Evangelical Visitor
to the Evangelical Visitor ... Second Quarter Reports Nappanee, Indiana August 20, 1951 father, the late Bishop Jonathan Lyons, Michigan 10.00 To the memory of Bishop Jonathan Field and Treasurer Reports Lyons, Michigan 10.00 Graterford S. S., Pa 71.14 FOREIGN MISSIONS Juniata Congregation, Pa 37 .00 Messiah Home S. ,S., Harrisburg, Pa 62.91 Messiah Home Congregation, Pa 38.47 SECOND QUARTER FINANCIAL Souderton Congregation, Pa 72 00 00 In His Name, California 35.00 Fred Brauen, N. Y 100 Carlisle Brethren in Christ Church, Pa. 39.00 Receipts A Brother, Pa. 1 .00 Dallas Center Congregation, Iowa 56.7 9 General Fund: Chino Brethren in Christ S. S., Calif. 34. 48 United Christian Church, Pa. (Passage 44. 03 for Sr. Anna Kettering) 599.32 Carland Zion S. S. Michigan $ 26.13 Pleasant Hill S. S., Kansas 97 C. A. Light, Palmyra, Pa 50.00 Zion S. S., Kansas 150.51 Cedar Springs Congregation., Pa 75. 28 Palmyra S. S., Palmyra, Pa 102.39 Abilene Kansas Congregation 100.00 Brethren in Christ, Dallas Center, la 75. Moore's Church, Pa 75.00 Pleasant Hill Cong., Ohio 90.00 Mrs. Lizzie Hodel, Moundridge, Kansas 73. 00 Greenspring Congregation, Pa 55.30 North Franklin Dist., Pa 200.66 Wm. Kellogg, Girard, Kansas 1. 00 Messiah Lighthouse S. S., Harrisburg.Pa 24.57 Free Grace S. S., Millersburg, Pa 33.45 Ephrata United Zion Church, Pa 62. 67 Conoy S. S., Pa 97.61 Locust Grove, York Co., Cong, (to Clear Creek Brethren in Christ S. S., Maytown Brethren in Christ S.
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