Introduction to Art Music MUS 140.001 Summer 1 2014 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Scott LaGraff OFFICE: Music 280 E-MAIL:
[email protected] OFFICE HOURS: By appt. PHONE: 468-4206 TIME: MTWR 12:30-2:25 SFA School of Music LOCATION: Music 153 Wright Music Building COURSE DESCRIPTION: For non-music majors or minors only, focusing on listening, understanding, and appreciating music literature of the Western and American musical heritage. REQUIRED TEXT: Kamien, Roger. Music: An Appreciation. Eighth Brief Edition (with CONNECT digital content). Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2015. (available at Barnes & Noble in Student Center) NOTE: This text includes a code for digital materials required for the course. Additional CDs need not be purchased. I will post links to any additional required music. GRADING: SCALE: Exams 40% 100 – 90 (A) 89 – 80 (B) LearnSmart/Quizzes 40% 79 – 70 (C) 69 – 60 (D) Concert Report 10% 59 – 0 (F) ATTENDANCE: The official University policy is that students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes. Students will, however, be excused from classes for university events and other causes at the discretion of the instructor, provided that they supply appropriate documentation. Each student will be allowed ONE unexcused absence; final grades will be reduced by two points for each subsequent unexcused absence. However, three points will be added to the final grade for perfect attendance! Students who are not present when attendance is taken will be marked absent. Exams missed during unexcused absences will not be made up. Exams missed during excused absences will be made up at the instructor’s supervision.