Hansard in 2014
1 Leave of Absence 2019.06.17 SENATE Monday, June 17, 2019 The Senate met at 10.00 a.m. PRAYERS [MADAM PRESIDENT in the Chair] LEAVE OF ABSENCE Madam President: Hon. Senators, I have granted leave of absence to Sen. The Hon. Jennifer Baptiste-Primus and to Sen. Garvin Simonette, both of whom are out of the country. ARRANGEMENT OF BUSINESS Madam President: Hon. Senators, I am awaiting the instruments of appointment, and therefore I will defer the swearing in of the temporary Senators to later in the proceedings. VISITOR His Excellency Arthur H. W. Williams (High Commissioner to Jamaica) Madam President: Hon. Senators, may I also acknowledge the presence of the High Commissioner to Jamaica, His Excellency Arthur H. W. Williams who is seated in the Presiding Officers Gallery. Hon. Senators, as all of you may recall, on May 28, 2019, the fifth Prime Minister of Jamaica, the most hon. Edward Seaga, ON PC, passed away. His Excellency, the Jamaican High Commissioner has made available to the Office of Parliament a condolence book which will give Members of Parliament the opportunity to express their condolences. This book is now open in the Sir Ellis Clarke corridor, Mezzanine Floor, Office of the Parliament and will remain available on Tuesday, June 19th and Friday, June 21st for all Members to pay their UNREVISED 2 Visitor (cont’d) 2019.06.17 respects. So may we all just welcome His Excellency to the Chamber. [Desk thumping] MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (TAX AMNESTY, PENSIONS, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION, NATIONAL INSURANCE, CENTRAL BANK, COMPANIES AND NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS) BILL, 2019 Bill to provide a tax amnesty in relation to certain revenue laws and to amend the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) Act, Chap.
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