BUILDING BOOM FROM ALL OVER PURCHASED ON PEAKS During a recent and interesting in­ Auto license plates from 29 states, the ISLAND IN '62 terview with a prominent Chebeague District of Columbia, Ontario and Five states and one foreign country Island real estate broker, three highly Quebec Provinces, Canada, and Ber­ are represented in new residents of Peaks significant factors in the future poten­ muda, were noted in August by Chris Island. A resume of 1962 property trans­ tial of the Island as a desirable location and Sam Pedersen on a check-list they fers reveals the following: for real estate development in both year­ maintained at their Peaks Island Garage. Name Location Where From round and summer homes were brought Visitors from the 23 states outside of ?\f. Brewer Ryefield Sc. New London, N.H . A. J, Pierce Island Ave. Peaks into sharp focus. New England represented Alabama, Cali­ M. Matthews New Island Ave. Peaks First, any appreciable development in fornia, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, G. Sargent Island Ave. Peaks J. Mitchell Isla nd A,•e. Portland real estate transactions and home build­ Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, M. Barter Tolman Hts. \¥est brook Maj. C. Walts Island Ave, and Ft. Sill, Okla. ing is definitely dependent upon a suc­ Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jer­ Pleasant Ave. (2) Col. F. Kroschel Island Ave. Ft. Monroe, Va. cessful conclusion of the seven-year-Jong sey, New York, North Citrolina, Ohio, A. B. Sterling Pleasam Ave. W estbrook campaign for State authorization ir a Oregon, Pennsylvania, Soulh Carolina, W. Hughes Beach Rd. H olden G. Elafson Tolman Hts. Millis, .Mass. toll bridge connecting Chebeague Isla-1'fcl ~ T ennessee, Texas, Utah, ancl Virginia. N. Sanborn Tolman Hts. Bridgewater, ~1ass. K. SLOvcr Tolman Hts. Portland with the mainland. Construnion of the The fame of Maine :1 11 tl of Casco Bay J\liss N. Geno Welch St. Peaks Bridge will unquestionably stimulate a Rev. E. F. Croy Spruce Ave. Ashland, Mass. is spreading. J. Walsh Church Ave, Wakefield, Mass. building boom on Chebeague with its K Collin Whitehead St Sudbury, Mass L Kaine Adams St. Randolph, Mass. 2000 acres of shore prope~·ty 'within a R. McTigue Central Ave. Peaks twenty-minute ricle by car to Portland, FOR SALE W. Green Seashore Ave. Preston_, Lancashire .England once the Bridge is built. Three bedroom home - Year round (The majority of above arc Mr. and Mr..) Island Ave., Peaks Island Second, many out-of-state owners of Excellent condition - Extra land summer homes on Chebeague have indi­ Garage - Fenced lot - Only $15,000. Home Federal Savings cated an interest in the possibility of Thomas R. Lynch - PO 6-2065 winterizing their homes for year-round and Loan Association , living, when and if the Bridge is built. 480 Congress Street, Portland Third, an increasing number of in­ SP 2-8376 quiries come in from people who have ROLAND HOAR retired from active business or profes­ Carpenter - luilder - Electrician sional life and who are seeking desirable FROM THE BRUNSWICK RECORD home sites within their means and away Peaks Island PO 6-2864 BAILEY ISLAND - A Tourist from congested areas. Accessibility by car Promotion Committee for Orr's seems to be a first consideration of most and Bailey 11:lanct i• being or­ ganized by the businessmen of those seeking information concerning FOR SALE in the area in order to bettPr Chebeague Island property. 4 bedroom cottage near boats. Also attrac­ 'the Islands' facilities {-9r· both tive year round 3 bedroom house, furnished. visitors and the islanders. Miss Murphy, Real Estate Broker Cheers . . and Best v\Tishes to our LONG ISLAND IMPROVEMENT Pea ks Island - PO 6-2066 Neighbor Islands T hrough the action of City Manager Graham H. W'att, the unsightly car dump at Long Island has been van­ quished. This long problem, now re­ P H I LI P A. S EA B U R 'Y PORTLAND solved, will remove a barrier to develop· ment and values in this scenic area. LUMBER/1 ':lire -:Jriendlv Yant \ 1 I; \ A Complete line of ~.. l IUILDll8 IUTU1ALS ,.;,~:, \~I / 0. P. PETERSON CO. FOR CONTRACTOR °"'-~ /J New and Used Propeller Exchange & HOME OWNER ~" 1// CHEBEABUE ISLAND, MAINE Silver Plating, Household Items SP 2-6597 Chrome Plating, Marine Hardware 849 FOREST AVE. PORTLAND, ME. SPECIAL BRASS GIFTS Visit Factory Showroom CHUCKLES CHILTON PAINT CO. 60 Union Street, P,ortland Dinner guest: Will yo u pass the nuts, 232 Middle Street SP 2-5334 professor? Preoccupied professor: I suppose so, Portland Maine but I should flunk most of them. Let us save you money on your paint requirements. CONTRACTING Direct factory branch. AND BUILDING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY VACANT STORE WALL PAPER, PAINTS and LADDERS. CHEBEAGUE ISLAND Peaks Island SP 2-5671 Lewis Ross YI 6-4080 Proven year-round retail location. New boat landing on Welch Street. Ideal for general merchandise, HAROLD J. TODD snack bar, or service shop. Rent Paint - Glass - Electric Supplies General Contrador and Builder only $60 monthly. HOME APPLIANCES A. V. COMFORT Sulkowitch Hdwe. & Paint Co. Chebeague Island Plumbing Supplies PO 6-2057 363 Fore St., Portland SP 3-1406 VI 6-4090