Kidnapers Murder Son of Rich
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Wi^kagre of Car In Which Vanderbilt Dirove THRUSTS KNFE I... KIDNAPERS MURDER T o D eath INTO STOMACH 35,000 SON OF RICH MAN TO T m LIFE TO Two Men Confess They MONARCH HOPEFUL diaries OniMMiis Fmdslhni- Cyrnal State Eaerfei: KiDed Brooke Hart a Few FOR DISARMAMENT mer and Axe of No Effect Government's Plan C7 ReHef Board J h k w t Honrs After They Had So He Stabs SeK — Be- Puzzles Officials Auianiicemuit on Retnn King George TeDs Parlia Abdncted Hmt lieyed Insane. from WashingtoB — & - Frankly admitting he was In aBwould have Increased the cost of the ment That Geneya Parley Summit street extension from Ban Joae, Calif., Nov. 17.— (AP) qusndary because of toe infiox of Ctoarles Chaponls, #2. a tobacco ooBstantlv /»hanoing instructioosi $7,000 to about $10,000. idams Workmgs ef New •—Efforts to rocover the body of Mast Go On. grower living at 257 Burnham with regard to toe new dvU works-, Solution of toe problem last night Brooke Hart, 'v^ch authoritiea said street. In a sudden stroke of insani program and its application to pro-* seemed to be as far away as ever. Chrfl Works Program. would complete the case against his posed public Improvements in Mani' Town ’Treasurer Waddell then de ty committed sidcide at his home cided toe situation warranted Im alleged kidnapers and slayers, were Chester, Town Treasurer George B. Liqndoa, Nov. 17.— (AP)—Parlia last night, using a hammer and an mediate action on toe part of toe pressed by state and Federal au- WaddeU this afternoon Went to ment was prorogued until the open sze to lacerate his h6ad in 19 places Hauiford to confer with E. H. Lit Selectmen. The result was a mest- Hartford, Nov. 17.— (APl-^New- thoritia'i today. ing of toe Selectmen was call^ for John M. Holmes, 29, and Thomas ing of ‘^be new session, November and then, fkiding he was not get tle, civil works deputy admlnlstrok ton C. Bralnard, chairman of too and held this morning In Mr. Wad H. Thurmond, 28, who Department 21, afte~ the reading of a speech by ting toe desited results, pushed a tor in Connecticut, in toe hope of. state emergency relief oommlMloiB, obtaining complete details of tbs dell’s office. King George today in which he ex butcher’s knife Into his body. ’The governm ent’s latest program to rw- Govemmeot Job returned from Wssbingtoit today pressed hope, that world disarma eight inch blade sank to toe hilt in to toe flesh, aa did two inches at the Ueve distrese among toe Tmem^o;^ Shortly before the time came for with toe announcement that Con ment difficulties can be overcome the Selectmen to aseemble, word necticut’s quota In toe National ef "My government have through h a i^ . But he Bved long enough to ed this winter. reach toe Manchester Memorial Officials Puzzled reached Mr. WaddeU from Hartford fort to put 4,000,000 unemploired to out tsdeen an active part in the dis headquarters of the ^vU works ad hospital before he died. A^ late aa 10 o’clock this momlBg armament conference," His High ministration that the government work in three months through too ’nxe Chaponls home is located Mr. Waddell and other harasWd ness said, "and the British dra^ woTild pay toe entire cost o f aU con $400,000,000 civil works adminis near toe intersection of toe South town officials, struggling through tration, wUl be 36,000. presented March 16 was adopted as a mase of instructions and counter templated pubUc Improvements Windsor, East Hartford and Man Tile 'tate relief commission, Mr. the basis for a proposed conven instructions, were prepared to dla^ rnming within the scope of the civil tion. chester town lines and was known works program. This again threw Bralnard said, has oeen named dvil as the Burnham home, having been card toe Summit street extension, worics administrator for Connecti ‘T earnestly trust that the diffi approved by toe Selectmen this a different light on what seemed to culties which have since arisen may occTipled by Robert Burnham be be a hopelessly muddled sitTiation, cut, and in this capacity It has beep fore his death. week, and throw the men eligible be surmounted. fot employment on toe "made woriir and gave town offlielals renewed empowered to approve all work rbr Hard Worker lief projects proposed in towns, "The withdrawal of Germany a schemes back on toe charity rolls. hope that everything was to be Speeding from Miami to New York, William K, Vanderbilt, Jr., Mr. Chaponls was emplojred about month ago from the deUbcratimis The reason foi this drastic step was Bti^htened out satisfactorily. dtiss and boroughs and by too at Geneva neoessarily dislocated the old multi-millionaire, was killed eilmost Instantly when his fast roadster the place ralshig tobacm on shares However, complete details are not state Itself. crashed into a truck parked on toe roadside at Rldgeland, S.^ C. Vander toe fact* that when toe Summit prog''am, but work for. intemation- and later, uttn the death of Mr. street Job was figured, toe estimatai yet available, and to acquire a cor The first step to be taken by tko hilt is shown in inset and the wreckage of toe car, above. ^ disarmament by agreement be Burnham, purchased the house. He were based upon an hotirly wage rect imdetstandlng of toe program, state commlsdon will be the apy tween the nations must be vigor was a hard worker and toere was cate of thirty cents. ’Then a tele was toe ptirpose of Mr. WaddeU’s polntm ent at local dvU works ously pursued." but a small awrtgage on toe prop gram arrived announcing that toe trip to Hartford this afternoon. It mlnlstrstlve commltteas, Mrf General SltuatioB erty. This yeair.^ bad rais^ a good government bad established a mini Bralnard said. ’These eomndttew Regarding Britain’s general situ tobacco crop addUloB to this mum rate of 50 cents an hour. ’This (Oonttnoed on Paige Two) will coz»lst of toe selectmen In tha ation, King George said “the eon- ASKS FEDERAL CONTROL' bad a fine potato Sdivp. He was sub town governments, he said, whllo fm tlniied willingness of iBy'l>eop)e to ject to headaches which at times toe dtles toe committee win ba bear heavy saeriflees ihade It pos made it impositible for him to work, made up ot ezeeutives of the puhlla sible for this country alnkMt alone and eight months •ago entered the works and welfare departments un asDong vtee great eoontries of the OF THE STOCK MARKET Norwich asyhun for treatment. der the chairmanship of the aoajr- world to maintain a sstMactory He returned to the farm and while SEN. PITTMAN PREDICTS ora. bedanC'. between its national ineome he would at times have the severe Local ProjeoSs and ex i«ndlture." headaches, he would recpvw and go AH appllcationa for projects The 'prorogation came after a on with his work. Yesterday after must go to the local commltteef session lasting just five days less Member of New York Ei* U. S. GOLD PRICE s u m BACKED MONEY noon he wa« again wized with an first, he said. Sad then to the stats thM a irear. 'Hie members have attack. committee for approval or rajeo^ Uttie more than Mme to go home 4 change Urges Senate Advised To Best tlon. for the week-end, since they must REMAINS THE SAME Mr. Bratoard at this tlpia was return Tuesday. Herman Bronkle, who has done Asks for bdUoD Throat^ N. Y . STOCK MARKET not prepared to state what woril The seeaion brought the govern Probers to Work Ont Idea buslnesa witl Mr. Chaponls for sev projeete win ba opaBad CoB^ Brooke Hart ment newnroblems connected with eral yeare, the latter beixwa suj|>- He Indloatadl the Irish nree Stat^ and a> wilting tgmU in the e f' tk hfpiice of Greoa reapendbinty for eraat of Justice agents and state offid ^ dOsarmament eonferenoe in'Qeneva. — Dwdi^aKe For FosrA Ssccesiire,fiii9 oMIad yesterdiW B(S sufb TRIES NEW P O U C Y t ^ said confessed to throwing Hart ' T’oo, It brought annom|gemaat g w S d toa t . Mt. : ____ _ _ ^ backs or (JOTOBCY B aikd' the localldoa thenizslve# «t from San Frandsoo faair, after tost and that this moi^mg he plans.f state departments sad him, were held: w a San No hcrease Set— try to lypniGrt teifsi ig|B to- a ipfifiidlit M jd on tin fliw ea ^^iage Blevei^) I WaAiington, Nov. If — (4^) — doahjstsdons. The state raltef odipv jalL Hartfold to tw and find toe troTi- mkriloii win probably meet Hondl^ CiWtioB of a Foderal board to regia-’ by Wtite Metal Nofr^Mcm&er Parfaim in 1 Grappling hooks brought up a Steady the Doihr. ' hle. , . - ' to authorize toe chairman t pro strip ^ white cloth with thin pur late Stock Exchange practices was The family, consisting of his ceed with toe plans eutUasd at t^is ple stripes from the bay near the recommended today in a letter to wife and foi’ children, retired eariy Exchange Finns Hay Now NATION’ S BUSINESS Washington, Nov. 17.—(AP) — Washington coaforeode wlto Ranty place the two men were, quoted as toe Senate Stock Market commit last night Shortly after Mr. L* H<^>klos, Federal r d le f adminijN saying they tossed the 22-year-old tee from Henry Goldman, Jr., a Washington, Nov. 17—(:^ ) — Chapes Is want Into the ceUar to Prediction that President Roosevelt, GbeAdvice. trator who is in charge </t the neW Sim Jose store executive.