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Durgā Sūktam (((taittirīya ā rayaka 10101010 22221111)))) Durg ā Sūktam word-by-word meanings

+ jāta vēdas ē sunav āma sōma mar ātīya tō ni da hāti vēda a | sa na[fp] ’ par ’ha da ti dur ’gāi viśh ’vā nāvēva sin’dhun ’ du ri tā (a) t’yag ’nii || 1 || | jātav ēdas ē | sunav āma | sōmam | ar ātiyataa | nidah āti | vēdaa || | saa | naa | parhat | ati | durg āi | viśhva | nāvā + iva | sindhum | durita | ati | i ||

jātav ēdas ē = for jāta-vēda . jāta = born, vēda = knowledge. Hence jāta-vēda is the One who is born with full knowledge. Normally agni ḥi or the physical is frequently addressed as jāta-vēda . Of the pañcha mah ābh ūtas , agni is chosen because it is the first among the subtle elements to have a visible form, and also because it constantly goes upwards; we pray to it and beseech it to take us upwards, towards the formless Supreme para-bramha param-ātm ā svar ūpa , which is our true destination. || sunavāma = abhi ṣhav āma = may we extract juice by crushing and juicing || s ōmam = the juice of the soma creeper. This physical juice also represents the non-physical bliss we feel inside us. || ar āti-yata ḥa = unyielding-wherefrom. rāti = ‘giving’, a-rāti = not giving, yata ḥa = whence or wherefrom || ni-dah āti = burns from within. ni = nika ṭa or nija = near & within, dah āti = burns. || vēda ḥa = true knowledge, knowledge of the ātm ā

sa ḥa = he || na ḥa = us || par ṣhat = floats and carries across (the sea) || ati = extreme || durg āṇi = du ḥu+ga ḥa = very difficult+to go across = extremely difficult to cross || vi śhva = World, Universe || + nāvā+iva = boat+just like = just like a boat (across the ocean) || sindhum = ocean || durita = du ḥu+ita = difficult+to move across = (extremely) difficult to move across || ati = extreme || agni ḥi = the element Fire We extract the s ōma-bliss-juice for j ātav ēda, which is extremely unyielding, which burns (our ignorance) from within, giving rise to true knowledge from within. [In its spiritual significance, this implies the mental churning or man ō-manthana we all have to undergo to extract the unyielding bliss, which, in turn, burns out our dross and ignorance leading to true knowledge of the ātmic self.] Just like a boat, he carries us safely across this extremely-difficult-to-cross sams āra-sāgara (ocean of Worldliness). || 1 ||

www Sai Veda com 1 / 5 tāmag ’ni var ’ān’ ta pa sāj’ jva lan ’tī’ vai rōcha nī’ kar ’ma pha lēhu juh’āām | dur ’gān’ dēvīgm ’ śha ra ama ham ’ pra pad ’yē su ta ra si sē na ma a || 2 || | tām | agnivarām | ā | jvalant īm | vair ōchan īm | phal ēhu | juhām || | durg āmdev īm | śharaam | aham | prapady ē | sutarasi | taras ē | namaa ||

t ām = that (fem.) || agni-var ṇām = fire-lustred or fire-coloured = looks like a fiery being || tapas ā = by tapas or intense sādhan ā || jvalant īm = shines, burns || vair ōchan īm = variously shining through lots of manifestations || karma-phal ēṣhu = by means of the karma -phalas or the results of actions || ju ṣhṭām = to be pleased hence favourable (to us) durg ām-dev īm = the female deity durg ā; du ḥu+ga ḥa = very difficult (to approach), dēvīm = Divine female deity || ś hara ṇam = shelter || aham = I || pra-pady ē = fall at (Her) feet || su-tarasi >> su = su ṣhṭhu = excellent, tarasi = swimmer, hence su-tarasi = excellent swimmer || taras ē = to the swimmer || nama ḥa = my namask āras That, fiery lustred Being, who shines by her own intense tapasy ā, is the One to be pleased and bestows us our karma-phala. O durg ā d ēvī, to Thou most excellent swimmer, I fall at Your feet (so that You may expertly carry me across this ocean). || 2 ||

, ̎ , ag ’nēt’ tvam ’ pāra yā nav ’yō , as ’mānth ’svas ’ti bhi ra ti dur ’gāi viśh ’vāā | pūśh ’cha pth ’vī ba hu lā na , ur ’vī bha vā tōkāya ta na yāya śhañ ’yōo || 3 || | agn ē | tvam | pāray ā | navyaa | asm ān | svastibhii | ati | durg āi | viśhv ā || | pūu | cha | pthvī | bahul ā | naa | urv ī | bhav ā | tōkāya | tanay āya | śhayōo ||

agn ē = O agni! || tvam = you || pāray ā = pāraya = take across to the other shore || navya ḥa = worthy of praise || asm ān = us || svastibhi ḥi = in the best possible manner || ati = extreme || durg āṇi = du ḥu+ga ḥa = very difficult+to go across = extremely difficult to cross || vi śhv ā = vi śhv āni = all = everyone pūḥu = puri = this body or this city || cha = and || pṛthv ī = Earth || bahul ā = ample and fertile || na ḥa = us || urv ī = vast || bhav ā = bhava = become || tōkāya = for our children || tanay āya = (and) their children || śha ṁyōḥo = welfare and happiness O agni! Worthy of praise! Thou take us all, in the best possible manner, across this extremely difficult to cross sams āra s āgara. May Mother Earth become ample and fertile for us in its vastness and yield abundance and plenty for our children and their children. || 3 || www Sai Veda com 2 / 5 , ̎ ̎ viśh ’vānin ō dur ’ga hā jātav ēdas ’ sin ’dhun ’ na nāvā du ri tā (a) ti par ’hi | ag ’nē , at ’ri van ’ma na sā gānōō (a) s’mākam ’ bōdh ’ya vi tā ta nūnāām || 4 || | viśhv āni | naa | durgah ā | jātavēdaa | sindhum | naa | nāvā | duuit ā | ati | parhi || | agn ē | vat | manas ā | g ānaa | asm ākam | bōdhi | avit ā | tan ūnām || vi śhv āni = entire || na ḥa = us || durgah ā = destroyer of difficulties || jāta-vēda ḥa = born with full knowledge || sindhum = ocean || na ḥa = us || nāvā = by a boat || durit ā = du ḥu+it ā = difficult to move (move across) || ati = extremely || par ṣhi = makes us afloat and protects

agn ē = O agni! || atri-vat = just like ( mah āṛṣ hi ) Atri || manas ā = with the mind || gṛṇāna ḥa = mentally repeating || asm ākam = our || bōdhi = make us aware || avit ā = protectrix || tan ūnām = our bodies O j ātav ēda! You are the destroyer of our difficulties and you make us cross this difficult sams āra sāgara just as a boat floats us and protects us. O j ātav ēda! Constantly guard our bodies; also make us mindful, prayerful and aware, just like sage Atri (who always prayed for the whole Universe constantly). || 4 ||

̎ , ptan āji ta gm ’ sa ha māna mug ’ra mag ’nigm ’ hu vēma pa ra māt’sa dhas ’th āāte | sa na[fp] ’ par ’ha da ti dur ’gāi viśh ’vāk’ khāmad ’dēvō , ati du ri tā (a) t’yag ’nii || 5 || | ptan ājitam | saham ānam | ugram | agnim | huv ēma | param āt | sadhasth āt || | saa | naa | parhat | ati | durg āi | viśhv ā | khāmat | dēvaa | ati | duuita | ati | agnii || p ṛtan ājitam >> pṛtan ā = battalion, jitam = winner, hence pṛtan ājitam = winner of battalions || saham ānam = conquering and victorious || ugram = fierce || agnim = agni ḥi || huv ēma = hav āmah ē = āhv āyama = we remember and beckon, call upon || param āt = from the beyond || sadhasth āt = from the assembly-gathering

sa ḥa = he || na ḥa = us || par ṣhat = floats and carries across (the sea) || ati = extremely || durg āṇi = adversities || vi śhv ā = entire, all || k ṣhāmat = perishable, temporary || dēva ḥa = Divine deity || ati = extremely || durita = difficult to move across || ati = extremely || agni ḥi = agni We beckon and call upon the all-conquering, fierce agni from its highest place of gathering (to come and protect us). He (this all-conquering, fierce agni) keeps us afloat and carries us across all these adversities inherent in this difficult-to-cross sams āra s āgara. || 5 || www Sai Veda com 3 / 5 , ̎ + + prat ’nōhi ka mī’yō , adh ’va rēhu sa nāt’cha hōtā nav ’yaśh ’cha sat ’si | sv āñ’ ch āāg’nē ta nu vam ’ pip ’ra yas ’vās’mabh ’yañ ’ cha sau bha ga māya jas ’va || 6 || | pratn ōhi | kam | īyaa | adhvar ēhu | san āt | cha | hōtā | navyaa | cha | satsi || | sv ām | cha | agn ē | tanuvam | piprayasva | asmabhyam | cha | sau + bhagam | ā + yajasva ||

pratn ōṣhi = pratan ōṣhi = expand, lengthen || kam = heavenly bliss || īḍya ḥa = by our praise, prayers and lauds || adhvar ēṣhu = in the adhvara ḥa (adhvara ḥa = yajña ḥa = formal vedic ) || san āt = ancient || cha = and || hōtā = the sacrificing priest(s) || navya ḥa = new || cha = and || satsi = sīdasi = sit, abide

sv ām = your own || cha = and || agn ē = O agni! || tanuvam = body || piprayasva = satiate and quench the thirst || asmabhyam = ours || cha = and || + sau+bhagam = good fortune || + ā+yajasva = make it happen, invite O agn ē! Abide in our Yajña-s and expand our heavenly bliss generated by our prayers during the ancient yajñas done by our new h ōtā-s. O agn ē! Quench and satiate your own thirst (and hence ours too) thus do we invite and make happen our good fortune. || 6 ||

̎ , gōbhir ’juh’ama yu jō ni hik ’tan ’ tav ēēn’dra vih’ōra nu sañ ’cha rēma | nākas ’ya ph’ha ma bhi sa’va sānō vaih’avī’ lōka , iha mādayan ’tām || 7 || | gōbhii | juham | ayujaa | nihiktam | tava | a | vihōo | anusañchar ēma || | nākasya | phham | abhi | samvas ānaa | vaihav īm | lōka | iha | mādayant ām ||

gōbhi ḥi = with cattle || ju ṣhṭam = joined, united with || a-yuja ḥa = not joined or not united (untouched by negativity) || ni- ṣhiktam = flooded || tava = your || indra ḥa = Indra, the Chief among minor deities || vi ṣhṇōḥo = all pervading || anu-sañchar ēma = may we follow

nākasya = of the highest heaven || p ṛṣ hṭham = on the top || abhi = all pervading || sam-vas āna ḥa = all-pervasive = equally existing or dwelling || vai ṣhṇav īm = of vi ṣhṇuḥu || lōka = this World || iha = here || m ādayant ām = may delight (by granting our desires) O agni! May we follow you relentlessly, just like indra ḥa following the all-pervading vi ṣhṇuḥu, thee who are joined with cattle and abundance, untouched by sin and sorrow. O all-pervasive Vai ṣhṇav īm on top of the highest heaven! Delight us by granting our desires in this World here itself! || 7 || www Sai Veda com 4 / 5 ̎ kāt’yāya nāya vid ’ma hē kan ’ya ku māri dh īmahi | tan ’nō dur ’gi[fp] ’ pra ch ōday āāte || 8 || | kāty āyan āya | vidmah ē | kanyakum āri | dh īmahi || | tat | naa | durgii | prach ōday āt ||

kāty āyan āya = pertaining to k āty āyan ī || vidmah ē = we all know || kanya-kum āri = maiden-virgin || dh īmahi = we do dhy ānam upon

tat = that || na ḥa = us || durgi ḥi = difficult to approach durgi ḥi || pra-ch ōday āt = inspire and illumine our thought processes We all know k āty āyan ī, we do dhy ānam upon thee, O such a durgi ḥi – inspire and illumine our thoughts. || 8 ||

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