Otd Deserted fee House let tise Is Burned) To harly ThurS?! New Ghairmf n of «jJolfers a*t|oc5ntion, which will b« held Bflrd club Saturday mo ptog. il Car Thieves Take (,r"iin< Saturday %i 'Hillcrest will bring be­ •llaiiting jaearly 200 shribs a nidi tree] Honoi's fro henried fl;o Morning tween 75 kny 100 youthful; golfers to . n the'bird sanctuary, Wesl jof 'the high 1 school of Baninsthn J 2vergreen\ cemetery. T lie!, w a» Cour tyllJoaii and Barring on flrom 13 bjigh [schools lo- 1 With thn_re. a tnouiceirert fr^m thel| ^a' supervised by Joh^n L; Jeltt (htonrmau (fated irtij cities and villages ofinorth - ct ni 1 tional 'school macaurje. it (f tie,sa4 |" 'y commit ee aid James .jeter rcAd^r; a mjddli i iii|i'l'iitil'i>-il man, eastern Illinois. 1 ' [ I "C|ui|| Topics" th it' B arri] ig: on' (J. Wagge, president o( the Barrfng- nged nwin of med,i|iin h,uiM lga'ine|en- i vH'tim, was' found Oijectors Clash . !Mr . BroWn, bup«»rinte|nilent * o^, hid From Barrington ; five places in. a.hntonal ton'jBird dub. | . trance itto t]ie ho'meofjWiUiam W«i« 1 schools.' at Arlington Heights, IwhO hasi Ankerjcan uir-iiiiy" morning ill essay contqst, cj)ndu[ct^dj by J, L 4 The plants were all oJ a hijrdy 'dnd rich, -6(8 ' Qi-o'v^i 'avemlej' Wednesday been placed iii charge of tlie|s<. qualify 1" ha |gh ;.i' house w bit-U •• •' I' —• .-V school. nature stock,'consisting of tvo ami 1' Pressi: stolen Ford roadster ito afternoon where helJield np[.Mrs. Wei- A'.personnl combat bet!u-;eii AV illiam ing; rounds,- had received 1ft J entries hrte yearTb'ld material Tie plant­ hchint r'oblwl'Jier of $5, r ' " - * -..'iiri al»u-:; with :i prior to Wednesday eveniiig. 'J A few ;In comfietititin , witjh pjipj|h f>m tlie limil three automobile .thicvek .-•!•: Ijj- aftwv midnight Obee, news ehairmajn (f the , ILnke hundreds of ^h gh schools JCiltt ing, was done under favorabe condi- pulled iway ilom'pursuets from:Bar­ • [ The,i!ioii 1 nocked' at t^s front door county board . of silpe r *isor&",' |and kore were |;expe<Jted Thursday, J»ui t ioEjs, the ground bein'it in a good, of tie SVeirch hpme at ^bout 2:30 probably fro|in 15 to 25 entered, will over the Inited Stat s, ^kfjka rington j»n(l escaped southenst oft the :- made liy four Harry Stnpd'W Wauk'tatj, in' the Hawaii, j B aldington Wys a^A moist- condition. With] tie -general village • wondajy afteruopn. Qmelcar ocelot k. Whe» Mrsl Weirle;^ hnswOred-. court, hou ie 1 >Vedne.sda rj nfternoop, fail to appear, Mr. Brown: saiggested. (ooperation of those*who frucuentjthe the <oor, he dedared 1^ $M 4,meteir .\-.•:*,. returning to jTlie1 northern territory inel ides everj- won more than thoen in aryiloMer belonged] toBpjr Jurs, and was wken was barely averted whet other mem­ sanctuary, particularly.,in regard to ipossessioln.of Where he left it|parked rea'dur for tie]Public Sjeifv|ce Oo.*«f ;,-,' .Uniim of enter- thing from the phicago • d« tricjt north school. Miny schooln wo|a n/si|i|glo 1 for bers of the board {stepped between .the he prevention of ground fi|t »| which with thfl ignition"key in It nfearjthe Nortperjn 111 u'o«s,]^and .wished to read^ ii. i ,>kaiins rmk in to 1 the Wisconsin line, alth >{agh many honor each In great-many two men a id; nipped the pkjirmfeh be­ ilestroy all young growth, the hird Firs6iNrittonai|'Bank;on-Cook btr^et, , the:meters. \ ' , ':.•• ' | j h j. iii'-u were: llar- high schools; in the district' ire not ably failed to pfaceirj the pitisel'Tfjin' If.-: fore it t e\ rio'ped into'an undicnified unctuary will not only (lecoi ie|tt pop I His was tlhe, /second automobile '- Threifens WithJfliin . , ;.n Sliuc'tt. \yilljam represented 1 by golfers or edit teams. uing colunns.j brawl. ilar havin 'for the birdsT bi t it will stolen fijo[m'B*'rr}ngton streets! by joy Mrs. VV'p«rich\let'th'e||iuiy come in,j VVie'ilciibcck. vAll 1 , Start » a. nu [J .- • ' , The j schools! for w^ich more 1 than TL- • This en in*' 119 an 1 air i-cljnia.x to f 1 Jso develop into a beautiful arbjareium riders 01*'. professional thieves J within tie ; inn nefliately thrust; ]al J rewlver l,;!,it| hoys Wh<> deS- Tlie boys entered will siar|t «m. their one prize; were win were Batfrini' 1 Ohee's, elettibn to the p J »t of chair ton 5: SuUerville, Mi., S < if plant life, five lays. A Pontiac sedan wna stolen against htr And forced [hnr toVf.'back' !.i:il jury at un nullifying roumls not' latjer'than 9 Eela|w|ir^ O., 3; SeiiBca, S, C, 2; There Is-'ilo more cf&ctivt way of from Sajin Lipofsky last^Wefincsday jp 'into in ljajwhmgjlr&o'hi ^.-jpurso' ,i in the Duiticl- man of tHe .board. ' Mr .Stripe as a. [m., iind if a foresome is( 'on, hand •hi- WW., J2; Vpuih Acw( rth, ; ittracting a great vapety 1 bint. s evening.«t It was ptrfced oni Lhke •as lyhjgj on'a chiffonier It the/room.j i - iimlerfakiiis pnr- president tjf the Tdxpa; ITS Aisocinp eai;lier than (that time the ,b<ys will .11. h\ lk-ptfty Coro- tiuo of wiuHegnn, had it temp Led to Hartford, I Wis., 2. Thek ban the proper selection of rees kn'd stfee; n^ar the bigl( school building he thug 'sefc etj, this; exf rjjic »d IS^andL be 1 sent out 'on their first; fl! ght, in' brushes for food, shelter hni ^eepig at 0 o'clock, and w4ts missed shortly, mmetliatejly left" the h« 1^ *J diaJbingf ...-..11. addres-s th| board in prlctestj 0 the won the qjsignited njambtli order to keep the play moving steadily 1 daces. " ' r j nto n blue model A Fori ei fc-In which! selection |oi chairman. Ie did not; second, thihL fourth fnd|f atteHvarthf.'. ; 1 ' , ' . , Continued without crowding later ir! jtje day. Trees Provide Food ' ie .^rov s jaw ljr/. • - ' I ) ] ' > go through jthe- proper eha'mels 11 get­ Many hpnc rable ment ons | ,, 1 r Found In EjngleWood ,, 1 ..i.v was liiir.nt'd !)«•- The boys will go out in ifoirsomes .Tlie Piibl'iif.Si'rytee O (1 neteri rea*- . • VIC:' ting permission to adtlms the board not] include 11 in thii t4 builatjio^. The chief consideration , \ hich : in Mr. Lipofsky's -j-ar" was found ,;.,t furls lil'.illgllt l>llt with four schools represented in each ers'are *miippe<lf with Idi ikitificotiou] 1 a,s a whole! it .was report KI, ijiid was I Three Biteriipfelef ] luenced. the choice of S iturday's Tuesday inl Ehglewooil and Ahs nynwj — ..-t.-il strongly thai group ;aiid nn instructor from a fifth ue chrds. Mil IT. Sfdireiieri •'qaain'nger.l Tlie Bairingtm pupilsj jilanting was th,e persistence and t was1 n'otijtied by the EhgleWood police i,m .-in accident. Mr. ordered to mrrender the floor, • school accompanying oachi g'oup as stated. ^01 iieu w^o'^d^ |u> ^--rec^gniw- prizesi w'erc: 1 1 luratW .of tho fruiting' seas n.i Btirds through {Ernest B^aude, Iqcal chief, of 1 .1 I In' hearing UUtil Escorted Out scoii-er. -. 1 ; •'] •' I nbl'rt.. ch| ii ijiing ,to ' «(>««•« nt , ^thei com'-, When In did not confirm tjo this Mildred ITotlfnTd, firit pri[ze fo^^sj: imst be prpviihd with fooA the'jjOar police. flPwo extra'.wheels and'tires t (.fallowing li'nt' for The fact that only th* foijii, lowest just . during 1 severe pany, sjidild insist *timt, w ey prc«enti, demand: Ii > was escorted from the biography j iw'arded $1). had beeii stolen irom the machine., ! can quaHfjl and each of iheiie must <>nn be'Kcctmplished their cask he advismti," Jj " * ..'in'ii • nii«r (ii'Vpinp- room liy, J iliu Froeik'b, t etmty sher­ Mildred Skinner' t iini prize "tir ' It was believed jtlmt the thieves who |i> I tic riyi make the course in not more than lp hy planting shrubs, trees, a id cieep- of iff, uceordi ig' to report ft 11m V 'auke- biography, awar:dec]$:i i •jtole MrJ LipofsJky's machine were the abiye pur, means that • the) joys in " Fern Pd lei'|«n, i'-. ftl 1' priicj ft(i I 10' 1 rs V;hich provide natiirajl fc t>d (at; nil ones wh]o left ii'stolen car standing IflONK .i ..f n mhn. When gnn. ' " . -y earliest about t^ualifyiiig wilj have to I leriods of the year. -. Sujch; )lai|ts as Followin ; tlie orgnniznt on mfeting, grapjliy, nwurjiled $1. on Main street Wednesday of" Jnst RING^ * I.lazing furiously (ibiy very good golf. The galfjrs from /Vernon ]?lo!gge, jf ft^ uVisfoc for! iclir.1 1 he I high bush cranberry'ant fcieadow Wieek,' Jfbis" machine was. taken by ,the ' BA: .1..thing limy Jiuve M^r. Obeo encountered 'M;'. Strlixs in this district, also face tbieriict that 1 1 oaf retain their abundant' j ruit >Vfell 1 (he court 1011 sc with ' r >Sultii g ex­ toon , awanled $i police Tliursday w«l the -owtier deter- Mi's. 3 Cuiu DOrettJa aJitiilklwj !•!• I after (Ii*' firt* they if re'playing at iHiHcre'fjt, a difli- Virginia Defcsl r, fifth] I rlze b i nto jhet spring of the secon I year.
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