Otd Deserted fee House

let tise Is Burned) To harly ThurS?! New Ghairmf n of «jJolfers a*t|oc5ntion, which will b« held Bflrd club Saturday mo ptog. il Car Thieves Take (,r"iin< Saturday %i 'Hillcrest will bring be­ •llaiiting jaearly 200 shribs a nidi tree] Honoi's fro henried fl;o Morning tween 75 kny 100 youthful; golfers to . n the'bird sanctuary, Wesl jof 'the high 1 school of Baninsthn J 2vergreen\ cemetery. T lie!, w a» Cour tyllJoaii and Barring on flrom 13 bjigh [schools lo- 1 With thn_re. a tnouiceirert fr^m thel| ^a' supervised by Joh^n L; Jeltt (htonrmau (fated irtij cities and villages ofinorth - ct ni 1 tional 'school macaurje. it (f tie,sa4 |" 'y commit ee aid James .jeter rcAd^r; a mjddli i iii|i'l'iitil'i>-il man, eastern Illinois. 1 ' [ I "C|ui|| Topics" th it' B arri] ig: on' (J. Wagge, president o( the Barrfng- nged nwin of med,i|iin h,uiM lga'ine|en- i vH'tim, was' found Oijectors Clash . !Mr . BroWn, bup«»rinte|nilent * o^, hid From Barrington ; five places in. a.hntonal ton'jBird dub. | . trance itto t]ie ho'meofjWiUiam W«i« 1 schools.' at Arlington Heights, IwhO hasi Ankerjcan uir-iiiiy" morning ill essay contqst, cj)ndu[ct^dj by J, L 4 The plants were all oJ a hijrdy 'dnd rich, -6(8 ' Qi-o'v^i 'avemlej' Wednesday been placed iii charge of tlie|s<. qualify 1" ha |gh ;.i' house w bit-U •• •' I' —• .-V school. nature stock,'consisting of tvo ami 1' Pressi: stolen Ford roadster ito afternoon where helJield np[.Mrs. Wei- A'.personnl combat bet!u-;eii AV illiam ing; rounds,- had received 1ft J entries hrte yearTb'ld material Tie plant­ hchint r'oblwl'Jier of $5, r ' " - * -..'iiri al»u-:; with :i prior to Wednesday eveniiig. 'J A few ;In comfietititin , witjh pjipj|h f>m tlie limil three automobile .thicvek .-•!•: Ijj- aftwv midnight Obee, news ehairmajn (f the , ILnke hundreds of ^h gh schools JCiltt ing, was done under favorabe condi- pulled iway ilom'pursuets from:Bar­ • [ The,i!ioii 1 nocked' at t^s front door county board . of silpe r *isor&",' |and kore were |;expeVedne.sda rj nfternoop, fail to appear, Mr. Brown: saiggested. (ooperation of those*who frucuentjthe the kaiins rmk in to 1 the Wisconsin line, alth >{agh many honor each In great-many two men a id; nipped the pkjirmfeh be­ ilestroy all young growth, the hird Firs6iNrittonai|'Bank;on-Cook btr^et, , the:meters. \ ' , ':.•• ' | j h j. iii'-u were: llar- high schools; in the district' ire not ably failed to pfaceirj the pitisel'Tfjin' If.-: fore it t e\ rio'ped into'an undicnified unctuary will not only (lecoi ie|tt pop I His was tlhe, /second automobile '- Threifens WithJfliin . , ;.n Sliuc'tt. \yilljam represented 1 by golfers or edit teams. uing colunns.j brawl. ilar havin 'for the birdsT bi t it will stolen fijo[m'B*'rr}ngton streets! by joy Mrs. VV'p«rich\let'th'e||iuiy come in,j VVie'ilciibcck. vAll 1 , Start » a. nu [J .- • ' , The j schools! for w^ich more 1 than TL- • This en in*' 119 an 1 air i-cljnia.x to f 1 Jso develop into a beautiful arbjareium riders 01*'. professional thieves J within tie ; inn nefliately thrust; ]al J rewlver l,;!,it| hoys Wh<> deS- Tlie boys entered will siar|t «m. their one prize; were win were Batfrini' 1 Ohee's, elettibn to the p J »t of chair ton 5: SuUerville, Mi., S < if plant life, five lays. A Pontiac sedan wna stolen against htr And forced [hnr toVf.'back' !.i:il jury at un nullifying roumls not' latjer'than 9 Eela|w|ir^ O., 3; SeiiBca, S, C, 2; There Is-'ilo more cf&ctivt way of from Sajin Lipofsky last^Wefincsday jp 'into in ljajwhmgjlr&o'hi ^.-jpurso' ,i in the Duiticl- man of tHe .board. ' Mr .Stripe as a. [m., iind if a foresome is( 'on, hand •hi- WW., J2; Vpuih Acw( rth, ; ittracting a great vapety 1 bint. s evening.«t It was ptrfced oni Lhke •as lyhjgj on'a chiffonier It the/room.j i - iimlerfakiiis pnr- president tjf the Tdxpa; ITS Aisocinp eai;lier than (that time the ,b go through jthe- proper eha'mels 11 get­ Many hpnc rable ment ons | ,, 1 r Found In EjngleWood ,, 1 ..i.v was liiir.nt'd !)«•- The boys will go out in ifoirsomes .Tlie Piibl'iif.Si'rytee O (1 neteri rea*- . • VIC:' ting permission to adtlms the board not] include 11 in thii t4 builatjio^. The chief consideration , \ hich : in Mr. Lipofsky's -j-ar" was found ,;.,t furls lil'.illgllt l>llt with four schools represented in each ers'are *miippe ^--rec^gniw- prizesi w'erc: 1 1 luratW .of tho fruiting' seas n.i Btirds through {Ernest B^aude, Iqcal chief, of 1 .1 I In' hearing UUtil Escorted Out scoii-er. -. 1 ; •'] •' I nbl'rt.. ch| ii ijiing ,to ' «(>««•« nt , ^thei com'-, When In did not confirm tjo this Mildred ITotlfnTd, firit pri[ze fo^^sj: imst be prpviihd with fooA the'jjOar police. flPwo extra'.wheels and'tires t (.fallowing li'nt' for The fact that only th* foijii, lowest just . during 1 severe pany, sjidild insist *timt, w ey prc«enti, demand: Ii > was escorted from the biography j iw'arded $1). had beeii stolen irom the machine., ! can quaHfjl and each of iheiie must <>nn be'Kcctmplished their cask he advismti," Jj " * ..'in'ii • nii«r (ii'Vpinp- room liy, J iliu Froeik'b, t etmty sher­ Mildred Skinner' t iini prize "tir ' It was believed jtlmt the thieves who |i> I tic riyi make the course in not more than lp hy planting shrubs, trees, a id cieep- of iff, uceordi ig' to report ft 11m V 'auke- biography, awar:dec]$:i i •jtole MrJ LipofsJky's machine were the abiye pur, means that • the) joys in " Fern Pd lei'|«n, i'-. ftl 1' priicj ft(i I 10' 1 rs V;hich provide natiirajl fc t>d (at; nil ones wh]o left ii'stolen car standing IflONK .i ..f n mhn. When gnn. ' " . -y earliest about t^ualifyiiig wilj have to I leriods of the year. -. Sujch; )lai|ts as Followin ; tlie orgnniznt on mfeting, grapjliy, nwurjiled $1. on Main street Wednesday of" Jnst RING^ * I.lazing furiously (ibiy very good golf. The galfjrs from /Vernon ]?lo!gge, jf ft^ uVisfoc for! iclir.1 1 he I high bush cranberry'ant fcieadow Wieek,' Jfbis" machine was. taken by ,the ' BA: .1..thing limy Jiuve M^r. Obeo encountered 'M;'. Strlixs in this district, also face tbieriict that 1 1 oaf retain their abundant' j ruit >Vfell 1 (he court 1011 sc with ' r >Sultii g ex­ toon , awanled $i police Tliursday w«l the -owtier deter- Mi's. 3 Cuiu DOrettJa aJitiilklwj !•!• I after (Ii*' firt* they if re'playing at iHiHcre'fjt, a difli- Virginia Defcsl r, fifth] I rlze b i nto jhet spring of the secon I year. niiiied and notified. The owner was li.ct, tin" ri'lnailis change in fvords and |n|far pljry^ical cu t course. )Vith so'many, entries ' F 1 The following trees mid sh ubs were ttropp, ,v ife jof .Unwit t n i dwelt 'of 9. descriptive chart! a raided, ?l] nil Indiajna. man and the,machine was ItoiiglMtret, d^pamlfthhil fq Blihday. ii .-1 charred >-tiiii)]>, clash. frthi Jieighboring schdfolsi ;|a fairly I ilaiited < Saturday:, 15 hit I cherry PfiKefij at d |hoior ibl 1 mek|tijins wjsre stolen jVprjl 21;' Frequently * bar i ;prl 20 11: *0 at-mL $M ft «V»*tj-tt stolen machine ifanoyei, Girnjaii^ ^fFM). 21; 11848^ ,- inoVi-oWns and SI rijie is iiresident nbjci ted t> Mrr «18 ' ldejrberry,' 25 sumach^ 25i meadow fibre's elet* iini on the £roi| ml that Hie Continued on clas$ificijiti( nfj: I «; ito r{ai( ii^rtoo *$, ajiout tlie time they feel they, might .ajiid em g-fttnd ibjtb'e agfUf eight w :«M 11201 high bush cranberji p,- ^0 ar be detected,;: T^iey "then proceed on latter was superintendent itt coistruc- biographie»[ local i|jsu •», jiijid dejsci 1 oQarring okj •' rltl» n^r » jiiusscd-the fire tive! charts 1 ow 4aod, and 20 isheepberrjj , their joiirney In auylo^jier cor'they fftnrfiik1 tion of the addition to the court limine \ rIn 18)^7,4« wuiliinfcliiit ma can steal in .the .vicinity where they to Garrett tamWir IJ-Eljilit Idifadren Ki­ .1. Kurt,-, and '<>. {'. in 1&23-24 while he was'11; member «ft left the first one. ] ' Final C k Six week s ago' ai on 5 9 me abers tferc bori »jb,K»] iniojliJi.>ifo JdiUdren .. ll- tJje board— making him jp^ereHttd in • peljforninnc^ of t$< rk ir the'social t eif«nci c ast ra nnderl jthe (di­ Were Yotirig 3Ien ', preceetl|(l| s uWleHnlthatli,: '* ,; I is: lit id l'.|» ' rection of : hfisa An let e1 Sheel entefed The- three car thieves who drove!off tlm innkink od letting of y hich^ be wa ! Since th|e f t|i aijyj |i|v e«, nil t when* 1st Before Oommtytqe ildred Folkroo's first pto 'tiio-j tQualiliet to pressed yontlff. men - seen- loitering member alem j I mm f »i Church, • 'in' :it the ice.ihoiV'.e Around (the bank'building; bjvt A. (M, Mr. nnJl Before'a Id ressiiig the ijiarfl )f su grarihy, "Ji ,n? Add* mo '»',*« 11 tlhlisl ed M's^'U KlsVerl 'jtijoifed .ihe .-II 'MawtLjortiel lake. jjtowers. j Mr. Sowera '; aijd Howijird l nusuiil pri i-il^ge] •!! • -..MT. to the [place. Condemn S lorts<:w o of theyOiiths climb into [the auto­ She k si rjfived^My Itljjof. ill, four mittee hen -ing. ^A'hen : his pielimi- ' 1 r * 1 1 '' liam Edcai Borah" 1'er't.on! Plagrfe'e , ••- I'm- a few minutes fi£th[ prize cartoon wis WblishedJ It 1 I mobile hnd start driving south. 1 A s)ns,! wto rei; (partes iiliain nnry ,is nt t followed on 1 ft speaker ' final cost "ff construction, on 10 of ami vxiingiiisli'tlie (Innies the 1$ special pavink fasscissnunt pro pictures Hindenbujg ip [a lijhtho[ise More than 100 men a;nd I boys at-. third jumped into the car as it drove at home, ijahii# : Hid uliufli of La- may tie den ied the i^riyileg^ of a^ressi- • ii "lil (nicking ihousc Itoger Hay iriih face, ivahte I beyond tryi^igi.to k >ep the (-er jnaA g(oi eifnm ended tho ^Barrington hi;ti school by Lrpo. sky's stojpe. , ,- ,', pldrt, Ih l;, tArqUlatipitHrs. itr^Mftti^ ing the ho in]. It Was r^poiftetS that nt i.iniiil )iy. sparks from { jects on whic 1 bon! ill.- building. The ATCL ilub of beys for-which athletic qU-aili- Tlie tllives spelpett "south on Cook- Ihilipj Beu(i>lter„ lijlkoj to! j Snlen] II. Stripe [1 xplnins .the ,point' of differ­ attopie••--.-,-y, for tit 'viHago. l^a|jpro\'ed street, turned to1 iHough street, ni^l I Ivangel cdrl fhtirtai inn! discovered ,it to 1 1 ieations. rire neV^sary foi menjbev < ffici it h| j Bijiriflt . iiiaiii^, of a human ence. The pttjer in part iff: ' Ayl '"le couim ttse [«hese|i wljll ^-'be; for*"-*' Thhe Borl-i^)gto|I i ±n MJ dull drove.hont o»i the Bhrririg'ton road. vfas at l^ve 'grije^l "We"are informed that MrJ\V|iHiam w'rjded to C)0 c and Lake county its regular ingto(month]'n " inesting «iWP- 1 ' • i ' ' 'j'l i Ohe "of the Barrington' pursuit cars : The famous Iwskctball coieh of jtnc 'l'';|i-s il5'oVl'.to..tO\Vn tO Obee, of I * -**-- " "'"*- ' ' judges' for/finil dijjpositjon,' eyeijing, tiav 1, ai tlie h(<:n^Jof. stopped at the,' \jillagei limits! but the rn^verlfjity of Wisconsin, jtii; 'falter 1 DEATH AtD&^R_ • xihib' Slniotr and ipembers 0 The *;stimatei prepafed on _„7 an.1d) [Mrs-lrf—.. .''Jl. oh.n T iclw&nia, other followed to the Gi'llis road, i.W of iLnke c itioty, is n enjnd^dure ifor projects 'byA'tlmi; J .Saggdnios, vil* :i, Meanwell, better known, to^qth-, i i in. I nt the place rf Main fetree -'' J 1 , , , ir where'the thieve^turnjja.eW. At that r cha|rii^an t f-the board. - I , Inge attorney, wpri checked bj AttOr^ 1 stes -is "Doc MeanweliL .yrba >\ the' rrj-i:. - ,13,:111.- flanies eon- I An 'out-< f-i own t pe ^k,ei|, 1 n- po|intithey Wereltoo larkway to be . *;—4t» |.M. « (';• "InivieT of this'we 4i»h t)1 call ney Bardwell witjh tlhe estimates pre-* I rihcipjal speaker. / r 1 Tin- lioys who drove nouicCKl at 'thplmee mi, wilj overtake 1. ' ' ] i 1 ,^ - Mel* 11 t. I] i'owW i e>£'at '1 he' 1 your aUejit on to the facts that (inMijg iiared by the enebuering firm. In enumeri(tting .the val|eii ojf atb- Mr. Jiiiiley nnd I Music w II be Ifur il: bed 1 y "ThciHdfeelwero notified,,,and warn­ Sjnn'diiy^Apjil $V.-\ if,-' wfts sujwriitendent of cot jtroction, of relations' pnade, and they are!^b|W ready lifics ta the boy, Dr. Meai\ieU spoke 1 Iflu' group returned A. Eslkin. ings |Weij», broadcasted,' to. nearby vil» Maiiy Bairinjitoii, p?&: will; I*- the qttditifni'ro the cour house. foif apptjovnl [by tl e>,committe?. j--Th»4 «f (the g'rowh^g oppositjpn to jnter- 1 1 where tli'e body inks. '•.„-,-- " • ; njiembifr Mi*. Fowler U,J,tjalen e^ i t "If you-jrHJiiiHk Stnte-'s lAttorhey !A. difference beiweim tfte^e figures; rei>> c >llegia[te iandj ibter-sehoiast ic athletics, k|ng jiarlqi s. , ,1 gaye them hiy autoniobile with WOinuifl ind a d ivjMcjl-, n|»t er. V. Smith;he will toll yoj. that it lis resenting final _ co fenv«j, C<«.y *Wj Mv- W, (ty oi 11 stniifi and"' not that whicl % necessary m -the. pjar- relfjund along wilhj^JK iht« only fornmnce tfiliiis official du^ra as a su- over-issue,, ' .'| '.'-{' I . \ 1 Irtes to band' together to neet thi "jS liearei 1 «' n ftjgu'irante'e against punctures?.'! < \ «' *on iifi lajW,' !< iii the fioil|ling pervisoi'.'* ^4j-m|eni«( Made opposition is becoming nibm and mot 3., Willi (.'i^'-'W l iam A., ^r.,' robjir 'K-I -tiavv mi thj> S\oor Hny has1 refunded t ie village naifumount,. he; sajd. r j j ^ l-vL, n ! L,;i § learer, all of RWr 1 \u k 'a,- -New 1 •i'l 'floor, that the interest; pay: nents made Dec. is, lift l|n shaking of the phys ct I side ^»rk. I-i! . '. I " .',1 1 -1' fiercely 1 nfsi to S, No inteinistfpaymer. Jpaymeritk.onfiovert - tasketbij'll, relating ito his experiences I tThetje relative iiM-«>re,-i(i wll i h,»r t'5! 1--In. have |)«i>n -oil isslnjesi other ] tht n, 1 those wre ,'mnde 1 lU s t Jthe 1 University bf Wife :onsin, Dr. uptrvisors from at(the t mj- ofc hVr^i;st &$« i xcept *':K. SpeaferHereto jSeiiinrs »8 Birruigtoii -•' ai'iri'ii that the' by j the i village, n& ^he discrepancies school kire g their 11 Heanwell brought out eriihatically l»4nald audi Willianm, wl weie a»- Ijb't.'ly biijrnet}— came 1 toi light storlly ofteir (that jiliait m increase of| weight and other t mding New1 York /[lipiffhtaty - 1 to a c; irnaxfcy prjiientinc auVj "i identification The ossessmen tsj the final [costs of 'mystery iplay ."fChe jfaysicol condition his boys have ai- is District on Syracuse i|iiiyen ify rfepi & iffely iHaiK-d teejb and !U|(!of€; construction whi|<|h, jiave Wen 'deter 1'njrs'^hown'the greatest ippioveinent tunbment ,wn» it' Fainy/oi t, mpdU um. 1 •!"M; iii'|Ma^l3^,n«. l _H!]-I t WBU st ( 1 Ilieiiverl'Coh'" -y', '/ ,'; ]:f '. 11 Mil tyr indenti- mined, and die airojunt «fc jthe over- |OUt' in n[iai ked contra It' with] Jans' ^•hls physical outlet, he at id ia •alto- Jetl^er necessary to take tie place of issues o..n. rthese , _alon. g with (tlhe oyer-_:—i the tay^.^htch h«ve been I r[esent (iotKl Commit toos tf 1 'laiijinsch. who lives issues on previt usly determined \ nai here durimr thp Itjst few tie-woodpile and farm duns of the (•ii ,i ill" trtis spur,in the nW generations, • ^*qJ_,' DECLAMA »i.-!Jll! s^sments iirej | possesses Jovoj. [trakedy, mysfc>iyj iam Lake county superviHors' from the i'l i'l?-h.iu.st>, .testified AssoHBf XOi •*. * . jtiyt puisne WI^L BE'f ! exctirsiou inlttt tlie spirit us i I ] praises Ray Wlchtmil j s ' sfl|dthweirt corner of the :ounty farea ''-i' '"he had seen .three ha i I r([ad consti lietio(lotion pro- i u 3.08 and the solutjoM'of UnTnuir*- - In 4 iriendjly round' tabln discus^ioii well at he annual [organ zation mee^* Mi.- i,-,. bouse at about grtj-bi ln>U inpis^, the wby'and there­ li ing ^Twelve lpU>ilN in ,ltue jijnioy, 1 4.,-in fore of th< gfts^line tax, and the use 400 mitted 1 during tb[e f rst act, IT. ]Ieanwell nnlswered numerous heljl Wedrtestlay'' afternoon at "i'l-'lity.; Two of the )1.15 Kchool (h«v4"iife t- bafike,^- nukegan. j :¾. , 7 ii-.—,.,1, t|, . otl|er op- of [money- rejected from the tax in, tlie public dMelamatoW'( •i est wlich fan f -,1 ( Against he bkc%roiind > Dill rules and those tluv rare ">being H. D. Kelsey, of Cuba," Emit f'ickci building h rd roads will je explained \ 'ill be hel^'iiu the' (jehc ^lditor uni 1 framp. Thf three- 0,85 and retinei, 1 eojile the spiritiiall icmsidered fot- the- ful 11m Chief Of Eln, [Peter $tadfield; of wnucondn, ; to memjfei 1 of the Barrliktwn Ohamr !fay 11 AWl«( iill ; icsmade -thi ' i'i' limise, she said, mfedain Malan Roifali LaOrange and among the future- considtrations arc and Heiiry Meyer "of Frpemoht, were' berUf C01 imerce at a m feting tob6 r yinners In each di\ isioti 1 j t,imo the 1 police inspector Tim Donolpb liwH that will cut down in ;aihe in each ptuced on not less than threj'; held next Tuesday eveuing at Julie'tV Those to cijmpe lef werli/I(«t>ieete< "] bi t * PI; NF:w Severn. . .,,.11 234.S0 battle out tin utioii of tie nystir- teruptions^ 'which are 'continually committ ics with .important posts foy ST ioiis m^urde -preliminary jcon'testat th| ffehoof. 1L ABLE AND . The sp'ei kt|r is a repw tentative, of I; peaking up the plays, ' 1.3S6.12 , In, a recent gome at thf tliiiversity ' Emil)iFiek(f was made ,cbnirman 0£ In the oratorjciil grouil m Wlb'irt •fORsKs AT BILTi^ORE jthei-Cbicaj 9 [Motor club find wllf be 258.63 the, roa]l outfit and maintenance com­ ig four \yerO sdtcted': Ho" ward (la«i pireuared t li-give local me|i' a."c«|mpre- GltRIST; I13NCE qf Wisconsin there were 121* sound iigs of the whistle, durini: t mittee-and' a- member of the settle^-' , Ie, Esther Jjeppsin; AlviSi j Ne>l, in] ••ii'si; lias developed SO hewsive• re -lew: of the gijs tax.^lnn "v-t" (te thirty ment with -the probate clerk commit­ 992.47 B MOiNDA ninute« of .playing. " ; yivian Richer.. , The Ndrtn aiic t! aii«i, • -'.t IJiltmor'e Country" nitftj its apbilcation and ipsults. - ; J L tee and] a ,member of the important • ie.06. 1. il&y Wichmaii, a forme: basketball '"•••"•'•nt stable, of 30 This mtfetlng, cnllk-bf EldCn G. A Ifrlee letfilre ini Giristiikn fseie»|pe fihauce- committee.' - , ' .00 >! starof the Barrington quintette who i.".'!iies has proved in- Gleske, prisidentj of jthe Chamber of will (be giien] iii tjbe schod audit: : 2,060.29 1« very jactlve on, Dr. Meanwell's )n. Road Committee . ' 'ii'ij. '>»t to. "Doc'' A. H. Copme^ce, vfill te> the' list One held B. Htufeh krj«t, at ^:15 p, Inmlionms division irepije* 50.90 aum, t 'am during the past year whs greatly H. I>.| Kelsey, was made chairman i:iii»r.-r. • "j ' bfefbre ne^i fijill. Regutar njeetings will Monday I by Pet|r V. llpss, be Harriet Buraridt, Do; 1 422.32 next 3. 0 9iiored by the speaker. ,' "f JohmOnJ ill lim-sfsi wele used, at b >g[in iu I eptember after \ a. lapse of ,, jof S^n |Frftn|ei! Ojf the 'swamp lands committee and a Ilaymonil Ulbrich,' and.' !i S.iB 1 Speakers who preceded Dir. Mean member ] of the 'important road and i earH(.>r» all horses t. Executive meetings will be held Chrii|tJ' §ciintifcft, of Birrin;to !l ,194^51 E erintendent; of' | the .Barrington committee,, 1 member of the hospital ERNEST LOHMAN- DIES _'' path bejfore 10 a.. *!lme, howjever. : is a member of t ie boird of il !; ing !lt|3. 55 s:hools, Wiltard Watson, t~ Church APTEBt; ¢^ IKJ^WL j^iiior high school, and {fai 1 Clai*k, tb|e right of way committee, j 1 Tl unfilled. - j, / ate Christ^ Sciln|ti4t, of Boston Death] claimed' .Erneflt' ' Lobna -, s'"' '' ,z iof!-the aiidit *f thf- poor,bill commit-" 51 h wi or more addition- ()ne < of 'important {meetings of ments on whii the final had I ISTta* C(INTENT Mr, Lohinjan was boriiMa M Jthe *«.' ,1 ' - 1 , 'I 'fe.- " '»y the members. The tlM year /Oi the Ba rriniton villag*; been determine!] preViously^ re- PNEUMONIA CAUSE^ 1(870, in EW toWiiflhip^lJkel ferred to the coiinty jifdgeB., Mis^ Barker land Mist it^ouss 'of Henry Meyer was;|hiade chaijrftian and had lived in Barring iota '"inplded and construc- hot rd ,wiB pel held neat Monday,eveh- DEATH OP tyRS. MAIN 1 53 'I '^-tarted before June, The Einal| cost of construction has. thtj high w iool faculty twill attend 1 he of the]'settlement with the county fourteen years. - ' L ' ' j, ;'» ii 11,., ing when he group H ill be organized ]ilrs. Emma Ada Mailn of ajlocuin's not be madp bi piano lioloi tt, Phebe I WnittMfl,' cojil tiering chapel Tuesday, at 2:|o'dock\; bera, ft is interesting, to" note that ^airfield' cemctet y.; , * '! .n' ''' < ' •en n;. hi V - "' > Thursday > H»e riw ; members, as elected by thi> : 1 t at 8 p m in tt VotejS"1ai 5 VWSk, W,t^ declared dul| ment£ 1 ot t sted. SoO(ej payments wej-e toj and Ertest Goe, Writone. : ] lev. Ml, H. Freeman of j tl e 1 I^thodistf'Henr y Meyer, (oldest* member of [the Mr. tohjman leaves''to a»«irn, 11«! •^t F,V' , - - « f qnalified ind, elected by the village, made; hr Si)..Hay peraonaly, amount­ Darl mo )ande!rs iwil represejnt B| thurch officiated and Mrs. ,'Oharles board, was elected • to that body Ithe 1 rife/ Mrs. 1 Minni e Ixrhimk n, danfl ti ringtoti in Iramitid reiiing and same ye^r that H, D* Kelsey^ youngr w t Uavis,' head of the board of t "ustses mectbg last Friday ing J:d labpit $:L,500s; Hi nf« been !lie» saijg, "Saved By^Srtpi^ and J label, and son,: if erle, ,at home; jl I; night for the^ purpose, ol canvasssina credited with this and" the inobnt will Bennett i: 1 oratory. Naoi ii * In I *Cfiei I Garden." The I ody wa« est member of thte board, was born. ] 0. J. Miller, and Alvin. 1 ohman, 10 ^'h «t the Universii: -._.... 1 ^ u! 1 a, rel*8ion8 progjrsin I the votes ind iist« of voters. No dis be] apjplied'lo th 5'orerl-isstje, jpjtymentS will accompany the TO cat so li^ts 1 aken to [sand Hill cemetjery| for biir And' he has served- continuously ever tf Barrington ' <• IiL ' 11' since. . " \" ' j • " ' , r., of Pi airie vliew, ~ ' ' •i "^^'" ' 'I •+ r » /, :*x. UPS fc^fi.J^MjJBJlAia AJe^ikih fa ^^'&JH* ,>t\ mammm•t fa .-t, h^MMi iM I"l pvnqpflHMMBMppK m.hiuiwwin|i WPWP •PH ^


inform ijtioJ ,nrn i .. revikd wgu^ Iation* aw I ivaihibleojj iplicatlon Cuba Varied Progr '^ |h« deidrtn|e#!4t Ration. ams iJLlk Townshl ithokly tb purchase; jjor setliire by ] A fctite-wlde i itek tofbel londucted condemnation iproceedingk a ' right-of- *h« hit \t\ school jotijimer^ nl teacb- ^1 atCatlowTheatrje way across the land of Jacob F. era will dbjride * hicjh Ischoo will re- jfr. BI id MM. JollR **?#»« Fa«8b1er; in IWPage couhty, for con­ ceiffl tha QofrerporJ — lefrson cui •da Edmund Lowe, the popular star {of struction of, a' petroleum pipe line faired as a sta| mpioiship, tro "What Price Glory,", is again in •from a iwiut jift Rock Island county, phy by thi gove Or |!toj be a varded to g,.!ii ** »«»•' •* comedj" of love making and beautil through I Whjtffcide, Lee^ -Jt)«Kalb, the pfiblu or -hfil hi, ft school, 1 Kaie, |nipd Dtipage courfies,^ to Cook that sjcore i highe^ ij ihorti and, typ- :.t t (women, "Don't Bet' On ' Wome|,** . which is, now playing: at The Catlfw cou tity, has be>in granted to the Great fug , and t|i>dkke Preiminarlei wore held April 25]i4 'fprty-rfx dis- ^ith Mr »nd Mt«. *"««« »* theatre. Lowe has.the leading tale, Lul;esipipe Lipe Conipany, far the itit »t — t| i . Illiiois IComnaerce Commission,^ The Wicts, semiffinals *_ IMIjii.LT gectibnali that of the social lion, who, makei a srri snd Mrs. WiUiam^! coi ipapy sometime ago , was granted center*, will/be fjfldjMjayijfl and adtte bet .with his attorney that wit [in /*iw if WaukWB r. • Andy | Ijafl,- director jof the night, jis being presented as a ben< fit Central I Jli ijois I PuMi» Set-ric^ com- Walter Efape «n4^ sta|:ei department of.public health, has 1 for the Junior and Senior commercial ttany^o o^y> 'AHton Brottws, Inc., issiei] an, appeal .to tie public to ex 'Robert andv 1to*a»if t fona,!$89,3210.16 damage toj -ose crops' elasses of the Barrlngton high sch< oL terniuate the housefly1. Giving start- r Ktrfhdnv luncheon given in hSttir caused by leaky jas p pes ^1 the cqm- Jack Oakie, who comes to The (. it- Iin;: statistic^! as tojW fly's ability I'H^cU Albolt orcaf, Frj|«rij. low theatre Saturday night in "J n» ikany undejr, the' greei houses. This Miss Efirirrttnj a Sobo, II, of Wood' to mriUply, dnd of thc> health hazards ternoon. i . '• ~ -' ,; . Moon," will ,offcr i breeay * and fi st' !«s* has {attrat !ed r »ide < attention aide, N V, was cro'irnecd "Ala th«y present, the dirsctor observes: r moving comedy in this Broadway p «y mblog he rticulti rists. Expe rt floruits sri..,nd Mrs. »«?Mf'W!p ftfaygar ^Vnierica," at thi" ttunoiria* "A "ruthless an« v^srortusly prosecuted nitA be party ikiven in; fcjka transferred! to the talking screen. ;rdm Chi;uo, HuiVei »ty t f Illinois U lall given! in Nejw Yor E In come* birtlh COutrol n;ropam applied to tbe ^ B. S ratton.of take Villa fi^t M*SmalI Towner" ndfeastern floril^th mis vere called! Hon with th* National Horte Show. fly family is therefore in order." | witije evening, The theme of the , story is thai a od Myron "Keh*}y .ttnall town "HUP': thiak» he can w ite !Dh!e.|lta('lie. t department of public Anj adFJertiseiliienj:nt; for a hiisbalnd Sfr. 4 M». aaughtos Snirler atad. BettitiV popular music, lie gofcs to ,Xew,Y« rk. PLAN MODEL ROOMS heillthl'has' placed its approval jupon hrought to; Mr^' Aniaj Ba:hm(an jof, The big city hiyjt justjnbout convin |«id th([nsejof pasteurized milk, exclusive­ 1 Mr. pi Warwick jlll., a ma_rn_ 'jvh,.__o _stol e two Ward a^ad VerdeB* him that as a song, writer he'd im ike IN HOME INSTHJUTE ly, for'icity milk isupi lies. It Ayarm watches From ljjr heme'ji tir |using •algooil bus l><>y when a tunc <|f his thi t riiw millf, unless s'url'ounded by cago a«* ***•• DEMONSTRATION HBRE money sie;. senj hin ;lto< mjake |thi itftrMrJa: . taken : hold. If ranees ' Dee makes an vitid sanitary precautions, readily bei journey' admirable > playing Injntc for Oalie; j Ml • . cdines Jimwbolesoiiie aid unsafe^'par­ '^ffc o' sfiady-HillU 31*. a id Mrs. Oliter Fitts 0¾ and a supporting large cast adds : est Plan's lot the Bnrringfor Horn; In- ticularly in wiu'ni wei-ther. 'The de to the story, i stitut^ are now nearly ciinpleted, and partmtint urges the (liberal/ use' oi Hill had as.their Sdnday *««*«., A variety, of short subjects fill' tliose who 1 are wen the proposed pro­ miik from a view-point of health,!but Keep .your mci ey in thecal k. , 01arfne< Meyer and! ^¾^¾ \ round oiit: the evening's," entertaimn nt. gram jp'roinlKC that the di y is goi lg to iniistajthat milk, to be w "of Barriugtotr. Mr. »nd Mrs,«i»i Submarine Mystery offer one o:l the. most in :ei resting and must be properly ha; lied. Why not mt this bank your BaiUngfr and .family^ andSMjr.| A J uuusuhl pr|gram» Barriigtou wnnen Mrs. A J guH Meyer of lCh#gj.,;j; lT?he Sea* Benenih^" coming to the Witli, the addition' R Madsac ant tec protectk Catlow. theatre next Sunday and J tm- have hadfan opportunity toatteul. Gtllfttiin c6un(ties,;Illi:ibis now has 7< l' Mr. Ind Mrs. John^Kyan!.df[;ic day is: based on the activities' of an In .addition t\> jlectuic4demoi stra- areas hccreditejl as free from bovin i cago ai! eat Friday at tb|i]fcajfc. American ''mystery ship"' workiuj i in tton o>i'n}ntj;ition, MHI pi cparatio», in­ tn wrculobis. These t vro • southeaster) i Mr. an! Mrs. Conrad. KM n|. y |- conjunction- with an American ub- terior dot'o ration, floral arrangement, BeautyShop and war|lr>be planning, there ai-e to, Illinois counties revealed p! vejry sligh; FititStat^l marine to capture a noted U4wal| off - 205 K Cook St. ! - 1 ! II. D, Kel^ W<>«4 to .ijba^ lei*] degree of,1 infection in the' reports oE Capital and SurpI jjl60,CQ0 j e ft the Canaries,- be mjod« rooms, nrra »gpd by thej on bM»f I s WetltaesdttyJ. - . V£ " < Plagge Ilohie Ftt'rnishini Co. an :1 the, tests performed by reWinaHans 'iifi | .Marion I jessing, the Viennese: i tar J. IAaBlrCHTJLTE, Obai 4 of thi BoaW |i Chorl a QrUher of Shady 'im, J. & A. Itijiflio Shop, of Birringtlon. , the animal industry division of tw +jj< makes her features-picture debut tisjithc ! Perma afljn 1 Tliis orojgram is' being stibnsbrbd bj^ state flepartnipnt of agricnltlure. \\ • A.I ROBPRTSON, «Ident -^'1:' Mondai- afternoon in ChS*Ro,>: Y ^erm.dti heroine of this production, the Woioik's Itelicf Corps f|>r Barring Marce ' EDWAR) W. RLJESt HC „'Anpi?. OASTLi i Vice ^k|rilent i . r----r-r ' Mrs*! John ThuWw awdl ^aoj '***** anil the supporting cast includes ton,• „.. , *.,forjtlil« *i.eL ,..t«»\»iLpurpo&ne «orf »Mtin | illiug their 1 Ralph F. Bradford djrector of thle ,Ft»gei T. ULtTSCH, Asst Cashier,-HBLBNI R, MBIE! t, Ass fc. Gxforge O'Brien, Warren Hyraef i&nd welfare runtl. Preparations are being Eleanoir and Leuof>: An4. Uk Ijilret state department of conservation^ has Bham. Vittsd joyed Tuesda William jollier, Sr. , • directed, by Mary DunbarJ direclor of A. H. IAGESOHULTE, . Ustl Cashi x ! • 'ijlajf^ein'ooiitwit* anijounccd jsevernl injportant changes i Speciajl kngtjr Wive add .j ! Mrs. ri auk Kclsey. \J ,, .^1 V Double Feature for Friend's Nilht "the Jew el home service ' \ in thej regulations that effect migrt $ha ntDoo I.... 1 .$4.00 • Li. \ pV^ajitle^'La.wyer f <3e6rge jJ.jBager, l*geathjiUe & Qig^r, lne J S^i-ejl Ernbein, Retired *' - M*. nnd Mrs. Edwfcri^iHyal tory | fowls. The new regidations, ai sBJ ID. KelBejv Supervisor of Gubfc Townahpj H. J.< ]4UJKML ifftmaa of the greatest motion picture thrill JSfitisfaci on G^arajnfeed Fumei son, Robert of'Chicagh W^JW-S- HOME proved by Pmsident Hjoojrer, boeon » WalWfN. Lai dw* W. N, JU'ndwer As Go.; JrVinJBJ. JLiindweri ' tate Alaaage- 1 : HIN FORTH|B! f . ^. —i ««.j*i nmran, calloH it the &|au8 hom*.r, I 1881," the Sumatra jungle ! I effective in this state, under' provision s t&Oajbier; iB^t^L^ri^OHoittce'i Si. W. Riley.- , Fameri; A* L. Ro Wrtaoiy: • !• "Rango," spent, eight months ih| of tuejlllinott-ficm arid jgame law i. Mr. mid Mrs* CharW ''katfi MflSHROOM RECfijiPES WHUaii Sclioitlagi?, Piinting^&i ])ecoratl: rj WUliimTSWr Acbin fever belt, almost on the 1 r!ngton62a They! after thi,lawful hours and dajs Bpinwr, Lind Owner ; Edward O. fRTolff, ' lo Contra :tor; iAJitoct* l\ Hi Waucpi da and >r.jahd Mrs. I i' tor, photographing his stbryi for faulting migratoiy bii'ds; intlute IjggesclBilte enjoyed (the WLS : are so many ilellctoui ways Tropics Picture ' Th«TC 1 brant with getese in the! bag-limit pt*i fi at Pryital JJike Sunday even! of serv ng mushrooms tl at it is A visions f limit! live goijme decoys to 10 "Hango is a story of the struggle thing to chfidie *(ne that Mr. ;nd Mrs. Frank/Rastnui^n ,», rery eajsy to the | blind j; and~| forbid huntitg for existence i in the matted, steaming to any i llaste, ttiy ow sion. C\iry,.'!njoyed Friday Wenlng;wli appeals mourning doves wbivre Unit of niy depths of thb tropical Malayan Inn- The main (day of luncj >e HI nil Mn nn' Mrs. Frank JL«gejWhujte! kind has been : distributed. , Specif|e kle. It Knows the parallel that ejists mushroom i, a mediocre, dinner ma iiu| the lives of a native tiger hi liter be lifteld ape-son, "Raugo," party nifmhnients, "Bango" comes to The iC'atlow tjjien i \\\ JV,V Su jtre nest Tuesday and Wednesday as BroHeollect Steak with Miishi-L IS \ •, the main atttractionj in a do ible The! (teak should be (lusted i with feature program. pepper lurd salt and bjro. led . Caroline Ru^gefnud Fr«)f 4.-5-^ The mushrooms should be^ treat' the i "Captain Thunder'' in which Victor were S'indnk visitors at"^(ui|h;t ;tW*$ satne wiyl After being >rwal»t ifnd '• of Old. Mexico. (ton, rtrl, "were Aisitqrs 41 tt tl^e hVfljft of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kel^i nyipp, I Iggs and AlushroOms nt iCIgi 1, Sunday evening, ] | . 1 \f'f. Indian Peace Medals One pound ofT frtish musLrooms ,- ' •'-{ , iffW.y The early pence medals glverj t cleaned in ^verttl water i. Dox't let Misi«» Freida and Alice them staid. Peel and pu . them in a -.Willis Dorwaldt' not •with biti of, butter. 5 ' workb! t-( j 4cnts, until the administration Dust with si|lt and peppe-. Ba;e/in a _Mr. j nd Mrs. Jajmes dos^'ja Fillmore in lf$50, when the rev«()rse hot own fiye minute». J|preq

1 '•' . j. ^ . "A ';• CEMODIBLI '4* •I'.T IfiBIIIffiSitl No More in Lira Stuffed Mushrotms • NEWRBASE) - When he Is pushing Ids Brat Half a pound of : ledtuhi-sized Q HfiAfurofiirfi h around in a perambulator he lmk& musHro>tus, tablespoon buwr, two DING happy enough, but twenty , y*ats| tableppi >ons each of bread crujnbs and Q OABfgiOi t - later when he Is taking; the wife's choppet I ham, one teasiioi n of minced RATING pet poodle around the block fojj an! parsley small piece of Jini nji (i liheed), pPAiiWrtk( airing you don't have to ask him— shltlanplI pepper. Fry the <)liioi in ihe bis looks fairly, shout that I he] liutteri alnd thj»n add W liift tntiee urebreaa d wishes he had remained a bachflor. crnmhs|. lam..... parsley,, , a.1i t«r seasoningsejasoning,. ~Ka,asns Clcy Star. ' r Stir all together, and reiupve irom ^he r • POR^HIBNC: mi fire. Xfst, bkin the inn sh ° nns and 1 REMODi Q Po»er for PsychoanalyiU cut off tl ear stems, fill tl em rtith the D.f "" Psychojmaljfsts might do w l mixtu r- j'rom t^e pan,| Cfreaie a bak­ ilCAfcj Wpjpk it- tiling useful nnd explain the : ing tin i lace the mushro >m« carefully j i i^ it. una upon each jiit i si all piece! t i- Cldai ijr^e tliiit prompts, chic etis ^'-}l |BUILPIK( ,ii -« t > to rush under the car.—Cohiififdn of buftpri Bake ^n a motkrate oven for South C/»rollnn State. a cpiatter of an hour or twenty min­ •»• < V I utes, and .while-'coosing nske some ...... :.4; i.!...u:4 neat i oumfe' of i Butte «d toppt. Place Business Notice* Bring Resa ts one mushroom upon UM||h *ce, and serve f»hile quite hot. f fi is we u '0 *! !T' niversar [Us I II '<,!. I ' i* ly inf»rmid. B aid ei nergency be Jrooi ri' wltjei L •jt^ggeir's lAhiicninl ie l !JL IM f !l hats aW 'Irs. c^ ntjsfa^f dropi 'Cd'ila ttft' y vis|t. *-i :Ol e, on: ha & i u TbCfMg^ei^ are; s< Cream anfi are in fall pperafiba Patrols 3*1 {»'- list a year s ni« . 1 rigger j< ying {t^is D todern' cohvc r-rr who desiije this Very higfi duality product, should Shovel coal and nf jojut know. Chantesai^e we ean you the ANS. $2,9 it * specify to their dealers < ash year since Vis ggerhas n am.es! of soi ne fai lilies ' I i, neighborhoot[. ju«t *m\ pst Service Store At tie KG me Per cent lower, ,• i JU8 e either nf theinhashad gjlad to expla n the details ur special ' I »e lbwer and m i a playroom "SfO|tAli-4

h ' *• ji f M I'l&AliV 3te$M]kA£ii' ...>., ilia -ly ~ i' ' f "*TH SW w< 1 f i.-o#l ] "( ).^--1,^ ^-^- m w T ''•. • -"" crTy \ \m\it f •?, m

'i J- r <. i f u 30,1931 3 BAKRINGTON TO EW, GTO^, UKS3:AY,A] + Cecil, 'oil Jhicigo.jand MK| and Mrs r vsynssssiw^^ ; ^vvvvv^gag %XSSXSS ^•MW^S^g nXSSX^Wtfr^5 ^ ^^ Hernia n 1 endt and so: is., Oeqrp» and si Us H f 111 Cuba Roger of fclgilb, ^te ! ' f , r i „< ' IF i > I t, -3S—f Sunday visitors TS 71 at thchoi le of Mr! 2 ana Mrs. Chafles I ^. i-i : ? v:i Township Schloilf, •"** ' •j L'« Mr.1 hn< Mes-¾ . John Di^nwaldt and j.ihn Turner of Chi- son, mrl. were calle: the home •i.ie-.Tuesday even- of MrL an ; M?s. Carl rJHfaldt, Muan called at the dauglter, Vera/ land "Hi. ' ,and Mrs. vites You t<^ family ., i,.!!'- Monday. : I ^Villiim 2 unroerman oi: Blgin, visited • •#«!% Mr. ind Mrs. Walter Jtembeau at Frank Kelsey arid Lily Late •, Sunday *yv >!r -.,' \ ' ^,^ of" Shady" Hill aftserriioon . : «), rrti It Sir-; l,>i... • ' afternoon in —Elgi • n '.I - MEETI * G jfl&D v : Ilirpe and children, io , Mr- '> i: mary enjoyed a : CONSIDER SIONS Rob*;' i' .,.,, ciA-i-ii in honor ;of u ,»f Carv Friday af- j[r<;"r! x As] suj rested by presentativ< Franl A. McQartby, ^jlgiln_...,, ameetiii. i •tertC- •" i .: f ! „]. . M .- Harold Kelsey at was held Jo consider tbje proposed «ys Mr -••!•• •'• •v given in- hono- c of ent fundi l1/ i .) ;M t*a'*' has been drifted proyi iiiig for retire .y>i" mentjof i nyj state worjtei at half pa: * IP' .,1 ,., i \j < Mvron KeUey and n - ' I ' M when he reacheuws thwee |gfi * t ovif 60yv, , pryiv o , L V o,,,!, v and Betty Ja>, vided be haj 6 «Uf,."'i'v-- VviWwI Kelsey and served tprejty years, oi M :¾ 3 r when he ha ! ; ., V.PI and Verdelle of Cbj- :I completed thirty-fivi •t. -• 'If i ' * ! r 1 1 yeani* s« rvij I I CBU'l ' " . .. i>„«i,„-t nf nnwllt •i regardl^s of h,is age T 1 Mr-. Benhart of Roselle The max mum pension wjtald be JflW < 4.- citfo with Mr. and Mrs. itwf - .1.-:5 a month. The fund wo JW be.bufljt uj AT >" H 11 Shady Hill. * -, Fr.i: half thr ugh worker^',( antribulioni; J pi ation. Tbt M in i V ,,:,1 hu;";,-:"f'i. ir Sunday guestsl Mr* system wptild be ojptioEal with prese«; ! employes! but would be compulsor;' \ ^+ flarf o ,\|. v-i- :(.ml daughter, Vivian ,fi ( '••.':. Mr. and ,Mrs.'Clarence after" thelact went int« effect. P,erspni i i.uiiilv and Mr. and discharge ,would be | (reipjbursed j fo • \f. v. iof Cbicagb. ' their dewsits. >.. : a Mr, Mr-.- ./"hn U.vaii ,of Chi- '(!:iy at the liome ot BARN sToqfeluURNE D ' i I'.iin-ad Krnus.' IN FIRE AT WA^JCONDii I '• l to Wnukeisan /'" 'I . V . \\ • In'.-day. Kim on *-u The bi ra on X\m faj-m "occupied far Enrle Ci ftv erse and i i): .!,.T nf Shady Hill sponjt oijvn<|d by ^osepjl «. Haas near "Wauetad(Isj , was desj- 'J , -a' if thi Bfoiid Jfo !.:-i!.i"ii in Chicago. troyed fire Monday, flfternoon. V*ce PteMdent , 'rimrow and daughters, » Ti • Ml- Seven cows were BflV,1 !!'••' Hurt of Crystal Lake, ttu employe, or* .-,1 T'K-NJ.iy afternoon with FUN the Pubjfc 8ervk'6 Co. who happeneI I, ,li-.h?t>r Mr- '. t'- •, K.I-.-y. . ' . " along at the beginning of t)ie firi>.'A .01 1., * team of lorses, a mul«|, ilf * Ha$er, jtnc.s Fredcfiobein, Mi. .! M-. Kdward- Ryan and «nd calf wer;! prices that ; burned 1 p IJL J .Lai^utulte, CJkajrmaa *ra.-l: ,:: i.; chicaKO were Sunday death, .; The ftfciily was nojt a: home. Th r Ifvii EL JtonilwejiL Real Estate, " rtll.j-- •• •':':>• Krails home. • i sr. 'Let i.'Ai. \b.\ltbbi\im, fresMttit & , lost; was partly covered' liy insuranci IffOi i \frv f'harleK Mavis of m Ski^r, ,|kib^er ;Mf|4; Co.; >•(• lave .file best tor;i Robert J'MWojrJj' - -- - -, AjfAlteet, ;:| WJ ' ..•,•1 Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank l'.' After playing bridg for 60 bout j lis-l ;,- ,-;irv.-il the WLS players. it heart always ! I..ii.- Sunday evening. Mi«j Jei sie Skelsie of Sair Francisc) Plea^ 9 •>t i|- yralked home and sa down,to &) i i Mr- Frank Rasmussen of prices. Evei some sei ing. r Mr .,i Friday evening with Car ,M-- Frank Lagesebulte. LL HE CL EE Mr} .) ! t» ; • I i ) f;1 r:,-k Lagpsthulte .spent J:: M . . ,:i Cliictigo'. i i K.j 4s •t Sutton -iJ *>

Frulti */• • Kiiiii;i' and Fred Uttod .¾ :>iinrs at the home of ,: ** .1> M- Carl l.torwnldt. ' 1 .. T.JI4'I. -|' '-'- M-- Jilin I>i»rw-aldt.oina • i.. victors'at the home ,i' g.tabl... (.1 11:- I Mr- Joseph Kellennann, at K:.' . ^< [--1(1.i-"i y evening. ,• f W-. F- < li:-- V-...: in'd Alicejlferwiiddt, lwai/8 tki Besr . f i ili .111(1. Arnold l*|lske, Wiscoilis ^er fli ..' i in- lunhe of Mr. and i' \'i 4(S' M-, JI- > Ki(!z at Dimdee, Friday Perfection «,1 ••-!i:- _ Btttte .11,--. I ;-.-- i!!a«-li!vo is confined to' it i i f i" J ,\, Lar^e Ripe Fruit l , l •I J: J ;'h i-iy-ipvla>>. Fine Qririu 1 Mi- .lunies Close and son, gar Oranges sunilist NaU - j<; sVjHJf. 1 mediu^^F^m^ sizi Hi es •r ^ ' ii I ,1 Li \ } 8* 16-0^ cans IpC tioi ,.FIpri( Si', i' ' ' ,^1L^-' :f V, SunsJi cans^EC • JB»' m cm foi l«c T.BU i\ t I . r le Brand 2 pkgs , ! ; ^ncif|e' w!nesap Jl • r, Green Onions .f ill U: tTlstiie s Radishes . /. .!.:« e lose M GARDEN iFRESl " " ,' FW. H Pe ii- i ', 1 *-! c • i Green Be - <7 . ur a|rej |afftage i-'i Celery Mammoth ^ stallf 10c can ^fjrre r J of their friends . PRICE, COMTJLETE '15 n i:' \ that vai iety—in whic i Qualit) is the e jiiritercjs&t < cl.l And inves- l'KS!(}\ Xp. 763. ¢11^: ',' Roof i BrieBridbe NNornund y Tower TO »k 2j^ -}b. tfnff 1 ^ugfree' first cor sideration—ar d at pri: es jftt^;aH^} , it . . Iitf yoye*s f don't i>ATK: March 18th., 1931 ' ' Eg' IMA/T.TORO : I. M. B, petitive with many inferior gi PRICE COMPLETE, s 21C e*-|ih jypu t vi ;inity, wihq s en- J—U J^ tiodcna :oy ^en|ence*,)etf w» realizes this to be the sure ec «- ces,, a t&j\.' re ran give, y^ Q the ANS. $2,031.] SA'VFISID ?«e w&y io iave—andyet jerve th ; S •V', " l x. ^f melamiM* >" rif#it ,f ! L REASON—Labor (i6sts are 1< surer NOV? than jat j FRUITS 'EGETAB i. J list fc 11 ypus'* any time since rtheij War. i Ma lerial pric» are 20: '.' A^theta' oetttiiife' }>tr cent lowe^, as an average. froUU txe cut to 'it 1 i /: tons ' > »1' in the flptafls ojf our the very bone (if ^¾^ faeyonl> . Pinancing ccsts « J art- lowesr and more libera] th aiievej^ijever beforebaore*, 1 AA la' .buildin - g* oix<-^costang^68d5.4C~ M DAC jutiJ^iif uo i jpmL-« ib»e yi)u«s with TIT [|J NO MO^JEY fifSw and m m«»t8 of cfdyj m '4 .!'.' '> ft' month, including intenut. - The ]iartictlar ifor ''uildingJused uitthe example iBoVe.hasf the ap­ iK^-aa pearance of at ldast a $10iOO»u ^ese J i ' ! ' I \^UV\ jffi Kraft t Plans and pther£ t -'. _ T '-i ~\\ \r/, . '.- •w-4* iI0RAL^y6u<»annevert^Br--i ntilyou investigate dams-nane ompany 1ST . 'I ir • AARCHITECTS M&lJfVDB CpNlRACTIRS ll- 8tiiteff»43 :'! ( Mk ^^1 1^-. L '7* *' ,'>H' VlfJ ,s: 1 k •)Hi.' I ^L •,v i<-t -»V^. U ,^^(/- .4.J. J.i /il^ it- Y-ftfmT: "^W-Ji-


' f

eMJguest' of Mr. nnl Mis.' H. •efH*l«3faHt,J«(a! ,Mrs. and,1 ai rs. Kelson ars Bistsrs bt ••au''Patrick :^own^e, bbth of Chi "OW FssMfnetf' lf»rty ukega«i is For'40 (Guests I J ' iffltSr , sister, ana Aureus and dauKhtejr, t Mrs. Florence McLoister was* 1)( «' • The Thr?e Lipl; Ci Hoiigh fiuth jai son, WalKt,.i!r' W.TKais" JMids Lillian^lteineri of Chicago , Leaf Rebeiuh-kxge N 626, L O, Willi iEntertain Mjm sfuestn attended thi i evening Sf. aaiTjiin Btr^et. ftlss mminet •A^ C., he American teg ive^iue. As- itWeti, Willi entjeijtanT khei Tliursdaj- I>rk was "old fashioned" pirtyj dressed accar* • Dawson, |iia X. Hagef l f ,;lnl' at a l o'clotjk lunubeon, Hlay T, ra Hojbeii bf ]?ontiac ,wji:f aisiW 0; MrtUfijteBk*. , ingly. jWearinjrf apparel that ha I sisting tlu hostei» were M}rsv Rose hoijie of Mr. week-erid g"nesl;fftf'heir mients, Mr . paused tht hundredth birthday was i i McGowan, and lire. Mi|e Deutschr it' |hj» Eton) SwjeetSio^ ' ' • i S. Cook *nts, «r 1 aiid JMrsJ] Ilenrj (l^obein, Cjira StUnto' of Cdstal' Lake, evidence, some pieces of which wei s man.' OOl t^ro-' Mrs. 2¾ at the ce^eteftes B^ 'beautiful. Progressive games wei t I District; meetir g of «11 Rebekah Mi*. Fra'njj:|*c ^5¾¾.'B^njtlet ) pTljl Pjt^pect a enui. B irring friends Tuesday, • played later in the evening and priz« 5 lodges of Diet. N». 3 jml be held in aieiue, was \ recip'ei off aji start I Blancie \l S.i »*> si oner given[ •* *Ch li I' Miss Eorothy [¢10411 of I \ ,/ \.^m , f ™ tnd gu^st! oi Mi an|l M rs. .-P. H. Tbib cornmitte^, Was Ji -o oldest gown,; Mf». Madfee Lindber The Chicago l^Mortfiwpst^rh Kail »t tsias' a weik-and ]giiestjqt tbje The JBaste'rn Stir a et M*|ndf j* riight ^ ft , fnjm the Jlflionia flowers because [of Hbe style of hi r Ward, JL2$'LiuileJ ftyfepue. Cbi-poial Hobies M.f. and Mrs, AVledenl e"ck, way,iWonHin's'dnb wi^ laid Its.final Bijjtleiir B^ lie f'crjsphool of instruction. ||M*M; Sally Prairie arenue, costume;, and Mrs*. A"«a Lines, tl e pieethig for tlfe 'year n the club 1 ! of Fo-t Shei idan Vm of Arlington Heig»ts,| who is xn- ten and children, A, vn % a „E: Amil most beautifully! dressed} in a bla< k rooms, on WwliKsday, Jj|ay 6. GuUd Mcs, B H. strucp-ess f<>r thi|i 'di -it *JctJ wtj« p'rCs- liji'Waferly road,' •ilk lace 'gown also received flower i. meeting frbm 10 1l«-tibil ol officer a, 0 p. m ^pent the •prejek-e: riohliu'uary plans iwert' is|tin|| Mb.; J^atei' parents, lovely luncheon served by the hoste s IIo.stifcH| C'».mmi|t : Mrs If. F, Al TjVis fco da: which *»*«««» Jllrs. II. P. Catjtleiiassisted by ^Irs. J. { SiiuloiisonJiDiisou .re, returnint g t 'and herl assistants,, Mrs. Biecliel-{ Inrd.JjehlBirbianjfatosteil ly jllesdames rMr. ana Mrs- 8 v e Afii na Lin^i anti M 's, Myra fSears, tioir o-1f RI'«™» °••Civif . ¾l J^Vatu *? , MW. Virjlen, Mrs. Watson anil }U 1'Hirwlt, ^ llstran,!,1 'Df;trfck[. Stump, homi Aye lues layj^ [a^Jwick. War f I'"*.' ••^"'•••Jji' gtivelh tnissjiori'irj tea TJIuirsdfl^ after i „ War, and World Hogluud.' PtUers'aiull P^tner. 1 Mo the Aimii**')" War, 1 nut mat Mrs. Cns-|He's Wpieal ; 62^OS^Gro-N «fchii lj2 i "Wi . M Allam t| raverl; KraH to lx» decorat^ j^n nrcntie. foad a Coica fcfiihippir Tui in W foHf>wift«r cen»ete«i Entertain Baptr-jt Kiiteijtain 14 Guests wns Luke Stork*. St. Paul, Mission j I On Man's! Birthday Mr?,- Stanley jHpfner;j 60rl Sum Mi's. Sadb R Prospect (Vntwvaud^Evergreca. . The MissioHiirr .Society of the Bnl>- Mr*. William Overt.^ X Hough 1 ay tiji^ street,''enter,! aim d fcjJia ] jo'clocl; aveijue, 4-f" Ed, 9 S.| Dun- Co nnniiity Services, tist church will \wH »t the Home |f street entertained 14 littl peoiilftiSat- Itiieheon and brlilge'pa|j*ty||Fiidaj* af- 4 dee ivenne' a 3. j Corsell, Mrs. A. 1.. Robertson. 131 W. Main mday nftemoon, April 25 jn [hrtn'orof rThis community-memo- tilrnoon. I (tjooldgj'i.ven uj, 1 a Irs. Stella street oh Tuesday May 3 at 2$0 ;irer son, fllobent, who o Ifbratjed his ionU-cf 'wilhbe hclo on 8t ( Strobaqh' MOJI Jay ,ev p. m- There vail lie a continuatt<|n : eleventh, ILrthday. The time qi||ickly Mrs. .(ieorgia [Lificls, 2-12 Xn Main 1 passed in games and qoiiests and a 1 1 1.1 of the Ktii'dy Book. '"India Looks sjlrjet, wilt entertjliii at twA l tables 'My Bate; 3, .123 naveily roa . le-tt -ditoriuu, the comma):.* Jdi Her Future" by ('. R- L>rti.<.M'l add birthday luncheon completed the party J 14) f navei m best 8niak«fr|obtainfinl*» jv: ( 'oi{ jridge Friday eyenitjifc. Mis, Ethel liiiting 11S gra Mr. and in missionary play, "Told By A, Cdp- Tile inajny ^Ifts f >'»• Rob< rt | n»oke tbt idj! [rents fldtlros-i and services .^il Ciiti|on| will assiist Mrs, Lines. - llrs J SJUOBS9: rth, Wis. 'lection l|lute." ' ' , ' J bYfrt wish*si df all'the gu ists, i ofi'mahy ducted ii.v the local minist J " -The h'l^tt"-^ will 1» n-sUtei: by MB ^he ^eybert, Btothjiijhjood of) ihe Sa Mk nii d llrs. ert A iderson of ' - The two organised jar, KowliinrA "Mrs-. Kockenb'aA, 1 I Jons I^acles' En. church met lues da j night in th« hhagt. **ere dii ler giiests niul if tiosfiible the cub t Sears ajid Mi\' Mabel .Tone-- $11 m Entei-tainid inircb | parlors. xThs Upeakei' !Q| tht f Itr. a id Mrs ain 11¾ brich, lioing 0 rgani/^l, will tttk-j ' meinbeH ' and friend'•<•••—'•*- ar"-"e "cordia" l y 128 Mrs, Wright Cjatlow, teStlProppec •;*M^ng gave a tajik on boy sc-ju^'ac W^n^erly roac, Memorl Day parade in T invited. 1 avenue, 'e ltertaitedi 16 »f .the \hioq i v ties, i I school *ildrchr the Amc^ii lad,ie.s at 1 ridge jVIonjday i vening. Mr: Mrs, ;', StmMsoj Walwtjuth, other SVorld War, •v-affllj;* I. O. 0. F.'i. Will Me At R. L. Mindheh|< Sirs. \. \VTLang ])r. ahd Mi's, ^i Welciielt celebrated Wis, ml Mrs Sates, ishanil Civil WarWtera Elgin Meeting dale 'audi Mrs." B). J?. Si ufli receive tliUr thirtitth jvedding |ani!}versarj lx?rs (?i bther patritftic\o Wa'erly e« ). and Mijs. BarKilgton lodge ftCo. S3tl. I. O.. <). honors, "he nex ; meetiig «1,1 be at Fii'fday, ApHl 24. Albftti S inompr G;tiru[|e Wetfiles- The Umn dram IcorpS F., met1 at its regular meeting la (t V °f the home of,- M^f. ^.lfrejl Cfhurtjh o daj lufft weel|: l YH; parade. tm lftursday evening WJth a large mu |- May 11. " Mr, and Mrs., Vfalter gfayejrnsSrns•J I), 13; N|BWS! ber present. Biisinesu was transacte I, W, Lake Street ent^rpiinetl, jit tw< Sllella |ob,|ich, drs. R. A. M: One new member was admitted. Aft r tulles of bridgf! JBARUINGW) ~l Entertain! > Mem|b|ers Satjiida,y evening. 4 daSglttlei !]?ri8;illa, Mrs. the meeiing games {were played. La} t ol S. S.jllajss ieke jf 642 lfros:i ee't avehue ONLfOUTSI morning the lodge attend d 1 Stencl Sunday Miss Floi-enc^ Thies, 5161 S. Cop Id ]dr. ana Mrs; Frank| LflSaiLaSalb: ? wet•eWi to Obi da; :^ Suida;f afternoon at the Baijtist church ai d « u i«a; Voiron Plngffc receive service street entertained the m< mbers of (lit ner guestsjof |Mr, anil Mrs,|Wrifehgh , a'[hs Li<>y -a has been I'll*"! * »«•»•»*- jV y" || •T***' I talk by Rev. J>russyed ve y much. Mi. ahd Mrs. Albert A^ders-aW Mrs,| nuel ai Mr! Bbwit' of il09 S, Lrounsbury Chapter LiSafleia-nd Mrs. .Anderson Mre sis-, Da«de( i vent 6 ipen': MoH lay in Chi- i^s Howelps this wnolc Botl Wis Save whW W' bttir' Salem Voung Pffple, m fortuiit and commemlingjittj LounHbuiiy Chapter Xo. 4&4, O. I»lb|4e€l3' i NpijthWpit' HigHWa* ^] Co to Ebiiii 1 S., wlilj have initiation at the regu­ :ur. and, Mrs.' George ^ieriuaji an. I 3;'r|s, II, M. Ji linj daughters, ficiciit work in pewter daa!f 1 About 20 melibers' cjf tpie Yo^iKJg a, lar meeting Monday evening, Mriy Children, virginitt and GeoWe, Jr, 2: Wag/ 9rti e le f j Chicago, and fart tl at the Ba'ijnngtoii in the Masonic hall on the corner Peoples' Senior [ifeague :he Sale;n an[l DL Jngramj 518 Prairie' arehfu, the only otae outside tttv' )f -" Cook a ad Station sjtrects. church it! tended a nnio I .dinner uml att:endetl a familjy reunion at :he hom > placed in thp'conifsl iWa^i fc .1. recreation hour it the I ? Evahiieli; of Mrs. Bierman's parents, Mr,, an I Joint Class Supper , cnl churci in, E gin Su ida;r evening. Mi's. IhirariH at Odell, !l|l, k«c thp The pupils, ofi tjiejj'f th"iaiic Eight chrtrcbes of the F At St. Paul 'f)!s Va ley wqek-endL \ I , eisljth grades iu tio ApV |4a -^chn. > Union Wi'rc represented bj The ' (jlwaner and Brother!™ a* gtitip tenfeiv(! tlu» contcjt, ^XJ|JI4I by tl of 150 young people.i and \gpi. classes of the St. Paid church en jo; Mr. anjd Jjlrs. Gi(«ien of Kansas (Jitj : Woma is clubs of tlio-4efe.tji jdiat-dc a pot'luek supper iik'the church psir- ars guests q-f' »*-Mr•. andj'^Itsand |Mts , Em. fl )« Kelruary. | 'in 1 lors, Wednesday at 6:140 o'clock Mr.' ami Mrs. J. Pre ntice, 540 Hiffris, 70p priffenol\in ia avenuenvamifi, ' Under the suwrv|sioj] of] the" instructor? in < tho schot it|v hi id Kri X cept Amy Lowell, \rho ilicd recmitlr, Mrsi!r„ . WillifrdJAbbott, 126 M Maib BOSSPI nan artd ll^ety Diiosli of, t The, author furtirtiel r bnitfs out that .a «tjeet, visited ! at f the home 9f*hn jRaiplierg i|n iKistorn im the subject, 1'fHjii tor.*' J, mines' whether or no£ . a *ttoet is CI icago Moiiday. 'a*r^] ()11^ K««'h 20 fourtceil [«fi|Srep v Won4n> Club njodeni. tm s v ere taken into ,C m :11 M u tlU •The selected modern )oet's tog<|thj&i? Mr. and Mrs Ftfed kd\u- •distncl chairnuin-to bf |'.;u fgpjl -a[li vilth their best 1 nown l oetis %r*|; dr The hjmies of the wouien who v ill •ii of pgfii aH Mrsij. Ida 3W,e;rer aid m hunili'idv of other nostc-s in -)li< sii*i Robert Fi'ost assist*nt the cuteteria ne\t week, il Jjr (Ame icaa) "\Velst so i, Walter arrihgrto|n, jwe tk Suj i- ' subje, . . j [ ' f" ! Ml Running Brook, "Me diilg' |W%11 tftiy dinner 1 ""'tai-ij I 4-8 follow: guwts iof, Mr. n A Mrs, Amy Loweel] l (AibericanB "PajtcAis M?irti n Jurs 121 iN; Hager ai-buue 4 [Monday—Mesdunie< Soift, W]»l; COP'I IS 27. Edim St, V indent iMifla ' (Anierica l) *» UONS brnanSbJ gren, Plagge. . i | [ • r •(The Kings *Henchnffn" '•- ** '^ jjsfi,!, Tuesday—Mesdames. S c h r o e d Russell Ctirt^ron of iMndisa*A,i \y« ,. 1? Arlington Robiisdn (Vm e-jlcla (l »1 ent u< &ile ' iPY SCHM,#ili| Foelsehow , ent the \reek-end 'with friends n Ever Conducted by a Double Fe it '"Tristrnm"; Cat! Sam burjg (jVme 'i- B trrington. Tlief 1/iOnn club' lultl W k i«>k Ji >'l«H WedneMlay —Me.sdaine> llocnitlo ;e, *™4 nan) 't'liicago ' ''A''AfierH'af n Jfftlk re Atny^rhereree £(oo r Your Benefit" ! Kiulfet, Miss St(ronss An\ «?nir of ,th Cotlins., Wilbnering. ' .1 • , Songs"; Walter Derr LT-i , Mare ()Brg- The Sawy 1 i*-; I i^ >yuimit coiitcstnnts fir 'tk> pu]>li Thursday—Mosdames Trier, Hufse, Bible- -- ' -jlii's,--,s ^ B lish) "Peicock ?ie";. J If rid ,Edwa i(l M 'thodist spiakuiK nnd -niusic, «|iit* *ts • »Jt i 4'. Nestlerode. . cl ur h met at, th-i-MesiUiine« Ma\on. Vinti'sp, jnumbw, "Pa|ay.||JSK» Sat : dent's report K"«'I at the,, nun nil 4V: 4 1 Ifot Wat0i B !sl:a Astringent •.. .2 for ^.26 "Salt Witer Ballads' Everlasti lg >ng s. .Willmerinaicrmg i ,w.will go ito Elgin «n rpo ?„„K, MiSH Leo:i«K*erwii meeting wit** the fact that from a «' ub for'')! r Mercy," -, Orfirgoia, this week lot ridaiday eveven,i)Q< g ^p attend ,, TL*'. -, ji • i he, p!a„o soloist and 4P>, Ptfln** membership of about 1-SO there w ?re Mrs. eLoiig summ a*. A , •• * i.2 jfor $ 1.01 M\P his nrotlo-h, j'Ropei{v I j U'i»-d hen' re similar mfcct^fig. 06 Mil) 1 a B 110 women \yhn had some i [4e h 1 P *!i- view by uiying thik|t ^todsrii pootfy f«»r$l KislA Face:Boyirde?: ^hhk Barker'If?/the t«f%r| : r f eial assignment, many of whom t ok 1 (Russian is fi-11 d. lu>r appreriutimi ,utat »e ecll .M Mo air I iifbbeSr Glovjes JK W- 50 DusH Talc twilight Is eudl'^g of '"The (jreen Pastures" will be g ven boeiniiliij;. itB iws6 i JiSlfJj] ;'s |Clk Ch<»cola dogrdp? wide and It g!t as an interpretative reading Ivy »ro- «e ftd lowed '90 deRref fessor Davids Edwards, 'heatl of th' . ba .*\ fcr MjvfaMFws powderu4-?'f* fSl'l ,..:...:..4 8«n. S'lii.vtlniet it "la University of Chicago. School of .115- lii! (iLlaipnd,' !. ". -..f ' -:i ^ :iV- I. ;«..'•: V^W. \)\\£ "jUTnW, voty fiilnt b: Speech, on May t, at the Metht list entire! for .'« * Gm^ofiViolets --1-,.:....2 fori.$1 *«Ptitf»i the ^ky.'The eridi thurch. J f . T jt .2¾ "<• ibdlacnl light in til* jev^nj|n| "Ten MtKU'ri'(I*'*e»s" by Rica taen mi ville.' ., ' ftl jfyehta) Ffustf [5 G ^oi j ria^Ifq se T4lc a .dflzenl ea - ?<-1 _, , * Try ft' This book, -wHc^ is aa apprecit tion Mm i: ejiaiToatjfc Paste, or .21 '6J bojth 'fae^' est 'inu* t^Jie harassed husbao la s1i of the mmtern mpVeifient 'in no try, 4. Jifolr 25 DuskiSpjit ,. « male month is aiwqvw l men Was written with the hope that in-- .blaiack.' Jiuptlon complnds to" he eceased pleasure jnight1 come to t ios£ .1¾LfSlia|irig tCi .j9» V^lVetinaToilk Soap T i' * < j T * jj i. "talt In your sleeps list of teh—all of whom axe living ex aaXtWa Breeam of {llfTcyhBruihesJKfprl,,: 35, Harmony Creafn Alm|)mds 2 for ^6 Adventure >f, •J.-J „ Southwest I j;4flt new whapte

al Specials al Special HEX deatth four Hlour Enamel COMING : iwcnrs.'];- W we nuiafek {: Vas- Hyj]0]Phosphites 2 for $1. [lyc^|rin^ SuppWtori^ adidk . t iting th^n eve ket be 'aeleeted SHOES FOR WOMEN Sign the ctupon belo-* and feting ll |»iour,itori,ty!ifc 3,, „r-.., ppi..M,..B^4—Z for! >! our display foona, intiti es you to i!pRC&k „-.vrj,y4. J„jr-iv.J2 fpr/ .31 VOL) NEED 4i^^pUc4f|j-WJ D M IN 10I1 r tfyUik (pint) L.1 ler t |^aj5i|ejDEQps :. 12 ,^ie«W**W««-Nttih- t)ANlEtslkN AAAAA fo fEt-Sko t* > Hi J» No, 6,:[ji8liifBct8int Jl.L,jJlfif Camphor.'.. 2. ^or ^1 f A,dalts/10

11 • -,,1 1. h V r .- •• it' J \'i ,;* 'it U id Lis r' 5 '''"F I' 'I >-{k'^ it. .^. K a.,.t J :tAJ^j.lUgiul Mfgife> 4M 'i 'iiiiSki^L f's 'i>f JHJ.l'^ hSTO ^FTjp W7M m p n r TTWf rm

i i^l

-A( BA^RINGTCN ftEVJEW, BARFUiGTi TBUBiDAY, APRILS 'vl I m imi rrf ; t .Jandjlit itianii»BUcliJ Mrj'Li^- ftr^et, (:ro|«j jttoo c:Ctampa« : tday «AN AMERICA* TOE»J|5§ frittky ^ep>rtr th^Mtomi Beach ia'a tjo enroll Allei Beinejtt ^i fI5ris*v ifrtlsAmai Jfrff-z-fj Outlines Progi 100'per '$&& 11½ develop nenfc with- LTniveisity of rhej i^ut a I sinjgle* ittrnctnre lefi from tie' rned ^Tedni " for Memorial Miami Beici >f |bef* hurricam ing • thi tmes jv T^ : ieoji by ! s|nd Mrs. E. F. i 315 the Barrinfton liigli sthool, miss Alycfe Walbaum, 4W Noijtli | Md an3 Mrs. Henry jtVolthauseri ayente, M^ ij_ avenue, was taken to the Fraliees E and daugiter, Mabelj 631 W.' Main Mrs. Joha|nnaj :er,j ant sciences clauses f«r Jp^n Ainej mm1, t. ''' " " v i *' i..,v services will be con- WUlard ^tal curly Th irsd i r street visited Sunday will Mr. and Lyi le, 4: ,7 S. HS' B tW ,sbeestreei t w,epki tw^> w *e selc ctp 1 >y MissSluel, M- "-, ,• Harrington this yearns in morning wif^h an acn :ej a Mrs. Wnlerl leanings andi family at tfll 1 rintl roW • l&H»6o| \ ant j ! A h d (1 tack of J[- Wayne. ] afrs. Henniiigs is ;a daugh­ instrn^totr, is beirig t<4tlie-point f ' ,,!••- th auspices of tie ,W. pendicit is, ' ' < sptot Sfthday with Mf aii'Mrk S j ^, ;• < j; ; ' ?J ter of Slri anl Mrs.' Wolthausen says. They are pr rit« d jifow: at low '*" ',h!'. An-.-ruan Legion, and Jthe Brommdktmp ' ' ' til ' Pan American liiihm i K » v,V;;„,ry wit'h the app*Ofri- titr. and Aire. {Ctfarleb *t- , ,. p^riotie organizations,' wa ts x *"t—t? '' ' The ; Pai rAmer can (] nioii > hare n oved into th« hot 16¾ a ? f cen I.r jl Reuben l.Tah lhoHz,!], joa i pf < Mr. and tThe fj>llwiiiff reakiyes|| union of tatipnsj of the AmirMt ' ;""'•"• if'n •'"••• followed by the vacated by Mr. and MrsJ at the! tome nfli M •. land^^dis, 1 k '"" ,;,.. Y-iurtfries in amjl near Jttrs. Pre I Jihnhoiw l»J5, S, CoPk The work cf, the Pan An >rican eta ,P1 r -si1 on the wrner of Rusiell Visit) ^street, if confined % lite bed f.with lUberts.n, 13LJW: Main;!4r|ei streets. F | fetence is important They Ware 10» :i'*" 1^,,,,^1011 memorial commit- rheumaiis^m-' i i i jANBJ FRIDAY f ; — itnd da!igWr, liiude, ^irrolliOtis made prog:ees ii unifying hetai th , lit- , Lr 'Hiiirsd'wy evening Jn the, .Mr. ind Mrs. Ra; mot Mri. G«|orgw Spunner, 216 Wt Late •f«nl Mr MsCjimler all of I o eft City and road con8Jtijuct)io|n activitifls, t\ l.-£i < ntf tfftoirf-- , , ...ms for the purpose Of ^ilke 1 : $ street |ias been ill tije past week M^ii Ii, anl Cihailes iibott o! Iiiojgene and trad-- --ei reiki---r-u! 016- J'aveova 1 hie in ,.".„•....> iilans for observing Ariingt m Heights aid and MW. r comM a severe c^ »Id. straightened out! piiji th( most i a Si . ,. -i;, mug-ton and, riearby I. Dav s, of Ghleagc J w«|pre| j Sundi p' i '• ', 11 r. t' Kuesls it tire hone of ^ and M /;• portent work is) i;opi" will apd jqa- E. Tho pe, 5»2 JUVisifen IttjeejL M^. Mr. and Mrs. tGeitie. Wilburs arid !klrs. Pi anl: derstanditf^!. , ] ' l»e.nr!ite •'> Cemeteries Wilk/e s a dangljter »f J|r, and Mfti. son, t>ayitl, .were iftiMlas guests j»f wfas a imk-end Latim-Auerican intei're.'jts are pbr ,,,,, .,.,-..,,. was composed of Thorpe ' | j Mr. and Mrs. jHetyry Kjirmse, 4JL7 Sen'verni, 21i iLinlcoln interests, We aie elost tojtihen, ..'.',•.•.,'-. from the Tl1.omas j. j Northi avfnutli HUenx ^?8l Miss Alice They bi^y our me^liqnje, jmacilnei y, Construction Co ., j .,• ill.- Woman's Relief citimeriia teajclier in & a ^omooi|es, suppl ies, jtc, We.biy1 - The Foreign ^is^Uar^j saeiety ^»f their Rubber, cof'ee, m;at, co(< a, 400 Westl Madison hi '.'..'. \-•rli.M.if region Auxil- the Melodist chnrch.J^illj tiekin tie Mi^. Aiithvr Hvetly, 1: scliobl l.'fst yerir JUM while| l Burring , A nn-ri«:.-i.ii legion. stree,(r is ible to be ori^ 'T1 w,|eek sbft (alle^l of l«l>«iriuj!? of the V in'laun^hibg their g Cerument. V»- with EDMUND LOWE Book, f'A Cloud ofi \yiti cis^s," and Mri. P. R. ©rotsri .lay cooiidgt -• ' C:-. il War. Spanish fortunately their gtivfrinients fltjca Phone State 6: 88,4 reports from the Lake Fo-est?and fll aveiiuei mturned Pi rM «(y .jfrocUidlm Eae^ i\ ! m JEANSTIE MacDONALD v ' u W'.rld War. The hot veify imnch> staMjizud. as jit gin bn neh meetingS^viH 4)tf'given: St. t/liis svhere ishe lit id attended the ERED nurd will be th1>se V arelall Amerhat ; ii our la ii; n •thirty seco id anntinl convention of me |MEE America. Ihe 'miWis o establitii fsmk on; WRITE ' .,_• , ..>iir.!vi-ii"!: White. The 1 jJ Doreiis societ; •' of tiie Btipf ist Illinois- Congress tvi ,pj|r|ents a^id' ing, peace and jritef-Anierid.n ^roV^HJlllHl >• rml. Harrington ch(irchl was Teachers. Mrs. D-pver Jenjoyied jn FOR DATA 1 entertained it the honci friendships is tl e ^an'AmerMin o JH' of Mr C, R. Drdsiel, 407 Hire vq behefi'iii 1 tiree dayn' progilum, tjie 3bititiuel fra f(?j 4 benefit for the t: WJ 111 Union which \vas M ye|ars old | MTIICCS Afaj' 24 avenue M Senior Typing Tuo.'!dayj jjftorW n. The tfTi general ;me of jwMf.' i was, '{Dwelr blie Harringran n'gh Sci pel April |l£, 1,5)31. I i •. memorial -churrli teraiooi wawas spoilt ii jpui si i ahd p IT* Ibtftfeand Classes oning R git Attitudis. c'rittoed Pilthji nifeet art hmiy NEAL *4 * : i,, ii! on Sunday eveti- gnjssivi gamos. jMrs. ^. Mri JFo'd, MftRtin ' I|f|ss ;r,|ind •?- nett. .. H. tile lli^'ll M'llOol «U- Mfi. ( erdan and Mrs., sfa^-s assispd •Mri 1.1 ri. Schaftjeif ^f'Oak Paj;k i .1 f p.; ^, SitliwemBi. South ^Jiieiia n-.mitr.-.l decided. Tile MI^K. I rnsjjei is visiti is her daughter, MrsJ John tthc telipoli vh ch will r V South America hjif .' -T:iin:i!i!i- will Rive the Bell, 1.U W. Lake s<;re!et.-» " .„ had ii' it id seinted ^n tfie t'ouriianKnt de bi Jin the da'rs ,i,t' ', i. 11^ will in* con- Miss BljinchfrlporcKiof Blgiri } hijfh scluols time. -vyhen Anierters'. • bet-n a ghest for severrai l diys aj t Mr.i ant Mrs. Jo] in Bell, ll1S8 % ilmyin j' to\i'n4 : Arli igtba tdoklcoatnijl, ,.-:,1:1/1-,1 sc'oilt tTOOpS hoba e t f Mi. and MrfcJ'T'tlrr*j J. Dotkefy, f most of tills cmltij:leit . spanshjl • 1 "" ! ' Lake j»tre(|t, moved 'j'hurs^ay tith^iit Aitiopitoch JBarrin tto I, '. (ee.rfie.Ot :.- 'he (nl, troop, now 130 G|rfield stteet < 1 soldiers robbed aad toriurei tisn ' new toon tr•yy ^iome which is abqilf dee„T,. Ev| lt^toti, C icli rP, I iVii ne \\ a ,• (Sal, • \ .,!. will take, part in the seVen jtnil6>>',southwes i vti Barriiigtori.il iii . i| for .thejii vnw&- ipw^ver, r ;; War vetcnui.s, and tnem- because of, [NQ .•:,• -••• patriotic organizations. theldei th of his fattei Js|fr4.' B. frl ton, Tex., ^here shu l^ijtl spent thijee Mr. ! iinl Ir . 3rri:Bt tr^de' Ws mt offj. Tlhei United . •"... liMm corps will lead the Easter, ilr. (Easter's tttMJ#] Weeks wi:hi her sen, Ray and his M ill stieejt, Tauccndi arje par States then tame intJi tlhe jJictube. f, retuned family^ iilr. Povfers^j is , advtrtisikig en tii of a Son, bprn Aj il 56. i with h m and will malje ,«r Wie! a're a gr^at-bkiyei ^'-theilf ru' AIM r« Barrin ;ton. i" home inj Manager of The Hojiston Wesfc a &[r.|!jjnd j]l^r s 1. I, Bfn|e|tt'f 53( materials ami are cli ily corneel; daily papejr of that ^. \> , i \ Hqujh st reet are, tli} p Tints, of ,i wit|i them, by tie enpimous tmotuJt H, ii\Ki;[.\(;T()\ SCHOOL is 1 The'Junioir choir if the- Methoalist Mi«i Mirgaret i^l I] Carl \Hlchelt, ImViMlr, bom |April'33 il' lie Bar of money invested IS j[4W!Sl|>N.v MAY 3-4 (ikl.V 01 TSIDER PLACING church did their firsl swinging! Sunt ay 108 iV. Luke stjr I spent tlie we£k- ri^tonjGepial he spil «1. To iidyertifN! x|jtiit«e tates goel eveninr under the direction of 3liss betterl) j we < J n int Jm i rgh on ji •V 0ales,bH«g. j , Alhtct, Liigir o! S flP^'aK .*>•;• • ! end tt K or coll y.r. 'm 3* vmture- I'laiU'- received fourtl Olive 1 >obson, *ith Bliss :£t.thryn [!oe Bapingioniftie lie parmts good-will tour aftei his trai4 . A: )ii:'.\eal /ifth place in at the )iano., Bljiss Itobsm ty'll gij^d- oceanic hop, teci Inglaid ha Mrs,, L. Powers ^ljijd Mrs! B,«»! .il, hoin |April 86, at he Bnriigtou itntlj • :'• in- schmil children ot nate o i -om the Colu|mbi^ "Sehool L of| nett and son 201,1W. Lake-Geii anil follWed in *tyJ rjlif)ots:ep| s by seid: u : r'eeei\,.(i tmill Chicngf ll[ advertise her] | goods, m -\. I'.'-rli impils have recelveid Mr. and. Mrs. Reuben ftieke, 'I President ] Joover 'iri; h|is nsiessa]^ 1 \:•••:aim.' them ^f their g00<; \V. Miiiin 'streetstreet, 88^^11116(( Little to Congress set; aside 26-1'IECE ,-, i oniin.'iidinjr them for ef- Girls" liatt the GreGreat t is'cfrtlurn theatre Pan-America 11, da; r, •I • r. in postor drawing; Tlie SaturdaSi»tnr»] ITy- si'Dninieveningr, l' this is to create n)6ie irien^lin ', •ait ten of these poiv- M!orl£s 'VVaterman pi Alilwaul*, i{ r- i ALSO nii" Chicago t(> the spent |the week-end rwith his fatl ;r, t" he judged with F. L. tVaterman, 206( W. Main stt bt, ^HARIEY CHASE ; .-'••• peters (in the same ri !»• in COMEDY Mrs Mt JRieliekl e and soa.i Henry, -11? J 'i • tw HJi« * 25c-50c A'. Cotfc sittrleet, are e^iecjtetjl home tftiis v* ION S K NTKRTAINED! week alftpr a threfe mlcmtp^ontni'j vvisJisii t with X ; TU E If ^ lit),, MAY 5-6 relntivi s- $nu] friends in lL>s Ange k»s» an t SCHOOL PUJPILS (j'alif. I .•, r il 11 Nfew lttN? ifii-- v .: '..| ¥™ ''•> ah hail as giiests Misw .Mi-sJ Sa'die. RlekesJ 6$ Prosj ect > 1'ii-s unil four of, th'° avenue n,nd Mrs. Moswiine Geaqoi esd hospital in Cbi< ago Tht rsi- JFUL-0-PEP day et ;ning ojf "last jweef. J.! '•I •!':. .Mmulay evening. ,: r X GR0W1NGMASH • • •' the dinner hour the. 1 Both <:eobsjon, 11¾ , things 'or 1 u i Id ir ig i a^i aej < -r*" •' i- i-lni i-jjc of the npusic. 1 Harris in street, rtiturjjetl Monlaj layers and laeai-Mi" OTHS!is; 4;H»'PRI'CE'OF THE TVOIOOR siajiAisr"'|l4": J nfll Lijht in Sky . from i fwo weeks' vacation spent} ip 1 ^several of the soutBsrn.states, asttpplymadr CC L'PE, e, |Uhpp |d and delivered in BaTr^gtO L, III. Sport Coup^ . i -In is a soft, hazy ,$HM6. PoiC-Dojr Sedan or Conyertible CoUpei;M08 ' - •• : r,ip'liiiiy, froill the i —"—* i 1 Soi n $1148. AUjears equipped witlt front and rkr bumpers,« ••- Hi,- ecliptic just aS • Mr. aiul Mrs . E i-ase is, '20,!"6r,.3O with ' IK. Schroeder's .pareiitsi ttr te & Ila •«•"• MIII it generally can and Mi's. Fraiik Johjison 0;: Chicajo. ' 5,1 "i decrees frofli the ngti. • 'kin"* it i» seen a's; a L. 1 Murphy Division jstrpetj i- - "> I'-iini Imnd entirely who h is (beeI beenn sufferinsufferingg from neuritis .7 * - , ajde'.for observing :s« |n sr-Hhe jrsngle tiMkn4\r iWersoiiWi testi i,o|' thfe c 1 i H-^tit in the evening. i :i itn h«Jr •'' t-j-a, lie);' a titer's Mr. and Mrs: S. I ipofsk j and a >na J*] Pe» 1 •'vV;•''•> 'uontlis for obse,rv- Frank in and Harold rejtirned Tfed Hae (idea of tM'ii^i O^Oan^ |'«i!'.j'liiif'.inBabjj . '. " nioi-n'ttig. nesdaj pf last week 'rom Miami, I 'la tself, i jbk, • • , t 1 kjiiii|t^r{ ir; ^raan'j by after, mending two mohtiS s at iihat; {musual ^alud i mi- foHqMng ii^bWtaat %tWei! »<>jir« ,. i yet Try ft ;'! •'. " ' ' '\ s I -;;"' , p.«. 'i\. ( "v1 ".L'LI'.I'I .-« 11. •j of {test ihat Tie "*•"! Iiijslvand ofi a wife' RhllM. strHng.Alneii:- ^i is 'hlwaivs' iq active CilNlJ- | Oakland drives to shift in up otldow a - *ni;:;', '•"•'I'l.-iins to the Florence 1 /*• i }\ (AV:l 1 , « ,! t I I "f loping l^jjh.jp» in '• I'": -i-l that he "cpn't get a' J fiow pi [' quietly aiid ah ibst, wi ;.';r'). >'• .il^.'wise." "flow," he N rg|f-mqf -' ^ ~ '.(&*%', ':'/> I uiiike her'llstefp to, teedsiand emergens V-^]rpe ' —a-*-U-«—RlIBBER-JA— J ..t . >mor e Tthnnder ir,f':" 1--->•;•• informs the editor, Talk !; lideati- Mdipiti yd^mfcure 'or the '"' v'.nr sleep.'.' • . , , i \' .' . m BA: nxiNbis jmbtor, aa.k type,, hat [Jlloi ^hV chassis, nil itiierii finest eilj, , .Oaklm d «hidt»-jr-irfdugito,^ l;V;^;/^yaiRwBt,'<. .-. # ' • w ; |%4 «A4re|« MMet» chapter* m&SGE&g its iidva^tige^jatlow cjoat car's steadines, and pro iia THE INDIANS MOHAIR OR ( HIPCO .( ARE COMING V: VX/111:N death ocenrs ».i «'•.' suggest the cas' - xnnbinu g ho'hji; dufcai more exiting! than ever K' • I..- selected. here in : riding gik 1 u ^olmrort a materials which" |fleai t e»t f~ , Time Schedule ' . I •"•r display room. satisfy the owner's ,Wk« " and[W^ • intijTie I for Itoadfe F« ttureShow rimse whom we ha^e N wjiich mta out Mcle tain Oakiand'i, value. if m A m» News Reel „ ""•--li have told us thtt exceisive a^ier :«nd more sat- itandcp ^ dfMt. j |:^E m*

f -Hil^wM 1, a corporation, i« hameyai books of must pel stated and also ii 'bold Stock berBbave visited hisleai thereuhder the names, and add ty othir Uinw in the last lfl ^ and ffijaut has- "••••• *^er dangfctt1? 1 Mf«g I 'H Ninth n ^jmeWlia't believe lalannyy other Patrick Ire- J Our peesimlM. lai rL Shaken l by thle f^r !ti»t J. OhM association, . rporation njected 1 : B onoi finally rer more Bare for GanW Sunday 4™fefUUig'tL,radial L 1 than] a B andj ^hat thirty four are or of jua'aup lot-rollir « totil amount of bonds* mtrtgages, m"?'- «4- found on the secondary honor becjauie t^mobile Robert 7nug of| ElixaJ- or other secjarities are : (If t lere are they {had no grade 1 lover than C.'Tw b|Jth^i'. K. J.J Was ved by a S*AT: none, to state.) IM. T. Lamey-Estate, •f Hie Barrington baseball team stated list in as'follows j i i ' | g ^arj«jhrou«j4 k }glas s win- 1 4, t)hat the two paragraphs next I • tnriffins ninth inning rally scoring : i Seniors-I-Carolllne Castle, Anna Gal­ the _ut tl e onl*. ov above, givinj; the names of ,t»e owners, [ 51lanlagement , JBtfc, Re+ Soar tons, to win their" opening? game lagher, Frances Jense», tJthel Popp'.is, „_.—. suffered fetw sttrainell stock! oldersji and security ho dera, if* ! iqdlrtjd by Cm tress o< any, eontain not only the list of fMmtbfrfcMH^W** of the season playee on the local . Ju; liorsj—'Marion Jurs, June Ket;l, Wle^, Barrington High School JB one hos August 24, stock! olderq and security 'ho dera taik diamond from Cary Sunday, by a Louise Kuckuckl • Florence | Patten", , Over leer KVilbil of Zioi, ( won a close and fxciting/viitoiqf iverj 1 Of filing* they appear< upon the books] of the ats. Bach M score of 11 tO|10, • ' ') .>'•'.- I^arold J Plagge, [ Lucille Sheeshy, 111, jptfoclaims tha oman wh3 weekly »* comm ny but also^ in cases where the K Pttlne, Ne trip; She! cold weather m ide fielding dif­ Libertyville a ad ^al atine laist Fri lay Kaoihi Tate. ' [ ,i ' ' 1 "J— rg, Robert VI- 3*ou i on'tj (lie*, elerythinL; 'will for {the State, am county aforesaid - positive excetot the third inning whek the lo­ With 44 points wftjlli:-liibertjj?vi lie w^|t 'btieff. ' '. ,, • i ' you,"1 say J 'jMri Lillia i YaJn ing,, fe given;.also .that the itajid ^wo Jystejc ft r and Mrn 'SW»,jf*•« _, personally appsarsd Leslit |W[ Mcj- vigitw their diuglt^r'.ilri. Ofrb cals scored four runs to gain a 5 to able to annex on»! 1:3½ and Palatine Secondary Honor Roll (No grade of Creatan, NJ 3., wloltias Clure, j who, hd\ ing been dul r swor,n| aq- paraKtraphsj contain stateme its/emj ', unties bracing, affiant's full knoWleSg* and, UBt qui, K?uctSrinH«ttDty.^bUaav l 4 lead only to lose it to Cary in the ; ! heloyC): ||| i \ cordini to law, de loses'ant saysi that i r 29¾. ••'/• •' j .;'-:. V'T.-/' : ' ived fa diyo|rce| decree which belief) \s to the circumstances' and cw\* ythese nprove fourth inning after the visitors had • Seniors—Amy And< rson, Allen Ben­ be is Che owner of the Barrington Re> V or money l8 ' ;. Altho|agh I ibertyllle ha| all their for,22 years ago. ditionW uudjtr which stockhoMers and! >ln. Emm* M« > •eared two runs. nett, Eveline Biden, [Maty Billings, organiser iiewiand, that the followint 4*, to the « Pairauicy^ i rs. Heens pressntj, .they -were'', ^avini (Minnie Forster, secur|lty holders j who do ,poj|.ap^ear| «1 In the last half of t he, ninth with | runners Estier Gerdau, Wa?ne.)Grabenkdrt, ,^bor (party [ olf l|\ tying and winning rips. R. Berg, Waj goner. , \ \ I ' Diirjiig hi 5 35 yNrfe met seitger culation), etc, of the afoiesaifl ptutj- among thf forty|riine schods e'ntere 1 lic'ationlfor lie late shotvh in Wil iam LuersiASn att^ded te the/first.man tin, singled, McGowan Jihiors—Carl Anderson^ Henry lor' the: Idmtral Ve ont' siilway, 4 at Ottawa—])ro«ni;: theiir inierit. I| above captioi,, required by \ the Acjt ing' ofj the C9OV«AT RHmi»', aWerife 1 singled, sending iBergl to .- third, MC-j Bettin, Myron Kuhlnan. l^uth Lages- fred A Pu lahan of St| Albant a, lyt., 1 was a good track meet nev«rthcles elf August 24 10:2,!emb(Hied ^n sec­ ForeM Park Thursday, pit ning. Gowan stole second and both runners: cbulte, Paul;' Miller Warren Wag­ 'stinjajtis he has, wol d a btaVof and despite' 1 he jwii iter wet itfa er som tion 411, Poi-Al LaWs and Regular scored in the' centerfiilder'a muff ofj goner/ jLois Wateiman, Elizabeth 10f>,00b mjihs, an ha, s worn iut 87 1 Rfr. and Mrs, John fink jimlliM ! exeefteht maiks;'we :ej|'inadej .'[•'' tons, printed on the'reverse of thi,s • A,- Altenburg's long drive. Scherfj Williams. | i *. , mirs of sh< e|» axid) 5 n esSenge • [bags, ^sd Mrs. John DW* visited 1vltb| M ,i! Barrington took i iix ^rsts,,four se<: brm, to wit: / '{ ' 41-. 'singled and scored.A.J Altehburg 'witbj S< phomores-j-Gene! Burjeson, farl Wfhat'lfiai beco of the- old fellow I 1. That the njtr tes and J duresses of snd \ rs. Lou Knlgge near Que^Un pnds, and op; third. Drover won tie Billings, Lenjea Johnscn, Myron i*.th„e publisher«..i,i;„i,^, Jsdiljoif, mabajging ed|tor , the tying run'. O. Altenburg singled] Jivho' thougl stii n' cou ii be corners. \ I J sending^ Scherf to third from where hej 50 ydrll dagi a|id j.Grabenkoift, Trei- Lag iSehulte, Bernarl Liiofsky, Don jwttled by1! i la ^ nifd business jilanigers are Publielher, tik, apd Ca lows each gairiedj a firiit 1 , Leslie' W. MiCl' Mts lames Tonne, | T^nne,^ TMott scored jvhen Scherf Ufas safe w an vMas on, Lorettja \ Wo Jgone r. We|rea,d|o ff|a tot letween car- in their fctspeetirp specialties, tl* 1 jlinois; Editor Ijes! and (. Young *)ttende4 an Eart«: 01 , F.-eshmen—Vera I Cpdy,' Hkroljl pentjer anafjdd | aha(n'' ifiipemanlL A imer I*** "' ' • ' •• '••*' J.' ' shot, the dis:us,jand the javeiin. Beii* Call ins, Ellen Donh a, Flbjtd H.m Mint man with. a f i,r rt Dorothy JohiJsop, Adeline' Ost, evening. ( _, J I ( Ar- •~ MjEherloi Boston con- | JteripgWm; I Bjajrripgton, Illinois. B. Berg lead the locals attack willl in the high :ump, altie for firpt in the dith'Wente. ' ' ' r 1 tie ide4 uippi. btjit the; own (if owne•Vi. Mr«. Maud , Patnich < and ^ four safe bits. Schorl, McGowan an. vault andja]sec( nd [in the low hurdlts. i Pjrates Iba^ebj two games to the locals ono.. Wit i exciting event df the afternoon. Moore tha:" body for consideration by' th© tcaml hponsored a /dau.cje| at several practice sessions on tap fo§ and Benneft, rhn two pretty laps in Century Air Lines, Inc.] In it the Stables Wednesday i^enW, thu-r week the home team expects f this race liut pere, sligh^lyl behind com hany asks a. cer ificate to operate tfusic Makehi furnished; tW fiuys 'attended, *• i - j d|at thtr ] 1 McGowan, 3b ...... 4 3 wipntjr of th^ triangular'meet be* whhh has* ofices in Chicago'eon, .'' A If every dtlien will s[ ov I a fe t> itsento on. e^term' Schaefer home -tween Arlington ll-Heightp,' 'jPftla't'iuftj f Tinnpw, If i „ ....3 0¾ ( thai; it is entitled to a certificate from th* «Wt will be noihlm: fat oonw wfson to-the heali Mr. and Mrs. Charles iHerJOi and the; Bronchos which ^'being ruij km d|hrijng o^ mail it to me f A. Altenbprg, p ...... 2 1 tfie Illinois (Commission to carry on vintoj M«wday ' afternoon; w^hj off on the installment plan.-^he score 1 3 t Scherf; c' ~ - an interstate jbusine is as it will oper­ Willin;m Tonne. ' > \ . C. Altenburg, p, If, is ev'cnjup vvithAirlingtonj Heights at ate not only [from < Cleveland!,' Detroit ..J! !.. . ^e Hare a Cfit?pleije UM of presentjj but t^re are thr«eleventh* and Toledo}dnd oiler points outside Mrs. Henry HiH^nnn \fuAi A l ^M Total ...... 45 11 which hav.e nqt beeii run off as yet." Illinois to Cliicagd and. $ast St. :,.. Number of or Acre|j,iJ| LETTp Wednlewlay with her., daukhtf t, jij Cary— I Unless fjujhdo'pe js upset either Pala­ Lot is, thus (ingagin % in the. business .,-1. II. Th^iM in Gilmer. ,| »'/ • - J1 n. Till, ssj :L tine or, Barrington should • wii the of nil interstate! common carrier. fered phm Mr.| and Mr*i Petejr Jenfien} I ttvmii A, Dianis, 3b ..... [most painjs jn thejse three eeents and J Tljie company iti itsL application Nr thp ,annual Reunion, of toripi| irel iL KvideraJ lb .... IS[sOo the aUroons should *comje out on states that it proposes fto use tri- dents I of Bureau county |St, IT. Lazansky, c *.... top. u 1 motored S'tinson Airliners ' on the M venfl hotel Thursday!evenjng.l B. Oeenauk^ 2b ... Wro Afeets This Wetk I route, a type of plane carrying, io If anyM«hen due PHarmac J- l JO. Wium, | p On Saturday Ccjach Clark is taking passengers and approved by,vie U. S -mfc i n Milton RudsinSki idrove| to drfdfc 1 w B. Mentch/ rf ...... t|e squud to Crystal Lak». where Deiartment Of Cotnmei T5Tr Barrington, III Sunday,to bring Mijs. ftujd$iri ttM week. , I ', 4npi W' of changes i e^vice game between tjhe jrade,schol lbc| The course has been bnuipped wi|h from njah'ufacjtuwd to natural gas in I-te ^aAnypn 2 attending- schools within' E|a to ? Lei Home I t hairfelt greens and cenient runwa; Springjieid a|nd. Peoria,! pasf; been and has been decorated with flowlr asked, of I Uje lllii ois. Cominerce Com­ B toW Earring- ship and the gnjde schoolbpyR 0-tte ' J 102 if kSt Barfiiigtrin, ii < beds, shrubbery,' and other imjprov*- mission by the Jllinois Pojvei; Comr ton district _iublicity ing schools outside j ofj'Ela jtywnsl •ents. I ; pany and the; Central lljinjojs;,Light purposes! ,e buyer will, wiU te the firtt eJent ^Vtht'ntt i With the opening Saturday, ^|r. Compan^yL which serve ofee v two make a , idantial saving noon, j Robert Whitacre Of Hi if B • Btlters will inaugurate a plan »f cities. ;'.?bi8 new plan is ntingent and willj'have the option of i< prises with no additional cost to pja r- on! the jipplicatoit of the . 'anhandle- our l&ie&c payment plan is majnager of the'non-Ela turn a *rs and open to till. Plans of the ope I Illinois il'ipe Iiinj: Confpsijtj; now be- with/iabl dowii paymen. . t if > Uorbjrt Wesner of Ela townshpi hi ing are told in an advertisement pu v foiitj the^icqmmiss on for a Iqferfcificate the/huyef owis a good lot. • J! school is manager of tnOjEIi, b lished on another page of this isspe tit coijsti uct and. operate; a pipe line This ip ah usilsuaj-l offer for " Any school tha|t -has boysl.in eresi of The Review. ' for transmission and sal of natural /nd willpprovc profitable tjo in bafeeball will get in toUcjb with! i gas in Iflinois. /' the one who sra quick. Fo|r Applying science to behavior pr< I)- The |wo combaniesi' w^ich have 'rthe- r F*inf *o riation send proper manager^, Following tie hi lems of juvenile dclihf/uents, the 1- entered into a tentative contract with this advertisement < piped aH e wajj blameless victims of wretchedness a id from Okfahoma ajid Tex.a should fail ** vice are given desirable surroundin s, j they will react with good behavior/ Business Notij^s Bring Results **hm YOOHPRfiCEANOl 4*' mm MOM. nnouncement o: M, U> \ .1 eduction .yp^',\'j;j/;i E WISH to announce to the atrons of obr respedjiycj Ftl. Although i he Foi d autom *lle es ablishments .and to the •VL p|ubl|ic ingen - imum of attention in the s trtice d pattment I i l ,i i ef i that starting on Mon h, the picet »-IrWlK tt is nexessarj we W 9twm '*f ^^ i for Marcellii g and Shampopii g will t» render you, the best possible reoaMn f and ad jastment seirife obUnable~fl*ing oftlK GENU I m fO)RJ> .WW I «* iMivfa Ktt«#i t, experi^ Mondaysndays, ^Tuesdays1 uesdays,, W ednesd iys e iced men do tl te worl, Thi^ a wures y Mi of get- i1 ffl: ting your wdrk proper; y 4

venlnga 202 S. Cook St. :on, II!.


i-'i'S^"^^, ,'^. UM£M^ km ^*Mi£r 3vH«iJSt,iff'*,4 i 1' n: 71?^ 'rl',T3f '3 35rr W mm ' •>, "3Wirf*W 'ft !' ' - ' •f*.>-l B.KRl.seTO, »N, AY, APRIL 90,1 'AX ************ crjeam cones will n Y . 8 "l*,|WtVf*|a^ # '; lanjtera4*' slides 4,ai4J^ l • SALES RBASIS: tejstan 8, and grade. ol af in tbjs nibuntajins ^ tnpluiiihgf 1 nifi|als PREDICT JRN OP t i u.5 on £li« books, of th ! company as ter th i t;rack and f eld, ime :ti. HWER q>#m<|N6 it steeW bilfl 'sto<|k a n I •eranties i« found }4 thjtlt Sfjcjioiiiof.ijtl,! r.~- f a, fai>.M-it Mother than Tbe| senior state] witt g ve compTi r uni:|tte j feature fo;! 1' p I Et1a4 o« f boa* , Tonne visited Wednes- A ver; < '} h] I r iWti oifml; and' this 'l]nllijhtcrs. Misses, Betty menta 7 tickeljB fd- r-, JJ 2S«h «*y Of April, . f^nl^' Mr arfd Mr».Mc- ;iveti alt 'rThil figujr* represent* «*n in T. UUisc*, Notary Th« foods cit p)rep;are ant workir : ha ighcj nsphopt thi i .play ' Public/ Ing vortlj Iwhlle *nt over Mar ih, lSb " ( r He-jr.> wuuafcslon expi es April 2i, serve refresbmentefatjcost |to thosr have 11 mi] lo fn)- scut t< tu^lt b»dy. 64 pMr cent increase < ver 'the W<|lf- «,. and Mrs. .>ed Deinlein: and who c n stay ovennftei ik track a'tid ess do to in February, 1 31. Th< an­ •"' »ir< raul Ueanlem and eon 1 field 1 iee( ior thei ;lai nounce ient| was augmented [by the y E-.t*ff f\X;;,„n"Heights visited Sunday Eve y grade sejio* ^ 1 '- signiflc nt statement theft unfillet or­ -,v \|r.':u'>l M?s- Robert Deinlein, and teachf ders on hand April 1 ex ceded cores- erjls ?elc>ine arid in spend tht ,, i Mr*. 4'illiam Dunlan have aftern K>n|, and #ei^ pondini figures for any konth dtiring 1 tb usl Bel list iot' J p8id hotcl 0 1 the paiii yeah Factory and | df«ler I v ni f!' I-ak « *° ^ ^ membi r the date] SEayllS. Everyo! !nf new cars are pie lowest in ia\ «1 Ually inviied- fNo : ..f-tiiv..; •"'"" I' ,..,..,, ,>n Spunner's point admlssioj jars'." UplHiglta, Bac *}&••:•*• " " " - •:. . ehargi fojr the trafc and fie! frequent eaJivLg; Paine, M. ' Miani- Scnnetis in Chicago or; bal game, Come!! : outcomiiof tl 1 ,kv rl appcijfrs iralng, due to fun - triangi lar nfet tal Lake One rery serious dUidvaatagi! of Jtartion. E to function:, ^:1^-:1 .!..>--• huHine.*;trip. 1 .f.itny ja*: Blalder ai «e« eondi-. 'urdayj ^prll the ma :hine age- for a lot 'of ,tjf :ir>" rtilaj-' roufeel'tred. < M-. \U< Kaii! Mollenkatap-and jThrlingb Mr. Pitiyf Uky 22 ba that w>, have to worr;H along 'ecctiuse ti'.i ico a raged»ed,|, itr y i:ik Grove visited Sunday been chosen atflthieveniig for th< ed witB tthe , starts c _._ ^"'t'\\- .i-l Mrsl William Bubr., last yei IT'S modeL \ i-f- is) ajctf: ByatetT a tot 15 minutes, Ela t4nrnsuip grade school promotion Atalttant Secretary of season T tot n»U -!f *l exelciseS. We co» diajly 1 ivite jevei The outcome fofi .ft giye up.'T r r u, 11^ M' - George Lentlem^n Mussdinl says his •Ms eiEJ-i -\,',l Vh.ir .iausbter, Mrs. Oharlea eighth grade gradmt©; in Ela ^ow: lital Like 66 nccdl Bias-tex) tw, $eye|al J junuJually |g •npt yet been born. And iiiMrs.' Ki Klse ; S'htt Clajtii Guarantee. [';!.',!. '::., Halt liiy, Monday. •'-, ship « id neighboriig non-iigh school ^ost Ela the game. The. Henry! 13. iluuuHuuuy gi You Can find irun-; th«fe condition*. towns! ipg to joiWlt the ai naal gr|i< eiee game will be at AD marlfs! ^jrere ;iK|ljMtM lNJ|i Jdv'M hnflj mndenerjgy, r a«My back. ' M^ Kan a Mills, Mrs. Harden compel ition. t • at: Larson'* school promotional exercises to ' The; score for Ela PC| •s P9f •,...| .Mi->-lleensohu of Diamond held a: the Elaitovnsiip jigh sehoo] follows: , j J« jilele lOW dish, Jciorfista ,'.'!v.-I II Monday'with the for- buildiig. !J ' I > ' I Warren shed ihead .._ je f SSfia £l on a New a ,( *,'> i•• !.'•: Mrs. Clarence ,gnet-> CJehVke . onis. "(fis tbla mite^, Deyley •14 Mr. 3 Petty wil| U- iritn ,us, to ad 'Ji Re >erts ;)liwl |»!COiid' \A\ tht! dress Bus and pifes: tnt thi diplomasi J^tt ...J Fjortegye A. K.siiski and K Mavis finkii ] ^- ; ;.!>M'ii attended a meet- Tho c mmittee iu (barge of the pi Cheer up, Kitchen! the ,. .. i ;.;.'. iT Farms groeeries in Wagner ' one-ti o. __in_ (J4e _ml e.. V»U» thoSviha._ . : gram s Mrs. Heybtek, chairman, Lu tjme i tj 5 nnutss 1.2 jseco^iih). j-* ,.- f.ir.-v Tlmrsday evening," cille. I elm, Idi ^re:t Elook curtau tB you're gettinjg Bpriag, it i goin|, o r Bejtjck —#- ..:^., Robert 3 won 'th e J" discus s" "|thr6 w j[- -I .^1-^. John Fink awl Mr, a hpay t af IJfS fe:t Jnd 6|incfles. lie eas r to, own a new ; Courts Soiri parda .\ T4>....,.'i 11 w Ready teaip ni(te, Stairitt' dD,i Mr'- .' )- H" '' visited with Mr. *finer „.|. „Xt.! Tw< double sized* tennis courts hr»i place. Thwit fmen, Kra:u8e,j|Patil - • ' ! " 'i ' i'';;;: " sw! \l;r 1,.., Knigge near Quentin's bein^ laid out on tie grotnds of thd J.L. 3' ; 'ana,'St«yer tlfeiiar first plac4 h) You c in trade in y< : (jorS'-r-. , high sihool. The piWic has been cor, hich jtjnip al l.lfiefeB^ in*.TP* l' Total ; \[,.: T'IIIIII'. Tonne, ILo'omis dially invited to u:il?6 these tourti • 'silly tle| bes^t ina|k of the ni(iet/ivj one "ol' the ntodern :: 4 i; y,..,::-.attended an Kastern during the summer season. Arrange in the jroad •^unp in which E( tikis 10%oiithecosL Any jjtar'r.'-^'- "' Harrington Monday nientsi should be ' made tl rough Mir II. Becknian ... 'int; place witiia .feflp Hr W?rn«- for the MoHen nr wei $ H"r!,,:ii. ' . J of j the; e courts. „ Branding ..... -'i tingle exeeptpon i» ot Mr . r B. Beckman Vrt.-: .!r..'"\I.. . mi to l'atriehWaukega. nan dTncsda Mrsy. Winn^ fn Decianatoo' Contest! at Ernst ' I, On thi toe,yo w qld cojol aff-rv* )'. EU High School ^ j! Giese ' |-jphieofS$i Lujerssen I Tii" I-.'!i" A ill of the Evangelical FriJny, April 10, the j third ann;tiaj :l Lemm dwlan atoryi conteat!wi4|hfld| «t* :'. -i :ir• !i -;i" "iitressfnl roast beef 4 Lohman I' These njew^M range i fan i VI [,[»-,• :n:..• /.in tcli I'iratep baseball The, Constitutiori,w| b? Ev4lyn eaiefirise workshop, :,-.,1-.(1 a dance at Dietz's Sturn second plae^^ "A. Message! * features to make $w!ti',i \V--.!ii.| h#m ; j';.,!•;, s, !ia..;'.T and daughter^ Jean,' place. |f - J , ~ (fvij iif.-rid);oj»p ioHjfly iowti of HJiese p«sts. j..,,,1 ., • jii.. week-end, at 'the H.' Hu loroijsJ-f"! Betpba,' by lllti 1tm«lutoaamooihiinicr««iny x-rui .1 fp* j0iwpx»ermln*toh> TOPA^t-T— TJiere. Is a special display of theae gw rangea ;•' )' g^m , first! place;! fJ|E^y -Ma!" hi UUC4. Andwhatflaim! Arib, Is ii rwrtjiara the health and happiwss \ Mr .!••! Mi-.-Cliailes FIer»l|ber^er Viplej UmbdjenBt'oek, lecxnd p1tc«; tlitteJjlttelfo^'JUW' that oijdy nowJtyourPubHc ^iric« Stoi^ AU may be] t;..-., \| ,*|-,i.v aitt'i"iii«»li Kvith Mts. "'J^ontny Stearins Scrubs tJp," M M 'intln|l*t«inihe* ', I pnrch ased convenien Jy th B Little by LittIe WJ y. lots pUtjei||H of IosectlcidM V iv...".::i-'!'"nne. '•/ ,'::-.,. Carol ne Fehlmail, !thirt place. \\~- 1.1..,1 y llillmaii visited jnst Th« judges were JM ss gchroeM. :lt|l rarebit*, «auee« fc ^- Miss Etobertsland Jlri tU «ifli tier daughter, Mrs. Antlo h high Whool. | i, baked dial MS, Mast «- |l T' ,• - ii: iMmer. .-, \ > 'hf winners of fi ?a* pluce in «B.L, , ».Yoor«r«erb«.Kiirt PUBLIC nrf Pr$tcyi]tiionaHere j M- ,;lMr-. I'eter Jensen attended grojup represented; Bit it the nil- |h'. .li.'.'i.il remit.m of I'qrnier resi- rl t contest at P»Ja im> Satun aj, _OF NORTI i»nf- • •'( Ifm-eaii cntinty a( the Ste- Ap.-ii l 18, afternoon ajnt e'ening. Bit ;s r, in-.- !i •'.' \ Thursday evening.. was rell represent^ 1 ;a: tils con esi. li i./jpyop. l Ofj| tl e entries Jobi] >ijm, Eth«l » M.l'.'n I{ud-ini liunorous < iv jJatiehti-r-«Ln visited there the past' ^-. »^—k —. 1 {.-ion tylth the read ngL M Betcui. K**-'n. , !_':.. She .-*s awarded a ,sflve • pin. 'This >* make her eligible t>* earn pete in ^Mfll HA TOWNSHIP HIGli SCHOOL distrflk contest to txtitietd at Dert^lb -.(• vi May I, t.ndt SC'IMIOI Daj- Set for May -1& at Ela \}.: Tb Ela'high school ilayed thl Th.- tlnril annual grade | school fiifst Northwest €jj»aferei<» baseball game on the local ijamoid last Pr- "S tra.-k a:nl fU-ld'meet will be.held this H-'- daX ^pril 10. Th«yjwc:B from Jte i>^t ytar a Fri«lay afternoon, May 15« Leyd n community; high ichool t y a lw:.!,::i!.." at l :,'to o'clock; A' baseball H u Z score;. .Tl^efgaip,'+'i^e| gain* fea^ire|iea^ireaa gam.- !.. tyen t-hi?'grade school boji good >itcbing h•y IrIraa |Erns t and m w> t .att'Mv!::.- .-,-hinils. within Ela,; town- hittii ; when hitits Jnia^t inns, /Th i line up waw«s j 4*. follows: l I I !• sb.p iral the ^rti'le school boys? attend­ H. Beckman.cf;! HI Bknding, ss_; ee -, h.,., .,m-i,le of Ela township B. 1 eckman, 3b;, I. Etnst, p; 11. ^ will h- the t'ir-t event of 'tie af'ter- Wei« ; It; 3. Lenlj ttj H. Giese, TBI | 2b; )!. Lohmanj lb j\y. I.uerssen e] TCDOR nwn. Kobet-t Whitacre of Half Day •ii"' - >'-'-'-i • 1 ' is niitna.vpj.t' the non-Ela earn and ".: Ete Wbttifroin "Fra Lake , Ti ! Ela high eel 0cil baseball teajs ' n •HTb^rt We-her of Ela township high. acq re I a 1,4 tcf-4 fictor.r ove*: F<4x s and fiei,| ,vents as last yeari Firsti, otds show foolr tuns',, sen en, hits '-} U no elroirs for'W» st^oml and third place awards will be gitp witmers in each event. J?ree ice n car in its price class matches thje v^lve^smoothi .esiI of TiheI>ictttor|s An i i v , 81 hoisepbwer engine. ,1^ Torsiogxaph •/I • • i, YOUR PRICE AND recorc iss.aoothly' ro mdetl" in striking STILL DECIDE • • .contrast t< the Kugbness common tjo Y* < itirtotffa^^Ci^fe^ j _ f' .^ No CM In its prit fe class has the effec­ tive cirbuet or siJi^ncing anl-the ftd- ' • U •' jowei engine mul ting thdt combine tjo giveTheDictatorfiighiqoietaidsm • ' cess equaled only fn bigh priced cars. «r*pUc< LEAW 1 ' Studebaker goe; to extremes not a] 1 : .. f roachedl>yanymikei in this price t> remove vibriti«»n. The crankshaft of iftfti m The Dfcta^r engi ne has nine 0> bear­ ings and is balanced lot only stari. And plosjaU tl4s, plus the faig»i ; ttw f servicj^ dep xtment ' minimized < by a J crankshaft ribratioa get f Free ince the electric starrer. ioe*s,its i J^rep^jiting m& ad- i ? damper. I »aal carl ,, Wheeling s unique WaTel-si p 4bfeiiikhle- -nking mily GENU- 'j • L... TRAM US YOUR TROUmBE. feeds exact at aouirts of fuel to ea< If freedom fom clutch pushing, its 15% ta iRlS/aAlMjfe efte^t, experi- cyUnder, avoiding "serving" of end ql- .2¼ gas and oil savings, its officially W«TM|*rtAI*EtUYreAU' 'approved e Mork. jrhpififeiir^» you 1^ get- * UWU«AUy((^ROi0T|RIS * ~\rs *ad!«Murln twt* T — — ' prcpierly done by th^se wlo know ».JII ii il "" •^•^^-'""W.I/'i'V. |os4i *'hc|lui(??U ijeal inUrest ito l>rd| opjjrMra^ teoi^jrly. !• r U. H fMMk ye»mm i «• 1ft «<" "«•

TODAY'S MUCEfr, llwEW SltOV^W uin^ re™. Service iN1W6HIST i


«I -h -. i -^i M 1 • u t M * • *' S » ' 1¾^ Il • ' ^Sg

8 BARRINGTOI Waocottd ESTABLISI ( — \i \i LESLIE W. McCLURE, s,' i« childcen of W.auae» r-y ;*! WALTER R. WINTERtN'GHAM tt Business Director and foreman Elwood P» "' , '! ! J Main Published every Thursday , loon at Mi: .Jttaois, and entered as Second-clai matter at thu i Suhdiy service,jlO :45 *• m, . CM tfsgton poetoffide under Act of " 5 me Su idi iy school; 9:30 a. m, • r cagtofr&qifce, 1^4^^1^1 ^ ^? " Mty J-^-Snbjectj: Everlasting Puiishment. one tibtaiied i.bvk} * V4 °Hna*5' Member of Go den Text: Proverbs ^SJ j2LjEviji purs^ethj [sinners noWit lad'prei^red Wheft it wait |f Mat'7^ NATIONAL EDITORIAL isSOCIATION but to tie rightetjus good sbnl be npuyedi >n^ iprinjg % lad 9 thoiuht Siompson'bas Ih^ir death Y^oek fo­ ILLINOIS PRESS ASSOCIATION e, JAifkeu km I #t' last • Norei iberi IT lieV^ic i was; quiti J Wdiesda^ eveiing'meetS ig, 8-p. >m. t ! ,, . Conplimeitary, so |Tho'm|ison had ip' SL^ Mrs Koch, who ** Serj hjsnn;nsi , 4nd,|vind jwltef n the; hatched Re id ng room and lendW;) library at 110 N. Hougli WW fly pi Wished aiij a, rjply t> thi $3&me'\ subdivision. • ' duds of thanks, naolntlont of condolence, bofe Ihjsy fai« ^ra;r*a^dj][ cxjuld raise taiy poetry, memorial*, and ell no ices •f eateritertiimentt i street open to" the public daily} excep: Sunday from 1:30 Tri» tine's campaiffi 4ttacki.!Hi8 ctm* IROPi it. flttrv5:S0p. in. Ali« flatnrda;.evening from 7 is rie and pail f t fmai aa>r» sa d the * fibune •fjr benefit will be charged, for. Ii was held of th^ 9llofcl*l. I I I I, I ' i' ,twojwpjB.r saa D « yriling to tell the truth alx»at bjihi if 1 he Terleidiad. - '- * ' H, unr and Ke'nneth Kiu !< cattght 1 hjei oj ; ind b!>ugh| t I tl te m U^i ^^; f.'W : J^eSU -Hb their . AH communications should be addressed to t|e SAINT JAM E 3, DUNDEE , and raiieii th»m S' that tier Would 4- . I • 17-Tf T ,j J rhis is i program •ecpmmen Dillon nth'olo. eat fron m ? 1 and^, nd'gjot thtm te pen as one ' BARRINGTON REVIEW Efbrf Sunday ft 8:00 i. m.,iHcJy Communion. W itiWotjt citiaens of jMinifcRpglV wb> 1 jge, dns 'lay't| |e iwi^id .bl*Tlr«iso ot most outstan l^ng, religip pfcya Tbe Jins club was cfttec* 100 NORTH COOK ST. ABRINGTON ILL, Jrdj, and 5th Su^d>y, „10: Choral JiMitiy, tytened W.a >%?rap "' 1,. ttey got bur and died, .which tjHuieh nusic pluyed 01 W .set cjf k Eacbatic t, Ulmissi 50c mi de me fiiel quite cpiies'iWsro horrifijsd whsnj'thei tuns *t: ' 2n< J nd 4th Sundays, If) :j45 4. m Prajer, lie s inc ay fath ba4 eTeni,, TELEPHONE, BAlbtDf (GTO N NO. r ant I'J liatae from avail chanted andjlhe meloii of "Hoy ;;5Mv *'t i Jr and Sfnpon, « GrpH-as'wi Dry |I Mm? raila-^utJ The, chiinje 1 X ttisndtd Sunday , Mrs. Caddie I>i,xoft ^.Nj, ^EV. R. S. rvices at !nk» npiisw. / As rinser trbt^fully , explaMd to indij- FALSE IMf teojkMEN^ . L cam> tl -o igh tj ptSiiriS, vM saw ttdnk pntestors iluit h(\ 4»d reaUj* improving- i . ,• 1¾ \')} In spite of the many. tygal s ifeguards which stjfr wil 1» !S< • whi were thtf'ia the plated a' ovlce pop iWr,bu* njow ilmost % ST, .UrNBi'S ^ngs, mi j'»» we jforjotten b|ymnt "O ^^ ™*v,f I)r.'nndMis. rlos^*Oj round those accused pf criiWa go >d many innoee it pel: 1 U^M. t iem and H^ppy, Day, Su at ay,'{Low Mass,,8 a, ni. and 1,0 a. jri. k th >nt no ue a| which biginS thwif:l| sons' suffer imprisonment, and eve death, as the resuni!l 1 hid/lb W quite W «d days^Low Mass |7 |a.'m.- awhile, aid onej ¢) ha]»py^ ojt perjured or otherwise iinreliabl evidence, i A iew it- 'ay,]/foi Ir distftnt DaVdtions in honor of tjhe| Sacret Searit, first Fridajy nMghbor,''Hiltebr|a it,/ijroo it ras quite choi^ 1 Air. and A* Arc lie £r ss,tf/L stances are related by Margaret W. Stewart' pf th of eat h poqtk Mass at 6 a at. • ' WnterjIiahJe to tjnsiand saw On Tkee, nd my „triille spent W« nesdfy. 1 tide. Library of Congress in a recent a Orniessions, Saturlay, i p. m \ I em an.._ d claime,d jheihl lieMBseihe God! with the lath's pirentf There is the. case jot William ilson of Alabamh, coii- B: p ism by aipointmei t. shot j hem aaiiettot) be'orp, . George given' a life sentence. After he tad served mor> thai me fee • 'ii*, bad that rwIly^^-Qikk i^ riipdrjidl fro| ^r$ Sc|)tt, [r£> Mary three years the supposedly murd« red woman Was founl Om W,ri4 drlvi hrough ces METHODIS|r EPISCOPAL e prfiiij/with'i en, [ Walked Nov Oiteaijis, (wherei Wj. |j* jfo, Laura Harris ^¾^^ living in. Indiana, and Wilson v as pardoned. £ e w* s rifi;ed M a1 contrivance :o|sliMt burj neral of'Dr-jO. B. IMf ffi| ff Worship in an impreisive Sinctiary nj anJ mdd lend theoi, giv£n $3,500 by the! stale as parlinl recompense :orhi glurs, xvlio- laiglt invade his of] ice. jit stock Saturday. ( M'' • Music to help in wcrsiip! |' ' Jt sMo juj d ] taW quite v wroagfulf imprisonment. weM/ofl' aslintfendedjantl hilM Jo^n , MiN Alice busscll of %A ]'reaching that taies for granted jthaji we aU(— iaj*esnakes| Ijunbed in Another victim, .7. B own of Florida, ser ed 12 file, an ex-i»nvict, ytmw, la It tendfl the-Waucondaff ind young—need Chiist | ' apt wbipp ' the! oxen years for a murder ©f wbici lie \ as finally fount, inW oil ( Of Wbbi desk.|M liberal with' Mosfa t I, 'vent libbers Whi) brokfe iilto ihe| lihome e vill go to DeKalb May',j growing Sunday kchsol for gnwing people at 1 1 Walker, who served/.five yeh rs ut iler a false cba'rjge, bi^ t leli hjn of itfrs. Anh Jacobs of Cevelmd^dnr VORK UARAI Mr. and Mrst FfancisfB! awarded him $p00 upon his releni e. a. m i|nd fiWe injla briilje party Weri'iivery polite E^v ortli and Intermediate Leagues; at ,6^45 siti: as one of tKe^ bandits utoppedl *^rcjrk recent visitors at the jjift^ These payments by the urates] concerned were ma< ? atter's parents, Mr. and M Cptrch class on Wediieiday, 3t3 0 p. m. stock Ioiit ertmgli to get a glass |off wafer through the passage of special bij s by their legislatures. shies, it Elgin. • | ', •*. fojra gijest'who had.faii,ted 1 MILTON S. FREEMAN, S T. B- lister. Two states. North 'Dakota and 1 Tisconsin, have pen^i eon Iittfoi< . Mrs. Evary^ Moody f a nent compensation lor wrongful mprisonment. JmlBer in 1J r FIRSfl :5APTI!!T, ^ ash ngton's police dejpt|rtmrfh(: Was he Paul JBrpn|oheon 'hosa< It is hard to imagine $ttythin [more tragic,'tlnn Hie many joUtt'dcgsl aibounted that iW future jpejrsbns n- town. i ! | punishment of an innocent j^ers« i. | When such unha)-. Bfbje! S|([hool, 0:30^ MJoijning wlownipj,^10:36: B. Y, Onej ina a vas an< dtiljring in "deceni" pet tint in) public ,. Mr. Broncheon is qoili^i pily;occurs, it seeing,that. #mpe najton should bisma^le l).j 6:^»' j Evening service, /l :30J l(jey|p|n|t i>at mei ptrcs Would not be disturbed.>l Plans Tpej theme foif the; mojrning servjice isi"A|Great La' i cc until (two Mr. Hieronimtis taking^i ihj a fixed policy ki every stale. J o jno^ey payment-cjn and sp( eificatioris for "d|icent*j ppt will *e employed ai pot been made, publi^ , Ithmgiit y Well meat markei which bej |M esperiencetl|by the victim;of fals ( imprisonment, nut [pit. Th) pimmunion be observed at the close of I he 4 the leitlidi'cul. off fore going oh -the, forme! < ino -r in', worship r! , would;at least assist aim in makh g a)new start ill life. the baseball fock"v farni,r Ww owjtfed , adf Ajmonk the baseball h&ord# often (J tit 'chi>irs will eirich these Gtjspel services by sj|>| e ctunttd by. the "hot 1 ttjve; leagui s, parses, rt • 'I ' ' cial lunbers as' well is lont|s the Anerican League. Scott! never Wilson observatory^ has been m iking some interestiiig - - 'i vffW* plane- iss ed playing in a sche luled game of i Mr. and Mrs, Otis Pott his team for nearly nin,s jdren were iVaukegan call estimates Iconcerning the inliabiJants of the . uniMeris e, sJLWlk KtVANGElkOAt lariumjittJhlcagf)., ,,,,, , earsl, frbm which run into big figures. * T' I J Bnildin r censtflnctioiiL pii gram* be- Junim 191¾ to.iMay 6 ¢25, {during Mrs. Miilaie W^ettocit,,, We observe the folio* ring pdec of whith t me hte played: in I, -First, he notes that therei are aabou t 30 billion suts, seniles ion (lie ing stirpi ttronihout the (world will straifht lock and Mra.C: R.W''" comi }g Lord's Day. i' t , , , l 4ram;>a I .11 1 many, of them immensely larger ban our own, iac|h )f nvolvjei aj totjul Ixpenditutf pf eight urday in f'nukegnn, it 11:30 a. mi Bible school witli classes nwfall agss. »illioi collars, .(4 spinning arcund .U NetijlT 2», |Oi^nd(° of il«odee; H somej of which may have at le'asj one wo it^ 10:30 a. m., Divin; worship and sermoi/. Thenie 1 Mrs. Grace Ford :^runei''ivi*e ei| m ;he United N^w inventions ar^j baking tiis the best jikes sjtib- while many may have several "See ri^ vs. Beliiving." f ' j •' mitted! toFua&Felcts the week-end with m if' The earth has' an estimated p filiation of abtut bio States liit yiear, mor4 and more a thing! world, to, and Mrs.- D L. Mu 4t 6:45 p. m., Christian Endekv^>r jmeettings; Intjer ,1 got '.in,' tie editor ' 'We don't blamejyoa %i billion people, so if. each of thi se suns has only oie Th( D^ilyKull m 'ol Wi 'oo> N.' C„ tienion on(ly three or iourr, .wwe ihav e 1 estinr and helpful programs will be rjendeied by I he >nly \V Ilo0ill -'fcickiig aftotife. Mr. Booth of Mil k rn iki inhabited planet and these planet i average as m any i D- 48¾ inches, jciaim I »to bj» the mown* fe.'lawffi .« youi s| people. tvprld's fsinall^st < aily new i papei sjmolteMss:el'< S!' powder, caffj?ijn^less coffee, nt] iman an extended * visit !E Tf« habitants as the erath, it would i lean that there are iO 1 you halve TO use anjold J ' it 7:30 p, E Evening'devotion and sci tajon'iby lb' A (m of ' 100 autoni)bile ind ao'sniWr the Germans ibjaye developed Dp you hi.4l a ladj Pratt noine. quintillions J of living people. T< write this in figures fashioned lawn past »r. sets at» now operatiiia *• i, nicotinelescot in s tobacco.; in the mem- der «*f yonr.c wn,| or d* Victor Carr aid rEa] you have only to put down a G i nd 19 ciphers (iter it. lime there has,been no| lyJ Versatile plant; accoidind to' the dt for Jlawns!' of Sunday, May' iiprl 4ai|Stafc jecfeir^f Kew Gardens k Lonaori. aize." " ••!' J. L. Harris aW BiWb' school. |>f vanad um incjjs ievcil tj» The humberi as you he'd ^ motored to Richmond m But, taking the estimate as it stands, it refnrstonly pon cne original wild irtowjh, which ocki : 0:80,^,01-^ ng worship int'Eniili'sIi, ''DiSjtrpleshiiJ." only (country in [wh; tli ? is still found in Europe, has been de­ may, tnow, [is,: 225. ' J to people now living. The numlfer that have livedf afid mine! to: its Women[s Union. runselil sprout, cauliflower, brocwli training their) .little tirely ,tn the imagination. Supposing that all aave or P| m., Wiltdn, N. ih, had plat youngster was^ walk­ I'VOIO. ^ ;, t "' l( pi. nv Monthly meeting of the Senior' League. ind thi kohlrabi faiiily. j As some me ones how tb behav^at will have immortal souls, it app ars that there is little Sale' sign over d litter of rather aptly said long igp, ihej caioli- ing 'doWa i own the Mrs. Grace Moffit ! likelihood of anyone's getting lonpsome in the h^reaftpr, rVelcome! lad been uiable ta flower and other j day. with his Feuton ,sj)eat Tuesday, lid 4 Hermann Koenig ' !J. f, l the rest »re , it whatever his destination. ?astor., ^hiev s iivadtd the"»! barnyard «viti a coU>ge education mothw Now that thq high tension caused by Govern >r fiin^' re- ,«'that bird siioreff Jus^t ffeo spent Sunday *}tt our services \\ill begin at 9 o'clock dayjight Saving tim > Detachable [spiked sole|, Itapped cenllr attractell a ljirg, • i trow< I, ir merson's reimiler bill veto in the face of strong opposi­ like Daddy?!' iferbert Schroeder ,an^ ft On' n>xt servici* will be on Sundny, ]^Iay 3 to action. They realize that childrt n must be prote:ted by Apne c ha 've )tingf ma|h ne reaps ma rie i under similar cirtjims w^» sh p, «lhe* diseou "'Mrs. .Stewart May*i wL |kw law from liquor traffic. * corn, si ells, tlelns fins ,[t and no lea i than, forty timeji'in seta »Tt,i.. .oit-Hurc May REV. GERTII, Pastor, 1 what" 4hey ji The following quutation froi i.Governor Emnjierson's (J. cute tht stall ;s jsb ti all < ley can be fei in 1 (count j-i^ed o| subdivision;, jplo\n)d nn^er r^i'dily !< , I |IW ax] her honie^Sal . veto message «hould'conrtiwi' ma ii' dietl-in-the-wtiol w I Built-into a njiw rad|iat<}r :OB steam i>t pneumonia. Dr. RU, that flu- :p>i<»riHir at'tly wisely ir preventing the I'epejJer F3 ETC tr XXXXXXXXXJXXJ lot water b[|{usehftdj In iiiig sy»- Hiding physician Ut{ from removing all state'liquor aft': txzxxzxxtutixxxjxr^ itrnjaiftrjient j in m®& > ivetf her 'J " a ei t "It is apparent, therefore, hat House I Bill Nof, 1 Which f>od or ishesj police, the source 0'. 'j| ;lect«li«al iriteifereince have real estate pronert, aoines, »ut mra'sfue* their inteiisity tltt sheriffs, constable^ and othef lav enforcing office;s, nun NEW BOOKS THIS WEEK Mw„ Lucille'Rob well,. h| 11 'M ' ' bering tens of thousands;'colild t it under state la (v inter Diiwn In Julia—Fraidis Youighusband fere with tlie'snle-'of liqijor to si iooi childreji^ th; opjra.- ^,] tljermotti^ljer tfijth the degrees, 'l- 'I 1^1 1 St>ry of Neir East Relief—Jai nes Bartoji matked with raised figu fi m I' ' tion Of stills and dramshops 'n »r' schools 'and coU'gea .iind'inr Cv.vX'i Tie Wrong Side of thfel Tracks—^An,on scrip! tiohs in Brail|< chi or any other trafficking: in *r|t« xicautsj The>oily* >ro> cts by ordinance,, but this eq^ippel witli outlbli Ctntrary M*ry-j-"Temlple" BaAey: |f would necessarily be weak,and neffective." racfes without as bee|u lOI'li '. invented by ( WfHITE FAWN, Olive,Higgint Prputk , Fabia V||e, * .» debut rate daiig iter of one of Bostt n'soldi ^ richest,| a id STA'fENEl The flag of, i the United State* should be disp ayec on the following djiys: , r mfst hidebound families, had the r ire and exquisite grt ce; ;XJi V,r ., of a i rhite fawn. Brought np in he bestj tijadiUons, t lie refund[ih|| 'of n:ial obi Em I* . Lincoln's ^Srtbday, Februar '' 12th. iaitinctively re listed the inould to which her family a and t< reimhai t!of its Washington's Birthday, Feb uary 22nd. 1 niriv for |fi fr em s aought to make her conloiia.. , rhe i story tiljs ids All expended, i'j * Lexington patriotic Day,Api il 19th. Ptihlie Sei bL~ -•••• wiat happened \vhen«she fell'in Uvi! witl a' brilliant Ixitj tyol North- * ' ! ' i :" • Mother^ Day, 2nd Sunday i i May. "' vDl inois, Tbetn > athoiize d by * >* 1 pcor ioctor's a assistant. ,, , . thfrniinois • lit 1' ; Memajrial Day, May 30th. : miissipn, to The fell< Flag Day',,June 14th. ••• J , . •!'. « . ' issue a id-sell oljUi'spfits - ' if.'* i. .firk li in and , Independence Day, Jufcr 4th TkB GOOD EARTHjJpearl fli Buck, Dorothy, jCfU' dlhgibortgage 4½ that caw peinieeit gold! . idsy'jsirie^]!*, due «! *f yfu { Labor Day, (lst Monday in September. fifeld bays of tliis book: ,'j'J^ is oris of th^ few storil of AprlH ], 1981 j " 'ytl' ' •*' '- Constitution Day, Septembe lTth. Orienftal life 1 ever read pin wb/chiall the characters The jcojni snjr in addt- v tion , t ras an iodied «t: /Hu* and : ' Columbus Day, October 12( 1. stemtjd buman and understandabJftjBnd possfble i ledge (12,79(), Q| ^dqinc oal first and SOR Navy Diyt October 27th. ii whjch my, sympathies; j were d» ply enraged as St: und ng xjaoj ie gold bonis. The Armistice Day, November 1 Lth. • itr> «* the living people around nift,' 'Tie,Good Etarfh" $49,001,000 i dsare tojbi sold at a 1 U- \r' i Illinois Day, December 3rd.] us belong to that fjhinese |fatnily jas if! they waD no tiles 1 than per cent 0 ft! ear face > • tU All Election Days. | • I and neighbors, ralije. besides ] Accrued inter est, .the m , '* it-- ——* *•. The, flag should be displaye ! at full staff oi al co nmi ision 0 fdered.;"*' tlMfej $«\m i oc- rasionsj except Memorial Day, Hsiy 80th. On' ltd* day tnse the bride-to-be^ was suf 'erUig f rom the mjini psj . rfpo J Cdds«Kf«of« p 1 aotil r - "Ifif the Q*t should fly at half staff frdm sunrise to njoon [ , ; " > and tile Redding <4 Miis Ora Mary <3e Lesdiin of Paris to ^tamt rf public works j ;•"-. lull staff from noon until sunse 4 , - .Smith, Jr., of Clicago wis post; mined for nois Go|m|tnerce'C by *a«^m»,y fh« 1 * \b \ ' eekit. -mlsbeid the ition. fo! or« str«ptocoicu« a* i enssidg on fitfc te.Bon,d ,^G, urjder the . | AD-LESS RAD 0 CHAIN? Birglars who entered tjhe lodgilnr hou^joiof Mrs.Mr ' racks of . J audi *Iforthw e it*rn and combat ttwm b^ It [is reported that ?bhn D.[Rockefeller, Jr.; and ina JDevana of Revere, Mass., ttfok 16Q bed sheetl N>rth Shore |ai)d jtfflwa | i * •f other'philanthropists may fina .ct-ia ?100|000,00( i bi6ad ank|ets'and 3S0 ptllow tf ips. ,'^n« vm)> 4ur} si n atree|tr in Ijlilei.' £ casting system which will', peri it (no adverti^ing|in |con- "CPU^tj .nection with its programs.) *rs/ Evelyjn LaRociji, beaniy par or pproprieties: * j ?A ^!» 1 i *i ' .^. A first step', in the plan raise the cultural i^tan- ' Media, Pa.', jestifjed in ler divorce suit that she instil mes, to tihined Us and 45¾) r ; ' dard ,of i N> / «»p!bnt a hen he' hjiisband gave; h'e: • ja maternity hygiw |e j halve! been, i F i '• a national advisory, council oi radio la edapticn, -iriUi b acfc eye it was a detriiicnt to! her^ business. ' r' ~ coiducted by tl|e Illinoi leiaruneni Oargle eminent educators, scientists, Officials anil qther 1 ,T l flIT u$lic heiltjb, Thej) --^ -iilkcei ' - ' - ' —'-£-••'-r ' f w f 1 i - t • , leading .citizens as council mi HTK. Ajrjthnr Ban ts of Harjd! »rd, Coi in.,, told the- judte tpat k Marnj, April are eipected t • The prospect of bejtter radi programs, anmajrred by hi stole «100 lromthe trink of Mrs. \an Shaaci, f*^-' >f public health!» to USTE ?.,-* 1'.; advertising harang most pleasing to the, tiatf|4liile delberating whether tj) returpipart €jfe-«|ir , /-. •millions' of owners nmiber 0:: teaching conferences i asudikcorered. witi lwal nu-sia tbrpni mat ' 1.1 IUnois. m «|Imi^'| M i -T-T:- 11 !!!

•$tiM, tiift&'t&tA fe\r of Evanston " 'ak<(\iew Vtta, ~ " ' : ,);tiu'> Carr, Sunday. smontH-TJnioln. l , 1Bk.o t Chgo- U iir Suite 1702 - :«lp.m «i C.H. (a4'D$10(;Lot97, Semina y Hount We*t Monroe Strett K.-Mii-ili Krueger spent View] Sub, HSec24, CHICAC iv.rh their ancle, Will Cuba—Ht. Schrai^ to Gl L Lagis* chulte & i\ 0. If u; tt Wi) B40; SV Sindiyi y Appel f> sia* entertained at qr tfj^piqr" afld hf of 3E qr pf Phone See T^lephi ne,' Ceetral 0031 V- iiurant. conducted TBI., 08 and F^niontf-SLN. Lowell ,& wf to A. I Arthur Lawrence, Al« Palatine 240 M- Mr- E Si iter I? rn Cardin il ^ariinftoa 3'f M T^rnce, BnAin. who has been Cuba Uiller, Master In , „. . „.. Sclietlage jl iteus D W. LINP ;RG (..1^ ui-i*k is reported CifthT . to Iff #,720.2t. ^t bf Ldt 8, Courfty Clkh» "> *;••• "" " — tor bf $ec 36., ,»1 ART H UR J HAGGENJOI .?.!> Reuse & G. t). Dl. B. P, GR Jv 3ER ^rir^^iiw**f ! 1 • . i;..ss .spt'iit Thursday BufUInc J ' ay & *f it tens ft 1 \ M ;i: Knss ^attending a •| '' PHT3ICIAN A|NO SI|RGJEON AT^BlWA'INl^W ,1 >.,!!.• h->tM. 40; Lot 406 'Western Slpife Sub In Mundelejn, Sec 2i>. AND s r 1 1 ,£, \rihi'- Foss» of Lib- Kobeiti Blackburn Arlingi on FremoiiibiV-B" ' . H Miller &* wf tolL Barrington, Phone 403 ''• W.ilm-dny evening Gitssel & w: jt tens WD($1C; Lot 3¾ HO\)R8 let t Heightf called on h'4 tareuts h 1 -.,'- .|>;u'ents, Mr. and Stinda .First Addi to ATesia*t' SKore^Parli , lours: 9 ,Sec 36. ^30 to 9:30 a. m., 2 m. 1 1 i .!..!inf. nd. Mrs. Lemlk* and 4au 'jG. H. itadke Ataf to . G D, Had- 7 to 8:!0 p ^ .[.. (J.orge Scott, Miss ter of Woodstock call, Sec 34, ,!i txi N. LaSane St., Mr-'. Marj Harris, and ljiam I rooks home }\% d.i esday TELBPlONESf' ;• Fremont' &, Sec 3, Ela. , TeL, Barrlnj*ii47 ; f Jii.nis attended the fur 0\^ER 1J9T NA|TL BANI ' —" - "•-* htssw Mr. and Mrs. TtTHi iara ,iFoss ,ind Cnba-f-S. W.lt'Uo & ,'wf to B. 0. J ' -'}' •• ' -" ;' - fi ci is. Howe at Wood- Tjelephonis, larrin^tm J-r son-at wided a famil..y t( of the Northwest 1 NE qr of, NE qr o|f gee 3a. •MM .i pallium* Saturday, and! Central Assobiatioin at Cellos dad 1 i HO Secopdttry-schools, tha|t Iheyl hive Cuba-pJ H. Ctttlowlte P. W, PHYSICIAN AJND | L< )NG A MC CARTrfY I. . IvKitlbi'May 1. ] JdhnsonhYJD $K>f Lof XI, pik ^ ^5p. been 'afceredited for the pei tod ending 'j Walnut Grave Siil 1,!Sec 35. LAWTEBS \(i.-. Francis Blanck were; March|20, 1932. ! |f| ^ h4«A' Fremont—Division State Bank to Tto ^ '• -i1" • , J : r-i MI the "home of the* ENRYJ. Mrsl Lilly Toy] iU'imi -daugh er, B. I, XaWk D $1: L>t 207, Joltt y, i - H ;.•:!(-. Mr. and Mrs. Bonin Wiechs First Addn. to Oat Terra:e V- • \ 112. Weat Adama St Miss Ifeva Toyntp i; ajt« nd ;d the ..)i ;is quiting farming, Wanconda—Lake Co.. Nitl-Bk lo 8a 1} M ' meyeri Jn bunco Mils. Leslie Ttrn-j 1 •,,iuu- taking his place, h<* bull njade> highest' score, i[ts George W. W. Knhns #^$1^: Lot 247, ia»Pn|k Ave, T" fir H. 1 First Adda to wms Part Sub 'pn. 'tS : Baninit^i .1 !.f • •ifii.h.yed at the Stanglandj Hapkcj second, and! Mrs. Grace iot Slocum Lfke, Sees 2S ^531 oi»iro3 r,i'. .11--(.. v.hii|b he conducted be| -fitt, o insolation. Kefn shi nentg yt ere Frempiit-C T &*Tr Co .t6 W. \Ji \x*. i-\:ii "« tht former R. C. Hall served at the close of It he games, EflgelWec>t D $10; Loi X, Blk 1, -!. • -J" -/.1 •k t.-• ;-:n. nmv owned" bj Chicago West Shdrs Park, Sec 36J .1 jji 11 1 "p mi Wij I' 1 linj Litt e Russell Baket Chicifg* EX^BESSL^G rti,- , • i Ma—Union Bk pf C*gp to J. W a, spendfig a jfew tfiei Clirl^ .. .^_L ...... SehaadD; $10; E2% of Lot 46, PH]r8ICL « ; N» 81UOBON B« A. inlEL .AHAME S P, HAFFN.H 1 "I."' ,iiin) ^ •I IT , l^i.n Hi«s and Andrew Soren-j House 1 Lake Zutich Estates, »J 16, 21., IJ \&m I'ji'.i'-'t ar thpho hom e of Mrs. O. B| OPTOMBTRIST AND AT LAW I '4 MrJfand Mrs'. Fred Peeler and fUr 1 Fremoi it ^-C.. Reuse to B R. Eve Bear*: ' I 'If. .1! >: Bo-.ivlij.r week. •• ke 1» Kiei. OPTICIAN J GOLD BTAft MOTO and Mrs. Paul Petersion ofjCry^a I> $2729; A tracactt of land in NE cor M SE qr Kelse.y & iwrf to Ef. G i.' I 'I. : , ells 6J> 15 'ij'J'j nijy :ir VVaukegLn. Mr, and Mrs. George Hapke fern Severscn it wf WDJ$l6; Lot 24 in Horn: C:fl0 tn 8:S0 p. a. CBIOAG6 OillGB Very j frequently, and WauJ fgan shoppers 'Sitai'day.l 1st Addn fo Kelsey Grovi S,T|S SBC Mrr-OriHv Fo^d of^Ciikago spent if i. aJiayjsi puts It dowo 16. T Other ifoenabi 8tuii»yB N. LaSalli ii^. a.-k .:ul 'wiqh her laients, Mi| Ha o\me time withj ' lis friend' Sekuth & wf jt ten* 'Dl&lOj'Lot r tfll C "Cmickfea Wire." n.i .Mr- I>. I..: NiurphV- ; More} .at Waukesha, Wis., win Blk 13, A, T. Mcln^K Phone, Oenjtral 4046 Mr r.i.'.'h •>!' ^ihvauki'e is makin (Y Mi CB I r f — ;.. • Warn nda visitor Sunday. SWy Addn to Barrington ! 1 •I •li-St at the Elwoo « 1 Reinfe a gentleman 1 *- '' i' I 1 t K ''lik- f 'being happy—* Cypres* Really F f i- a i have to try M i I ma jt CHCAGO * B rN.,;vfeE»* Afo^ Fill. rn*»jr| M- Mr- Walter Robinson aft ^ liT. t < Week-end fTrMitmon taking one teaspoonful in •arm waiei .eighed 21'< lived, on a farm neaj every morning. I then iLppoiiiineBt Study tfusic v 1 . Yo« c»n leave any [V .. Gone In 48' Hours or Mrniy pounds, ( vfas always ' bMnered wit pains iri nW back ajnd !| "1 /' '-*• ^ ti n* won want to, but k Says Frediu^d J»rug C«, 'jver part 01 u l.offit and Margaret abdomer; and sides, JPK fiats BYA® rd like you. to come -85 Centct Buk-s A Larg< '•"•lay in Waukeganj «^pW lam glad ti>sa# t if ju«»t for a min- 8 Obp«e 1 pottle 4i Telephtfie, iarring on woman, J;el much; sti Barrington Phone 32-J l^hiSWH'Btr:^ ','i A h M-- I'-arl li sjjenent Tuesday (4)?, a(nd see these new Tuesd4 younger, at d my weight ' * ' ) • »Ji Ii li"f purentsiat Slocum ' HAe's. the^ nt^r.swift -ymy tot Iriv Deep and Shal- :s|a I do nqt imly feel beti T4 -tf f .,' Fi *is h M rell pumps. It trie Acid ifroni yottr joints^and' mus­ better, so (11 my, friends' MyJ-( cles tnd ^ree your artly ifrbm I hep BLA< SMI K. * worth , yonf "I shall peverf be.Witting; .._, _ l*—r• -•f T| «ll|'l I j Mr.-. F Schroeder of Ch fc il i mati; m> Sciatica and Neiritis—in Salts, will Aever cekse tok M 'niy fl» il; ,CIS1 SimjUij- with their soi call ; t the ^eek-end tieatiaent—a utJit dose and niore.thaa $lad,t >! I ighlyir JI JOHN E. HEI NRICH MHJiJEH m II".- s. i.r.eilttr and family. is pi iftifciilariy;valoal)le to those who| ommend itj for the grjeat f«o>d that is iir II St>|a*» -rieopJe are can iot afford to loise time through A- SolonwW Sow Be:^ E. F \/ICHM 1 ! 'Mi Clem I*acy spent - it,?'.Mrs. 3. In Barrir^toa shoaW li|«e| price lists--y,ou ,the veek. < . , •'' l, Nl 04 Ja» ft* l.aS:l(]f * lirpu"dw 11 in to know what tjirt fo take Allto-n as dirc«Hd think I am exaggeratiijig by writing obiesl) r FREDLUKDDRU< his ]^11^¾ ^---''-- - '- - itiog M JUSTICE diteoupt is on .•'v.!„rt Miiyse who has re- Fridjy nighht anantdl keejl t' o be" • d" as ^ inut-h s__-u _ a long .etteletterr bbbu t jKk'iyi I f<«l|ep lii-'-W^JiUttCr] ! , • 'L ' I • i* Iml M bel'L ' 9011 ot at they pay. r~nS..li\ ilci.Mi at Sloeuro laltl, as p astblre']ti {til«t Monqjt3 y l|homi|lg fr:4 indebted; b> you for tattingi Iou t tyimsuch 1^0 W. ble I speed' 1^¾ •r lii'iiv Saturday morning lenri acts * with ' dp' won|derful'' salts Ith^it jli cannotij say hone iBairington' the f offerer is tela* anl restLrik j 1" r »i^ •« H- nil-. I;>r. Ko>ys was the ajt- 0n 8 Ii ,1 827 West ttlnftMl ,! .ABenru is a poW Eut yet har|it4 ' A b!?t%,of ^rjtf^'f^.m' . I i ':y-ii-iah. Ifer husband sur- medi nne-^-free fr6] b£rc6tic lasts 4 wjArfw' costs put (8S Icealk! «,* mi,. Telephone "" 1 *t' ene Vieldiig • iir'iw ,can' depend ott jL.._d!r medicine_. — s \U Fredlund :>rug Co. iapd, ( rtigfeist^JtW •Mtek world oveil. t Take one' lm fteaspwra" (tiri dl ; Mrs: jllcrman Brooks have oyer oine stubborn |houiiatic !«fonml-' amen til Iron Work 548 _J' ' «?h* in a jglassjof hot! water pfer/imoijni|ag W. Wiwh {Boom 14 ! in/in ,San sBenito, Texas, tloni ' and, hjandyi W»*je •» used | only T! !Tuck Spriigi '-'.•'-"Tj tt>|' s op pain vtopt'i get ihe urijeia^id before bwfiikltasit, 1/. I'M. '• . . ' Telephoni 0|22 |v '.-pehr the winter. They A^tentiq 11$ dipt Wl !h apt- put flfn out if;'yottr joints.]!'] >f j S ' Axh(s Straighten f I "SERVICE YOI i -Male property at this plade. A lenrq is-isoldipy IJipdlnndl JBi pastry jiUHi fatty njeatf-igof ligh^t 0: Co. ind all mofIeri|[dr«gj :ists Attferftia potatoes, iliuttor, creani , antj; sugar— 1 ;• ille Hcvhtnan of Chicago j ove^ -fan 8 ounw bottle for, fflf cedi):8 the Krhscliei^l way is. ,tl H'-wil e w«y tt ' f r**?* -T-Ajid guara»teed to do wt a'dve ti^ed\ lose fat. .101¾^ one 1boil ^-11^! |mi if noi 4 or a}qney "btkr*- " ' ' 'joyM1^ 'satisped—j "Sack. 1 *' BAYER 5PIRIN Iwavs SAFE 1 I II ^^^^^^^^^^ \ ^ Jjemmtdihl •f YSTifwflWlflSA

The fellows «0^ that cause

sounjilg ^ that iul,heai 1 SOKE achy, \i ioWs coilitiin; a . the ul1hebrUth;8ap >d nerv<-fone. itaton [(Well's Syiap PCPj^n iOR rouble liki that; Aspirin the Colds arid sore throat lj;, iu ibuTy.^ kind -re infections paused wail bake iiy< uric safe for toore by germi The above WJU]froyettsiierit AM easuy be ol k- fruitful b5u?e ft isi|he i^rtinlr Kiouitd of I 'C1J Gald urel studlpijl eoi •deni Bey? and are 'rreptocOCCllS lor pytr la r ly-i even y« are, tb> above. "jj>.i mother eannotlp^ arwayj •Wer, and seu|rj employer 'and MnpPMee, _ ant flerms. Help nature lence jnailedhiii Genuine iand qvick cmalot Brtiril sirengHj Lijferine. V' mi, W& tel! uWotttiwants.fhQ coa} ii — bat^, nDJild, thord|U|h f<«ion _, , heart No|«ttifiil JVhencver eoa SSE? \ its ple^a t laate ctmin consifratiop; wheoeker there*4 [jtomfbh It kills germs |h 15 sec­ ecS follow its tor, ;;, fj departs. onds and heals, tissue. eve5rWrM'*W*D^ rAspirmiistheunivBralantl- • • • 1 Syrto|I»eiito;''asiUij ' U dkjfteiifor pautf of all kxn^1 iqpuarlucaJtiv e •+* Gargle with 'ON fJNew iv- IML. fcof 'U>WI Sore Throat; Lum r USTERIN Rheumatian| Toot -3 . ApirinisfJietiade-nurk

s.i-1 1 I'll ! '" ?! *!!^, :(. 1*^ .r- h>^ ^3i.\'- ?ik m ai-ll* fc^.' *r* 'iilP1 mm *'(. ^:T ••'•-w~'::;-' m •iff-. ft.; fHURSD 1931 t,, • 10 il roN w> -i.i.!';,-.i jjj>- Ijjiijpi b^::Ryyi^;:: jm # TRT —*• : f-R: rn^k^v other'."pafr j'd'sqcr7'D''eiititd^efM, ijAE Believed in fyif luihce tj "it Isn^t really . \ nossil»l6pj'*r saW -tony-.; Hcfa nei • f'ybtt •'--.'us eSf to 'li»e FOR 1&M& in r reniodeie4 sii iVANT'Efl t+-F%e robrx of Gbo^SpitT ssplnbly., anq 3trnw-co)pre( and—f rooin hpusp Surnbiit strefet Oil -. bu|ngji)ilp"" i *i wjisnft half as; Spin< Xjrlias • son? beat; :igaifaiei . iPrHieiie;mOflOM/:!Mr' ^ errpd. Jji^rePs :(i f^';ayenuei|Tel^ ¾^V:ie^ •iMeviewJ By DOROTHY jDO jd iere lanky tiadi-jrej l h&ddje !.!»p£ts|edl iff* ; aS.-.p. 5»rripfti(>n. Sla,rJory."! ;;. •• ',-';";'."' "mmm l WAS Marj6ry's firsi trlb upj;( : "But ypu'"e thi niost flairi b|autijui FO& SAK t JR SXT^Severi-,rooIX! m •.ANTE-B---W r^the Maine coa3t anjl npturallj tiling rve ever sejen. w: tei I Sttw houses •wqopei :'-io)i,"""""detet " close"" , "$5". tnjTthprsdb^ i She.had never before see a tWe Wish y<5u in • the Wishing som'e- 000, •ent $30i 'JAlsjII,8. room /country Cla^i Toi re; 1 1 0 lug Tower. ' ,, thing todlt me' pneft (o chJldhood, hor je, 2 acitefl.ibarn'"'^7*0x40-*', •••'—•-'•'•••*'depot 1½ II Bntiont>ppr iren • Tradition had it that, slbce th< but I rJever preaint of .Mpg'i&e. miw is, ^-,3_^, 1-6^,/3(45. . Terms. thisl Ho* did you re Hoi rS^S built': jaLOOC Ij /down pay>,j$lr iT^AN' E: •Tireepi t . spri |:v:.white: old light-bouse had been abandoned 3nl|e m^?" was! ing and ta fele^pin^i ;j."By |ljfe jwrroy b 730 15 M. ,:i o bpy;, Eocal offige. open :ch tip something more iinoddrn, tn« pd. the work; Frtnkl Trjibblei , Zurich, wjee scar wjhwhicl h you: Sui <\i JfonuwejtHhighway /pppb- «Ood Jfairies i which 'tjad alwayi fay yoq rel:*«al|O0.^ p5,'S? Berry, 19 •5 el Lake ? iiricp i;!-..:.Yfie-8: fell oat-- ./of • •1)0I hay' SBarded thqselat sea, still ingeret wjhen we alSalle SI., IChieago.'lH; ; , j m were p1a$tw circus," n IV in. Ps ho^t siekeeper'; there. jAnd so. an enterprisinj ! m EI* jfa*. townsman cor ceived tie splendfc lWeII,M since v«e bave FO. t SAjQEii!PPiie| touring car jj dip- Gbot ca6U best of ,jl)|fere (ices; Ad- about fiftee yjears Conyqrs•s^tlqnt; o taple, Chairs, „*? rocking„., cliairs, Iress Hat, jipgton Wy Bar? $$*.,; , ,0jf«^~? itt<|>un Idea of turnin;; the ligh t-honse lnt< iiig ^i ngton in Barri M . a Wishing Tower anB for me cent! make up 4¾ l| have to cliab;g(eyou r model epuch;. , Tel,, Barpinjgton m ; rbirid ahout color sehem 87.::. r :;ii|ig' t^||p|||:5i|^ one could ent >r, write bis; or he in: men, ops a Ml i b; \ the day. w» had jbqtfer get startei ybeart tiAMtytrjifr most eberisbeil wish OD/the wai 3' FO jSALE Ford Roadster; 3all Bar: ipgtpi 103-11 is already joined to own pin and, because o' the fnflt erice of thi your gjj'orlI' eondit oib i tljrou!ghoujt . Can be good spirits, expect i: t^comi the Wislffpji Tover, ry.oi h PdW." at 126 Rayrpond JEAlflNfll ? RE 5SING-- seei fiftej; 6:, .Phone National Tea ?600. si trae. Marjory" b usfiei land dd i't.i-ni|nd' A 1 gain for quick salei p* qi ffyg m a bit•-•]'.- ave iu|e toii and de- : J Marjory firiily bfpll^ rdd. J In ;- UM to pay—TH <(EX 1931. McaureJN4wsJ)aDer, dlcate.) : f 011 SAfcE-IStudebakeXr standard se- * f tii w ^Mv^0&®y« a hiar e . Influence, of good spirit i land wen •(>7Nl!JSBrvlce.T dip in good condition; a ijjetof new straight Into the fowtrftb writi motor reteJnt|y_ overhauled and ST f:.'i'l'.:.«.- down a wisnL Once ' inside .sh( Ungmceful Dantet fowl! conpiton. Calll ajt 121 W. mmm H '-' ftmnd that sne most retjurn, oi Jud Tunkips sf ys a "n aril should n Jive, or! Tel Barringtph 526. LOST- spi ctacle? in n seel casfeon three succeedbg days and put < try to1, grow bid gifaceful^y, but he'll sstll or [iring stre ts. Tel., liny cross Beside ber wish. TMi never' majnage |lt by an rto •'SA-LE-^lfoftt 1U6 50 U. Si, irrinfcton 180-^ repetition, it! seemed, • showed i keep,up with alt \he new[ •all' ••: Cord] •••'balloo n iptPmobili! 'tl 'e i practically ;w, at P eaeh. keen Interest In one's; visb land In Washington Hat ;i:<»u£ S<^v^ijiil ofher siise r md mi of [good i '.^ ddentally putj twenty ratherritha .t'ires. i.'at ]feai; bargia m prices. EUR! i5K ii.',".. live cents into the ppqkets: ojf th S(thhi[blei.Br6s.;r& Collins. Tel., Bar- Ij^ubkijbjr, 43ej ..]lag,. Excpi t >», J enterprising towbsroan. TXXJJOXXXXZXXXJTXXXZX riigtutt 121, . ' ii '•• Jug, Etc. iaaj!-.Ti pek i Having the usual aMJount of r) CDLCMN v,pe. -Washed G-avel FOR outbjoard mailce still waiting .within her uf tYBOinri •' SjALI si tie. Jarriai 1,'!.:'[:¾ ,, . spoiled heart, Marjory drew a pi , boa :, eicellepk copditiou, R ;B4LE- XXXTF(»: K: txrtBENmt a aaaas EleHg ivprgreen partment. Also three worn fur- : fjemett A.ssociati n 'held iri P5palBlue; head on with a fine big! roanvhos < nisned apartment with jath . Heat m " curiosity had carried bin) .also (( FOR SALE^-Fcj! yacuum cleaner lit e villpge ia'll, Tt :day, 5V 1931J furnished, j A. H, BoehmitlFi 2^6: W. Itl: 1;: the' »Wishing Tower. He i athei Laflie street^- Barringt >n |79rR. tf in perfect cpiiditfon half ipjrice. ock p, liked the all too swift gl£ n :e h< Barjrpnjton;; ijetary.'-.ij' ISlue got of Marjory and fell to •; v< mdet* FOR RENT—6 room flit;' two FOR ^SiAXfB-f-l walnut eight . Ing whether or not sh< bal ptadi bfo^ks from m;' apart- Choice dahlias, not labeled, $1 Pi the' fir it 9j TliondPy^o: nexti aeart amused him. Suddenly In 1^.50. pe> |db; «fl. :Geprge ;H. .ment; corn(4ni^prJy Idcptejjl ; heat, ; : :1)31, whe.-. i .Jnd; wherel al] persons spirit of fun he drew another lenrt furnished. . Schrppc er, 641-8.1 elich 234 E."#i>Ji nklin street. hiving claims against said;je itate are Just ever,"the line of Marjory's C an Hough stree ariririgUin 86-M. P>tifiefl: inl-re^utsted-1|)| p at the wrote, "I want to be loved by •PLANTS FOR SALE—gansiej*, f cirjs si me slid [Court for it drcation. black-haired, misty-eyed girl" ' FORI REIjTl t prage at 53f-'^Q)ove *f Daisies ; Painted topisies; EI BERT 'A.#: J^IAR, nue. i pelph ii^iuips J Cplunjibine; 403M. Gopk „ Tji.fi next ;dny wh?Q ' Mi,rjory Barrlngton R3vl#.o f I/isF-iH^ke, street, T^ "ifigfi '«. tO attach 'her affe rlghf in front of her. wish; She Barring ton tf GPernsejjr /cows. [lingered about casting shy glances ! f RENT—Fo^ir •rdo bphgalow, I in.''tt-Cinnon^.T«li Baniurton 524. at this human screen an 1 wondering Divisio|p street, and 1 mhea he would' move a vay. Mar- heat watt i furnished. fJ2-;Twp 3-gaikd |> saddle ltd with Stom- ry wouldn't for the world let this Rent [reasonably, flap t p)ssession ;""-. horses, • perfecily gehtlJBj;' •' Fior fpr- mtion. ?, rheu- g man with the twliklo in hi ^ inunetfiately. Baiiipgtca 208-J. jther pariti/u| "arslbaa l Hartwood farms., trPuble, >ery blue: eyes know trial; shp ha Tel. Barrihgtonlitf l f Met- pot down so sentimen at' c wish IO R KENT—Moijl|errj flat,. Five you just h rooms and 'bath FQR SALB^b GuerPse.y co' ;*8i V Her balr,i closely cropped, vra oi F< i. 430 June rho have terracfe. Call at 4i0 terra cpJ; li/jusi .fresh,. CMl aSM nviny "Wa-gold, with a strong accent oi usedjit ist thing the red. [ Tel-i jBarriPgtoii FOR , RENT- mwlern inlife. phappi- .•.8&e feltU vague tug it metniory, \ house, Garag^ jClall'a.t\mi S; Coojr aesa. tentmmt i; lealth is cord and was flung bn< k st d lenl fitveet,' : F!IEB iottle at to ber seventh year wlen s« am WANTED—Hbiis, m oj Bar-. •tltrriirigtbP, 111., and J a lanky red-haired boy l|ad tjees ' Business Ndiic* s Bribg R >sults • rihgtbn'. Oivp Sr ils*ai»d: p^ ^-Ad urself did mer- dress 21$0 Bar|i: on' ifievieiiv; Bar tonic. 13-tf jtepjarable [ companions. FO R JSENT-r-Fivie roolp zgalo w rington, 111. ;f -Bat coming again asj swiftly t< \vitribath and gi irage. .|0 1 ave- the present she' realized tha thi ue. fTel., Barjfip^ton 5^¾^ tf way was now clear to putting i cross leslde her wish. She lid if WOODSTOCK mum.IPm J^ENT- 1 quickly and turned awsy. , We will lease ti> a gpi|d tunpnt" on i * Tony McVnne, out of the cj»rne: a cash basis our ^40 pcres fcndwnias «f; bis h'ue eyes w:itehe|aj an« ifcPcster. Fahrney fprny in jWibflstobk, Sli.; 1-mile fro n. depot. j| Tvoj large saiiied. When Marjoi y had lef barns with silo t nd 7: rwi a I house,: the wishing tower, he went back i Possession at on|eei| Pleafee rpjakp y«Ur the two hearts and wrotiesoiiMthln pi'oposition to GROCERIES beside his owri wish. After Mmt)Xk SALINGER JACOB!j Qwners went away and-'i-wasl plen aritl: Room 600, JMNationa; l 'Bank Bldg. V.' thoughtftil. • -j.:-. :. J Qiicago Illinois When Marjory returned n< st da; for her second cross she'was nlghl FOR SSJLE! \ aniosed to see thnr an ijddition lia< j T ;V.ek 25 YRS.^XPERI been made to t,he heart rverlpp FOR. SAliE-f-HouW rrrots! It is . Carfotsr • ste USTERI»1 oe, Shovel and ;Kal^:s»|^ called softly. . | Xhe big man bopnded >ver I o TOOtlk PA Marjory's table and gripped hoi h Iter hands and gized intp h >r has A eyeing if i^^tf hnd-ppvor-ljtppn n |. 25« VjU^i. _L ' __. .1} E * — ,,^..,.^^^1,,.,.. m&» iff :|;MMj:Qp*:;,;;-il:i;'

for'tKe person j who desires feood C^ripbell |:s|i||pip work ratlier 1 han cneap prices y|sjEH^f: (•*. J! •' .''• f 1 i' ^ • ,,,.. iiili|.il!|i Our cleaiieti sends word tnati ten Has v equipped his plant with up-ppatb J nja- chinery,, whicsp ^aris, quicker setv^ceA ifeliaL,,.,.,,.. and better work. ' '' ' ' ' GiVEltJ^TRI^L • ' (' '"'' f \ i"'"" Seminole By Phoning Bar. 536 i \ Ovaltin^

^ MearjPbstofflce

* i. WxJ

111¾¾¾¾¾ SB nm; |pSii%«! «« 1¾¾ anil WSB SSS& miift s iijgi H iil