Government support and travel recovery stabilize state owned airlines’ credit qualities

October 13, 2020

In our view, the capital injection into Eastern Airlines Group Co., Ltd. ("China Eastern ANALYSTS Airlines Group") reflects the state's support for the aviation industry, which could help state owned airlines such as Group stabilize their credit quality amid the Renyuan Zhang significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beijing +86-10-6516 6028 According to an announcement issued by China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd. on October 12, 2020, [email protected] China Eastern Airlines Group, the controlling shareholder of China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd., has signed an agreement with the State Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Yingxue Ren of the State Council, the National Council of Social Security Funds, China Life Investment Holding Beijing Company Limited., Shanghai Jiushi (Group) Co., Ltd., China Reform Asset Management Co., Ltd. +86-10-6516 6037 and China Tourism Group, in which China Eastern Airlines Group will receive a capital injection in [email protected] cash of a total of 31 billion RMB. 11 billion RMB will come from China Life Investment Holding Company Limited., 10 billion RMB from Shanghai Jiushi (Group) Co., Ltd. and 5 billion RMB from China Reform Asset Management Co., Ltd. and China Tourism Group Co., Ltd respectively. Upon completion of this capital injection, China Eastern Airlines Group’s status as a central SOE will remain unchanged. In our view, the capital injection reflects the government’s support for the aviation industry at a time when airlines’ operations have been severely affected by COVID-19. Such government support could help stabilize the credit quality of China’s airlines, which have not been spared from the huge blow dealt to the global aviation industry by the pandemic. Data from some major listed airlines show the total net quarterly cash flow of China's major airlines dropped from around positive 30 billion RMB in 2019 to negative 26 billion RMB in the first quarter of 2020. In our opinion, state-owned airlines are likely to be considered as highly important to the government and to receive a certain level of government support. China's aviation industry is still developing, it plays a very important role in supporting the national economy and boosting business activities and is regarded as an indispensable part of China's economy. The large capital injection into China Eastern Airlines Group further supports our view. At the same time, compared with other regions, domestic airlines in China are dominated by state-owned enterprises. Their closer ties to the government through state ownership make it easier for the government to provide direct support.

S&P Global (China) Ratings October 13, 2020 Government support and travel recovery stabilize state owned airlines’ credit qualities October 13, 2020

Chart 1 Quarterly Operating Cash Flow of Major Airline Companies in China






0 RMB million RMB



(30,000) 2019-03-31 2019-06-30 2019-09-30 2019-12-31 2020-03-31 2020-06-30

Note: Sampled companies include Co., Ltd., Co.,LTD, Juneyao Airlines Co., Ltd, Corporation Limited, China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited, Company Limited, Limited. Source: Wind, S&P Global (China) Ratings. Copyright © 2020 by S&P Ratings (China) Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Domestic has recovered much faster in China than the rest of the world, thanks to the government’s control measures in response to the pandemic. The domestic business of Chinese airlines is also gradually recovering. According to IATA, in July 2020, revenue passenger kilometers (RPK) in China’s domestic market only decreased by 28% compared with the same period in 2019. In contrast, other countries experienced a year-over-year decline in RPK of between 60% to 90%. In our view, if COVID-19 does not reemerge in China on a large scale, the domestic aviation industry may continue to recover at a much faster pace than the rest of the world.

Chart 2 Revenue Passenger Kilometers of Major Domestic Airline Markets 40 20 0 (20) (40)

MoM (%) MoM (60) (80) (100) (120)

Australia Brazil China Japan US

Source: IATA, Wind Copyright © 2020 by S&P Ratings (China) Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

This report does not constitute a rating action.

S&P Global (China) Ratings 2 Government support and travel recovery stabilize state owned airlines’ credit qualities October 13, 2020

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