A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF ALFRED NOBEL: INVENTOR, ENTREPRENEUR AND INDUSTRIALIST (1833–1896) Cover illustration: It is significant that the only existing portrait of Alfred Nobel was painted posthumously. Nobel, shy and busy as he was, had neither the inclination nor the time to sit for a portrait. Oil painting by Emil Österman 1915. (The Nobel Foundation) BY SVA N T E LINDQVIST ROYAL SWEDISH ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES (IVA) IVA-M 335 • ISSN 1102-8254 • ISBN 91-7082-681-1 A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF A LFRED NOBEL: INVENTOR, ENTREPRENEUR AND INDUSTRIALIST (1833–1896) 1 PRESENTED AT THE 2001 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ROYAL SWEDISH ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES BY SVANTE LINDQVIST The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) is an independent, learned society whose main objectives are to promote the engineering and economic sciences, and to further the development of commerce and industry. In cooperation with the business 2 and academic communities, the Academy initiates and proposes measures that will strengthen Sweden’s industrial skills base and competitiveness. For further information, please visit IVA’s web site: www.iva.se. Published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and Svante Lindqvist, 2001 IVA, P.O. Box 5073, SE-102 42 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: Int +46 8 791 29 00 Fax: Int +46 8 611 56 23 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: www.iva.se IVA-M 335 • ISSN 1102-8254 • ISBN 91-7082-681-1 Translation by Bernard Vowles, 2001 Layout and production by Hans Melcherson, Tryckfaktorn AB, Stockholm, Sweden Printed in Sweden by OH-Tryck, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001 P REFACE Each year the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) produces a book- let commemorating a person whose scientific, engineering, economic or industrial achieve- ments were of significant benefit to the society of his or her day.