

erentially retain N in their body tissues and release P. by longer-lived larvae converts the mobile pool of N contained Predators Accelerate Cycling in into fecal pellets that can be de- composed by microbes or leached to release N in a form available to the bromeliad. Thus, in a Bromeliad facilitate nutrient uptake by the , but only if both predators and detritivores are present. Jacqueline T. Ngai* and Diane S. Srivastava These results emphasize the importance of the temporal and spatial scales of dispersal for nu- he availability of in is of bromeliads and can limit trient flux. The of adult insects means determined by supply and re- productivity [Supporting Online Material (SOM) that, although detritivores increase resource flux Tcycling rates and affects important eco- textandtablesS1andS2],sowefocusedonthe over larval time scales by releasing nutrients from system properties (1–3). The relative roles of effects of trophic structure on N cycling. Leaf litter, these insects act as a nutrient sink for abiotic supply and configuration in enriched in 15N was used to trace the bromeliads over their entire span. The faster determining resource-processing rates remain movement of N through the food web in bro- emergence rate of detritivores compared with that contentious and poorly understood. Under anthro- meliads containing either no insects, detritivores of predators allows predation to reduce the loss of pogenic pressure, ecosystems are predicted to lose only, or detritivores and predators. N from the bromeliad. Although we use insects predators disproportionately, affecting ecosystem The presence of detritivores alone did not in bromeliads to examine biotic effects on nu- processes (4). Current ecological theory predicts affect the amount of N entering bromeliads from trient cycling, our results can give insights into that predator loss will affect nutrient cycling by the enriched detritus (Fig. 1A). However, in the other systems where mobility differs between Downloaded from changing (density-mediated presence of both detritivores and predators, there trophic levels. Some trophic interactions, for in- effects, as in a ) (5)orpreyforaging was a significant enrichment in 15N in bromeliad stance, involve migratory and nonmigratory spe- efficiency (trait-mediated effects) (6). These leaves compared with containing detri- cies or that undergo ontogenetic niche changes can further affect nutrient cycling by tivores alone, indicating that the presence of shifts. This may also apply if the altering the species composition or size structure predators increased the flow of N from litter to prey species has a very different range size than of the prey . In this study, we examined bromeliads. This is surprising given that previous its predator. Given the increased risk http://science.sciencemag.org/ the effects of predators on nutrient cycling by studies, consistent with the predictions of density- of higher trophic levels, understanding the using the detritus-based insect community in or trait-mediated effects, have shown that preda- mechanisms whereby predators drive important bromeliads. We demonstrate that predation can tors decrease litter by reducing ecosystem processes is critical in predicting an- have counterintuitive effects on nutrient cycling. abundance (8) or by decreasing the thropogenic impacts on natural systems. Leaves of tank-forming bromeliads (e.g., rate (9) of detritivorous . References and Notes Vriesea and Guzmania genera) are tightly We hypothesize that the detritivorous insects, 1. R. Aerts, F. S. Chapin, Adv. Ecol. Res. 30, 1 (2000). interlocking, forming wells that collect water which pupate relatively rapidly, constitute a loss 2. S. E. Hobbie, P. M. Vitousek, 81, 1867 (2000). and leaf litter and provide for aquatic of litter-derived N for bromeliads when they 3. A. Tewfik, J. B. Rasmussen, K. S. McCann, Ecology 86, insect larvae. The detritus not only supports emerge. A survey indicated that detritivorous in- 2726 (2005). 4. E. J. Duffy, Ecol. Lett. 6, 680 (2003). the insect community but also provides a sects generally have higher N:P ratios than those 5. M. E. Power, Science 250, 811 (1990). on March 6, 2020 source of nutrients for the bromeliad. A natural found in typical litter (Fig. 1B), suggesting that, 6. E. E. Werner, S. D. Peacor, Ecology 84, 1083 (2003). gradient also exists in predation where the ma- as leaf litter is consumed, the insects will pref- 7. Materials and methods are available as supporting jor predator, a damself- material on Science Online. 8. C. R. Ruetz, R. M. Newman, B. Vondracek, Oecologia ly larva (Mecistogaster 132, 307 (2002). modesta), becomes more 9. T. M. Short, J. R. Holomuzki, Freshwater Biol. 27, 91 (1992). abundant as the plant 10. We thank R. Conner, A. Pelletier, M. Rios, and E. Umaña grows. Although it has Canales for field assistance; the Área de Conservación Guanacaste, C. Moraga Medina, P. Rios Castro, R. Blanco, and been hypothesized that M. Chavarría for logistical support; B. Gilbert, K. Kirby, and aquatic insects increase B. Starzomski for comments on the manuscript and help in nutrient flux to the bro- the field; and L. Harmon, D. Irwin, J. Shurin, M. Vellend, meliad, this relation- K. Venter, and two anonymous reviewers for comments on ship has never been earlier drafts. Funding was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada). documented. Supporting Online Material First, we ran fertiliza- www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/314/5801/963/DC1 tionexperimentstodeter- Materials and Methods mine whether nitrogen Fig. 1. (A) d15N in new bromeliad leaves for plants containing no insects, SOM Text (N) or phosphorus (P) Tables S1 and S2 detritivore insects only, or detritivore and predatory insects (mean ± SEM). References limit the productivity Bonferroni-corrected t test (detritivores alone versus control, z = 0.478 and P = of the plant and insect z P 17 July 2006; accepted 30 August 2006 0.63; detritivores plus predators versus detritivores alone, =2.36and = 10.1126/science.1132598 components of this eco- 0.018). (B) Comparison of N:P ratios (by atom) for detritivore larvae and for system (7). Both tissue leaf litter (mean ± SEM). Larger detritivores (chironomid A, scirtids, and Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, nutrient ratios and fer- tipulids) have N:P ratios higher than that of leaf litter [F1, 20 = 5.05, P =0.04 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver, British Columbia tilization experiments for linear contrast following significant analysis of variance (F4,20 = 3.66, V6T 1Z4, Canada. showed that N, rather P = 0.02)]. Chironomid B is a smaller detritivore that accounts for only a *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: than P, primarily limits small proportion of detritivore in bromeliads. [email protected]

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 314 10 NOVEMBER 2006 963 Predators Accelerate Nutrient Cycling in a Bromeliad Ecosystem Jacqueline T. Ngai and Diane S. Srivastava

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