ROBINSON London Analytical Table of Contents

Acknowledgements xiii

Introduction 1 A Japanese Sherlock Holmes. Suicide or murder? 'Hesitation injuries.' Problems of writing a history of scientific crime detection.

1 The Science of Detection 7 The Nancy Titterton case: solved by a horse's hair. The case of Mary Rogers, the New York 'cigar girl'. Poe's theory of the killer. The true solution. Dupin as the founder of scientific detecfion. The murder of Helen Jewett. Conan Doyle creates Sherlock Holmes. The 'needle-in- the-hayStack' method - Canler tracks down Lacenaire. Bow Street Runner Henry Goddard tracks a swindler across America. The use of torture. Judge Cambo sentences an innocent man. Miscarriages of justice: the case of the Marquis d'Anglade; the case of Lady Mazel. Henry Goddard and the murder of Elizabeth Longfoot. The murder of the Steward Richardson. Goddard solves a crime by examining the bullet. Crime in eariy centuries: the diary of Master Hans Schmidt, the Nuremberg executioner. London in the eighteenth Century. Moll Cutpurse and Jonathan Wild. Gin and the rising crime rate. The Mohocks. The first efficient magistrate: Sir Thomas De Veil. The murder of Mr Penny. Henry Fielding takes over Bow Street. The Problem of highwaymen. The first recorded example of scientific detection: the case of Richardson. The Mannings murder Patrick O'Connor. The minder of Mrs Millson. Inspector Field and the clue of the dirty gloves. Inspector Whicher and the murder of Francis Kent. The case of Father Hubert Dahme. The public prosecutor disproves his owncase. VI WRITTEN IN BLOOD

2 The Power ofPoison 52 Poison:the favourite weapon of the assassin. Cicero defends Cluentius. Oppianicus: the master-criminal of ancient Rome. The fine art of poisoning: Locusta poisons Britannicus. Poisoning in medieval Italy. Death of the Earl of Atholl. The poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. The Marquise de Brinvilliers. The Affair of the Poisons. The Chambre Ardente. The crime of Mary Blandy. The rise of chemistry. The detec- tion of arsenic. Anna Zwanziger, the mass poisoner. Orfila, the first great pathologist. James Marsh devises the test for arsenic. The case of farmer Bodle. The murder of innkeeper Cumon. The case of Marie Lafarge. Orfila's evidence convicts her. The case of Helene Jegado. The case of Madeleine Smith. The discovery of new poisons. The case of Dr Castaing. Stas solves the murder of Gustave Fougnies. Quaker Tawell poisons his mistress. Taylor and the case of William Palmer. The case of Dr Smethurst. Tardieu and Dr de la Pommerais. New methods: alkaloid crystals and column chromatography. The spectro- scope. The case of Dr Lamson. The case of Marie Besnard.

3 The Discovery of Fingerprints 107 Vidocq, criminal turned detective. The foundation of the Sfirete. Canler and the murder of the widow Senepart. Jean Baptiste Troppmann murders the Kinck family. The case of Pranzmi. Prado and the murder of Marie Agaetan. The crime of Barre and Lebiez. Billoir dismembers his wife. The body snatchers. Dumollard: murderer of servant girls. The railways increase the crime rate. Bertillon and 'social physics'. Bertillon discovers anthropometry. The first success. The crimes of Ravachol. Herschel discovers fingerprints. Henry Faulds solves a Japanese burglary case. Sir Francis Galton. Juan Vucetich solves the first fingerprint murder case. Edward Henry and the classification of fingerprints. An Indian murder case. Bertillon solves a murder with fingerprinting. The Deptford murder case. The conviction of the Stratton brothers. Bertillon and the Dreyfus affair. The theft of the Mona Lisa. Bertillon's failure. Locard and poroscopy. The 'murder' of Lea Camelin. Mark Twain: American discoverer of fingerprints. The case of the two Will Wests. The case of Thomas Hoag. The case of Adolf Beck. The case of Oscar Slater. Faurot and the Nolan case. The case of Caesar Cella. The Mafia. The creation of the FBI. Prohibition. The Coming of J. Edgar Hoover. The Hall-Mills murder case. Bank robbery solved by fingerprints: the Fleagle case. Fred Cherrill and CONTENTS VÜ palmprints. The murder of a pawnbroker. Gangsters and fingerprinting: Robert Philipps has his fingerprints removed. The Blackbum murder case. Rowland Mason fingerprints a ghost. Transmitting fingerprints by wireless. 's Zodiac killer.

4 WhoseBody? 170 Edmond Locard's Proofs of Identity. Lesurques and Dubosq - the classic case of mistaken identity. The case of Anastasia. The Tichborne claimant. Did Joan of Are survive her 'execution'? Identifying the dead. The case of Catherine Hayes. A dead man's head placed on a pole. William Sheward dismembers his wife. Lacassagne and the dead man in the locked bedroom. The Gouffe case. Willie Guldensuppe is dismembered by his mistress and her lover. Luetgart boils his wife. The Campden Wonder. The misjudgements of Dr Taylor. Samuel Herbert Dougal murders Miss Holland. The Druce case. Arthur Devereux poisons his wife and children. Pepper and Bemard Spilsbury. The Crippen case. Seddon the poisoner. Arsenic in human hair. The 'Brides in the Bath' case. Voisin kills his mistress. The Patrick Mahon case. Norman Thorne and the murder of Elsie Cameron. The Brighton Trunk mystery. The case of Ivan Poderjay. The murder of Agnes Kesson. Rouse and the burning car murder. The German Rouse case. Tetzner and Saffran. Glaister and the Ruxton case. Reconstruction of two corpses. The cases of Keith Simpson. The Baptist church murder. The corpse on Hankley Common. The case of Bertie Manton. The sadist Neville Heath Haigh, the aeid bath murderer. Murder without a body: the disappearance of Rose Michaelis. Professor Krogman incinerates a corpse.

5 If Blood Could Speak ... 245 How to distinguish animal from human bloodstains. A miscarriage of justice: the execution of William Shaw. Gustave Mace and the Voirbo case. Early tests for bloodstains. Landsteiner's discovery of blood groups. Uhlenhuth leams to distinguish animal from human blood. The crimes of Ludwig Tessnow. The benzidine test. The murder of Isabella Wilson. The Gorse Hall murder. Dr Leone Lattes paeifies a jealous wife. The Bruneri-Canella Affair. The murder of Helmuth Daube. The antigens and antibodies in blood. Holzer and the murder of farmer Mair. Sir Sydney Smith and the Helen Priestly case. The murder of VÜi WRITTEN IN BLOOD

Pamela Coventry. The Walter Dinivan case. The case of Werner Boost. Glasgow's rogue policeman. Did Dr Sam Sheppard murder his wife? The Onufrejczyc case. Dr Mike Sayce and the Danny Rosenthal murder case. Arthur Hutchinson and the murder of the Laitners. Alf Faragher identifies a killer through a Single bloodstain. Graham Backhouse attempts to murder his wife. The murder of Colyn Bedale- Taylor. New discoveries in blood serology. Gel electrophoresis. The rhesus factor. Stuart Kind and the absorption elution test. The testing of old bloodstains. The mixed agglutination test. The DNA code. Alec Jeffreys and the discovery of genetic fmgerprinting. The conviction of Robert Melias. Colin Pitchfork - the first murder to be solved by genetic fingerprinting. Tommie Andrews and the Florida rape case. The Notting Hill rapist. The Helen McCourt 'no-body' case.

6 Every Bullet Has a Fingerprint 310 The murder of PC Cole. 'Orrock's chisel.' The invention of firearms. The murder of Edward Culshaw. The Guesner case. The first American case solved by ballistics: William Stewart of Baltimore. The invention of the Colt revolver. Lacassagne realizes that bullets have fingerprints. The Echallier Affair. The Luard mystery. Baithazard and the murder of M. Guillotin. The first ballistics expert: Robert Churchill. The case of the hooded man. The murder of Charles Phelps. Charles Waite and the science of firearms identification. Calvin Goddard and the St Valentine's Day Massacre. The Sacco and Vanzetti Affair. Sydney Smith invents his own comparison microscope. The murder of the Sirdar. The Max Karam case. A South African murder case: Van Niekerk and Markus. The murder of PC Gutteridge. The Bertha Merrett case. The Elvira Barney case. Herbert MacDonell, the 'Isaac Newton of ballistics'. The shooting of Roy Roxbury. The case of Gary Greene. The shooting of the Black Panthers. The Colin Chisam case. Michael Hart and the murder of a bank clerk. The 'Bambi' murder case. The availability of firearms. Charles Whitman and the Texas University massacre. John Linley Frazier and the murder of the Ohta family. The murders of Herb Mullin. Michael Ryan and the Hungerford massacre. The problem of gun control in the United States.

7 The Microscope As Detective 372 Discovery of the telescope by the Janssen brothers. The microscope. The first murder case solved by a microscope: the Praslin Affair. CONTENTS ix Leeuwenhoek's microscope. The murder of Germaine Bichon. Convicted by a hair. Professor Riess solves the Marie Pallot murder. Conviction of a child-molester. Georg Popp and forensic, photography. The Laubach case. The murder of Margarethe Filbert. Emile Villebrun writes a thesis on fingernails. Edmond Locard, a French Sherlock Holmes. Capturing a gang of coiners. A rapist trapped by oil spots. The postman in the lavatory. The case of Emile Gourbin. Edmond Bayle and the Boulay case. The microscope in Australia: Charles Taylor. The Alma Tirtschke case. A Rumanian murder case - the corpse in the courtyard. The murder of an American millionaire. Edward Oscar Heinrich, 'the Edison of Crime Detection'. Capture of the D'Autremont brothers. Charles Schwartz and the substitute body murder. The case of the invisible safe-crackers. Emission spectroscopy. A hit-and-run motorist captured by a flake of paint. Stuart Kind solves the murder of Ida Hinchcliffe. The murder of Earl Mountbatten. The case of'the Fox'.

8 The Sexual Criminal 433 Sex crime - a modern phenomenon. Sex crime in the eighteenth Century. The mysterious death of Mary Ashford. The body-snatchers Burke and Hare. Samuel Richardson's Pamela. The rise of pornog- raphy. The problem of day-dreams. The Victorian heroine. Krafft- Ebing and the Psychopathia Sexualis. The murder of Fanny Adams. Pieydagnelle, Verzeni, Pomeroy, and Menesclou. The Jack the Ripper murders: the first 'modern sex crime'. Who was Jack the Ripper? The poisoner Neill Cream. Was George Chapman Jack the Ripper? The crimes of Joseph Vacher. The murder of Lucie Berlin. Sex crime in America. Thomas Piper. Theodore Durrant. The murder of Nora Füller. The crime of Albert Wolter. The murder of Mary Phagan. The of . Sex crime in Europe. The murders of Bela Kiss. The first murder of Peter Kürten. The 'reign of terror' in Düsseldorf. Other mass murderers: Haarmann, Denke, and Grossmann. Sylvestre Matuska, the man who wrecked trains. The murder of Bobby Franks. The clue of the spectacles. Earle Nelson, the 'Gorilla Murderer'. Albert Fish and the murder of Grace Budd. Sex crime in England: the murder of Nellie Trew. Thomas Allaway. The murder of Vera Page. The finger-stall evidence. The crimes of Gordon Cummins. The murder of a WAAF - the killer who betrayed himself. John Calhoun and the overcrowded . The criminal personality. The crimes of William Heirens. The Los WRITTEN IN BLOOD

Angeles Jack the Ripper. The Black Dahlia. The Christie case. Was Evans guilty? The rise of motiveless murder - the case of Pastre"- Beaussier. Penny Bjorkland. Robert Smith. The Moors murder case. Charles Manson. Graham Young, the thallium poisoner. Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper. The five-man investigation team. The capture of the Ripper. The Railway Rapist. Duffy captured by Computercomüuter.

9 The Craft of the Manhunter 517 Allan Pinkerton captures a gang of comers. The Pinkerton detective agency. The case of the murdered bank teller. The downfall of the . The murder of Jesse James. The last Western bad man: Marion Hedgepeth. Hedgepeth and H. H. Holmes. The death of Benjamin Pitezel. Capture of America's worst mass murderer. The Muswell Hill murder. Improvements in detection. A spectacular failure: the case of Jeanne Weber. Thoinot's stupidity costs more lives. The Landru case. in America: the Charlie Ross case. The murder of Marion Parker. The Lindbergh kidnapping. Was Hauptmann guilty? The kidnapping of Brooke Hart. The lynching of the kidnappers. The kidnapping of Charles Urschel. The capture of Machine Gun Kelly. Belin and the case of Eugen Weidmann. Oregon's 'Sleeping Beauty' case. Fabian traces a demob suit. Japan's teacup bank robbery. The case of Ronald Harries.

10 The Soul of the Criminal 586 The case of New York's Mad Bomber. Brussel's 'psychological portrait'. Lombroso and the science of criminology. The Jukes family. Lacassagne: 'Society gets the criminals it deserves.' The theories of Charles Goring: the inadequate criminal. The crimes of Carl Panzram. Fredric Wertham and the Oedipus murder case. Yochelson and Samenow are converted from 'liberalism'. Dan MacDougald and the 'faulty blocking mechanism'. The FBI Psychological Profiling team. The psychology of a sex killer. The Boston Strangler. Son of Sam. The case of Gerald Stano. Lombroso invents the lie detector. August Vollmer is appointed Marshall of Berkeley. Larson and the lie detector. The kidnapping of Father Heslin. Gerald Thompson fools the lie detector. Chris Gugas and the actor accused of indecent exposure. The Petroklos murder case. Hypnosis as a tool of detection. The murder of CONTENTS Xi Ruth Downing. Avery and Aurbeck leam hypnosis. Can a man be hynotized to kill?: the Hardrup case. The murders of Carl Gregory. The new menace: the 'random killer'. Dean Corll. The Freeway Killer. John Wayne Gacy. Pedro Lopez, Ecuador's mass murderer of girls. Dennis Nilsen, the Muswell Hill murderer. Daniel Barbosa. The case of Henry Lee Lucas. Lucas murders his mother. Released from jail. His career as a serial killer. Joel Norris on serial killers. The case of Ted Bundy. The vanishing girls. Bundy's escape. The Tallahassee killings. Bundy is convicted. What turned Bundy into a killer? "The hunchback.' A new criminology. Van Vogt's 'Right Man' theory. "The decision to be out of control.' All serial killers have Right Man characteristics. Charles Manson. The case of Leonard Lake. 'Sex slaves.' Maslow on 'dominance'. The Moors Murder case - Brady and Hindley. The 'criminal history of mankind'. Wells on 'jostling crowds'. Murderous tyrants. The 'golden age of crime detection'. The solution of the Problem of serial killers? 'A diagnostic or prediction Instrument.' VICAP - the Violent Criminal Apprehension Programme. Use of genetic fingerprinting. Conclusions.

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